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    人教版(2019)高一英语必修第二册 单元测试AB卷 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage B卷
    人教版(2019)高一英语必修第二册 单元测试AB卷 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage B卷01
    人教版(2019)高一英语必修第二册 单元测试AB卷 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage B卷02
    人教版(2019)高一英语必修第二册 单元测试AB卷 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage B卷03
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage单元测试课时训练

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage单元测试课时训练,共15页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,读后续写,填空题,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. Researchers have fund a village that may have been hme t the builders f Stnehenge. The village f small huses dates back t abut 2600 BC. That's abut the same time Stnehenge was built. "Clearly, this is a place that was f great imprtance," said researcher Mike Parker Pearsn.
    The ancient huses are at a site knwn as Durringtn Walls. It is abut 3.2 kilmetres frm Stnehenge. Researchers believe Stnehenge was a memrial site r cemetery fr the villagers. The village als had a wden versin f the stne circle. It may have been used by peple attending festivals at Stnehenge.
    Eight f the huses have been dug up. Researchers say there may be as many as 25 f them. The wden huses were square and abut 5 metres alng each side. There are signs that there were beds alng the walls. There are als signs f a strage unit. The huses als had fireplaces.
    Tw f the huses were separate frm the thers. They may have been the hmes f cmmunity leaders. Researchers say thse didn't have the husehld rubbish that was fund in the ther hmes.
    Stne tls, animal bnes, arrwheads and ther things were fund thrughut the village site.
    Stnehenge is a ppular turist spt in England. It is a huge circle made ut f stnes, which were placed in a grass field in suthern England. The stne arches were made with tw stnes at the bttm and ne acrss the tp. All f the stnes weigh a lt mre than a big car. Scientists have lng wndered nt nly hw peple built Stnehenge, but als why.
    (1).The passage is mainly abut _______.
    A.researchers wrking at StnehengeB.a village site near Stnehenge
    C.the wden versin f StnehengeD.builders f Stnehenge and the huses
    (2).What were the ancient huses made f?
    A.Stnes.B.Animal bnes.
    C.Wd.D.Husehld rubbish.
    (3).What can be inferred abut Stnehenge frm the passage?
    A.Stnehenge was built befre 2600 BC.
    B.Stnehenge was built in the village.
    C.Stnehenge was built fr the cmmunity leaders.
    D.Stnehenge was imprtant fr the villagers.
    2. If it had nt been fr Fan Jinshi and her team,the wrld cultural heritage at Dunhuang Mga Grttes in a remte Chinese desert might have lng been destryed by sand, weather r humans.
    Brn and raised in Shanghai, Fan has spent half a century fighting an uphill battle t preserve the ancient Buddhist wall painting at Dunhuang, in Nrthwest China s Gansu Prvince. The 1,651-year-ld Dunhuang Mga Grttes are a huge cllectin f Buddhist art—mre than 2,000 buddha figures and 45,000 square meters f paintings spread amng 735 caves. It is China's first UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site.
    Archaelgist Fan was sent t Dunhuang after graduatin frm Peking University in 1963. While in Dunhuang, a remte village in the desert then, Fan lived in an abandned temple. At firsts she did nt even dare t g ut t the tilet at night. T prtect the treasures frm sand and dampness, Fan and ther wrkers put drs n the caves, planted trees and started mnitring temperature and humidity in the caves. They als cntrlled the number f visitrs.
    In the late 1990s, with turism bming natinwide since natinal hlidays were extended, the lcal gvernment planned t g public with Dunhuang Mga Grttes, but fund Fan firmly in their way. "The heritage wuld have been destryed if it had been listed," she said.
    Dunhuang Academy has nw phtgraphed and catalged nline all the sculptures and paintings. "Despite ur effrts t minimize damage, we can't cmpletely stp them frm being erded. But the digital database will last."
