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    广东省韶关市北江中学等九校2022届高三上学期11月联考英语含答案 试卷
    广东省韶关市北江中学等九校2022届高三上学期11月联考英语含答案 试卷01
    广东省韶关市北江中学等九校2022届高三上学期11月联考英语含答案 试卷02
    广东省韶关市北江中学等九校2022届高三上学期11月联考英语含答案 试卷03
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    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Best smartwatches yu can buy right nw
    1. Apple Watch SE
    The Apple Watch SE is the best smartwatch mney can buy right nw, but it's nly the right chice fr yu if yu wn an iPhne. If yu d have an iPhne, yu may wnder why the Apple Watch 6 desn't take ur title f the very best smartwatch? That's because the Apple Watch SE des almst everything that smartwatch can, but fr a much lwer price.
    The Apple Watch SE cmes with a high-end design and a great range f features that yu can't get n every ther smartwatch right nw. The battery life isn't the best n the market based n ur tests, and there isn't an always-n display, but if yu're after a great value fr mney chice fr yur next wrist cmpanin yu shuld pt fr the Apple Watch SE.
    2. Samsung Galaxy Watch 4
    The Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 is a wearable that had a lt f publicity arund it. This sees Samsung return t Wear OS, having used Tizen fr recent mdels. But this isn’t Wear OS as yu might knw it-it’s a new take n the perating system, designed alngside Samsung, and with a very Tizen-like skin n the tp.
    Add t that great perfrmance, what we fund t be a cmfrtable fit, a lightweight build, and interesting new bdy cmpsitin measurement tls, and this makes fr a tp smartwatch, especially fr thse interested in tracking their health and fitness.
    But with sme f its features requiring a Samsung phne, and n supprt fr iPhnes, the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 isn’t smething we can recmmend t everyne. It als arguably isn’t wrth upgrading t if yu already wn a recent Galaxy Watch.
    3. Apple Watch 6
    The Apple Watch 6 hasn't taken the tp spt in ur best smartwatch list, but this is the abslute best device yu can get if yu wn an iPhne. Why isn't it ranked abve the Apple Watch SE? Because it's a lt mre expensive than that ptin.
    It isn't a huge upgrade ver the Apple Watch 5 thugh. There are new features like bld xygen mnitring and an upgraded chipset, but largely it's a similar device with the exact same screen and design.
    That said, if yu're after an Apple Watch this is the best frm the cmpany ever, we just fund the lack f any majr upgrades a slight disappintment.
    1. What is a disadvantage f the Apple Watch SE?
    A. It has a pr range f features B. The display is always n
    C. It is pr value fr mney D. The battery life is nt utstanding
    2. Hw des the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 differ frm recent mdels?
    A. It desn’t supprt iPhnes B. It is cmfrtable
    C. It can’t be recmmended t everyne D. It uses a different perating system
    3. What d the Apple Watch 5 and Apple Watch 6 have in cmmn?
    A. The bld xygen mnitr B. The screen C. The price D. The chipset
    Julian Murphy has had a successful week. He’s the headmaster f an independent schl called Lughbrugh Amherst schl and he seems a bit media-friendly. D yu knw what I mean? Thse media-friendly headmasters? They’re regularly annuncing smething and nt just in schl-in the media. They pp up with sme teaching thing: maths shuld nly happen after lunch r they’re replacing physics with farming lessns. Anthny Seldn and Eric Andersn were the pineers-always ringing up with a thery instead f standing in a playgrund with a cffee and a whistle.
    Murphy first gt rund t being media-friendly back in 2017 when he said he was getting rid f schl reprts. His reasns were, he tld the Independent, that "they end up using almst plitician’s speak, using the same phrases such as 'very lively and enthusiastic in lessns', which f curse actually means they dn’t behave well in class", and that sme teachers, "let’s say PE r maths teachers-find writing 200-wrd lng reprts quite challenging".
    I quite like his style. He tells it like it is. Well, actually, nt any mre he desn’t. Last week’s thery was a bit different. He’s banned staff, he explained t a newspaper, frm using the wrds "gd" and "bad" t refer t pupils' behaviur. Instead, they shuld say "skilful" and "unskilful".
