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    Tp Music Festivals in 2021
    Selling ut fast every year, the Indi desert becmes a fashinable place where the clest bands are watched by trendy peple and celebrities. Near the tp f everyne's bucket list f festivals, Cachella is a cnstant surce f annual expectatin and a htbed fr musical discussin.
    When &. where: April 9-11 &. 16-18, 2021; Indi
    Ultra Music Festival
    Seen as the ultimate gathering fr electrnic music fans acrss the natin and glbe, the streets f Miami turn int a bld and bumping party with ppular DJs playing what will be the sunds f summer.
    When & where: March 26-28, 2021; Miami
    Suth By Suth West
    Regarded as the ultimate trend-setter and launcher f careers, SXSW is an annual shwcase f music, films and interactive highlights enjyed thrugh perfrmances, shwcases, talks, screenings and mre. Virtually taking ver the city f Austin, everyne in the wrld f music frm fans t media flck here t discver the next big thing.
    When &, where: March 16-20, 2021; Austin
    The Gvernrs Ball Music Festival
    Anther event which prves the music lving ptential f Randall's Island Park is Gvernrs Ball, an exciting and infectius mix f rck, hip-hp, electrnic, pp and flk. Prviding a variety f music and fd tastes, whether yu lk t kick back and relax r dance t the beats, Gvernrs Ball has what yu want.
    When & where: June 11-14, 2021; New Yrk
    〔1〕Which music festival lasts the mst days?
    B.Ultra Music Festival.
    C.Suth By Suth West
    D.The Gvernrs Ball Music Festival.
    〔2〕What is special abut Ultra Music Festival?
    A.It's held in a park.
    B.It features electrnic music
    C.It's a gathering f ppular DJs.
    D.It's the mst ppular in the cuntry.
    〔3〕Which city culd yu g if yu lve bth music and mvies?
    D.New Yrk.
    Extreme athletes have been using wingsuits (翼装) t fly fr many years. Hwever, the pull f gravity makes it impssible t speed up r fly higher. T push past the limitatins, Peter Salzmann teamed up with German car maker BMW. The result is an electrified wingsuit, which allws flyers t rise t higher altitudes at the speed f up t 186 miles per hur!
    The 33-year-ld prfessinal wingsuit pilt first thught f creating the design in 2021, "At the time, I was develping suits fr skydiving with a friend," he explains. "One evening after a day f testing, we threw ut lts f ideas abut hw we culd imprve perfrmance. One f them was a supprting mtr-and it's an idea I just culdn't shake ff. I fund the idea f being able t jump frm my lcal muntain wearing the wingsuit and land in my garden exciting."
    T help with the prcess, Salzmann reached ut t the experts at BMW's Designwrks Studi. It tk the team three years and multiple test jumps t perfect the design. The result is an updated versin f wingsuit with tw 5-inch prpellers (螺旋桨), Pwered by a battery, the prpellers can be cntrlled using an n/ff switch and even stpped mid-flight using the emergency buttn, if the flyer encunters an airplane r a flck f birds.
    On Nvember 6, 2021, Salzmann, wearing his hi-tech suit, leaped frm a helicpter frm an altitude f 10,000 feet t sar arund the muntain peaks. The expert pilt fired up the electric mtrs and rcketed frward, gliding abve fur muntain peaks. The task cmpleted, the pilt pened his parachute (降落伞) and gently landed.
    It is unclear if Salzmann and BMW plan t make the electrified wingsuits available t the general public. But, ne can always hpe!
    〔1〕What d we knw abut the new wingsuit?
    A.It flies faster and higher.
    B.It breaks away frm gravity.
    C.It's equipped with a car mtr.
    D.It has been used fr many years.
    〔2〕What is the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A.What Salzmann's friend did t help him.
    B.What Salzmann experienced in his career
    C.Hw Salzmann became a prfessinal pilt.
    D.Hw Salzmann came up with the new design.
    〔3〕What can the flyer d t deal with the danger during the flight?
    A.Press the emergency buttn.
    B.Reach ut t an expert.
    C.Check the prpellers.
    D.Open the parachute.
    〔4〕What des the underlined wrd "sar" in Paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    In 1998, peple in Na Di, a quiet village in nrthwest Thailand, nticed that their fish catches in the nearby Nga River were declining. The fish they did manage t net were als getting smaller. Tgether, Na Di's 75 husehlds decided t try a new slutin: they wuld set aside a small stretch f river t be strictly ff-limits t fishing.
