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    这是一份上海市浦东新区2021-2022学年高三上学期期末一模考试英语试题,共14页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passages cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    Children's Fine Mtr Skills
    Using a frk t eat, zipping up a sweatshirt and turning a drknb are all things mst peple d withut thinking, but children spend their early years develping and refining these abilities. They are knwn as fine mtr skills, (21) the small muscles f the hands with adequate strength, dexterity(灵巧)and crdinatin(协调)t grasp and cntrl bjects and used. It is firmly believed (22) later, fine mtr skills d help children t succeed in schl. (23)
    are als imprtant in day-t-day life.
    (24) (watch) a baby use their uncrdinated arms and legs might be adrable, but these early reactins are practice fr the fine mtr skills they'll eventually develp. (25)
    Stephanie Reich, a prfessr f the University f Califrnia, tddlers need t increase the crdinatin f fine mvements in the preschl years. (26) children grw lder, these fine mtr skills will imprve and becme mre cmplex. Fr example, a 4-year-ld may hld a crayn with their fist, using their whle hand t draw. But five-year-lds can start using a pencil between the first and middle fingers and thumb, as adults can.
    The elementary schl years and beynd see (27) (advanced) fine mtr skills, such as when children learn t tie shes between 5 and 6 years ld. At abut age 7, (28)
    (imprve) perfrmance can be amazingly witnessed. Hwever, every child develps at
    their wn pace. If a single milestne, such as using eating utensil(s it isn't necessarily cause fr cncern.
    餐具), (29) (delay),
    In fact, when wrking n fine mtr skills in the classrm, shrt lessns prvide the mst benefit fr learning,. Play-based learning is als ne f the strategies that are preferred. Teachers may als use hand-eye crdinatin - the ability f a child's eyes (30) (cntrl) their hands and fingers - t wrk with children t imprve fine mtr skills. Using cmputers, especially a keybard and muse, als helps yunger children with fine mtr skills.
    Sectin B
    A. husing
    B. leisurely
    C. sught
    D. reference
    E. primarilyF. leg
    G. winding
    H. wildly
    I. pineered
    J. majr
    K. highlight
    Directins: Fill in each blank with a prper wrd chsen frm the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    18th Century Grand Tur f Eurpe
    The Grand Tur began in the 16th century and gained ppularity during the 17th century. Privileged(有特权的)yung Eurpean graduates (31) a trend where they traveled acrss the cntinent in search f art and cultural experiences upn their graduatin. This practice, which grew t be (32) ppular, became knwn as the Grand Tur. Specialty guidebks, tur guides, and ther aspects f the turist industry were develped during this time t meet the needs f wealthy 20-smething male and female travelers as they explred the
    Eurpean cntinent.
    These yung, classically - educated Turists were rich enugh t fund multiple years abrad fr themselves and they tk full advantage f this. They carried letters f (33) and intrductin with them as they departed frm suthern England t cmmunicate with and learn frm peple they met in ther cuntries. Sme Turists (34) t cntinue their educatin and braden their hrizns while abrad, sme were just after fun and (35) travels, but mst desired a cmbinatin f bth.
    A typical jurney thrugh Eurpe was lng and (36) with many stps alng the way. Lndn was cmmnly used as a starting pint and the Tur was usually kicked ff with a difficult trip acrss the English Channel. Crssing the wide channel was and is nt easy. 17th - and
    - 18th - century Turists risked sea-sickness, illness, and even shipwreck n this first (37)
    f travel.
    Grand Turists were (38) interested in visiting cities that were cnsidered centers f culture at the time, s Paris, Rme, and Venice were nt t be missed. The average Grand Turist traveled frm city t city, usually spending weeks in smaller cities and mnths in the three
    (39) nes.
    The vast majrity f Turists tk part in similar activities during their explratin with art at the center f it all. Once a Turist arrived at a destinatin, he wuld lk fr (40) and settle in fr anywhere frm weeks t mnths, even years. Thugh certainly nt an verly trying experience fr mst, the Grand Tur presented a unique set f challenges fr travelers t vercme.