    Fan was grateful when her husband jined her in Dunhuang in 1986 after 19 years f separatin. Her tw sns grew up in Shanghai with their aunt. "I have nt been a gd mther r wife. With regard t my family, I'm full f guilt," she said. Fan, 79, retired tw years ag as the directr f Dunhuang Academy but cntinues her effrts as a natinal plitical adviser.
    1.Which f the fllwing measures didn't Fan Jinshi take t prtect Dunhuang Mga Grttes?
    A.Opening Dunhuang Mga Grttes t the public extensively.
    B.Planting trees and stpping the Dunhuang Mga Grttes being erded.
    C.Picturing and classifying all the sculptures and paintings nline.
    D.Putting drs n the caves and mnitring temperature and humidity.
    2.When was Fan separated frm her husband?
    A. In 1963.
    B. In 1967.
    C. In 1986.
    D. In the late 1990s.
    3.The phrase "in their way" in Paragraph 4 means _______.
    A.G t a place.
    B.Be in favr f smething.
    C.Reject smething.
    D.Give in t smething.
    4.What kind f persn d yu think Fan is?
    A.Cnsiderate and easy-ging.
    B.kind and intelligent.
    C.Humrus and sweet-tempered.
    D.Devted and persistent.
    3. If yu'd like t g sightseeing, the fllwing Wrld Heritage Sites may be yur best chices.
    Jiuzhaigu Valley Scenic and Histric Interest Area
    The Jiuzhaigu Valley, which lies in the nrthern part f Sichuan Prvince, reaches a height f mre than 4,800 meters, with a series f different frest ecsystems(生态系统). There yu can enjy watching excellent waterfalls. Sme 140 kinds f birds als live in the valley, as well as a number f endangered plants and animals, including the giant panda. Fr mre infrmatin, please visit
    Khami Ruins Natinal Mnument
    Thecity f Khami, which develped after the capital f Great Zimbabwe had been given up in the mid-16th century, is f great archaelgical(考古的) interest. The discvery f bjects frm Eurpe and China shws that Khami was a majr centre fr trade ver a lng perid f time. Fr mre infrmatin, please visit
    Hendersn Island
    Hendersn Island, which lies in the eastern Suth Pacific, is ne f the few atlls(环礁) in the wrld whse eclgy(生态) has nt been tuched by human beings. It is especially famus fr the ten plants and fur land birds that can nly be seen n the island. Fr mre infrmatin, please visit
    The Old City f Jerusalem
    As a hly city fr three different religins in the Middle East, Jerusalem has always been f great religius imprtance. It was given a Wrld Heritage Status in 1981 and placed n the "List f Wrld Heritage in Danger" the fllwing year. Fr mre infrmatin, please visit
    1.What can we knw abut the Jiuzhaigu Valley?
    A.It sits at the ft f a 4,800-meteirhigh muntain
    B.It has different frest ecsystems
    C.Mst f China's endangered plants can be fund there
    D.In all abut 140 kinds f birds and animals live there
    2.The discvery f sme f the bjects in Khami shws that the city .
    A.had a very shrt histry
    B.was ruined in the mid—16th century
    C.was nce Great Zimbabwe's largest city
    D.nce played a great rle as a trade centre
    3.Frm the passage we can learn that Hendersn Island .
    A.hasn't been greatly influenced by human activities
    B.isn't suitable fr humans t live n
    C.has been pen t visitrs fr years
    D.is made up f a few large atlls
    4.If yu are interested in religin, yu shuld visit .
    A.httpwhc. unesc. rg/en/list/148
    B.http://whc. unesc, rg/en/list/365
    C.httpt//whc. unesc. rg/en/list/487
    D. http://whc. unesc. rg/en/list/637
    4.On the first day f my new high schl, I almst had a nervus breakdwn. Everything abut the schl seemed s difficult. When I gt hme, my parents said, " Yu're nervus and that's kay. Everyne is afraid f high schl. "I denied it. I wanted t be strng, s I refused t let anyne knw abut my fear, even my clsest friends.
