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    这是一份江苏省七市2021届高三英语下学期3月第二次调研考试试题含听力,文件包含江苏省七市2021届高三英语下学期3月第二次调研考试试题doc、江苏省七市2021届高三英语下学期3月第二次调研考试试题听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共21页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What des the man want t d?
    A. G sightseeing.
    B. G n a business trip.
    C.G shpping in China.
    2.What is different abut Kathy?
    A. She lks yunger.
    B. She smiles mre.
    C. She is thinner.
    3. When will the mvie end?
    4. Why is the man lking in the drawer?
    A. He lst his passprt.
    B. He needs a pen.
    C.He wants sme glves.
    5.Where are the speakers?
    A.In a car.
    B.In a bakery.
    C.In a huse.
    6. Wh was at the dr?
    A.A friend.
    B. A neighbr.
    C. A delivery man.
    7.What will the wman d tnight?
    A. Buy a dress.
    B.Visit her neighbr.
    C.Hang ut with her friend.
    8.What is the first matter n the agenda tday?
    A. Welcming a new emplyee.
    B. Remving ld fd frm the fridge.
    C. Ding market researching.
    9. What is the relatinship between Jn and the man?
    A. Frmer classmates.
    B.Frmer friends.
    C. Frmer clleagues.
    10. Wh is the wman in the cmpany prbably?
    A. A researcher.
    B.A manager.
    C.The wner.
    11. Hw far did the wman run?
    A.One kilmeter.
    B.Fur kilmeters.
    C.Five kilmeters.
    12. Which sprt will the wman try?
    C. Swimming.
    13. What des the wman think abut team sprts?
    A. They're stressful.
    B. They're t difficult.
    C.They're nt cmpetitive.
    14. When did the man stp calling his friends?
    A.In 1995.
    B.In 2010.
    C.In 2015.
    15.Which is the wman's least favrite cmmunicatin methd?
    A.Phne calls.
    B.Text messages.
    C.Vice messages.
    16.What cmpany did the man apply t?
    A.Acme Crpratin.
    B.SDS Limited.
    C.Dynamic Tech.
    17.Why did the wman jin her new cmpany?
    A. The salary is great.
    B.The peple are nice.
    C.The lcatin is cnvenient.
    18. Why did the speaker want t build a huse?
    A. T save mney.
    B. T learn new skills.
    C.T give it t his children.
    19. What shuld yu learn abut befre cnstructin?
    A.Cmputer science.
    B. Building laws.
    C. Mathematics.
    20. What des the speaker want t explain in the talk?
    A.Peple shuld build huses.
    B.Peple shuld learn many skills.
    C.Peple shuld challenge themselves.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    4 UK campsites with availability fr summer 2021
    Caravan Park
    Right n a sandy beach, this site has wide-pen views f the sea.Chse frm gentle walks explring the cast t exciting hikes in the Trridn muntains. The team can arrange bating, surfing and ther water sprts n the river r sea. Bikes can be hired.
    £22 fr tent, car and 2 adults, £3 child.
    Swanns Glamping
    Fr a back-t-nature stay with creature cmfrts, Swanns Glamping is a gd chice. It's surrunded by impressive scenery. There's a chice f furnished yurts, bell tents and cabins-which cme with real beds and twels, s guests can travel light.
    Cabins sleep £75 a night, yurts sleep £90, bell tents sleep £95.
    Ling's Meadw
    This campsite n a family-run farm ffers a real escape,with plentiful animals t spt. With a maximum f 25 peple n the site at ne time,everything centres arund nature: waste water is recycled n the farm.
    Camping £12/£6 a night fr adult /child, under-3s free,20% ff stays f seven nights r lnger.
    Walesby Frest
    Walesby Frest is a nn-prfit utdr adventure centre which usually hsts schl grups-but this year is ffering public camping in wdland surrundings. The huge chices f activities ffered,frm watersprts t climbing,make it a great chice fr families.
