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Unit 1 Art
Love of beauty is taste.The creation of beauty is art
——Ralph Waldo Emerson
In this unit, you will
1 read about the history of Western painting and some famous artists.
2 hear and talk about works of art in different cultures.
3 write an announcement for an art exhibition.
4 explore the value of art.
Look and discuss
1 What can you see in the painting?
2 What does the painting make you think about and how does it make you feel?
3 Why do you think people create art?
Reading and Thinkinng
Learn about different painting styles in Western art
1 Before you read, look at the paintings in this section. What do you know about them? Do you know who painted them?
Identify change
To help identify the changes that an article talks about. look for words that express change, such as development breakthrough, innovation, begin, and shift,and the construction from...to... .
2 Read the passage and make a flow chart to show the changes in Western painting styles.
1 The Middle Ages中世纪
中世纪也称作 Medieval times/perod,是指欧洲从罗马文明瓦解起到文艺复兴运动之间的大约1,000年左右。这一时期,宗教教会统治严酷,艺术局限于为宗教服务,成为基督教的象征性再现,体现于教堂建筑在艺术及工程设计所取得的传世成就,如拜占庭教堂、罗马式教堂、哥特式教堂,以及与宗教相关的雕刻、绘画等。这一时期的艺术作品也偶有世俗内容的体现。
2 Their works were often primitive and two-dimensional, and the main characters...
3 Giotto di Bondone(1267-1337)乔托・迪・邦多纳
4 The Renaissance文艺复兴时期
5 Masaccio(1401-1428)马萨乔
“透视法"(the use of perspective)为美术理论术语,指科学地利用线条或色彩在平面上表现立体空间的方法。这一美术理论概念是文艺复兴的产物,马萨乔在其画作中最先体现这种透视关系,形成概念,后经达·芬奇等画家发展完善,形成完整的理论体系。
6 Influential painters such as Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519), Michelangelo (1475-1564), and Raphael (1483-1520) built upon Giotto and Masaccio's innovations to produce some of the greatest art that Europe had ever seen.一些颜具影响力的画家,例如菜昂纳多・达·芬奇、米开朗基罗和拉斐尔,在乔托和马萨乔的创新基础上继续发展,创作出欧洲前所未见的一些最伟大的艺术作品。
达・芬奇,意大利艺术家、学者、发明家。他自幼刻苦钻研科学,在天文、地理、力学、数学、解剖学、植物学等领域成就卓著,在技术方面也有许多重大发明和革新。达・芬奇是一位博学全才,尤以在艺术领域的贡献最为突出,他建立了完整的绘画理论,其画作如《最后的晚餐》(The Last Supper)、《蒙娜丽莎》(Mona Lisa)等,居意大利文艺复兴时期最优秀的艺术作品之列。
拉斐尔,意大利画家。他绘有大量壁画,擅长塑造圣母形象。他的画作,如《雅典学院》(School of Athens),表现出纯真优美、庄重自然、明快清晰、和谐简洁的古典美术品质。他优雅的人物描绘和画面构图技巧一直影响到20世纪初期的艺术家。
7 While painters as earty as Da Vinci had used oil, this technique reached its height with Rembrandt (1606-1669), who gained a reputation as a master of shadow and light.尽管早在达・芬奇时代一些画家就使用油彩绘画,但伦勃朗使得这种技艺达到顶峰,他拥有“光影大师”的雅称。
此句while为“尽管;虽然”之意,相当于 although,引导让步状语从句,是连词whie的基本用法之一。例如:
While I like you personally, I dont think you are doing the right thing this time.尽管我喜欢你,但我认为这一次你做得不对。
While the news, so far, has been good, there may be days ahead when it is bad.虽然到目前为止好消息不断,但未来的日子里或许会有坏消息。
伦勃朗,荷兰画家,是欧洲17世纪最伟大的艺术家之ー。他擅画肖像、人物风俗、宗教历史题材画作。伦勃朗擅长灵活独到地处理复杂画面中的明暗光线对比,用光线强化画中的主要部分,也让暗部去弱化和消融次要因素,从而令画作传递出强烈的戏剧效应,形成独具个性的画风。其代表作有《夜巡》(The Night Watch)等。
8 Impressionism印象主义(画派)
莫奈(1840-1926),法国画家,西方绘画印象派的创始人和领袖,也是印象主义艺术大师中最具影响力的人物。他擅长光影表现技法,他用光影和色彩描绘出自己时代世界的******和浪漫,创作出一系列色调丰富、观察力新颖、富有人生乐趣的风景画。其代表作有《印象・日出》(mpression, Sunrise)、《圣拉查尔火车站》(La Gare Saint-lazare)、《睡莲》(Water Lilies)等。
富诺阿(1841-1919),法国印象派重要的代表人物。除一些风景画作外,雷诺阿以描绘人物著称,尤其是女性和孩童。他的画作多以阳光和鲜亮的色彩给观者带来偷悦的感受,向人们展现着世间美景和人间的友善和温暖。他的代表作有《船上的午餐》(Luncheon of the Boating Party)、《煎饼磨坊的舞会》(Dance at the Moulin De La Galette)等。
Impressionism一词由impression和后缀-ism构成。名词后缀-ism相当于汉语的“主义;论;说;派;性”。例如: capitalism资本主义、modernism现代派、 humanism人性等。
3 Match the paintings below with the correct period of art. Use the information in the reading passage to help you.
4 Discuss the following questions in groups.
1 Which period of Western art do you like most? Why are you fond of it?
2 How would you answer the question. "What is art?"
Learning About Language
Build up your vocabulary
1 In groups, brainstorm words and phrases concerning art and then make a mind map to connect them.
2 Read the passage about Monet and Impressionism. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box.
be fond of emerge influential in particular purchase realistic subjective theme
Unlike the earlier Realists who painted in a________style,Impressionist painters focused more on their_______feelings of things and instant impressions. When Impressionism________in France in the late 19th century, artists became more interested in everyday subject matter. They were also fascinated by modern objects. As one of the most_______Impressionist painters, Claude Monet was impressed by the visual effects of the steam engine________,and he later produced twelve paintings of a train station in Paris. In 1883, Monet and his large family moved to Giverny, where he________a house
and some land for his gardens. During his days at Giverny, Monet________painting his own gardens, with the water lilies, the pond, and the arched bridge. From this we can see that there were two clear________apparent in his work throughout his career: colours and reflections in water.
3 Work in groups. Look up each group of words in the dictionary and discuss their differences. Then create a blank-filling activity based on your understanding of these words. Exchange your activity with another group and see how well you can do.
accurately/precisely/exactly rank/grade/degree realistic/practical/actual reputation/fame/popularity subsequent/later/latter
realistic/practical/ actual
You need to have realistic expectations of the returns from investments.
The bride appeared five years younger than her actual age.
Mr Liu has a lot of practical experience in restoring historic buildings.
Discover useful structures
1 Read these sentences and fill in the blanks using the correct words from the text on pages 2 and 3. Discuss with your partner the function of the italicised infinitives.
1 Perhaps the best________to understand Western art is to look at the development of Western painting over the centuries.
2 During the Middle Ages, the_______of Western art was to teach people about Christianity.
3 In this work. Monet's_______was to convey the light and movement in the scene...
4 ________was no longer show reality, but instead to ask the question, "What is art?"
2 Match the sentence halves and underline the nouns or clauses used as the subject in each sentence. Explain the meanings of the complete sentences.
3 Work in pairs. Make conversations using the following questions and sentence patterns.
1 What's your biggest dream/ambition in life?
2 How are you going to make your dream come true?
3 How are you going to achieve your goal?
4 Do you have any plans?
5 What might be difficult for you?
6 How are you going to deal with...?
My biggest dream/ambition in life is to...
I think all I have to do is...
My plan is to...
I think one of the hardest things might be...
I guess the best way to.... is...
Using Language
Talk about works of art
1 Before you listen, look at the following pictures and discuss the questions in groups Use the words and phrases in the box to help you.
These pictures are representative of ink wash animation films. Have you seen any of them before? What do you know about them?
2 Listen to the presentation and put the following items in the order that you hear them.
________the background of ink wash animation films
________a short review of the film
________introduction to the topic of the presentation
________a description of the story in the film
________an explanation of the decline in ink wash animation
3 Listen again and answer the questions.
1 Which film does the speaker mainly talk about?
2 When were the three ink wash animation films produced?
3 Why is the film regarded as a masterpiece of Chinese ink wash animation?
4 What is the speaker's attitude towards the ink wash animation style?
5 How do you feel about this kind of film?
4 Listen again and tick the signpost words that you hear.
Listen for signpost markers
Signpost markers are phrases and expressions that are used to tell a listener what is going to be talked about next. Speakers use signpost markers when they want to introduce a new topic, to start a new point, to give an example, to summarise, etc.By listening for signposts, you will be able to follow what is being said.
5 Work in groups. Choose a work of art you like and prepare information about it. Use the table below to help you. Then give a presentation about the work of art to the class.
Using Language
Write an art exhibition announcement
1 Read the text and discuss for whom it was written.
1 ink wash animation film水墨动画电影(水墨动画片)
2 Also of primary note is a collection of nearly 100 bronze objects from the shang Dynasty(1600BCE-1046BCE).同样十分重要的(看点)是一组近百件商代青铜器藏品。
of note是习语。如果人们说某人或事"of note",则是表达此人或此事十分“重要;有趣”或是“值得关注;值得一提”。例如:
Nothing of note happened that day.那天没什么重要的事发生。
He had already designed some buildings of note by then.那时他已经设计出一些颇具影响力的建筑物了。
3 This is just a small taste of what is in store for you in this exhibition.这只是该展览供您参观的一小部分。
此处,taste是“经历;感受;体验”的含义。taste作这种用法时,经常用作单数,形成较为固定的短语a taste of。例如:
The rip aims to prode the chidren with a taste of the countryside first-hand.这次旅行旨在让孩子们亲身感受一下乡村。
This became his first taste of acting for the big screen.这成为他登上大银幕的初次演出体验。
此句的 in store(for somebody)是习语,表示“某事即将发生”,英语相当于“ about to happen"。例如:
Who knows what lies in store for us?谁知道前面有什么等着我们呢?
There is a real treat in store for everyone this weekend!这个周末有好事等着大家呢!
2 Read the text again and complete the advertising Leaflet below.
3 You are now going to write an announcement for art club members about a trip to see an exhibition.
1 Work in groups. Brainstorm the details about the exhibition and take notes. For example:
What is the exhibition about?
Where shall you meet?
What are the highlights?
How are you going to get there?
When are you going?
What should you bring?
2 Write your announcement based on your notes.
4 Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to give feedback on your partner's draft.
√ Is the announcement clear and to the point?
√ Is all the necessary information about the exhibition and the trip included?
√ Does the writer use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling?
5 Get your draft back and revise it, Then put up your announcement in the classroom.
Assessing Your Progress
1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.
dimension emerge exhibition guarantee investment purchase recognition representative visual
1 The first principle for any art collector is to________only what you love.
2 If you are not interested in works of art by classical masters, contemporary art by________artists is also worthy of your attention.
3 In the art market. no one can_________that an artist will be a good________.
4 The art competition gives young artists a chance to gain________from the most respected art professionals.
5 Different from other_________art forms, sculpture operates in three_________.
6 The________From Rembrandt to Vermeer is quite_________of the Dutch Golden Age of art.
2 Use your own ideas to complete the sentences, using infinitives as the predicative.
1 If you want to learn how to paint, my advice is______________________.
2 My plan for the summer holiday is__________________________________.
3 The most challenging thing for me might be________________________.
4 My ideal job is_______________________________________________________.
5 If you want to be successful, the least you could do now is___________.
6 What I want to do this weekend is____________________________________.
3 Look at the paintings below and identify each painting style. Explain how you know.
*Project: Do a talk show about an artist
You are going to make a role-play of a talk show which has a famous artist as the guest.
1 In groups, brainstorm a list of famous artists and their representative works.Here are some ideas.
2 Decide on which artist your group is going to talk about.
3 Choose one person to be the talk show host, one person to be the artist, and the remaining members to be family members, friends, teachers, or art critics Have each person do research on the artist and prepare notes on what he/she will say.
talk show host: questions for the guests
artist: biography of the artist, philosophy towards art, details about his/her most representative works
family: What was the artist like when he/she was a child or growing up? What was it like living with the artist? What do they think of the artist's talent and work?
friends: How did they meet the artist? What is the artist like as a person? What do they think of the artist and his work?
teacher: What was the artist like as a student? Could he/she imagine that the artist would grow up to be famous?
art critics: How is the artist's work critically received?
