八年级上册Unit 2 My Favourite School Subject综合与测试教案设计
这是一份八年级上册Unit 2 My Favourite School Subject综合与测试教案设计,共28页。
冀教版英语八年级上Unit 2 My Favorite School Subject单元教案
I. Teaching objectives 单元教学目标
Skill Goals
Talk about favorite school subjects
Talk about preference
Expressing time
Learn to use the present perfect tense and tag questions
Write about one’s favorite subjects and give a report about group discussion
Language Focus
Talk about preference
My favorite … is ...
… is / are his favorite.
I like … best.
Talk about time
What’s the time?
It’s(a)quarter past / after / to ...
It’s three thirty / half past …
1. 四会词汇
subject, art, hope, show, sometime, start, hurry, late, study, except, funny, smile, soon, math, way, exam, tonight, quiz, hall, noon, group, everything, cool, stop, o’clock, clock, half, quarter, past, library, carry, noise, office, maybe, interesting, travel, festival, each, boat, physics, finally
2. 认读词汇
painting, painter, timetable, physical, education, P.E. mathematics, project, examination, social, clap, snap, tick-tock, yet, librarian
3. 词组
Be good at, in two minutes, be late for, make…do…, a lot of / lots of, be short for…, social studies, everyone…except…, see…do…, help…with…, have an exam, go for a walk, we do have art, stop doing, turn out, not yet, half an hour, (a)quarter to three, no noise., take…to…, give…a talk, be surprised
4. 重点词汇
except, be late for, help…with…, turn out, subject, interesting, be good at, noise, exam, math, library
1. I have told you before.
2. We don’t want to be late for class.
3. My friend Wang Mei is very good at math.
4. She has helped me with my math homework.
4. Turn out the light.
Present perfect tense
I have painted six pictures this week!
She has been an English teacher for seven years.
I haven’t seen you for a long time.
Has she ever seen the book?
No, she hasn’t yet. (Not yet.)
II. Teaching material analyzing and rearranging教材分析与教材重组
1. 教材分析
本单元围绕My favorite school subject这一话题展开教学。通过本单元课本内容的学习以及课堂实践,比较中加两国中学生在学习形式和学习方式的不同,使学生了解中西方文化差异。通过听、说、读、写一系列技能训练活动使学生掌握时间表达法,现在完成时的基本用法和反义疑问句。能用所学词组和短语介绍、谈论自己或他人喜欢的学科。
1.1 Lesson 9 Don’t Be Late for Class通过学习Jenny和Brian的对话和观看本课插图我们可以了解到加拿大学生学习形式-----学生没有固定的教室。通过学习对话内容我们可以学会用所学词组和短语谈论个人喜爱的学科。初步学习现在完成时的一些用法。了解西方文化中遵守时间和信守诺言的重要。
1.2 Lesson 10 E-Mail!通过学习两封E-mail,我们可以了解中西方学生学习活动的不同点与相同点,使学生明白不管在哪个国家,作为学生都应该努力学习。通过学习Li Ming的E-mail我们可以更好的使学生明白要想学好英语,最好的办法是多使用英语与他人交流。
1.3 Lesson 11 What’s Your Favorite Subject本课为对话形式,通过小组合作学习、训练使学生能过谈论自己喜欢的科目,以及如何学习好本科目。还可以使科目与将来的职业联系起来。
1.4 Lesson 12 Tick-tock 本课为一首歌,通过歌曲的学习,使学生在轻松愉快的气氛中掌握时间的各种表达法。这样既学得了知识又活跃了气氛。
1.5 Lesson 13 Looking for Lisa是有关学生在图书馆学习的小故事。通过这则故事了解加拿大学生的学习方式与中国的差异。学生在学会利用图书馆查资料,在图书馆应该如何尊重图书管理员、遵守图书馆的规章的同时, 进一步学习现在完成时、宾语从句等语法内容。
1.6 Lesson 14 Irfan Studied China! 本课通过阅读学习Irfan介绍自己喜欢的科目,学生应该学会介绍自己喜欢的科目,以及如何有条理写出报告。可以让学生课后模仿写作。
1.7 Lesson 15 Karen’s Hair Stood Up! 本课以日记的方式总结了本单元的所学内容。叙述了不同的学生喜欢的科目不同,具有相同爱好的学生以报告的形式展示了他们小组的活动。引导学生随时记录自己身边发生的有趣的事情。
1.8 Lesson 16 Unit Review 本课为复习课,通过练习对本单的词汇、语法、口语交际进行复习。最后的短文是对本单元所学内容的综合运用。要求学生巩固并运用所学知识。
1.1 Lesson 9 和Lesson 11结合在一起上使学生对国外学生的学习生活有一个感性了解,并结合《活动手册》后面的读物Why I Love Social Studies共享两课时完成这一部分内容的教学。
1.2 Lesson 10独立成一个课时。重点放在学习E-mail的书写及谈论内容上,认识到学习的重要性。仿写E-mail就如何学好某一科目提出建议。
1.3 Lesson 12本课为歌曲,结合以前所学表达时间的内容,再学一些新的时间表达方法。 上课方式为小组活动式,通过活动进行比赛,通过竞争、评比以活跃课堂气氛。
1.4 Lesson 13本课是围绕Jenny她们小组在图书馆查找资料为背景展开教学。学习本课时给学生复习四种时态。
1.5 Lesson 14 通过本文的学习,我们可以教会学生如何把搜集的材料整理分类。
1.6 Lesson 15和Reader后面的内容结合,使学生了解课外知识和活动。上一节阅读课。
1.7 Lesson 16为复习课。
III. Class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配
1st Period Lesson 9 Don’t Be Late for Class
2nd Period Lesson 11 & Reader What’s Your Favorite Subject
3rd Period Lesson 10 E-mail
4th Period Lesson 12 Tick-tock
5th period Lesson 13 Looking for Lisa
6thPeriod Lesson 14 Irfan Studied China
7th Period Lesson 15 & Reader Karen’s Hair Stood Up!
