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    If a steaming bwl f sup strikes yu as the ultimate in cmfrt, yu've gt plenty f cmpany. Sup is ne f the wrld's ldest and mst universal fds.
    These are CNN's nminatins fr 4 f the best sups arund the wrld:
    Beef ph / Vietnam
    Brth (汤底) is simmered fr hurs with cinnamn, star anise and ther warm spices t create a wnderfully fragrant base fr this ndle sup.
    Beef ph remains the mst belved versin in Vietnam, with ptins that include the riginal raw beef, a mix f raw and cked beef.
    Buillabaisse / France
    Buillabaisse distills (提炼) classic Mediterranean flavrs int a dish which has the same meaning as the castal city f Marseille. Saffrn, live il, fennel, garlic and tmates blend with fish fresh frm the sea.
    Lanzhu beef ndle sup / China
    Shaping - r pulling - la mi an ndles by hand fr this traditinal sup is an art in itself. Artisans use a finely milled, high — gluten flur and alkaline pwder t mix a stretchy dugh, then pull and fld a single piece f dugh t make enugh ndles fr a bwl f sup.
    Slip them int a bwl f beef sup fr a wrld-class sup that includes tender beef, pale slices f carrts, chili il and fresh herbs.
    Tm yum gng / Thailand
    Sweet, sur, spicy and salty, this sup's magnificent brth is the ideal fil fr sweet, tender shrimp. Fragrant ingredients include galangal, lemngrass and lime leaves, while slivers f bright red bird's eye chilis add additinal heat.
    Tm yum gng is just ne f many varieties f tm yum sup in Thailand - this versin cmes enriched with fat prawns, and is a favrite with many diners.
    〔1〕If yu feel like having a taste f western flavur, yu may chse .
    A.Beef ph
    C.Lanzhu beef ndle sup
    D.Tm yum gng
    〔2〕What d Beef ph and Lanzhu beef ndle sup have in cmmn?
    A.They're served with ndles.
    B.They're famus fr being spicy.
    C.Seafd is ne f their ingredients.
    D.The prcesses f them lk artistical.
    〔3〕Red bird's eye chilis can make the sup _______.
    Abut 2,400 years ag in Athens a man was put t death fr asking t many questins. If philsphy has a patrn saint (领航者), it is Scrates.
    Shabby and a bit strange, Scrates did nt fit in. Althugh physically ugly and ften unwashed, he had great charm and a brilliant mind. Everyne in Athens agreed that there had never been anyne quite like him and prbably wuldn't be again. He was unique.
    As a yung man, he had been a brave sldier fighting in the Pelpnnesian War against the Spartans and their allies. In middle age, he wandered arund the marketplace, stpping peple frm time t time and asking them awkward questins. That was mre r less all he did. But the questins he asked were razr-sharp.
    Over and ver again Scrates demnstrated that the peple he met in the marketplace didn't really knw what they thught they knew. A military cmmander wuld begin a cnversatin ttally cnfident that he knew what "curage" meant, but after 20 minutes in Scrates' cmpany, he wuld leave cmpletely cnfused. The experience must have been discncerting. Scrates lved t reveal the limits f what peple genuinely understd, and t questin the assumptins n which they built their lives.
    The wrd "philspher" cmes frm the Greek wrds meaning "lve f wisdm". The kind f wisdm that it values is based n argument, reasning and asking questins, nt n believing things simply because smene imprtant has tld yu they are true. Wisdm fr Scrates was nt knwing lts f facts, but knwing hw t d smething. It meant understanding the true nature f ur existence, including the limits f what we can knw. Philsphers tday are ding mre r less what Scrates was ding: asking tugh questins, lking at reasns and evidence, struggling t answer sme f the mst imprtant questins we can ask urselves abut the nature f reality and hw we shuld live.
    〔1〕What can we learn abut Scrates?
    A.He always dressed himself prperly and neatly.
    B.He used t be an anti-war activist when yung.
    C.He had a sharp mind and the spirit f insistence.
    D.He was enthusiastic abut bargaining in the supermarket.
    〔2〕What des the underlined wrd " discncerting" in Paragraph 4 mean?
    〔3〕What is the wisdm frm philsphy?
    A.Learning t argue, reasn and ask.
    B.Having faith in what experts tld yu.
    C.Figuring ut hw t slve the questin.
    D.Managing t have access t lts f facts.
    〔4〕Which clumn is the passage taken frm?
    If yu frequently Ggle language-related questins, yu've prbably seen an advertisement fr Grammarly, an autmated grammar-checker. Grammarly advertises its ability nt nly t fix a variety f mistakes like spelling and grammar, but t replace the pr wrds and expressins with prper nes and imprve styles t. Des it achieve what it advertises? Smetimes. But smetimes Grammarly desn't d what it shuld.
    Artificial-intelligence systems like Grammarly are trained with data. Develpers als manually add certain rules t the patterns that Grammarly has taught itself. The sftware then lks at a user's article: if a string f wrds seems ungrammatical, it tries t spt hw the mistake mst clsely resembles ne frm its training inputs.
    All this shws hw far artificial intelligence is frm the human kind. Cmputers have advantages ver humans at prblems that can be slved with pure maths, such as chess. Advances in language technlgy have been impressive in fields, such as speech recgnitin. But grammar is the real magic f language. And machines are n match fr humans. Cmputers can have a gd cmmand f labelling things like nuns and verb phrases. But they struggle with grammatical sentences that are difficult t analyse precisely.
    T crrect such articles requires knwing what the writer has intended. But cmputers dn't wrk in meaning r intentin; they wrk in frmulae (公式). Humans, by cntrast, can understand even rather cmplex grammar, because f the ability t guess the cntents f ther minds. Grammar-checking cmputers illustrate nt hw bad humans are with language, but just hw gd.
    〔1〕Accrding t the advertisement, Grammarly can help users.
    A.plish the cmpsitins
    B.cllect materials f writing
    C.translate the essay int what yu need
    D.master the rules f spelling and grammar
    〔2〕In what way is artificial intelligence at a disadvantage?
    A.Playing chess.
    B.Speech recgnitin.
    C.Labelling nuns and verb phrases.
    D.Analysing grammatical sentences.
    〔3〕What is the writer's attitude t grammar-checking cmputers?
    〔4〕What's the main idea f the passage?
    A.Humans have advantages ver artificial intelligence.
    B.A ppular sftware t crrect grammatical mistakes.
    C.Artificial intelligence has sme prblems with grammar.
    D.The advantages and disadvantages f artificial intelligence.
    Taking an afternn nap culd keep yur brain sharp, a new study has fund. Adults ages 60 and lder wh tk afternn naps shwed signs f better mental mind cmpared t thse wh didn't nap, accrding t a study published in General Psychiatry earlier this week.
    Researchers analyzed napping habits in 2, 214 Chinese peple aged 60 and lder and measured their cgnitive abilities using several cgnitive tests. Participants tk the Mini-Mental State Examinatin and the Beijing versin f the Mntreal Cgnitive Assessment, bth f which test fr memry, language and ther cgnitive abilities. In every categry listed in the study, nappers scred statistically higher n average cmpared t thse nn-napping peple. Researchers did nt gather data frm peple under 60, s a crrelatin cannt be drawn between napping and yunger generatins.
    Sleeping behavirs can be affected by a variety f factrs, said Dr. David Neubauer, assciate prfessr at Jhns Hpkins University. Daily rutines, medicatin use and sleep disrders can all play a rle in hw frequently smene takes a nap, he said.
    Neubauer recmmended taking a shrter "pwer nap" f up t 20 minutes t decrease the chances f transitining int slw-wave sleep, which makes peple feel dizzy when they wake up. Napping can be a healthy part f an lder adult's day, Neubauer acknwledged, but make sure sleepiness isn't due t a treatable nighttime sleep disrder. "Older individuals wh want t d all they can t preserve their cgnitive functining shuld put nighttime sleep in the first place."
    〔1〕What is the age range f the participants?
    A.Under 60.
    B.Frm 60 t 70.
    C.At 60.
    D.60 and abve.
    〔2〕What has the participants tested in the research?
    A.Recgnizing flavrs.
    B.Language cmpetence.
    C.Eating habits.
    D.Sight sensitivity.
    〔3〕What kind f sleep will make peple dizzy?
