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    这是一份2022届广东省珠海市第二中学高三上学期10月月考英语试题(解析版),共20页。试卷主要包含了 考生必须保持答题卡的整沽等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分 50 分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分 37.5 分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Yu can either travel r read, but either yur bdy r sul must be n the way. The ppular saying has inspired many peple t read r g sightseeing. Traveling just like reading, is a refreshing jurney frm the busy wrld. Bks, brain fd, can keep yu cmpany n yur travel.
    On the Rad, 1957, by Jack Keruac
    The bk is a glbally ppular spiritual guide bk abut yuth. The main character in the bk drives acrss the US cntinent with several yung peple and finally reaches Mexic. After the exhausting and exciting trip, the characters in the bk begin t realize the meaning f life. The bk can be a gd partner with yu t explre the United States.
    Life is Elsewhere, 1975, by Milan Kundera
    Jean-Jacques Russeau nce said, “Man is brn free, and everywhere he is in chains.” The bk tells a yung artist’s rmantic but miserable life, abut hw he reads, dreams, and has a relatinship. Experience the artist’s passinate life in the bk during a trip t Central Eurpe. The bk invites yu t deeply reflect n yur current life.
    The Stries f Sahara, 1967, by Sanma
    The bk narrates the authr’s simple but adventurus life in the Sahara Desert, which seems a deslate and dull place. The fancy natural scenery and life there, alng with the authr’s rmantic and intensive emtin, will inspire yu t explre the mysterius land. Reading the bk is like participating in a dialgue with the authr, wh is sincere and humrus.
    Ltus, 2006 by Annbaby
    This nvel set in Tibet, tells three peple’s stries, each with their unique characteristics. It reveals mdern peple’s emtins and inner life, their cnfusin abut lve, and explratin f Buddhism.The bk is a gd partner t bring yu t the sacred land Tibet.
    1. Which bk is abut the explratin f life value thrugh a jurney?
    A. On the Rad.B. Life is Elsewhere.
    C. The Stries f Sahara.D. Ltus.
    2. Whse bk culd be the mst suitable fr yur trip t Germany?
    A. Jack Keruac’s.B. Sanma’s.
    C. Annbaby’s.D. Milan Kundera’s.
    3. What can we learn frm the text?
    A. Ltus is a religius bk explring Tibetan Buddhist culture.
    B. On the rad advises a classic rute fr driving acrss the US.
    C. The stries f Sahara recrds its authrs’ wn life in the desert.
    D. Life is Elsewhere demnstrates Jean-Jacques Russeau’s wn life.
    【答案】1. A 2. D 3. C
    细节理解题。根据On the Rad, 1957, by Jack Keruac中的After the exhausting and exciting trip, the characters in the bk begin t realize the meaning f life.可知,在那令人筋疲力尽的旅行之后,书中的人物开始意识到生命的意义,故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段The Stries f the Sahara,1967, by Sanma中的Experience the artist’s passinate life in the bk during a trip t Central Eurpe可知,Germany(德国)是属于Central Eurpe(中欧)的,故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据标题Ltus, 2006, by Annbaby中内容可知,该书故事发生在西藏,反映三位人物的情感和内心生活、对爱的困惑以及对佛教的探索,但是并未说该书是宗教书籍,故A错。根据标题On the Rad, 1957, by Jack Keruac中内容可知,该书只提及主人公驱车穿越美国大陆到达墨西哥,但其目的并不是介绍一条经典的穿越美国的路线,故B错。根据标题The Stries f the Sahara, 1976, by Sanma中内容可知,阅读本书,就好像加入了与作者的对话,并未说本书记录了作者的生活,故D错。根据标题Life is Elsewhere, 1975, by Milan Kundera中内容“The bk invites yu t deeply reflect n yur current life.”可知,本书引导人们对当前生活进行深刻地反思,故选C项。
    Hlly O'Brien didn't knw Meagan Hughes, anther Krean American nurse wrking n the same flr at Dctrs Hspital f Sarasta. After O'Brien and Hughes finally met, they did begin t ntice parallels' in their lives. They were bth certified (持证的) nursing assistants. They were bth rphans wh had been adpted by American families. And their reasns fr ending up at the rphanages (孤儿院) were the same: abandnment.
    Suddenly, the cincidences seemed mre than merely interesting. In fact, fr years, O'Brien sensed that she'd had a half-sister in Republic f Krea. Thugh her mther had disappeared when she was an infant and she was nly five when her father was killed by a train, she had a memry f her and her father living, briefly, with his secnd wife and a baby girl. O'Brien was ultimately adpted by a lving cuple frm Alexandria, Virginia, but her Krean childhd never left her. She remembered ne night, when she was abut nine years ld, she wke up frm a dream and screamed, “My daddy died. I have a sister. I need t find her.” O'Brien's adptive family cntacted the rphanage in Krea fr infrmatin, but there was n recrd f a sibling.
