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    英语 2022届上海市宝山区高三一模英语试卷
    英语 2022届上海市宝山区高三一模英语试卷01
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    英语 2022届上海市宝山区高三一模英语试卷03
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    英语 2022届上海市宝山区高三一模英语试卷

    这是一份英语 2022届上海市宝山区高三一模英语试卷,共16页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (本试卷满分 140 分,考试时间 120 分钟)
    Listening Cmprehensin Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    A. Cleaning the kitchen.B. Discussing a kitchen design.
    C. Trying t draw a map f dinning.D. Painting the dining rm.
    A. Study a cmputer prgram.B. Check their cmputer files.
    C. Assemble a cmputer.D. Make sme cmputatin.
    A. It is faster t g t New Yrk by train.
    It is nt always cheaper ging by bus.
    It is mre cmfrtable and cnvenient t take a bus.
    It is wrth the mney taking a train t New Yrk.
    A. The wman thinks highly f the speaker.
    The wman has knwn the speaker fr a lng time.
    The man had difficulty understanding the lecture.
    The man is making a cmment abut nthing.
    A. She has nt read the news n the Net.B. She has every cnfidence in Susan.
    C. She is nt as bright and diligent as Susan.D. She is a little bit surprised at the news.
    A. Get a new bus schedule.B. Read the ntice n the windw.
    C. G and ask the ticket seller.D. Bard the bus t Cleveland.
    A. Jane wre the vercat last week.B. Jane’s sister is in the same class as the man.
    C. Jane missed her class last week.D. Jane’s vercat is as fashinable as her sister’s.
    A. He was fifteen when he tk ver the cmpany.
    He is making plans t expand his peratin.
    He is a very successful businessman.
    He has changed his business strategy.
    A. The man and the wman are wrking n a jint prject.
    The wman is ging t make her tpic mre fcused.
    It tk a lt f time t get the man n the right track.
    One shuld chse a brad tpic fr a research paper.
    A. Children shuld play sprts at least nce a week.
    The wman’s kids can play ftball with his sn.
    Many children feel bred when left alne.
    The wman’s sns might enjy team sprts.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f the passages and the cnversatin. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    A. T start ff as a listener.B. T speak right away.
    C. T learn and listen quietly.D. T talk abut their lives.
    A. They can hear and appreciate interesting vides.
    They can drp their wrries and prblems.
    It can help peple make mre nline friends.
    They can enjy the safe space fr expressin.
    A. T enable the users t enjy mre freedm t say anything.
    T find a way t track discussins and prtect users.
    T prvide a space fr hateful speeches and false statements.
    T tell whether the impact f the app is helpful r harmful.
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing passage.
    A. Every actin leads t a result.B. Making a big decisin quietly.
    C. Asking peers fr helpful advice.D. Sharing yur cnfidence prudly.
    A. T define the prblem yu’re scared f.B. T brainstrm thers’ cmments.
    C. T decide what is right fr yu.D. T pstpne taking actin.
    A. What factrs invlved in making a bad decisin.
    Hw t make gd decisins and avid bad nes.
    Why peple usually hesitate t make decisins.
    Hw many steps t be taken befre making decisins.
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    A. Seeing a mvie.B. The best study spt.
    C. A cffee shp.D. A schl library.
    A. Bks in the library make him anxius.
    Hardwrking students are his favrite scenery.
    The silence f library helps him cncentrate.
    He feels the anxiety f studying at the library.
    A. A cffee shp helps her relax.B. T much cffee makes her feel sick.
    C. Drinking cffee fails t keep her alert.D. A bit f backgrund nise affects her.
    A. T give up their nise-canceling headphnes.
    T drink cffee while they study tgether.
    T be equipped with cmfrtable chairs.
    T exchange their places fr the better ne.
    Grammar and Vcabulary Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    Rising T the Challenge
    Cyclists must dig deep t cmplete what’s been called the tughest climb in the wrld. They race up t Wuling Peak t the finish line in the King f the Muntain (KOM) Challenge. Every Octber sme f the wrld’s best cyclists battle (21) the title. Starting at sea level, the rute climbs t a height f 3, 275 meters at the end, cvering 105 kilmeters.
    Ever since I started cycling seven years ag, cmpleting the KOM climb (22) (be) a gal f mine. Every year I thught that I needed t prepare fr it and used that as my excuse. But (23) (lk) back, I realize I wuld have been fine. Cycling uphill was n prblem fr me then- it was thrilling. Nw it’s exhausting.