    Camping frm £10 a night adult, £8 child, under-4s free.
    21. Which is suitable fr thse wh prefer t travel light?
    A. Caravan Park.
    B.Swanns Glamping.
    C.Ling's Meadw.
    D.Walesby Frest.
    22. What's the charge fr a cuple with their 5-year-ld by if they stay in Ling's Meadw fr seven nights?
    23. What can campers d in bth Walesby Frest and Caravan Park?
    A. Water sprts.
    C. Cycling.
    D. Climbing.
    Having wrked fr mre than a decade in finance in the il industry in Canada, Tri Fahey fund herself wanting mre frm life. But it wasn't thrugh desperatin that her circumstances changed: “I didn't get fed up and strm ff, nthing like that; it was curisity abut ther interests and wanting t experience smething new."
    Fahey left her jb and cmpleted an MBA befre setting up a mve t New Yrk t begin a degree. Hwever, the pprtunity f an pen year between the MBA and the degree came up, and as a keen turing cyclist, Fahey realised that a much dreamed-abut adventure was nw becming a pssibility: “The ride in Africa had been n my fantasy list. It was a mment when I realized that I culd d anything, s I shuld.
    Fahey rde acrss Africa,a 7,500-mile trip that tk fur mnths. The whle experience had a life-changing impact. Fahey said:“Bicycles prvide a literal freedm. Yu dn't allw yurself t feel like that in everyday life because there are s many distractins. But when yu're ut n the bike and there's nthing else, yu're really free t experience what life is."
    Pst-degree,Fahey wrked n prjects with the UNDP (United Natins Develpment Prject) in Mntenegr with the aim f bringing investment t rural cmmunities.
    It was while wrking n these prjects that the seeds were swn fr the next new investment. “It was thrugh my trip acrss Africa that I discvered pannier and rack (挂篓) systems incnvenient and I was never ging t use them again." Little did she knw this wuld lead her t start up her wn cmpany.
    In 2013,Apidura was brn,prducing strage slutins fr peple lking t travel the wrld by bike,race acrss cntinents and carry all they need t d s. It's nw a successful glbal brand, but Fahey remains reflective abut what else the cmpany can d fr peple.
    24. Why did Fahey leave her jb in Canada?
    A. She was bred with the jb.
    B.She was disappinted with life.
    C. She wanted t add new dimensins t her life.
    D.She fund it hard t adjust t the circumstances.
    25. Which can best describe Fahey's ride experience in Africa?
    B. Liberating.
    26.Why did Fahey launch Apidura?
    A. T encurage bicycle traveling.
    B. T make her investment prfitable.
    C. T help cyclists carry traveling stuff.
    D. T increase the pleasure f riding bikes.
    27. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. A tugh path t fame.
    B. An adventure acrss Africa.
    C. The benefits f green travelling.
    D. The stry behind the birth f Apidura.
    Flk tales have saddled (使承担) the mn with majr respnsibilities: mds, increases in crime and even mental disrders are blamed n the Earth's nly cnstant natural satellite. But culd the “lunar effect” disturb sleep?
    Scientists have lng understd that human activity is facilitated by light, be it sunlight, mnlight r artificial light. But a recent study suggests ur ability t sleep is distinctly affected by the lunar cycle, even when taking int accunt artificial surces f light.
    Using wrist mnitrs, researchers tracked sleep patterns in 98 individuals living in three lcal cmmunities in Argentina ver the curse f ne t tw mnths. One rural cmmunity had n electricity access, a secnd rural cmmunity had limited access t electricity, while a third cmmunity was lcated in an urban setting and had full access t electricity.
    Participants in all three cmmunities shwed the same pattern f sleep scillatins (波动) as the mn prgressed thrugh its 29.5-day cycle, with sleep duratin changing by between 20 and mre than 90 minutes, and bedtimes varying by 30 t 80 minutes.