    Hughes wasn't trubled by lingering memries; instead, she was haunted because she didn't have any. Adpted when she was fur by a family in Kingstn, New Yrk, she culdn't remember either f her bilgical parents. “My whle life has been a questin in my mind, and emptiness,” she said.
    Nw the cincidence f meeting O'Brien ffered the chance t fill in the blanks. A year ag, the urses decided t take at-hme DNA tests and mailed the samples away t be analyzed. Less than tw weeks later, O'Brien gt an e-mail. Their DNA matched -- they were half-sisters.
    “Is this really happening?” said Hughes. O'Brien was shcked but als relieved. “In my heart, I knew,” she said "I knew she was ut there smewhere.” After mre than fr lng decades O'Brien had finally fund the missing piece f her pest, wrking just a few feet away frm her.
    Tday, the sisters wear special necklaces, each with a heart-shaped charm, as a symbl f their bnd. “She will always be in my heart,” said O'Brien.
    4. Which is true abut Hlly O'Brien and Meagan Hughes accrding t the passage?
    A. They ended up in the same rphanage fr the same reasn.
    B. They were adpted by the same American family.
    C. They wrked n the same flr in the same hspital.
    D. They were bth qualified nurses.
    5. What can we learn frm the secnd paragraph?
    A. Their parents were bth killed in a traffic accident
    B. O'Brien's adptive family treated her in earnest.
    C. O'Brien was upset by unpleasant memries but Hughes wasn't.
    D. O'Brien remembered she had had a half-sister in anther American family.
    6. Which f the fllwing is the best t replace the underlined wrd “lingering” in Paragraph 3?
    A. existingB. miserable
    C. unfadingD. earliest
    7. What is the best title f the passage?
    A. Half-sistersB. Special necklaces
    C. Tw rphansD. Tight bnds
    【答案】4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段的“Hlly O'Brien didn't knw Meagan Hughes, anther Krean American nurse wrking n the same flr at Dctrs Hspital f Sarasta”(霍莉·奥布莱恩不认识在萨拉索塔医生医院同一楼层工作的另一名韩裔美国护士梅根·休斯)可知,霍莉·奥布莱恩和梅根·休斯在同一家医院的同一楼层工作,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第二段的“O'Brien was ultimately adpted by a lving cuple frm Alexandria”(奥布莱恩最终被弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市的一对相爱的夫妇收养)和de“O'Brien's adptive family cntacted the rphanage in Krea fr infrmatin”(奥布莱恩的收养家庭联系了韩国的孤儿院)可知,养父母还帮她联系孤儿院,说明养父母不介意她寻找自己的姐妹,由此可知,奥布莱恩的收养家庭对她很认真,故选B。
    词句猜测题。由划线处的句子“Hughes wasn't trubled by lingering memries”(休斯并不为挥之不去的记忆所困扰)可知,本句是和上一段讲的O'Brien的情况相反,由上一段的“but her Krean childhd never left her”(但她的韩国童年从未离开过她)可知,划线词所在句的意思是“休斯并不为挥之不去的记忆所困扰”,因此lingering意为“挥之不去的”,即unfading,故选C。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是倒数第三段的“Their DNA matched -- they were half-sisters.”(她们的DNA匹配,她们是同父异母姐妹)可知,本文主要讲的是奥布莱恩和休斯做了DNA测试,证实了她们是同父异母姐妹,因此最好的题目是A选项Half-sisters(同母异父的姐妹),故选A。
    Earth’s lngest artificial structure is usually said t be the Great Wall f China while the secnd-lngest is nt a wall, but a fence. It stretches fr 5,614km acrss eastern Australia and is intended t stp the cuntry’s wild dgs, the dinges (野犬), frm hunting sheep.
    Australia’s ding fence des nt stand alne. Millins f kilmetres f fences wrap the wrld.
    Sme are intended t limit the mvement f animals, sme the mvement f peple, and sme merely t mark the bundary.
    Until recently, data n the effects f fences n wildlife have been inadequate. That has changed with the publicatin f a reprt by Prfessr Alex Mclnturff. One discvery he has made is that mre than half f published fence research fcuses n just five cuntries — America, Australia, Btswana, China and Suth Africa. A secnd is that nly a third f these studies examined the impact f fences n anything ther than the target species invlved, meaning the animals purpsely intended t be kept in r ut.
    Nn-target species, hwever, are ften thse that have their frtunes mst greatly reshaped by the appearance f ples and wire. Australian fences intended t keep ut dinges are als barriers t lng-necked turtles, which travel great distances ver land when mving between nesting sites. In Btswana fences built t spare cattle frm wildlife-brne disease result in serius interference with wildebeest (角马) migratins.