4 Now role-play your talk show before your class.
Notes for doing the talk show:
Keep in mind that guests may have different opinions as to what the artist is like and how talented he/she was, so they should feel free to disagree and discuss.
If possible. the group should also find large photos or posters of the artist's representative work to be used as talk show exhibits.
Towards the end of the talk show, the host should go out into the"audience"(i.e., the class)and take questions from the audience.
*Video Time
What do you know about the Chinese painting Qingming Shang He Tu? Read the statements below and decide whether they are true (T) or false(F).
1 Check the answers in Before You Watch.
2 Take notes about the details that are displayed in the painting.
Discuss the following questions in groups.
1 What does the following statement mean: "This paintng's great appeal is that it provides us with a look into ordinary people's lives in the Song Dynasty"? Who do you think the painting is most appealing to?
2 Do you know of any other paintings like this one?
Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle
The greatest wealth is health.
In this unit, you will
1 read about developing a healthy lifestyle.
2 hear and talk about breaking and building habits.
3 read about making good lifestyle choices and write your own story.
4 explore a lifestyle experiment and its results.
Look and discuss
1 How do you think the people feel in the photos?
2 Do you think they are all leading a healthy lifestyle? Why or why not?
Reading and Thinking
Learn to develop good health habits
1 Before you read, discuss these questions in groups.
1 Are bad habits easy to change? Why or why not?
2 What habits do you think are unhealthy?
3 What can you do to correct these bad habits?
2 Read the text and find out what main ideas are included in it. Tick the correct ones.
Find the main idea of a paragraph
The main idea is sometimes stated in either the opening or closing sentence. If not, look for another "standout" sentence, or summarise the paragraph in your mind by asking yourself, "What is it mainly about?"
1 For example, some of them may become involved in tobacco or alcohol abuse, which can lead to physical and mental health problems.例如,有些青少年会沉溺于烟酒不能自拔,造成生理和心理健康问题。
tobacco or alcohol abuse意为“过度吸烟或饮酒"。 abuse此处意为“(无节制的)滥用;妄用",既可以用作名词又可以用作动词。例如: the abuse of power滥用权力、 abuse one' s position to do sth滥用职权某事。再如:
The leader has been arrested for the abuse of power,这位领导人因滥用权力而被捕。
She abused her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends.她滥用校长职权,把工作安排给她的朋友们。
Measures have to be taken to stop animal abuse.必须采取措施禁止虐待动物。
2 There is a famous saying based on the philosophy of Aristotle: "We are what we repeatedly do."有一条基于亚里士多德哲学思想的著名谚语说道:“重复的行为造就了我们。"
3 To facilitate a positive change in our bad babits, we must first examine our bad habit cycles and then try to adapt them.想要促使不良习惯朝着积极的方向转化,我们必须首先审视自己的坏习惯循环,然后尽力去调整。
文中adapt和 adjust都可以表示“调整;使适应”的意思,常见用法为 adapt/adjust sth to do sth。如:
It may be necessary to adjust/adapt your ideal to make it more practica.你需要调整你的理想,让它更实际。
而adapt/adjust to sth的用法表示“适应(环境、形势)”。如:
It certainly takes time to adjust/adapt to new rules.适应新规则当然需要时间。
3 Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 How can a choice lead to a habit?
2 What are the three stages of the habit cycle?
3 What should we do to change a bad habit?
4 How can a person use discipline to help change a bad habit?
5 Will you use the habit cycle to break your bad habits? Why or why not?
4 Work in groups. Complete the tasks.
1 Think of one bad habit and write down the cue,routine, and reward. Then come up with an idea of how to break the bad habit.
2 Do you know any alternative ways to better habits? Discuss with your partner which way you think is most effective.
Learning About Language
Build up your vocabulary
1 Complete the summary using the words from the box below.
alcohol appropriat cue cycle negative pill psychology reward tobacco discipline
Teenagers often have bad habits. Most can be stopped by taking________action. However,habits like________and________abuse can lead to serious addictions. According to modern_________,to change bad habits, we must first analyse them using the " habit________".To fix or improve a bad habit, we must first find out what the_________is. Then we must change the old_________routine to something more positive. If successful, we will feel a sense of________and our bad habit may disappear. Changing a bad habit is difficult,and it is easy to make excuses and give up. We need to make up our minds and show some_________,and make small changes over time. There is no magic________to help us, but changing will ensure we have a happy and healthy life!
2 Find" verb+ a habit "collocations from the previous text. Then make sentences with them.
3 Complete the passage using the correct forms of the words in the box. Add more sentences or paragraphs to the passage if possible.
examine dominate facilitate tely on
Simply speaking, a healthy lifestyle is about finding the right balance and making good choices.Life is composed of many elements, such as family, friends, study, work, entertainment, and so on. If one element_________your life and the others are ignored, you will lose balance and not feel good.
Carefully_________your daily activities. Your health________what you choose to do in your daily life. A healthy lifestyle is generally a balanced life in which you make wise choices. Neither too much nor too little is good.
Slowy________changes in your lifestyle by using a step-by-step process. You do not have to change everhing at once. Make small changes each day and your lifestyle will become healthier.
Discover useful structure
1 Look at the following sentences and pay attention to the italicised infinitives.Find more infinitives in the reading passage In pairs, discuss their meanings and functions.
1 To change bad habits is never easy.
2 It took the surgeon three hours to finish my mother's lung surgery.
3 To join the People's Liberation Army, it is required for men to shave off their beards.
4 It was not polite to disturb your neighbours with loud music last night.
2 Join the words to make full sentences, and then join the sentences to make a paragraph. You can add your own sentences if necessary to make your paragraph more meaningful.
1 important/avoid/ passive cigarette smoking
It is important to avoid passive cigarette smoking.
2 will take/nutrition specialist/a balanced diet menu/make/an hour/for you
3 useful/turn to/fitness consultant/ for advice
4 illegal/ dangerous/take/ drugs
5 harmful/skip breakfast/ often
3 Complete the conversations with the correct forms of the phrases in the box.
begin with be in control of make a choice decide on make up one's mind
1 A: Hello, doctor. I want to lose weight, but I just cant seem to do it. What can you do to help me?
B: Well, first, it's necessary to________what you eat. Cut out all fatty food and sugary drinks, and eat more fruit and vegetables.
2 A: I really need to________a way to exercise more. I could use a fitness app, but my phone's full.
B: So delete a few files. I'm sure the app doesn't take up much space.
3 A: Before exercising, always do a few warm-ups to________.
B: I know. But then I always feel too tired to continue!
4 A: Should I go for the pizza or the fried chicken? I hate________like these.You know what-I'm going to eat both!
B: Wow! Don't eat too much junk food-you'll get fat, I've actually________to go on a diet, so I'll just stick to the fruit salad.
Using Language
Give advice on changing bad habits
1 Look at the pictures. What choices or preferences make it easier for people to develop these bad habits?
2 Listen to the conversation and complete the chart below.
3 Listen again and answer these questions.
1 Why is a good night's sleep important for the first student?
2 Why does the second student never exercise?
3 What is the expert's bad habit? Do you think it is a health problem?
4 What would you advise the expert to do to control this habit?
4 Decide whether these statements from the conversation are facts (F)or opinions(0). Discuss the opinions with a partner and see if you agree on them.
1 ________It was a really interesting talk.
2 ________It often takes me half an hour to fall asleep at night.
3 ________You look tired. Not enough sleep,right?
4 ________It is affecting my schoolwork.
5 ________I failed in all my school subjects this semester.
6 ________I usually pick up my phone.
7 ________I think the phone is the problem.
8 ________A five-minute walk is so easy that it is hard to say no!
Distinguish facts from opinions
It is important to know whether what the speakers say is a fact or an opinion. An opinion is a subjective statement and a fact is objective. A fact is what really is true,while an opinion is what you believe, often using phrases like "I think/believe"," in my opinion", "to me" ,and so on.
5 Work in pairs. Choose a bad habit from the table below and have a conversation with your partner about it. The expressions below may help you.
sleeping too much overeating game addict TV addict Internet addict staying up too late overspending
A: I think I'm watching too much TV.
B: Yeah. Me too.
C: In my opinion, you should spend your time on something more active instead.For example, try to get more exercise.
B: OK, sure, I'll try that.
A: That's a nice thought, but I don't really enjoy exercising.
C: Hmm. How about reading more books instead?
A: All right,maybe I can try that.
Using Language
Write a letter to the editor about your lifestyle
1 Two students attended the summer camp organised by the magazine Healthy Life and wrote to the editor. Read the letters and then complete the chart on page 21.
1 I feel more dynamic and stronger than ever, in both body and mind.我感到身体和精神都比以前更富活力,更加强健。
After six months of trying out new ways of relaxing, I feel much more energetic.用了六个月尝试新的放松方式后,我感到精力充沛多了。
dynamic和 energetic都可以形容人有活力,但前者更强调精神上“有活力、有思想、有创意”,而后者更强调体力上“精力充沛”。 dynamic还可以表达某物、某地、某种关系有活力。如:
I am very happy to join this young and dynamic team.我非常高兴加入这个年轻、有活力的团队。
The dynamic economy in this region has greatly improved people' s living standard.这个地区活跃的经济极大地提高了人民的生活水平。
Once she steps on stage, she becomes extremely energetic.她一站上舞合,就变得活力四射。
另外, dynamic还常可以表达“动态的”含义。如:
The policy- making process is dynamic and flexible.决策过程是动态和灵活的。
2 Now my dad and I go rock climbing together monthly!现在我和爸爸每个月都一块去攀岩。
monthly是由名词month和后缀-ly构成,在此处是副词,意思是“每月"。 monthly有多种词性,可以用作副词,也可以用作形容词(“每月的”,如: monthly pay月薪)和名词(“月刊”)。类似的词还有:daily、 weekly。
3 As Gandhi said," Be the change you want to see in the world."正如甘地所说,“欲变世界,先变其身。"
2 Analyse the organisation of the letters. Label the paragraphs using the letters below. Some paragraphs may cover more than one topic.
A identifying problem(s)
B considering what to do
C what he/she has done to change
D the results
3 Write a letter to the editor about one aspect of your own lifestyle that you would like to change.
1 Brainstorm with your partner.
What lifestyle habit you would like to chang
Why you want to change
How you plan to change
What result you hope to see
2 Draft your letter to the editor. Use the organisation of the letters above to help you.
4 Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to give feedback on your partner's draft.
√ Does the letter say what the writers problem is?
√ Does the letter explain the decisions the writer made to solve the problem?
√ Does the letter show the ways to change?
√ Are the results included in the letter?
√ Can you see the writer's attitude and determination in the letter?
√ Is the letter clear and complete?
5 Get your draft back and revise it. Then share your letter with the rest of the class.
Assessing Your Progres
1 Complete the passage using the correct forms of the words in the box.
monthly disturb harmful cigarette surgery consultant
My father used to smoke________far too often and was always coughing, which________me greatly. One day, I spoke to the health________at my school. He said the nicotine in tobacco is________and can do great damage to my father's lungs. Then I persuaded my father to see a lung specialist. The specialist said my father should make a________plan to smoke less, otherwise he may need________in the future. I'm so glad my father agreed to make a plan to break his bad habit!
2 There are eight mistakes underlined in the passage. Correct them, read the passage again, and then give a title to it.
It is not easy to manage stress successfully. When you are stressed, every problem you have seems become worse. Serious stress can also lead to health issues.such as dizziness, skin conditions, and breathing problems. So that is best to find a solution as soon as possible. For minor stress, to wash your face with cold water or go for a short walk outside, To fight long-term stress, it is a great idea taken up a new hobby. Do something you really like-to ride a skateboard, go bowling, or watch a comedy-whatever stimulates your mind and makes you feel happy. Absorbing stress effectively, however, you must be sure to do something that completely takes you mind off everything else. If you can find something else to concentrate for a while,you will most certainly feel much more refreshed later on. So remember, to free yourself from stress, try and find something positive replace it with. After al, it is far too stressful to stress all the time!
*Project: Do a health survey
1 How well are your classmates looking after their physical and mental health?Work in groups and make a survey Design a multiple-choice questionnaire to collect information Use online survey tools if possible to help you make,distribute, and analyse your questionnaires.
1 Ask questions about what to eat and drink, such as staple foods, snacks, drinks, and othe substances, etc.
How often do you skip meals?
□never □once a day □several times a week □others:________
2 Ask questions about what to do with one's body, such as sitting, exercise, sleeping, etc.
1 Ask questions about what people do in their spare time, such as reading, watching TV, using phone/Internet, playing video games, etc.