    One famus presenter tweeted in reply: "What n earth will these pr kids d when they’re expsed t the real wrld? This is s… BAD. " This suggests that the mst sensible way fr a schl t prepare its students fr the big wide wrld is simply t cpy it. The "sink r swim" apprach. "Lk at thse pr csseted (宠爱) kids wearing armbands (充气臂圈)." "In the real wrld n ne's ging t carefully explain t yu hw t read!" But, surely, the fact that peple are ften rude, and smetimes vilent and criminal, in the real wrld desn’t mean that it’s necessarily a sund idea t encurage thse things inside a schl.
    This is hw Murphy explained his new rule: "While I dn’t want teachers t be sft, I als dn’t want them t be shuty and make pupils feel guilty. I think it’s human psychlgy-if peple make yu feel guilty, then yu get angry." I think I agree with that.
    Still, in the lng run, I’m nt sure it’ll d any lasting skilful. Wrds quickly change their meanings and schlchildren are a majr driver f that. Playgrunds have taken every plite expressin fr disability ever invented and almst instantly weapnised them as terms f abuse between all kids. It wn’t be lng befre "unskilful" is ruder than "bad" ever was. Rudeness, like life itself, will find a way.
    4. What des the writer think f Antny Seldn and Eric Andersn?
    A. They had a lt f theries B. Their schls were prly run
    C. They were media-friendly D. They were pineers in teaching
    5. What des Murphy think f schl reprts?
    A. They are challenging t read B. They are lively and enthusiastic
    C. They give teachers t much wrk D. They are f little use
    6. What is the writer’s attitude twards the famus presenter’s pinin
    A. Oppsed B. Neutral C. Uncertain D. Supprtive
    7. What can we infer frm the last paragraph abut playgrunds?
    A. Kids ften use weapns B. Disabled kids are always bullied
    C. Rude language is cmmn D. Kids like t discuss wrds’ meanings
    I held them in awe. My supervisrs at Cambridge in the 50s were f the generatin wh had served in the war: cdebreakers, that kind f thing. They were fiercely intelligent in a way my schlteachers had nt been. I was full f admiratin and fear. It was why I had studied hard t be there, t meet the finest brains in the land. But I was t learn a lessn.
    Betty Behrens was frmidable: tall, with lng legs. She taught Eurpean histry. In my first essay, abut the French Revlutin, I pured ut my sul. I saw it as a new dawn f freedm and fulfilment such as Cambridge meant t me.
    The essay came back untuched. I thught there must be sme mistake. I had delivered it as required, n time, neatly handwritten. Nw it lay n my table exactly as I had written it: n cmments, n crrectins f dates r names, nthing. My excitement disappeared. What f my beautiful writing-had it been smehw verlked?
    The truth was wrse. On the final page, there was indeed an interventin by Betty Behrens: a line drawn thrugh my writing and a brief paragraph. This piece f wrk was nt wrthy f any cnsideratin by her: It was wrthless, trite (老生常谈的) rubbish. If I was t cntinue t study with her, there must be a serius effrt t understand what schlarship was.
    I was kncked back with the frce f her disapprval. There was nthing I wanted mre than t impress this wise, clever wman. I was ttally destryed. What is clear nw is thse prfessrs were nt up n the niceties f human relatins. There was n empathy in her remarks. In thse days, issues f mental health were nt cnsidered. Yu were there t learn; they were there t teach.
    In the event, the shck f her criticism paid ff. I had nwhere t g but int my wn head. The thught f sharing my shame with cllege clleagues was ut f the questin. I had sme serius thinking t d. I went back t my bks: the clear prse f Keynes, the measured tnes f Plumb, the steady lgic f Butterfield…the standard texts f the day. It prved a turning pint fr me. I began t examine what shaped my ideas-indeed, what shaped anyne’s ideas. I wanted and intended t d better.
