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    人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 4 What can you do? Part A第一课时教案

    这是一份人教版 (PEP)五年级上册Unit 4 What can you do? Part A第一课时教案,共9页。

    The first perid(第一课时)
    Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk
    学生能够理解Let’s talk板块的对话大意,并掌握本课时的核心句型。
    2. PPT课件、课文录音、卡片等。
    Teaching purpse
    通过chant对本课的重点句型进行预热,看图问答环节进一步加深学生对关键句型的熟悉和了解, 为接下来的学习奠定良好的基础。通过对主情景图的学习,很好地导入本课的学习内容。
    本单元学习的主题是文娱活动。教学内容主要是围绕着 “What can yu d?”的话题展开。教学重点是能听、说、读、写核心句型 “—What can yu d? —I can…” “—Can yu…? —Yes, I can./N, I can’t.”; 能听、说、读、写单词和词组 “dance, sing English sngs, d kung fu, play the pipa, draw cartns, swim, speak English, ck, play basketball, play ping-png”。
    ·能够在情景中运用句型 “—What can yu d? —I can…” “—Can yu…? —Yes, I can./N,
    I can’t.”询问某人能否做某事并作答
    ·能够听、说、读、写句型 “—What can yu d? —I can…” “—Can yu…? —Yes, I can./ N,
    I can’t.”
    · 能够听、说、读、写单词和词组 “dance, sing English sngs, d kung fu, play the pipa, draw cartns, swim, speak English, ck, play basketball, play ping-png”
    ·能够掌握字母组合的发音规则,即在单词中常见的两种发音: 和
    第一课时: Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk
    第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & D a survey
    第三课时: Part A Let’s spell
    第四课时: Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk
    第五课时: Part B Let’s learn & Write and say
    第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up & Part C Stry time
    Let’s try
    Let’s talk
    ·学生能够在情景中运用句型 “—What can yu d fr the party? —I can…”询问并回答某人能做什么事情
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant tgether.
    3. Lk and say.
    Shw fur pictures abut the chant abve n the PPT. In the first picture, a dg is running after a by. The by asks, “Dg, dg, what can yu d?” In Picture 2, a panda is eating bamb. The by beside it asks, “Panda, panda, what can yu d?” In Picture 3, a muse is hiding in a she. The by beside it asks,“Muse, muse, what can yu d?” In Picture 4, Mike is drawing animals in the z. The by beside him asks, “Mike, Mike, what can yu d?”(出示课件) Lead students t answer these questins by using the sentence pattern “I can…”
    After students answer all the questins, ask them t say mre sentences by using the sentence pattern “I can…” Encurage them t say as many as pssible.4Lead-in.
    (1) Shw the first part f the main scene n page 36. (出示课件)
    T: Lk, they’ll have an English party next Tuesday. What can Chen Jie d fr the party?
    Lead students t read the sentence and answer: She can play the pipa.
    (2) Shw sme pictures f different kinds f musical instruments, such as erhu, guzheng and s n. (出示课件) Lead students t read the phrases “play the erhu, play the guzheng”.
    T: Can yu play the pipa / erhu / guzheng?
    Students try t answer the questins accrding t their real situatins.
    (3) Shw the secnd part f the main scene n page 36.(出示课件)
    T: Hw abut Zip and Zm? What can they d?
    Lead students t lk at the picture and answer the questins.
    Lead students t read the sentences: I can dance! I can sing! La la la… Encurage them t d the actins at the same time.
    Step 2: Presentatin
    Teaching purpse
    1. Let’s try.
    (1) Shw a picture f an English party and the picture f Chen Jie. (出示课件)
    T: Chen Jie has gd news. She tells Mike that they are ging t have an English party. Mike is s happy. Lk at these tw pictures f “Let’s try” n page 38. (出示课件) What can he d fr the English party?
    Ask students t describe the pictures by using the sentence pattern “He can…” Then ask them t try t guess which picture is right.
    (2) Play the recrding f “Let’s try”. (出示课件) Ask students t try t catch the key infrmatin, such as “draw pictures”. And ask students t tick the right picture.
    (3) Play the recrding f “Let’s try” again. Check the answer tgether.
    (4) Shw the listening material and the answer. (出示课件)
    Ask ne student t stand up and answer the questin: What can Mike d? Lead him/ her t say the sentence: He can draw pictures.
    Teaching purpse
    2. Let’s talk.
    (1) Learn the new wrds and sentence pattern. Predict the main idea f the dialgue.
    T: The children will have an English party next Tuesday.