    Nt every creature fares badly. Hawks (鹰) in Mntana gladly sit n newly built livestck fences t hunt small animals, while fence-based spiders in Suth Africa utperfrm their tree-based cusins when it cmes t catching insects.
    Often, thugh, the winners are creatures that cause truble fr existing ecsystems. Keeping dinges ut f large parts f Australia has allwed aggressive red fxes t multiply. Native rdents (啮齿类动物) have suffered as a result. Sme have been brught t the edge f extinctin.
    8. Which is a purpse f building fences?
    A. T expand the bundary f a cuntry.B. T prtect livestck like sheep and cattle.
    C. T stp wild animals frm being hunted.D. T help peple mve arund freely.
    9. What can we learn abut the studies n fences?
    A. Data n the impact f fences have been prved.
    B. Previus researches were cmplete and systematic.
    C. Abut tw-thirds f the studies fcus n the target animals.
    D. Nt all studies examined the effect f fences n wildlife.
    10. Which animals unexpectedly benefit frm fences?
    A. Lng-necked turtles in Australia.B. Cattle in Btswana.
    C. Tree-based spiders in Suth Africa.D. Red fxes in Australia.
    11. What is the writer’s attitude t the fences arund the wrld?
    A. Disapprving.B. Favrable.C. Objective.D. Cautius.
    【答案】8. B 9. C 10. D 11. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段的“It stretches fr 5,614km acrss eastern Australia and is intended t stp the cuntry’s wild dgs, the dinges (野犬), frm hunting sheep.( 它横跨澳大利亚东部,全长5614公里,旨在阻止澳大利亚的野狗捕猎羊群)”可推知,建栅栏的目的之一是保护牲畜,如羊和牛,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第四段的“A secnd is that nly a third f these studies examined the impact f fences n anything ther than the target species invlved, meaning the animals purpsely intended t be kept in r ut.(第二,这些研究中只有三分之一的研究考察了围栏对目标物种以外的其他物种的影响,也就是说,这些动物是有意被关在室内或室外的)”可知,大约三分之二的研究集中在目标动物身上,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Keeping dinges ut f large parts f Australia has allwed aggressive red fxes t multiply.(澳大利亚大部分地区都不让野狗进入,这使得好斗的红狐得以繁衍)”可推知,澳大利亚的红狐意外地受益于围栏,故选D。
    推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是倒数第二段的“Nt every creature fares badly.(并不是所有的生物都很糟糕)”和最后一段的“Often, thugh, the winners are creatures that cause truble fr existing ecsystems.(然而,通常赢家是那些给现有生态系统带来麻烦的生物)”可推知,作者对修建动物围栏的态度是客观的,并没有表达个人观点,故选C。
    D yu ever pull yur phne ut f yur pcket, thinking it is vibrating (振动), nly t find that it isn't?
    This phenmenn, which scientists call “phantm (幻觉的) phne vibratin”, is very cmmn.Arund 80% f peple surveyed say they have imagined their phnes vibrating when they were actually still.
    S, what leads t this universal behavir? Accrding t the BBC, the explanatin lies in yur brain's ability t discver signals frm the utside wrld.
    When yur phne is in yur pcket, there are tw pssible states: It is either vibrating r nt. Meanwhile, yu als have tw pssible states f mind: the judgment that the phne is ⅵbrating, r that it isn't. Ideally, yu match the fur states crrectly. Hwever, smetimes yur brain decides that the cnsequences f missing a call are mre serius than a “false alarm”. Therefre, yu becme mre sensitive t vibratins s that yu dn't miss anything.
    This is just like the fire alarm in yur hme—it can be annying when it ges ff in respnse t just a tiny bit f smke. But that's a small price t pay cmpared t a fire really breaking ut because the alarm fails t alert yu. Nw, yu might still ask, why can't ur brains just make every judgment crrectly withut being t sensitive t false signals? The answer is that yur brain bears a heavy burden every day. “Yu get a large amunt f sensry infrmatin that's cining frm yur eyes, ears and skin, and yu can't deal with all that infrmatin all the time,” Michael Rthberg, a researcher at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, US, tld Live Science.
    Fr example, the rustling (沙沙声) f clthing r the grwling (咕咕声yu’re yur stmach may bth lead yur brain t believe that they cme frm the vibratin f yur phne—it is like trying t hear yur name being called in a nisy rm.
    S, perhaps yu shuld just check yur phne whenever yu think it’s vibrating, lt isn’t t much truble t d that, is it?