    On the first day I was late fr every class and was cnstantly lst. The schl seemed like a puzzle that I culdn't figure ut. Was this hw the whle year was ging t be? I didn't think I culd rise t this challenge, especially carrying a huge backpack that I culd hardly lift. The schlmates seemed t regard me as a fl, and they were prbably right
    Despite my fears, after the first week I finally had my schedule figured ut. With the exceptin f falling dwn the stairs a cuple f times and getting laughed at, high schl was turning ut t be nt s bad. It was actually much better than middle schl and much mre challenging.
    Since then, I've been elected vice mnitr f my class, which wasn't much f a victry since nly three peple ran fr the fur psitins.
    It is nrmal t be scared abut a new schl. Take a deep breath and relax. Make sure yu participate in sme ut-f-class activities because yu'll find it easier t make friends. Try t d yur best, even if it isn't straight A's.
    Mst imprtant f all, be wh yu are, whether yu’re a fl, an athlete, r a lwer grader. Dn't try t pretend t be smene yu're nt. Nw yu knw the true secrets f high schl.
    1.The main reasn fr the authrs fear n his first day is that_________.
    A.he was unable t wrk ut the puzzle
    B.he was nt familiar with the new surrundings
    C.his schlmates were unfriendly t him
    D.his schlbag was t heavy fr him t carry
    2.Frm the authr's first day experience we can infer that_________.
    A.his hme was far frm the schl
    B.he gt t schl after classes began
    C.he didn't get any schl schedule
    D.he didn't knw the right way t the class
    3.After his first week at schl, the authr_________.
    A.was still nt accustmed t the schedule
    B.gradually adjusted himself t the new schl
    C.fund that high schl was nt s challenging as he had imagined
    D.ran fr mnitr f his class against three ther students
    4.Accrding t the passage, the secret f the authr's success lies mainly in_________.
    A.making mre friends
    B.getting mre As at schl
    C.being wh he really is
    D.jining in ut-f-class activities
    5. The Aswan High Dam was designed t cntrl the Nile River. ① These benefits, hwever, d nt cme withut a price tag. Hussein M. Fahim, wh has been studying the influences f the Aswan Dam since 1963, writes "I view dams as engineering wrks, suppsedly built t serve peple; they, f curse, have their technical specificatins and requirements, but their ptential humanistic implicatins shuld neither be verlked nr underestimated." Engineers and gvernments must carefully balance the benefits and the cst f any new technlgy. Huge envirnmental prjects such as dams need even mre thught and cnsideratin than a new car engine r a faster micrprcessr.
    The High Dam was actually the secnd dam at Aswan, the first having been built in 1889. ② Due t the irregular flding pattern f the Nile river and increased water demands, the dam had t be raised n 2 ccasins (1912 and 1933) in rder t ensure its cntinued usefulness and safety. When debates began again ver raising the dam a third time, suggestins were made t pssibly build a new super dam.
    ③ The new dam, the Aswan High Damm, was a technical wnder, being 5 kilmetres lng at its crest, and 1 kilmetre thick at its base, and rising 107 metres abve sea level. With the dam's hydrelectric capabilities, the Egyptian gvernment tries t btain the maximum benefits available frm every galln f water that flws dwn the Nile.
    ④ When the Aswan Dam was built, Nubia(努比亚) was flded. The Egyptian gvernment made arrangements fr the Nubians t be relcated, but their lifestyle was destryed. In fact, many f the nmadic(游牧的) tribes(部落) in the area were nt warned f the changes that wuld be happening t the river, which affected their rutines in caring fr their livestck. Mre imprtant than the appearance f Lake Nasser, as the nrthern part f the reservir created by the dam is knwn, the Nubians grew crps in small pieces f land alng the shre. ⑤ Many peple have left the settlements that were created fr them and returned t the lake's edge, trying t recreate their lst culture.
    Dams, like any ther technical "advancement", need t be analyzed nt nly n the basis f their perceived ecnmic benefits and their dllar cst, but als n their envirnmental and scial influence as well. The questin we shuld cnsider as we strive t better the wrld is nt "Can we?" but "Shuld we?"
