《Unit 8 Natural disasters Reading The Taiwan earthquake》课 题Unit 8 Reading The Taiwan earthquake学习目标知识目标单词:shaking, fear,scream, direction, wildly,calm,loudly……词组:feel slight shaking, look at each other in fear,run in all directions, in a great hurry, calm down……能力目标能够读懂文章,了解台湾地震的基本情况。情感目标了解自然灾害,并学会在自然灾害中自我保护。学习重点提高学生阅读能力,更好的理解文章。进一步理解并运用过去进行时学习难点培养学生根据关键词和语境猜测大意的能力课 前 自 学一.复习上节自然灾害的内容(词汇,词组和句子)和其它相关内容。二.翻译下列重点单词并借助于单词表的音标会读下列单词。1.轻微的 2.害怕,恐惧(名词) 3.尖叫 4.摇动,震动5.方向 6.失去控制地 7.平静下来 8.陷入困境9.大声地 10.到处 11.由于 12.砖块三.写出下列单词的变化1.shake(名词)______ (过去式)_______ 2. direct(名词)_______ 3.wild(副词)________ 4.loud(副词)______ trap(过去式)_______四.通过预习课文翻译下列短语。1.在一个购物中心 2.恐惧地互相看着 3.碎玻璃 4.一阵恐惧 5.一种像打雷一样的声音 6.陷入困境地7.a slight shaking 8.run in all directions 9.calm down 10.in a great hurry11.try my best to do 12.move away the bricks and stones五.课文理解1.当地震开始时,我正在购物.I___________________ when it started.2.当玻璃和砖片落下的时候,人们发了疯一样的乱跑.People ___________ While pieces of glass and bricks ________________.3.一阵恐惧闪过我的脑海,但我告诉自已要冷静,因为我还活着.A moment of fear ______________ my mind, but I told ____________ Since I am still _______.4.我正在试着找出路的时候,我突然听到头顶上有声音.I _____________________ when I suddenly heard some noise above me.六.通读课文,回答下列问题题。1. What was Timmy doing when the earth started?2. Was Timmy trapped after the earthquake stopped?3. Was Timmy saved at last?七.尝试完成新单词的理解和记忆。完成课本96页的B1八.预习课文,朗读课文,熟读课文。课 堂 交 流 展 示展示一:复习课前自习一,先在组内展示复习内容,然后班内展示各组结果。展示二:对课前自学二,三,四,五的重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型)在组内和班内展示并大声朗读。展示三:老师解释1999年的台湾大地震的背景知识(有条件的播放一段地震的录像)导入新课。展示三: While reading班内展示课前自学七,八。播放课文录音,边听边完成97页D部分判断正误题。跟读磁带,分段阅读并完成课文每段的问题,检查同学们对每段的理解。Para1: 1. What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started? 2. What happened to in the shopping centre?Para2: 1.What happened to the buildings? 2.How did people react(反应)?Para3: Where was Timmy when the shaking stopped?Para4: How did Timmy feel?Para5: What did Timmy do while he was waiting for help?Para 6: How was he saved? 展示四: After reading (一)完成97页C部分,并将图片按事件顺序复述整个故事(先组内展示,后班内展示)。(二)完成96页B2的日记并核对答案。课 堂 达 标 检 测一.根据中文提示或句意写出单词。1. I went to the ________ centre and bought many things.2. She ____________(感觉)sick and went to see a doctor.3. It sounds ________ bombs in the sky.4. Don’t run in all ____________(方向).5. I tried my __________ to work hard at English.6. I was caught in the rain and I was all w________ on my way to school.7. I am feeling a slight s__________(发抖) through my body.8. They looked at each other in f_________ and felt frightened.9. Some girls s_______ because they were frightened.10. Then I c_______ down and asked myself where I am.11. ______________(既然) everyone is here , let’s begin our class.二.用括号中所给单词的适当填空.1. I shouted ___________ (loud) for help.2. Tom fell off the tree and looked at his ____________(break) leg on fear.3. Then, the _________(really)noise came, like bombs under the ground.4. “I can’t stay here .”the boy said to ____________(he).5. An earthquake ___________(survive) told us the story.三.根据课文内容填空。(首字母已给出)I was doing some s_______ when it started. At first, I felt a s______ shaking through my body. Then I heard a big noise like t_________. People looked at each other in f_______.Then the r______ noise came and the earth started to shake. People ran in all d__________. I t_______ my best to run out the street too. People were running w________ w_________ pieces of glass and b_______ were falling down. Then the walls began to come down too.学习感悟: