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    高中英语人教版必修一 Unit 3 Travel Journal reading课时作业2 练习
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    高中英语人教版必修一 Unit 3 Travel Journal reading课时作业2 练习02
    高中英语人教版必修一 Unit 3 Travel Journal reading课时作业2 练习03
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    人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 3 Travel journal课后复习题

    这是一份人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 3 Travel journal课后复习题,共14页。

    A Guide t Disney Wrld Tickets
    The Disney Wrld Ticket System may seem cmplicated(复杂的).This guide t Disney Wrld Tickets will help yu decide which Disney Wrld Ticket is the best chice fr yu and yur family.
    Walt Disney Wrld Base Ticket
    Start with yur base ticket-Magic Yur Way Base Ticket-and add n ptins if yu need them.
    Yu decide hw many days yu want t visit the fur Disney Wrld theme parks-the Magic Kingdm, Disney's MGM Studis, Animal Kingdm, and EPCOT. Magic Yur Way Base Tickets are available frm 1 t 10 days. The mre days yu pay fr, the cheaper the per-day cst gets.
    Disney Ticket N-Expiratin Optin
    Every Base Ticket expires(到期) 14 days after yu first use it. Yu can add the n-expiratin ptin t yur Base Ticket s that yur unused days never expire.
    Disney Water Park Fun and Mre
    The Base Ticket nly cvers admissin t the 4 theme parks. If yu want t visit Blizzard Beach, Typhn Lagn, Disney's Wide Wrld f Sprts, r Disney Quest yu need anther Disney ticket r yu can add n the Water Park Fun and Mre ptin t yur Base Ticket. The amunt f visits t the Water Park r Disney Quest depends n the number f days n yur Base Ticket. S a 2-Day Ticket with Water Park Fun and Mre will give yu 2 visits t the Water Parks; a 4-Day will give yu 4 visits and s n.
    Disney Park Hpper Ticket
    The Base Ticket allws yu t visit ne Disney park each day. The Disney Park Hpper ptin lets yu mve frm ne park t anther n the same day. S if yu started in Animal Kingdm yu culd mve t Magic Kingdm r ne f the ther theme parks n the same day.
    The cst fr this ptin is $ 53.25 per ticket regardless f the number f days yu have n yur Base Ticket. S it may be a gd ptin fr a 10-day ticket but nt s great fr a 2-day. It des take time t transfer(移动)between parks-Disney Wrld is huge-s wrk ut whether this is ging t be the way yur family want t visit.
    1. Which wuld yu purchase if yu wanted yur Base Ticket t be available within a year?
    A. Disney Ticket N-Expiratin Optin.B. Magic Yur Way Base Ticket.
    C. Disney Park Hpper Ticket.D. Disney Water Park Fun and Mre.
    2. What is the purpse f adding Disney Park Hpper ptin t the Base Ticket?
    A. T visit the Disney Water Park.
    B. T visit ne theme park per day.
    C. T visit mre than ne theme park per day.
    D. T visit the theme parks all the year arund.
    3. Where wuld yu prbably find this passage?
    A. On a factry website.B. In a travel brchure.
    C. On a schl ntice bard.D. In a fashin publicatin.
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B
    细节理解题。根据Disney Ticket N Expiratin Optin部分“Yu can add the n-expiratin ptin t yur Base Ticket s that yur unused days never expire.”可知,您可以将无到期选项添加到基本票证中,以便未使用的天数永远不会过期。由此可知,如果你想要你的基本票在一年内可用,你应该购买迪斯尼门票无到期选项。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Disney Park Hpper Ticket部分“The Disney Park Hpper ptin lets yu mve frm ne park t anther n the same day.”可知,迪士尼乐园的Hpper让你可以在同一天从一个公园移到另一个公园。由此可知,在基本门票中增加迪士尼乐园Hpper目的是,以便每天参观一个以上的主题公园。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据文章标题“A Guide t Disney Wrld Tickets”可知本文是一篇迪士尼购票指南,最可能来自于旅游小册子,故选B。
    University f Arizna architecture students wn the first place in a natinal cmpetitin fr a prject that reimagines the way buildings stre energy fr cling.
    "Being able t be recgnized fr yur passin and having peple tell yu that what yu're ding is really imprtant are inspiring," said Franzen, ne f the team members.