    Reading Cmprehensins Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage, there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    The wrd "adlescence" literally means "grwing up" (frm the Latin adlescere). (41)
    , it describes a distinct stage between childhd and adulthd, but in practice ften simply defines the "teenage" years. In mst Western scieties, the idea f adlescence was nt (42)
    until the 20th century; childhd ended and adulthd began at a certain age - typically at 18.
    G. Stanley Hall, a psychlgist and educatr, in his 1904 bk Adlescence, was the first t explre the (43) . Hall was influenced by Darwin's thery f evlutin, perceiving that all childhds, especially with regard t behavir and early physical develpment, reflect the curse f (44) change, and that we each develp in accrdance with ur "ancestral recrd".
    One key influence n Hall was the 18th -century "Sturm and Drang" (Strm and Stress) mvement f German writers and musicians, which prmted ttal freedm f expressin. Hall
    (45) adlescence as "Sturm and Drang"; he cnsidered it a stage f emtinal disturbance and rebellin, with behavir ranging frm quiet mdiness t wild (46) . He stated that adlescents "are eager fr strng feelings and new sensatins, while rutine and detail are (47) ". Awareness f self and the envirnment greatly increases; everything is
    mre (48) felt, and sensatin is pursued fr its wn sake.
    Many f Hall's findings are (49) in research tday. Hall believed that adlescents are highly affected by depressin and described a "curve f despndency(消沉)" that starts at the age f 11, (50) at 15, then falls steadily until the age f 23. Mdern research acknwledges a similar pattern. The causes f depressin that Hall (51) are surprisingly familiar: suspicin f being disliked and having seemingly insuperable character faults, and "the (52) f hpeless lve". He believed the self-cnsciusness f adlescence leads t criticizing self and thers. This view mirrrs later studies, which argue that teenagers' advanced (53) skills allw them t "read between the lines", while als intensifying their sensitivity t situatins. Even Hall's claim that criminal activity is mre cmmn in the teenage years, reaching the tp arund 18, still (54) .
    Hwever, Hall was nt ttally negative abut adlescence. "Adlescence is a new (55)
    ," as he wrte in Yuth: Its Educatin, Regiment, and Hygiene, "fr the higher and mre cmpletely human qualities are hw brn."
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing tw passage. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    Fr 38-year-ld Justin Herald, the jurney t wealth began ne Sunday mrning at a church in Sydney's nrthwest, when he was invlved in a quarrel with a member f the church chir. "Yu have an attitude prblem," she tld him.
    The accusatin sparked smething in him, and he brrwed $50 frm his brther t have fur T-shirts printed with the slgan: "I dn't have an attitude prblem; yu have a perceptin prblem."
    "It was the best $50 I ever spent," laughs Herald. By the end f the mrning, he had sld three
    41. A. In thery
    B. In essence
    C. In cntrastD. In general
    42. A. exchanged
    B. recgnized
    C. impsedD. transfrmed
    43. A. difference
    B. wrld
    C. pssibilityD. subject
    44. A. evlutinary
    B. cnsequential
    C. minimalD. structural
    45. A. emplyed
    B. interpreted
    C. treatedD. classified
    46. A. decisin-making
    B. prblem-slving
    C. risk-takingD. example-fllwing
    47. A. inexhaustible
    B. intlerable
    C. inadequateD. instinctive
    48. A. keenly
    B. hesitantly
    C. slightlyD. ddly
    49. A. published
    B. revised
    C. summarizedD. eched
    50. A. bunces
    B. jumps
    C. swingsD. peaks
    51. A. prmted
    B. eliminated
    C. identifiedD. determined
    52. A. lack
    B. fancy
    C. claimD. pwer
    53. A. reasning
    B. cping
    C. scialD. verbal
    54. A. sunds ne-sided
    B. hlds true
    C. remains unknwnsD. stands ut
    55. A. trend
    B. utlet
    C. birthD. mdel
    f the fur T-shirts. With the mney he made, he had anther six printed, then 12, then 24. "That first year the earning were $98,000," he says.