    12. Accrding t this passage, phantm phne vibratin ________.
    A. is cmmn amng peple with mental prblems
    B. happens when ur brains react t sensitively
    C. can measure peple's ability t cllect infrmatin
    D. helps ur brains t make decisins quickly and accurately
    13. Why did the authr use the example f fire alarm in this passage?
    A. T help us understand the cause f phantm phne vibratin better.
    B. T tell us the phne vibratin usually happens when a fire breaks ut.
    C. T shw us the fire alarm is as sensitive as the phne vibratin.
    D. T cnvince us it’s imprtant t check ur phnes like checking a fire alarm.
    14. Accrding t Michael Rthberg, which mainly accunts fr phantm phne vibratin?
    A. A lack f much attentin.B. A nisy backgrund.
    C. An verflw f sensry infrmatin.D. A heavy burden every day.
    15. What des the authr suggest we d abut phantm phne vibratin?
    A. We shuld always fully believe ur wn sense f hearing.
    B. We shuld just check ur phnes when we think they're vibrating.
    C. We shuld ignre the vibratin bthering when ur phnes are actually still.
    D. We shuld think f the vibratin carefully befre we make crrect judgments.
    【答案】12. B 13. A 14. C 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Hwever,smetimes yur brain decides that the results f missing a call are mre serius than a “false alarm".Therefre,yu becme mre sensitive(敏感的) t vibratins s that yu dn’t miss anything.(然而,有时你的大脑会认为错过一个电话的后果比“误报”更严重。所以,你对振动变得更加敏感,因此你不会错过任何事情)”可知,当我们的大脑对错误的信号做出敏感的反应时,电话振动幻觉就会发生。故选B项正确。
    推理判断题。根据第五段中的“This is just like the fire alarm in yur hme—it can be annying when it ges ff in respnse t just a tiny bit f smke.(这就像你家里的火警一样,一点点烟雾就会响,很烦人)”this指的电话振动幻觉,由此可推知,这个例子是为帮助我们更好地了解手机振动幻觉的原因。故选择A项。
    细节理解题。根据第五段中的“The answer is that yur brain bears a heavy burden every day.Yu get a large amunt f sensry(感觉的) infrmatin that’s cming frm yur eyes,ears and skin,and yu can’t deal with all that infrmatin all the time,(答案是你的大脑每天都承受着沉重的负担。你的眼睛、耳朵和皮肤会产生大量的感觉信息,你不可能一直处理所有这些信息)”可知,每天脑袋接受信息和处理信息的负荷很重,这是产生手机振动幻觉的主要原因。此题易误选D,D表达的是生活压力大。故选择C项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“S,perhaps yu shuld just check yur phne whenever yu think it's vibrating.(所以,当你认为手机在振动的时候也许你应该检查你的手机)”可知,当我们感觉手机在振动时,我们应该检查我们的手机。故选择B项。
    第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2. 5 分, 满分 12. 5 分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Three Steps t Help Smene Having a Panic Attack (惊恐发作)
    In the United States, 1 in 3 peple will have an anxiety disrder at sme pint in their lives, accrding t the Natinal Institute f Mental Health. ____16____ If yur lved ne is having a panic attack, there are several ways yu can help. With a few research-backed techniques, yu’ll be better equipped t prvide supprt.
    Name it and stay calm
    Gently name it, and tell yur lved ne that yu believe they are having a panic attack.____17____Yu can let them knw that it will pass. And ne f the best ways t help yur belved nes is t remain calm themselves by taking deep breaths and reminding themselves that this is temprary, even if they’re feeling a little uneasy abut what’s happening.
    Give them space
    Yur lved ne may need sme space during a panic attack. After reminding them that they can handle their symptms, yu can give yur lved ne space until their panic attack passes. ____18____ If they d, imprve their ability t independently experience their symptms by ffering the cping statement nce r twice and letting them ride ut their symptms until they pass.
    While smene is having a panic attack, we d want t be empathic (移情的), but we dn’t want t stress the idea that panic is dangerus, harmful, r needing t be reduced, minimized, r escaped.
    S, rather than giving yur lved ne lts f cmfrt and cncern, it can help t remind them that they can cpe with what’s happening n their wn. This gives them back their pwer t deal with the situatin. Yu can d this by ffering supprtive statements like: “Yu can handle these symptms.”
    “This will pass.”
