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    Crackle wrks n lts f devices. Yu can fllw the links abve t see the mvies and TV shws n yur cmputer, but there's als a Crackle mvie app s that yu can stream the vides n yur phne r tablet. Yu can dwnlad the Crackle mbile app n iOS devices, Andrid phnes and tablets, and ther devices.
    〔1〕What can be learned abut Crackle frm the first paragraph?
    A.It inserts several advertisements during films.
    B.It attracts mre viewers due t its web design.
    C.It charges viewers fees t enjy all its prgrams.
    D.It requires viewers t dwnlad prgrams t watch.
    〔2〕What characteristic d Crackle's Free Mvies and TV Shws share?
    A.They are all prduced by Crackle.
    B.They are classified by time.
    C.They are easy t find and appreciate.
    D.They are kept n Crackle all the time.
    〔3〕What type f writing is the text?
    A.An annuncement.
    B.An advertisement.
    C.An art wrks review.
    D.An fficial reprt.
    Vietnam launched preparatins fr the Lunar New Year with a fish release n Thursday. The traditin invlves releasing fish called carp int rivers and lakes in the cuntry a week befre the hliday knwn as Tet fficially begins.
    The traditin cmes frm an ancient stry f three "Kitchen Gds". The three, tw males and a female, take a ride n the brightly clred carp at the end f the year. They g t Heaven t meet with the Jade Emperr, the Gd wh rules there. The Kitchen Gds reprt news abut the families they represent t ask fr the emperr's care and prtectin. Their effrts help t keep the kitchen fires burning, and families happy and healthy.
    Vietnamese believe the fish release brings gd luck t their families. As the gds g t Heaven, families clean their huses in preparatin t celebrate Tet. A clean huse, Vietnamese believe, will bring luck in the new year. On Lunar New Year's Eve, the gds will return t earth and their duties in the kitchen f the huse.
    Releasing the fish makes me feel better abut myself," said Nguyen Hng Nhung f Hani. "It's like I've dne a gd deed, s I'll be luckier in the new year.
    Thursday's event, which takes place acrss Vietnam, was mre restrained than in years past because f COVID - 19. It is spreading in several nrthern areas f the cuntry. "Vietnamese will still fllw the traditin f releasing the fish, but COVID-19 has made peple keep a safe distance", said Tran Van Ti as he released carp frm a plastic bag at Hani's West Lake.
    The Lunar New Year is als celebrated in China, Krea, Las and ther Asian cuntries.
    〔1〕Why d Vietnamese set free carp at the Lunar New Year?
    A.T hnr the Jade Emperr.
    B.T fllw fficial rules.
    C.T bring gd frtune.
    D.T prtect wildlife.
    〔2〕What des the underlined wrd "restrained" in Paragraph 5 mean?
    〔3〕What's the text mainly abut?
    A.A traditin in Vietnam.
    B.The Kitchen Gds.
    C.A festival in Asian cuntries.
    D.The fish called carp.
    〔4〕Which sectin f a newspaper is the text prbably taken frm?
    One December night, a lng, lng time ag, a family sat arund the fireplace in their hme. This family had fund happiness in the wrst place in all f New England. This family was never lnely. They enjyed each ther's cmpany, and ften had visitrs. The family ffered every traveler wh stpped at their hme a kindness that mney culd nt buy.
    On that December evening, smene kncked at their dr. The ldest girl pened the dr and fund a yung man standing in the dark.
    The ld grandmther put a chair near the fireplace fr him. The ldest daughter gave him a warm, shy smile. And the baby held up its little arms t him. "This fire is just what I needed," the yung man said. The wind has been blwing in my face fr the last tw hurs.
    When the father tk the yung man's travel bag, he said he was ging t Vermnt when he saw the light in the windw. He decided t stp t sit and enjy their fire and cmpany fr a while.
    As the yung man tk his place by the fire, smething like heavy ftsteps was heard utside. It sunded as if smene was running dwn the side f the muntain, taking enrmus steps. The father lked ut ne f the windws.