    In each cmmunity, the peak f participants sleeping less and staying up later ccurred in the three-t-five-day perid prir t full mn nights, and the ppsite ccurred n the nights befre the new mn, the authrs fund.
    Unsurprisingly, data shwed the “lunar phase effect” n sleep appeared t be strnger the mre limited access t electricity was.
    “The result strngly suggests that human sleep is synchrnized(同步)with lunar phases regardless f ethnic and sci- cultural backgrund and f the level f urbanisatin,” the researchers wrte in the jurnal Science Advances.
    De la Iglesia added: “We humans tend t believe that we managed t smehw cntrl nature, and the use f artificial light is a great example f that. But it turns ut that there are sme frces f nature that we cannt get away frm."
    Derk-Jan Dijk, a prfessr f sleep and physilgy and the directr f a sleep research centre at the University f Surrey, described the study as exciting but nted that the researchers had nt addressed internal influences such as bdy clcks that culd affect sleep patterns.
    28. What is the recent study mainly abut?
    A. The harm f lunar effect.
    B. The reliability f flk tales.
    C. The functin f artificial light.
    D. The effect f the lunar cycle n sleep.
    29. When did the participants in the experiment sleep least?
    A. On the full mn night.
    B. On the new mn night.
    C. On the night after the new mn.
    D.On the night befre the full mn.
    30. What des the underlined wrd “that” in the last paragraph but ne refer t?
    A. Cntrlling nature.
    B. The level f urbanisatin.
    C.The escape frm frces f nature.
    D. Synchrnizing with lunar phases.
    31.What did Derk-Jan Dijk think f the research findings?
    D. Impressive.
    High-pitched(高音的) and yet distinct, the sund f a vice calling the name “Amy” is unmistakable. But this isn't a human cry-it's the vice f a killer whale called Wikie.
    New research reveals that rcas (杀人鲸) are able t imitate human speech, saying wrds such as “hell”, “ne, tw” and “bye hye". The study als shws that the creatures are able t cpy unfamiliar sunds prduced by ther rcas.
    Writing in the jurnal Bilgical Sciences, researchers frm institutins in Germany, UK, Spain and Chile, describe hw they carried ut the latest research with Wikie, a 14-year-ld female rca living in an aquarium (水族馆) in France.
    After first brushing up Wikie's grasp f the “cpy” cmmand, she was trained t imitate three familiar rca sunds made by her 3-year-ld Mana. Wikie was then additinally expsed t five rca sunds she had never heard befre, including nises sunding like a creaking (嘎吱响) dr. Finally, Wikie was expsed l a human making three f the rca sunds, as well as six human sunds, including “hell”, “Amy”, “ah ha”, “ne, tw" and “bye bye”。
    The team fund that Wikie was ften quickly able t cpy the sunds, whether frm an rca r a human, with all f the nvel nises cpied within· 17 trials. What's mre, tw human sunds and all f the human-prduced rca sunds were managed n the first attempt-althugh nly ne human sund “hell” was crrectly prduced mre than 50% f the time n subsequent trials.
    The creatures are already knwn fr their ability t cpy the mvements f ther rcas, with sme reprts suggesting they can als cpy the sunds f bttlense dlphins and sea lins after several trials.
    Scientists say the discvery helps t cast light n hw different grups f wild killer whales have ended up with distinct accents, adding weight t the idea that they are the result f imitatin between rcas.
    32. What is the authr's main purpse in writing the text?
    A. T analyze rcas' speech abilities.
    B. T highlight the cnservatin f the rca.
    C. T infrm us f rcas' ability t imitate sunds.
    D. T cnvince us f the intelligence f the rca.
    33. What's the main idea f the furth paragraph?
    A. The prcess f the research.
    B. The utcme f the research.
    C. The purpse f the research.
    D. The significance f the research.
    34.Which f the fllwing was the easiest fr Wikie t cpy?
    A. The six human sunds.
    B. All the new rca sunds.
    C.Human-prduced rca sunds.
    D. Dlphin and sea lin sunds.
    35. What may the discvery help explain?
    A. Why rcas imitate human speech.
    B. Why rcas have different accents.
    C. Hw rcas cpy thers' mvements.
    D. Hw rcas cmmunicate with thers.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    We are taught frm childhd that warming up is a must in preparatin fr any exercise. It allws us t prepare ur muscles fr the strain (拉力) we are abut t place n them and prevent injury. 36 These all prepare fr an effective wrkut.
    37 It prevents dizziness, helps return the heart rate back t nrmal and prevents chrnic venus insufficiency (CVI). Als knwn as “bld pling", CVI ccurs when the bld in bld vessels (血管) expands during prlnged exercise, making it difficult fr it t return t the heart frm the legs.
    Accrding t many health and fitness instructrs, the ttal cl-dwn perid shuld last 3 t 10 minutes, r until yu are ready t stp. 38 Fr example, if yu have been wrking yur legs, yu will need t d lwer bdy stretches r a slw walk. There are many helpful tutrials nline.
    The best way t measure whether yu have cled dwn effectively is purely based n cmmn sense-if yu feel yur heart rate has reduced, that's enugh. There is n research t prve stretching after a sessin will help reduce pain, but if yu feel it helps, d s. 39
    Cling dwn methds, including fam rllers, a sprts massage r dry needling, are wrth investigating. 40 If the pain is there the next day, cnsult yur dctr, and, mre imprtantly, warm up mre thrughly next time.
    A. It is dwn t persnal preference.
    B. Fast walking is the simplest exercise.
    C. If yu are nt flexible, lwer yur upper bdy.
    D. If yu experience any pain when stretching, stp.
    E. But cling dwn is as imprtant as warming up.
    F. Areas t target depend n which part f the bdy yu have trained.
    G. Mre imprtantly, it steadily increases the heart rate and bld flw.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I'm a gelgist. I have been researching changes in the Antarctic ice sheets t help gvernments plan fr flds and ther 41_ f a changing climate.
    I first met Tm n the tip f Antarctica. He is a prfessinal muntaineer wh 42 gelgists with their research.We were 43 here tgether, hundreds f miles frm anyne else. fr a tw-mnth_44 .My task was simple: t 45 rck samples frm as many peaks as pssible. It is physically exhausting wrk, and nt withut_46, as sme f the crevasse(裂缝) fields we crssed left me shaking. I relied n Tm fr my 47 ; my life was in his hands.
    Trust quickly grew between us, and ur 48_ did, t. Within a week we'd 49 deep tpics:the meaning f life, and what fllws death.
    When I gt the date fr my return jurney, I started t feel 50. I didn't want ur time there t 51_. We felt we had t make the mst f the final few days t plant 52.
    Saying gdbye t each ther was a(n) 53.I was heading ff t start anther missin, s I was _54 the man wh'd been thrugh it with me. I lked dwn at him as my plane tk ff. knwing what we had just been thrugh tgether was 55 in time.
    48. A. friendshipB.cnfidenceC.experienceD.hardship
    54. A. leaving behindB. picking upC.taking inD.appealing t
    Chclate is everywhere, but science is still srting ut this adred prduct.In 2018, Planta Medica published a review f previus research n chclate's effect 56_____ md.
    The authrs fund that few f the studies 57 ______(analyze) chemically the chclate cnsumed by participants. That matters, said the authrs, because chemicals present in chclate vary widely based n hw it _58_ (prcess), such as rasting temperature and time. Als, ne specific chemical, interactin between multiple chemicals r smething else may 59_____(entire) affect health. Our brains naturally prduce anandamide (大麻素).