    A. Althugh mst peple wuld agree the fld cntrl and the electricity the dam prvided helped ecnmic grwth, the cst f these benefits must als be examined.
    B. Thse areas are nw cmpletely underwater.
    C. Hw t keep the balance between develpment and prtectin f the envirnment remains a prblem.
    D. It wasn't until Egypt experienced a revlutin in 1952 that the plitical climate allwed the pssibility f a new dam t be prperly studied.
    E. At the time Egypt was cntrlled by the British and they were interested in increasing irrigatin capabilities fr cash crps, such as cttn.
    F. With the advanced techniques, the cnstructin f a new dam was n the way.
    G. The huge dam cntrls flding and stres water fr times f drught(干旱), it is equipped t prvide hydrelectric(水电的) pwer.
    6.Jake and Max Klein are twin brthers wh have a passin fr vlunteering. Their family have always dne cmmunity 1 . At a yung age, they chse t 2 family's gifts at their birthday parties,but asked them t dnate mney t a charity. When they were seven, Jake and Max were interested in 3 with a family friend at the lcal hmeless shelter t help ck. 4 , he turned them dwn because they were t 5 and they had t be furteen t ck. This led them n an endless 6 t cme up with a way t help ther kids wh were als facing a 7 challenging:wanting t help but 8 because f their age.
    S, Kids That D Gd was 9 t shw ways t kids r adults, at any age, they culd jin the cmmunity and make a 10 . The small 11 has grwn int a large website that brings thusands f 12 visitrs each year. Jake and Max say that their website brings 35,000 unique viewers, and f thse viewers, Kids That D Gd has 13 kids t 16,000 rganizatins.
    Jake and Max are 14 with schl and after-class activities and ther cmmunity service prmises. Kids That D Gd als has blg psts that advise kids n 15 their wn charitable event.
    B.services C.duties D.businesses
    ut B.play with C.give up D.put away
    B.vlunteering C.cking D.recycling
    B.Happily C.Hnestly D.Gratefully
    B.awkward C.weak D.yung
    B.ability C.chance D.determinatin
    B.similar C.sharp D.direct
    B.blamed C.denied D.praised
    B.allwed C.named D.created
    B.difference C.cmment D.decisin
    B.effrt C.prject D.experiment
    B.satisfied C.amazed D.interested
    B.expsed C.cntributed D.attracted
    B.patient C.busy D.cntent
    B.describing C.celebrating D.building
    When a trnad(龙卷风) tuched dwn in a small twn nearby,many families were left cmpleted ruined. Afterward all the lcal newspapers carried many human-interest stries featuring sme f the families wh suffered the hardest.
    One Sunday, a particular picture especially tuched me. A yung wman std in frnt f an entirely shattered(破碎的) mbile hme, a depressed expressin n her face. A yung by, seven r eight years ld, std at her side, eyes dwnward. Clutching(紧握) at her skirt was a tiny girl wh stared int the camera, eyes wide with cnfusin and fear.
    The article that went with the picture gave the clthing sizes f each family member. With grwing interest, I nticed that their sizes clsely matched urs. This wuld be a gd pprtunity t teach my children t help thse less frtunate than themselves. I stuck the picture f the yung family n ur refrigeratr, explaining their difficulty t my seven-year-ld twins, Brad and Brett, and t three-year-ld Meghan.
    “These pr peple nw have nthing,” I said. “We’ll share what we have with them. I brught three large bxes dwn frm the rm upstairs and placed them n the living rm flr. Meghan watched seriusly, as the bys and I filled ne f the bxes with canned gds and fds.
    While I srted thrugh ur clthes, I encuraged the bys t g thrugh their tys and dnate sme f their less favrite things. Meghan watched quietly as the bys piled up ld tys and games.