    The rules are usually simple: n fishing f any kind in an agreed-upn area marked by flags r signs. While freshwater reserves wn't slve everything, in places where fish ppulatins are under pressure, they can give species much-needed breathing rm t rebuild their numbers, ultimately making them better able t weather ther envirnmental prblems.
    Na Di was the secnd village in the Nga River valley t adpt this pineering apprach t freshwater fisheries management. Since the late 1990s, at least 50 ther villages there have dne the same. As a whle, the entirely grassrts-led reserves have been surprisingly successful, accrding t findings recently published in Nature. Mst imprtantly, the Thailand case prvides prbably the best real-wrld prf that fisheries reserves can benefit nt just ceans, but freshwater, t
    In 2021. Aarn Kning, then a dctral student at the University f Wiscnsin, began investigating the Nga River valley reserves t see hw widespread and successful they truly were. Kning fund, nt surprisingly, that lder and bigger reserves were mre successful, because they ffered mre time and space—including mre kinds f habitat—in which t rebuild fish ppulatins and re-establish rare species. But even reserves established in the last cuple f years shwed clear benefits frm being spared intense fishing pressure. "Reserves that were lcated clser t a village tended t have an advantage," Kning says, "prbably because villagers were better able t enfrce the rules."
    By cmparing different systems and appraches arund the wrld, Kning and his clleagues hpe t identify cmmn factrs fr success that culd be tailred t diverse rivers and lakes.
    〔1〕What drve Na Di t create freshwater reserves?
    A.The declining f the freshwater.
    B.The success f the nearby villages.
    C.The increasing fish ppulatins.
    D.The wrsening f the fishing cnditins.
    〔2〕What des the success f Thailand freshwater reserves suggest?
    A.Fisheries reserves are helpful in freshwater.
    B.Thailand is a pineer in fisheries management.
    C.The Thailand apprach has been applied wrldwide.
    D.Many fish species need t rebuild their numbers,
    〔3〕Aarn Kning fund reserves that________ were mre successful.
    A.had better rules
    B.were bigger and lder
    C.had mre fish ppulatins
    D.were created mre recently
    〔4〕What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Grassrts-led Reserves Inspire the Wrlds
    B.Fisheries Reserves Benefit Thailand Rivers
    C.Investigate the Nga River Valley Reserves
    D.Na Di Is Leading Thailand t a Better Future
    Art therapy (治疗) invlves the use f creative techniques such as drawing, painting, clring, r sculpting t help peple express themselves artistically and examine the psychlgical and emtinal undertnes. With the guidance f an art therapist, clients car "decde" the nnverbal messages in these art frms, which lead t a better understanding f their feelings and behavir s they can reslve deeper issues.
    Art therapy helps peple explre their emtins, relieve stress. imprve symptms f anxiety and depressin, and cpe with a physical illness r disability. N artistic talent is necessary fr art therapy t succeed, because the therapeutic prcess is nt abut the artistic value f the wrk, but rather abut finding assciatins between the creative chices made and a client's inner life. The artwrk can be used as a springbard fr reawakening memries and telling stries that may reveal messages and beliefs frm the uncnscius mind
    As with any frm f therapy, yur first sessin will cnsist f yur talking t the therapist abut why yu want t find help and learning what the therapist has t ffer Tgether, yu will cme up with a treatment plan that invlves creating sme frm f artwrk. Once yu begin creating, the therapist may, at times, simply bserve yur prcess as yu wrk, withut interrupting. When yu have finished a piece f artwrk—and smetimes while yu are still wrking n it-the therapist will ask yu questins f hw yu feel abut the artistic prcess, what is easy r difficult abut creating yur artwrk, and what thughts r memries yu might have had while yu are wrking. Generally, the therapist will ask abut yur experience and feelings befre prviding any bservatins.
    Art therapy is funded n the belief that self-expressin thrugh artistic creatin has therapeutic value fr thse wh are healing r seeking deeper understanding f themselves and their persnalities. Art therapists are trained t understand the rles that varius art media like clr can play in the therapeutic prcess and hw these tls can help reveal ne's thughts, feelings, and psychlgical dispsitin.
    〔1〕What is the authr's main purpse in writing the text?
    A.T teach peple t be art therapists.
    B.T explain the rigin f art therapy.
    C.T praise the devtin f therapists.
    D.T ppularize knwledge f art therapy.