    And it's als fund in chclate,60 leads t claims that the sweet stuff is the ultimate feel-gd fd.But,as the 2018 review nted,chclate has nly tiny 61____(amunt) f anandamide, and it breaks dwn quickly. Chchlics take heart,literally. A 2015 study linked 62_____(high) chclate cnsumptin with a lwer risk fr heart disease. Speaking f chchlics, an April review f research n ne's fd 63_____(addict) fund evidence that chclate prduced neurbilgical changes similar t thse 64_____ (see) with drug use. The studies were nt cnclusive,65_____.S science still has t srt that ne ut t.
    第四部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    Dear Charles,
    Li Hua
    I was in my rm, slwly getting ready l head t the cmmunity theater with the rest f my family. I wasn't in the md fr being nstage.
    “Kate, cme here,” my mm called frm dwn the hall.
    I fund my mm utside the bathrm, hlding a wet bk. Henry, my new stepbrther, was nearby, wrking n a cmplicated string knt (结), as usual.
    My mther gave the bk a shake. “Henry's bk is in the bathtub. Did yu put it there?”
    “Nt n purpse,” I said. “It was already n the edge, and it happened t fall in when I stepped ut f the tub."
    My mther glared at me,smething she never did befre I had a stepfamily.“Yu culd have picked it up,” she said. “That wuld have been the kind thing t d.”
    As Henry walked ahead f us t the car, my mm tk me aside. “This is ur cmer f the wrld nw, Kate,” she said. “Let's try t make it a gd ne.”
    The cmmunity theater was busy when we gt there. Theater used t be what my mm and I did tgether-ne play a year fr ur special thing. With Henry invlved, it didn't seem s special anymre.
    Henry's dad, wh had arrived earlier t help set up, was already in cstume. “Dear children,” he called in a theatrical vice, “Cme t Father.” I thught he was a nice guy even befre he and my mther started dating. Unfrtunately, I nw had a stepbrther t deal with.
    Sn, it was curtain time. I peeked (偷看) ut at the audience and nticed that the darkened theatre was full. My heart beat faster. I frgt my annyance at Henry as the lead actress sang, “The hills are alive with the sund f music! " Nthing cmpared t shw nights.
    Befre lng, it was my turn. I went nstage, sng bk in hand. As we kids lined up befre Henry's dad, wh was playing the part f ur father, I realized hw prly I'd tied the string n my skirt which was ver leggings (打底裤)。 I shuld have asked my mm fr help.
    And then,suddenly, the string knt n my skirt came untied.
    I sht Henry a grateful glance.
    英 语
    1—5 ACBBA 6—10 CCAAB11—15 BCACC16—20 AABBC
    21—25 BBACB 26—30 CDDDA 31—35 CCACB 36—40 GEFAD
    41—45 BCACD 46—50 ABADC 51—55 DBBAB
    56. n/ upn 57. had analyzed/ analyzed 58. is prcessed 59. entirely 60. which 61. amunts 62. higher 63. addictin 64. seen 65. hwever/ thugh
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Charles,
    Knwing yu are keen n Chinese idims, I’m writing t share with yu smething abut them.
    Learning Chinese idims can help yu develp a high level f cmpetence in yur cmmunicatin skills. T have a better understanding f Chinese idims, yu shuld knw hw they riginated, which can help yu grasp them mre precisely. Besides, practice makes perfect. It’s better fr yu t use them in the daily cnversatins and literary creatin.
    I hpe we can exchange ideas with each ther as ften as pssible.
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    And then, suddenly, the string knt n my skirt came untied. Extremely wrried that I’d lse face in frnt f all the audience, I culd feel my heart punding. With bth my hands hlding the sng bk, I was at a lss what t d, when Henry, wh nticed my embarrassment, came t my aid. He fixed my cstume, tying the string with a fancy knt. He made me a jke abut me “nt” knwing knts. At this, the audience brke int laughter, but it felt OK.