    "That ld muntain has thrwn anther stne at us again. He must have been afraid we wuld frget him. He smetimes shakes his head and makes us think he will cme dwn n tp f us," the father explained t the yung man. "But we are ld neighbrs," he smiled. "And we manage t get alng tgether pretty well. Besides, I have made a safe hiding place utside t prtect us in case a slide brings the muntain dwn n ur heads. "
    As the father spke, the mther prepared a ht meal fr their guest. While he ate, he talked freely t the family, as if it were his wn. This yung man did nt trust peple easily. Yet n this evening, smething made him share his deepest secret with these simple muntain peple.
    〔1〕What d we knw abut the family?
    A.They lve each ther and kind t thers.
    B.They live a rich life in a cmfrtable place.
    C.They ften ask travelers t visit their hme.
    D.They live in harmny with ther villagers.
    〔2〕Why did the yung man drp in n the family?
    A.He lst his way because f the bad weather.
    B.He wanted t keep warm fr a mment.
    C.He tried t get rid f a man fllwing him.
    D.He was invited by the family in advance.
    〔3〕Which wrd best describes the father?
    〔4〕What wuld be prbably talked abut next?
    A.The family's histry.
    B.The father's secret.
    C.The yung man's stry.
    D.Muntain peple's life.
    The American space agency's Mars explrer, Perseverance, landed successfully n the Red Planet Thursday after a seven-mnth trip. The six-wheeled explrer, r rver, is n a NASA missin t cllect Martian sil and rcks as part f the search fr signs f ancient life. It tk 11-and - ne -half minutes fr the cnfirmatin signal t reach Earth. Mments later, cntrllers received the rver's first pictures f Mars.
    Perseverance landed in an area f Mars called Jezer Crater, which cntains a large ancient lakebed. NASA cnsiders the area a prmising place t find pssible signs f micrbial life (微生物). Scientists believe if life ever existed n Mars, it wuld have been present 3 t 4 billin years ag, when water flwed n the planet. Hwever, rugh grund arund Jezer Crater presented pssible landing dangers fr the Perseverance spacecraft.
    Perseverance is NASA's fifth rver t explre Mars. The first, named Sjurner, was sent in 1997. Then came Spirit and Opprtunity, which landed in 2004. The furth rver, Curisity, has been explring the planet since 2021. Thse missins all resulted in valuable infrmatin abut the Red Planet. NASA says Perseverance "aims t take the next step" in searching fr signs f ancient micrbial life.
    It is NASA's largest, heaviest and mst technlgy - laded vehicle ever sent t Mars. It has 19 cameras, tw micrphnes and a tw- meter- lng rbtic arm. A machine cnnected t the arm will dig int the grund t gather rck and sil. The rver is equipped with X-ray and imaging systems t study Martian chemistry and t identify pssible rganic cmpunds (化合物). Perseverance is als carrying a small experimental flyer called Ingenuity. NASA says the 1. 8 kilgram vehicle will attempt its first flight in the cming mnths. NASA fficials hpe it will be the first vehicle t fly n a planet ther than Earth.
    〔1〕What's the ultimate purpse f sending Perseverance t Mars?
    A.T cllect sil and rcks.
    B.T d researches int Martian lakebed.
    C.T test the largest rver.
    D.T lk fr signs f ancient Martian life.
    〔2〕Why did NASA chse Jezer Crater t land Perseverance?
    A.It's the clsest place t the Earth.
    B.It's an ideal place fr its study.
    C.It's a place with flwing water.
    D.It's a landing area with n dangers.
    〔3〕What's special abut Perseverance?
    A.It's equipped with cameras and micrphnes.
    B.It's the first spacecraft t cllect sil and rcks.
    C.It's laded with a flying vehicle t be tested ut.
    D.It's t be cnnected t Curisity still wrking there.
    〔4〕What is the best title fr the text?
