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    初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版七年级下册Unit 7 It’s raining!综合与测试复习课件ppt

    这是一份初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版七年级下册Unit 7 It’s raining!综合与测试复习课件ppt,共45页。PPT课件主要包含了Unit7习题等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    重点单词rain v 下雨 n 雨水 snw v下雪 n雪 rainy 多雨的 snwy 多雪的 windy 多风的 clud n. 云 cludy 多云的 sunny 晴朗的 fggy多雾的 weather天气 ck 做饭,厨师 bad 坏的,糟的park 公园 message 信息,口信 take a message 捎口信,传话culd能,可以 back 返回,后背 call sb back 给某人回电话prblem 困难,难题 right nw 此刻,马上 again 再一次,又一次
    dry干燥的--dries cld寒冷的 ht热的 warm温暖的visit拜访;参观 Canada加拿大/Canadian summer夏天;夏季 sit坐juice果汁 sn不久;很快 vacatin假期 n (a) vacatin度假hard努力地;困难的 Eurpe欧洲 a Eurpean 一个欧洲人muntain高山 cuntry国家 skate滑冰 g skating滑冰winter冬天 snwman雪人 Russian俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人
    课文重点句子1. Hw is the weather in BJ? -It is sunny2. I am playing with sme friends at the park.3. Can I take a message fr him?4. Culd yu just tell him t call me back?5. What is Bb ding right nw?-He is playing sccer. He plays sccer every day. 6. She talks n the phne fr three hurs every sunds like yu are having a gd time.
    8.Hw's it ging with yur summer vacatin?=Hw's yur summer vacatin ging? 9.I'm having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.10.I'm studying English and I'm learning a lt. 11.I'm s happy t see them again.12.I'm sitting by the pl and drinking range juice.
    13.Are yu studying hard,r are yu having fun?14.My family and I are n a vacatin in the muntains.15.I want t call yu but my phne isn't wrking. /I want t call yu but my phme is brken. /I want t call yu but there is smething wrng with my 's ht in yur cuntry nw,isn't it?17. Tday I want t drive t wrk but my car desn’t wrk.
    1. rain/snw(1)不可数名词 There is t much rain/snw. a heavy/hard/rain一场大雨 a light rain一场小雨 (2)动词 It is raining/snwing heavily/hard utside. eg: It ften rains/ snws here. / Des it ften rain/ snw here?(3) rainy/snwy (adj)下雨的/下雪的 常位于be 动词后。 eg: It is rainy/snwy. n a rainy day 一个下雨天 拓:make a snwman=make snwmen 做雪人 rainbw彩虹
    ①It’s raining cats and dgs.=It’s raining heavily. 下倾盆大雨②snwman cn.雪人 snwball 雪球③a strng wind 一阵强风 a cld wind 一阵冷风④in the sun/sunshine 在阳光下⑤There are n cluds in the sky.万里无云。⑥n a cld/rainy mrning
    2.询问天气句型(1)Hw is the weather (in +...) Beijing/ spring? = What is the weather like (in+...)Beijing/ spring? 答语 :It is +表示天气的形容词./It is +raining/ snwing. - It is windy./It is raining.(2)weather “天气” 不可数 (常与the连用,不可与a/an连用) weatherman (pl.weathermen)天气预报员 fine weather 晴天weather reprt/frecast 天气预报 cludy weather 阴天What fine weather!多好的天气啊!The weather is fine tday.
    3.询问对方近况: Hw's it ging?=Hw is everything (ging)? 答语:Great!/Pretty gd./Nt bad./Just s-s./Terrible.(糟糕的) eg:Hw's yur summer vacatin ging? Hw's it ging with yur summer vacatin?4.have a gd time =have fun=enjy neself. 玩得开心 ①have fun=eniy neself=have a gd time +ding sth. 做某事很开心 ②enjy ding sth 喜欢做某事 eg: He has fun reading newspapers.
    5.感官动词: sund /lk /smell /taste /feel①感官动词+形容词 eg:That sunds gd./She lks very yung.②感官动词+like +名词 eg:That sunds like a gd idea./He lks like his a message fr sb /give a message t..为某人捎口信 leave a message fr 为……留言 send a text message t sb 给某人发短信eg:Mary isn't at hme,culd I take a message fr her?
    7.sme +c.n.+复数/u.n. “一些” eg: sme vegetables/fd ①sme f + c.n.复数/u.n./人称代词宾格复数 (作主语时后面的谓语V取决于f 后的n.) eg: Sme f the fd is bad. Sme f them/the students are playing sccer. ②ne/each/many f +c.n.复数/人称代词宾格复数 ne/each f作主语谓语V用单数; many f作主语谓语V用复数eg.One f the students is gd at playing sccer. Many f them are frm Beijing.
