- 2022届高考英语时文阅读理解专项训练 3 试卷 0 次下载
- 2022届高考英语时文阅读理解专项训练 4 试卷 0 次下载
- 2022届高考英语时文阅读理解专项训练 6 试卷 0 次下载
- 2022届高考英语时文阅读理解专项训练 7 试卷 0 次下载
- 2022届高考英语时文阅读理解专项训练 8 试卷 0 次下载
2022届高考英语时文阅读理解专项训练 5
这是一份2022届高考英语时文阅读理解专项训练 5,共13页。试卷主要包含了 C 细节理解题, D 细节理解题等内容,欢迎下载使用。
★(一)时文摘要坦桑尼亚一组神秘脚印此前一直被人们认为是熊脚印,《自然》杂志的最新研究表明,该组脚印是早期人类行走时留下的。阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案. The early humans who walked the Earth nearly 3.7 million years ago were not walking alone. Fossil footprints in Tanzania reveal that two human species once lived in the same place at the same time. Scientists had long thought that one set of unusual prints there was left by a bear walking on its hind legs, but a new analysis published in the journal Nature suggests that’s not right. Instead, it shows that the tracks were left by some unknown early human species that was wandering around that spot at the exact same time as Australopithecus afarensis—the species of the famous partial skeleton(骨架) “Lucy”. Australopithecus afarensis has long been assumed to have been the only human species living way back then, and scientists have considered it an ancestor of modern humans. But recent discoveries of other remains, such as jaws, skulls and foot bones, have implied that an unexpected diversity of hominins(古人类) may have lived during this period. These ancient footsteps were trapped by a volcano. At this particular site, at Laetoli in northern Tanzania, all the footprints were made in the same layer of mud. That means individuals from these two early human species must have passed through within hours or days of one another, says Ellison McNutt, a biological anthropologist. It’s possible that the unknown species that made the unusual footprints “looked up across the landscape and saw an Australopithecus afarensis walking somewhere else,” she says. “It’s really cool that we may have two hominin species, at least, living at the same place.” Walking on two legs is a unique and distinctive human characteristic. “It’s a very strange way of kind of moving through the world, and it’s very different from other animals,” McNutt notes, adding that how and why humans evolved to do this is still a mystery. “This seems to be one of the things that sort of makes hominins very different from the other living primates(灵长类).”1 . The rare footprints in Tanzania probably belong to __________ .A . an unknown walking bearB . Australopithecus afarensisC . an early human speciesD . the widely known “Lucy”2 . What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?A . Australopithecus afarensis is an ancestor of modern humans.B . The unknown early human species lived about 3.7 million years ago.C . There might be more than two ancestors of modern humans.D . Australopithecus afarensis is the only early human species.3 . What is the evidence of the two species living at the same place according to Ellison McNutt?A . The mud layers found in the site.B . Their coming across in the site.C . Their passing through the road one after another.D . Their footprints’ appearing in the same layer of mud.4 . Why did humans develop into walking on two legs?A . To distinguish themselves from others.B . To move through the world.C . To become a mystery.D . It’s still an unsolved question. ★(二)时文摘要中国美食在美发展百年,从十九世纪中期的淘金热到后来的发展,一位七十多岁的华裔见证了中国美食在美发展的大半历程,如今,远渡重洋的中国美食已在美国美食界占据一席之地。阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案. Many people in America love Chinese food, but perhaps nobody can match David R Chan. Mr Chan, a 72-year-old former tax lawyer based in Los Angeles, claims to have dined at nearly 8,000 Chinese restaurants across the US and counting. If you visit one Chinese restaurant per day, it would take more than 20 years to reach his current count—7,812 restaurants. Though he is the descendant of grandparents who immigrated to California from China’s Guangdong province, Mr Chan did not eat Chinese food as a child. And when he first tried Chinese food, he was not impressed at all. Chinese food was cooked in the US for the first time by Chinese immigrants who came dreaming of wealth during the California Gold Rush in the mid 19th century. “Early American-Chinese food tended to be localized, had to adapt for local ingredients and catered to Americans’ taste,” said Mr Chan. But things started to change in the late 1960s. As a new law removed restrictions