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英语二年级下册Unit 3 Can you hear a train?优质教案
这是一份英语二年级下册Unit 3 Can you hear a train?优质教案,共12页。
Teaching planSchool: Nanqiao Primary School (南桥小学)Teacher: Xu Hong (徐虹)Subject:2B Module 1 Unit3 What can you hear?Ⅰ.教材单元分析1. 学生情况分析总体而言,本班学生对学习英语颇有兴趣,能积极参与课堂活动,尤其在对话、表演和游戏中,学生的表现欲强。通过一年半的学习,学生能用所学的句子表达意愿,自编简单的儿歌,进行简单的对话表演。在熟练掌握26个字母的基础上,能较好地认读并拼背单词,现初步进入写句的训练。2. 教材分析本单元是2B教材Module1Using my five senses中围绕Listen and hear 这一主题展开的多种学习活动。主要要求学生掌握train bus car van bicycle ship六个单词和句型Listen!What can you/xxx hear…? I/He/She can hear a …根据一年级已有经验,学生能听说句型What do you hear?I hear…,并已三会单词bicycle van,整合旧知进行教学,通过迁移比较,复习巩固旧知,并能有效记忆新句型。3. 单元教学目标分析知识与能力:(1) 四会单词:train bus car van bicycle ship(2) 听说读并抄写句型:Listen!What can you hear?及回答:I can hear…(3) 能正确听读并表达句型:What can …hear? He/She can hear…(4) 正确吟诵儿歌‘Here it comes’,注意语音语调(5) 掌握[t] [d]在单词中的发音过程与方法(1) 能自编简单的儿歌来学习运用新单词(2) 通过同桌对话、小组表演等形式培养学生英语表达交流能力情感态度与价值观 (1)在语境中体验与表达,进一步激发学生英语学生兴趣,建立自信,养成良好的听说读写的习惯 (2)在合作活动中互助共进4. 教学策略分析(1)激活旧词句、学习新词句,组织新旧知识交融操练,采用词、句、段整合拓展的模式,努力体现语言交际的互动功效。(2)将单词、句子组织成节奏明快的rhyme,并要求学生通过模仿创编简单的儿歌进行吟诵,操练所学单词与句型,激活他们已有的语言能力。(3)创设A busy street情景,让学生置身于情景中体验与感受语句的意义及运用。(4)采用TPR全身反应法,调动学生多种感官,听一听,说一说,动一动,演一演,激发学生的参与性与主动性。 Ⅱ.教学实录(3课时)Period 1Title Look and learn Look and say Play a game AimsBasic aims 1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to read,spell and use the words: train, bus, car, van, bicycle,ship b. Learn to say: What can you hear? I can hear… c. Imitate the sound of different vehicles: Choo-choo, Boop-boop, Beep-beep, Ting-ting2. Ability objectives: a. Using modelled sentences to find out specific information What can you hear? I can hear… b. Using imperatives to catch other people’s attention3. Emotional objectives: Help the students build their self-confidence in English learningMain pointsPronouncing the key words correctly :train bus car van bicycle shipUsing modelled sentences to find out specific informationWhat can you hear? I can hear a…Difficult pointsPronouncing and spelling the word‘train’correctlyComparing the questions ‘What can you hear?’and ‘What do you hear?’The sound of different vehiclesTeaching aidsMulti-mediaProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationSongGreeting Alphabet SongT-S通过问候及问答,复习旧知并进入学习状态。RevisionWhat do you hear?I hear…T:Listen! What do you hear?S2: I hear a…It goes Miaow-miaow/Woof-woof/Moo-moo…呈现动物的叫声,复习旧句型,为新授作好铺垫。 While-task procedureListen!What can you hear?I can hear a … Bicycle/Ting-ting Van/Beep-beep 1.T:Listen!What can you hear? Elicit : I can hear a …a.T ask and S answer b.S ask and T answerc.Do pair work(Picture) A street2.T: Listen! What can you hear?S: I can hear a bicycle. Spell the word‘bicycle’ bicycle/bike3.S: Look. I can ride a bicycle. Ting-ting! (Say and act)4. Beep-beep! I can hear a van. S imitate 利用旧句型引出新句型,对比有助记忆。 借助媒体,进行机械性句型操练。在问答句的单句模仿后,进行对子训练。 bicycle与van 学过,可把重点放在单词的拼读和掌握其声音上。 了解bike 配上动作,复习旧知To learn the words‘bus’and ‘car’1. T: Listen!What can you hear? What is coming? Elicit: bus Imitate: bus b-u-s How many buses? Three buses. Elicit: buses2. T: Is this a bus? Elicit: car Imitate:car c-a-r 3. Rhyme: I can see a car. Big and red. I can hear a bus. Boop-boop! A car and a bus. Go and go. (Say and act)利用a busy street继续引出单词bus,Car,注意单词的拼读。掌握bus的复数形式 以儿歌的形式巩固新单词,提高学生学习兴趣。To learn the word ‘train’1.Listen!(the sound)Choo-choo!The train is coming. Elicit: train Choo-choo2. Imitate: train (spell t-r-a-i-n) Read the word one by one3. Rhyme: Choo-choo! What can you hear? A train, a train. I can hear a train. 注意对单词‘train’的整音。 将单词与新句型变成儿歌形式,提升操练效果! To learn the word ‘ship’1.Elicit: ship2.Imitate:ship s-h-i-p Compare: ship—sheep3. Make rhymes 让学生在前面儿歌的训练基础上,自己尝试自遍儿歌来巩固新词。