    〔2〕Which f the fllwing matters least in the therapeutic prcess?
    A.The style f the wrk.
    B.The emtins f the client.
    C.The memries f the client.
    D.The artistic value f the wrk.
    〔3〕What des the art therapist's cnclusin mainly depend n?
    A.The client's questins.
    B.The client's explanatins.
    C.The therapist's feelings
    D.The length f the artistic prcess.
    〔4〕What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A.Little training is needed t becme an art therapist.
    B.Chices f art elements reflect peple's inner wrld.
    C.Art therapists need t have strng belief in themselves.
    D.Clients are required t use different tls t shw themselves.
    Critical thinking is the prcess f carefully and systematically analyzing prblems t find ways t slve them. It invlves identifying several pssible slutins and then lgically evaluating each ne, cmparing them t ne anther, and then selecting the ne that yu cnclude is the mst prmising
    Critical thinking is ne f several life skills yu shuld try t develp while still in schl.________Yur assignments will require yu t generate hyptheses (猜测) and then test them befre cming t cnclusins. Students taking art classes als use critical thinking. T cmplete prjects, yu will have t select media and techniques that will best allw yu t achieve yur artistic visin
    Graduates aren't ut f luck. Practice yur critical thinking while perfrming everyday activities.________When deciding where t have dinner, weigh yur alternatives regarding the type f fd, healthfulness, and cst. If making a purchase, d yur research and read reviews f different brands.
    A. Sign up fr science classes, fr example.
    B. Chse a lessn that benefits yur critical thinking.
    C. The ability t think critically is a valuable sft skill in the jb market.
    D. But mre imprtantly, they want nes wh can slve them effectively.
    E. We all need sme critical thinking skills living in this challenging wrld.
    F. Fr example, befre ging ut, learn abut each means f transprtatin.
    G. Hwever, rushing t make a decisin is less prductive than using critical thinking.
    After getting married nine years ag, I mved t an abslutely new twn. 1 as I was, with varius new things t explre, I was still lnely. I was desperate t establish 2 .
    This culd explain my enthusiastic "Cunt me in!" when 3 t participate in a half marathn. Cnsidering my usual 3 miles, I must have been 4 —13 miles seemed a〔n〕 5 task.
    Hwever, the initial 6 gradually wre ff. I fund cmfrt in burying myself in training. Thugh taking it slw, ne mile, and then tw, I gradually made 7 . Mile after mile, I managed t step beside my new friends. We talked abut ur favrite music and 8 funny stries abut ur children. At abut mile 10, the cnversatins 9 . We shared ur past and hpes fr ur future, ur fears and regrets. By the time we were running 12-mile legs, I was 10 that I'd made lifelng friends.
    11 , the day f the race arrived. At the start line, armed with my friends, I already felt like a champin. My time training had 12 . I managed t hld a steady pace and kept up with my 13 . Finally, we crssed the finish line tgether.
    Althugh it started as a 14 f building scial ties, running nt nly prvided me with friendships, but with a skill that wuld 15 me the rest f my life.
    Many peple think that fat-free ckies are a healthier ptin than a regular ckie, and that________(chse) a salad is a much better chice than a cheeseburger. But in fact, there are a lt f fds cnsidered as "healthy"________are packed with hidden calries and sugar. Maybe yu are trying yur best t pursue healthier snacks,________many chices are still harmful t yur health.
    Ideally, snack chices shuld be based________the same principles as meal chices. After all, snacks make up an imprtant part f peple's daily fd intake.
    In additin, every persn is unique. There isn't a________(recmmend) amunt fr snacking. It depends n a persn's activity level, bdy size, medical situatin, schedule and persnal preferences. Sme peple________(rare) snack at all, while thers gain a________(significance) part f their daily fd intake frm snacks thrughut the day.
    Keeping track f snacking habits can be beneficial, especially if yu include ntes that mentin hw each snack________(cntribute) t yur persnal gals. Fr example, if eating________afternn snack helps yu avid vereating at dinner time, then it may be a wise chice________(make).
    Dear Alex,
    I'm writing t ask fr yur help.
    Li Hua
    When mst peple lk back n middle schl, they remember their best friends, and s d I. But what I remember may be a little different. Let me explain.
    My heart was punding when I climbed nt the schl bus n the first day f middle schl. As I was lking fr a seat, my eyes landed n tw girls sitting tgether. They smiled at me and pinted t the seat next t theirs.