    Meghan walked up with Lucy, her wrn, much-lved rag dll hugged tightly t her chest. She came t the bx that held the tys, pressed her rund little face int Lucy's flat, painted-n-face, gave her a final kiss, then laid her gently n tp f the ther tys.
    “Oh, Hney,” I said.” Yu dn’t have t give Lucy. Yu lve her s much.”
    Meghan ndded seriusly, eyes filled with held-back tears. "Lucy makes me happy, Mmmy. Maybe she’ll make that ther little girl happy,t.”
    Paragraph. 1:
    The bys had watched,pen-muthed,as their baby sister placed her favrite dll in the bx.
    Paragraph. 2:
    I lked my children fr a lng mment. ________________________________________
    8. The Great Wall winds 1._______(it) way frm west t east, acrss deserts, 2._______ muntains, thrugh valleys till at last it reaches the sea.
    The Great Wall has 3._______ histry f ver twenty centuries. The first part f it 4._______(build) during the Spring and Autumn Perid. During the Warring States Perid, 5._______(many) walls were put up t defend the brders f the different kingdms. During the Qin Dynasty, the Emperr Qinshihuang had all the walls 6._______(jin) up. Thus, the Great Wall came int being.
    7._______ was very difficult t build such a wall in the ancient days withut any mdern machines. All the wrk was dne by hand. 8._______(thusand) f men died and were buried under the wall they built. It was made nt nly f stne and earth, but f the flesh and bld f millins f men.
    Tday the Great Wall is a place f 9._______(interesting) nt nly t the Chinese but als t peple frm all ver the wrld. Many peple knw the famus Chinese saying: "He 10._______ des nt reach the Great Wall is nt a true man."
    Dear Jasn,
    I am glad t knw yu are cming t visit China. I am writing t recmmend ne f the Wrld Heritage Sites in China—Lngmen Grttes.
    I hpe yu'll have a gd time in China.
    Li Hua
    1.答案:(1)-(3) BCD
    (3).推理判断题。第一段中第二句表明A项错误;根据 第二段第二句可知B项也不对;根据第二段第三句可知C项错误;根据第二段可知D项正确。巨石阵对村庄很重要。
    2.答案:1-4 ABCD
    2.细节理解题,根据文章最后一段Fan was grateful when her husband jined her in Dunhuang in 1986 after 19 years f separatin,可知1986年的19年前是1967年,故选B。
    3.词义猜测题。下文"The heritage wuld have been destryed if it had been listed," she said.可知"如果这份遗产被列入名录,它早就被毁了。"由此可知她坚决反对当地政府将敦煌莫高窟 公诸于众的计划,"in their way"的意思是"反对某事",故选C。
    3.答案:1.B; 2.D; 3.A; 4.A
    解析:1.细节理解题.根据第一段中的with a series f different frest ecsystems可知,九寨沟有不同的森林生态系统。
    2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的 was a majr centre fr trade...可知曾作为贸易中心。
    3.细节理解题.从第四段的句子whse eclgy has nt been tuched by human beings。可知它没有被人类破坏过。
    4.细节理解题.从最后一段的句子Jerusalem has always been f great religius... 和最后的网站http whc. unesc. rg/en/list/148可知答案为A。