    I sht Henry a grateful glance. He smiled as if my mistake was n big deal. I gt thrugh the rest f the play successfully, still a shck in my mind. After we’d bwed and mved ffstage, I went straight t Henry and tapped him n the arm. “Thanks,” I said genuinely. He grinned, “Knt a prblem.” Maybe it wn’t be s bad t have a new persn in my crner f the wrld after all.
    Text 1
    M: Next year I’m ging t visit Berlin. Then I’ll fly dwn t India and n t Cambdia and Vietnam.
    W: G t China. There are sme amazing sights — and bring me back a silk dress!
    M: It wn’t be just a shpping trip.
    Text 2
    W: Hi Jeff, yu’re lking yunger every day.
    M: Thanks, Kathy. Yu lk different, except fr that smile.
    W: I’ve lst 28 punds since yu last saw me.
    Text 3
    M: This is a lng mvie. I feel like we’ve been watching it fr hurs.
    W: We have. It’s three hurs lng and it started at seven ’clck.
    M: Oh, right. We nly have an hur t g. I’m starting t feel uncmfrtable in this seat.
    Text 4
    W: Dad, what are yu lking fr in the glve drawer? It’s the middle f summer.
    M: Ops, wrng drawer. I have t fill ut a passprt frm. Have yu seen my pen?
    W: There are abut ten n the cmputer table.
    Text 5
    W: Can yu prmise t be a gd by and dn’t g anywhere while I pick up the cake? It will nly take tw minutes, and then we’ll g hme.
    M: But can I at least take ff my seat belt?
    Text 6
    M: I was in the shwer this mrning when I heard the frnt dr bell. I dried myself quickly and ran dwnstairs but I missed them.
    W: D yu knw wh it was?
    M: Yes, they left a card saying that there is a parcel and they’ll try again in the mrning.
    W: Oh n. That’s my dress. I want t wear it tnight. I’m ging ut with my friend.
    M: Srry, dear. These peple always seem t cme at the wrng time. It’s never in the middle f the afternn when I’m ding nthing.
    W: I’m really annyed. They culd have left it with a neighbr.
    Text 7
    W: Everyne welcme Jn int ur cmpany! He will be respnsible fr leading market research, with a gal f increasing ur prfit by 100% t 100 millin per year.
    M: Hi Jn! Everyne, I actually knw Jn already. We used t g t schl tgether, and we used t run int each ther smetimes. I have heard a lt abut him, and I am sure he will help us reach this gal.
    W: Thanks fr the kind wrds. Nw, fr the secnd imprtant matter f tday, please remember t remve r thrw ut yur fd frm the fridge every Friday. The ld fd in there has been an issue ever since I jined this cmpany a year ag, and I think it is finally time t deal with it.
    Text 8
    W: Oh n, my legs are s painful! I need t stp nw.
    M: Cme n nw! Yu tld me yu’ll never make the sccer team unless yu can run five kilmeters. Still ne mre t g!
    W: N mre fr me! And abut that… I changed my mind. I dn’t think sccer is right fr me. It’s nt the running… It’s just that playing n a team is t much pressure.
    M: S, is that why yu quit vlleyball last year? But yu said yu definitely still wanted t d a schl sprt. Yu’re cmpetitive by nature.
    W: Yeah. That’s why I’m ging t try ut fr the swimming team. Plus, it’s nt as hard n my legs if I’m in the water.
    M: I guess I can see that…but I dn’t knw why yu’re s wrried abut playing a team sprt.
    W: I just prefer t fcus n what I’m ding. If I mess up, it’s my wn prblem and desn’t affect anyne else.
    Text 9
    W: Ever since the 2010s, peple have stpped calling their friends. Nw, peple use text messages fr 90% f cmmunicatin.
    M: I used t call my friends all the time. But phnes gt really advanced in 2015, and I have nly texted since then.
    W: But, what’s less cnvenient is hw sme peple send vice messages nw. Yu never knw what they’re ging t say, and what if yu set the vlume t lud. It can lead t sme very awkward situatins.