    The Arizna architecture students designed ne cmpnent f a larger prject called SunBlck, which rethinks the traditinal cnfiguratin f district energy systems that are used t heat r cl cllectins f buildings.
    District energy systems typically invlve ne central plant that creates heated r cled water, then pumps it arund t the ther buildings within the district. The buildings take that water and pass it thrugh an air handling unit. Air is then passed ver the water t heat r cl the building.
    The SunBlck cncept, designed specifically fr the Snran Desert, fcuses n cling. The main way it is different frm a traditinal district energy system is that each SunBlck building wuld have its wn slar-pwered system that cls the water, rather than ne central building ding it all.
    Because the buildings are built s efficiently, the cling system wuld prvide mre cld water than needed. The extra water culd be stred in undergrund tanks and shared with existing and less efficient buildings thrughut the neighbrhd.
    The prject addresses sustainability frm a number f angles: The buildings' electricity is prvided with slar pwer; the system des nt use traditinal air cnditining systems that use refrigerants(制冷剂), which are plluters; and the undergrund water tanks can als cllect rainwater fr irrigatin.
    "I'm ptimistic that SunBlck will smeday be mre than a first-place prject. We will d ur best t help future grups f students wh mve SunBlck frward and bring it clser t reality," said Franzen. "We just have t get mre peple n bard."
    4. Hw is the SunBlck cncept different frm a traditinal district energy system?
    A. Cld water cling the air.B. Less cld water fr buildings.
    C. One cling system fr ne building.D. One central building fr all buildings.
    5. Frm Paragraph 7, we can learn that SunBlck buildings are .
    A. cheap t buildB. envirnmentally friendly
    C. easy t manageD. cnvenient fr irrigatin
    6. What did Franzen say abut SunBlck?
    A. It culd be put int use nw.B. It needed mre peple t imprve it.
    C. It shuld be intrduced t mre peple.D. It culdn't be cnsidered a first-place prject.
    7. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. String Slar Energy fr BuildingsB. Keeping Buildings Cl with Cld Water
    C. Changing the Way Buildings are BuiltD. Rethinking the Way Buildings Are Cled
    【答案】4. D 5. B 6. B 7. D
    细节理解题。根据第五段中“The main way it is different frm a traditinal district energy system is that each SunBlck building wuld have its wn slar-pwered system that cls the water, rather than ne central building ding it all.”可知,它与传统地区能源系统的主要不同之处在于,每栋SunBlck建筑都有自己的太阳能系统来冷却水,而不是由一座中央建筑来完成所有工作。由此可知,SunBlck概念系统与传统区域能源系统的不同在于它不是一个中央建筑供所有建筑使用。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“The prject addresses sustainability frm a number f angles: The buildings' electricity is prvided with slar pwer; the system des nt use traditinal air cnditining systems that use refrigerants(制冷剂), which are plluters; and the undergrund water tanks can als cllect rainwater fr irrigatin.”可知,该项目从多个角度解决可持续性问题。建筑物的电力由太阳能提供;该系统不使用使用制冷剂的传统空调系统,制冷剂是污染源;地下水箱还可以收集雨水用于灌溉。由此可推知,SunBlck很环保。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“‘I'm ptimistic that SunBlck will smeday be mre than a first-place prject. We will d ur best t help future grups f students wh mve SunBlck frward and bring it clser t reality,’ said Franzen. ‘We just have t get mre peple n bard.’”可知“我乐观地认为,总有一天SunBlck将不仅仅是一个首要项目。我们将尽我们最大的努力帮助未来的学生使用SunBlck,让它更接近现实。”Franzen说道。“我们必须让更多的人加入进来”。由此可知,Franzen说需要更多的人来改善SunBlck。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段“The Arizna architecture students designed ne cmpnent f a larger prject called SunBlck, which rethinks the traditinal cnfiguratin f district energy systems that are used t heat r cl cllectins f buildings.”可知,亚利桑那大学建筑系的学生们设计了一个名为SunBlck的大型项目的一个组成部分,该项目重新考虑了传统的区域能源系统配置,这些系统用于为建筑群供暖或制冷。结合文章还详细介绍了SunBlck的工作原理和优势,SunBlck使每栋建筑物都配有自己独立的太阳能制冷系统,改变了传统的由一个制冷中心向一个地区所有建筑物提供冷却水的系统模式。由此可知,D选项“重新思考建筑的制冷方式”最符合文章标题。故选D。
    Imagine meeting smene fr the first time wh cmes frm a distant cuntry but is fluent in yur language. Wuld yu adapt the tne f yur vice, r the spacing f pauses in yur speech? Hw abut adjusting yur bdy language and facial expressins, depending n the backgrund f the persn in frnt f yu?