8th Period Lesson 16 Unit Review
IV. Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案
Period 1 Don’t Be Late for Class!
Target language目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语:
subject, art, hope, show, sometime, start, hurry, late, be good at, be late for
b. 认读词汇及短语:
painting, painter, timetable, in two minutes
Ability goals 能力目标
Enable the students to talk about their own favorite subjects and learn to be on time.
Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the students to learn to talk about their favorite school subjects.
Teaching important points教学重点
Encourage the students to talk about their favorite subjects and reasons why they like these subjects.
Teaching difficult points教学难点
The present perfect tense.
Teaching method教学方法
Listening, reading and discussing.
Teaching aids教学准备
The multimedia computer.
Teaching procedures and ways教学过程和方法
StepI Lead-in
Get students to talk about their favorite subjects and also get familiar with the subjects they have everyday.
T: How is it going, class.?
Ss: Fine, Mr. or Ms…
T: What class are we having?
Ss: English.
T: Quite right. Who likes English best?
S1: I do.
S2: Me too.
S3: So do I.
T: Great! So, English is your favorite subject!
Show the word subject to students either by PowerPoint or writing on the blackboard.
T: Subject, what does it mean?
S: It means class, lesson.
T: Yes. And what class are you going to have?
Ss: Math.
T: Who likes math best?
S1: I like it best.
S2: So do I.
S3: My favorite subject is math, too.
S4: Me too.
T: Wonderful! So math is also your favorite subject, right?
S: Yes.
T: Tell me how many subjects do you have in school, and what are they?
Then show the students a timetable on the PowerPoint. Ask them to fill in the blanks according to the subjects they have every day.
Ask the students to work in pairs to fill in this chart.
Sample answers:
Class meeting
Ask the students to talk about their timetable and answer the teacher’s questions on the PowerPoint. Show students the following questions.
1. What’s your favorite subject? Why?
2. Which subject do you hate most? Why?
3. Which is the easiest subject for you?
4. Which is the most difficult subject?
5. Is there any unforgettable teacher in your school days? Why?
Encourage the students to express themselves freely. In this way we can know how to find a good way to help the students to learn better and better.
Step II Reading
Then lead the class into the topic “Don’t be late for class.”
Help the students to prepare for this lesson.
T: Well, just now, we talked about our…
S: Favorite subjects.
T: Good! Now, turn to page 12 and look at the picture. Who can you see?
Ss: Jenny and Brian.
T: What are they doing?
Ss: They are getting ready for their class.
T: Do you get ready or your class like them?
S1:No.They go from room to room to have their lessons.
S2: We stay in the classroom and our teachers come to us.
T: Great!
1. Listening
Ask students to listen to this conversation and answer the questions given.
T: Now let’s listen to the tape and then answer these questions.
Show students the following questions:
1. What are Jenny and Brian talking about?
2. What are Brian’s and Jenny’s favorite subjects?
Encourage students to grasp the key information to answer these questions.
2. Reading
Ask the students to read the dialogue silently and then have a discussion like this:
T: Where is Brian going?
S1: He’s going to have art.
T: Is Brian worried? How do you know?
S2: Yes, he is. Because he says class starts in two minutes. He doesn’t want to be late for class. He needs to go in a hurry.
T: Yes. Brian is punctual. He doesn’t want to be late for class. We students should go to school on time. We don’t want to be late for class, either.
T: What do they say when they leave?
Ss: They say “See you after school”
T: What else could they say?
S1: See you later or see you.
Ask students to do let’s Do It. Divided the class into small groups and ask them to discuss their favorite subjects. Share their ideas with other groups. They can use the following sentence pattern: My favorite subject is___________. I like it because________________. Show a chart on the PowerPoint to help them.
What’s your favorite subject?
Why do you like this subject?
Sample answers:
What’s your favorite subject?
Why do you like this subject?
I like it because I want to be an interpreter./I like it because I like counting./I like it because I want to be a writer./I like it because my teacher makes it very interesting.
Step V Grammar
Help students to learn and practice the present perfect tense. First ask students to find out the sentences using this tense and explain this to them.
T: Well, we get the main idea of this text. Do you have any questions?
S: Yes. Would you please explain this sentence: I have painter six new pictures this week?
T: Wonderful! That’s just what we are going to learn---the Present Perfect tense.
If necessary, speak it in Chinese. And then show the following to the students.
Name: the present perfect tense.
Usage: We can use the present perfect simple to talk about an action completed in the past which has some relevance to the present.
T: Have you got it?
S: Yes!
T: Well, would you please find other similar sentences?
Give students enough time to find, and then show the following sentences to the students.
I have painted six new pictures this week.
I have seen some of your paintings.
I have told you before.
T: Have you finished it?
S: Yes.
T: Well, who would like to tell us these sentences?
Ask some students to say the sentences they have found, if necessary show them to students to help them find the sentence structure for the present perfect tense.
T: Can you find some rules?
S: Yes!
Ask some students to answer this, and then show the following to them.
Form: have + done
T: Very good. You know we have learned the past indefinite form of the verbs, and next we’ll look at the past participle form of the words. Now, look at the form.
Show students the following form.
Simple past form
Past participle form
T: Can you give the past indefinite form of these verbs?
S: Yes.
Ask some students to fill in chat of past indefinite form. And then ask them to glance at the conversation to find out the past participle form of these verbs. Then help them find the rule.
Sample answer:
past indefinite form
Past participle form
T: So, look at the first line. The rule is…
S: Add –ed.
T: That’s it. However, there are also some irregular verbs. Look at lines 2&3. You have to remember them. Clear?
