英语Unit 6 Happy birthday to you!优秀教学设计
这是一份英语Unit 6 Happy birthday to you!优秀教学设计,共8页。教案主要包含了设计意图等内容,欢迎下载使用。
Unit 6 Happy birthday to you 教案1教学目标 本课是EEC教材四年级下第六课,本课是以“带给Ken惊喜的生日聚会“为主要情境,从而展开的关于庆祝生日、赠送生日礼物以及表达谢意的话题学习。本课与前一课的故事情节紧密的衔接,所以授课时应多注意用已知的故事情节导入新知。根据本课的课文内容,将前两段归入第一课时,有助于故事的连贯性,不打破故事情节。有利于学生理解、记忆故事。 2学情分析 四年级的学生已经具备一定的语言基础,能在教师的引导下,理解课文,用英文流利作答,能够小组合作完成对话表演。本课中出现的部分词汇如robot, birthday, candle,等词,学生在前一课已学过,句型如He likes making robots.都已掌握,因此教学设计中应着重讲解第一段的内容,注重让学生理解故事的内容。 3重点难点 教学重点:1、能够听懂会说庆祝生日、赠送生日礼物以及表达谢意的词语。2、词汇:happen, surprise, blow out, all3、句型:-What’s happening?-Surprise! Happy birthday! 教学难点:happen 一词的诠释。
在词汇讲解时,不破环故事的连贯性,需要注意将单词放到句子中,整句讲解,让学生整句输出。避免影响故事情节。 4教学过程 活动1【导入】Warm up GreetingT: Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you. How old are you?Sing a song: Happy birthday to you.T: Let’s sing a song ,OK?ReviewPPT 呈现P36第一幅图过渡:We knew last time Lili and Jess went to the store..Why?S: Ken’s birthday is on Friday.T: What do they want to do?S: They want to buy a present for him.PPT 呈现P37 第一幅图过渡:Now, they are in the store.T: Look, what is on the desk?S: A watch.T: Can they buy the watch? Why?S: No, they can’t, because watches cost too much.PPT 呈现P37第二幅图过渡:Yes, watches cost too much.T: So, what do they buy? Why?S: A robot. Because Ken likes making robots.【设计意图】依次呈现上一课的故事图片,跟学生一起回忆上一次Lili和Jess给Ken买礼物的事情。目的是由已知的故事情境自然进入到本节课将要发生的故事情境,以故事为线索,在复习旧知的基础上,开始新课的学习。 活动2【讲授】Presentation 过渡:You really have a good memory.But what’s going on next? Do you want to know? Let’s learn Lesson 6 Happy Birthday to You!讨论故事图片,交代故事背景,激发学生已有经验.第一幅图T: Who are they? S: Robo, Lili, Ken, Jess and the kids.T: Where are they? S: Maybe they are in Ken’s home.T: Are they happy? How do you know?T: Look at Ken, what’s wrong with him. Is he scared? Is he sick?T: Ken is surprised.T: Look, there is a birthday cake. How many candles are there?S: Nine.第二幅图过渡:They are looking at sth, it’s in Ken’s hand.T: What is it?(指着机器人)S: It’s a robot.过渡:Oh, there are many things on the table.T: What is it?S: Maybe it’s juice.过渡:Wow, the have food and drink.第三幅图过渡:Look! What’s in Ken’s hand? Ken and Robo are talking sth. Are they happy?S: A cap .No.看图,通过讨论,预测框架问题。过渡:From the pictures, we see a cake, a robot, some candles, a cap. Do you know what they are doing? Talk with your partners.讨论 What are they doing?( )A: They are playing hide-n-seek.B: They are celebrating(庆祝) the Spring Festival.C: They are holding(举办) a birthday party .听框架问题,检测预测.(听整个故事)(引导学生自己选择)T: So, choose C .They are holding a birthday party.(简单介绍西方过生日习俗)【设计意图】通过讨论、初听录音,让学生了解故事对话的主题。(简单介绍西方国家小朋友庆祝生日的习俗,渗透中西方文化差异。同时简单带出blow out the candles.)(4) 逐图讲解,解决细节问题。Picture 1过渡:Oh, they’re holding a birthday party.T: Whose birthday is this? Does Ken know it?过渡:They don’t want to let Ken know it .Why do they do this?Q1: What do they want to do?(听第一段)They want to give Ken a surprise.通过图片和肢体语言诠释surprise(板书)过渡:So, when Ken is coming, what does Robot say?Q2: What does Robot say? S: Here he comes! (听第一段)(学习Here he comes! PPT呈现Here he comes!=He comes here!简单呈现半倒装句)过渡:Everyone is so excited, they jump and dance. Lili quickly stop them, what does Lili say?Q3: What does Lili say? S: Be quiet! Hide!(听第一段)(肢体语言表现Hide帮助学生回忆词意)过渡:When Ken comes in, it’s so quiet and everyone is looking at him. Ken is surprised, so what does he ask?Q4: What does Ken ask? ( )(听一句)A: Oh, what’s the matter? B: Oh, what’s happening? C: Oh, what’s wrong?When can we say it? Let’s see…学习happen(让学生根据语境猜出happen的意思)(PPT补充两个可以用happen的语境,让学生理解在什么情况下使用happen,真正达到学以致用)(板书What’s happening?)Picture 2过渡:They gave such a big surprise to Ken, Ken is so happy, everyone is looking at the present. Oh, they have already lighted the candles. Maybe they forget it. So at this time Lili says..Q1: What does Lili ask Ken to do?(听第二段)Q1:__________ _________ all the candles, Ken.(学习blow out这一短语,同时让同学们理解all的含义)(板书)过渡:Look, Ken is smiling, he opens the present. What is it?Does Ken like it?Q2: What does Ken say? (听第二段)Oh, it’s Robot. I like making robots. Thank you.过渡:Who gave this present to Ken? How do you know?(Jess: This is for you.)【设计意图】通过观察图片,引导学生围绕故事主题,逐图听音、讨论,在理解关键词汇、短语的基础上,整体理解故事对话。借助多媒体、教师肢体语言、图片(图示)等帮助学生有效理解关键词汇、短语。 活动3【练习】Practice 过渡:You really did a good job.复述课文,并进行听音模仿.过渡:Everyone, can you retell the story now? Let’s have a try.Picture 1Ken’s friends want to give Ken a surprise. So, when Ken is coming, what does Robot say? Then, Lili says….When Ken sees the party, he is surprised. So, he says…The kids together say…Picture 2Before giving the present, what does Lili ask Ken to do? Then Jess give Ken a present. Do you remember what she says? Ken opens the present. It’s a …, Ken likes it very much. So, he says…What does Jess answer? (单人,多人,集体进行复述,若复述不好,可再次反复听音)2. 全班整体进行听音跟读。(朗读中纠正学生的发音)3. 表演课文(Task A Read in roles. Task B Act one picture. Task C Act two pictures.)【设计意图】通过教师的引导,帮助学生复述本课的故事内容。让学生体会故事中人物的情感。通过表演,检验输出,培养合作精神。同时通过师生评价和生生评价来鼓励每一位同学。 IV Conclusion德育情感渗透T:In our daily life, we should care about our parents and friends. What can we do?(在日常生活中,我们应该怎样关心我们的父母和朋友呢?)【设计意图】通过本课Ken的朋友给Ken准备生日宴会为他庆祝生日的故事情节,引出朋友之间,家人之间应该互相关心这一德育主题。并让学生思考应该如何关心父母和身边的朋友。