    A. Lk after yurself
    B. Offer a cping statement
    C. Why are yu s upset ver that?
    D. They might ask yu t stick arund.
    E. The feelings aren’t cmfrtable, but yu can accept them.
    F. Statistics shw that wmen are twice as likely as men t have a panic disrder.
    G. This can prvide sme cntext fr what’s happening and relieve the fear f the unknwn.
    【答案】16. F 17. G 18. D 19. B 20. E
    空格前说“In the United States, 1 in 3 peple will have an anxiety disrder at sme pint in their lives, accrding t the Natinal Institute f Mental Health”(根据美国国家心理健康研究所(Natinal Institute f Mental Health)的数据,在美国,三分之一的人会在人生的某个阶段患上焦虑症),F选项Statistics shw that wmen are twice as likely as men t have a panic disrder(统计数据显示,女性患恐慌症的几率是男性的两倍)承接上文,继续讲统计所得来的数据,因此F选项符合语境,故选F。
    空格前说“Gently name it, and tell yur lved ne that yu believe they are having a panic attack”(温柔地说出它的名字,告诉你爱的人,你相信他们有恐慌症发作),G选项This can prvide sme cntext fr what’s happening and relieve the fear f the unknwn(这可以为正在发生的事情提供一些背景,并减轻对未知的恐惧)中的This指代空格前所说的这种做法,“relieve the fear f the unknwn”与空格后的“let them knw that it will pass”(让他们知道一切都会过去的)相互呼应,因此G选项符合语境,故选G。
    空格后说“If they d, imprve their ability t independently experience their symptms by ffering the cping statement nce r twice and letting them ride ut their symptms until they pass”(如果他们这样做了,通过提供一两次应对声明来提高他们独立体验症状的能力,让他们安然度过症状,直到他们消失),D选项They might ask yu t stick arund(他们可能会让你留下来)中的这种做法和空格后的“they d”相一致,因此D选项符合语境,故选D。
    空格处是小标题,由后文的“S, rather than giving yur lved ne lts f cmfrt and cncern, it can help t remind them that they can cpe with what’s happening n their wn”(所以,与其给你所爱的人很多安慰和关心,还不如提醒他们,他们可以自己应对正在发生的事情)可知,最后两段主要讲的是要给他说一些提供一份应对陈述,B选项Offer a cping statement(提供一份应对陈述)可以概况两段话的内容。故选B。
    空格前说“Yu can d this by ffering supprtive statements like: “Yu can handle these symptms.””(你可以通过提供支持性的陈述来做到这一点,比如:“你可以处理这些症状。”),空格处有引号,因此空格处也是支持性的陈述,E选项The feelings aren’t cmfrtable, but yu can accept them(这种感觉不舒服,但你可以接受)对人起着支持的作用,因此E选项符合语境,故选E。
    第二部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Lara Harrisn has always had a cmplicated relatinship with her father
    Several times, Harrisn felt she'd reached her breaking pint and ____21____ her dad fr mnths.
    Still, she culdn't ____22____ him. Small actins shwed he cared ____23____ he remained difficult t get clse t: he went ut f his way t ____24____ with tasks such as repairing her ffice. Harrisn wanted the relatinship t imprve.
    As her father reached his 70s, she realized that if they were ging t re-establish ____25____ , they culd nt waste time. She made a cnscius decisin t change her ____26____ t him. If he was being mdy during their time tgether, she'd end their interactin by thanking him fr the visit and giving him a hug -- smething that wasn't typical fr them. The small interventins(干预) ____27____ ; he became kinder each visit, and his mds became ____28____ . Eventually he began reaching ut t her, texting t ask, “Hw are yu?” r saying he was prud f her, smething she'd always lnged t hear.
    Rebuilding trust with her father ultimately helped her t engage in ____29____ . She realized she culd als be stubbrn when she felt ____30____ , and that her negative cnnectin t her father made her less trusting f ther peple in her life. “I never allwed myself t dive deeply int relatinships.
    At the first sight f a challenge, I wuld blame thers, get angry r leave. The effrt it takes t be cnstantly ____31____ is exhausting,” she says. “It ____32____ yu f life's happy mments.” Tday, she's thankful t be able t apprach thers mre ____33____ and with an pen heart.
    Trust is ne f the mst imprtant elements f a safe, fulfilling and well-functining relatinship. ____34____ , it ften isn't until smething hurtful happens -- a spuse cheats n yu; a bss makes fun f yu in frnt f clleagues -- ____35____ we think abut trust; we dn't ntice it until it's brken.