    Last summer I finally decided t take n Wuling with sme friends. Our 89-kilmeter rute started at the base f the muntain and was a little shrter than the fficial KOM race. But it’s the final 10 kilmeters (24) are the mst demanding: This is the steepest part, (25) makes the climb s hard.
    We began early in the mrning as a grup f 17 riders. But nly three f us wuld make it t the tp. A supprt car was necessary, especially n a ride like this, (26) (help) keep us energetic.
    The first part f the ride went thrugh Tark Valley, a magnificent park. I’ve hiked there, (27)
    I’ve always wanted t bike it. I saw dramatic rcky utcrps, canyns, waterfalls and frests as I zipped thrugh the valley and up the muntain rad. Even thugh it was August, the weather was perfect. Unfrtunately, the supprt car that carried ur lunch (28) (delay). By the time it arrived, I was starving. Being cnsumed f energy even fr that shrt time affected the rest f my ride. When the hard last 10 kilmeters arrived, I really struggled t cmplete them. At ne pint I
    (29) see hw clse the tp f the peak was, but it still felt s far away. Frtunately, determinatin carried me t the finish. (30) (exhaust), I cnquered Wuling! What a tremendus feeling!
    Sectin B
    Directins: Fill in each blank with a prper wrd chsen frm the bx. Each wrd can be used nly nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    Sense f smell is ur mst rapid warning system
    “The human avidance respnse t unpleasant smells assciated with danger has lng been seen as a 31 perceivable prcess, but ur study shws fr the first time that it’s uncnscius and extremely rapid,” says the study’s first authr Behzad Iravani, researcher at the Department f Clinical Neurscience, Karlinska Institutet.
    The rgan relating t the sense f smell takes up abut five per cent f the human brain and enables us t 32 between many millin different smells. A large prprtin f these smells are assciated with a threat t ur health and 33 , such as that f chemicals and rtten fd. Smell signals reach the brain within 100 t 150 millisecnds after being breathed in thrugh the nse.
    A. ptentiallyB. results
    C. rewards
    D. sensitiveE. survival
    F. transmitG. distinguish
    H. respnding
    I. develpedJ. cnscius
    K. rapidly
    The survival f all living rganisms depends n their ability t avid danger and seek 34 . In humans, the smell sense seems particularly imprtant fr detecting and reacting t 35 harmful substance.
    It has lng been a mystery just which sensry systems are invlved in the change f an unpleasant smell int avidance behavir in humans. Researchers at Karlinska Institutet have nw 36 a methd that fr the first time has made it pssible t measure signals frm the human smell rgan, which prcesses smells and in turn can 37 signals t parts f the brain that cntrl mvement and avidance behavir.
    Their 38 are based n three experiments in which participants were asked t rate their experience f six different smells, sme psitive, sme negative, while the electrphysilgical activity f the smell rgan when 39 t each f the smells was measured.
    “It was clear that the rgan reacts specifically and 40 t negative smells and sends a direct
    signal t the uter layer f the rgan within abut 300 ms,” says the study’s last authr Jhan Lundström. ” The signal causes the persn t uncnsciusly lean back and away frm the surce f the smell.”
    Reading Cmprehensin Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    While peple wh are bth trustwrthy and capable are the mst sught after when it cmes t team assembly, friendliness and trustwrthiness are ften mre imprtant factrs than ability.
    “We assume that peple are 41 fr imprtant task frces and teams because f the knwledge, skills and abilities they bring t the table. Hwever, this research suggests that peple may ften get picked because team members feel 42 with them,” said Cynthia Maupin, assistant prfessr f rganizatinal behavir and leadership in Binghamtn University’s Schl f Management. “Peple may be willing t 43 a bit in terms f perfrmance in rder t have a really psitive team experience.”
    Maupin and her clleagues fcused n a grup f MBA students t cnduct their study. Students were 44 assigned t teams at the beginning f the semester t wrk n class prjects and assignments. Tward the end f the semester, students were asked t frm their wn teams and
    45 why they selected each member f their grup.
    “We wanted t find ut what peple did t 46 t thers that they might be smene wh wuld be gd t team up with in the future,” Maupin said.