    His business, Attitude Inc., is nw a multi-millin-dllar cmpany with a wide range f prducts selling in 3,500 stres acrss Australia. His business was due t nt just clever marketing
    - the public lved the slgan - but als he has t admit that in thse days there was very little cmpetitin in his sectr f the clthing industry, and he was in the right place at the right time.
    The media sptlight als helped, with peple paying attentin t Herald's likeable persnality and infectins passin fr his business: the night f ne TV appearance, 187 stres rang t get his prducts int their stres.
    Herald sld the business three years ag, by which time it was turning ver $30 millin a year, and nw spends his time as a mtivatinal speaker. His message: anyne can be financially successful if they set their mind t it. "Yu have t have a lt f stickability, because nt
    everything is ging t wrk the way yu plan it."
    Still living in Castle Hill with his wife and tw children, Herald believes t many successful peple becme caught up in the trappings f wealth. "I have lived here since I left schl at 16," he says. "In this area, yu dn't frget where yu came frm."
    Why des Herald think it was the best $50 he ever spent?
    Because that sum f mney cvered the cst f fur T-shirt
    Because that sum f mney shwed his accusatin was wrng.
    Because he received that sum f mney when he was in need.
    Because he gained mre than expected frm that sum f mney.
    Accrding t Herald, the success f his business resulted frm.
    A. gd timing and cperatinB. business sense and luck
    C. fierce cmpetitin and passinD. family backgrund and mtivatin
    The underlined wrd "stickability" (paragraph 6) is clsest in meaning t.
    A. cmpetenceB. cnscienceC. persistenceD. frtune
    The best title fr the passage might be
    A. Attitude Pays OffB. N Bravery, N Gains
    C. Start a BusinessD. Never T Old t Challenge Yurself
    The smell, the warmth, the distinct taste - a gd cup f cffee is what gets us thrugh the day
    Usually quite small-sized
    Cheap t buy - sme cst as little as £40.
    Gd fr ccasinal cffee drinkers, as the sealed pds keep cffee fresh.
    Mre expensive per think than Bean-t-cup cffee r beans.
    Cffee pds create waste, as many pds
    are plastic.
    and helps us t unwind at the end f it. And in walks the Pd Cffee Machine. This skillful kitchen device is here fr cnvenience.
    Hamiltn Beach (49976) Pd Cffee Machine
    Nespress Pixie Espress Pd Cffee
    T ensure that yu get the best fix f caffeine, we've runded up a list f what we cnsider the best pd cffee machines in mind.
    Accrding t the passage, pd cffee machines attract peple .
    wh want t bring cnvenience t their kitchen life
    wh are keen n the typical taste f Bean-t-cup cffee
    wh attach imprtance t the light weight f plastic machines
    wh pay attentin t their carbn ftprints n the envirnment
    If the custmers is exceptinally mindful f the price, which f the fllwing will be a gd deal?
    Hamiltn Beach (49976) Pd Cffee Machine
    Nespress Inissia Original Pd Cffee Machine
    Nespress Pixie Espress Pd Cffee Machine
    Keuring K55 / K-Classic Pd Cffee Machine
    is perfect fr an extended family wh prefer high-quality cffee.
    Hamiltn Beach (49976) Pd Cffee Machine
    Nespress Inissia Original Pd Cffee Machine
    Nespress Pixie Espress Pd Cffee Machine
    Keuring K55 / K-Classic Pd Cffee Machine
    Twice as nice! Whether it's fr a quick cup n the g r a cffee date with friends, this nt beverage maker gives yu the ptin t select a single serving r t brew up a whle pt.
    Humble in appearance, this multi-serve pd cffee maker cmes with anther added bnus; use the lse cffee grunds ptin if yu prefer a brand that des nt cme in a pd.