2 Ask questions about what people do to feel better when they are stressed, unhappy, or angry.
3 Ask questions about what to do with one's mind such as learning new things for fun, doing creative activities, etc.
2 Each person in your group should help make the survey. Then ask classmates outside your group to take the survey.
3 Collect and analyse the survey results by creating pie charts, bar charts, or other ways of summarising data.
4 Prepare a written or oral report, giving general recommendations for how to solve the most common lifestyle problems that you have found among your classmates.
*Video Time
Look at the pictures below and answer the questions.
1 What do you think these people are doing?
A Singing.
B Practising laughter yoga.
C Doing belly laughs.
2 Why do you think they are doing this?
A To amuse themselves.
B To tell everyone how happy they are.
C To reduce the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.
3 How do you think they feel?
1 Check your answers in Before You Watch.
2 Answer these questions.
1 What do adults not necessarily remember?
2 Aside from making us feel good, what else does laughter do according to research?
3 What happens when you have 5-10 minutes of laughter, besides your blood vessels opening up like you have gone jogging or taken cholesterol medication?
4 What does it mean when we say that laughter is contagious?
5 What will a mother usually do if she tickles her baby and the baby fusses or cries?
6 Which do you think is more important for bringing out the benefits of laughter, the act of laughing or the social interaction connected to it? What are your reasons?
Discuss these questions in groups.
1 How does laughter make you feel?
2 What is your way to make other people laugh? Do you think the ability to create laughter is some kind of talent?
Unit 3 Environmental Protection
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs but not every man's greed .
——Mohandas K. Gandhi
In this unit, you will
1 read about different environmental problems.
2 listen to an interview with an expert and talk about air pollution.
3 write a report on an environmental issue.
4 learn more about environmental issues and ways to protect our planet.
Look and discuss
1 Where do you think this photo was taken?
2 What does this photo make you think of?
Reading and Thinking
Discuss climate change
1 Before you read, look at the graph and the picture below and discuss these questions in groups.
1 What is the graph about? What information can you get from it?
2 Have you ever seen the photo before? What might be the story behind it?
2 Read the text and answer the questions.
1 What happened to the polar bear in the photo? Why did the writer write about it?
2 Why is the"natural "greenhouse effect important and necessary?
3 What are the consequences of high greenhouse gas emissions?
4 Why did the author mention the climate scientists' warning?
5 What is the author's purpose of writing this text?
We have known about climate change for decades. There is little doubt that Earth is getting warmer and warmer (see the graph). A warming ocean and atmosphere along with melting ice and rising sea levels provide evidence of a dramatic change in the global climate.
In 2013, a lot of people were shocked by a news photo of a dead polar bear that was found on Norway's Arctic island of Svalbard. According to the scientists who found its dead body, all that remained of the polar bear was "skin and bones". An expert who has studied polar bears for many years said that from the position of its dead body, the bear appeared to have starved and died. Experts claimed that low sea-ice levels caused by climate change meant the bear could not hunt seals as before, so it had to travel greater distances in order to find food. This alarming case showed how the increase in temperature had an impact on Earth's ecology.
Then what is causing the increase in the global average surface temperature? Climate scientists often mention a key climate process called the"greenhouse effect",which has two common meanings: the"natural" greenhouse effect and the" man-made" greenhouse effect. The"natural"greenhouse effect refers to the fact that heat from the sun enters the atmosphere and warms Earth's surface as short-wave radiation. The heat is released back into space at longer wave lengths. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as methane and carbon dioxide,trap some of the heat, keeping Earth's climate warm and habitable. Without this process,Earth could not sustain life. However, the"man-made"greenhouse effect has now become a big problem. When people produce huge amounts of extra greenhouse gases by burning fossil fuels, more heat energy is trapped in the atmosphere and causes Earth's surface temperature to rise quickly.
There is strong and comprehensive evidence that the rise in temperature has led to an increase in extreme weather and natural disasters worldwide, not only causing serious damage, but also costing human lives. Climate scientists have warned that if we do not take appropriate actions, this warming trend will probably continue and there will be a higher price to pay. In fact, news reports are frequently broadcast about extreme rainstorms and heatwaves causing deaths and economic losses.
Continued greenhouse gas emissions will result in further warming and long-lasting changes to the global climate. This requires the attention of people all over the world. Governments need to consider making policies and taking appropriate actions and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We as individuals can also reduce our"carbon footprint"by restricting the amount of carbon dioxide our lifestyles produce. It is our responsibility to seize every opportunity to educate everyone about global warming, along with its causes and impacts, because this is the most serious issue affecting all of us on this planet. So what will you do to help?
1 greenhouse effect温室效应
由于地球大气的作用很像是一个玻璃或塑料温室的屋顶和墙,温室效应因此而得名。地球的大气允许大量阳光通过并加热地面。地球以红外辐射的形式发射热能返回大气中。由于大气中某些气体能吸收它,许多辐射热能不能自由进入太空,它们变得温暖并发射红外辐射返回地球,再次使地表变暖。这些气体被称为“温室气体”,主要包括水汽(water vapor)、二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)、甲烷(methane)等。它们的作用是使地球表面变得更暖,类似于温室截留太阳編射,并加热温室内空气。
3 Read the text again and create a diagram describing how the greenhouse effect works.
Draw a diagram
Diagrams are very useful tools that can be used to brainstorm ideas, map out processes, show cause and effect relationships, explain a new idea or concept, and so on. When you read an essay about scientific issues,you can try drawing a diagram, which will not only allow you to visualise the problems more clearly but also can help demonstrate your creative thinking and problem-solving.
4 Discuss these questions in groups.
1 What examples of extreme weather and disasters do you know? Can you make a list?
2 Do you think climate change is the result of human activity? Give your reasons.
3 Who do you think should take responsbility for dealing with mate change? What can we do?
Learning About Language
Build up your vocabulary
1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.
broadcast comprehensive ecology starve seize
1 The Amazon basin, known as the"lungs of the world, not only provides some________balance for the planet, but also food and resources for the local natives.
2 Thousands of baby penguins______to death because the changing climate forced their parents to leave them and travel long distances in search of food.
3 Many experts link China's economic success to the________reform that China has undergone since 1978.
4 The speaker said the media should make more______that spread awareness of the climate crisis and possible solutions.
5 To deal with climate change, we must________the initiative to do whatever is necessary to protect our environment.
2 Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
fuel policy release restrict sustain trend
Carbon dioxide is________through human activities such as destroying forests and burning fossil________,as well as natural processes such as volcanic eruptions. The measurements by climate experts show a rising________of carbon dioxide emissions. If this continues. our planet will face further environmental disasters. In response to this environmental issue, China is implementing significant________and measures to address climate change, aiming to________coal consumption, promote a harmonious relationship between man and nature.build a______energy system, and advocate a moderate, green, and low-carbon lifestyle.
3 The following words and phrases can all mean "to make something happen".Look them up in the dictionary and discuss their differences. Then create sentences of your own using each of them.
According to the report submitted by researchers, between 20 and 25 percent of all annual carbon dioxide emissions are caused by the destruction of tropical forests.
A breakdown in the computer system was responsible for yesterday's chaos in the subway station.
Discover useful structures
1 Work in groups. Look at the sentences in both columns and discuss the differences between each pair Summarise the rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech.
2 Here are some statements and questions by children who attended scientific lectures. Guess who they were talking to and then change the sentences into indirect speech.
3 Work in groups. Do a survey on what your group members are doing to help the environment and what else they can do. Then report to the class.
I asked my group members what they did to limit the amount of carbon dioxide produced in their daily lives. Jack told me that he often walked or rode a bike instead of taking a tax. Joe advised us to share books with others. Sally asked us...
Using Language
Talk about air pollution
1 Before you listen, look at the pictures below and discuss the questions in groups.
1 What information can you get from these pictures?
2 How do these situations influence your life?
2 Listen to an interview with an air pollution expert and decide whether the statements are true (T)or false (F).
3 Listen again and take notes on what the expert said. Then summarise the information you got from the interview.
4 Work in groups. Discuss the questions. The expressions in the box may help you.
1 Have you experienced heavy smog where you live? Have you seen photos of big cities under clouds of smog? What is it like?
2 What do you think are the major causes of smog in China?
3 What measures have the government and citizens taken to help address the problem?
Referring to common knowledge
Using Language
Write a report on an environmental issue
1 Look at the title and the picture below and discuss the question.
1 What do you know about the Li River? Have you ever been there?
2 What do you think might have caused water pollution in the Li River?
2 Read the report and then answer the questions.
The beautiful Li River and its amazing surrounding scenery is one of the most well-known tourist destinations in China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It attracts millions of domestic and foreign visitors each year. However, its reputation as a top destination has had negative effects on the river's water quality. This report looks at the problem of water pollution and some actions that have been taken to deal with it.
Previously, water quality in the Li River had suffered greatly from an increasing volume of tourists. many of whom frequently threw garbage into the river. Many tour boats contributed to the problem too. Kitchens on board were using lots of oil, which was often thrown into the water. The growth in tourism also meant the local population rose rapidly, as well as the number of commercial and industrial enterprises. Water pollution levels increased, with more household and commercial waste ending up in the river.In order to feed more people, more chemicals were used to increase crop production.These chemicals led to severe water quality issues, causing a decrease in the number of fish species. Local officials were concerned that the pollution was damaging the natural environment and felt that urgent steps should be taken to restore the river's oniginal beauty.
A comprehensive initiative was started, with a number of measures that addressed the issues. The construction of waste water treatment facilities improved the water quality and water conservation. The collection and transport of household waste was also improved. Dozens of polluting enterprises were closed or moved. The local government set up strict regulations regarding further industrial development. New rules were also introduced regarding tour boat routes and garbage disposal methods. Furthermore, the local authorities began to use the media to spread environmental awareness and encourage greater use of clean energy. At the same time, they started to carry out inspections regularly and fine tourist organisations for abuses. With these measures, it is believed that the beauty of the Li River will be preserved for generations to come.
In addition, the ambitious"Water Ten Plan"is also now tackling water pollution across the country. Other initiatives, such as the"River Chief System", hold senior officials responsible for reducing water pollution. With such campaigns in effect, China's waterways are heading towards a clean and sustainable future.
1 What were some of the negative effects on the Li River as a result of the growth in tourism?
2 What measures have been taken to improve the Li River's water quality?
3 What is the "River Chief System"?
1 Previously, water quality in the Li River had suffered greatly from an increasing volume of tourists, many of whom frequently threw garbage into the river. 以往,江的水质因游客量的增长遭到了严重破坏,一些游客频繁将垃圾扔入江中。
volume作为名词,常用来表达“数量”意义,其数量概念大多与体积、容积有关;也与整个物体的移动过程有关,常表达流量、吞吐量、消耗量、工作量等,例如 the volume of rain water、 so much volume of traffic、 the volume of work等。再如:
We have been so surprised by the volume of rain water this summer, which has been much more than when we first moved here.我们对今年夏天的降雨量感到很吃惊,(今年的南量)可比我们刚搬到这里时大多了。
How can the city government control such a large volume of traffic?市政府怎样才能控制这么大的交通流量?
volume、 quantity和 amount都可以表示“数量”概念,但三者在实际的使用中略有差别。 quantity表达“数量;数额”等含义时,用以说明事物“多少”的问题,常和large、 enormous, high以及small、 limited、 minimum等程度形容词连用组成短语。这种表达数量的短语既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词,例如: a large quantity of water、 a limited quantity of services等。 amount可以用作动词,意为“总计;共计";也可以作名词,用来表达“总量”或“数量”之意义,常用来修饰不可数名词。例如: the amount of money、 a massive amount of time、 huge amount of food、 the amount of your investment等。再如:
All enrolled students can have access to a large quantity of books in the library.所有注册的学生都能接触到图书馆里大量的书籍。
We guarantee to return the original amount of your investment if everything goes well.如果一切顺利,我保证还你投资的本金。
2 Water Ten Plan水十条
3 River Chief System河长制
4 In addition, the ambitious Water Ten Plan is also now tackling water pollution across the country. Other initiatives, such as the"River Chief System", hold senior officials responsible for reducing water pollution. With such campaigns in effect,China's waterways are heading towards a clean and sustainable future.另外,“水十条"的宏伟规划则是为了治理整个国家的水污染问题。例如“河长制”这样的举措,还将减少水污染作为高级官员的责任。实际上,随着这些行动(的展开),中国的水资源正朝着洁浄的、可持续发展的未来迈进。
这一段话先后出现了三个表述“计划”或“方案”的词:plan、 initiative、 campaign。 planー词可以理解为“计划;条目"; initiative一词可以理解为“新方案;倡议”;而 campaign.则可以理解为“运动;行动"等含义。三个不同的词语使用不仅可以增强表达的丰富性,而且可以使句子衔接更为紧密。
3 Study the organisation and language features.
1 Read the text again and complete the paragraph summaries.
2 Draw a mind map to show all the factors that caused the pollution.
4 Use what you have learnt to write a report on an environmental issue.
1 Choose an environmental problem that directly affects you or your local community.Research the issue on the Internet. Consider the following questions:
What is the issue? Why does it need to be dealt with?
