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    Shrt Shrt Stry Cmpetitin
    We're lking fr shrt fictin stries! Think yu can write a winning stry in 1,500 wrds r less? Enter the 21st Annual Writer's Digest Shrt Shrt Stry Cmpetitin fr yur chance t win $3,000 in cash, get published in Writer's Digest magazine, and a paid trip t ur ever ppular Writer's Digest Cnference!
    The First Place Winner will receive:
    ●$3,000 in cash
    ●Their shrt stry title published in Writer's Digest magazine's September 2021 issue
    ●A paid trip t the Writer's Digest Annual Cnference
    The Secnd Place Winner will receive:
    ●$1,500 in cash
    ●Their shrt stry title published in Writer's Digest magazine's September 2021 issue
    The Third Place Winner will receive:
    ●$500 in cash
    ●Their shrt stry title published in Writer's Digest magazine's September 2021 issue
    Furth thrugh Tenth Place Winners will receive:
    ●$100 in cash
    ●Their shrt stry titles published in Writer's Digest magazine's September 2021 issue
    Eleventh thrugh Twenty-Fifth Place Winners will receive:
    ●A $50 gift certificate fr writersdigestshp
    Hw t Enter
    ●All entries must be submitted nline. Entries must be accmpanied by the required judging fee. We accept PayPal r credit card payment fr the required judging fee.
    ●All entries must be in English. Only riginal wrks that have nt been published in print, digital r nline publicatins will be cnsidered
    ●BE SURE OF YOUR WORD COUNT! Entries beynd the wrd limits will be disqualified. Type the exact wrd cunt at the tp f the manuscript(稿件).
    Fr mre infrmatin visit ur Preparing Yur Entry Page r ur FAQ page.
    〔1〕Wh will receive a paid trip t the Writer's Digest Annual Cnference?
    A.The First Place Winner.
    B.The Secnd Place Winner.
    C.The Third Place Winner.
    D.Furth thrugh Tenth Place Winners.
    〔2〕Which is included in the prizes f the Eleventh Place Winner?
    A.$500 in cash
    B.$ 100 in cash.
    C.A $50 gift certificate fr writersdigestshp .
    〔3〕Which is NOT the requirement fr the entry?
    A.It must be submitted nline.
    B.The entry is free f charge.
    C.It must be written in English.
    D.The wrks must be riginal.
    Yesterday, I went t the bkstre t pick up a present fr my mther's upcming birthday. I fund ne f the bks I wanted, but nt the ther ne my mther had discussed with me the ther day. When I went t pay. I asked the clerk behind the cunter if I culd rder the secnd bk.
    A lady was standing in line behind me at the checkut. The clerk said she culd rder the bk. but asked if I wuld mind letting the lady behind me pay fr her purchases first. The lady behind me said n and that it was fine t wait.
    It tk nearly 15 minutes t put my rder thrugh! The lady behind me chatted agreeably with us fr the entire time. When it finally came time fr me t pay, I placed tw $10 ff cards n the cunter. The clerk infrmed me the ffer was nly valid(有效) fr the bk I was purchasing in-stre and wuldn't wrk fr the bk I'd rdered. This meant that I'd have ne $ 10 card left.
    "Yu can cme back and purchase anther bk." the clerk smiled. "The ffer is valid until the end f the week."
    I thught abut this fr a millisecnd and then turned arund t face the lady behind me wh'd been s patient, kind, and charming thrugh the very lng wait at the checkut. "Here." I gave her the $10 ff card. She was very surprised and said. "Really?"
    The gift didn't cst me anything. I knew I wuldn't be back befre the end f the week and it rewarded smene whse attitude left a smile in my heart. Mst definitely a win-win mment.
    〔1〕What can we learn frm the first paragraph?
    A.The authr culdn't affrd anything else but bks as a birthday present.
    B.The bk stre had n suitable bks available as a birthday present.
    C.Reading was prbably appealing t the authr and the mther alike.
    D.The authr was a regular custmer f the bk stre.
    〔2〕What did the authr prbably think f the clerk?
    〔3〕Why did the authr ffer t give away the extra $ 10 ff card t the lady?
    A.The authr was always very generus t strangers.
    B.The $ 10 ff card wuld becme invalid next week.
    C.The authr believed the lady wuld smile at her/him.
    D.The authr wanted t thank the lady fr her kindness.
    〔4〕What is the best title fr the text?