Consolidation1. Listen and follow the cassette2. Quick response: Read the new words3. Pair work: S1:Listen! … What can you hear? S2: I can hear a …( a train , a ship, a bus, a car, a van, a bicycle).★Group work:Talk about the picture More sentences Hello! Look! Listen!What’s this? What colour is…?…Listen! It goes … 再整体朗读新单词,进行快速反应训练。 单词与句型的再结合整体练习。 用新句型并结合以往所学句型,小组进行简单的看图说话,培养学生语言的交际能力.Post-task activityPlay a game1.Student’s Book P11 Listen and tick 游戏,听听勾勾,在趣味中培养听的能力.Listen and judgeLook, listen and answer Read and matchWorkbook 2B P10-12 完成相应练习,进行听与写的练习. Copy the sentences: Listen! What can you hear? I can hear a train. 句的书写指导。Assignment Listen and follow the cassetteCopy the new words(Workbook P11)and sentences.Guessing game with your parentsWhat can you hear? 注意作业的听说与写的结合板书设计M1U3 Listen! What can you hear?I can hear a bicycle. Ting-ting! a van Beep-beep a car a bus Boop-boop a train Choo-choo a ship 教学反思(建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思) Period 2TitleEnjoy a story Learn the sounds AimsBasic aims 1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to say:What can Ming/he/she/they hear? He/She/They can hear a/the … b.Pronoucing the sounds correctly [t] [d]2. Ability objectives: a. Using Wh-questions to find out specific information b. Using the modal verb can/can’t to identify sth. that sb. hear. c. Identifying the sounds [t] [d]3. Emotional objectives: Help the students build their self-confidence in English learningDeveloping aims Learn to say: What can they hear? They can hear…Main points1. Learn to say:What can Ming/he/she/they hear? He/She/They can hear a/the …2. Pronoucing the sounds correctly [t] [d]Difficult points1.Using Wh-questions to find out specific information What can they hear? They can hear…2. Pronoucing the sounds correctlyTeaching aidsMulti-mediaProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationReview the Alphabet T: b S: abc T: p S: opq快速反应说字母邻居,复习字母及顺序 Review the nouns of different vehicles1.Look at the pictures Read and spell the words2. Do Pair work A: Look!What do you see? B: I see a… A: What can you see? B: I can see a.. A: Listen! What do you hear?B: I hear a …A: What can you hear?B: I can hear a…复习单词,注意单词的拼读训练。 对比复习巩固句型While-task procedure xxx can hear a …He/She can hear a … 1. T: What can you hear,xxx? S: I can hear a … T: What can xxx hear? Elicit: He/She can …2.S1: Choo-choo. I can hear a … Ss:xxx/He/She can hear a …用旧句型自然引出新句型,理解句意。 创设情景,操练句型。A story about Ming and Sam Passage 1Beside the windowWhat can xxx hear? Xxx can hear a…but he/she can’t hear a…1. T: Let’s read a story. Topic: Beside the window (Imitate)2. T: What can Ming hear? S: Ming can hear a … Imitate: What can Ming hear?3. Look at the pictures and listen to the sounds Ss: What can Alice/Danny/Peter/Kitty hear? S2: He/She can hear a …4.Read Passage 1 Picture4: Can Ming hear …? Elicit: Ming can’t hear… Imitate 5.To say: xxx can hear a… but he/she can’t hear a…6.Look at the picture Listen to the cassette and read the story.呈现故事图片,在故事中引出并学习问句。在句的模仿中,注意句的语音语调的训练. 给出一组图片与声音,操练问句。 借助图片进行阅读训练 模仿录音朗读,注意语音语调的训练。 Passage 2About Sam ★What can they hear?They can hear a…They can’t hear a…1.About Sam What can Sam hear? He can hear a…He can’t hear… Talk about the picture阅读Sam 的一段故事,看图介绍Sam 会或不会什么。培养学生段的表述能力。 1. Ming can hear a car. Sam can hear a car, too. They can hear a … Imitate : They can hear a…T: What can Ming and Sam hear?S: They can hear a … But they can’t hear a…拓展教学,结合故事的两个片段,进行复数人称的句式教学。