    21. A. ffendedB. abusedC. avidedD. apprached
    22. A. abandnB. findC. helpD. please
    23. A. becauseB. sC. butD. thugh
    24. A. help utB. set utC. make utD. wrk ut
    25. A. cnnectinB. trustC. cntactD. lve
    26. A. respnsesB. slutinsC. accessD. secrets
    27. A. ranB. wrkedC. perfrmedD. perated
    28. A. vilentB. calmC. stableD. rugh
    29. A. self-cnfidenceB. self-respectC. self-relianceD. self-reflectin
    30. A. threatenedB. praisedC. suspectedD. recgnized
    31. A. n dutyB. n businessC. n guardD. n display
    32. A. ridsB. rbsC. remindsD. warns
    33. A. determinedlyB. enthusiasticallyC. lvinglyD. amusedly
    34. A. TherefreB. HweverC. FurthermreD. Thus
    35. A. whichB. whatC. hwD. that
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. D
    【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,主要讲的是Lara Harrisn与她的父亲重建信任的故事及作者关于信任他人的感悟。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:有几次,哈里森觉得她已经到了崩溃的边缘,好几个月都躲着她的父亲。A. ffended冒犯;B. abused虐待;C. avided躲避;D. apprached接近。由上文的“Lara Harrisn has always had a cmplicated relatinship with her father”可知,因为劳拉·哈里森与父亲的关系一直很复杂,所以此处应该是说“她好几个月都躲避她的父亲”,因此空格处是“躲避”,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,她还是不能抛弃他。A. abandn抛弃;B. find找到;C. help帮助;D. please取悦。由后文的“Harrisn wanted the relatinship t imprve”可知,她想改善她和父亲的关系,因此是不能抛弃他,故选A。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:一些小举动表明,尽管他仍然很难接近她,但他还是很关心她:他会尽力帮助她完成一些任务,比如修复她的办公室。A. because因为;B. s因此;C. but但是;D. thugh尽管。由“Small actins shwed he cared”和“he remained difficult t get clse t”可知,两句话之间是让步关系,表示“尽管他仍然很难接近她,但他还是很关心她”,因此空格处是“尽管”,故选D。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:一些小举动表明,尽管他仍然很难接近她,但他还是很关心她:他会尽力帮助她完成一些任务,比如修复她的办公室。A. help ut帮助;B. set ut出发;C. make ut辨认;D. wrk ut解决。由“with tasks such as repairing her ffice”可知,他给她修复她的办公室,这是在帮助她,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当父亲70多岁时,她意识到,如果他们要重建信任,就不能浪费时间。A. cnnectin连接;B. trust信任;C. cntact联系;D. lve爱。由下一段的“Rebuilding trust with her father”可知,此处表示“重建信任”,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:她有意识地决定改变对他的反应。A. respnses反应;B. slutins解决办法;C. access通道;D. secrets秘密。由后文的“If he was being mdy during their time tgether, she'd end their interactin by thanking him fr the visit”可知,这是她决定要改变对他父亲行为的回应,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:小的干预奏效了:每次拜访他都变得更加和蔼,他的情绪也变得稳定。A. ran跑;B. wrked奏效;C. perfrmed表演;D. perated操作。由后文的“he became kinder each visit”可知,小的干预奏效了,故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:小的干预奏效了:每次拜访他都变得更加和蔼,他的情绪也变得稳定。A. vilent暴力的;B. calm平静的;C. stable稳定的;D. rugh粗糙的。由前面的 “he was being mdy”和“The small interventins(干预)_____ ”可知,小的干预奏效了,他的情绪也变得稳定,因此空格处是“稳定的”,故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:与父亲重建信任最终帮助她进行自我反省。A. self-cnfidence自信;B. self-respect自尊;C. self-reliance自力更生;D. self-reflectin自我反省。由后文的“She realized she culd als be stubbrn”可知,她意识到她也可能会固执,这是她的自我反省,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她意识到,当她感到威胁时,她也可能会固执,她与父亲的消极联系让她对生活中的其他人不那么信任。A. threatened威胁;B. praised表扬;C. suspected怀疑;D. recgnized承认。由后文的“made her less trusting f ther peple”可知,当她感到威胁时,她也可能会固执,故选A。
    考查固定短语辨析。句意:她说:“经常保持警惕是很累人的。”A. n duty值班;B. n business出差;C. n guard警惕;D. n display展览。由上文的“I never allwed myself t dive deeply int relatinships”可知,她从不允许自己深入感情,因此是对她人经常保持警惕,故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:它剥夺了你生活中的快乐时光。A. rids去除;B. rbs抢劫、剥夺;C. reminds提醒;D. warns警告。由“yu f life's happy mments”可知,对他人保持警惕会剥夺了你生活中的快乐时光,故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:今天,她很感激能够以一颗开放的心更有爱心地接近他人。A. determinedly坚定地;B. enthusiastically热情地;C. lvingly亲切地;D. amusedly愉快地。由后文的“and with an pen heart”可知,她是以一颗开放的心更有爱心地接近他人,故选C。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:然而,这通常要等到一些伤害发生了——配偶欺骗了你;当老板在同事面前取笑你时——我们才想到信任;直到它破损了,我们才会注意到它。A. Therefre因此;B. Hwever然而;C. Furthermre另外;D. Thus因此。由后文的“a spuse cheats n yu; a bss makes fun f yu in frnt f clleagues -- _____ we think abut trust”可知,此处表转折,表示“然而,这通常要等到一些伤害发生了——配偶欺骗了你;当老板在同事面前取笑你时——我们才想到信任”,因此空格处是“然而”,故选B。
    考查代词词义辨析。句意:然而,这通常要等到一些伤害发生了——配偶欺骗了你;当老板在同事面前取笑你时——我们想到的是信任;直到它破损了,我们才会注意到它。A. which哪个;B. what什么;C. hw怎么;D. that那个。根据句意及“it ften isn't until”可知,此处是nt until的强调句,是固定结构it is nt ,因此空格处是that,故选D。
    第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    The game f basketball was created by Dr. Naismith, ____36____ Canadian wh wrked as a physical educatin instructr at the Springfield Cllege.