    A.Slw-wave sleep.
    B.Nighttime sleep.
    C.Pwer nap.
    〔4〕What is the best title f the passage?
    A.The Factrs Affacting Sleeping Behavirs
    B.It Is N Gd fr the Yung t Take a Nap
    C.A Research Aimed at Mnitring Sleeping Quality fr the Old
    D.An Afternn Nap Culd Imprve the Old's Cgnitive Ability
    Essential Minerals: Healthy r Hazardus?
    A new thery says that an excess (过量) f tw cmmn minerals - irn and cpper - may be behind sme cases f Alzheimer's and heart disease. These minerals are essential fr gd health. ________ It's clear that mst Americans ver 50 get a mass f these minerals. In fact, lder men cnsume mre than duble the recmmended dietary allwance f irn.
    ________Nt yet knwn, says nutritin researcher Richard Wd, PhD f the University f Massachusetts, Amherst - but he and ther experts agree that if yu're ver 50, it's wrth taking sme easy steps t reduce yur intake.
    Recnsider yur multis habit.
    Multivitamin frmulae designed fr adults ver 50 are typically free f irn, but it's almst impssible t find ne withut cpper. Mst health benefits fr multis are unprven. ________
    Drain (流淌)befre drinking.
    Cpper tap is fund in mre than 80 percent f huses in this cuntry. But newer pipes - thse less than five years ld — can prduce higher amunts f the mineral int yur drinking water. ________ Sme filters (过滤器)als reduce levels.
    Yu can quickly sail past recmmended levels f irn if yu eat lts f irn-rich beef, prk, r lamb. Limit yurself t tw r three small servings a week.
    A. Eat less red meat.
    B. Avid eating meat.
    C. Are they really making peple sick?
    D. Yu'd better nt chse cpper taps.
    E. Letting the water run fr 15 t 30 secnds will wash away excess cpper.
    F. Hwever, an excess f them may increase damage t cells, raising the risk f disease.
    G. Thus, it may be safer t skip them if they're nt specifically prescribed by yur dctr.
    6.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项〔A、B、C、D〕中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Alisn Malmn was a freshman when she gt a call frm her mther: Her fun, utging lder brther, Brian, had taken his wn 1 .
    When Malmn returned t schl after Brian's funeral that spring f 2000, she was still 2 . But when she lked fr help n campus, there was nbdy t 3 Back then, said Malmn, "Students weren't encuraged t talk abut their wrries abut 4 . I started 5 n the fact that there was a great need t give help."
    She was nly 19 and had n 6 with mental health issues, but that didn't 7 her frm launching Open Minds at Penn. Nw, 20 years later and with a new name - Active Minds - it is the largest yung adult mental health advcacy 8 in America. "What V m mst 9 by is that my generatin and the generatins cming behind me are taking n mental health as a scial justice 10 " says Malmn. "Our tls are changing nt nly their campuses, but they're 11 their families t."
    Active Minds' techniques are mre 12 than ever. A survey fund that 45 percent f students reprted feeling s 13 in the previus mnths that it was difficult t functin; 66 percent felt verwhelming anxiety; and 13 percent 14 cnsidered suicide (自杀).
    Malmn's gal has always been t 15 the prejudice against mental illness, the language and 16 the wrd we use t talk abut it. Take the wrd suicide fr example. Yu dn't say" cmmit a heart attack r cancer", 17 yu will say "cmmit suicide". Suicide is the nly death where we use that pejrative (贬低 的) wrd, she says. "If we take that 18 ut f ur cnversatin, we can make significant changes in hw we 19 suicide t the pint. If we change, we can give the peple the 20 they reach ut fr."
    As a saying ges, "Birth is much, but breeding is mre". Chinese families attach great ________(significant) t their children's educatin. ________ it cmes t children's educatin, Chinese parents will spare n effrt.
    What many parents are cnvinced is ________ they must devte themselves t guaranteeing their children will receive a gd educatin. They will ask their children t take all kinds f tutrial classes during weekends and hlidays. They are nt nly willing________ (invest) in educatin fr their children, but als prepared t spend cuntless hurs supercising (监督)their studies, because mst parents hpe that their children can ________(admit) int an ideal university. As a result ________ China's Refrm and Opening-up Plicy, mre and mre parents are able t affrd their children's study abrad r their participatin in an internatinal exchange prgram, all f which will ________(brad) their hrizns. In the past few years, mre children ________( prefer) t g abrad fr further educatin.