    M: Exactly. Yesterday, I was in the main ffice f SDS Limited when Acme Crpratin called.
    W: Why is that s bad?
    M: Because they called me t arrange a jb interview! Imagine if I accidentally put the phne n speaker mde.
    W: Ha-ha! When are yu ging t tell SDS yu’re lking fr a new jb?
    M: When I get ne, bviusly. Well, hw’s yur life at Dynamic Tech, by the way?
    W: Great. I’m thankful fr the recmmendatin yu gave me.
    M: N prblem. The cmpany has great peple.
    W: T be hnest, the pay is much higher than what I gt befre. That’s what interested me the mst. But yes, the peple are really nice.
    M: They’re at such a cnvenient lcatin t!
    Text 10
    M: Fr as lng as I can remember, I have wanted t build a huse in the wds. Yu might ask why I want t build my wn huse rather than buy ne. Many wh build huses say it’s t pass it n t future generatins, but my kids wuld never live utside the city. The truth is, gaining the ability t finish such a cmplex prject is its wn reward. Befre yu even begin planning, yu have t becme an expert in lcal building rules. But, nce yu start cnstructin, the first thing yu need t learn is hw t measure wd crrectly. Yu can’t d any f this withut basic mathematics. But I already knw this because I’m interested in cmputer science. Once plans were drawn, I had t dig the fundatin and cut the wd. This was truly great exercise — an added benefit f the whle prject. Then came the cmplicated part f putting it all tgether. It tk me tw years t have a cmplete huse I culd live in. I knw that ding smething like this is nt fr everyne. It takes significant effrt, years f hard wrk, and fcus t keep ging even when yu’re frustrated. But, like many things in life, the hardest path is the mst wrthwhile.
    第一节: 应用文写作(满分15分)
    文章总共分三部分,包括(1)学习成语的好处; (2)学习成语的方法;(3)盼望多交流。如三个部分都涵盖,文章段落分明,书写清楚,字数达到要求,表达无太多错误,得分则应在10分以上。
    1. 本题总分为15分,按5个档次给分。
    2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求衡量、确定或调整档次,最后给分。
    3. 词数少于60或多于100的,酌情扣分。
    4. 评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的丰富性和准确性及上下文的连贯性。
    5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。
    6. 如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。
    第五档 (13-15分) 完全完成了试题规定的任务。完全达到了预期的写作目的。
    2. 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇。
    3. 语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具备较强的语言运用能力。
    4. 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。
    第四档 (10-12分) 完成了试题规定的任务。 达到了预期的写作目的。
    1. 虽漏掉一、二个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。
    2. 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。
    3. 语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确,些许错误主要是因尝试较复杂语法结构或词汇所致。
    4. 应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。
    第三档 (7-9分) 基本完成了试题规定的任务。 整体而言,基本达到了预期的写作目的。
    1. 虽漏掉一些内容,但覆盖所有主要内容。
    2. 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。
    3. 有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解。
    4. 应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文内容连贯。
    第二档 (4-6分) 未恰当完成试题规定的任务。 信息未能清楚地传达给读者。
    1. 漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要内容,写了一些无关内容。
    2. 语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。
    3. 有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响了对写作内容的理解。
    4. 较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺少连贯性。
    第一档 (1-3分) 未完成试题规定的任务。 信息未能传达给读者。
    1. 明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,原因可能是未理解试题要求。
    2. 语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。
    3. 较多语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响对写作内容的理解。
    4. 缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯。
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    1. 基本情节:
    续写思路: 就在这时,突然,我发现蝴蝶结松了。就在我焦虑万分的时候,Henry帮忙系好蝴蝶结。演出结束后,我真心感谢Henry,觉得多了个哥哥也挺好。
    2. 续写要点(建议):
    1. 评分原则:
    2. 评分标准:立意积极、情节合理、语言水平及风格(语言风格与前文一致)、书写美观。
    3. 评分程序:

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