    The New England winters were very cld, and the students were ____37____ (willing) t d utdr activities. Naismith determined that a fast-mving game ____38____ culd be played indrs wuld fill the empty afternns after the baseball and ftball seasns had ended. First he tried t change utdr games such as sccer t indr play, but he sn fund them unsuitable fr small ____39____ (area). In December f 1891, Naismith hung tw ld peach baskets at either end f the gym at the schl, and, using a sccer ball and nine players n each side, ____40____ (rganize) the first basketball game. The early rules allwed three pints fr each basket and banned ____41____ (run) with the ball.
    Five years later, a champinship was ____42____ (success) held in New Yrk City. ____43____ that time, the team had been reduced t seven players, and five became standard in the 1897 seasn.
    ____44____ basketball first appeared in the 1904 Olympic Games, it quickly spread thrughut the wrld. In 1906, a metal ring was used ____45____ (replace) the basket fr the first time, but the name basketball has remained.
    【答案】36. a 37. unwilling
    38. which##that
    39. areas 40. rganized
    41. running
    42. successfully
    43. By 44. When##After
    45. t replace
    考查形容词。句意:新英格兰的冬天非常寒冷,学生们不愿意做户外活动。由“The New England winters were very cld”可知,新英格兰的冬天非常寒冷,学生们不愿意做户外活动,因此空格处是“不愿意的”,即unwilling,故填unwilling。
    考查动名词和固定短语。句意:早期的规则是每个篮筐得三分,禁止带球跑动。ban ding sth.是固定短语,意为“禁止做某事”,因此空格处用动名词作宾语,故填running。
    考查介词。句意:到那时前,球队已经缩减到7名球员,在1897年赛季,5名球员成为标准。had been reduced是过去完成时的被动语态,因此句子表示“到那时,球队已经缩减到7名球员”,“到某时前”用“介词by+某个具体时间 ”,因此空格处是介词by,位于句首,首字母大写,故填By。
    考查连词。句意:当篮球首次出现在1904年奥运会上后,它迅速传遍了全世界。根据语境可知,句子表示“当篮球首次出现在1904年奥运会上后,它迅速传遍了全世界”,因此空格处可以是“当的时候”或“在之后 ”,即when/after,位于句首,首字母大写,故填When/After。
    考查不定式和固定短语。句意:1906年,一个金属环第一次被用来代替篮筐,但篮球这个名字一直保留下来。由“a metal ring was used”和(replace) the basket可知,句子表示“一个金属环第一次被用来代替篮筐”,句中用固定短语sth. be used t d sth.,意为“某物被用来做某事”,因此空格处用不定式表目的,故填t replace。
    第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分 40 分)
    第一节 应用文写作 (满分 15 分)
    46. 假设你是李华,是学生会的主席。为了呼吁高三学生在重压之下养成健康的生活方式,请你以学生会的名义,为学校“英语天地”宣传栏写一份倡议书,内容包括:
    1. 倡议的原因;
    2. 倡议的目的;
    3. 倡议的具体内容。
    1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear fellw students,
    Students’ Unin
    【答案】Pssible versin:
    Dear fellw students,
    With Cllege Entrance Examinatin appraching, many f us are under much pressure frm study and therefre have develped an unhealthy lifestyle, ranging frm studying deep int the night t taking little physical exercise, which is extremely harmful t ur health.
    T equip urselves fr the challenges f this senir year in ur high schl, it is high time that we take actins t say n t the unhealthy lifestyle.
    We are suppsed t reasnably distribute ur time f study and rest, as a result f which we are able t maintain an energetic state when faced with difficulties and pressure. Additinally, it is recmmended that physical exercise, an excellent way f relieving pressure, be scheduled regularly. Keeping healthy is als key t ur success. Let's take actins nw!
    Students’ Unin
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    会议:apprach→draw near
    采取行动做某事:take actins t d sth.→take steps t d sth.
    原句:Keeping healthy is als key t ur success.
    拓展句:It is vital t ur success that we shuld keep healthy.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] With Cllege Entrance Examinatin appraching, many f us are under much pressure frm study and therefre have develped an unhealthy lifestyle, ranging frm studying deep int the night t taking little physical exercise, which is extremely harmful t ur health. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句,现在分词作宾语补足语和现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2] We are suppsed t reasnably distribute ur time f study and rest, as a result f which we are able t maintain an energetic state when faced with difficulties and pressure. (运用了介词+关系代词引导的非限制性定语从句和过去分词作状语)
    第二节 读后续写 (满分 25 分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    One summer afternn, when I was abut eight years f age, I was lking at a beautiful rainbw that, bending frm the sky, seemed t be lsing itself in a thick wd abut a quarter f a mile distant.