    A.NASA Explrer Successfully Lands n Mars
    B.NASA Explratin n Mars Cmes t an End
    C.The Develpment f Space Explratin
    D.The Missin f a New Spacecraft
    When we are learning a new language, carrying n a cnversatin can be difficult. It is even harder when there is the added pressure f ding a jb well using the new language. One f ur readers, Emre, wrks at a jb that requires him t talk with custmers in English. He recently asked fr advice n hw he can imprve his listening skills. ________
    The first strategy is t predict what yu will hear. Maybe yur custmers smetimes say they have prblems with placing an rder n yur website.________What wrds d they ften use in that kind f cnversatin? Fr example, custmers may ften use the wrd "rder".
    The next strategy is t prepare a list f thse wrds and listen fr them when a custmer begins talking with yu.________ The next time yu are listening t a custmer, pay attentin t the key wrds that help yu understand their questin.
    Next, think abut what yu can say t the custmer t let them knw yu need a little help understanding them. Yu can let the custmer knw yu are an English learner.
    ________ At the beginning f the cnversatin, yu can ask, "Wuld yu please speak mre slwly?" The ther kind f questin is ne I call, "asking t clarify." Remember, yu predicted sme f the wrds yur custmers may use. Yu shuld listen clsely fr thse wrds. When yu hear ne, yu can ask the custmer a shrt questin t be sure. "Did yu say yu want t rder?"
    Yu can prepare yur answers t custmers' questins and rehearse them in yur free time. ________Yu can practice saying them ut lud t yurself.
    A. I call this "fcusing when yu listen".
    B. There are tw questins yu can ask.
    C. Yu can list sme cmmn questins.
    D. Here are fur strategies fr yu t cnsider.
    E. Custmers are advised t cncentrate n the key wrds.
    F. Yu may want t keep a ntebk with yur usual answers.
    G. Yu can think abut the ways they usually ask abut that prblem.
    My father, a labrer, didn't let me attend schl initially. I was always 1 f my yunger brther when he set ff t schl each day. One day I fllwed him and 2 under the teacher's desk. She nticed me, called my father and tld him that he shuld put me in schl. T my great 3 , my father said yes.
    I had a passin fr learning. I quickly 4 t the tp f my class. But I was treated 5 by classmates wh saw me as a child f the slums (贫民窟). I als suffered frm 6 during bilgy labs because I was very 7 due t malnutritin (营养不良), and had t stand n a chair t see int the micrscpe.
    When I graduated frm high schl, I wanted t becme an engineer, but my father said I shuld study fd science instead. I registered fr a fd science prgram 8 . Hwever, I quickly discvered that fd science wasn't s 9 after all. It was a real science. Sn enugh, I shwed great 10 .
    In the years that fllwed, I received a Ph. D. in fd engineering and was 11 t a psitin in a university. I wrked with a cmpany that wanted t 12 malnutritin in India's slums. I grew up in the slums, s I made effrts t 13 mre nutritin int the diet f the pr peple. I 14 with lcally grwn grains and achieved great success. My wrk has wn numerus internatinal 15 , and cmpanies and gvernment agencies have all 16 my expertise.
    In my life, I've faced hunger and 17 . But I didn't let them hld me back. I 18 the barriers and learned lessns frm them that helped drive me frward. I hpe thers can take 19 frm my stry and realize that-despite the 20 they may meet with-they, t, can persevere.
    Beijing will carry ut measures t help bridge________has becme a digital divide fr many lder peple t make sure they share in the benefits f a smart sciety. Given that technlgy brings ________(cnvenient) t sciety in many ways and has becme widespread, such as the use f scanned cdes fr payment, entrance t buildings and registratin , senirs wh are nt tech-savvy(精通科技) face ________(grw) difficulty in daily life.
    Li Xiali,________ 63-year-ld Beijing resident, said she nce waited fr 40 minutes alng a street trying t hail(招呼) a cab but nne ________( stp) fr her. She didn't knw hw t use thse car-hailing apps. Public venues are increasingly using nline reservatin systems, ________(especial) since the start f COVID-19, which presents a barrier t health, cultural and leisure facilities fr the lder ppulatin.