S; Yes!
Ask students to do some exercises to help them practice the present perfect tense and also differ it from the past indefinite tense.
1. I ____ (be) an English teacher for 20 years.
2. Li Ming and I_____ (clean) the classroom. Now it’s clean.
3. He_____ (come) to Beijing before.
4.____he_____(come)to Beijing a year ago?
Sample answers:
1. have been 2.have cleaned 3.has come 4.Did / come
Step VI Homework
1. Do the exercises in the Activity Book.
2. Talk about your favorite subjects after class.
Period 2 What’s your Favorite Subject?
Target language目标语言
a. 重点词汇及短语:
hall, noon, group, everything, cool, stop, o’clock, turn out (the light)
b. 认读词汇及短语:
social studies, go for a walk,we do have art, stop doing
Ability goals 能力目标
Enable the students who like the same subject to discuss what their favorite subjects are.
Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the students learn to share their favorite with others and also have a better idea of what they like best.
Teaching important points教学重点
Focus on talking about why they take these subjects as their favorite.
Teaching difficult points教学难点
Help the student to know the importance of learning the subjects well.
Teaching aids教学准备
The multimedia computer.
Teaching procedures and ways教学过程和方法
Step I Lead-in
T: Good morning / afternoon, class.
Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr. / Ms…
T: Who’s on duty?
S1: I am.
S1 tells the class a story and then asks 2-3questions about the story to check the understanding.
T: Well done! Do you still remember what we talked about last period?
S: The favorite subjects!
T: Good! I know some of you like English, some like math. Do you know what my favorite subject is?
Encourage students to guess, help them review the subjects they have learned last period.
T: (One student says Chinese.) Bingo!I like Chinese very much. Because, I like reading, and there are so many beautiful words. Have you learned…?
Choose one of the text students have learned before and recite the wonderful part together with them. Help them to be active.
T: Beautiful! You are so clever! Now, listen carefully, I want to tell you a story. One night, I read a novel named… I like it so much, and I read it until 11 pm. Suddenly, the room goes dark. Do you know what happened?
S: The lamp was broken!
T: That’s it! The lamp was turned out. That means the lamp does not work, and the room goes dark. Got it?
S: Yes!
T: You see, I love reading so much. Have you got any interesting stories about your favorites?
S: Yes!
T: Great! I’d like to listen to that very much. But first, let’s look at the text and see what Danny, Jenny and Brian are talking about. OK?
S: OK!
Step II Listening and discussing
Ask the students to listen to the tape and find out what subjects Jenny, Brian and Danny like best and the reasons they like the subjects. While the students are discussing, walk around and give them a hand if necessary.
Here are possible answers:
Danny’s favorite subject is P.E. because he likes exercise.
Brian likes art best because he liked drawing when he was a little boy.
Jenny’s favorite subject is social studies because she loves learning about people in other countries.
After that ask students to role-play this conversation. Pay attention to their intonation and pronunciation.
Step III Come to the Reader---Jenny’s E-mail “Why I love Social Studies?”
Ask the students to read it and answer the following questions on the PowerPoint.
1. What countries has she studied?
2. What country is she going to talk about?
3. How is she going to get the information about China?
Sample answers:
1. She has studied about Canada, Australia and England.
2. She’s going to talk about China.
3. She’s going to get the information from Li Ming.
StepIV Come to Project
Ask students what their favorite subjects are. Help the class form groups that share the same favorite subject. And also give the reasons.
Remind the students to using clues given in Project. Encourage them to share their favorite with others, meanwhile help them know their favorite subjects better and become more confident and active in learning these subjects. If time is limited, ask the students to collect what they have found after class, and then give a show.
Yuan Longping
Yao Ming
Basketball player
Yu Qiuyu
Chinese, history/geography…
Zhang Ziyi
In this way we can lead the students to understand the importance of learning their subjects.
T: You did a good job. Everyone has his / her own favorite subjects. If you learn it well, it will help you do what you like to do in the future. Work harder, you’ll be the best.
Step V Homework
1. Do the exercises in the activity book.
2. Read the materials in the reader.
Period 3 E-mail
Teaching goals教学目标
a. 重点词汇及短语
study, except, funny, smile, soon, math, way, exam, tonight, quiz, a lot of (lots of) help…with…
b. 认读词汇及短语
physical, education, P.E. mathematics, project, examination, be short for…, see sb. do…, make…do…, Everyone…except…, have an exam
Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to give advice on how to learn a subject well by E-mail.
Learning ability goals学能目标
Help students learn to write E-mails to give advice.
Teaching important points教学重点
Focus on how to give advice by using the target languages.
Learn the Present Perfect Tense.
Teaching difficult points教学难点
Expressions of giving advice.
Teaching methods教学方法
Listening, reading, discussing and getting the information they need.
Teaching aids教具准备
The multimedia computer.
Teaching procedures and ways教学过程和方法
StepI Revision
a. Duty report
b. Recall the students the structure and usage of the present perfect tense.
Step II Reading
Enable students to read the two e-mails and find some expressions to give advice.
T: Last period, we talked about …
S: Our favorite subjects.
T: Do you still remember what Danny’s favorite subject is?
S: P.E.
If most students cannot give the answer, ask them to look through Lesson 11 and recall the text.
T: And do you know Li Ming’s?
S: …
T: And do you know how he learns a subject well?
S: …
T: Well, next, read the two emails and answer the following questions.
Ask students to read the two emails and show students them the following questions:
Who wrote the emails?
In China, we students have a lot of homework every day. What about Danny? Does he have a lot of homework?
Possible answers:
1. Danny and Li Ming.
2. Danny has lots of homework every day. All his teachers make him study very, very hard. His head is always tired.
T: Now let’s read Li Ming’s Email and think over the following questions:
Show them on the PowerPoint.