Where does the issue occur? What are its causes? What effects does it have?
What actions have been taken so far? What future actions are planned?
Has the issue been dealt with well? Is it likely to be solved completely? Why or why not?What alternative solutions are possible?
2 Write your report.
5 Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to give feedback on your partner's draft.
√ Does the writer describe the environmental issue clearly?
√ Do the measures taken to deal with it sound effective?
√ Does the writer use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling?
6 Get your draft back and revise it. Then present your report to the class.
Assessing Your Progress
1 Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
garbage harmonious initiative restrict restore dozen
When asked by a TV reporter to talk about air and water quality in his hometown, (1)Qi Mu noted, "The air is great now, and we can take more walks and enjoy being outdoors again, "He felt quite pleased because the villagers were living_______with nature once more. However, he could not forget about an earlier time when his village had been struggling with a serious air quality problem.
In the 1990s,_______from a nearby city was usually brought to the village. (2)"How can we make use of this? "the villagers wondered. Soon they found that garbage could be used to feed pigs, (3)"Over the next few years,_______of pig farms were set up," Qi recalled. But then nobody in the village wanted to open their windows.(4)"The smell from the garbage and pig waste was making us sick, "Qi said. The numbers of mosquitoes and flies were also horrifying. (5)"Under such circumstances, no single women wanted to marry anyone in our village and move here, Qi sighed.
The villagers could no longer tolerate the situation. So an_______was launched and a"clean-up"campaign was added to the government agenda, including_______large vehicles from passing through the village. Garbage from the city was no longer disposed of in the village, and more trees were planted. (6)"We can all breathe more freely now that the natural beauty of our village has been_______,"said Qi.
2 Report the direct speech in Activity 1.
1 ___________________________________________________
2 ___________________________________________________
3 ___________________________________________________
4 ___________________________________________________
5 ___________________________________________________
6 ___________________________________________________
*Project: Prepare an environmental proposal
1 In groups, discuss the following questions.
1 What is the main environmental issue you want to address? Choose one from the list below, or think of your own.
Plastic bag waste
Energy conservation
Waste sorting system for recycling
Water conservation
2 What small things can people do in their community to help? What simple inventions might help reduce the impact of the issue? Use the Internet to help you find ideas and take notes.
3 Will you give advice for people to follow? What is your advice?
2 Now create your project presentation. Use diagrams and illustrations to show how your ideas will work. Use the example below for ideas.
A lot of energy is wasted every day. We can make many small changes in our daily lives to help improve energy conservation. Here are our ideas for saving energy in the home:
Take shorter showers
Turn off the light when you are not in the room
Instead of turning up the heat, put on more clothes
Don't leave things like TVs and computers on standby
Unplug appliances that are not in use
Adjust the amount of water for toilet flushes
Use cold water to wash clothes when possible
Use energy-efficient light bulbs
Put lids on cooking pots to cook faster
Following this advice can help reduce energy consumption and save money.
3 Now present your proposal to the class. Each member should take turns to explain or show one part of the presentation.
4 After hearing all the presentations, discuss which proposals and presentations were the best and give suggestions for improving them.
*Video Time
Here are some photos from the video. In groups, use the following words and phrases to describe what is going on in the photos.
1 Check your answers in Before You Watch.
2 Answer these questions.
1 Where is Uruguay?
2 Why is the school"autonomous"?
3 What nickname does the US architect Michael Reynolds call himself?
4 Who else other than the students learn from the workshops?
5 How does one student educate his mother about waste?
Discuss these questions in groups
1 Do you know any similar projects in your city or country? How do people reuse and recycle trash to create new things and technologies?
2 In small groups, discuss other ways trash could be reused and recycled. What things could you make? What kinds of trash could you use?
Unit 4 Adversity and Course
Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance.
——Samuel Johnson
In this unit, you will
1 read about Shackleton's Antarctic expedition.
2 listen to the crew members talk about their own experiences during the expedition.
3 write an essay about the story.
4 learn about explorers and other outstanding people and how they overcame adversity.
Look and discuss
1 What happened to the ship in the photo?
2 How would you feel and what would you do if you were on this ship?
Reading and Thinking
Explore the spirit of adventure
1 Read this advertisement that was posted by a famous British explorer.Discuss the questions with your group members.
for a dangerous journey: small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, and safe return uncertain. Honour and reward will follow if it is successful.
Ernest Shackleton
1 According to the advertisement,what kind of men was Ernest Shackleton looking for?
2 Would you like to join an expedition like this? Why or why not?
2 Read the text and answer the questions.
Perce Blackborow joined an expedition with Sir Ernest Shackleton to Antarctica on the ship Endurance in 1914. Shackleton was one of the most famous explorers of his day and it was considered a great honour to be part of his expeditions. Below are some of Blackborow's diary entries.
1 How did Blackborow come to join the expedition?
2 What happened to Endurance? What did the crew members have to do?
3 What did Shackleton do to make sure they could survive?
No light, but rather darkness visible.与其说是亮光,不如说是能看得见的黑暗。
The state of this house is a cheerless welcome.房子里是一种冷清的欢迎气氛。
2 Perce Blackborow joined an expedition with Sir Ernest Shackleton to Antarctica on the ship Endurance in 1914.珀西・布菜克博罗于1914年加入欧内斯特・沙克尔顿爵士的“坚忍"号南极探险之旅。
Perce Blackborow珀西・布莱克博罗(1896-1949),威尔士水手。他因在“坚忍”号船上的服务表现获得了“青铜极地勋章"(Bronze Polar Medal).
Emest Shackleton欧内斯特・沙克尔顿(1874-1922),英国极地探险家,曾带领英国探险队三次前往南极洲,是南极探险英雄时代的主要人物之一。课文内容描述的就是他第三次带领探险队赴南极探险(1914-1917)的故事,虽然最终没有到达原定的目标,但是沙克尔顿与“坚忍”号船员们在极地700多天的求生经历,创造了20世纪一次伟大的生还奇迹。这一真实的探险故事,不仅催生出不少相关的文学作品,还被拍摄成纪录片和电影。同时,沙克尔顿作为领导者的智慧和才能,常被各类经营管理类课程与书籍列为经典案例。
3 The ice froze around us and we were well and truly stuck!冰把我们周围都冻住了,我们彻底被卡住了!
well and truly意为“完全地;彻底地”。例如:
The party was well and truly over by the time he arrived.他赶到时聚会已经完全结束。
I'd rather not make any big purchases until we are well and truly out of debt.在我们完全摆脱债务之前,我宁愿不买任何大件东西。
4 "Hold on now, Perce. Don't you go turning into another Tom, "came the reply. 传来一声回答:“要坚持住啊,珀西。你可不要变成另一个汤姆。"
hold on可以表示“等一等;坚持住;继续”。例如:
Hold on. I'll be ready in just a moment.稍等,我马上就好。
We just had to hold on until help arrived.我们必须坚持住直到救援到来。
We' ve got to go now. We can't hold on any longer.我们得离开了,不能再等了。
Now hold on.Ed, that wasn't what we agreed at all! 你等一下,艾德,咱们说好的可不是这样的!
此处的 Don't you go,是一个祈使句,意思是“你可不要……"。其后的 came the reply是倒装句,这种倒装句式常出现在描绘人物对话的情节中,尤其是在文学作品中,其目的是为了使叙述更加连贯生动。例如:
" You are very much older than I am," said Winston.温斯顿说:“你比我年长多了。"
3 What do the highlighted words mean? Use your own words to explain them.
4 Read the text again and discuss the questions with your partner.
1 How did Blackborow's feelings about being on the expedition change as the days passed?
2 What personal qualities did Shackleton, Wild,and Blackborow exhibit? Find examples from the text to support your answers.
Infer character traits and emotions
To infer means to guess something based on the evidence. When inferring character traits and emotions in a story,you need to look at the characters' words and actions. What do these tell us about their personal qualities and feelings?
5 Imagine you are Perce Blackborow. Write a message in a bottle to explain your situation and ask for help.
Learning About Language
Build up your vocabulary
1 Find the suitable adjectives from the previous text to complete the sentences.The first letter of each word has been given.
1 He behaves in a d_______manner and we think he is a real gentleman.
2 With the gentle music, soft lights, and comfortable sofas, this cafe is everything you need after a tiring day. It is a c_______and relaxing place.
3 He used to be so cross and b________that nobody could tolerate him, but the birth of his son changed his life and made him a better person.
4 Life was cruel to Oliver when he was young. Although living a m________life. he had a very kind heart.
5 Try to learn from your mistakes and b________failures. It will eventually lead to success as long as you persevere.
6 The young boy has demonstrated a g________interest in the expedition to the Antarctic.
2 Choose the appropriate word to complete each sentence.
1 The fire alarm caused a panic/worry in the theatre and the crowd fled in all directions.
2 Although my grandpa is retired, he is very enthusiastic/concerned about volunteer work.
3 The officer was assigned/employed to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident.
4 The sun was sinking/falling behind the mountains when we reached the top.
5 It took him a lot of vigour/energy to move all the items of furniture inside the house.
3 Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
abandon aboard assign crew cupboard resolve set off sink turn...down voyage
After seeing the advertisement in the newspaper, Perce Blackborow________to join the Antarctic expedition led by Sir Ernest Shackleton no matter what challenges might lie ahead.Unfortunately,his application________because he was too young and not qualified enough. However, he managed to get________the Endurance with his friend's help.He hid in a________,but was soon discovered and brought to Shackleton. Although the captain was angry, he________the boy the job of cooking for the________.Their________did not go smoothly, and the Endurance became stuck in the ice. Before the Endurance was crushed and________into the sea, Shackleton gave the order to________ship, and the crew had to camp on ice. They then sailed to Elephant Island.Soon after that, Shackleton selected a boat party and________for South Georgia Island to get help.
Discover useful structures
1 Look at the sentence in the present perfect continuous tense. Find more examples from the previous text and discuss the function of the tense.
EXAMPLE This is the adventure that I have been dreaming of.
2 Read each situation and rewrite each sentence using the present perfect continuous tense.
1 The dog started to bark about two hours ago. I really hope it will stop soon.
The dog has been barking for about two hours, I really hope it will stop soon.
2 Steve started to play rugby at the age of eight. Now he has become a professional player.
3 Timmy is holding a table tennis bat and his short hair is damp with sweat. He looks a little tired after playing table tennis for two hours.
4 Diane hasn't got much sleep this week. She looks terrible today.
5 I tried to phone you this morning. I must have tried a dozen times before I caught you here.
3 Complete the sentences below using the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets. Then explain your reasons to your partner.
1 For the whole morning, the board of directors________(discuss)the resolution to increase wages in the coming year.
2 Jason's only recreation is painting. He________(learn)how to paint for over five years.
3 Even though we lost the game, we should be proud of ourselves because we________(try) our best and________(work)as a team.
4 He finally________(finish) the research paper under his tutor's guidance.
5 My nephew Sam________(collect) comic books since he was five. Now he has more than two hundred of them.
6 The company________(launch) an advertising campaign to promote its corporate image.
4 Work in pairs. Interview your partner about the things that he/she has been doing The following questions might help you.
Do you have any hobbies or interests?
How long have you been learning/playing...?
What have you been doing recently?
Using Language
Learn how to handle challenges
1 Shackleton and a team tried to sail to another island to find help. Look at the picture below and discuss the challenges you think they faced.
2 Listen to one of the team members talk about the rescue plan and their journey.Complete the summary.
The team consisted of________members. They sailed on rough seas for days before they landed on the_______side of South Georgia Island. Later they climbed over the mountains and________the whaling station. Later, Shackleton arranged for a rescue boat to return to________Island. Luckily, everyone was________.
3 Listen again and answer these questions.
1 Why was it necessary for Shackleton to travel to South Georgia Island?
2 Why was it important to include a navigator in the team?
3 Why did Shackleton choose the most difficult and unfriendly man to join the rescue mission?
4 Why did Shackleton look extremely old?
Identify cause and effect
During a talk, a speaker can talk about cause and effect. Causes are often introduced with phrases like Due to...,The reason for this is..., and because..., while effects are introduced by phrases like That's why..., This means...,...so as to...,...so that....