    4.答案:1.B; 2.D; 3.B; 4.C
    解析:推理判断题:根据第一段前两句On the first day f new high schl, I almst had a nervus breakdwn. Everything abut the schl seemed s difficult.及第二段内容可推断出,作者高中第一天感到害怕的主要原因是他不熟悉新环境。2.推理判断题。根据第二段前两句On the first day I was late fr every class and was cnstantly lst. The schl seemed like a puzzle that I culdn’t figure ut.可知,作者上高中第一天每节课都迟到并且总是迷路,由此可推断出作者不知道去上课的正确的路。3.细节理解题:根据第三段前三句Despite my fears, after the first week I finally had my schedule figured ut. With the exceptin f falling up and dwn the stairs a cuple f times and getting laughed at, high schl was turning ut t be nt s bad. It was actually much better than middle schl and much mre challenging.可知,作者逐渐适应了新学校。4.细节理解题。根据最后一段Mst imprtant f all,be wh yu are, whether yu're a fl" , an athlete, r a lwer grader. Dn’t try t prelend t be smene yu’re nt. Nw yu knw the secret f my success.可知,作者认为不论你是什么样的人,最重要的是做你自己,不要试图假装。由此可知作者的成功在于做真实的自我。
    5.答案:1-5 GEDAB
    解析:1.根据上文的信息"The Aswan High Dam was designed t cntrl the Nile River."可知,所谓的控制就是有水灾时蓄水,干旱时放水,故本题选G项。
    2.分析上文的信息"the first having been built in 1889"可知,本句应该讨论建设第一个水坝时的情况,故本题选E项。
    3.下文的信息"The new dam, the Aswan High Dam, was a technical wnder"涉及新水坝,本句应该和新水坝有关,故本题选D项。
    4.下文的信息"When the Aswan Dam was built, Nubia(努比亚) was flded."表明新水坝对周边产生的影响,这是必须要考虑的,故本题选A项。
    5.分析上文的信息可知,新水坝的建成使得Lake Nasser形成,造成当地人耕作的湖边小块土地被水淹没,故本题选B项。
    6.答案:1.B; 2.C; 3.B; 4.A; 5.D; 6.A; 7.B; 8.C; 9.D; 10.B; 11.C; 12.D; 13.A; 14.C; 15.D
    解析:1.考查名词及语境理解。A.surveys调查;B.services服务;C.duties值日,责任;D.business生意。句意:他们家一直做社区服务。根据文章中的 "wh have a passin fr vlunteering"(对于志愿者活动有激情),因此他们往往从事社区服务活动。services 强调服务性。故选B.
    2.考查动词短语及语境理解。A.srt ut分类;B.play with和…玩;C.give up 放弃;D.put away收起来。句意:他们选择在生日聚会上放弃家人的礼物,但要求他们把钱捐给慈善机构。根据空格后面的"gifts at their birthday parties. Instead, they asked guests t dnate mney tward a charity生日聚会上的礼物。相反,他们要求客人捐钱给慈善机构。"可知,他们过生日的时候,放弃索要礼物,而希望客人把给他们购买札物的钱捐献给慈善机构。故选C.
    3.考查动词及语境理解。A.travelling旅游;B.vlunteering志愿;C.cking烹饪;D.recycling回收。句意:杰克和马克斯七岁的时候,他们有兴趣和一个家庭朋友到当地的无家可归者收容所做志愿者,帮助做饭。根据后面的"with a family friend at the lcal hmeless shelter t help ck在当地无家可归者收容所和一个家庭朋友一起做饭"可知,他们俩对当地的一个无家可归者救助中心的志愿服务工作感兴趣。故选B.
    4.考查副词及语境理解。A.Unfrtunately不幸地;B.Happily高兴地;C.Hnestly诚实地;D.Gratefully伟大地。句意:不幸的是,他拒绝了他们,因为他们太年轻了,而且他们必须14岁才能做饭。根据后面的"he turned them dwn他拒绝了他们"可知,他们本想从事志愿者活动,但是被拒绝了。因此这是一件不幸的事情。故选A.
    5.考查形容词及语境理解。A.shy害羞的;B.awkward尴尬的;C.weak虚弱的;D.yung年轻的。句意:不幸的是,他拒绝了他们,因为他们太年轻了,而且他们必须14岁才能做饭。由前面的 seven 和后面的furteen可知,此处指的是他们太小了,所以被拒绝了。故选D.
    6.考查名词及语境理解。A.task任务;B.ability能力;C.chance机会;D. determinatin决心。句意:这让他们做了一项没完没了的任务,想出一个办法来帮助其他也面临类似挑战的孩子:想要帮助但因为年龄而拒绝。根据空格后的"t cme up with a way t help ther kids wh were als facing a (7)challenging"可知,他们想出一种办法来帮助其他的面临着相同问题的孩子们,因此这是一项任务。故选A.