1. What way does Li Ming think is the best way to learn English?
2. Has Li Ming used English? How?
3. Li Ming’s second favorite subject is math. How does he learn math?
Sample answers:
1. Li Ming thinks the best way to learn English is to use it.
2. Yes He uses a lot such as writing Emails and making telephones and his teacher gives them a lot of projects in English class. They often practice their spoken English.
3. Wang Mei helps him with his math because Wang Mei is very good at math.
T: Good. We should keep practicing our English, too. We should help each other and learn from each other.
Encourage students to discuss in groups about ways to improve their learning, meanwhile practice expressing advice giving using the target languages:
T: You did a good job. Today, everyone studies hard. But we should find good ways to learn better, right?
S: Yes!
T: Well, now, form groups just like you did last period.
Give students enough time to form groups according to their favorite subjects.
T: Ready?
S: Yes!
T: OK. First look through the emails again and tell me the way to give advice.
Help students to summarize ways to give advice. After that, show students the following expressions.
i. make…do…
ii. a lot of fun/lots of fun
iii. Everyone…except…
iv. See sb. do…
v. The best way to do…is to…
vi. Be good at…
vii. Help…with…
viii. Except/besides
Allow them enough time to discuss, referring to the chart given below. After that, ask each group to give their advice.
Show the following chart on the PowerPoint and ask the student to fill in the blanks.
Persons who learn well
Sample answers:
Persons who learn well
Lucy, Kim, Jill, Ben, Wang Mei…
1. Review before class.
2. Listen to the teacher carefully in class.
3. Do math exercise often.
Li Mimg, Wu Jun, Rose, Tom…
1. Listen to the tape every day and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.
2. Be active in class and speak English as much as possible.
3. Read English stories after class.
Deng Min, Zhi Tan, Lily, Xiao Jun…
1. Read famous novels.
2. Write diaries often.
Ma Jun, He Liang, Mary…
Observe living things around you and try to grow plant and take care of the animals.
Li Ze, Zhu Qiang, Zhang Lei, Bob…
Observe things around and do experiment often.
Hu Na, Tian Lei, Pat, Gu Tian…
Read history stories and learn from the history.
Step III Grammar
Have a further study of the present perfect tense. Here are some sentences from the text:
a. I have written three English e-mails today.
b. Our English teacher has told us that the best way to learn English is to use it.
c. So you have helped me to learn English.
d. She has helped me with my math homework.
Help students to find out that when the subject is the third singular personal pronoun, instead of using have, we use has.
Step VI Homework
a. Do the exercises in the activity book.
b. Write an e-mail to a friend in English and give him/her some good advice on how to learn a subject well.
Period 4Tick-tock
Target language目标语言
a. 重点词汇及短语:
clock, half, half an hour, quarter,(a) quarter to three, Not yet
b. 认读词汇及短语;
clap, snap, tick-tock, yet
Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to talk about time in different ways
Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the students to sing the song and learn to talk about time.
Teaching important points教学重难点
Learn to express time in different ways fluently.
Teaching methods教学方法
Listening, singing, and playing a game.
Teaching aids教具准备
The multimedia computer.
Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方法
StepI Lead-in
Duty report
T: Good morning/ afternoon, class.
Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Mr /Mrs…
T: Who is on duty?
S1: I am.
Then ask the students to listen to the student’s duty report and answer some questions about the report.
Guessing game
T: Well, listen carefully; here is a riddle: what changes a boy into a man and a girl into a woman?
Ss: Time.
T: Wonderful! Time and tide wait for no one (时不我予). We have to cherish it, right?
S: Yes!
T: Tell me what’s the time now?
S2: It’s 8:10.
T: Yes, we can also say it’s ten past eight. Now let’s learn how to talk about time in different ways, would you like to learn to express time by singing a song?
Ss: Hooray!
StepII Singing
T: Look the title. What’s the song about?
Ss: It’s about telling time. It’s the sound of a clock.
T: Yes. First, listen and for the second time follow the tape.
Group singing
Divide the class into three groups. Have the class read Ms Liu’s instructions in the book. They sing in groups and different groups sing different words.
Listen again
T: Now listen again and follow the tape for a few times.
Ask the students to listen and practice singing with and without the tape for a few times.
Step III Practicing
Try to use “half, a quarter, to, past /after”.
T: What’s the time?
S: 8:00.
T: What’s the time?
S: 8:20.eight twenty. /twenty past eight./twenty after eight.
T: What time is it?
S: 9:45.It’s nine forty-five. /It’s a quarter to ten.
Practice telling the following time like this:
8:30, 9:40, 7:20, 6:20,10:30, 11:35, 12:45, 1:25…
Enable the students to tell the time as quickly as possible.
Step IV Come to “Let’s Do It”
Show the timetable on the PowerPoint, and then talk with a partner about each other’s timetable.
Get up
Go to school
Begin class
Have lunch
Play games
Get home
Do homework
Go to bed
Sample answers:
Get up
Go to school
Begin class
Have lunch
Play games
Get home
Do homework
Go to bed
Step V Homework
1. Do the exercises in the activity book
2. Make a timetable about yourself
Period 5 Looking for Lisa
Target language目标语言
a. 重点词汇及短语
library, carry, noise, office, maybe
b. 认读词汇及短语
librarian, No noise
Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to learn to get information in the library and know what they should do in the library.
Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the students to learn to work with others and get information in the library and learn to obey the rules in library.
Teaching important points教学重点
Focus on teaching students to get information in the library and try to work well with others.
Learn to behave well (good manners) in the library.
Teaching difficult points教学难点
Help the students to learn how to work with others in a group study.
Teaching method教学方法
Reading, discussing, role-play.
Teaching aids教具准备
The multimedia computer.