    These are just a handful f the shifts in behaviur that can cntribute t what is knwn as yur "cultural intelligence", r CQ.
    "The number ne predictr f yur success in tday's brderless wrld is nt yur IQ, r nt even yur expertise(专长)," writes scial, scientist David Livermre in his bk The Cultural Intelligence Difference. "It's yur CQ."
    Typically CQ is measured thrugh a series f questins that assess fur distinct cmpnents. The first is "CQ Drive"-the mtivatin t learn abut ther cultures. Then there is "CO Knwledge", which is an understanding f sme f the general cultural differences yu may face. "CQ Strategy" examines hw yu make sense f thse difficult cnflicts and learn frm them, while "CQ Actin" invlves yur behaviural flexibility-whether yu are able t adapt yur cnduct like a cultural chamelen.
    "While understanding a specific culture can be useful, it may nt predict at all yur ability t engage effectively in a new place," says Livermre. "In fact, ur research finds that individuals wh have lived in multiple lcatins fr extended time are mre likely t have higher CQ Knwledge than thse wh have lived multiple decades in ne verseas setting."
    Smene with lw CO might have a tendency t judge everyne else's behaviur by his wn cultural standards. If he cmes frm a mre sciable envirnment, fr instance, and ntices that his Japanese clleagues are very quiet in a meeting, he may assume that they are being unfriendly r bred. A persn at the tp f the scale(级别), meanwhile, might realise that silence is a sign f respect and that feedback(反馈)wn't be given unless it is explicitly required. As a result, he'll make sure t ffer suitable pprtunities within the meeting fr thers t prvide their pinins.
    8. Which f the fllwing best describes "a cultural chamelen"?
    A. Learning frm ther cultures t have a high CQ.
    B. Taking actin t vercme the cmmunicatin barrier.
    C. Getting alng well with thers despite cultural differences.
    D. Changing behaviur accrding t the cultural backgrund.
    9. What is the best way t get high CQ Knwledge?
    A. Experiencing a variety f different cultures.
    B. Spending a lng time in a specific culture.
    C. Meeting peple frm a distant cuntry.
    D. Having persnal experience in anther culture.
    10. What kind f peple d the "Japanese clleagues" represent?
    A. Peple with lw CO.B. Peple with high CQ.
    C. Peple frm a different culture.D. Peple frm a sciable envirnment.
    11. Whm is the text mainly intended fr?
    A. Thse wh are ging t be a scial scientist.
    B. Thse wh want t learn abut CQ Knwledge.
    C. Thse wh cnduct sme research n CQ and IQ.
    D. Thse wh interact with peple frm different cultures.
    【答案】8. D 9. A 10. C 11. D
    【详解】1.短语猜测题。根据第四段"CQ Strategy" examines hw yu make sense f thse difficult cnflicts and learn frm them, while "CQ Actin" invlves yur behaviural flexibility-whether yu are able t adapt yur cnduct like a cultural chamelen.得知,"CQ战略",调查你如何搞清楚这些不同的冲突,并从中吸取教训。"CQ行动",这牵扯到你的行为有多么灵活——你能否像一个文化变色龙一样改变自己的行为。behaviural flexibility(行为上的灵活性)和adapt yur cnduct(改变自己的行为)可知,a cultural chamelen是指根据文化背景改变行为。故选D。
    2.细节理解题。根据第五段individuals wh have lived in multiple lcatins fr extended time are mre likely t have higher CQ Knwledge than thse wh have lived multiple decades in ne verseas setting可知,在很多地方都待过的人,比那些在一个海外环境中居住了几十年的人,更有可能具备较高的CQ知识。可以判断出长期住在多重地区的人们更有可能比有更高的CQ,故选A。
    3.推理判断题。根据最后一段“ If he cmes frm a mre sciable envirnment, fr instance, and ntices that his Japanese clleagues are very quiet in a meeting, he may assume that they are being unfriendly r bred”可知,如果一个人来自更社交性的环境,他注意到自己的日本同事在会议上非常安静,他可能会觉得他们不友好又无趣。所以日本同事代表的是来自不同文化的人,故选C。
    4.推理判断题。根据第一段“Imagine meeting smene fr the first time wh cmes frm a distant cuntry but is fluent in yur language. ”可知,试想:你第一次见到一个来自遥远国度的人,但此人却能流利使用你的语言。文章是写给要跟不同文化背景的人交流的读者。故选D。
    Sitting up straight in yur chair isn’t just gd fr yur psture(姿势)-it als gives yu mre cnfidence in yur wn thughts, accrding t a new study.