    8.四个说(1) tell-tld ①讲 tell a stry=tell stries tell a jke =tell jkes tell the truth 说实话 tell a lie =tell lies说谎 ② tell sb (nt) t d 告诉某人(不要)做某事 eg: Can yu tell him t call me back? tell ... abut... 告诉... 关于... tell sth t sb =tell sb sth 告诉某人某事(2) talk-talked 交谈 talk t/with sb =have a talk t/with sb和某人交谈 talk abut... 谈论关于... talk n the phne=talk by phne
    (3) say-said say +内容 say it/the wrd in English. say sth t 对..说.. say srry/thanks/hell t...(4) speak- spke speak +语言 speak (a little) French/Japanese speak t 和某人说话(常用于电话用语中) 9.ck ①V “做饭” ck/make +三餐 ck sth fr sb=ck sb sth 为某人做饭 ② n “厨师” eg:He is a ck and he cks well. cker 炊具 d sme cking 做饭
    by 介词 ① 在...的旁边 =next t /beside by the pl ②by+时间点 在...点之前 I must get hme by (=befre)10:00. ③by the way 顺便说一下 by neself 靠某人自己 ④by + v-ing 用...方法/手段 He learns English by practicing.
    by+交通工具 by bus/subway/train/plane/air/bikeby+交通工具=take+ a/an/the+交通工具=n/in+限定词+交通工具by+媒介工具 =n the +媒介工具 by radi/cmputer/Internet=n the + radi/cmputer/InternetThe bk is written by Lu Xun. 这本书是由鲁迅写的。
    10. 感叹句:名词what 形副hw (1)由what引导的What +a/an +形容词+单数名词 (+主语+谓语 )! eg. What a clever by (he is)! What an interesting stry (it is)! What+ 形容词+复数名词 (+主语+谓语 ) ! eg. What beautiful flwers (they are)!What+ 形容词+不可数名词 (+主语+谓语 ) ! eg. What cld weather (it is)!
    (2)由hw引导的Hw +形容词(+ a /an+名词)+( 主语+谓语 ) !eg. Hw clever a by! =What a clever by! Hw tall he is! Hw+形容词/副词 (+主语 + 谓语 ) !eg.Hw lvely the baby is! Hw fast she runs! Hw cld the weather is! Hw interesting the stry is! Hw heavily it is raining!
    11.right nw①此刻;现在 (现在进行时)eg: I am writing t my friend right nw. ② =right away=at nce 立刻,马上 eg: I have t g right nw.12.反意疑问句(1)特点:前肯后否,前否后肯; 问句中的主语用人称代词代替;前后人称和时态要保持一致;问句否定形式要缩写(2)①陈述句含有be动词,问句用be+主语提问 eg :There is a by under the tree, isn’t there? ②陈述句含有实义动词,问句用助动词+主语提问 eg:She cmes frm England,desn't she?
    ③陈述句含有情态动词,问句用情态动词+主语提问 eg:Tm can swim , can't he?注意:当陈述句含有表否定意义词n/few/little/never/hardly/seldm等时,问句中用肯定形式 eg:He is never late fr schl, is he? 13.wrk v. ①工作 wrk hard n. 不可数 t much wrk ② 运行 sth. desn't wrk 指某物坏了,不能正常工作 eg: My alarm clck desn't wrk,s I get up late.某物坏了句型:sth. is brken (坏掉的) eg: My clck is brken, s I get up late. There is smething wrng with sth.
    14. visit ①v.参观/拜访→visitr n.参观者,游客 visit sb.拜访某人 visit sp.参观某地 ②n.参观,拜访 pay a visit t... 参观:I'm happy t visit them every week.eg:Many visitrs pay a visit t the nice place every year,and I als want t visit it. 15.be happy/glad/pleased t d sth.高兴做某事 eg:I'm happy t see yu again. 很高兴再次见到你。be + adj. +t d sth. 做某事很... 主语通常是人类似的adj.有srry,afraid,scared害怕的,shcked震惊的
    16. call sb back给.. 回电话 get back 返回 g back回去 cme back 回来 17.电话用语:(this指自己,that指对方,不用I或yu) (1)打电话找某人: May/Can/Culd I speak t...(please)? (2)打电话介绍自己:This is...(speaking). (3)询问对方是谁:Is that...(speaking)?/Wh's that(speaking)? (4)其他用语:Hld n,please. 请别挂断。 Wait a mment/minute,please. 请稍等。 Can/May/Shuld I take a message? 要我记个留言吗?