Teaching procedures and ways教学过程和教学方法
Step I Lead-in
1. Greetings
2. Duty report
T: From the previous class, we have known, Danny’s favorite subject is …
S: P.E.
T: Great! And how about Jenny’s?
S: Social studies.
T: That’s it! What countries have she learned?
S: She has learned something about Canada, Britain and Australia.
T: Good! Where did she get the information?
S: She’s E-mailed Li Ming to ask for some information about China.
T: Any way else?
S: On the internet. / In the library….
T: Beautiful!
Step II Reading
Ask students to read the short story and discuss questions in THINK ABOUT IT and questions given.
Ask students to discuss the first two sentences in THINK ABOUT IT and then ask some of them to give the answers.
T: So, in the library, we can work on our subject, right?
S: Yes!
T: And what other things we can do in it?
S: …
Sample answer:
1. We can find some information about all kinds of subjects.
2. We can find pictures, music, art and other materials we need.
3. We can also search the Internet and try to find what we want.
T: Great! We can do so many in the library. But if you and your classmate decided to meet in the library at 5pm, he / she doesn’t come. What do you think? Is it important to be on time? Why?
S: Yes, it is. Because if you are not on time, you will keep others waiting for you and make others worry about you, especially, you will waste others’ time. It’s not polite.
T: Sound reasonable! Jenny and Bill are working on their project. And here comes Danny. Let’s see what happens.
Ask students to read the short story and answer the following questions.
Show students the following questions
1. What time do Jenny and Bill meet to work on their project?
2. Where are they now?
3. What project are they going to work on?
4. How do they find the pictures of Beijing?
5. How do they get Chinese music?
6. Who comes in when Jenny is borrowing the book in the library?
7. Who is Danny looking for?
8. When should Lisa and Danny meet?
9. What are they going to do?
10. Where has Danny looked? Where is Danny going then?
Ask the students to read it carefully and give out the answers after listening to the tape.
Sample answers:
1. They meet at 3:00.
2. They are in the library.
3. They are working on their favorite subject----social studies.
4. They will use the computer to find the pictures.
5. They ask the librarian for help.
6. Danny does.
7. He’s looking for Lisa.
8. They should meet at a quarter to three.
9. They are going to work on their basketball project.
10. He has looked in all the rooms in the school and he has looked in the office. He’s going to the gym.
Ask the students to listen to Lesson 13, pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation. And then think about the third question in THINK ABOUT IT.
What mistakes does Danny make in the library?
Sample answer:
Danny is very loud in the library. Everyone should keep quiet in the library.
Divide the class into two groups and discuss the following:
Group 1: How should we behave in the library/What are good manners in the library?
Group2: Imagine you are in a library and you want to ask the librarian if he or she can help you find the books you want .Ask and answer freely according to what you have learned.
Sample answers:
1. We should keep quiet in the library.
2. We should be polite to the librarian.
3. We should return the book on time.
4. We should keep the book clean and tidy.
Dialogue pattern:
(L: librarian S: students)
L: May I help you?
S: Yes. I need some English magazines. Is there any in the library?
L: Oh, yes. I’ll show you where they are.
S: Thank you very much.
(After some time)
S: Excuse me, Mr /Mrs.…May I take them out?
L: Sorry, you can’t. You have to read it here. If you can’t finish it, you can come to read it later.
S: OK. Thank you.
Step III Grammar
Have a further study of the text. Help students to review and consolidate the tenses learned before, and also, some useful phrases. Teacher can encourage students to summarize by themselves and then solve the problems by asking questions.
1. Phrases:
a. work on
b. some more
c. No noise
d. Half an hour late
e. I’ll show you where it is.
2. Tenses;
a. Learn the future in the past tense. Examples in the text:
(1).I told Lisa we would work on our basketball project together.
(2).I said we would meet at a quarter to three.
b. Review the present perfect tense. Examples in the text:
(1). I have looked all the rooms in the school.
(2). I have looked in the library.
(3)Have you looked in the library? No, I haven’t.
c. The simple present tense. Examples in the text:
(1) Jenny and Bill meet at three o’clock to work on their project.
(2) They are in the library.
(3) Then Danny runs into the library.
(4) “Yes. I’ll show you where it is,” she says.
d. The present continuous tense. Examples in the text:
(1) He is wearing shorts and a T-shirt.
(2) He is carrying a basketball.
e. Review the Past Indefinite Tense. Examples in the text:
(1).I looked in the classrooms.
(2). I looked in the office.
Step IV Discussing
Ask the students to discuss what they should learn from this text and have a discussion in pairs.
T: Now, let’s work in pairs and discuss what we should learn from this lesson.
Possible answers:
1. We should work well with others.
2. We should try all kinds of ways to get the information.
3. We should be on time.
4. We should obey the rules in public places like libraries, theatres, schools, etc.
5. We should help each other to finish our group work.
The teacher can sum up the main points of this text.
Step V Homework
Do the exercises in the activity book.
Period 6 Irfan Studied China
Target language目标语言
a. 重点词汇及短语
interesting, travel, festival
b. 认读词汇及短语
Children’s / mothers’/ Fathers’ Day, take…to…
Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to grasp reading skills and write a report with the information they get.
Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the students to write a report with the information they get.
Teaching important points教学重点
Focus on improving students’ reading skills and writing ability.
Teaching difficult points教学难点
Teaching methods教学方法
Reading, discussing, and pair work..
Teaching aids教具准备
The multimedia computer.
Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方法
Step I Homework checking
1. Greetings
2. Check the answers to the exercises in the activity book.
Step II Lead-in
T: Well, have you learned about other countries? Which one do you think is the most interesting?
S1:Yes.We have learned something about England, Canada, Australia and the U.S. I think Australia is the most interesting because it has special animals like Koala, Kangaroo…
T: Do you like to travel to other countries? Travel means “go to”. Do you like traveling? Where have you been?