    Of curse, my student life wasn’t all struggle and regret. I spent much f my time falling in and ut f lve and enjying the wrld f Cambridge theatre. But when I became a jurnalist, Betty Behrens std at my shulder, my ghstly editr, reminding me the bedrck f all gd jurnalism is thrugh research, analysis f facts, a willingness t cnsider all pints f view-and nly then t let the emtins erupt n t the page.
    8. What was wrng with the writer’s first essay?
    A. It was t emtinal B. It was t shrt
    C. There were t many mistakes D. It was t lng
    9. What was Betty Behrens’ requirement f the writer?
    A. The writer shuld rewrite her essay
    B. The writer shuld rethink her apprach t learning
    C. The writer shuld check her wrk carefully
    D. The writer shuld make her wrk briefer
    10. Hw did the writer react t Behrens’ criticism?
    A. She did mre reading B. She suffered mental health issues
    C. She turned t her friends D. She cnsulted her teacher
    11. What is the best title fr the passage?
    A. A tugh but lasting lessn B. An unsuccessful but prmising essay
    C. A kind and friendly teacher D. A diligent and successful student
    Assassin (暗杀者) bugs live up t their name. The insects expertly hunt and feed upn ther small invertebrates (无脊椎动物), giving them a pisnus bite. Sme species even hunt spiders and use a strange trick t gain the upper hand.
    Using their antennae (触须), assassin bugs tap spiders, which appears t cnfuse them lng enugh t let the bugs make a pisnus strike, researchers reprted n September 29. The findings prvide insight int sme f the cmplex hunting tactics that predatrs (捕食性动物) evlve when targeting dangerus prey (猎物).
    Assassin bugs spend their lives in a place mst insects avid: spider webs. The bugs silently creep alng the spider’s silk, taking care t make their mvements seem harmless befre vilently killing the web’s architect, seizing the spiders with their frnt legs and injecting them with pisn.
    While watching tw species f assassin bugs hunt spiders, eclgists Anne Wignall and Fernand Sley tk nte f the bugs’ habit f lightly kncking their antennae n spiders nce the bugs were within striking distance.
    "It struck us early n that tapping prey was a really strange thing t d," says Wignall. Spiders culd easily defend themselves and kill the bugs. "Watching the bugs spend s much time and effrt n aviding detectin, nly t practically tap the spiders n the shulder was abslutely fascinating."
    T figure ut why the bugs tap, Wignall and Sley tested the behavir f 30 spiders in the labratry. The researchers cpied the bugs' antennae tapping by gently brushing the spiders' leg with a dg hair. After the tapping, the team measured the spiders’ respnses t mvements n the web, cpying a struggling insect.
    Tapped spiders were far less aggressive than thse that weren’t tapped, fully ignring the mvements fur times as ften. Tapped spiders als attacked abut 25 percent as ften as their untapped cunterparts.
    Wignall thinks that the assassin bugs are reducing spiders’ aggressin levels by imitating the types f physical tuch that these typically slitary (独处的) spiders experience near fellw spiders. "Whenever they d cme acrss anther spider, it’s usually because it’s a clse relative in the nest, r a ptential mate. Bth f which are situatins in which aggressin wuld nt be a gd idea," she says.
    Zlgist Ondřej Michálek, wh was nt invlved with the study, says that the researchers have a "cmpletely valid thery." Many spiders avid cannibalism (同类相食) by using special tuch signals that culd be cpied by skilful predatrs, thus tricking the spiders, he says.
    12. What is unusual abut assassin bugs?
    A. Their bite is pisnus B. Their mvements make little nise
    C. They dn’t avid spiders’ webs D. They kill their prey vilently
    13. What surprised Wignall abut the bugs' behaviur?
    A. They used a great deal f time and effrt B. They were able t defend themselves
    C. They deliberately tuched the spiders D. They were able t kill the spiders
    14. Why d the bugs tap the spiders?
    A. They are keen n physical tuch B. They are pretending t be spiders
    C. They are usually slitary D. They are lking fr a mate
    15. What is the best title fr the passage?
    A. Why animals use cmplex hunting tactics B. Why assassin bugs tap their prey
    C. Assassin bugs have a pisnus bite D. Assassin bugs-a dangerus predatr
    Science can help yu imprve yur study methds. Fr mre than 100 years, psychlgists have dne research n which study habits wrk best. Sme tips help fr almst every subject. Fr example, dn’t just cram! And test yurself, instead f just rereading the material. Here are 4 tips t tweak yur study habits.
