2020-2021学年Welcome to the unit教案设计
展开Growing up
教学 目标 | 1. 知识目标: 1)会用本课时的4个四会单词(会读、会写、知意、了解词性,并能正确用于句中) 2)词组 eat up keep…in order; show off ; come up with ; neither…nor… 3)句型 What on your mind? How do you learn about the world?
2. 能力目标: 1)能使用教材中的语言知识描述自己了解世界的途径 2)能讨论了解世界的不同途径及其特点 3、情感目标:通过对了解世界不同途径的探讨,树立正确的人生观和世界观 | |
重点 难点 | 1、重点:了解世界途径的词句表达 2、难点:组织语言讨论了解世界的途径和特点 | |
媒体及准备 | 1. 媒体:PPT 2. 教辅:练习册 | |
导 学 过 程 | 二备 | |
Phase I 预习与展示 Activity One Preview Ⅰ. New words (写出下列单词的划线部分的音标、词义和词性) 1. order 2.creative 3 .energetic 4.curious 5.organized 6.neither
Ⅱ. Useful phrases (翻译下列短语) 1. eat up 2.show off 3. come up with 4.neither…nor
Ⅲ. Important sentences (翻译句子,了解用法) What’s up 句意: How do you learn about the world.句意: ______________ Phase II 学习与检测 Activity Two Presentation of welcome to the unit---How do you learn about the world? Step One : lead- in 1.T: When you are growing , you want to know more about the world. What do you want to learn about the world? Ss brain storm and teacher writes down the key words on the blackboard. 2.T: How do you get to know all of these? Why do you like to learn that way? (Give Ss enough time to think. Ss tell out their opinions and teacher writes down the key words on the blackboard.)
Step Two Part A on P49
Step Three Part BP 49
Ask the Ss to listen the conversation on P49 then match the questions with the correct answers. Q1: How does Simon like to learn about the world? Q2: How does Millie like to learn about the world? Q3: Why?
Work in pairs and talk about Ss’ ideas. They can use the conversation on P49 as a model. Activity Three Presentation of Comic strips Step One Listen and answer questions Let’s listen to the tape and answer the following questions. 1. What worries Eddie? 2. What does Eddie want Hobo do? Step Two Read after the tape. What’s on your mind, Eddie? I’m worried. Growing up is hard! What’s up? You’ve been happy since I first met you… Step Three Read the dialogue in different ways and act out.
Home work:
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