    “Our bdy psture can affect nt nly what thers think abut us, but als hw we think abut urselves,” said Richard Petty, c-authr f the study.
    The study included 71 students at Ohi State. They were tld they wuld take part in tw separate studies at the same time, ne rganized by the business schl and ne by the arts schl.
    They were tld the arts study was examining factrs cntributing t peple's acting abilities, in this case, the ability t maintain a specific psture while engaging in ther activities. They were instructed t either “sit up straight” r “sit sluched(无精打采)frward”.
    While in ne f these psitins, the students participated in the business study, which suppsedly examined factrs cntributing t prfessinal perfrmance. While hlding their psture, they listed either three psitive r three negative persnal traits(特质)relating t future prfessinal perfrmance n the jb. After cmpleting this task, they tk a survey in which they rated themselves n hw well they wuld d as a future prfessinal emplyee.
    The results were striking.
    Students wh held the upright, cnfident psture were much mre likely t rate themselves in line with the psitive r negative traits they wrte dwn. In ther wrds, if they wrte psitive traits abut themselves, they rated themselves mre highly, and if they wrte negative traits abut themselves, they rated themselves lwer.
    Hwever, students wh assumed the sluched, less cnfident psture, didn’t seem cnvinced by their wn thughts-their ratings didn’t differ much regardless f whether they wrte psitive r negative things abut themselves.
    “Their cnfident, upright psture gave them mre cnfidence in their wn thughts, whether they were psitive r negative,” Petty said.
    “Sitting up straight is smething yu can train yurself t d, and it has psychlgical benefits-as lng as yu generally have psitive thughts,” he said.