    1. Space ut yur studying
    Nate Krnell, a psychlgist at Williams Cllege, thinks it’s a gd idea t study the day befre a big test. 16 . Instead, space ut thse study sessins. Krnell cmpares ur memry t water in a bucket that has a small leak. Try t refill the bucket while it’s still full, and yu can’t add much mre water. Allw time between study sessins, and sme f the material may drip ut f yur memry. 17 . And yu’ll remember it better, next time, he ntes.
    2. Practice, practice, practice!
    Musicians practice their instruments. 18 . The same shuld g fr learning. "If yu want t be able t remember infrmatin, the best thing yu can d is practice," says Katherine Rawsn. She’s a psychlgist at Kent State University in Ohi. In ne 2013 study, students tk practice tests ver several weeks. On the final test, they scred mre than a full letter grade better, n average, than did students wh studied the way they nrmally had.
    3. Test yurself6
    That 2010 study backs up ne f Nebel's preferred study habits. Befre big tests, her mm quizzed her n the material. "Nw I knw that was retrieval practice," she says. "It’s ne f the best ways yu can study." As Nebel gt lder, she quizzed herself. Fr example, she might cver up the definitins in her ntebk. Then she tried t recall what each term meant. " 19 ," Sana suggests. "Put questins n ne side and the answers n the ther side." Friends can even quiz each ther n the phne, she says. "Try t quiz yurself the way the teacher asks questins," Nebel adds.
    4. Dig deeper
    It’s hard t remember a string f facts and figures if yu dn’t push further. Ask why things are a certain way. Hw did they cme abut? Why d they matter? Psychlgists call this elabratin. It’s taking class material and "asking a lt f hw and why questins abut it," Nebel says. In ther wrds, dn’t just accept facts at face value. 20 . And it creates a bigger netwrk in yur brain f things that relate t ne anther, she says. That larger netwrk makes it easier t learn and remember things.
    A. Sme experts hld that studying late at night can be really useful
    B. Of curse, nthing can replace studying with yur mther
    C. This helps yu cmbine new infrmatin with ther things yu knw
    D. But then yu’ll be able t relearn it and learn mre in yur next study sessin
    E. Create a deck f flash cards every time yu learn new infrmatin
    F. But research shws it’s a bad idea t squeeze all yur studying int that day
    G. Athletes practice sprts skills
    第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    The vicemail was lng and cruel. It was full f 21 and insults. I was clse t tears and
    culdn’t even bring myself t listen t the whle message. I didn’t need t. The message was 22 .
    I had been wrking as an 23 elementary teacher fr several years and had grwn accustmed t the ccasinal unkind parent wh 24 behind their cmputer screens. Didn’t they realise I was a 25 t? I had taken a pay cut fr this jb, 26 my skills t help students wh were t ill t attend 27 schl r wh lived in remte lcatins. I was there t 28 .
    I had dne my best fr this wman. I always 29 ur cnversatins with e-mails full f free resurces that wuld supprt her sn. I had gne ut f my 30 t satisfy his specific needs and interests.
    I 31 an angry, defensive respnse, and was just abut t send it when I gt a text message.
    'I just left yu a very 32 vicemail,' it began. 'I was frustrated by things that were nt yur fault. I said things that were nt true. I’m really 33 .'
    Suddenly, my bld 34 . Taking a breath, I texted the wman back. 'What vicemail? I’ve been n the phne all mrning. Let me hit ' 35 .'
    The wman respnded with lightning speed, 'Yu are the best!'
    I prmised myself I wuld try t d that mre ften.