    ★★★★☆ 21,017 ratings
    Currently unavailable. We dn't knw when r if this item will be back in stck.
    Designed t please, nt nly is this machine small enugh t fit in the smallest f kitchens, but the 19-bar high-pressure pump als ensures that each pd is released t ensure master-style results. Heating up in nly 25 secnds, this single-serve kitchen buddy will have yur cup f cffee ready in less than 2 minutes.
    ★★★613 ratings
    Nespress Inissia Original Pd Cffee Machine
    This PREMIUM CHOICE mdel is ideal fr small husehlds wh enjy nvel cffees that are prepared in n time at all. Or yu can prepare the cffee fr the g. Buy Aldi cffee pds t cut the price f yur daily brew and
    save a dllar.And they're all cmpatible(兼容)
    with Nespress machines.
    ★★★★★3.676 ratings
    Only 10 left in stck. Order sn.
    $66.75 (6 Secnd -hand)
    Keuring K55 / K-Classic Pd Cffee Machine
    If the strength r weakness f yur cffee is ne f yur greatest cncern, then this machine might cme in quite handy. The smaller the pt, the strnger the cffee.
    ★★★☆2.665 ratings
    Deep belw the grund, radiactive elements break up water mlecules(分子), prducing
    ingredients that can fuel subsurface life. This prcess, knwn as radi-lysis(辐射分解), has sustained bacteria in islated, water-filled cracks n Earth fr millins t billins f years. Nw a study published in Astr-bilgy shws that radilysis may have supprted life in the Martian subsurface.
    Dust strms, rays in the universe and slar winds ruin the Red Planet's surface. But
    belw-grund, sme life might find refuge. "The envirnment with the best chance f habitability n Mars is the subsurface," says Jesse Tarnas, a planetary scientist at NASA. Examining the Martin undergrund culd help scientists learn whether life culd have survived there. And the best subsurface samples available tday are Martin meterites(陨石)that have crash-landed n Earth.
    Tarnas and his clleague evaluated the mineral makeup and radi-active element abundance in the Martin surface using satellite and rver data. They input these data int a cmputer mdel that simulated(模拟)radilysis t see hw efficiently the prcess wuld have generated hydrgen gas and ther chemical ingredients that can sustain the undergrund bacteria. The researchers reprt that if water was present, radilysis in the Martin subsurface culd have sustained life fr billins f years and perhaps still culd tday.
    Scientists previusly studied Mars radilysis, but this marks the first estimate using Martin rcks t quantify the planet's subsurface habitability. Tarnas and his clleagues als evaluated the ptential richness f life in the Martin undergrund and fund that as many as a millin bacteria culd exist in a kilgram f rck.
    The mst habitable meterite samples analysed appeared t be made f a rck type called reglith breccia. "These are thught t cme frm the suthern highlands f Mars, which is the mst ancient area n Mars," Tarnas says.
    Undergrund life, as described by this research, wuld require water and it remains unknwn if grundwater exists n the planet, says Lujendra Ojha, a planetary scientist at Rutgers University. Determining whether the Martin subsurface cntains water will be an imprtant next step, but this investigatin helps t mtivate that search. Ojha says, "Where there is grundwater, there culd be life."
    Scientists believe the Martian subsurface might be habitable prbably because .
    the Martin surface absrbs rays in the universe
    radi-lysis may exist in the Martian undergrund
    radiatin cmbines ingredients fr subsurface life t survive
    cracks in Martian meterites verflw with bacteria
    What's the purpse f using Martian meterites?
    T measure the Martian habitability belw-grund
    T simulate the prcess f prducing hydrgen.
    T help life find shelter frm slar winds
    T explre the surce f hydrgen gas.
    What can be inferred frm the last 3 paragraphs?
    Tarnas was the first t study Mars radilysis.
    The Martian undergrund prved t be rich in bacteria.
    The suthern highlands f Mars are the mst habitable.
    The existence f grundwater is key t the investigatin findings.