    18.sit v.坐下 sit dwn sitting sit by the windw 在窗户旁边坐下 19.by 的用法 ①介词 在...的旁边 =next t /beside by the pl ② by+交通工具 by bus/subway/train/plane/air/bike by+媒介工具 by radi/cmputer/Internet=n the radi ③by+时间点 在...点之前 I must get hme by 10 'clck. (=befre)20.hard adv.努力地 wrk hard 努力工作 study hard 努力学习 大量地 It is raining hard/heavily. adj.困难的 ;努力的 =different eg:It’s very hard t crss the river. 坚硬的 The stne is hard.
    21. g n a vacatin 去度假 be n a vacatin 在度假 have/take a vacatin 休假 the summer/winter vacatim 寒暑假 Hw is yur summer vacatin ging ? 你的暑假过的怎么样?22.Canda 加拿大 Canadan adj.加拿大的/ n.加拿大人Canadans Russia 俄罗斯 Russian adj.俄罗斯的 / n.俄罗斯人 America 美国 American adj.美国的 / n.美国人 an American Australia 澳大利亚 Australian adj.澳大利亚的 / n.澳大利亚人 an Australian
    23.N prblem没问题(1)用于回答别人委婉的请求- Culd yu help me water the flwers?-N prblem. (2)表示事情容易做“没问题,不在话下”-Can yu fix my bike?-N prblem.(3)“没关系” 用于回答Thank yu/srry “不客气;不用谢”have n prblem (in) ding sth.做某事没问题eg: The students have n prblem (in) passing the test.※prblem : wrk ut the prblem 计算出难题slve the prblem 解决难题 ask/answer the questin
    24.dry ①adj.干燥的 反义词:wet湿润的 ②v.使变干/把...变干 三单:drieseg.The clthes are dry. But my hair is wet , can yu help me dry my hair ①adj.寒冷的 It's cld tday.→反义词:ht ②n.感冒 have/catch/get a cld 患感冒 ht adj.炎热的,辣的 eg: I dn't want t eat any ht fd because f the ht weather. 26.cl adj.凉爽的,冷静的→反义词:warm 温暖的 keep cl保持冷静/凉爽 a cl head 一个冷静的头脑
    27. just right fr +n. /代词/v.-ing 正好适合做某事 eg: It’s just right fr swimming in summer. 28. in the muntains 在山里 n the hills 在山坡上 walk in the muntains 在山间行走 ; climb the muntains 爬山 29. Friends are buying Rassian bread t take hme. 朋友们正在买俄罗斯面包带回家。
    write --过去式 wrte ----writingwrite t sb = write a letter t sb. 写信给某人write back t sb 写信回给某人 hear frm sb.收到某人来信Lisa正在卧室里给她的朋友们写信吗?Is Lisa writing t her friends in the bedrm?I wrte t my friend last week.
    1.—What is he ding nw? —____A. He likes swimming. B. He is watching TV. C. N, he desn’t like ding that. D. He went ’s a very beautiful place. A man is____ phts here.A. take B. taking C. drawing D. draw3.Lk!The bys and girls are________ the blackbard. A. lks at B. watching C. lking at D. seeing4.The weather is very cld, but everyne ____ having a gd time. A. be B. is C. are D. being
    5.Jane is having fun ________ games with her parents at the park. A. playing B. t play C. plays D. play6.It’s t ____ utside, yu must put n(穿上) yur cat. A. ht B. cl C. cld D. warm7.—Kim, I’ll g t the z with my parents tday. —___. A.It is nt a gd day B.I dn’t want t g there C.Have a gd time D.Cme back early8.—They enjy ____ English this way. —I want t have a try. A.speaking B.say C.t speak D.t say
    9.My grandpa asks me_______ t much TV,because it’s bad fr my eyes. A. nt t watch B. t nt watch C. t watch D. f watch10.Tday I want t drive t wrk but my car desn’t____. A. wrk B. walk C. run D. g11.Helen is having a gd time________her grandparents in the cuntryside. A. visit B. t visit C. visiting D. visits12.I am playing ____ basketball at schl.A. the B. a C. / D. this
    13.—Yur sister desn't get up early, des she?—_______.But she gets up late n weekends. A. N, she desn't B. Yes, she des C. N, she des D. Yes, she desn't14.Children like making _______in the snw in winter. A. snwmen B. snwman C. snwmans D. snwmens15.— ____is the weather like____Changchun?—It’s cld. A. What; abut B. What; in C. Hw; abut D. Hw; in