    7.考查形容词及语境理解。 A.public公众的;B.similar相似的;C.sharp尖锐的;D.direct直接的。句意:这让他们做了一项没完没了的任务,想出一个办法来帮助其他也面临类似挑战的孩子:想要帮助但因为年龄而拒绝。根据后面的"wanting t help but being (11)because f their age. 可知这些孩子想帮助他人,但是因为年龄太小而被拒绝,因此这是相同的问题。故选B.
    8.考查动词及语境理解。A.jked开玩笑; B. blamed责备; C.denied拒绝; D.praised表扬。句意:句意:这让他们做了一项没完没了的任务,想出一个办法来帮助其他也面临类似挑战的孩子:想要帮助但因为年龄而拒绝。与上文的"turned…dwn"呼应,指的是这些想帮助他人却因为年纪太小面被拒绝的孩子们。故选C.
    9.考查动词及语境理解。A.advised建议; B.allwed允许; C.named命名;D.created创造。句意:所以, Kids That D Gd被创造出来,是为了向孩子们或成年人展示各种方式,在任何年龄,他们都可以加入社区,做出改变。根据前面的"Kids That D Gd"和上文的"t cme up with a way t help ther kids想办法帮助其他孩子"可知,create和cme up with相呼应,这是他们创立的一个帮助他人的项目。故选D.
    10.考查名词及语境理解。A.judgment判决;B.difference分歧;C.cmment评论;D.decisin决定。句意:所以,Kids That D Gd被创造出来,是为了向孩子们或成年人展示各种方式,在任何年龄,他们都可以加入社区,做出改变。根据上文的"dne cmmunity (1)"和设空前的cmmunity可知,他们创立这个项目的目的是想证明任何年龄的人都可以有影响,可以发挥作用。make a difference有影响,创造不同,结合语境,故选B.
    11.考查名词及语境理解。A.plan计划;B.effrt 努力;C.prject项目;D.experiment实验。句意:这个小项目已经发展成为一个大型网站,每年吸引成千上万的有兴趣的访问者。此处指的是前面提到的"Kids That D Gd"这个项目(prject)。故选C.
    12. 考查形容词及语境理解。A.pleased高兴的;B.satisfied满意的;C.amazed惊讶的;D.interested感兴趣的。句意:这个小项目已经发展成为一个大型网站,每年吸引成千上万的有兴趣的访问者。根据前面的"grwn int a large website成长为大型网站"和后面的"visitrs each year"可知,大量的感兴趣的(interested)访间者访问他们的网站。故选D.
    13.考查动词及语境理解。A.cnnected连接;B.expsed暴露;C.cntributed贡献;D.attracted吸引。句意:Jake和Max说他们的网站有35000个独立的浏览者,在这些浏览者中,Kids That D Gd已经把孩子们和16000个组织联系起来了。根据空格前面的"Kids That D Gd"和后面的"kids t 16, 000 rganizatins"可知,这个网站把孩子们和16,000个机构联系( cnnected)起来了。故选A.
    14.考查形容词及语境理解。A.familiar熟悉的;B.patient有耐心的;C.busy忙碌的;D.cntent满意的。句意:杰克和马克斯忙于学校、课外活动和其他社区服务承诺。根据后面的"schl and activities and ther cmmunity service prmises学校和课外活动及其他社区服务承诺"可知,既有学校的活动,也有课外活动和其他社区服务,他们非常忙碌。故选C.
    15.考查动词及语境理解。A.remembering记得;B.describing 描述;C.celebrating庆祝;D.building 建筑物。句意:Kids That D Gd也发帖建议孩子们建立自己的慈善活动。根据空格前面的 "Kids That D Gd has blg psts that advise kids kids n That D Gd 会在博客上给他们提供建议。"和后面的"their wn charitable event 他们自己的慈善活动"可知,他们的网站也建议其他孩子们建立自己的慈善项目。故选D.