Post-task activity Learn the sounds[t] [d] 1. Read the words: tiger cat dog red2. Listen to the cassette Imitate the sounds t[t] Clap hands and say: [t] [t] tiger tiger[t] [t] cat catMore words: two tenrabbit biscuit hot T-shirt fat plate elephant eight night short meat 3.Imitate the sounds d[d] Clap hands and say: [d] [d] dog dog[d] [d] red redMore words:desk doll card read head hand bird ride读单词,感觉其发音 击掌打节奏朗读,提高学生积极性。 归类读一读,掌握字母t d在单词中的正确发音。 Exercises1. Listen and write t d p b2. Listen and choose the word3. Choose the correct answer听说与读写相结合,练习巩固。Assignment 1.Listen and follow the cassette2.Recite the words3. Ask and answer with your parents 板书设计M1U3 What can Ming hear? Ming(He /She) can hear a… can’tWhat can Ming and Mog hear?They can hear a… 教学反思(建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思) 附 练习:I. Listen and write t d p b ca_t_ re_d_ ski_p_ ta_b_le _b_ag _p_ig _t_iger _d_ogII. Listen and choose the word: 1. train tree 2. ship sheep 3. can can’t 4. bus buses 5. hear hair 6. listen lookIII. Choose the correct answer 1. What can you hear? 2. What can Kitty hear? A. I hear a train. A. Yes, she can. B. I can hear a train. B. I can hear a cat. C. Yes, I can hear a train. C. She can hear a cat. 3. _________. What can you see? 4. Is it a blue car? A. Listen. A. No, it’s a car. B. Look. B. Yes, it is. C. Touch. C. It’s a blue car. Period 3Title Listen and enjoy ‘Here it comes’ Aims1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to say:the bus stop, the station, the road b. Learn to say: Down by the… Waiting for the… Here it comes. c. Learn to sing the song2. Ability objectives: a. Be able to read the nouns of places correctly b. Be able to sing the song well3. Emotional objectives: Love to sing English songs ,Love to speak EnglishMain points1. Using the nouns: the bus stop, the station, the road correctly2. Singing the song correctlyDifficult points1. Learning to say: Down by the …Waiting for the…2. Pronouncing‘Here it comes’correctly in the songTeaching aidsMulti-mediaProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationGreeting T ask –S answer How are you? What can you do? Can you draw? What colour…?在日常问候与对话中,复习所学句型。Revision1.Read the sounds[t] [d][p][b]2.Review the words: Look at the pictures, read and spell, write with your fingers.3.Review the sentences Ask and answer Listen! Beep-beep.What can you hear? I can hear a… What can xxx hear? He/She can hear a… 复习单词,读一读并书空,将拼与写结合。 在快节奏的问答中,熟练地操练复习句型。While-task procedureThe road1.(picture) Elicit: road On the road I can see a … on the road. I can hear a… on the road.2. A Rhyme:….Thin boy up ,fat boy down Elicit: down Imitate:Down by the road Read one by one3. Elicit: waiting for the … Imitate: wait--waiting—waiting for— Waiting for the... Boys-girls Chant:Down by the roadWaiting for the van/bus/carBeep-beep/Boop-boop/Beep-beep 让学生说说马路上所看见的所听到的事物,操练了单词又拓展了语言。 利用已有儿歌引出单词。 从单词到词组,递近学习,注意以多种形式模仿读,增加趣味。 替换单词操练句子。The bus stop1.(Picture) the bus stopImitate: stop (action)—the bus stop2. Chant:Down by the bus stopWaiting for the bus.Boop-boop直观呈现,理解模仿 在节奏中操练句型,达到有效记忆!The station1.(Picture)station Imitate: station2. Chant: Down by the station Waiting for the train. Choo-choo. ( a little teacher) 争做小老师,领读chant,激发学生的朗读积极性。Here it comes!1.T: Listen to the bus.Boop-boop! Here it comes. Imitate: Here it comes. Sgroup1-42. Say the sentences: Listen to the … Here it comes! 理解并运用句子。Post-task activity Chant Enjoy the song1.Chant: Down by the … Waiting for the… Boop-boop/Choo-choo/Beep-beep Here it comes!2.Listen to the song3.Try to sing the song4. Sing and act 以chant的形式来吟颂歌词。 边唱边配上动作的表演,活泼有趣,提高学生兴趣。Assignment 1.Listen and follow the cassette2.Sing and act 板书设计 M1U3 Listen and enjoy Down by the bus stop/station/road Waiting for the bus/train/van Boop-boop… Here it comes! 教学反思(建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思)
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