    Parents expect their children t grw up ________( excellent) thrugh their effrts, ________( make) cntributins t the natin5 s develpment and prsperity eventually.
    8.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处 误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    删除:把多余的词用斜线〔\ 〕划掉。
    Last week, a grup f internatinal student visited ur schl. T help them better understanding Chinese tea culture, we tk them t the tea rm, where I intrduced tea culture, including its histry, its rich variety, r the craftsmanship f making tea.
    Then I shwed them hw t make tea. I slwly explain the traditinal prcedures f making tea in detail. Absrb in every mve f mine, they were bth amazed. They culdn't help t taking pictures frm time t time. Next came the mment which I asked them t have try themselves. I was filled with prud t spread ur wn culture t peple all ver the wrld.
    9.假设你是高中生李华,你校下个月将举办主题为"When the buying stps, the killing can t. "的英语演讲比赛。请你写一篇关于保护野生动物的演讲稿参加此次活动,内容要点如下:
    Dear teachers and classmates,
    That's all. Thank yu!
    1.(1)考查细节理解。根据Buillabaisse / France局部中的“Buillabaisse distills classic Mediterranean flavrs int a dish which has the same meaning as the castal city f Marseille. 〞 Buillabaisse将经典的地中海风味提炼成一道如同海滨城市马赛一样的菜肴。可知,如果您喜欢吃西餐,您可以选择Buillabaisse。应选B。
    1.(2)考查细节理解。根据Beef ph / Vietnam局部中的“Brth is simmered fr hurs with cinnamn, star anise and ther warm spices t create a wnderfully fragrant base fr this ndle sup.〞汤汁与肉桂、八角和其他温热的香料一起炖煮数小时,为这道面汤创造出美妙的香味;以及Lanzhu beef ndle sup局部中的“Artisans use a finely milled, high-gluten flur and alkaline pwder t mix a stretchy dugh, then pull and fld a single piece f dugh t make enugh ndles fr a bwl f sup.〞工匠们用细磨的高筋面粉和碱性粉来混合一个有弹性的面团,然后拉折一个面团,做出足够一碗汤的面条。可知,牛肉河粉和兰州牛肉面的共同之处是它们是和面条一起吃的。应选A。
    1.(3)考查细节理解。根据Tm yum gng / Thailand局部中的“Fragrant ingredients include galangal, lemngrass and lime leaves, while slivers f bright red bird's eye chilis add additinal heat.〞香味浓郁的配料包括高良姜、柠檬草和莱姆叶,而鲜红的鸟眼辣椒那么增添了更多的辣味。可知,鸟眼红辣椒可以让汤更辣。应选C。
    3.(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Grammarly advertises its ability nt nly t fix a variety f mistakes like spelling and grammar, but t replace the pr wrds and expressins with prper nes and imprve styles t〞可知,Grammarly这一软件不仅可以改正拼写及语法错误,还能帮你给文章润色。应选A。
    3.(2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“But grammar is the real magic f language.And machines are n match fr humans〞可知,在语法上,人类比人工智能更有优势。应选D。
    3.(3)考查推理判断。 根据最后一段可知,作者认为grammer-checking cmputer并不靠谱。应选B。
    3.(4)考查主旨大意。纵观全文可知, 本文介绍了当人工智能遇到语法时:问题出现了。人工智能时代,靠机器改作文并不靠谱。选项C具有最好的概括性和针对性。应选C。
    4.(1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Researchers analyzed napping habits in 2,214 Chinese peple aged 60 and lder and measured their cgnitive abilities using several cgnitive tests〞可知,此次参加者的年龄是60岁及60岁以上的老年人。应选D。
    4.(2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Participants tk the Mini-Mental State Examinatin and the Beijing versin f the Mntreal Cgnitive Assessment, bth f which test fr memry, language and ther cgnitive abilities〞可知,参与者参加记忆,语言及认知能力的测试。应选B。
    4.(3)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Neubauer recmmended taking a shrter‘pwer nap’f up t 20 minutes t decrease the chances f transitining int slw-wave sleep, which makes peple feel dizzy when they wake up〞可知,短波睡眠会让人醒来时感觉头晕。应选A。