    I sat dwn and we chatted. They were Heather and Jessica. It turned ut that we had the first perid tgether and we became friends. We ate lunch tgether, hung ut in the park and played games in Jessica's rm n weekends. But ur friendship wasn't withut its faults. Jessica had an "I'm-the-bss" persnality. She always had t be in charge.
    One time, the three f us went t the mall. I wanted t g t Abercrmbie. But Jessica rlled her eyes and tld me t g t Rave. Nt wanting t argue, I fllwed her.
    This skirt wuld lk great n yu. "Jessica exclaimed. "Try it n!"
    "I dn't like it," I said.
    Jessica gave me a death glare s I made my way t the dressing rm.
    I ended up spending fifty dllars n a skirt that I didn't even like, just t make Jessica happy. Thrughut the fllwing year, this was hw it was. If Jessica went smewhere, Heather and I went there t. I fund I was behaving as a pretended versin f myself just t please Jessica and t keep her frm being mad at me.
    Then, summer came. Jessica invited Heather and me t g t Cape Cd with her. I decided t g t Flrida with anther friend instead, s Jessica gt angry. I went t Flrida and didn't hear frm her.
    One day, my phne rang and the caller ID shwed "Jessica".
    Three days later, I received a text message frm Jessica, reading "Can we have a talk?"
    【点评】考查七选五,本文 是一篇科普类阅读, 要求在理解细节信息的根底上,着重考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。
    【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:Our schl is planning t hld an event called English Reading Mnth, in which we are required t read an English bk and take ntes.运用了非限制性定语从句;I hpe yu can recmmend an English bk t me. 运用了宾语从句;Cnsidering I'm nt an advanced English learner, the bk needs t be suitable fr my level.运用了宾语从句; It will be better if the bk is abut the life f teenagers. 运用了条件状语从句;I'd appreciate it if yu culd reply t me sn.运用了I'd appreciate it if...固定句式。
    9.【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读文章可知,讲述了作者和朋友Jessica的友谊变化,Jessica有一种“我是老板〞的强势性格,作者为了取悦她总是委曲求全。作者想要摆脱控制,没有容许Jessica一起游玩的要求。由此暴露了友谊存在的问题,最后妥善解决问题和谐相处的故事。段落续写:①由第一段首句内容“有一天,我的 响了,来电显示是‘Jessica'。〞可知,第一段可描写作者对Jessica表达了自己的自由选择,Jessica很生气,问题出现。②由第二段首句内容“三天后,我收到了Jessica的短信,上面写着:‘我们能谈一谈吗?'〞可知,第二段可描写作者和Jessica妥善解决问题。 写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。特别注意在选择句式时要富有变化。
    【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动饱满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,表达了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如: I thught it was time t tell her the truth, s I tk a deep breath and said, 运用了宾语从句,因果并列句;Jessica, yu're fun t be with but I'm afraid f yu.运用了转折并列句; I never knw when yu're ging t get mad at me. 运用了时间状语从句;It's hard t have a friend wh's always angry.运用了it作形式主语,限制性定语从句; We met in her rm where we used t have s much fun tgether. 运用了限制性定语从句;Surprisingly, Jessica thanked me fr what I said. 运用了宾语从句;I dn't think telling the truth is a mistake. 运用了宾语从句。1. A. Relaxed
    B. Excited
    C. Embarrassed
    D. Cnfused
    2. A. reputatin
    B. principles
    C. cnnectins
    D. business
    3. A. allwed
    B. reminded
    C. asked
    D. required
    4. A. grateful
    B. cnfident
    C. awkward
    D. crazy
    5. A. impssible
    B. urgent
    C. rewarding
    D. pleasant
    6. A. delight
    B. shck
    C. anxiety
    D. disappintment
    7. A. prgress
    B. discveries
    C. histry
    D. mistakes
    8. A. read
    B. spread
    C. cmpsed
    D. exchanged
    9. A. cncluded
    B. deepened
    C. returned
    D. decreased
    10. A. hpeful
    B. cnvinced
    C. regretful
    D. ashamed
    11. A. Unfrtunately
    B. Obviusly
    C. Naturally
    D. Eventually
    12. A. run ut
    B. paid ff
    C. cme
    D. flwn
    13. A. cmpanins
    B. ppnents
    C. caches
    D. judges
    14. A. risk
    B. habit
    C. means
    D. right
    15. A. amaze
    B. cmfrt
    C. guard
    D. aid

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