4 Which two sailors do you think Shackleton chose to join the rescue team? Look at the list below and discuss in groups who you think should join the team.
Who should join the rescue team?
The expressions in the box below may help you with your discussion.
Exploring options
A: We have to decide on which two sailors Shackleton chose for his rescue team. Let's look at Frank Wild.
B: He is a good leader and is experienced in exploring the Antarctic. So, I think he's suitable to join the rescue team.
C: Hmm, I think we should move on to the next sailor. According to Perce's diary entries,Frank Wild was left with the other crew members on Elephant Island.
A: I agree. Let's move on to the next candidate. What do you think about Frank Worsley?
B: Well he is...
5 After you have selected your two sailors, present your choice to the class.
Using Language
Learn about optimism and perseverance
1 This is a continuation of the story of Shackleton's men who were left on Elephant Island. In pairs, predict what happened to the crew members. Then read the memoir below to see if your predictions were correct.
1 There was nothing Like a good dinner and some music to cheer us up.没有什么比得上一顿好饭和一点儿音乐能让我们振作起来了。
There is/was nothing like...是用来表达赞美的常见句型,意思是“没有什么比…更…"。例如:
There's nothing like a holiday to make one feel relaxed.没有什么比得上假期更让人放松的了。
【思考】你还学过哪些与 nothing相关的常用短语或句型吗?请举例说明。
2 Read the text again and answer the following questions.
1 What did the men eat and drink on the island?
2 What were the dangers of living on the island?
3 How did the men stay in good spirits while waiting to be rescued?
4 What do you think were the key reasons for their survival?
5 If you were one of the men on Elephant Island, would you have trusted Shackleton? Why or why not?
3 Based on the diary entries and the memoir you have read, write an essay about the story of Shackleton and his men on the ship Endurance.
1 Read the story again and think about the following questions. Make notes with your answers.
●How does the author describe Shackleton and his crew members?
●What kind of relationship did Shackleton have with his crew?
●What struggles did they face?
●What were the motives for their actions?
●What did you like most about the story?
2 Begin your essay with a brief summary of the story. Remember to include who, what,where, when, why, and how.
3 Use your notes and cite examples to explain what you think about the characters.
4 End your essay by talking about how the story made you feel, and give your overall impressions of the expedition and the men who went on it. Explain why you feel this way.
4 Exchange drafts with a partner. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner's draft.
√ Does the essay contain the main points in the story?
√ Is the essay written in the writer's own words?
√ Does the writer give his/her opinion about the story?
√ Does the writer present his/her ideas clearly by using linking words and phrases?
5 Get your draft back and revise it. Then put up your essay in your classroom or read it to the class.
Assessing Your Progress
1 Complete the passage with the proper forms of the words in the box.
candidate commitment cruel damp motive resolution wage
One hundred years ago, exploring the Antarctic was a dangerous business. Because of the________weather and very little knowledge of how to survive in the Antarctic, the chances of success were quite slim and many explorers died. The people who signed up for such voyages were paid low_______and had to tolerate poor working conditions and rough seas, along with the cold and________weather. They also had to have a strong________to finish what they had started no matter how hard it was, great personal discipline, and a firm________to the other members of the team. Yet, many________still applied to join such explorations. Some might have wanted to become famous. Others were looking for rewards.However the________for many was to experience a great adventure.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1 The philosophy of Confucius, also known as Confucianism,________deeply________(influence)Chinese culture.
2 Henry________(join)the navy when he was 20 and he________(retire)now.
3 The girl________(want) to meet the pianist ever since she________(attend) his concert.
4 _________you________(hear) of the saying"Curiosity killed the cat"?
5 Your fridge________(give of)a terrible smell. When________you last________(clean)it?
6 As the children are older now. we________(think)of moving to a bigger house.
7 My friend Maggie________(ask)me to visit her for ages, but I________not really ________(have)the time.
8 I________(expect) the movie to end happily, but actually it has a sad ending.
*Project: Give a report on people who persevere
Give a report on people who have encountered adversity in their lives but have persevered and overcome the difficulties.
1 Work in groups. Brainstorm and make a list of possible candidates that you would like to conduct research on.
2 Choose three people to do your research on.Each person should come from a different country and have faced a different challenge.
3 Here are the kinds of information you should gather:
●Basic background information about the person
●Challenges that this person faced
●How he/she overcame the difficulties
●His/Her subsequent achievements
●What people think of him/her
4 After gathering the information you need, create an outline to help you organise ideas for your report.
5 Turn your outline into a report. Remember to include pictures. Then share your report with the class.
*Video Time
Read the following events and try to number them in the correct order.
_______The climbers wait in their tents for the bad weather to pass.
___1___The team travels 64 kilometres over the ice and snow.
_______The team begins the climb again.
_______The team spends the night in tents that hang about 450 metres above the ground.
_______The team reaches the top of the mountain.
_______Lead climber Conrad Anker begins climbing Mount Rakekniven.
_______Jon Krakauer puts a flag on the top of the mountain.
_______The weather changes.
_______The team is forced to climb down the peak.
1 Check your answers in Before You Watch.
2 Answer the questions using information from the video.
1 What is so special about Mount Rakekniven?
2 What is Jon Krakauer's main job on this climb?
3 Apart from the steepness of the mountain, what makes this climb especially difficult?
4 How long does the climb take in total?
Discuss these questions in groups.
1 Why do you think Krakauer wanted to climb another mountain again so soon after climbing Mount Qomolangma?
2 The video says that the challenge of the climb was"not only physical, but persona" for Krakauer. What do you think this means?
3 How might a difficult challenge help a person overcome sadness or other bad feelings?
Unit 5 Poems
Two,roads diverged in a wood,and I took the one less travelled by,And that has made all the difterence.
——Robert Frost
In this unit, you will
1 read a brief introduction on some simple forms of English poems.
2 listen to a discussion about poetry and talk about how to write poems.
3 write your own poems.
4 explore the characteristics of different farms of poems and learn to appreciate English poems.
Look and discuss
1 Do you understand the poem ines in the photo? Can you use your own words to explain them?
2 When you think of the words"poem"or"poetry", what comes to mind?
Reading and Thinking
Appreciate different forms of English poems
1 Before you read, discuss the questions with your partner.
1 Compared with other forms of literature such as the novel, drama, and the short story,what are the characteristics of poetry?
2 Why do you think people write poems?
2 Read the text and complete the table on page 51.
1 The distinctive characteristics of poetry often include economical use of words,descriptive and vivid language, integrated imagery, literary devices such as similes and metaphors, and arrangement of words,lines, rhymes, and rhythm.诗歌的显著特点通常包括:用词简洁;语言描述生动、形象;具备整合的意象;使用明喻和暗喻等文学手法;词、行、韵、节奏等编排有序。
2 different forms of poetry不同种类的诗歌
nursery rhymes儿歌或童谣,由历代儿童传承下来的传统韵文或儿歌,在美国通常被称为“鹅妈妈儿歌"。常见的儿歌类型有摇篮曲(催眠曲)、玩要儿歌、数目儿歌、历史事件或人物为题材的儿歌、谜语等。儿歌的特点是形式短小、语言通俗易懂、节奏明快、韵律响亮。
blank verse无韵诗,指不押韵的抑扬格五音步诗。
free verse自由诗,指没有格律和没有押韵格式的诗。
sonnet十四行诗,指用几种规定韵式所写的由14行组成的诗。意大利十四行诗也称为皮特拉克十四行诗,一般的式为: abbaabba cdecde或 abbaabba cdcdcd;英国十四行诗也叫莎士比亚十四行诗,韵式是 abab cdcd efef gg。
3 The language of these rhymes, like Poem A, is to the point but has a storyline. 这些童谣(如诗歌A)的语言简单明了,但带有故事情节。
to the point,是习语,意思是“简明恰当;简洁中肯”。例如:
I think his advice is very much to the point.我认为他的建议很中肯。
We don't have much time left, so please make sure your comments are brief and to the point. 我们剩下的时间不多了,所以请务必简明扼要地陈述你的意见。
4 A lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English, such as this one(F).有许多唐诗被翻译成英文,比如这一首诗(F).
Poetry comprehension
Poems paint pictures with words through the use of figures of speech and metaphors, so to understand a poem fully, you have to imagine in your mind the picture the poem is painting. Further,the sounds, rhythm, and rhymes in a poem give it a musical quality. Poems often have to be read aloud, and with feeling, to be really understood and enjoyed.
3 Listen to the recording of the text and read aloud the poems.
Learning About Language
Build up your vocabulary
1 Find the words in the poems that rhyme with the words below. Then add other words that rhyme. The first one has been done for you.
2 Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in the box.
delicate drama arrange compose literary rhythm sorrow poetry
1 It seems incredible to me that the question of how best to________books on shelves could cause a lively online discussion.
2 The purpose of________criticism is to get to the core of the text and discover what message the author is attempting to convey.
3 If you need to hande a________situation, you should behave wisely.
4 The poet________quite a few poems featuring the image of cherry blossoms, and describing the joys and________of life.
5 Blank verse is probably one of the most common and influential forms of English________.It is so close to the natural_________of English speech and it has no rhyming. In Shakespeare's characters from civilians to kings all speak in blank verse, but still in distinctive voices.
3 Complete each sentence using the correct word.
recite/ repeat/ retell
1 Could you________what you just said?
2 Students are required to________over 60 ancient poems or works of prose they have learnt from their Chinese course.
3 If you have finished reading the story, please try to________it in your own words.
emotion/ mood/ spirit
4 Her________rose at the approach of the summer holidays.
5 We couldnt see any________in him. He is so calm in spite of what he has experienced.
6 Rainy days always put everyone in a depressed________.
Review useful structures
1 Connect the sentences using relative pronouns or adverbs. Then put the sentences in the correct order to compose a passage.
1 The Crescent Moon is perhaps the most famous collection of children's poems It is known to people in China.
2 There are also many poems written from a child's perspective.In these poems the poet Tagore shows a sympathetic understanding of children's feelings.
3 The English version of the book contains nearly 50 poems. The focus of the poems is on the parent-child relationship.
4 The initial poems were written from the perspective of a mother. The mother loves her baby at play and at rest, in laughter and in tears.
5 Many people love to read this collection of poems. The reason is that they can feel the warmth of love and enjoy the innocence of childhood.
6 It was written by the Indian poet Tagore. Tagore was the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
1 Tagore泰戈尔
拉宾德拉纳特・秦戈尔( Rabindranath Tagore)(1861-1941),印度孟加拉语作家、诗人、哲学家、艺术家、社会活动家。秦戈尔从15岁开始文学创作,到去世前共创作了50多部诗集、13部中长篇小说、近100篇短篇小说、40多部剧本、2,000多首歌曲,以及大量散文、随笔、游记、论文、论著等。1913年获诺贝尔文学奖。泰戈尔对中国怀有崇高的友情。他20岁时就写文责英国对中国倾销鸦片毒害中国人民的罪行。他还抨击和斥责日本军国主义侵略中国的行动,支持和同情中国人民的正义斗争。1924年他访问中国。中国人民尊敬他,也喜爱他的作品。他的诗集,如《吉檀迦利》《园丁集》《新月集》《飞鸟集》等在我国都广受欢迎。
2 Read the following introduction about the Brownings. Help the author edit the passage to make it more concise, using relative clauses if necessary.
1 Elizabeth Barrett Browning布朗宁夫人
伊丽莎白・巴雷特・布朗宁(1806-1861),英国女诗人。生于英格兰达勒姆附近,卒于意大利佛罗伦萨。15岁时坠马受伤,长期卧病,在静养中博览群书,并从事诗歌创作。1838年以诗集《天使及其他诗歌》成名。诗人罗伯特・布朗宁慕名来访,与之相爱,后秘密成婚,并出走意大利。《葡萄牙人的十四行诗集》(Sonnets from the Portuguese)(1850)是她赠给丈夫的真挚感人的爱情诗,诗句精炼,才气横溢,被认为是19世纪中叶英国的优秀诗作。
2 the Victorian era维多利亚时代
维多利亚时代指英国维多利亚女王(1819-1901)( Alexandrina Victoria)的统治时期。维多利亚女王是英国历史上最有名的统治者之一,在位时期长达63年(1837-1901)。在这一时期,英国的国力达到顶峰,并对外扩张,建立了庞大的殖民帝国。
3 Work in pairs. Describe your favourite Chinese poets using sentences that contain relative clauses.
EXAMPLE Bai Juyi was one of the greatest Chinese poets who ever lived. He was bom during the mid-tang Dynasty, which was a period of rebuilding and recovery for the Tang Empire.