on immigration from Asia, the US began to receive an increasing number of immigrants from China, including Hong Kong and Taiwan, bringing in not only modern Cantonese food but also a variety of regional cuisines from across China. In the 1970s, he started to dine at Chinese restaurants listed on the local yellow pages. “At the beginning, it was just a search for identity,” Mr Chan said. “My interest in the history of Chinese in the US led me to eat Chinese food and see what it was like to be Chinese in different parts of the country.” Through this, he learnt of the diversity of the cuisine. He had previously had no idea how varied it was, he said. “The best place to find the most varied authentic Chinese foods in America is the San Gabriel Valley in LA, where many Chinese immigrants live,” he said. “But for dim sum, San Francisco is the best bet.”1 . What did David R Chan do?A . He was a food critic.B . He was a media person.C . He was a legal professional.D . He was a businessman.2 . What is TRUE about early American-Chinese food?A. It was really authentic.B . It used ingredients from China.C . It met Americans’ taste.D . It was first cooked by Americans.3 . Why were increasing Chinese cuisines appearing in the US?A . Restaurants were required by laws to bring in Chinese food.B . Numerous Chinese people immigrated to the US with them.C . Local Americans like all kinds of regional cuisines from China.D . Guangdong Province was not far away from the US.4 . What do we know about David R Chan?A . He enjoyed Chinese meals since young.B . He used to find restaurant information online.C . He began to try Chinese food to search for identity.D . He thought the most delicious dim sum was in LA. ★(三)时文摘要EDG夺冠,赛后采访的翻译小姐姐——LPL官方英文主持人夏安,中英韩三语无缝切换,圈粉无数,《中国日报》更是点名表扬!阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案. China’s EDward Gaming edged(险胜) defending champions DWG KIA of South Korea 3-2 to win the 2021 League of Legend (LoL) World Championship in Reykjavik, Iceland. This year, China’s League of Legends Pro League English broadcast expanded their live show to include post-game interviews after every match. Wendy Xia An, host and interviewer, led the segments(部分), and has become the English broadcast’s most recognizable interviewer. Her translations have bridged the gap between Chinese and Korean players, and international fans. Xia An was a student majoring in philosophy at the University of Hong Kong in 2019 when she saw a recruitment(招聘) announcement from the League of Legends Pro League (LPL) and applied for the position. After several auditions(面试), she got the job doing translation work for LPL. At the beginning of this year, when LPL English started a new section which was the backseat interview(赛后采访), she was chosen as the LPL English host. “I had studied in Singapore since 2012 and easily picked up English because all the courses were taught in the language. As for Korean, I was interested in K-pop and watched a lot of LCK matches. I also took up some Korean-related courses at university. Besides, I kept practicing those languages,” said the trilingual host. “Also, since I was interested in Esports, and Mandarin, English, and Korean are three most commonly used languages in this industry, I put more effort into practicing those languages.” “During the interviews, I am not representing myself but LPL English or the whole LPL. So I think I bear the responsibility of setting up all the questions well, and faithfully translating every sentence.” Xia noted.1 . What can we know about Xia An?A . She majored in philosophy and Korean in college.B . She graduated in 2019 from the University of Hong Kong.C . She became a translator in LPL in 2019.D . She was in charge of the backseat interview last year.2 . Why can Xia An speak fluent English?A . Because she had worked hard at English since 2012.B . Because she had to finish her study in English in Singapore.C . Because she was interested in English songs at university.D . Because she watched a lot of LCK matches in Singapore.3 . What does the underlined word “trilingual” most probably mean?A . 使用双语的.B . 从事兼职的.C . 三种语言的.D. 多才多艺的.4 . What is Xia An’s attitude towards her translation work?A . She is confident enough to do it well.B . She thinks it her duty to do it well.C . She puts too much effort into translation.D . She thinks she can’t bear the job anymore. ★(四)时文摘要82岁的韩同元最初学滑雪是为了放羊。