    The researchers 47 lked at hw students signaled their human capital, the ability t d their tasks well, and their scial capital, the 48 t which they were friendly and trustwrthy, t ther students by studying their use f either challenging r supprtive vice:
    Challenging vice: Cmmunicating in a way that challenges the present circumstances and is
    49 new ideas and efficiency.
    Supprtive vice: Cmmunicating in a way that 50 scial ties and trust, and builds friendly unity f a team.
    The researchers fund that peple wh 51 bth abilities, thrugh the use f challenging vice, and trustwrthiness, thrugh the use f supprtive vice, were the mst in-demand peple when it came t 52 teams.
    “As might be expected, anyne wh was very strng in terms f signaling bth their human and scial capital were extremely sught after. They’re ding all the right things t 53 that they’re bth trustwrthy and a gd wrker,” Maupin said.
    Hwever, the researchers fund that students wh nly exhibited scial capital thrugh 54 vice were mre sught after than thse wh nly signaled their ability thrugh the use f challenging vice.
    “Our findings suggest that when peple feel like they can trust yu, even if yu’re nt 55 the best wrker, they’re ging t be mre likely t want t wrk with yu,” Maupin said. “They knw that there are likely t be fewer interpersnal issues in that case.”
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    Early n, by age nine perhaps, I discvered my passin fr bth reading and writing fictin. The discvery was sudden and unexpected: ne very ht summer day in Birmingham (n air cnditining), while reading, I realized I was trembling with cld. I had becme caught up in a Laura Ingalls Wilder descriptin f a snwstrm. Hw is this pssible? I asked myself, and the answer came immediately. It’s these wrds. Just these wrds have made me feel cld. Full f wnder and admiratin fr Laura’s writing, I thught, I’d like t be able t d that smeday.
    Nnetheless, I fund myself beginning cllege as a premedical student with the intentin f becming a dctr. Yu see, I wanted t d gd, r t be a gd persn, ne devted t the welfare f thers. And what f my wn lve f reading and my interest in imaginative writing? Bth still gave me immense pleasure, thugh I was failing chemistry. But what gd is literature? I asked myself. And I asked my serius-minded student friends the same questin. T spend my life merely ding what I lved seemed unacceptably self-centered.
    41. A. qualified
    B. selected
    C. examined
    D. accunted
    42. A. dissatisfied
    B. favurite
    C. permanent
    D. cmfrtable
    43. A. sacrifice
    B. exchange
    C. prhibit
    D. cntribute
    44. A. deliberately
    B. riginally
    C. randmly
    D. purpsefully
    45. A. bargain
    B. assess
    C. negtiate
    D. neglect
    46. A. signal
    B. cntribute
    C. devte
    D. manage
    47. A. indefinitely
    B. frequently
    C. cnsiderably
    D. specifically
    48. A. ccasin
    B. missin
    C. degree
    D. pinin
    49. A. engaged in
    B. fcused n
    C. gtten acrss
    D. taken ff
    50. A. adjusts
    B. decreases
    C. mnitrs
    D. strengthens
    51. A. exhibited
    B. develped
    C. evaluated
    D. cncealed
    52. A. separating
    B. dminating
    C. assembling
    D. maintaining
    53. A. establish
    B. reslve
    C. analyze
    D. estimate
    54. A. challenging
    B. mderate
    C. healthful
    D. supprtive
    55. A. dubtfully
    B. necessarily
    C. questinably
    D. frtunately
    Sectin B
    One day in a literature class at my small, excellent liberal arts cllege, the knwledgeable prfessr, wh was als dean f the cllege, psed a questin that nne f us culd answer: “In what way are Huck f Huckleberry Finn and Pip f Charles Dickens’s Great Expectatins alike?” While I did nt knw the answer, what I did knw—in a strange flash f awareness—was that whatever the answer, it wuld be f crucial imprtance t the yung man sitting acrss the crridr frm me.
    And wh was he? A brilliant persn, a trubled persn fr all his brilliance, smene I lved and admired.
    The prfessr answered his wn questin. “Bth are bys in search f a father.” And I knew my friend acrss the crridr, thrugh literature, suddenly understd his wn cnfusin. He knew in an instinctive way smething f vital imprtance. What was true f thse fictive bys was als true f him: he needed t becme a guiding father t himself.