Using Language
Talk about attending a poetry contest
1 Before you listen, discuss the following questions with your partner.
1 Have you ever written a poem before? If so,what did you write about?
2 What might inspire you to write poems?
Use your prior knowledge
If you come across a topic you are familiar with, you can think about what you already know about it before you listen, Using prior knowledge will make it easier for you to predict what you will hear. This will also reduce your anxiety and help you better understand the conversation while listening.
2 You are going to listen to a conversation between a teacher and her students about a poetry contest. Listen to Part 1 and answer the questions.
1 When is the deadline for the poetry contest?
2 What does Nora mean by saying that she needs time to polish her writing?
3 Why doesn't Pitt want to enter a poem contest?
4 What does George plan to do?
3 Listen to Part 2 and find out how the students will inspire themselves to write poetry.
4 Listen to the two parts again and tick the expressions you hear that are used to praise and encourage somebody.
Praising and encouraging
5 Work in groups.Discuss entering a poem contest like the one in the listening section. The expressions in Activity 4 and the following questions may help you.
1 What kind of poem are you going to write?
2 What are the topics you would love to write about?
3 How will you inspire yourself to write the poem?
4 Will you use rhyming words in your poem?Why?
Read poetry aloud
Poetry should always be read aloud, as that is when you can hear the music of the words.When reading poetry aloud, start slowly. Find and emphasise the rhythm of the words Begin to think about how the poem makes you feel-happy, sad, in love-and read the poem with emotion, pouring out your feelings.
Listen and practise reading the following poems aloud. Pay attention to the rhyming words and the rhythm of the poems.
Using Language
Write a poem
1 Before you read, discuss how to understand a poem with your partner. Make a list of questions that the readers should consider while reading poems. The following points may help you.
2 Read the poems below and then complete the table.
1 Langston Hughes兰斯顿·休斯
【思考】本单元所涉及的诗人很多,例如还有H.W. Longfellow、 Kahlil Gibran、 Robert Frost等,他们来自哪个国家?写过哪些炙人口的诗作?请利用网络搜索相关信息,分享你最喜发的英文诗歌作品。
3 Choose one of the poems and write a short essay about it. The following example may help you.
The poem Dream by Langston Hughes is very short with only 8 lines. When I read the poem aloud I can hear that the ends of the second and fourth sentences rhyme-"die"and"fly". The last word from the sixth and eighth sentences also rhyme-"go" and"snow". These rhyming words sound nice and make the poem pleasing to read.
When I close my eyes, I can see different images from the poem. For example, I can see two hands being held. I can see a bird flying in the sky. I can see a field and I can imagine what it looks like with lots of snow. I start to feel cold when I read these lines!
I learnt a new phrase, "hold fast", which means to hold onto something. "Barren"is also a new word to me, which means empty.
I think the poet is giving us advice. He wants us to keep dreaming, because life is much better when we dream and have something to look forward to.
4 Write your own poem by following these steps.
Start with the theme first. Ask yourself, "What message do I want to give to the reader?What is important to me?"
Next, think about the words and phrases you would like to use. Make a list of words related to your theme.
Then check how well your details paint a picture in your head. Now write the poem. Read it aloud and listen to how it sounds.
Finally, give it a title. Now your poem is ready!
5 Work in groups Take turns to read aloud your poems and then have a discussion on what you think they mean. Give your personal opinion or advice based on what you have learnt from this unit.
6 Read aloud your poem to the class or put it up in the classroom.
Assessing Your Progress
1 Complete the passage using the correct forms of the words in the box.
amateur era format recite respective rhyme sow version
Poetry probably had its origins in traditional folk music tens of thousands of years ago. In that________,there were no TVs or films, and writing had not been invented, so people would sit around the fire at night and sing songs to entertain themselves. These songs reflected themes from the people's daily lives, such as hunting animals or_________crops. Since nothing was written down, over the years different_________of these songs developed, and each area would have its own________rhythm. In addition to this, people would_________stories of past heroes. As these stories were often quite long, they often had________and rhythm to help people remember them more easily. While in the beginning such songs and stories had a very simple________,over time they became more complicated and more polished. These were no longer the works of___________sitting around a fire, but works of true poets who cared about their art and who sometimes made a living from it.
2 Read the conversations below and write a short description about the poetry or the poet they are talking about.Use relative clauses to connect your sentences.
A: What is free verse?
B: Free verse is an open form of poetry.
A: What do you mean by "open? "
B: A free verse poem does not follow any rules. It has no regular metre or rhythm.
A: I see. So it means the poet has complete control over their creation.
A: Who was Langston Hughes?
B: He was a famous African-american poet.
A: what's special about his poems?
B: Well,his poems mainly tell the story of black people in America, including their joys and pain.
A: Can you give me an example?
B: Dream Variation, for example. It was one of his most celebrated poems. The poem is about the dream of a world free of inequality and racial prejudice.
*Project: Organise a poetry contest
1 Work in groups. Surf the Internet to research different forms of poetry and discover heir formats. Find examples of three forms of poetry that you can imitate. Here are the names of some poem types and examples to get you started:
blank verse cinquain concrete(shape) couplet free verse haiku limerick list poem nursery rhyme sonnet
2 Now think of the common themes that go with the three types of poems For example, a limerick should usually be silly, a haiku is often about nature, and a sonnet is often about love.
3 Brainstorm ideas and make a mind map related to your theme. You can include in your mind map:
metaphors and similes
your feelings
concrete nouns and vivid verbs
a personal story
words that rhyme
anything the theme makes you think of
Then write your poems based on your mind maps.
4 Present your poems to the class and then have everyone vote on the best poem.
*Video Time
Match each word or phrase with the correct definition. You may use a dictionary to help you.
1 Check your answers in Before You Watch.
2 There are three of Su Shi's works that are mentioned in the video clip.Take notes about what Su Shi wanted to convey or express through his works and how important these works are.
1 Reflections on the Ancient Red Cliff:________________________
2 The Cold Food Festival:__________________________________
3 Shui Diao Ge Tou:______________________________________
Discuss these questions in groups.
1 What else do you know about Su Shi and his works?
2 Based on what you have learnt about Fan Zhongyan and Su Shi from this book. what do rou think they have in common?
3 What do you think are the basic values that influenced these two Chinese scholars in ancient times?
Unit 1 Art
Using Words and Expressions
1 List the words with the following suffixes and explain the use of each suffix. Use a dictionary if necessary.
-ism is used for people's politics, beliefs, and theories.
-tion is used to make nouns from verbs.
2 Think of a word that best fits each definition and complete the puzzle.
1 the increase of something in size, number,amount etc.
2 believing you are less important than others
3 belonging to the present time
4 connected with ordinary people in a country
5 a container used to keep flowers
1 a decrease in number, value, quality, etc.
2 a small area ofstill water
3 a statue, or a stone that reminds people of a past event or a person who has died
4 long piece of music written for an orchestra
5 to express your disapproval of someone or something
3 Translate these sentences into English, using the words and phrases in brackets.
1 他优雅的举止和英俊的面容使他与其他来宾截然不同。(set…apart from)
2 在当代所有女作家中,我认为她是最值得尊重的一位。(contemporary; be worthy of)
3 近些年来,医学工作者在癌症研究方面获得了突破。(male/ achieve a breakthrough)
4 在我看过的所有印象派画作当中,我尤其喜欢雷诺阿的作品。(in particular)
5 电影《敦刻尔克》(Dunkirk)把二战中的一次重要事件进行了真实的再现。(bring...to life)
Using Structures
1 Rewrite each sentence using the infinitive as the predicative.
1 If you really want to learn driving, going to a driving school might be the best choice. (my advice is...)
→If you want to learn driving, my advice is to go to a driving school.
2 He bought the computer just because he would rather work at home than go to the office(The reason that...)
3 Doing deep breathing exercises for ten minutes can make you feel more relaxed.(A good way to relax is...)
4 This year I hope I can achieve my goal of performing a flute solo(独奏) at the school's art festival. (My goal this year is...)
5 To tell you the truth, I take yoga dasses simply because I want to stay in shape (...,my purpose...)
6 With his car stuck in the snow, he could do nothing but wait for help to arrive. (...,all he could do was...)
2 Complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
Star Primary Schools art studio, Room 26, is open to any child at playtime, lunchtime, or after school. On Fridays, if the children have completed all their schoolwork, they can spend the rest of day there, Artist Bob Smith and his assistant Joan Grant Gibb are the only adults_________(work)there. They are the children's employees.Room 26 is an independent business separate from the school,and has a committee of members all under the age of 12. For the committee,they need to think of some ways________(make)ends meet. They take and sell school photographs. They also make cards________(sell).Another way of managing their finances is_________(raise)more funds. Thus they can pay for art materials and employ professional artists.
Instead of_________(teach)how to draw,the purpose of Room 26 is_________(offer)a kind of creative education.In Room 26,students are encouraged________(be)creative and responsible for themselves. They have the freedom_________(pursue)their own ideas and interests rather than________(follow)a curriculum.
3 Work in groups. Imagine you are going to open an art studio like Room 26.Brainstorm ideas about the purpose of your art studio and your plan. Then write a short introduction about it. Try to use infinitives in your passage.
The aim/purpose of our art studio is to ...
Listening and Speaking
1 You are going to listen to an interview about the purpose of art. Before you listen, guess what topics will be discussed. Tick the boxes below.
2 Now listen to the interview and see if your answers to Activity 1 were correct.
3 Listen again and answer the questions.
1 What happens when we take a second look at some paintings?
2 How does art differ from nature?
3 What happens when we try to understand a work of art?
4 How do works of art make our lives more interesting?
5 What else can art teach us?
4 In pairs, discuss the following statements from the interview, and find art from the unit which matches the statements.
A "Some paintings may not seem beautiful when we first look at them. But when we take a second look, ...We are able to see a beauty that we did not see at first."
B "The life and energy in works of art feeds us life and energy."
C "Through art, we can learn about the people of the past."
D "Through it, we can learn about noble things such as truth, goodness, and beauty."
5 In groups, imagine that you are going to decorate some walls in your school.Use the list from Activity 4 to choose some works of art. Share your reasons with the rest of the class.
1 Brainstorm a list of works of art that you think are suitable.
2 Go through the list and discuss?
Is every item suitable as a decoration?
Is it necessary to provide simple introductions?
How would you arrange all the items?
3 Report to the class about your decorating plan and explain your reasons.
Reading and Writing
1 Read the passage and write questions for the answers below. The first has been done for you.
1 When did Vincent van Gogh decide to try to live as a professional paint?
2 _____________________________________________________
Van Gogh's early work was dark and sad.
3 _____________________________________________________The sight of Venus inspired him to paint The Starry Nigh.
4 _____________________________________________________
In real life there is no village in that valley.
In groups, think of more questions and try to answer them.
2 In literary descriptions, the simile is one of the most commonly used figures of speech. It directly compares something to something else, using the words like or as Read the passage again. Find the similes that the writer uses to describe the painting and explain their meanings.
EXAMPLE It shoots up from the ground like a dark fire.(simile)
3 In groups, discuss your opinions of the painting. Finish the sentences below.
1 The painting makes me feel________because_______________________________.
2 I think Van Gogh must have felt/been________when he made the painting because________________________________________.
3 I like/dislike the painting because__________________________________________.
4 Look at the painting on the right and discuss the questions in groups.
1 How does the painting make you feel?
2 How would you describe the trees at the front of the painting, the mountains in the background, the clouds and sky above,and any other interesting features? Think of colours, shapes, and also what they remind you of.
3 What do you think Van Gogh was thinking or feeling when he made the painting?
4 Do you like or dislike the painting? Why?
5 Use your notes from your discussion to write a short essay about Olive Trees or another painting you like In your first paragraph, describe the painting. In your second paragraph, give your opinion of the painting.
*Expanding Your World
Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle
Using Words and Expressions
1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrases in the box.
make up one's mind shave off
feel pessimistic in response to
take control of stress out
rely on straight away
1 When the old man________his beard, he looked more energetic.
2 His parents tried to persuade him to stay in the local city to live a life ofleisure, but he had already________to work in the countryside.
3 You cannot expect to feel better________after taking the medicine.
4 He________his desire for high-fat food and managed to lower his blood pressure.
5 She walks 20.000 steps a day________her friend's challenge.
6 He was________because he had lost no weight after three months of dieting.
7 He used to________me to remind him to exercise regularly.
8 The team________about being able to win the championship.
2 Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
discipline cycle
dominate reward
rely stimulate
Balancing one's work and personal life can be rather difficult. Many people get into the________of coming home from work and watching TV or surfing the Internet.Although this may seem relaxing, it is not appropriate in the long term for personal growth.Therefore, for the sake of a healthy personal life. it is essential to be________and not just________on such passive activities. Show some passion and challeng yourself to do something different every night, if only for one hour at least. Set yourself goals, find a hobby that ________ your mind,or just get round to doing all those little things you've been meaning to do. Once you resist allowing work to________your life,your________will be a great sense of achievement.