在1957年新中国首次举办的滑雪运动会上,18岁的他夺得男子20公里越野速度滑雪比赛冠军。他的愿望是在奥运赛场上比一比,但没如愿。北京冬奥会越来越近,尽管不能以运动员身份参赛,但他觉得,这跨越了半个世纪的冬奥梦已近在眼前。阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案. Even at the age of 82, Han Tongyuan insists on exercising daily on his in-line skates(轮式溜冰鞋) at Beishan Park in the city of Jilin, Jilin Province, and is looking forward to the coming skiing season. His skillful performance always attracted lots of attention, but few of his fans know that he was once a national skiing champion. Han, a retired bulldozer(推土机) driver in Jilin, was the 20-kilometer cross-country skiing champion at the first National Ski Games in 1957. In fact, the former champion began to learn skiing to improve his ability to herd sheep. Born in a village at the foot of Beishan Mountain in Jilin, Han began to help his family herd sheep since childhood. It was really difficult to follow the sheep on snow-covered mountain areas, so Han made a simple snowboard to practice skiing. Every day he skied dozens of kilometers and several months later, he could move faster than the sheep. Due to his excellent performance at the city’s skiing competition, he was selected to join the city’s skiing team. After winning his second championship at the second National Ski Games in 1958, he had a desire to participate in the Winter Olympics. “At that time, we didn’t know the skill level of foreign athletes till some athletes came to Jilin from former Soviet Union for an exchange experience in 1959,” he said. “They were well-equipped and skilled, but I had the confidence to achieve good results if I could participate in international competitions.” Han didn’t get the chance till he retired from the skiing team in 1963 and then he became a bulldozer driver. However, he never gave up on his enthusiasm for skiing. Every winter, Han goes to the professional ski resort in the city and in other seasons, he glides on his in-line skates in the park. With the coming of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, Han gave his blessing and sent his good wishes to the young athletes.1 . Which of the following best describes Han Tongyuan?A . He had a hard time in his childhood.B . He learned skiing in his primary school.C . He was gifted in skiing when he was young.D . He was born and lived in the mountainous areas.2 . What did the foreign athletes impress Han most for the first time?A . They all got hard training every day.B . They could adapt to the site in a short time.C . Their equipment and skills were advanced.D . They had more chances of international competitions.3 . Which title is NOT fit for Ha Tongyuan now?A . A former shepherd.B . A bulldozer driver.C . An ice sports lover.D . A national skiing champion.4 . What can we infer from the passage?A . Skiing has become very popular recently.B . The Beijing Winter Olympics gave Han a warm invitation.C . More and more people can participate in National Ski Games.D . Han has witnessed great changes in snow and ice sports in China. ★(五)时文摘要日本东京一酒店推出“灯笼聚餐”服务,客人可以在透明灯笼下脱下口罩聚餐,一方面可以降低新冠病毒传播的风险,另一方面可以提升用餐氛围。阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案. The pandemic(疫情) has caused difficulties for a lot of different types of businesses, but it’s been especially challenging for eat-in restaurants. Many have responded by adding partitions(隔板) between diners(食客), but the drawback is that they can result in an isolated atmosphere and narrow table. One Tokyo restaurant wondered if there wasn’t a more aesthetically(审美地) pleasing way to do things, and the idea they’ve come up with is this. It’s called the lantern partition, and when you sit down at the table, you slide under it. While the top section is a traditionally styled chochin (Japanese paper lantern), part-way down it transitions(过渡) to clear plastic, allowing you and your dining companions to remove your masks while you eat but still have a protective barrier that allows you to see one another, all without taking up any extra space on the table. Each lantern partition is 102 centimeters tall and 75 centimeters in diameter(直径), with its own light source to keep your face and food illuminated(被照亮的). The partitions have recently been installed in the restaurant of Hoshinoya Tokyo, a luxury hotel in Tokyo’s Otemachi neighborhood that’s part of the Hoshino Resorts