    The class was ver. As my friend Dwight and I walked ut the dr tgether int the hall, he said withut lking at me, “And hw can yu dubt, Sena, that literature can d gd in the wrld?” Withut lking at him, but sure bth his eyes and my eyes were shined with tears, I replied, “I knw. I knw.” I knew that literature culd and des make ideas and feelings real, dramatic, and accessible in a way that enhances the quality f ur lives.
    And s I gave myself permissin t embrace a literary life, bth as reader and as writer. If smething I might cme t write ffered ne wnderful persn a new and needed perspective, then I culd justify chsing a life fr myself in literature.
    That was all a very lng time ag, abut half a century ag. My friend wuld die in an aut accident befre he was twenty-ne. And I wuld live t be extrardinarily happy in my chice f prfessins.
    This I believe: that the arts must be a part f educatin at all levels, that the arts can and d ffer us nt nly pleasure but als invaluable insights int urselves and ur wrld.
    What was the embarrassing situatin Sena the authr f the passage faced?
    She was attracted by Laura’s writing but felt extremely cld.
    She did nt knw hw t answer the questin but it was imprtant.
    She lved literature but wanted t d smething gd fr humanity.
    She admired her brilliant friend Dwight but he died in an accident.
    The authr f the passage mentined her friend Dwight t demnstrate.
    nly he culd answer the prfessr’s questin
    he was the very persn she lved and admired
    literature becmes a guiding father t himself
    literature ffers us priceless insights int urselves
    It can be cncluded that the authr decided t.
    fllw her passin fr being a dctr
    devte herself t literature in her life
    be a reader t enhance the quality f her life
    be a dctr and engaged in literature smetimes
    What might be the best title fr the passage?
    A life in literatureB. A medical career
    C. An unfrgettable lessnD. An unexpected accident
    Physical rest
    This is the usual definitin f rest were a familiar with. But while we knw we need t spend a decent number f hurs in bed t stay healthy, a steady persistent supprt f studies shws a large prprtin f us still dn’t get enugh physical rest.
    Mental rest
    Always have a trnad f thughts spinning in yur head frm the mment yu wake up t the mment yu finally fall asleep? Yu need mre mental rest, and even if yu sleep a slid eight hurs a night, yu’re nt ging t feel fully recharged until yu get it.
    “The gd news is yu dn’t have t quit yur jb r g n vacatin t fix this. Schedule shrt breaks t ccur every tw hurs thrughut yur wrkday these breaks can remind yu t slw dwn. Yu might als keep a ntepad by the bed t write dwn any painful thughts that wuld keep yu awake,” suggests Daltn-smith.
    Sensry rest
    Staring at screens all day and all night means yur eyes never get a prper rest, but this isn’t the nly reasn many f us never give ur senses a break. Nisy cites, sharp sund annuncements and lud music all cntribute t cnstant sensry stimulatin. Yur brain needs a rest nw and again. Cnsciusly clse yur eyes and give yurself the gift f silence fr shrt perids thrughut the day.
    Emtinal rest
    This “means having the time and space t freely express yur feelings and cut back n peple-pleasing,” Daltn-smith explains. “Emtinal rest als requires the curage t be genuine. An emtinally rested persn can answer the questin, ‘Hw are yu tday?’ with a truthful
    ‘I’m nt kay’-and then g n t share sme hard things that therwise g unsaid.”
    In ther wrds, we all need the space t stp pretending fr urselves and thers and get real abut ur feelings.
    Even if the wrld makes it hard t relax, we all need t find a way t reset and recharge. We g thrugh life thinking we’ve rested because we have gtten enugh sleep―but in reality we are missing ut n the ther types f rest we desperately need. Saudra Daltn-Smith, a physician, utlines different types f rest that are essential fr human grwing.
    Which f the fllwing statement is true abut the types f rest mentined in the passage?
    Physical rest means lying in bed fr a prper perid and exercising.
    Mental rest indicates resting every tw hurs when yu’re wrking.
    Sensry rest means keeping silent frequently and staring at screens.
    Emtinal rest means pretending t share private affairs with thers.
    What type f rest d yu need mst if yu’re wrking with a cmputer in an ffice?