    16.—Is yur brther at hme? I want t tell him abut ur picnic.—Oh, he is ut at the mment. Can I____ a message fr him? A. find B. give C. take D. tell17.Hw’s it ging with yu? ____. A.I dn’t like it B. I’m studying C. It’s windy D. Nt bad18.What____they____every evening? A. are; d B. d; d C. are; ding D. des; d19.— Des it ften________here?— Yes, it is ften________. A. rain; rain B. rainy; rainy C. rain; rainy D. rainy; rain
    20.Dn’t make any nise, because the baby ____ in the next rm. A.is sleeping B.sleeps C.will sleep D.sleep21.It is____utside.A. clud B. cluds C. cludy D. cludly22.After ding sprts, yu’d better have sme ____. Many peple think it is a kind f healthy drink. A.range juice B.ranges C.bananas D.bread23.—Hell,this is Wendy. Can I speak t Jessica?—Yes, _______. A. Jessica is me B. Jessica, please C. my name is Jessica D. this is Jessica speaking
    1.﹣Des it ften here? ﹣Yes,it is quite . A.rain;rain B.rainy;rainy C.rain;rainyD.rainy;rain2. It ften here in winter.Lk!It's again.(  ) A.snws;snwingB.snwy;snwing C.snws;snwyD.snwing;snws3.﹣Hi,Mike!Hw's it ging? ﹣________ A.Gd idea.B.I think s. C.Nt bad.D.Of curse.
    4.﹣The weather is very gd.Let's g t the seaside - .Why nt? A.Have fun B.Nt really C.Sunds fineD.Nt at all5.-Is there a z in yur twn? -____.There are lts f animals there. A. Yes,it is B. N,it isn’tC.Yes,there is D.N,there isn’t6._____winter it is very cld______Mscw.A.In;inB.In;atC.On; inD.At;n
    7. -It’s Father’s Day tday,______?-Yes,let’s buy a gift fr Dad. A.isn’t he B.desn’t it C.isn’t itD.des it8. Prfessr Tu Yuyu never stps ding research n Chinese medicine,_____? A.is she B. des she C. isn't she D. desn't she9. -What d yu ften d in the evening? -I usually spend an hur__TV. A. watch B. watches C. t watch D. watching
    10.-Hw is it ging? -I have a great time _____English. A. learn B. learns C. learning D. t learn11.-Yu may send me a shrt ____r call me. -I see. A.news B. message C.idea D. stry12.-Is Miss Wang at hme? -Srry. She is n____ vacatin in Sanya nw. Can I take _____message fr her? A./; an B./;a C. a; the D. a; an
    13.Culd yu tell her _____me at 765-4321? A.t call B. call C. calling at the sun. _____ beautiful day it is! A. Hw B. What C. What aD. What an15. -______ fine weather it is !Shall we g hiking in the hills? -Why nt? A. What B. What a C. Hw D. Hw a16.What _______ sunny weather! A.a B.an C.the D./
    17.-What beautiful weather! Let's g swimming this afternn. -_____.I lve swimming. A. That's bad B. Thank yu C. I'm srry D. Sunds great18.She is in Canada vacatin nw. A.in B.n C.at D.t19.Thanks a lt fr _____ my brther’s birthday party. A.cme B.cme t C.cming D.cming t
    20.—What abut ging t Shanghai Disneyland Park next mnth, Harry?—________! We'll have a lt f fun there. A.Gd luckB.Never mind C.Sunds greatD.Certainly nt21.A _____ wind arrived here last night. It blew (吹) _____. A.strng; strngB.strngly; strngly C.strngly; strng D.strng; strngly
    22.Everyne in ur class usually _____ his hmewrk at schl. A.d B.des C.ding D.is ding23.Lk! A blind man is in the middle f the rad. Let’s help him g _____ the rad. A.crssB.thrughC.acrssD.alng24.-Hw’s it ging, James? - _____. A. I dn’t like it. B.Thank yu. C.Nt bad. D.Nt at ’s raining utside. Please _____ yur raincat. A.wear B.dress C.put n D.putting n

    初中英语冀教版九年级下册Unit 7 Work for PeaceUnit Review精品ppt课件: 这是一份初中英语冀教版九年级下册Unit 7 Work for PeaceUnit Review精品ppt课件,共23页。PPT课件主要包含了Discuss,Vocabulary,learn,Grammar,Sum up,Homework等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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