    A.Win win Mment at the Bkstre
    B.s Bread, Anther
    C.Lvely Delay at the Bkstre
    D.Patience and Friendship Rewarded
    On paper, hydrgen (H2) lks like a dream fuel. Cal, il, and natural gas prduce carbn dixide, which warms the earth when burned, Hydrgen prduces pure water. Hydrgen packs mre energy int less space than a battery (but certainly less than petrl) . Als, empty tanks (燃料箱) can be refilled with hydrgen much faster than refilling empty batteries with electricity.
    While in practice, things are trickier. String a meaningful amunt f hydrgen gas requires pressing it several hundred-fld. Changing it int the liquid frm is anther ptin, but it shuld be cled t-253C. Bth prcesses require a heavy and strng tank. While a 700 bar tank is acceptable fr a city bus r a truck, adapting it fr use in small vehicles is very difficult because the pressure during refilling wuld be t great.
    The slutin? Pwerpaste.
    A German team f researchers, led by Marcus Vgt, have cme up with an interesting "pwerpaste", which can stre hydrgen energy at atmspheric pressure, ready fr release when needed. It is s named because it cmes in tubes and lks like tthpaste (牙膏) , nt in its traditinal frm f gas.
    The main ingredient (原料) f the paste is magnesium hydride, a substance that reacts with water t frm hydrgen. The escaped hydrgen can then be directed int a fuel cell, where it reacts with xygen frm the air t prduce electric pwer.
    Refueling is very simple, as instead f ging t a filling statin, drivers and riders can simply replace an empty tube with a new ne and refill the water tank.
    Given that pwerpaste nly begins t break dwn at temperatures f arund 250℃ it remains safe even when a vehicle stands in the baking sun fr hurs.
    Hwever, we will have t be patient. Just because researchers have succeeded in develping a new fueling way des nt mean that we can expect t see such vehicles n the rad anytime sn. It will indeed be several years befre this cncept is turned int reality.
    〔1〕As a fuel, what is the advantage f hydrgen ver il?
    A.Refilling empty tanks will be mre cnvenient.
    B.It is less likely t wrsen glbal warming
    C.Mre energy can be packed in the same space.
    D.It will prduce pure water fr peple t drink.
    〔2〕What is Paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A.The practical difficulties t use hydrgen as fuel in small vehicles.
    B.The detailed prcesses f adapting a strng tank in small vehicles.
    C.The differences in fueling between large vehicles and small nes.
    D.The tricks f building strng tanks in small vehicles.
    〔3〕The authr mentins the refueling prcess t shw that pwerpaste is______________.
    〔4〕Why des the authr call n the readers t be patient?
    A.Pwerpaste-driven vehicles smetimes mve very slwly n the rad.
    B.Practical use f pwerpaste-driven vehicles will nt cme very sn.
    C.Pwerpaste-driven vehicles can nly wrk after being in the sun fr hurs
    D.It will be years befre the researchers wrk ut the cncept f pwerpaste.
    In ur magazine's dcument rm, frm the June 1920 issue, I discvered a piece, What Editrs D, by Hazel Miller. What she talks abut caught my eye: The first Wrld War and its ending just tw years befre.
    "During 1917 and 1918, when the Wrld War was ging, there was a huge demand fr war material," Miller writes. "Mst magazines were carrying practically nthing but war stries. When the War ended in Nvember, 1918, sme editrs still had a gdly supply f war fictin and articles—fr which they had paid real mney—n their hands, which mst peple by nw are fed up with."
    Her wrds have stuck with me fr the past 12 mnths as we've weighed which COVID-19 stries t run and which t hld. I'm writing these wrds with thick snw utside my windw, but they will reach yu in the green f spring. Will yu be vaccinated(接种疫苗) and tired f reading abut COVID-19 then?
    We say writing is an art, and publishing is a business, but I wrry we frget that publishing is als a gamble(赌博), Except fr the immediate publicatin, everyne in the industry—agents, acquiring editrs, magazine and jurnal editrs, etc.—are betting n a stry's success in a future we cannt see. As is the nature f frtune telling, we are nt s sure we will nt ccasinally lse: The 1920 editrs sitting n a stre f war stries n ne wants, fr example.
    With s many factrs utside yur cntrl, and s much uncertainty in the industry, isn't it better t have stries written frm the heart that yu are truly enthusiastic abut rather than sme t please an ever-changing publishing market?
    My future reader, it's my hpe that this issue finds yu this spring ding just that: Writing the stries yu need t tell—and the nes that will delight yur wn future readers fr years t cme.
    〔1〕What des the writer prbably d?
    A.A jurnalist.
    B.An editr.
    C.A librarian.
    D.A histrian.
    〔2〕What did Miller's wrds suggest?
    A.The First Wrld War shuldn't have ended t sn.