    Shw a calendar f this mnth. Mark tw days n the calendar. One day is tday and the ther day is next Tuesday. (出示课件) Pint t the calendar and tell students that tday is in this week and the ther day is in next week. We can als call the ther day next Tuesday. Help students understand the meaning f “We’ll…next…” Stress that “We’ll=we will.” Then shw a picture f a birthday party. (出示课件) Help students understand the meaning f “party”.
    Shw the pictures f Zhang Peng and Jhn in “Let’s talk” withut wrds. (出示课件)
    T: Mike can draw pictures fr the party. Hw abut Zhang Peng and Jhn? Can they draw pictures fr the party, t?
    Let students bserve the pictures and guess the answers. They can talk freely with their deskmates.
    (2) Listen t the recrding and answer the questins.
    Play the recrding f “Let’s talk”. (出示课件) Ask students t listen carefully and try t answer the questins: ①What can Zhang Peng d fr the party? ②What can Jhn d fr the party? Remind them t underline the key infrmatin in their bks.
    After listening, ask several students t answer the questins. Lead them t speak ut the sentences: Zhang Peng can sing English sngs. Jhn can d sme kung fu.
    (3) Learn the new phrases and sentences.
    ① Write dwn the key sentences “—What can yu d fr the party? —I can sing English sngs.” n the blackbard. Lead students t sing English sngs, such as ABC sng. Help students understand the meaning f “sing English sngs”. Then lead students t read the sentences three times. Then sing a Chinese sng. Lead students t say the sentence: I can sing Chinese sngs, t.
    ② Pint t the picture f Jhn and ask: Hw abut Jhn? What can Jhn d fr the party? Lead students t say: Jhn can d sme kung fu. Write dwn the key sentences “—Hw abut yu, Jhn? —I can d sme kung fu.” n the blackbard. Lead students t read the sentences three times. Encurage them t d the actin at the same time.
    Shw a picture frm the mvie Kung Fu Panda. In the picture, the panda is ding kung fu. (出示课件) Lead students t say: He can d sme kung fu. Then shw sme pictures abut Chinese kung fu. (课件出示:男性、女性练中国功夫的图片) Lead students t say: He/ She can d Teaching purpse
    sme kung fu.
    3. Read and act.
    (1) Play the recrding again. Ask students t read the dialgue after the recrding and pay attentin t the prnunciatin and the intnatin.
    (2) Let students practice the dialgue in pairs.
    (3) Ask several pairs t rle-play the dialgue. Encurage them t d the actins at the same time.
    Step 3: Practice
    “Prepare fr ur English party”
    T: We’ll have an English party, t. But nly the students wh have at least three party invitatin cards can cme t the party. Finish the tasks belw. Then yu can get the cards.
    Teaching purpse
    1. Make dialgues.
    Shw the secnd part f “Let’s talk” n page 38 n the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students t make dialgues accrding t the example. Divide students int several grups. Each grup has six peple. Let them ask and answer by using the sentence patterns “—What can yu d fr the English party? —I can…” They can use the wrds and the phrases in this sectin. They can als use ther wrds and phrases. Prvide sme wrds and phrases fr help, such as run, ck, play basketball, play sprts and s n.
    Let students ask and answer by playing the game “Drive a train” like this:
    S1: What can yu d fr the party, S2?
    S2: I can… What can yu d fr the party, S3?
    S3: I can… What can yu d fr the party, S4?
    S4: I can… What can yu d fr the party, S5?
    S5: I can… What can yu d fr the party, S6?
    S6: I can… What can yu d fr the party, S1?
    S1: I can…
    Chse the best grup. Each student in this grup can get tw party invitatin cards.
    2. Fill in the chart.
    Ask students t try t cmplete the chart accrding t their dialgues.
    Chse the best grup. Each student in this grup can get tw party invitatin cards.
    3. Make a reprt.
    Chse ne student frm each grup t reprt their chart.
    Make a mdel:
    S1 can… S2 can… S3 can… S4 can… S5 can… S6 can…
    Chse the best grup. Each student in this grup can get ne party invitatin card.
    Step 4: Cnslidatin & Extensin
    Teaching purpse
    “English party shw”
    1. Cunt the invitatin cards.
    Ask students t cunt their invitatin cards. Let the students wh have at least three party invitatin cards cme t the frnt f the classrm and stand in a line.
    2. English party shw.
    The students sitting n the chairs ask: What can yu d fr the party? The students invited t the English party answer the questin ne by ne and act ut what they can d. Each student wh des a gd jb can get a gift.