group. They’re not just called lantern partitions because of how they look, as the Hoshino group produced them in cooperation with Kojima Shoten, a Kyoto lantern craftsmen’s workshop that’s been in business since the Kansei years (1789-1801) of Japan’s Edo period. The partitions were added to Hoshinoya’s private banquet(宴会) room on Wednesday, along with a Tokyo Lantern Banquet multi-course meal. Normally, the restaurant is only open to people staying at the hotel, but for the Lantern Banquet they may invite outside guests to join them in this unique dining experience.1 . The partitions between diners can_______.A . cause difficulties for businessesB . challenge eat-in restaurantsC . lead to an isolated atmosphereD narrow the tables in restaurants2 . What can we know about the lantern partition?A . It makes diners look more beautiful.B . It keeps diners wearing masks while eating.C . It takes up much more space on the table.D . It helps to prevent the spread of the virus in some way.3 . Why are the partitions called lantern partitions?A. Because they are designed for restaurants.B . Because they have a long history in Japan.C . Because they are Japanese paper lanterns.D . Because they are artworks with the look of lanterns.4 . Who are accessible to the banquet room installed with lantern partitions?A . Guests invited to the Lantern Banquet.B . People who stayed at Hoshinoya Tokyo before.C . Diners who wants to have the unique experience.D . People who live in Tokyo’s Otemachi neighborhood. 【答案解析】★(一) 1. C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,科学家长期以来一直认为那组不寻常的脚印是熊用后腿行走时留下的,但《自然》杂志的一项新分析表明脚印是一些未知的早期人类物种留下的,与属于南方古猿阿法种的著名“露西”几乎同一时期出现在该地点。即那组脚印是属于某种早期人类物种的,故选C。2. B 推理判断题。A项是第三段直接陈述的事实细节,无需推断;根据第三段最后一句的“an unexpected diversity of hominins(古人类) may have lived during this period”可知,科学家们认为该未知古人类物种与Australopithecus afarensis生活在同一时期,即第一段提到的“nearly 3.7 million years ago”,B项正确;第三段第二句But后的内容暗含该未知早期人类物种可能也是现代人类的祖先,加上Australopithecus afarensis,应该是两个祖先而不是超过两个,C项不正确;D项是科学家以前的观点。故选B。3. D 推理判断题。根据第四段可知,所有的脚印都是在同一层泥上留下的, 这意味着这两种早期人类物种的个体一定在数小时或数天内相继经过,即至少有两种古人类同时期生活在这同一地方。故选D。4. D 细节理解题。根据第五段adding that how and why humans evolved to do this is still a mystery可知,人类为什么会进化成用双脚走路,这至今仍是不解之谜,故选D。★(二) 1. C 细节理解题。根据第一段可知陈先生之前是一名税务律师,即法律工作者,故选C。2. C 细节理解题。根据题目定位到第三段。根据该段内容可知,早期的美式中餐由中国移民烹制,是本土化了的(即不是地道正宗的中国菜),使用的原材料是美国当地的,并且要满足美国人的口味,只有C项符合原文。故选C。3. B 细节理解题。根据题干定位到第四段,可知20世界60年代末,一项新的法律取消了对亚洲移民的限制,美国开始接收越来越多包括香港和台湾在内的中国移民,带来的不仅是现代粤菜,还有来自中国各地的地方菜系,即当时大量中国移民去到美国,随即也带去了大量的中国菜,故选B。4. C 细节理解题。根据第五段的“At the beginning, it was just a search for identity”可知,陈先生最初吃中国菜是为了寻求自己作为中国人的身份(寻根),故选C。 ★(三)1. C 细节理解题。根据第三段可知,夏安大学主修哲学,A项不正确;2019年夏安面试LPL翻译工作的时候,她还是大学生,B项不正确;她也是在2019年得到了翻译工作,C项正确;今年年初LPL English新增了赛后采访环节,她被选为主持人,所以她去年并没有负责赛后采访这一部分,D项不正确。故选C。2. B 细节理解题。根据第四段可知,夏安2012年开始在新加坡学习,所有课程都是用英语教授的,所以她很容易就学会了英语,故选B。3. C 词义猜测题。根据该词所在句后面的内容“普通话、英语和韩语是电子竞技行业中最常用的三种语言”可知,夏安会说中英韩三门语言,由此推断她是三语主持人,故选C。4. B 观点态度题。根据最后一段可知,夏安认为,在采访(比赛队员)过程中,她代表的不仅仅是她的自己,更是代表整个LPL English或者整个LPL,所以自己有责任把所有问题设置好,并忠实地翻译每句话。故选B。 ★(四)1. D 细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,韩同元出生于吉林省北山脚下的一个村庄,从小就在雪山地区开始帮助家里放羊。故选D。2. C 细节理解题。根据第四段They were well-equipped and skilled,可知, 当时从前苏联来到吉林交流的运动员们装备精良、技术娴熟,给韩同元留下了深刻印象。故选C。3. B 细节理解题。根据全文内容可知,韩同元最初学滑雪是为了放羊;他曾两次获得全国滑雪冠军称号;从滑雪队退休后他做了推土机驾驶员,退休后(现在已不是推土机驾驶员)他仍然热衷于冰雪运动。故选B。4. D 推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,82岁的吉林老人韩通元曾两次夺得全国滑雪冠军,他最大的梦想就是想参加冬奥会,尽管他年事已高,但对于冰雪运动的热爱从未改变,由此可推断,他是中国冰雪运动巨大变化的见证者。故选D。 ★(五)1. C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句Many have responded by adding partitions(隔断) between diners(食客), but the drawback is that they can result in an isolated atmosphere and narrow table.可知,很多餐厅在食客之间加隔板,缺点是会导致用餐氛围孤立、餐位狭窄。故选C。2. D 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,这款“灯笼隔板”可以让餐厅看起来更漂亮,而不是让食客更漂亮;根据第三段第二句可知,在这种“灯笼隔板”下用餐可以不戴口罩,而且也不会在桌子上额外占空间,它可以提供一个保护屏障(a protective barrier),即在一定程度上阻止病毒传播。故选D。3. D 推理判断题。根据第五段可知,这些隔板被称为“灯笼隔板”,不仅仅是因为它们的外观(像灯笼),更因为它们是星野集团和京都灯笼匠人工坊合作生产的,可推知这种隔板更像是匠人工坊制作的灯笼造型的艺术品,故选D。4. A 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,该酒店的私人宴会餐厅推出了灯笼宴会套餐,酒店餐厅通常只对住店客人开放,但是酒店的灯笼宴会可能会邀请非住店客人体验。故选A。
这是一份2022届高考英语时文阅读理解专项训练 4,共13页。试卷主要包含了 C 细节理解题, C 推理判断题, D 推理判断题等内容,欢迎下载使用。
这是一份2022届高考英语时文阅读理解专项训练 3,共13页。试卷主要包含了 C 推理判断题, B 词义猜测题等内容,欢迎下载使用。
这是一份2022届高考英语时文阅读理解专项训练 2(含答案解析),共13页。试卷主要包含了 A 细节理解题, B 细节理解题, A 观点态度题, A 推理判断题等内容,欢迎下载使用。