    “D yu knw, Gracie,” said my brther, wh was just recvering frm a severe illness, weak and tired, “that if yu shuld g t the end f the rainbw, yu wuld find there precius treasures?”
    “Is it truly s?” I asked.
    “Truly s,” answered my brther, with a smile but a very serius face.
    Nw, I was a simple-hearted child wh believed everything that was tld t me; s, withut anther wrd, I rushed ut tward the wd. My brther called after me as ludly as he was able t, but I did nt take any ntice f him.
    I cared nthing fr the wet grass, n and n I ran. I was s sure that I knew just where that rainbw ended. But when I reached the cedars (雪松林), the end f the rainbw was nt there!
    Abruptly I saw it shining dwn amng the trees a little farther ff; s n and n I struggled, thrugh the thick bushes, till I came within the sund f a stream. I reached the bank f the stream, and I culd see it a little way ff n the ther side. I crssed the stream n a fallen tree, and still ran n, thugh my muscles were aching and my knees shaking.
    Suddenly I met in my way a large prcupine (豪猪). I ran away frm him as fast as my tired feet wuld carry me. In my flight and hurry I frgt t keep my eye n the rainbw, and when, at last, I remembered and lked fr it, it was nwhere in sight!
    When I saw that it was indeed gne, I burst int tears, fr I had lst all my treasures, and had nthing but muddy feet and a wet and trn dress. S I set ut fr hme.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
    Paragraph 1:
    But I sn fund that my trubles had nly begun.
    Paragraph 2:
    At last I heard my wn name called.
    【答案】Pssible versin 1
    Paragraph 1:
    But I sn fund that my trubles had nly begun. I lst my way! I was shivering with cld, with my empty stmach rumbling. The night wind hwled ruthlessly, nameless creatures murmured in the dark and the mnlight shne weakly n the grund. Filled with fright, I dragged my exhausted bdy inching frward. Eventually, I sat beside the stream, my arms and legs aching. Regretful fr my simple-minded behavir abut the missing rainbw and treasures, I burst int tears again.
    Paragraph 2:
    At last I heard my wn name called. The vice came frm distance, but I culd figure ut it was my brther. “Here! Here!” I shrieked at the tp f my lung. My weak brther made his way t me, his eyes filled with cncern. A sense f apparent relief envelped me. I threw myself t him and hugged him tightly. Fllwing him, I arrived at hme safe and sund finally. Nw, it becmes an indispensable memry in my childhd.
    Pssible versin 2
    Paragraph 1:
    But I sn fund that my trubles had nly begun. All at nce I heard vices shuting and halling. I was frightened, fearing that sme unknwn animals were upn me! I culd nt find my way: I was lst in a wd! I culd nt tell which was east r west, nrth r suth, but wandered abut here and there, crying and calling, thugh I knew that n ne culd hear me. I was hungry, cld, scared, —altgether very miserable indeed.
    Paragraph 2:
    At last I heard my wn name called. Then came familiar vices near me. That was my family! Instantly, I tried t respnd ludly and urgently, “Here! Here!” Within minutes, my family came int my eyes. Rushing twards them, I threw myself t their warm hugs. In a guilty tne, my brther said, “My pr little sister! I thught yu wuld knw I was nly quizzing yu.” Smiling at him, I said, “There is n treasure at the end f the rainbw. But ur family are!”
    Pssible versin 3
    Paragraph 1:
    But I sn fund that my trubles had nly begun. I culdn't find the previus way! A chill crept ver me. With my lips trembling, I was reduced t tears. Hping t find smething mre, I still walked thrugh the wds. Hwever, it seemed that the gd wasn’t blessing n me. Ultimately, I sat dwn by the tree with my arms aching. I felt extremely tired and my spirits sank, tears streaming dwn my cheeks again.
    Paragraph 2:
    At last I heard my wn name called. A wild excitement tk hld f my sinking heart. Smebdy was lking fr me! Rushing frward quickly, I saw it was my brther, wh was seized by a burst f anxiety. Seeing me with a big smile, he rushed t me and gave me a lng and affectinate hug, eyes beaming with relief. This experience m the summer afternn gave me a lessn. There was n treasure at the end f the rainbw, but the lve between my brther and me.
    ①冷得发抖:shivering with cld/tremble with cld
    ②向前挪动:inch frward/mve frward
    ④到家:arrive at hme/get hme
    ①惊恐:filled with fright/in hrrr
    【点睛】[高分句型1]The vice came frm distance, but I culd figure ut it was my brther.(省略了连接词that的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]Fllwing him, I arrived at hme safe and sund finally.(用现在分词作状语)

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    2022-2023学年广东省珠海市第二中学高一上学期期中考试英语试题(解析版): 这是一份2022-2023学年广东省珠海市第二中学高一上学期期中考试英语试题(解析版),共26页。






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