3 Translate the sentences into English, using the words and phrases in brackets.
1 滑了一整天的滑板之后,我感到疲惫不堪。(skateboard, worn out)
2 健康顾问查看了我的血液检验结果,怀疑我感染了病毒,建议我要么再做检查,要么立即去看医生。(health consultant,examine, virus, straight away)
3 想要提升你的听说读写技能,你不能只靠课堂学习,还需要在课后不断学习和运用。(enhance, rely on)
4 他因为在雨中打篮球得了流感。由于感到眩晕,他不得不躺在床上休息。(flu,dizzy)
5 十年来,他专注于健康生活方式的研究,终于成了行业内的专家。(absorb)
6 十几年前,我叔叔在医学院学习外科学。成为一名外科医生后,他每星期都做外科手术。(surgery, surgeon)
7 我们的团队由七个人组成。(be composed of)
Using Structures
1 A group of students are chatting after class. Complete the conversations with the correct forms of the phrases in the box.
eat a good breakfast
get your parents permission
hang out with friends
balance work and personal life
1 A: I'm thinking about riding motorbike to school. What do you think?
B: Oh? Well, I think it s necessary________first.
2 A: How come you fainted suddenly yesterday? Didn't you eat anything in the morning?
B: I'm on diet.
A: That's so bad! You know its important ________every morning.
3 A: I often see you around Central Park。
B: Yes. I like________there every weekend. We usually play ball games.
4 A: I hear that the new headmaster has too many things to do.
B: Yes. It will be a big challenge for him_____________________.
2 Number all the infinitives in the passage. Then put the numbers into the different categories.
These days, the attitude of many people is to just eat food that they think tastes good.However. this can lead to an unbalanced diet,which often results in short-term and long-term health issues. If you want to stay healthy then you need a balanced diet. Needless to say,it is not always easy to plan such a diet, but the good thing is that there is a lot of advice out there.
To save yourself some time, you could try looking at a"food pyramid" - chart that shows you how much of each type of food to eat. You could also make healthy food at home and try to avoid eating packaged foods or fast food. It is essential for you to eat healthy food. You will feel better, have more energy, and have fewer health problems in later life.
As the subiect:______________________
As the object:_______________________
As the predicative:__________________
As the attribute:____________________
As the adverbial:___________________
3 A holiday is a perfect time to relax.You are planning a trip to Hangzhou for your American friend. Complete the paragraph about your plan.
It will take us about halfan hour________(到达)the West Lake. In the morning, we will visit the places of interest around or near the West Lake, including the lake, Gu Hill, Lingyin Temple, and Lei Feng Pagoda. This will be a good chance________(欣赏)the beautiful scenery as well as the history and culture of Hangzhou. In the afternoon we may________(尝试)a taste of Longjing Tea and________(看电影). For the evening, there are many things we can choose from, like dinner, shopping, and experiencing the local night life. It will be fun for us________(选择)together what we want to do after you arrive.
Listening and Speaking
1 Look at these photos. Discuss these questions in groups.
1 Why do people do these activities?
2 What do these activities have in common?
3 Which of these activities do you like best and why?
2 Listen to a speech and answer these questions.
1 Who do you think the speaker is talking to?
2 What do many students worry about?
3 What puts your health at risk?
4 What did the student do in the evening?
5 What was the problem with the way she tried to relax?
3 Listen again and take notes on the speakers tips.
4 In groups, discuss these questions.
1 In what other ways can people relax?
2 In your life, what things make you stressed?
3 What do you do to reduce stress and relax?
4 Which of the speaker's tips do you think would work for you?
Reading and Writing
1 Read the text. Whom do you think this text is written for? What is the purpose?
2 Read the passage again and answer the questions below.
1 How did the writer's love for computer games begin?
2 Why did the writer's parents take away his computer and smartphone? Do you think they were right? Why?
3 Why do you think the writer felt tired after playing basketbal?
4 According to the writer, what is more fun than playing games online?
5 What did the writer learn by recovering from his game addiction?
3 Match the paragraphs with their main ideas. Then choose sentences from the text that give more details.
4 Discuss these questions in groups.
1 What physical, mental, and social problems could arise from being addicted to computer games?
2 Can parents reliably control how much their children play computer/mobile games? If so,how? Please talk about your own or others' experiences.
3 Computer games can"train our brains to solve problems". Do you agree that games can be useful in this way? Do you know of any examples?
5 Write a leaflet to warn other students about the risks of becoming addicted to computer games and mobile games. Share your leaflet with your class.
*Expanding Your World
Unit 3 Environmental Protection
Using Words and Expressions
1 Match the words from the two boxes to make new phrases and then use them to complete the sentences below.
autonomous corporate nuclear
river safety wildlife
basin conservation culture
energy inspection region
1 Most used vehicles are required to pass________before their sale or transfer.
2 The Inner Mongolia________is the widest province in China and has a diverse topography, including plateaus,hills, plains, deserts, rivers, and lakes.
3 It is known to all that rivers have been the cradles ofhuman civilisation since ancient times. For example, Chinese civilisation originated in the Yellow________.
4 If you want to build a successful company,you must focus on creating a strong_________.
5 There has been a long-term debate about whether________is environmentally sustainable or not.
6 The goal of________is to protect Earth's biological diversity and maintain the balance in nature.
2 Circle the best words to complete the sentences. Then explain the differences between the two words.
1 Karl Marx was clearly one of the most influential/powerful philosophers in history.
2 The meeting ended with the committee members unable to agree on a(n)agenda/schedule.
3 The country is still restoring/recovering from the effects ofthe war.
4 The investigators were asked to submit/hand in a comprehensive report before the end ofthis month.
5 Experts say the leatherback turtles have become increasingly unusual/rare due to the special fishing technique.
6 It is estimated that the volume/total of global trade would decline by 6% if there were a trade war.
3 Translate the sentences into English, using the words and phrases in brackets.
1 一位著名探险家于1925年在亚马孙丛林里失踪。( jungle)
2 面对公众的压力,广告公司为广告中的错误信息道了歉。(in response to)
3 他代表公司员工在会上发了言。(on behalf of)
4 我们应该掌握主动权,采取一系列政策和措施来减少空气污染。(seize the initiative, policy)
5 2015年,在联合国的一次峰会(smmt)上,193个会员国家就《2030年可持续发展议程》达成了一致。(agenda,sustainable)
4 List as many words as you can that use the suffixes below.
-able ___________________
-ate ___________________
-ion ___________________
-ism ___________________
-ive ___________________
-ment ___________________
-ous ___________________
Using Structures
1 Last month you met your former classmate Sarah, an exchange student from Canada. Here are some of the things she said to you.Now you are telling another friend what she said. Use indirect speech.
①I'm living in Beijing now.
②I saw Helen at a party Last week and she gave me her new cell phone number.
③I haven't seen Paul for a long time.
④I'm applying to become a volunteer at the science museum.
⑤I don't take cooking classes any more,but I still enjoy cooking.
⑥I'll go to Xi'an for the coming holiday with my parents.
1 Sarah said that_________________________________________.
2 She said that___________________________________________.
3 _____________________________________________________.
4 _____________________________________________________.
5 _____________________________________________________.
6 _____________________________________________________.
2 Read the sentences in the box and use them to complete the sentences that follow, using indirect speech as the example given.
A "Please slow down!"
B "Could you hold the door for me, Henry?"
C "Turn the volume down, Jim."
D "Don't worry too much about it."
E "Did you have a good time?"
F "Why didn't you come to the party?"
G "Do you like Italian food?"
H "How long have you been married?"
I "Just go to bed."
1 Bill was driving too fast, so I told him to slow down.
2 Mother was answering the phone, so she_____________________.
3 Sue was a little nervous about the exam, so I_____________________.
4 Sarah was carrying a large box in her hands and wanted to go out, so she asked_____________________.
5 I wanted to invite Mary out for dinner, so I_____________________.
6 Jack just came back from his holiday. I_____________________.
7 William didn't show up at my party, so I_____________________.
8 The photographer was taking pictures of an older couple.He_____________________.
9 It was quite late when her son got home, so she_____________________.
3 Work in pairs. Report a piece of news that you heard today to your partner. The following expressions may help you.
○I heard over the radio that...
○The reporter said that...
○It was announced that...
○The authorities warned that...
○The expert advised that...
○The researchers estimated that...
○The company claimed that...
○The police confirmed that...
Listening and Speaking
1 Before you listen, look at the pictures below and discuss the following questions.
1 Where do you think these photos were taken?
2 What do you think the two people are doing? Why are they doing it?
3 Do you believe an ordinary person can achieve great things?
2 Listen to the story and check your answers in Activity 1.
3 Listen again and decide whether the statements are true [T] or false [F].Then correct the mistakes.
4 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
1 What is the speaker's attitude towards Yin Yuzhen and her husbands actions? How did the speaker describe Yin Yuzhen?
2 "Although actions may seem small and insignificant, over me they join together to become great achievements."What do you think this sentence means? Do you agree? Give your reasons.
Reading and Writing
1 Look at the title and the pictures below and decide what you think the text is about.
2 Read the text and complete the table.
3 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
1 What does the title mean? Can you name some other small pieces of trash?
2 What are the effective solutions of the problems?
3 Imagine you are a leader of your community, what proposals would you put forward to improve the environment?
4 Work in groups. Make a poster about the use of plastic bags or littering.
1 Think about what information you will put on the poster and what message you want to convey.
2 Decide the essential parts of your poster: headline, body, and signature. Make sure your headline attracts the readers' attention and your message is clear and impressive.
3 Choose a few good pictures for your poster.
4 Present your poster to the class or put it up in the classroom.
*5 Write an assessment of what is being done to control the "small waste"problem.
1 Think about the measures that have been taken to deal with the"small waste" problem in your local community and in the country overall.
2 Surf the Internet and find more facts about the measures taken to strengthen your assessment.
3 Consider the following questions when forming your argument:
○Do you think the measures have been effective? Why or why not?
○What are the benefits of the measures? What are the disadvantages?
4 Write your assessment of the measures taken.
5 Present your assessment to the class or display it in the classroom.
*Expanding Your World
Unit 4 Adversity and Course
Using Words and Expressions
1 Combine the suffixes with the words to form new words In pairs,think of more words formed with these suffixes and draw a mind map.
resolve self commit bitter
exhibit vigour persevere invest
real assign cruel guide
tolerate sail envy navigate
-tion -ance -ment -or
-ty -ish -ous -al
-able -less -able -ness
2 Think of a word that best fits each definition.
_________1 large objects such as tables,chairs, and beds
_________2 the short, loud sound made by dogs or other animals
_________3 feeling or showing a lot of interest or excitement about sth
_________4 money you earn that is paid every week/month
_________5 the son of your brother or sister
_________6 of good enough standard or quality;respectable
_________7 an event, a situation, or a period of time in one's life
3 Choose words from the box to complete the phrases. Then make sentences with these phrases.
bat belongings blanket
comic corporate entry
hidden thorough wage
1 ________increase
2 ________actress
3 ________motive
4 diary________
5 baseball________
6 __________Investigation
7 _________image
8 a________of snow
9 personal_________
4 Translate the sentences into English using the words and phrases in brackets.
1 在我看来,沙克尔顿不仅是一位称职的探险家,还是一位了不起的领导者。(qualified)
2 即使当他命令船员弃船时,也不曾流露出沮丧的情绪。(crew,abandon)
3 在他的指导下,船员们服从纪律,忙碌却不慌乱。(guidance)
4 他鼓励船员们参与各种娱乐和庆祝活动,因为他认为这些活动能使他们精神振作起来。(recreation, keep one's spirits up)
5 他知道,长时间在波涛汹涌的海上漂泊和在令人痛苦的环境下生活,每个人都急切地想要返回家乡。(rough, miserable)
6 他决心要将所有船员安全地带回祖国,这也是他对船员们的真切关怀。(resolution,genuine)
Using Structures
1 Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1 I_________(think)about what you said...and I think you're probably right.
2 We________(try)to arrange an interview with the presidential candidate for days, but we_________(not receive)their response yet.
3 I guess that you_________(use)the computer a lot recently. You should rest your eyes more often.
4 I'm sorry the meeting________(delay).________you________(wait)along time?
5 _________you________(iron)the shirt? It is still damp.