S2: Yes, I like traveling very much. I’ve been to Brighton, England during the summer vacation.
T: Great! It’s wonderful to travel to other country, isn’t it?
S2: Yes. There are a lot of interesting things to enjoy.
T: Good! So, why don’t you get together, write down the countries you like and report on that? How about that?
S: Good idea!
T: Well, next, let’s see how Irfan give a repot on his favorite subject.
Step III Reading
Ask students to read Iran’s report on his favorite subject, have a basic idea of how to write a report on their favorite subjects, meanwhile discuss the questions given.
Ask students to listen to the tape and try to find out what Irfan’s favorite subject is.
After listening to the tape they may find out that Irfan’s favorite subject is social studies.
Ask the students to read the passage again and after that, ask them to discuss what Irfan has learned about China in pairs.
Sample answers:
1. He has learned about Chinese Festivals like Spring Festival and Children’s Day.
2. He has learned about Chinese food.
T: Well, what else can we tell Irfan about China except food and festivals?
Help them to speak out Chinese clothes, Chinese music, places of interest and traditional stories like Chang’e.
Read the story again and fill in the blanks
Show the exercise on the PowerPoint.
Irfan’s favorite subject is_________. He_____ it because he can learn a lot about_______ countries of the world. Irfan wants to____ to China. He wants to know_____ about China. China is_____, the Chinese_____ is great, too. Irfan ____ Chinese food. It is delicious. Irfan’s _____ restaurant is the “Beijing Beijing Peking House”
Sample answers:
social studies, likes, different, go / travel, more, great, food likes/loves, favorite
Step IV Grammar
Help students to learn the tag questions.
T: Everyone, you have had a better idea of Irfan’s report, right?
S: Yes.
T: Have you got any questions?
S: Yes. Would you please explain this sentence: That’s a funny name, isn’t it?
T: Good question. That’s what we will learn today. It is named Tag-question(反意疑问句)
Show the italic part to the students. And then teach them about Tag-question. Details refers to Teaching Resources(教学资源库)
Step V Culture background
Explain Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day to the students.
T: Mother’s Day and Father’s Day first started in America. Mothers’ Day is on the second Sunday in May every year. On that day, people buy gifts for their mothers to show their thanks and love. Fathers’ Day is on the third Sunday in June every year. People do similar things as on Mothers’ Day---buying gifts for their fathers. Then it’s popular all over the world. People show their love for mothers and fathers who devote all their lives to their families. We should show our thanks to our mothers and fathers, too.
Step VI Homework
1. Write a letter or an Email to Irfan and tell him some things he doesn’t know about China.
Sample version:
Dear Irfan,
We have learned your report on China today. You said you love Chinese food. And do you know Peking roast duck? Peking Duck is the most delicious food in Beijing.
Eating Peking Duck is seen to be one of the two things you must do while in Beijing. The other one is climbing the Great Wall. If you come to China, you can eat the best Peking Duck in the Quan Ju De Restaurant.
I hope you can come to eat it in China someday.
Your friend,
2. Do the exercises in the activity book
Period 7 Karen’s Hair Stood Up!
Target languages 目标语言
a. 重点词汇及语法:
each, boat, physics, finally
b. 认读词汇及短语:
give a talk, be surprised
Ability goals能力目标
Enable the students to sum up important things happened to write diaries like Brian.
Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the students to organize important points logically to write a diary.
Teaching important points教学重点
Help the students to summarize the main points of this lesson.
Teaching difficult points教学难点
Help the students to organize some things happened in their daily lives and write a story about that.
Teaching method教学方法
Reading, retelling, discussing.
Teaching aim准备教具
The multimedia computer.
Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方法
Step I Lead-in
Help student to review what they have learned about during this unit.
T: How is it going, class?
S: Fine, Mr. / Ms…
T: During this unit, we have talked about …
S: My favorite subject!
T: Good! We also give advice on…
S: How to learn a subject well.
T: That’s it! And also Irfan’s …
S: Report on his favorite subject.
T: So we know Irfan has a lot of fun in studying China, right?
S: Yes.
T: Do you think your classes are interesting?
S: Yes. / No.
T: Well, if you like it, you will find a lot of fun.
Step II Reading
Help the students to learn this diary entry.
T: Do you still remember Brian?
S: Yes!
T: He wants to tell us a lot of interesting things in his class. Do you want to know?
S: Of course!
T: Well, next, let’s listen to the tape and share his happiness.
Ask the students to listen to the tape with the following questions on the PowerPoint.
1. What did Brian do that day?
2. How did he feel?
Sample answers:
1. Brian’s class gave talks to the class about their favorite subject.
2. They/He felt surprised.
Ask the students to read again and do Exercise 1 in the activity book.
Fill the chart on the PowerPoint.
Favorite subject
What did they show?
Brian’s group
Jenny and Bill
Karen and Jack
Danny and Lisa
Sample answers:
Favorite subject
What did they show?
Brian’s group
Jenny and Bill
Social studies
Photos of Beijing; Chinese music; letters, email from Chinese friends
Karen and Jack
Tea leaves, comb, hair (jump to the comb)hair stand up
Danny and Lisa
Play basketball, show some exercise
Help the students to retell the text with the help of the chart above.
Step III Grammar
Do Exercise 4 in the activity book. Show the exercises on the PowerPoint. Help the students to review and practice the present perfect tense.
Choose the correct words.