    1. Listen t the recrding and recite the dialgue.
    2. D the exercises. (见“”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    1. 本课的重点在于培养学生良好的听力和交际能力。听前、阅读前都让学生对要学的内容进行预测,让学生带着问题去听、去阅读,目的明确,使学生在不知不觉中就进入了学习状态。
    2. 本课知识与学生的现实生活联系紧密,所以整个课堂紧扣生活,帮助他们在真实有效的情景中理解和掌握知识。
    3. 几轮合作竞赛给予奖励,强调了团队合作的重要性,帮助学生树立了团队意识。
    4. 趣味性的活动将课堂推向高潮,同时有效地巩固了新句型,突破了本课的难点。
    5. 板书简洁清晰,重点突出,一目了然。
    ▶Teaching Cntents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
     ·Be able t perceive the key sentence patterns preliminarily by cmpleting the listening task.
    ·Be able t tick the right picture independently by listening t the recrding.
    Let’s talk
    ·Be able t understand the main idea f the dialgue.
    ·Be able t read the dialgue accrding t the right prnunciatin,intnatin and sense grup and act it ut.
    ·Be able t use the key sentence patterns t cmplete asking and answering activities.
    ·Be able t use the sentence patterns “—What can yu d fr the party? —I can…” in the real situatin t ask and answer abut what smene can d.
    ▶Teaching Pririties
    ·Be able t understand the main idea f “Let’s talk” and master the key sentence patterns f this lessn.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    ·Be able t ask and answer abut what smene can d in the real situatin.
    ▶Teaching Prcedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purpses
    1. Greetings.
    Warm up the key sentence patterns f this lessn. Further deepen students’ familiarity and understanding f the key sentence patterns and lay a gd fundatin fr the fllwing study. Thrugh the study f the picture f the main scene, lead in the key cntent f this lessn.
    2. Let’s chant tgether.
    Chant tgether.
    3. Lk and say.
    Use pictures t lead students t answer questins by using the key sentence pattern.
    Observe the pictures and answer each questin. Say mre sentences by using the sentence pattern “I can…”
    4. Lead-in.
    (1) Shw the first part f the main scene n page 36 and ask a questin.
    (2) Teach mre wrds abut musical instruments and ask questins.
    (3) Shw the secnd part f the main scene n page 36. Talk abut Zip and Zm.
    (1) Lk at the picture and answer the questin.
    (2) Knw sme ther wrds abut musical instruments. Answer the questins accrding t real situatins.
    (3) Talk abut Zip and Zm.
    1. Let’s try.
    (1) Lead students t guess which picture is right.
    (2) Play the recrding.
    (3) Play the recrding again. Check the answer.
    (4) Shw the listening material and the answer.
    (1) Describe the pictures and guess which picture is right.
    (2) Listen and tick the right picture.
    (3) Check the answer tgether.
    (4) Read the listening material. And answer the questin.
    Aruse students’ interest in learning. Train students’ listening skills and imprve their listening abilities.
    2. Let’s talk.
    (1) Teach the new wrds “next, party” and the sentence pattern “We’ll…next…” Lead students t predict the main idea f the dialgue.
    (2) Ask students t listen t the recrding, underline the key infrmatin and answer the questins.
    (3) Teach the new phrases and sentences.
    ① Teach“sing English sngs”.
    Lead students t read the key sentences.
    ② Teach“d sme kung fu”.
    Lead students t read the key sentences.
    (1) Learn the wrds and the sentence pattern. Observe the pictures and guess the answers.
    (2) Listen, underline the key infrmatin and answer the tw questins.
    (3) Learn the new phrases and sentences. Practice them by making new sentences.
    Lead students t bserve the pictures, predict the main idea f the dialgue, and listen t the recrding with questins. Imprve students’ initiative and purpsefulness.
    3. Read and act.
    (1) Let students read the dialgue after the recrding.
    (2) Let students practice the dialgue in pairs.
    (3) Ask several pairs t rle-play the dialgue.
    (1) Read the dialgue after the recrding.
    (2) Practice the dialgue in pairs.
    (3) Rle-play the dialgue.
    Lead students t read the dialgue accrding t the right prnunciatin, intnatin and sense grup.
    “Prepare fr ur English party”
    Create a situatin.
    1. Make dialgues.
    Shw a picture and prvide sme wrds and phrases.
    2. Fill in the chart.
    3. Make a reprt.
    1. Make dialgues accrding t the example by playing the game “Drive a train”.
    2. Cmplete the chart accrding t their dialgues.
    3. Reprt their chart.
    Further cnslidate students’ understanding f the key sentence patterns. Thrugh the game, fully stimulate students’ interest in learning.
    “English party shw”
    1. Cunt the invitatin cards.
    2. English party shw.
    1. Cunt their invitatin cards.
    2. Ask and answer.
    Help students use the key sentence patterns in a simulated situatin. Make the class atmsphere reach a climax.
    1. Listen t the recrding and recite the dialgue.
    2. D the exercises.

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