人教精通版六年级下册Task 7-Task 8教案
这是一份人教精通版六年级下册Task 7-Task 8教案,共4页。
Unit 4 General Revision 1task7&task8 教材分析:本单元中的task 7 和 task 8 的两个复习操练的环节是承接了精通版英语五年级下册的第三单元rules话题,围绕should,shouldn’t而展开的听说读写的训练。学情分析:本届六年级学生处于新旧教材交替之际,所以精通版五年级下册的rules话题孩子们没有学习过,但是这部分内容贴近学生生活而且在以往的学习中有所接触,因此充分利用孩子的观察和学习能力,展开课前的预习和搜集材料工作为课上的复习做好铺垫。教学目标:通过情景的创设学生能够总结出已知的一些与rules相关的词组,如:listen to the teacher carefully; get up early 等,并能够利用should shouldn’t将它们分类。通过讨论学生能够用完整的句子表述作为一个好学生,好孩子应该做的事情和不应该做的事情有哪些。通过学习学生能够了解在不同的场所哪些行为是可以的哪些是不可以的。教学重点:能够用should 和shouldn’t区分各种行为活动。教学难点:通过复习学生能够总结出来作为一个好孩子应该做和不应该做的行为有哪些,并能够结合实际生活简单讨论在不同场所我们应该注意哪些行为可以做哪些是不可以做的。教学准备:PPt,评价卡片,教学图片教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1.借助刚刚结束的假期展开greeting的问答练习。T:What did you do during Qingming Festival?学生的答案可能为“I stayed at home.”进一步提问,“What time did you get up during your holiday?”BrainstormingT: “I received some photos about your classmates’ holiday. Let’s see them together, you can say out what you see.”ppt当中依次出现与下列词组相符的图片,clean thr house; read in bed ; play on the street ; help the old people; have an English class; answer questions; write on the Great Wall; watch TV too late; take photos on the grass; pick off the flowers ; eat in the subway; keep quiet in the library; go to bed late最后出现Tommy上美术课的照片T: “This one is from one of my new students, Tommy. He also sent me three emails about his holiday. Let’s see it together.”Step 2以讨论假期为话题,通过录音,语篇,图片相结合的方式向学生们展示Tommy三天的假期生活,引导学生分别讨论在家的,在学校的和在公共场所的良好和不文明行为。 1.出现第一封Email出现Tommy的第一封Email, 请同学朗读Email内容。通过观察图片向学生提问, “Is Tommy a good student? Why?”学生会回答“No, he was late for class.” T: “Can you make a suggestion for him?”出现You should….提示学生用这样的句子提建议。再次引导学生说出其他词组T: “Is there some other things a good student shouldn’t do in this picture?”学生能够找到make noise in class.T: “Can you make a suggestion to them?”出现You shouldn’t….提示学生总结在课上的正确和错误行为。T: “Can you tell me what should we do in class?”引导学生用You should/shouldn’t.... 这样的句子来给出合理建议。依据学生的建议将listen to the teacher carefully; ask questions actively. go to school late; make noise in class贴在黑板对Tommy的第二封Email讨论。出现下列时间轴来表示Tommy的一天在家的生活get up go home go to bed 11:00a.m 10:00p.m 11:00p.m 12:00p.m T: “Here’s a time line. Where was Tommy?”T: “I’ll give you 5minutes to observe this time line. And then tell me is Tommy a good boy at home?”“Why?”T: “Can you make some suggestion to him like this? You should keep your room clean, you shouldn’t make a mess in your room.”出现You should…. You shouldn’t….给2分钟两人讨论下,然后请同学给Tommy提出建议。将相关的词组贴在黑板上:get up early; go home too late; keep your room clean; read in bed; go to bed early.对Tommy的第三封Email讨论 此段是由语言与图片相结合出现的。“hello, I’m Tommy. On the last day, I went to Beihai Park in Beijing with my family. I took some photos there. Look at this one, some people sat on the grass and I took a photo there. (出现践踏草坪的照片)Here, a girl was picking off the flowers. In the afternoon, I played games with my brothers on the street。On my way home, I took this photo.(出现老人摔倒无人扶的照片) Do you like these photos? ”然后将一组照片都出现,向学生提问T: “ Do you like these photos? Is Tommy and others are good persons at the public place? What’s wrong with them?”学生讨论图片说出不文明行为。T: “Can you give some suggestion to them?”同样提示学生用should和shouldn’t结合提出建议。板书,“help old people, play on the street, keep off the grass, pick off the flowers”Sept3 finish task 7 1.此时学生通过讨论得出的词组都已板书形式总结在黑板,但是顺序是打乱的。以此展开task7的练习T: “We have found so many phrases from Tommy’s emails, we know something we should do and something we shouldn’t do.”同时板书成“should”和“shouldn’t”T: “You can find these phrases in the envelope, too. let’s order them in pairs.”同时选出两名同学到黑板完成分组学生朗读句子核对答案,然后带读每个动词提示学生should、shouldn’t的用法。T: “Let’s read these verbs together,get; listen; keep; go…. Pay attention to these verbs, they are all base form. You can’t use got or getting there.”总结分别在三个不同场所的行为“With helping for Tommy, we know how to be a good student in class, how to be a good child at home and how to be a good person at public places. This is the thinking task of last lesson, please take out your homework yesterday, Let’s improve it.”在前面充分讨论了三种不同地点的不同行为之后请学生拿出之前的预习作业,首先给学生示范,T: “look at my form, from learning I can write some more phrases, ‘make a mess’‘eat in the class’‘swim in the river’ and I know what should I do what shouldn’t do”此时ppt出现新加入的两个词组并在表格第一列对应的位置出现“shouldn’t”2分钟的时间补充课上新见到的行为或再次想到的内容,然后引导学生使用should和shouldn’t进行简单描述。Sept4 finish task 8“All of you did a good job! Now I think you can tell Tommy how to be a good student. Let’s email him back together.”完成task8 的任务。当完成填空后将完整的短文展示在ppt当中,再次提示学生们should和shouldn’t后面需要加动词原形形式。最后对本课学生的表现给予肯定并提示学生要做一个好学生T: “ All of you did a good job today, and I believe you can be good students. Please remember to be a good student at any places.” T: “Any places please, such as, library, museum, airport, beach and so on. You’ll find some cards on your desk, you can choose anyone you like and finish it.”作业布置:Must: 1.Read the task7 and task8 after class.2.Make some rules for our classChoose anyone of the text on your desk and finish it.板书设计:Unit 4 General Revision 1task7&task8 Should +v. Shouldn’t +v.get up early go to school latelisten to the teacher carefully make noise in classkeep your room clean A good go home too latego to bed early student read in bedhelp the old people play on the streetkeep off the grass pick off the flowers
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