小学英语沪教版三年级上册Module 4 The world around usUnit 10 Numbers教学设计及反思
展开Oxford English 3A Module 4 Unit 1 Insects Period 1: Insects I knowTopic: Insects ------ Sub-topic Period 2: Insects I seePeriod 3: Insects I like [单元目标]一、单元目标【语用任务】在了解Insects的情境中,为自己喜爱的昆虫制作卡片并进行介绍。能借助卡片,在句型结构的提示下,用至少5句话口头介绍昆虫的名称、外形、能力以及所处区域。要求语音正确、内容基本达意,表达较为流利。语言知识与技能1.语音和词汇1) 能知晓u在闭音节单词中的发音,并能准确朗读儿歌。2) 能准确运用bee, ant, ladybird, butterfly等核心词汇来表达大自然里的昆虫的名称,语音标准并能正确书写。3) 能运用: What is it? It’s …What colour is it? It’s …等核心句型对昆虫进行问答。2. 句法和语段能在昆虫卡片和句型结构的提示下,较为熟练地运用本单元的核心句型Look at ... It’s ... It has… It can (do) ... 描述昆虫的名称、颜色、特征以及能力。文化与情感在完成昆虫卡片并进行介绍的任务中,了解昆虫的特征、习性及能力,初步体验和感受大自然中昆虫的魅力。学习策略在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考;能积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 [分课时教学目标][第三课时教学设计]一、教学重点与难点1. 重点:能结合自身的喜好,描述自己喜欢的昆虫及习性。2. 难点:模仿故事中小昆虫们的语气,表演出对话。能运用四种以上句型介绍自己喜爱的昆虫。二、教学技术与学习资源应用PPT,板书,练习纸,视频支持三、本课时文本Little Butterfly::Hello,I am a butterfly. I’m small. I’m pink and purple. I have beautiful wings. I can dance. I’m so nice.Little Butterfly: Oh, You are so small. Who are you?Mr Ant: I’m an ant. Little Butterfly: I have a beautiful dress. Have you?Mr Ant: No. I’m small. I’m black. I’m not beautiful.Little Butterfly: I can dance in the sky. I can fly very high. Can you?Mr Ant: No, I can’t. But I can carry food. I’m strong.Miss Bee:Buzz…Little Butterfly: You are so noisy. Who are you?Miss Bee: I’m a bee.Little Butterfly: I have colorful wings. Have you?Miss Bee: No. I have no colorful wings. But my body is yellow and black. And I can make honey. I’m hard-working.Little Butterfly:Fat girl, who are you?Miss Ladybird: I’m a ladybird.Little Butterfly:Look at your seven black dots! They are not nice.Miss Ladybird: Yes, my black dots are not nice. But I can eat pests. Ladybirds with seven black dots are helpful for the plants. You know?Mother Butterfly: My baby, the ladybird is helpful. The bee is hard-working. The ant is strong. They are your friends.Little Butterfly: Oh, I see. I can make friends with them.四、教学过程: (Period 3: Insect I like) 语用任务语言知识与技能第一课时能扮演文本中的人物,了解大自然的生命—可爱的小昆虫,会用核心词汇和核心句型询问、描述四种昆虫。要求语音基本正确、内容达意。1. 能正确跟读含有字母u的单词,了解字母u在单词中的基本的读音。2. 能正确朗读核心词汇ladybird, bee, butterfly, ant。3. 用正确的语音、语调朗读核心句型It’s a …并能听懂、读懂。 能用核心句型What is it? It’s…对昆虫进行询问和应答。第二课时在Insects I see的情境中口头完成“学校花园看见的昆虫们”的介绍。并根据句型提示,口头介绍昆虫的名称、颜色以及外形特征。要求语音正确,表达较流利,内容基本达意。能朗读含有u的单词以及儿歌,知道u在单词中的基本发音。能听懂、读懂核心词汇ladybird, bee, butterfly, ant。能用核心词汇表达昆虫的名称,并能正确抄写。3. 能借助旧知并结合核心句型Look at …It’s …It has… 口头介绍昆虫的名称、颜色以及外形特征。第三课时在Insects的故事情境中了解各种昆虫的能力并完成最喜爱的昆虫的卡片的制作,担任小小讲解员介绍自己喜欢的昆虫。能借助昆虫卡片,在句型结构的提示下,用至少5句话口头及书面介绍昆虫的名称、外形以及能力。要求语音正确,表达较流利,内容基本达意。1. 能正确朗读儿歌,并自主朗读含字母u的单词的新的小儿歌。2.能较为熟练的运用核心词汇表达昆虫,并能正确书写。3. 能较为熟练地运用本单元核心句型It is a ...It’s …(colour),并通过整合旧知,用Look at... It’s ...It has… It can (do) ... 的小语段描述昆虫的名称、外形以及能力,并能进行简单的语段仿写。ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesI. Pre-task preparation1. Learn the sound: u2. Interesting insects in the garden.Look, answer and read2-1 Guess and spell 2-2 Look and read在听读儿歌的过程中巩固学习字母u的发音。通过猜猜说说、朗读等方式复习第二课时内容,复习昆虫的名称,颜色和外形特征。II. While-task procedure:Topic elicitation 2.Picture 13.Picture 24. Picture 3&4 5 Picture 5 6.the whole storyListen and answer.How are the insects in Little Butterfly’s eyes? 2-1Ask and answer.What colour is Little Butterfly?What does it have?What can it do ?2-2 Watch and read2-3 Introduce Little Butterfly How is it? Conclude: beautiful3-1.Watch and answerDo you like the ant?Why?3-2Watch and saycarry foodstrong3-3 Read as the butterfly and the ant3-4 Ask and answer about the antWhat is it?What colour is it?What can it do ?How is it?Conclude: strong4-1 Read and fill in the table in oral. namecolourabilityLearn :make honeyeat pests4-2 Introduce the bee or the ladybird. 4-3 Follow and readHow is Miss Bee?How is Miss Ladybird?5-1 Watch and discuss in groupsWhat does Mother Butterfly say?5-2 Read as Mother Butterfly and Little ButterflyConclude: I can make friends with others.6-1 Group work.Read in roles.通过整体感知文本,初步感知蝴蝶眼中的小昆虫是什么样的。在图片和老师的帮助下,通过师生问答的方式了解蝴蝶。通过朗读感受蝴蝶的心态,读出骄傲的语气。用第三人称的方式介绍蝴蝶,总结蝴蝶很漂亮。通过听对话来提出问题,初步了解文本。在观看蚂蚁的视频和图片过程中,体验蚂蚁虽小但很强壮的特性。师生读,巩固ant这部分的语段。在问答语境中进一步巩固本单元核心问答句型。通过自己阅读,口头完成表格来感知bee和ladybird的不同的能力。根据图表来介绍一种昆虫。整体朗读第三、四幅图,评价学生的朗读能力。埋下伏笔,请学生来猜一猜Mother butterfly会说什么?通过设计故事结局培养学生的想象能力。在整体读文本的过程中,情感渗透:友善的对待他人。通过角色扮演巩固文本学习,培养朗读能力,小组互动,演绎对话。III. Post-task activities:1. Insects you likeIntroduce your favorite insect.1-1What insects do you like? Why?Read and write1-3 Look and say在板书的帮助下,回顾文本内容。完成昆虫卡片的制作并进行汇报展示。IV.After class1.Read the story:Insects 2. Finish the insect card. 拓展学习的空间,提升语用能力。Boarding:M4U1 Insects Period 3 Insects I like Little Butterfly Mother Butterfly fly and dance beautiful ant bee ladybird carry food make honey eat pestsstrong hard-working helpful
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