1. Mr. Wei has taught/taught in this school for many years.
2. Ms Liu has been/was in our school for a long time.
3. I haven’t learned/didn’t learn how to tell time yet.
4. I have studied/studied for this exam.
5. Wang Mei is looking for her book. She has lost/lost it just now.
6. I have come/came to China last year.
7. Danny has fallen/fell off the bike yesterday and he is badly hurt.
8. Jenny and Danny have known/knew each other for a long time.
9. Up to now I have written/wrote two pages.
10. Brian hasn’t finished/didn’t finish his homework yet.
Sample answers:
1. has taught 2.has been 3.haven’t learned 4.have studied 5.lost 6.came 7.fell 8.have known 9.have written 10.hasn’t finished
Then compare the present perfect tense and the past indefinite tense. Explain the differences between the two tenses. (Refer to the details listed in Teaching Resources)
Step IVCome to “Let’s Do It”
Teach the students some writing skills of how to keep diaries, especially using the past indefinite tense in the diary. (Refer to Teaching Resources)
Step V Homework
1. Review this unit
2. Read the materials in reader.
3. Keep a diary.
Period 8 Unit Review
Target language目标语言
All the target language in this unit.
Ability goals能力目标
Enable students to talk about their favorite subjects using target language learned.
Enable students to get a better idea of the present tense and the tag-question.
Learning ability goals学能目标
Help the students learn to talk and write something about their favorite subjects.
Teaching important points教学重点
Help the students to grasp the important words and phrases and grammar.
Learn some ways of telling time and talk about their preferences.
Teaching difficult points教学难点
The present perfect tense.
Teaching aids教具准备
The multimedia computer.
Teaching method教学方法
Task-based method and pair work..
Teaching procedures and ways教学过程和方法
Step I Homework checking
Ask one or two students to read their diaries and correct some mistakes.
Step II Revision
Ask the students to read Do You Know on Page 20. Help them to review what they have learned in Unit2. If necessary, show this part to them.
Step III Practicing
Ask students to do exercise on page 19. Then the answers and help them to solve some difficult points and mistakes.
Step IV Do exercises in Activity Book
1. Ask students to do Exercise 1 in activity book.
Step V Come to “Grammar in Use” in the textbook
Part A is about the present perfect tense and the past indefinite tense.
Part B is about tag-questions.
Sample answers:
Part A: 1.studies, studied, have studied2.has told 3.has taught 4.has written wrote5.has painted.
Part B: 1.aren’t they 2.isn’t there 3.is it 4.can he 5.doesn’t she.
Step VI Reading comprehension
Ask the students to read the short passage and answer the following questions on the PowerPoint.
1. Where is Shijiazhuang?
2. How long has Li Ming lived there?
3. What does Li Ming think of this city?
4. What subjects does Li Ming learn in the school?
5. What’s his favorite subject? Why?
6. Does he like reading?
7. Where does he borrow his books?
8. Has he visited Canada?
9. What’s his new subject?
10. Is he good at it?
11. Who isn’t good at it?
12. Who can help Wang Mei?
Help the students to retell this passage.
Step VII Homework
1. Review all the lessons in this unit.
2. Write a short passage about a favorite subject.
Teaching resources 教学资源库
1. Don’t be late for class! 上课不要迟到。
be late for sth.意思是“干某事迟到”。类似句型还有be late to do sth.
2.I hope you’ll show them to me sometime next week.我希望下周你找个时间让我看看他们。
sometime意为“某时(指一个时间)”,sometimes意为“有时”,some time意为“一段时间”,some times意为“几次”。
3. I’m not very good at it.我不擅长(绘画)。
be good at sth./doing sth=do well in sth./doing sth.,意思是“在某一方面做得好”或“擅长于做某事”
4. Class starts in two minutes.还有两分钟开始上课。
in two minutes意思是“过两分钟,两分钟后”。
5. All our teachers make us study very, very hard,.所有的老师都督促我们加倍努力的学习。
make sb. do sth.意思是“是某人干某事”。Make实施以动词,后面常跟复合宾语。常见句型由make sb./sth. +形容词“使某人……”,make sb./sth. +名词“是某人成为……”。
6. Everyone laughed, except the teacher.除了老师以外大家都笑了。
except是介词,意思是“除……之外”,不包括except 之后的内容。其后可接名词、代词、不定式。Besides 也是个介词,意思是“除……之外(还有……)”包括besides之后的内容。例如:
He also knows Japanese besides English.除了懂英语之外,他也懂日语。
7. I saw him smile.我看见他微笑了。
See sb. do sth.意思是“看见某人干了某事”;see sb. doing sth.意思是“看见某人正在赶某事”。前者强调结果,后者强调过程。
8. Write to me soon.尽快给我写信。
write to sb.也可简写成write sb.意思是“给我写信”
9. She has helped me with my math homework.他已经帮助我做数学作业了。
help sb. with sth.意思是“在某方面帮助某人”。
10. “Exam” is short for “examination”, “ exam” 式 “examination”的简略形式。
be short for…意思是“是……的简略形式”。
11. I like Children’s Day best.我喜欢儿童节。
12. I don’t know why it is called that.我不知道为什么它叫那个名字。
be called意思是“被叫做……”或“被称作……”,相当于be named。
13. Today we gave our talks in the class about our favorite subjects.今天我们在班里做了关于我们喜欢的功课的报告。
give a talk意思是“作报告”。
14. We each brought a painting we made in art class.我们各自带来在美术课上画的一幅画。
each在句中做we的同位语。这时,位于动词用复数。Each of …作句子的主语时,谓语动词用单数。
1. 现在完成时The Present Perfect Tense
(1) 构成:助动词have(has)+过去分词。
(2) 基本用法:
例如:I have just washed my clothes.我刚洗完衣服。
例如:We have learned English for two years.我们学英语已有两年了。
例如:I have not(haven’t)finished my homework.我还没有完成作业。
例如:---Has he arrived? 他到了吗?