    The bys had watched, pen-muthed, as their baby sister placed her favrite dll in the bx. Withut a wrd, Brad rse and went t his rm. He came back carrying ne f his favrite actin figures. He hesitated briefly, clutching the ty, then lked ver at Meghan and placed it in the bx next t Lucy. A slw smile spread acrss Brett’s face. Then he jumped up, eyes twinkling as he ran t fetch sme f his prized Matchbx cars. Astnished, I realized that the bys had als recgnized what little Meghan’s gesture meant.​
    I lked at my children fr a lng mment. Swallwing back tears, I pulled all three f them int my arms. Inspired by my little nes, I remved my ld jacket frm the bx f clthes. I replaced it with the new hunter green jacket that I had fund n sale last week. I hped the yung wman in the picture wuld lve it as much as I did. It’s easy t give what we dn’t want any mre, but harder t let g f things we cherish. Hwever, the true spirit f giving is t give with yur heart.
    解析:高分句型一:Astnished, I realized that the bys had als recgnized what little Meghan's gesture meant. 翻译:我很惊讶,意识到男孩们也意识到了梅根小小的手势意味着什么。 分析:that引导宾语从句。 高分句型二:Inspired by my little nes, I remved my ld jacket frm the bx f clthes. 翻译:受孩子们的启发,我把旧夹克从装衣服的盒子里拿了出来。 分析:过去分词作非谓语动词。读后续写是一种将阅读与写作紧密结合的考查形式,旨在考查学生的综合语言运用能力。故事续写除了要求学生掌握丰富的词汇和句式外,还注重学生的内容构思和情节衔接能力。要注意以下四个方面: 一是把握短文关键信息和语言特点的能力。学生需要了解给定短文的主要内容,清楚其关键词和语言结构的使用情况,并通过续写短文表现出来。 二是语言运用的准确性和丰富性。期望学生在词汇和语言结构的使用方面准确、恰当,能根据内容需要使用较为高级的词汇和语言结构,阅卷老师会感觉这个学生很有水平。 三是对语篇结构的把控能力。考查学生对上下文逻辑关系的掌握情况,希望学生续写的短文语句连贯、有序。 四是创造性思维能力。这是对学生续写短文内容的要求,期望学生续写的短文具有较丰富的内容。该试题具有一定的开放性,要求学生详细和生动地描述情景、态度和感情。
    8.答案:1.its 2.ver 3.a 4.was built 5.mre 6.jined 7.It 8.Thusands 9.interest 10.wh
    解析: 1.句子主语是the Greet Wall,故本空用形容词性物主代词its。
    2.理解句意可知,本空指从山上翻越过去,故用介词 ver。
    3.固定表达a histry f。
    6.动词用法:have sth dne。
    7.本空用it作形式主语,真正主语是后而的不定式t build。
    8.数词用法:thusands f"成千上万的"。
    Dear Jasn,
    I am glad t knw yu are cming t visit China. I am writing t recmmend ne f the Wrld Heritage Sites in China—Lngmen Grttes.
    The Lngmen Grttes stand n the banks f the Yi River, 12.5 kilmetres suth f Luyang City in Henan Prvince. The carving prject began in the Nrthern Wei Dynasty and lasted fr mre than 400 years until the Nrthern Sng Dynasty. At present there are ver 2, 300 niches, mre than 100,000 images. The grttes are an imprtant part f ancient Chinese sculptures, and shw great changes in ancient Chinese plitics, ecnmy, religin, culture and s n.
    The Lngmen Grttes is well wrth a visit because f its lng histry and natural beauty.
    I hpe yu'll have a gd time in China.
    Li Hua
    龙门石窟(Lngmen Grttes)
    1.是中国古代雕刻艺术的重要组成部分,现存有窟龛(niche) 2300多个,造像(image) 10万余尊;

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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music单元测试复习练习题: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music单元测试复习练习题,共14页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,读后续写,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions单元测试练习: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions单元测试练习,共14页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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