    21. A. accusatins B. encuragement C. suggestins D. details
    22. A. plite B. clear C. necessary D. hpeful
    23. A. experienced B. diligent C. nline D. temprary
    24. A. smiled B. wrked C. studied D. hid
    25. A. teacher B. persn C. parent D. user
    26. A. emplying B. imprving C. discussing D. checking
    27. A. traditinal B. nline C. special D. virtual
    28. A. earn B. wrk C. help D. rest
    29. A. brught up B. held up C. fllwed up D. cleared up
    30. A. career B. way C. day D. ability
    31. A. cnsidered B. pened C. debated D. cmpsed
    32. A. imprtant B. precius C. accurate D. unkind
    33. A. angry B. frustrated C. helpless D. embarrassed
    34. A. rushed B. biled C. calmed D. pured
    35. A. Enter B. Delete C. Cpy D. Save
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    As a man was passing sme elephants, he suddenly stpped, 36 (cnfuse) by the fact that these huge 37 (creature) were being held by nly a small rpe tied t their frnt leg. N chains, n cages. It was bvius that 38 elephants culd, at any time, break away frm their bnds but fr sme reasn, they did nt. He saw a trainer nearby and asked 39 these animals just std there and 40 (make) n attempt t get away. "Well," the trainer said, "when they are very yung and much 41 (small) we use the same size rpe t tie them and, at that age, it’s enugh t hld them. As they grw up, they remain prgrammed 42 (believe) they cannt break away. They believe the rpe can still hld them, s they never try t break free."
    The man was amazed. These animals culd at any time break free frm their bnds but because they believed they culdn’t, they were stuck right where they were. Like the elephants, hw many f us g thrugh life 43 (hang) nt a belief that we cannt d smething, simply 44 we failed at it nce befre?
    45 (fail) are part f grwth; we shuld never give up the struggle in life!
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    My husband and I had bked a cruise (乘船游览) t celebrate ur tenth anniversary. Having wrked hard thrughut ur married lives, we felt like we needed a break and an adventure. As we had expected, while n bard, we enjyed gd fd and gd cmpany, while each stp brught us chances t explre new places and experience new adventures. My husband’s calmness thrughut all these new experiences helped me t keep my nerves and fear f new things under cntrl and enjy myself t.
    We were excited as the cruise ship pulled int its final stp, a small prt in Mexic, in April 2020. Ryan and I had been zip lining (飞索) befre, s when we saw signs fr an ecpark basting 11 lines in the middle f the jungle, we thught, "Let’s g fr it."
    We gt ff the ship at 8 am and had t be back by 5 pm. We travelled thrugh the thick jungle in an ld jeep, enjying the beautiful views and listening t the calls f the animals. By 10.30am, we were admiring the view frm a high platfrm, waiting t crss the deep grge (峡谷) by zip line-a distance f 700 metres. Ryan went first. It tk abut a minute fr him t crss. Then it was my turn. I’m petite, at 5ft 3in and 120lb, s wasn’t wrried abut putting t much weight n the line. I felt safe: I was wearing all the necessary safety equipment. The guide said, “Have fun!” and sent me ut.
    I was 150 metres up in the air, enjying the beautiful view f the cean t the left and the rainfrest belw. The first I knew that smething had gne wrng was a lud bang, then silence. I suddenly realized that the zip line had brken.
    Paragraph 1: I was halfway acrss the grge and began falling thrugh the air.
    Paragraph 2: When he reached my tree, I shuted, "Please, baby, catch me if I fall."
    2022 届高三·十一月·九校联考
    英语科试题 – 答案

    1-5 DDBCD 6-10 ACABA 11-15 ACCBB

    七选五 (每道题2.5分)
    16-20 FDGEC

    完型填空 (每道题1分)

    语法填空 (每道题1.5分)
    36. cnfused37. creatures38. the 39. why40. made
    41. smaller42. t believe43. hanging44. because45. failuresS

    广东省四校联考2024届高三上学期联考(三)英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份广东省四校联考2024届高三上学期联考(三)英语试卷(含答案),共16页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        广东省韶关市北江中学等九校2022届高三上学期11月联考英语含答案 试卷
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