---Yes, he has/No, he hasn’t. 是的,他到了。/步,他没到。
(5)现在完成时常和already, yet, sometimes, always, never, ever, before, just等词连用,也可以和包括现在在内的时间状语,如this morning, today, this week, this year等连用。
例如: I have written three English e-mails today. 今天我已经写了三封电子邮件。
I have painted six new pictures this week. 这周我已经画了六幅新画。
I have seen you before. 我以前见过你。
He has just finished his homework. 他刚完成他的作业。
(6) 现在完成时不能和确定的过去时间状语连用,如yesterday, last year, two days ago, just now等。如果句子中有这些短语,则用一般过去时。
例如:They went to Beijing last week. 他们上周去北京了。
Danny was here just now. 刚才Danny在这里。
2. 反意疑问句(The Tag Questions)
---The weather here in summer is very hot, isn’t it? 这里夏天很热,是吗?
---Yes, it is. 对,很热。
---You like swimming, don’t you? 你喜欢游泳,是吗?
---No, I don’t. 不,我不喜欢。
---He hasn’t come back, has he? 他还没有回来,是吗?
---No, he hasn’t. 对,没有回来。
---He isn’t going to the meeting, is he? 他不去参加会,是吗?
---Yes, he is. 不,他要去的。/ ---No, he isn’t. 对,他不去。
3. Present perfect and Past indefinite-----differences
Present perfect
Past simple
Unfinished state / action
Spain has governed the enclave of Ceuta since 1580
Finished state / action
Spain governed the state of Western Sahara from 1958-1976.
Unfinished time
I haven’t seen Keith this morning yet. (It’s still morning.)
Finished time
I didn’t see Keith at all this morning. (It’s now evening / afternoon.)
Present relevance
The Indian Government has imposed a ban on tiger hunting to prevent the extinction of tigers.
No present relevance
The Indian Government imposed a ban on tiger hunting a few years ago.
Indefinite time
I’ve been to Eurodisney twice.
Definite time
I went to Eurodisney in 1999 and 2000.
We use the past simple, not the present perfect, to correct an incorrect belief or expectation or to confirm a correct one:
ⅹ The area is far more rugged and wild than I have expected.
√ The area is far more rugged and wild than I expected.
ⅹShe is just as beautiful as I have imagined.
√She is just as beautiful as I imagined.
How to keep diaries 1
What a good idea it is to WRITE A DIARY
Anyone can write a book. And you get better at it as time goes on. It's best to use either LAST YEAR's diary and not use the dates, or to get a blank book, or to write on a computer. Not using the dates? That's to avoid the fixed format of having a constraint on the amount of space. Instead, write your own dates and write as much as you like and then the next day starts just after that.
0000/00/00 00:00
The important thing is to ACTUALLY WRITE rather than just not doing. By recording what happened, what you think about it, how you feel, etc, you become a good friend of yourself.
The diary should be kept secret by default (otherwise it affects the writing style), need not be written prefect perfectly, and YOU decide what you think and what you want to say yourself.
As the style of writing develops, some of the material you write may be interesting to the point where you decide to publish some of it. Another cultural aspect of this is the performing of the reading of writings at parties.
It's fascinating to look back at the history you've recorded yourself. Using a camera to record memories is good, but composing your own TEXT and telling your own STORY of how things happened gives it a chance in the future to LIVE again.
How to keep diaries 2
人们常说:要真正学好英语,就要培养用英语思想的能力。但是,要做到这一点是不容易的。有一个简单易行的办法可以帮助我们练习用英语思想,那就是用英语写日记。日记是十分自由的文体,不像作文,必须有正式的主题,讲究文体。日记是思想,是感情,是内心的一切。有朋友来你家作客,你可以写:We had a wonderful time together. 春节快到了,你或许可写:The Spring Festival is around the corner. It’s the most important occasion for the family reunion.甚至在夏天与蚊子的“斗争”也可以成为日记的内容:These annoying mosquitoes didn’t seem to be afraid of the mosquito coil(蚊香)I burned. So I had to hang up a mosquito-net. It was fun to lie inside the net reading a favorite magazine while those unpleasant small insects were looking at me helplessly outside.
实际上,用英语写日记是最有效的练习英语写作的形式。它能够让你从各种生活细节及感受中学到最生活化、最地道的英语词语。比如:你今天吃了龙虾,英语是 lobster;你想说某个女同学堪称“校花”,那是 school beauty;考试作弊是 cheat in the exam,等等。因此,可以这么说:如果你能流利地写出好的英语日记,你的英语就已经成功了一大半。
晴 clear 阴 overcast 多云 cloudy 小雨 light rain
大雨 heavy rain 毛毛雨 drizzle 阵雨 shower
东风 east wind 南风 south wind 西风 west wind
北风 north wind 西南风 southwester 东南风 southeaster
东北风 northeaster 西北风 northwester
气温 temperature
炎热 scorching heat 寒冷 icy cold 下雪 snow
冰雹 hail 虹 rainbow
Sunday----Sun Monday----Mon.
Tuesday----Tues. Wednesday----Wed.
Thursday----Thur. 或 Thurs. Friday----Fri.
Saturday----Sat. January----Jan.
February----Feb. March----Mar.
April----Apr. May----May. June----Jun.
July----Jul. August----Aug.
September----Sept. October----Oct.
November----Nov. December----Dec.
另外,英语日记中由于频繁出现I,因此,常常省略,如:In the evening went with Xiao Li to the cinema. Finishing exercises, went to play tennis. 但如果省去I,会造成语义不清时,则不可省去:
My sister is good at English, but I am just so-so.
这是一份英语八年级上册Unit 5 My Future综合与测试教案,共11页。
这是一份英语八年级上册Lesson 45 Be Yourself !教案设计,共2页。
这是一份初中英语冀教版八年级上册Lesson 47 I Made It !教案,共2页。