    Physical restB. Mental restC. Sensry restD. Emtinal rest
    It can be cncluded that if a persn feels tired, he shuld.
    try t identify just what srt f rest he’s lacking exactly
    spend sme time with thse wh can energize him
    have the fur types f rest mentined in the passage in rder
    have a need t feel cnnected t smething larger than himself
    Transhumanism, first cined in 1957 by bilgist Julian Huxley, meant “man remaining man, but ging beynd himself by realizing new pssibilities f and fr his human nature.” Generally speaking, transhumanism in its mdern meaning implies that human beings can be enhanced by the means f science t the extent when they rise abve bilgical limitatins and capabilities prgrammed by nature. The species int which humanity transfrms this way will be called pst human, r trans human, as it wuld have be smething new—based n human nature, but ging beynd it at the same time.
    There are numerus areas which, accrding t transhumanists, require enhancement, as well as there are cuntless prpsals n the means f such enhancement. In particular, transhumanists wrk n such prblems as vercming the physical bundaries f the human bdy. Starting with aging, which they believe t be rather a disease than a natural prcess, and ending up with replacing rgans with their artificial nes, transhumanists believe that the human bdy is imperfect, and that it shuld be imprved. All kinds f nantechnlgies fr repairing damaged rgans; nerve stimulants and drugs t alter md and eliminate negative emtins; brain implants and implanted technlgies t allw intercnnectivity between multiple human beings and t advance intelligence—these and many mre actins are just sme f the means transhumanists plan t use t make humanity better. Sme f the technlgies transhumanists plan t emply t push the bundaries f humanity are available already. Fr example, gene therapy allwing t cure r stp certain diseases that were cnsidered terminal; CRISPRi r SHARP-2 methds, which were discvered nt s lng ag, have already prved t be efficient in treating a number f cmplicated medical cnditins, and in case further research is cnducted, they might significantly imprve the quality f medicine wrldwide. Virtual reality, anther technlgy frm science-fictin mvies f the late 1980s, has becme nt s virtual either, after all. VR device can be easily purchased frm nline stres, and the prices are affrdable—given that we are speaking f technlgy capable f substituting actual reality. S far, it has been mstly used fr games and educatin, but in the future, the range f its useful applicatins will definitely braden. Other technlgies, which have nt yet been invented but which definitely will, include large scale engineering, self-cpying rbtics, artificial intelligence, mind uplading
    technlgies, mlecular manufacturing, space clnizatin, and ther technlgical wnders.
    Abut a hundred years ag, the idea f flying in the skies seemed absurd, until Wilbur and Orville Wright prved this assumptin wrng. Wh knws, perhaps in a cuple f decades the cncepts listed here, n matter hw fantastic they lk nw, will becme reality. Mral aspects and the price humanity will have t pay fr such advancements are a different subject.
    Which f the fllwing statements is true abut transhumanism?
    Prmting human health but remaining their physical appearances
    Imprving the human cnditin thrugh scial and cultural change
    Develping human beings beynd their natural capabilities by technlgy.
    Ging beynd human beings physical limitatins thrugh natural evlutin.
    Transhumanists’ plan is based n the belief that.
    replacing rgans with their artificial nes is ideal
    aging is rather a disease than a natural prcess
    it’s practical t use nantechnlgies t imprve life
    the human bdy is imperfect and needs imprvement
    The underlined wrd “absurd” (last paragraph) is clsest in meaning t.
    ridiculusB. creativeC. reasnableD. practical
    This passage is particularly written abut.
    varius kinds f definitins f transhumanism
    different technlgies substituting human reality
    prpsals n the human beings enhancement
    artificial intelligence and human beings life
    Sectin C
    Besides, yu might have nticed hw unwilling yu may be when having t aplgize in frnt f a different persn–even if it was yu wh were wrng.
    This varies depending n the weight f a decisin that needs t be made.
    Unlike many peple gt used t believing, prcrastinatin is nt a negative feature f character such as laziness.
    Usually, peple tend t see prcrastinatin as smething bad.
    In fact, prcrastinating in this case is als beneficial.
    A pressing matter, an urgent dcument that needs t be written by the end f the day, an especially difficult piece f wrk, whatever.
    Directins: Read the fllwing passages. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    Why Yu Shuld Nt Wrry Abut Prcrastinatin
    Perhaps every persn n Earth has at least nce been in a situatin when he r she has an urgent task t d, but instead f challenging it head n, he r she pstpnes wrking n this task fr as lng as pssible. This delay can take varius frms: frm ding nthing, t ding a lt f wrk–just nt the wrk that shuld be dne. The phenmenn described here is called prcrastinatin, and its rts g much deeper than mere laziness.