    12. When did the business study take place?
    A. When the students tk the survey.B. When the arts study was ging n.
    C. After the arts study was cnducted.D. After the students tk the survey.
    13. Which can be included in the underlined wrds "ther activities" in' Paragraph 4?
    A. Sitting up straight.B. Wrking as an emplyee.
    C. Listing persnal traits.D. Participating in the arts study.
    14. What d we knw abut the ratings given by thse wh sat up straight?
    A. They were rather high.
    B. They were relatively lw.
    C. They agreed with the written-dwn traits.
    D. They were different frm the written-dwn traits.
    15. What can be the cnclusin f the study?
    A. Bdy psture affects ur cnfidence level.
    B. Cnfidence leads t gd bdy psture
    C. Bdy psture affects prfessinal perfrmance.
    D. Persnal traits affect prfessinal perfrmance.
    【答案】12. B 13. C 14. C 15. A
    细节理解题。根据第三段的“ They were tld they wuld take part in tw separate studies at the same time, ne rganized by the business schl and ne by the arts schl.”可知,他们被告知他们将同时参加两项单独的研究,一项是由商学院组织的,另一项是由艺术学院组织的。由此可知,商学院组织的研究与艺术学院组织的研究同步进行。故选B。
    词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“They were instructed t either “sit up straight” r “sit sluched(无精打采)frward”.”可知,他们被要求要么“坐直”要么“懒散地坐着”,再由第五段中的 “While hlding their psture, they listed either three psitive r three negative persnal traits relating t future prfessinal perfrmance n the jb. ”可知,在保持特定姿势的同时,他们要么列出与未来工作中职业表现相关的三个积极的特质要么列出三个消极的特质,再结合第七段的研究结果可知,“ther activities”指的是“列出个人特质”。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第七段的“Students wh held the upright, cnfident psture were much mre likely t rate themselves in line with the psitive r negative traits they wrte dwn. In ther wrds, if they wrte psitive traits abut themselves, they rated themselves mre highly, and if they wrte negative traits abut themselves, they rated themselves lwer.”可知,保持挺直和自信的姿势的学生更有可能根据自己写下的正面或负面特质来评价自己。换句话说,如果他们对自己写出积极的特质,则对自己的评价更高;如果他们对自己写出消极的特质,则其对自己的评价较低;在根据第八段“Hwever, students wh assumed the sluched, less cnfident psture, didn’t seem cnvinced by their wn thughts-their ratings didn’t differ much regardless f whether they wrte psitive r negative things abut themselves.”可知,然而,那些摆出懒散、不太自信的姿势的学生,似乎并没有被自己的想法所说服,不管他们写的是正面的还是负面的,他们的评分都没有太大的差别。由此可知,那些坐直的人与他们自己写下的特质是相符合的。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第一段的“Sitting up straight in yur chair isn’t just gd fr yur psture(姿势)-it als gives yu mre cnfidence in yur wn thughts, accrding t a new study.”可知,一项新的研究表明,挺拔身姿坐在椅子上坐着不仅对你养成好的坐姿有益,还可以使你对自己的想法更有信心,再结合最后一段““Sitting up straight is smething yu can train yurself t d, and it has psychlgical benefits-as lng as yu generally have psitive thughts,” he said.”可知,他说,你可以训练自己坐直,只要你的想法总体上是积极的,就会对心理有好处。由此可知,此研究的结论是:身体姿势会影响我们的信心水平。故选A。
    Tracking Yur Life
    Smetimes we dn't realize we have a prblem until we see the facts.___16___Here are sme essential things in yur life yu shuld track.
    Mney is limited, s yu shuld track yur persnal finance t use mney wisely. Many peple aren't aware that they have a financial prblem until everything is t late. Or perhaps they're aware, but they dn't knw hw it happened.____17____That's why yu shuld take ntes f yur incme and expenses s that yu can take necessary actin.
    Have yu ever had days when yu wndered why yu had accmplished s little? That's ne reasn why yu need t track yur time s that yu may knw where yur time went.
    ___18___Fr example, yu can create a time lg(日志)where yu recrd all yur activities during the day alng with the time and duratin.____19____A simpler way is t just track hw many prductive sessins yu have in a day. Or, yu can track yur time indirectly by tracking yur gals fr the day. If yu achieve yur desired gals, then yu knw that yu've used yur time prductively.
    ___20___D yu have a gd habit that yu want t build r a bad habit that yu want t break? Yu may d this by tracking yur habits.
    Yu can d it simply by taking ntes f hw many times yu d the habit in a certain perid f time. Yu can then see hw yur scre is fr that perid f time. With a gd habit, the gal is t maximize the scre while with a bad habit the gal is t minimize it.
    A. There are many ways t d this.
    B. This culd be burdensme, thugh.
    C. Cnsequently, they have n idea hw t slve it.
    D. That's why tracking yur life is always s imprtant.
    E. Habits have a big effect n hw yu reach yur gal.
    F. Yet they manage their mney regardless f what happens.
    G. Smetimes, develping yur persnal habits can make 'a beneficial change.
    【答案】16. D 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. E
    根据下文“Fr example, yu can create a time lg(日志)where yu recrd all yur activities during the day alng with the time and duratin.( 例如,您可以创建一个时间日志,记录您在白天的所有活动以及时间和持续时间。)”可推断,本段介绍跟踪时间的方法,注意句中"d this"指上段中的"track yur time"。本段围绕段落主题句分为两个板块:yu can create a time lg ..和yu can track yur time indirectly by tracking yur 。故选A。
    前面句子建议做时间日志,因此推断空格处为B项,评价说这有点"burdensme",所以用了一个表转折意义的副词thugh。然后下句"A simpler way is... "便介绍了一种更简单的方法。可以看出这三个句子环环相扣,浑然一体。故选B。
    根据下文“你有想要养成的好习惯还是有想要改掉的坏习惯? 你可以通过跟踪你的习惯来做到这一点。”可知,E项中的habits为本段和下段的关键词,这两段围绕该关键词进行阐述。故选E。

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