    4.(4)考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的“Taking an afternn nap culd keep yur brain sharp, a new study has fund〞可知,午睡能够改善老年人的认知能力。应选D。
    6.【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Ailsn Malmn在大一时,痛失自己挚爱的哥哥而产生心理问题,却没能得到帮助的经历从而建立了Active Minds的组织来帮助患有心理问题的人们。
    〔1〕句意:上周,一群国际学生参观了我们学校。student为可数名词,由a grup f修饰应用复数形式。故student改为students。
    〔2〕句意:为了帮助他们更好地了解中国茶文化,我们带他们去了茶室,在那里我介绍了茶文化,包括它的历史,它丰富的种类,以及泡茶的工艺。help sb. d sth.固定短语,“帮助某人做某事〞,故understanding改为understand。
    〔5〕句意:他们专注于我的一举一动,都感到很惊讶。be absrbed in,固定短语,“专注于……〞,此处省略be动词,用过去分词作状语。故Absrb改为Absrbed。
    〔7〕句意:他们忍不住时不时地拍照。can’t help ding sth.固定短语,“情不自禁做某事〞,故删掉t。
    〔8〕句意:接着,我要求他们自己试一试。此处为定语从句修饰先行词the mment,先行词在从句中作时间状语,应用关系副词when引导。故which改为when。
    〔9〕句意:接着,我要求他们自己试一试。have a try固定短语,“试一试〞,故have后加a。
    9.【解析】【分析】此题是一篇应用文写作,要求考生以高中生李华的身份,写一篇关于保护野生动物的演讲稿,参加你校下个月将举办主题为"When the buying stps, the killing can t. "的英语演讲比赛。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:1〕现状;2〕意义;3〕呼吁。提示中的内容比拟泛泛,需要适当补充。此题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
    【点评】本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:As we all knw, ur planet is ur beautiful hme, where wildlife and humans shuld have lived tgether harmniusly. 运用了非限制性定语从句;Hwever, mre and mre wildlife is faced with extinctin, whse habitats are becming smaller as new rads and railways were built. 运用了非限制性定语从句;Many animals are being butchered t meet buyers' need, causing their ppulatin t drp increasingly.运用了现在分词作结果状语;It's high time that we shuld change ur way f life and stp hunting wildlife.运用了虚拟语气; If everyne byctts buying any prducts made frm wildlife, the killing can stp, t. 运用了条件状语从句;Only when we learn t exist in harmny with nature can we stp being a threat t ur planet.运用了时间状语从句,倒装句。1. A. life
    B. business
    C. pprtunity
    D. decisin
    2. A. in high spirits
    B. in deep srrw
    C. at risk
    D. at rest
    3. A. pick up
    B. take ver
    C. shw ff
    D. turn t
    4. A. financial issues
    B. academic learning
    C. mental health
    D. physical health
    5. A. calling
    B. insisting
    C. depending
    D. reflecting
    6. A. experience
    B. prpsal
    C. pinin
    D. duty
    7. A. ban
    B. stp
    C. prtect
    D. defend
    8. A. crpratin
    B. branch
    C. rganizatin
    D. institute
    9. A. discuraged
    B. affected
    C. inspired
    D. astnished
    10. A. fcus
    B. practice
    C. respnsibility
    D. issue
    11. A. challenging
    B. changing
    C. cnnecting
    D. ruining
    12. A. vital
    B. cmplex
    C. casual
    D. simple
    13. A. cnfused
    B. depressed
    C. relieved
    D. satisfied
    14. A. partly
    B. ttally
    C. slightly
    D. seriusly
    15. A. rid
    B. ignre
    C. understand
    D. advcate
    16. A. als
    B. even
    C. still
    D. ever
    17. A. but
    B. s
    C. and
    D. r
    18. A. phrase
    B. wrd
    C. sentence
    D. grammar
    19. A. apprve f
    B. give up
    C. think abut
    D. make ut
    20. A. cnfidence
    B. gratefulness
    C. admiratin
    D. assistance

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