    (67). They invent dzens f strategies hw t stp prcrastinating and increase their efficiency, frgetting abut the fact that like many ther psychlgical mechanisms, prcrastinatin serves its wn purpse, and prbably even carries a message wrth decding. S, instead f blaming yurself fr being lazy, the next time yu prcrastinate, try t lk past it, and figure ut what is happening t yu. Mst likely, prcrastinatin is yur friend. Why?
    There are several arguments prving this statement. First f all, it helps yu figure ut yur mst pressing pririties. Usually, yu will nt prcrastinate ver sme minr task such as sharpening a pencil r drinking a glass f water. Prblems start when there is smething imprtant r difficult that needs t be dne. Reasns keeping yu frm ding wrk can be different, but here is a clue t remember: try t figure ut what exactly makes yu avid–as a rule, it shuld be exactly what yur tp pririty task is at the mment. (68). On the ther hand, prcrastinatin may serve yu as an indicatr that yu are ding smething wrng, r that yu are pushing yurself t hard and need t take sme time t rest. Either way, the means yu use t vercme prcrastinatin is a different stry; s far, try seeing prcrastinatin as a marker, an index–and yu will discver that it can be quite useful.
    Surprisingly enugh, prcrastinatin can even help yu fix a relatinship with anther persn. If yu had a fight, fr example, there is a perid f time when whatever yu say t each ther will mst likely be perceived with skepticism r even hstility. (69). In this case, prcrastinatin may give yu enugh time t make up yur mind, find yur curage, and think f the prper wrds r actins fr an aplgy. The same wrks fr anther persn: after a cl dwn perid, he r she will be mre susceptible t what yu have t say. Use this t yur advantage.
    As we can see, prcrastinatin is nt necessarily a bad thing. (70). But it is rather a psychlgical instrument, the main functin f which is t slw yu dwn and give yu enugh time t srt ut yur pririties, gather infrmatin befre making an imprtant decisin, r finding prper wrds t make yur amends with anther persn. Thus, instead f aviding and denying prcrastinatin, yu might want t embrace it–at least smetimes.
    Summary Writing
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Rmantic Attractin
    Smetimes, it seems we are attracted twards peple rmantically in a puzzling manner. We see smene and ur rmantic side bursts ut. Hwever, it is nt a mystery t science and peple wh study scilgy. There are definite causes as t why peple becme rmantically attracted t each ther. These factrs are, similarity, cmmunicatin, and hnesty.
    Thugh peple ften say ppsites attract, similarity ften cnnects individuals in a rmantic way. In fact, based n research dne by the University f Clrad Bulder, we tend t chse partners wh have a similar DNA t urs. Of curse we cannt examine the DNA f thers readily, but we can naturally “feel” if peple are a genetic match fr us.
    Cmmunicatin is anther essential factr in the rmantic attractin way. If we feel a deep cnnectin t smene thrugh the ease f talking with them, we are much mre likely t be attracted t that persn. It is difficult t be rmantically invlved with smene yu can barely cmmunicate with. And as a side nte, there are peple we are nt attracted t each ther in appearance, but after cmmunicating with them fr sme time, we suddenly becme rmantically interested in them.
    Friends ften cnnect thrugh nticing the hnesty f thers, but this als lends t rmantic attractin. Accrding t Kelly Campbell, PhD, “Chemistry ccurs mst ften between peple wh are dwn-t-earth and sincere. This is because if a persn is cmfrtable with themselves, they are better able t express their true self t the wrld, which makes it easier t get t knw them, even if perspectives n imprtant matters differed”. This adds t the perspective that easy cmmunicatin between peple cntributes t rmantic attractin.
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    75 这是一部适合家长和孩子共同阅读的书籍,不仅能促进亲子关系更加和谐,还能让孩子在以后的成长和学习的道路上少走弯路。(…such…that…)
    Guided Writing
    76. Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120-150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    假设你有意参加某英文报举行的题为“My future hme”征文调查活动,征文内容从这
    Similarity, cmmunicatin and hnesty are the reasns why peple draw thers’ attentin. Firstly, research shws genetic similarity makes a gd match. Secndly, cmmunicating with each ther makes us feel cnnected and interested. Thirdly, hnesty leads t rmantic attractin, as we are happy with hnest peple and understand each ther easily. 50 wrds
    It rained harder and harder/ mre and mre heavily, s he was bliged t take taxi hme/g
    /return hme by taxi/taxi hme.