    ________(help) slve difficulties facing thse senirs, the Beijing city gvernment will carry ut 52 specific measures this year. An additinal 37 measures________(take) in 2022.
    "Smart technlgy shuld serve them, instead f blcking them________a happier life," said a vlunteer. He is helping t teach senirs t use smartphnes and becme mre familiar with the internet and related services. "They need unhurried and patient ________( explain). That's the way t bring them t where they can enjy these benefits, t. There is n shrtcut fr caring," he said.
    8.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    Here cme the summer hliday. I'm pleasing t make a plan fr the cming days. Since I am a third -year senir high schl student this term, many f my time is spent n study. I try t finish all the hmewrk which is required by my teachers. I'd like t have a trip with my friends t visit several scenic spt and appreciate the beauty f nature. The trip can braden ur hrizns and relax them after the tugh exam. In the additin, I will d sprts as usual such as playing table tennis, which is beneficial frm my health. I cnvinced I'll have a meaning hliday.
    9.为了庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请你写一篇短文参赛,简介 “脱贫致富〞给你家乡带来的变化。
    参考词汇:脱贫致富pverty alleviatin
    1.【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,以广告的形式介绍了Crackle网站,可以让你在电脑、 和平板电脑上播放免费电影和观看免费电视节目。
    ①句意:暑假要到了。本句是倒装句,时态为一般现在时,主语是the summer hliday,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故将cme改为cmes。
    ③句意:由于这学期我高三,很多时间要花在学习上。time是不可数名词,应用much f修饰,many f修饰可数名词复数,不符合题意。故many改为much。
    ⑦句意:此外,我会和平常一样做运动,比方打乒乓球,这对我的健康有益。in additin此外,是固定短语,the多余,故删掉the。
    ⑧句意:此外,我会和平常一样做运动,比方打乒乓球,这对我的健康有益。be beneficial t固定短语,“对……有益〞,故frm改为t。
    9.【解析】【分析】此题是一篇记叙文写作,要求考生写一篇短文参赛,简介 “脱贫致富〞给你家乡带来的变化。写作背景:为了庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,你校正在组织英语作文比赛。此题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
    【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:Peple used t be t pr t supprt themselves. 运用了固定句式;It's cnvenient t cmmunicate and trade with ther parts f China and even abrad. 运用了it作形式主语; I strngly believe my hmetwn will be mre and mre beautiful.运用了宾语从句。1. A. ashamed
    B. fnd
    C. envius
    D. guilty
    2. A. rested
    B. wandered
    C. appeared
    D. hid
    3. A. relief
    B. regret
    C. delight
    D. annyance
    4. A. turned
    B. sht
    C. walked
    D. pulled
    5. A. prly
    B. plitely
    C. calmly
    D. seriusly
    6. A. pverty
    B. srrw
    C. misunderstanding
    D. embarrassment
    7. A. shrt
    B. yung
    C. thin
    D. weak
    8. A. as well
    B. s far
    C. instead
    D. anyway
    9. A. difficult
    B. perfect
    C. bad
    D. nvel
    10. A. enthusiasm
    B. curage
    C. genersity
    D. mercy
    11. A. expsed
    B. appinted
    C. attracted
    D. shwed
    12. A. spread
    B. tackle
    C. discver
    D. prmte
    13. A. change
    B. talk
    C. divide
    D. intrduce
    14. A. experimented
    B. traded
    C. cmpared
    D. cnnected
    15. A. bnuses
    B. rewards
    C. awards
    D. schlarships
    16. A. examined
    B. sught
    C. updated
    D. questined
    17. A. quarrels
    B. dangers
    C. criticism
    D. discriminatin
    18. A. put away
    B. set up
    C. kept ff
    D. pushed thrugh
    19. A. inspiratin
    B. pleasure
    C. ntes
    D. measures
    20. A. cmplaints
    B. reactins
    C. challenges
    D. pririties

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