    B.Sme editrs wuld make a great frtune by string war material
    C.In the pst-war years, peple still enjyed reading abut war.
    D.T much war material had been stred by sme editrs.
    〔3〕The writer find Miller's wrds especially useful when_______.
    A.deciding which COVID-19 stries t publish
    B.writing during the winter mnths
    C.waiting fr the green f spring
    D.expecting t be vaccinated
    〔4〕What is the writer's message t the ptential authrs?
    A.T please the present publishing market.
    B.T learn the nature f frtune-telling
    C.T cntrl as many factrs as pssible.
    D.T write frm the heart fr the future readers.
    ●They believe their pinin is fact
    Fr effective cmmunicatin t take place it is imprtant t be able t distinguish between pinin and fact.________But aggressive peple take it ne step further. They act as if their pinin is fact, which is telling thers that their pinins are irrelevant(不相关的).
    ●It's all abut hw it affects them
    When smething ges wrng, r when cnsidering ptential cnsequences, aggressive peple nly cnsider hw it influences them. The impact n thers is irrelevant t them. ________I nce knew a girl wh, every time she had a quarrel with her byfriend, used t wake her entire family up s she culd tell them hw she had been unjustly treated.
    ●Rapid speech
    ________They are determined t get their pint acrss and have n desire t let the ther persn ffer their input. They want ttal cntrl f the cnversatin and are determined that the ther persn will hear what they have t say.
    ●Aggressive talking; defensive listening
    This refers t the bdy language that they adpt when they are being aggressive.________They may pint, spread feet apart with hands n the waist, etc. Hwever, when the ther persn is speaking they will adpt a mre defensive gesture e.g. crssing their arms.
    Being familiar with these signs will help yu t recgnize the aggressin quickly, and yu will then be able t manage the situatin mre apprpriately.
    A. When talking they will likely lean frward.
    B. The fllwing are sme cmmn signs f aggressin.
    C. Aggressive peple speak fast with little r n pauses.
    D. These peple are nt giving yu the pprtunity t decline.
    E. Offering a suggestin r thughts n smething that has happened is fine.
    F. Aggressive peple rarely attempt t find wrkable slutins t prblems in life.
    G. If smething has negative cnsequences fr them, everybdy else is expected t suffer the cnsequences t.
    Yardley has a lng histry as a cmmunity that cares. Fr the past fur decades, the members f St Andrew's cmmunity service center have been selfless, 1 meals fr elderly and shut-in residents in the regin every mnth.
    Barbara enjyed this 2 twice. "When I brke bth my legs, the service center fed my husband and me in such abundance (丰富) that with great gratitude I had t say 3 ," she says. "My husband — 4 asked me t break my legs every mnth because he 5 the fd." When he passed away, the cards and calls were " 6 ", Barbaba says. They helped her knw she was never 7 .
    A disaster happened, ending their prud 37-year 8 f making meals tgether, but it didn't break the spirit f 9 far frm it. Instead, the vlunteers in the service center tk t 10 in their hmes, Sn, vlunteers were 11 1000 meals each week. And many ingredients in thse meals were 12 . In spring. St Andrew's prvided seeds — tmates, beans, basil, and mre — t Yardley residents t 13 at hme. The gardeners then brught their vegetables back t the center t 14 with it.
    What a spread f 15 ! That's what makes Yardley charming!
    China's Chang'e 5 missin successfully delivered samples(样本)f mn rck and dust t Earth n December 17, 2021. It________(mark) the first time in 4 years that mn rcks have been brught back t ur planet, since the Sviet Unin's I.una 24 missin in 1976.
    The sample capsule landed in Inner Mnglia________a little after 2:00 a. m. Recvery teams in trucks and helicpters lcated the landing site shrtly after and secured the sample________(cntain).
    While Apll-era mn rcks are estimated t be abut 3 t 4 billin years ld, the material________(cllect) by Chang'e 5 is frm a site in the nrthwest regin f the mn's near side. This area was frmed________(late), and the rcks here are thught t be nly abut 1.2 billin years ld. That means scientists culd learn mre abut the evlutin f the mn and test ut new techniques fr estimating the age f gelgical samples frm ther________(planet)and mns(卫星).
    The Chang'e lunar prgram, ________includes landing tw lunar rvers(月球车)n the mn's surface, has been________(remarkable)successful. Althugh Chang'e 5 was a shrt missin, it's ne f________mst cmplex prjects undertaken by the Chinese space prgram s far. The cuntry is far frm dne with the mn—Chang'e 6, a secnd lunar sample return, is scheduled________(launch) in 2023 r 2024.