    This turist attractin /resrt/ turist resrt/destinatin is wrth visiting/ a visit at all seasns/all the year (a)rund / thrughut the year/the whle year.
    研究表明, 人们极有可能因为自己没有充分发挥出全部潜能而懊悔莫及。(likely)
    Research shws peple are mst/very likely t regret thinking they have nt reached/achieved
    /realized their full ptential.
    Research shws peple are mst/very likely t feel regretful because they have nt reached
    /achieved /realized/tapped/ develped their full ptential.
    Research shws it’s very likely that peple regret (it) because they have nt reached/achieved
    /realized/tapped/ develped their ptential fully/ t the full.
    75 这是一部适合家长和孩子共同阅读的书籍,不仅能促进亲子关系更加和谐,还能让孩子在以后的成长和学习的道路上少走弯路。(…such…that…)
    This is such a suitable bk fr parents and children t read tgether that it can nt nly prmte a mre harmnius parent-child relatinship/ relatinship between parents and children, but als help children take shrt cut/avid making a detur/taking indirect curses/save twists and turns/ n their way t grwth and learning in the future.
    This is such a bk (that/which is) suitable fr parents and children t read tgether that it can nt nly prmte a mre friendly/ peaceful parent-kid relatinship/ relatinship between parents and kids, but als let children take shrt cut/avid making a detur/taking indirect curses/save twists and turns/ during/in the curse f their grwth and learning in the future.
    1—5 BCDAB
    6—10 CACBD
    11—13 ADB
    17---20 BCAD
    21. fr
    22. has been
    23. lking
    24. that
    25. which
    26. t help
    27. but
    28. was delayed
    29. culd
    30. Exhausted
    41—45 BDACB
    46—50 ADCBD
    51—55 ACADB
    56—59 CDBA
    60—62 BCA
    63—66 CDAB
    71. Summary:
    I. Listening Cmprehensin Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    M: As yu can see frm the drawings, the kitchen has ne dr int the dining rm, anther int the family rm and a third t the utside.
    W: The dr int the family rm isn’t big enugh. Culd it be made wider?
    Q: What are the speakers ding?
    W: Have yu ever put a cmputer tgether befre?
    M: N, never. But I think if we fllw these instructins exactly, we wn’t have much truble. Q: What are the speakers ging t d?
    W: Taking a bus t New Yrk is cheaper than ging by train.
    M: That’s true. But I’d rather pay a little mre fr the added cmfrt and cnvenience.
    Q: What des the man mean?
    M: What a bring speaker! I culd hardly stay awake.
    W: Well, I dn’t knw. In fact, I think it’s been a lng time since I’ve heard anyne as gd.
    Q: What d we learn frm the cnversatin?
    M: Have yu read the news n the Campus Net? Susan has wn the schlarship fr next year.
    W: I knew she wuld frm the very beginning. She a brilliant and diligent girl! She certainly deserves it.
    Q: What des the wman mean?
    W: This crazy bus schedule has gt me cmpletely cnfused. I can’t figure ut when my bus t Cleveland leaves.
    M: Why dn’t yu just t the ticket windw and ask?
    Q: What des the man suggest the wman d?
    M: This is a fashinable vercat. I saw yu wearing it last week, didn’t I? W: Oh, that wasn’t me. That was my sister Jane. She’s in yur class.
    Q: What des the wman mean?
    W: Hw lng have yu been running this cmpany?
    M: Fifteen years if yu can believe that. I bught it frm a small peratin t what it is tday. Q: What d we learn abut the man?
    M: Yu are n the right track. I just think yu need t narrw the tpic dwn.
    W: Yeah, yu’re right. I always start by chsing t brad a tpic when I’m ding a research paper.
    Q: What d we learn frm the cnversatin?
    W: My bys are always cmplaining that they’re bred.
    M: Why dn’t yu get them int sme team sprts? My sn and daughter play ftball every Saturday. And they bth lk frward t it all week.
    Q: What des the man mean?