6 The oven in her kitchen_________(give)off a sweet smell. Do you know what she is cooking?
2 Complete the conversations below using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Then explain your choices.
1 A: George_________you_________(see)Martin recently?
B: No, but I________(call)him last week. He said he was busy.
A: What________he________(do)these days?
B: I think he________(do)some experiments. He has to finish a paper before the end of this month.
2 A: How long________you________(play)for this team?
B: For two months.
A: How long_________you_________(play) rugby?
B: Since I was eight years old.
3 A: Jane, come and see what I________(find).
B: What's so surprising?
A: Well I_________(look )through some old photos and I_________(find)this one of you and me.
B: Oh, my goodness. This photo__________(take)on the day when we_________(enter)university. That was 15 years ago.
3 Read the advertisement below and then write a letter to apply for the job. The expressions below may help you.
We are looking for cycling partners to join us for a trip to Zhangjiajie, and we are looking for people who are positive,full of vigour, and highly disciplined,preferably with a strong passion orinterest for photography, painting, or writing.
Guesthouses and camping along the way.
○I would like to...
○I'm interested in...
○I think I am a good candidate for your...
○I have been learning/practising/... since.../for...
○I also have...years' experience as...in...
○I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Listening and Speaking
1 Before you listen, discuss the questions with a partner.
1 Have you ever encountered a difficulty or challenge in your life?
2 What did you do to overcome that difficulty or challenge?
2 A school counsellor is giving a speech. Listen to the speech and choose the best answers.
1 What is the subject of his speech?
A What adversity means.
B How to overcome adversity.
C How to build up confidence.
D Keeping a positive attitude towards life.
2 According to the speaker, what are the three ways to deal with adversity?
A Change the way you look at things.
B Take action.
C Learn from your mistakes.
D Find someone to talk to.
E Focus on your goals.
F Develop healthy habits.
3 What is the purpose of writing down your problems in detail and putting them in order?
A To face your failures.
B To deal with your problems one by one.
C To restore confidence.
D To help you distinguish between real problems and unnecessary worries.
4 Which of the following is not mentioned in the speech?
A Improving your health can help you cope with adversity.
B Developing healthy habits will make you feel happy and confident.
C Developing healthy habits will help you concentrate on your work.
D Staying with friends and family may help you cope with adversity.
3 Discuss the questions in groups.
1 What other advice can you think of for overcoming difficulties?
2 Do you agree that adversity makes one stronger and better? Why or why not?
Reading and Writing
1 Read the passage about a famous person in ancient China and find out what adversity he faced.
2 Put the events in the correct order.
_________Fan retired and bought a farm.
_________Fan wrote the essay Memorial to Yueyang Tower.
_________Fan was demoted.
_________Fan passed the imperial examination.
____1____Fan's father died.
_________Fan built a sea wall in Taizhou.
_________Fan helped build up the country's defenses.
_________Fan was only able to eat one serving of porridge a day.
_________Fan tried to institute government reforms.
_________Fan became a government official.
3 Read the passage again and answer the questions below.
1 What do people expect an honest government official to live by?
2 Why did many bureaucrats oppose Fan's reforms?
3 What did he express in his famous essay?
4 How did Fan use his farm to help others?
5 In the opinion of the author, what was refreshing about Fan's life?
4 In groups, discuss the following questions.
1 How was Fan a good example of the saying?
2 In what ways can you put Fan's saying into practice?
5 Have you ever met or heard of someone who persevered and overcame adversity in his/her life? Write a story about this person. Your story should include the following:
An introduction which tells us the name of the person, what work he/she does, and how you got to know him/her
Some details about the problem he/she faced
The different ways he/she tried to overcome the problem
How he/she felt after overcoming the difficulties
Any lessons that you learnt from this person's story
*Expanding Your World
Unit 5 Poems
Using Words and Expressions
1 Write down the new words from the unit based on the definitions.
1 ________difficult to understand
2 ________the way you feel at a particular time
3 ________the general arrangement,plan, design, etc. of something
4 ________a strong thread used for tying things together
5 ________a difference between similar things
6 ________a person who does an activity just for pleasure, not as a job
2 Match the words from both columns to make phrases. Look up the meanings of the phrases in a dictionary if necessary.
folk comprehension
blank deadline
core expression
electronic era
furniture music
diamond prejudice
golden values
reading version
racial wedding
tight polish
1 _____________________________________________________
2 _____________________________________________________
3 _____________________________________________________
4 _____________________________________________________
5 _____________________________________________________
6 _____________________________________________________
7 _____________________________________________________
8 _____________________________________________________
9 _____________________________________________________
10 ____________________________________________________
3 Complete the following sentences using the phrases in Activity 2.
1 With such a wide variety of comedy series on TV, I would say we are in a_________of comedy.
2 I tried to explain what had happened, but he just looked at me with a________and remained silent.
3 Just one month after the_________was launched, the novel appeared on several bestseller lists.
4 The happy couple, who are both over 80,celebrated their________anniversary last week.
5 Everyone on this project is working extremely hard to meet the_________.
6 You can improve your_________reading a wide variety of texts.
7 The theatre has a reputation for providing world-class_________performance.
8 The room is filled with the smell of_________.
4 Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrases in brackets.
1 我愿意和言行一致的人交朋友。(correspond with)
2 这首诗有许多不同的英译版本。(version)
3 志愿者们希望能将爱的种子散播到每个孩子的心中。(sow the seeds)
4 我需要一根绳子把这些气球扎起来。(a piece of string)
5 在信中他表达了对战争中伤亡的无辜平民的同情。(sympathy, innocent, civilian)
Using Structures
1 Use relative pronouns or adverbs to connect the following sentences.
1 The liad(《伊利亚特》) and the Odyssey(《奥德赛》) are among the earliest Western poems. They are considered masterpieces of Western literature.
2 In 2017, Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. This raised a heated debate among the public: Can song lyrics ever be poetry?
3 We learnt nursery rhymes as children. We never seem to forget them.
4 It can be an enjoyable experience to recite these poems. The rhymes and rhythm of the poems give them a memorable quality.
5 Clicking the link will take you to the website. There you can find classic poems from all around the world.
6 Why did the poet write this poem? The reason was to amuse people and make them smile.
7 The poem Wandered Lonely as a Cloud describes a special moment in time. At that moment the poet was moved by a field of yellow daffodils dancing in the wind.
8 Emily Dickinson was a great American poet. Her life remained a mystery.
2 Read the following text and fill in the blanks with correct words.
Mulan is a legendary woman from ancient Chinese history, the earliest record________is a 360-word poem known as The Ballad of Mulan. There is no proof________she was a real person. The only information________we are sure about is that her story is connected with the history of China in the 4th or 5th century CE. In the ballad, Mulan decides to take her aged father's place in the army. After twelve years' fighting, the army returns and the warriors are rewarded. Mulan turns down an official post________is offered by the Khan and asks only for a horse to take her back home. After greeting her family, Mulan changes back into her female clothing and visits her comrades,________are all amazed and confused. During the 12 years in the army, they did not realise that Mulan was a woman.
*3 Read the lines taken from Tagore's Stray Birds. Follow the pattern of words and use your imagination to write your own lines.
The hills are like shouts of children who raise their arms, trying to catch stars.
Let me think that there is one among those stars that guides my life through the dark unknown.
Let him only see the thorns who has eyes to see the rose.
There are tracts in my life that are bare and silent. They are the open spaces where my busy days had their light and air.
Listening and Speaking
1 Read aloud the following lines taken from Robert Burnss"Auld Lang Syne"and answer the questions.
1 Have you ever heard of the poem or the song? Can you sing it?
2 What do you know about the song or the poet?
2 Listen to the introduction on Robert Burns and complete the note.
3 Listen again and answer the questions.
1 What topic was Robert Burns interested in?
2 When do people usually sing the song"Auld Lang Syne"? What is so special about the lyrics?
3 Which night is known as Burns Night in Scotland? What do people do on the night?
4 Practise reading aloud the poem "Auld Lang Syne"and sing along with the music.
Reading and Writing
1 Read the text and answer the questions.
1 What are the typical features of classical Chinese poetry?
2 How is modern poetry written?
3 What themes did the three Tang Dynasty poets like to write about
4 Who first introduced Americans to Chinese poetry?
5 When did European literature come to China?
6 Who are the most popular English Romantic poets?
7 What does the writer think about translations of poems?
2 Discuss the questions with your partner.
1 How has foreign poetry influenced Chinese poetry? Find the clues from the text to support your opinion.
2 Do you think translating poems from one language to another is a good thing? Why?
3 Read the poems in Expanding Your World and choose the poem you like best.Write an essay about your understanding of the poem, and explain why you like it. The following expressions may help you.
○The poem is written from a parents/... perspective
○The poet describes the scene...
○The poet compares…with...
○...reminded me of...
○The poet was filled with... as he/she wrote...
○The image of... brings a feeling of...
○The reason why I love this poem is that...
*Expanding Your World
I Infinitives动词不定式(2)(3)
1 不定式作主语
As a chef, it was my duty to cook, so I tried to vary the meals in whatever way I could.
It was easy to imagine the danger ahead of them.
During this period, it can be easy for some teenagers to form bad habits.
To help others gives a person satisfaction.
To prevent harmful habits like these from dominating a teenagers life is essential.
To change bad habits is never easy, even with many attempts.
2 不定式作表语
Perhaps the best way to understand Western art is to look at the development of Western painting over the centuries.
In this work, Monets aim was to convey the light and movement in the scene
3 “疑问词+不定式”结构
动词不定式可与疑问词when、 where、how、what、 which、who等组合,构成不定式短语,在句中主要用作主语、宾语和表语。
When to start has not been decided yet.(作主语)
Do you know where to find Tom?(作宾语)
My main concern is how to get there on time.(作表语)
II Direct Speech and Indirect Speech直接引语和间接引语
引述别人的话有两种方式:直接引述别人的原话,叫直接引语(Direct Speech)。用自己的话转述别人的话,叫间接引语(Indirect Speech)。间接引语在多数情况下构成宾语从句。直接引语一般前后要加引号,间接引语不用引号。例如:
John told her,"I'd like to see a movie now"(直接引语)→
John told her that he would like to see a movie then.(间接引语)
The reporter asked, Will polar bears die out because of climate change?(直接引语)→
The reporter asked whether polar bears would die out because of climate change.(问接引语)
He said, "1 will go to see you at your home tomorrow. "→
He said that he would come to see me at my home the next day.
The reporter asked, "How can we save polar bears from extinction?"→
The reporter asked how we could save polar bears from extinction.
转述祈使句时,要根据说话人的情感和语气使用tell、ask、 order、 advise等动词,再把析使句的动词原形变为带to的不定式。如果祈使句为否定式,在不定式前加not。例如:
"Lets work together to stop climate change, "the expert said.→
The expert advised us to work together to stop climate change.
He said, "Don't make so much noise, boys. "→
He told the boys not to make so much noise.
III Tenses时态(4)
现在完成进行时(The Present Perfect Continuous Tense)
1 使用现在完成进行时的句子,谓语由" have/has+been+ doing”构成。
2 使用现在完成进行时的句子,表达的是谓语动词所叙述的动作行为由过去开始,一直持续到说话之时且有可能还在继续。例如:
This is the adventure that I have been dreaming of.
We have been struggling for days, but things on Elephant Island are going from bad to worse.
The dog has been barking for about two hours. I really hope it will stop soon.
3 使用现在完成进行时的句子,表意上需要动作行为具有延续性的特点。因此,某些不具延续性含义的动词,如come、go、mary、die、 finish等,不适用于现在完成进行时。
IV Relative Clauses定语从句
定语从句中一般不用 which作关系代词的几种情况:
1 当先行词为all、little、much、few、evey、 everything、any、 anything、no、 nothing、none等不定代词或由它们修饰时,关系代词多用that而不用 which。例如:
Is there anything(that)I can do for you?
All(that)I want is your advice.
There is nothing that can be done.
2 先行词前有序数词修饰时,关系词通常用at不用 which。例如:
The first thing(that)we need to do is to work out a plan.
3 先行词前有形容词最高级修饰时,关系词通常用that不用 which。例如:
That was the best film(that) I have ever seen.
4 先行词前有 the very、 the only、 the same、 the right等修饰时,关系词通常用tat不用 which。例如:
There were no trees growing on Antarctica and no oil, so the only fuel(that) we could use was animal fat.
5 当主句是以 which、who、what开头的特殊问句时,引导定语从句的关系代词一般用that,而不用which。例如:
What is the main environmental issue(that)you want to address?
Which of those books that are on the desk belongs to you?
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