    8.假定你是李华,收到美国笔友Mark的一封电子邮件,他知道孔子学院〔Cnfucius Institute〕是根据孔子命名的,很想对孔子有进一步的了解。请你写一封邮件回复,内容包括:
    Dear Mark,
    Li Hua
    On February 4, while wrking n a cnstructin site in Gratit Cunty, Michigan, Hansen heard terrified screams cming frm nearby. He stpped his wrk and lked up. Standing n the back prch(门廊) f the hme next dr was a little by yelling "Help!" while fur fierce dgs barked madly in a circle belw him.
    At first, Hansen thught it was just a dg fight. Then alarm bells went ff in his head. "The nises they made sunded like what dgs d when they're killing smething," he says. His thught prved right when anther yung by suddenly ppped up in the middle f the dgs, and Hansen watched in hrrr as they sank in their teeth and threw him acrss the grass like a small dll.
    "He was shirtless and cvered in bld, and thse dgs were trying t kill him." says Hansen.
    Hansen raced acrss the grass, jumped the fence, and landed in the neighbr's yard. He shuted at the dgs, but they ignred him. Then he displayed the mst aggressin that he culd manage, yelling luder until they let g just lng enugh fr Hansen t catch eight-year-ld Ethan Nkes arund the stmach and bear-hug him. "I culdn't hld him under his armpits(腋窝), which wuld have made it easier t run, because they were trn wide pen," says Hansen.
    As Hansen dashed acrss the yard, the dgs bunced n him, biting at Ethan. Hansen rushed nt the steps. S did the dgs. When he reached the tp, he pulled n a dr; it wuldn't pen. "A dg grabbed Ethan's ft, and I thught they were ging t get him back frm me," he says.
    Hansen tried a secnd dr. It sprang pen.
    With the huse quiet, he went t check n Ethan in the bedrm.
    【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:I hpe yu are ding well. 运用了宾语从句;Here is smething abut Cnfucius, the philspher after whm the Cnfucius Institutes are named. 运用了倒装句,非限制性定语从句;Cnfucius is als credited with having edited many Chinese classic wrks. 运用了被动语态; He has been hnred as ne f the mst imprtant figures in Chinese cultural histry.运用了被动语态。
    9.【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读文章可知,讲述了Hansen听到邻居家孩子的求救声,起初他以为只是狗打架,但是狗的声音听起来不对劲。走过去,Hansen看到惊恐的一幕:狗群在攻击八岁的男孩Ethan Nkes。Hansen立刻冲过去拼尽了全力拯救Ethan,狗也拼死追在他们后面。终于Hansen抱着Ethan跑回到房子里,而后把狗赶了出去。Ethan被送去了医院治疗。Hansen不止Ethan的救星。段落续写:①由第一段首句内容“Hansen试了试另一扇门。它翻开了。〞可知,第一段可描写Hansen抱着Ethan回到房子,并设法赶走了狗。②由第二段首句内容“屋里安静了下来,他到卧室去看〞可知,第二段可描写Ethan被送去了医院治疗。Hansen不止Ethan的救星。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
    【点评】本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动饱满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,表达了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:He turned and faced the dgs that were surrunding him. 运用了限制性定语从句;Hansen screamed and yelled, managing t chase them ut and shut the dr. 运用了现在分词作伴随状语;Rescue arrived sn after, and Ethan was airlifted t the hspital, where he underwent surgery fr the mre than 30 bite wunds he'd suffered frm head t te. 运用了并列句,非限制性定语从句; Ethan pays frequent visits t Hansen, and he and his brther nce even came and stayed vernight.运用了并列句。1. A. rdering
    B. fixing
    C. cancelling
    D. fetching
    2. A. genersity
    B. experience
    C. pleasure
    D. chance
    3. A. gd bye
    B. g ahead
    C. stp
    D. welcme
    4. A. seriusly
    B. finally
    C. frequently
    D. jkingly
    5. A. prepared
    B. lved
    C. needed
    D. disliked
    6. A. endless
    B. sundless
    C. valueless
    D. fruitless
    7. A. defeated
    B. alne
    C. disappinted
    D. upset
    8. A. way
    B. habit
    C. cntributin
    D. practice
    9. A. fighting
    B. sacrifice
    C. giving
    D. sprt
    10. A. cking
    B. cleaning
    C. washing
    D. planning
    11. A. planning fr
    B. taking away
    C. serving up
    D. wlfing dwn
    12. A. handmade
    B. hmegrwn
    C. selfbuilt
    D. manmade
    13. A. keep
    B. sell
    C. plant
    D. water
    14. A. share
    B. wrk
    C. deal
    D. fill
    15. A. pwer
    B. life
    C. help
    D. lve

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