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f the passages and the lnger cnversatin. The passages and the lnger cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 1l thrugh13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    Clubhuse is the latest app that is taking the wrld by strm. It cnsists f rms where peple talk abut set tpics ver audi nly. Yu start ff as a listener, s yu aren’t able t speak right away. But smetimes the best way t learn is t slw dwn and just listen. Then yu can quietly cnsider what peple say abut their wrk, lives and experiences. Yu just might discver smething new.
    These days peple have mre nline friends than ever yet are still lnely. Clubhuse stands ut frm ther apps in the way it helps users engage with thers. They can laugh ver cmmn interests r have deep discussins. They can feel heard and appreciated. Withut vide, they can even drp sme f their insecurities and say what they’re feeling.
    Yet with this safe space fr expressin, prblems can ccur, t. In a place where yu can say anything, sme dn’t use their freedm rightly. Hateful speech and false statements have becme a prblem as Clubhuse's membership has grwn. Mving frward, it is imprtant fr Clubhuse t find a way t track discussins and prtect users.
    This app will likely cntinue t have a great impact. Only time will tell whether that impact is helpful r harmful.
    (Nw listen again please.)
    Which f the fllwing is allwed after the users jin Clubhuse?
    Why is Clubhuse ppular with its users?
    What imprvement des Clubhuse need t make accrding t the speaker?
    Questins14 thrugh16 are based n the fllwing passage.
    One f the best skills yu can learn in life is hw t make gd decisins. Why? Because bad decisins lead t disappintment and pain. Gd decisins, n the ther hand, make yu feel happy and successful.
    S what factrs g int making a gd decisin? There are three t cnsider. First, yu need t realize that every actin has a cnsequence. Yu shuldn’t make a big decisin quickly. Secnd, talk
    t thers, especially thse wh are lder and wiser than yu. They can give yu helpful advice. And finally, check yur cnscience. Be sure that yu can feel prud f the decisin yu are ging t make.
    When it cmes t decisins, many peple hesitate t make them. They may be scared f making a mistake. They may be afraid f what ther peple will think f their chice. If yu need help making a decisin, use the fllwing fur steps.
    First, yu need t define the prblem yu are facing. The next step is t think carefully abut the decisin and brainstrm yur chices. Third, yu have t determine what is right fr yu. And finally, act n yur decisin as sn as pssible.
    (Nw listen again please.)
    What des the speaker say abut factrs t cnsider when making a gd decisin?
    What des the speaker advise yu t d when yu need help making a decisin?
    What’s the speaker mainly talking abut?
    Questins17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    M: Hey, Celia, d yu want t g see a mvie tmrrw?
    W: Srry, Ian, I can’t. I have a lt f studying t d, s I’ll be at the Cmfrt Cafe all day.
    M: Hey! Why dn’t yu cme study with me at the library? Yu knw- near the bks and ther hardwrking students?
    W: I dn’t like studying at the library. My favrite place t study is at a cffee shp.
    M: Why? Yu can’t cncentrate in a cffee shp. Peple are always walking in and ut, and the cffee machine is s lud! Plus there are always peple talking!
    W: Peple are usually pretty respectful at the Cmfrt Cafe. Besides, I like having a little bit f backgrund nise when I study. The library is t quiet.
    M: I dn’t think it’s pssible fr a study spt t be t quiet. When I’m studying, ttal silence is what helps me cncentrate.
    W: Cffee is what helps me cncentrate. Drinking cffee keeps me alert, and it als imprves my memry.
    M: T much cffee makes me feel sick and anxius.
    W: Studying at the library makes me anxius. I can just feel the anxiety f all the students studying fr tests.
    M: That desn’t affect me.
    W: Well, it des affect me. The relaxed atmsphere f a cffee shp helps me relax. A change f scenery really helps when yu have a lt t d.
    M: That’s why I like the library. Bks are my favrite scenery!
    W: Cffee machines and cmfrtable chairs are my favrite scenery. As sn as I smell the cffee, I knw it’s ging t be a prductive day.
    M: I have an idea. Next time I have an exam, I’ll try studying in a cffee shp. And yu can give the library anther sht, Then we’ll knw which ne is better.
    W: Well, I guess I can try it. As lng as I can take a cup f cffee with me! M: And I’II take my nise-canceling headphnes t the cffee shp! (Nw listen again please.)
    What are the tw speakers mainly talking abut?
    What des the man say abut his favrite place?
    What des the wman say abut her favrite place?
    What are they ging t d accrding t their agreement?
    That’s the end f the listening cmprehensin!

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