    The passage is mainly cncerned with .
    the reasn fr n life n the Martian surface
    the surce f data fr the study f Martian habitability
    the pssibility f Mars sustaining life thrugh radiatin
    the richness f radiactive elements belw the Martian surface
    Sectin C
    If yu are a gut sufferer, yu are nt alne.
    N ne knws what's behind the phenmenn.
    Nr is it any lnger exclusive t rich white men.
    The ft is red and swllen, punding like a heart.
    We might dismiss gut as a ghst frm a fable, which it was.
    The tubercular's hllw cheeks were cnsidered desirable lk fr wmen.
    Directins: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    Gut(痛风): The Disease f Kings
    Gut, nce the disease f geniuses, cnquerrs and kings, nw is affecting the masses. But cmes at night, first as a fevered dream, then pain in darkness, the bdy turned rude animals (67)
    S strng is the sensitivity f this swllen big tn that the faintest ftstep f a sympathetic visitr is a gunsht straight t the nerve. It will nt help, at such as mment, t recall that Alexander the Great, Lenard da Vinci, Isaac Newtn reprtedly suffered.
    (68) In the wrds f the 17th -century French pet, Gut falls nt a pr man and then, hrrified by her hst's ceaseless labr, did nthing in a building. Surely it's a time f a less enlightened, mre hierarchical(等级制的)age. We can laugh at frm the safe distance f the present day. But the American critic Susan Sntag warned us against illness as myth. Gut is nt a
    punishment, certainly nt an embarrassment and, it is highly curable, if gd treatment is fllwed. And the disease has nt been limited t the past. (69) Frm the 1960s t the 1990s, the number f sufferers dubled in the United States, and that's cntinued t rise.
    It is tempting t see gut as an annying angel and cme t punish greed. Mentining the rmantic aspect f tuberculsis(肺结核)in the 19th century, Sntag argued that gut was cntrary t tubercular. The gut-ridden were guilty f eating t much, while thse dying f tubercular were themselves cnsumed frm the inside. During that perid, turning thinner frm tubercular was taken as a sign f elegance, with pets cnsidered unreliable if they weighed mre than a hundred punds, and s "it became rude t eat heartily". Sntag als highlighted a strange scial phenmenn. (70) Great men "grew fat, wrte nvels and cnquered cntinents."
    Summary Writing
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Mindfulness typically refers t a state f in-the-mment awareness in which ne avids judging the thughts and emtins f himself and thers. It is ften practiced in meditatin(冥想) and sme frms f therapy.
    Numerus findings frm psychlgical research suggest practicing mindfulness can lead t many benefits, including stress reductin and increased psychlgical well-being. Fr example, in a study f cancer patients, cultivating mindfulness thrugh meditatin r ther mindfulness-based training enabled peple t be mre selective abut their emtinal experiences, enabling them t reduce their stress and anxiety while increasing psitive emtins. Similarly, studies shw that mindfulness can als enhance infrmatin prcessing speed while reducing effrt and negative thughts and the meditatrs significantly utperfrmed the nn-meditatrs n all measures f attentin, suggestin that mindfulness imprves ne's ability t fcus.
    It is apparent that mindfulness has many ntewrthy benefits, which include everything, frm psychlgical t physical imprvements. Hwever, research has als shwn that in sme cases mindfulness can als lead t negative utcmes. Fr example, ne study fund that fllwing mindfulness meditatin, participants were mre likely t frm take memries, demnstrating a ptential unintended dwnside t mindfulness. In additin, anther study suggested mindfulness researchers needed t be careful that they didn't learn participants by bringing abut unpleasant mental, physical, r spiritual reactins thrugh mindfulness. Fr example, mindfulness meditatin
    may result in severe anxiety fr thse diagnsed with Pst-traumatic Stress Disrder (PTSD() 创伤后应激障碍). Thse with PTSD tend t avid thughts and feelings related t their trauma.
    Hwever, mindfulness meditatin encurages emtinal penness, which culd lead individuals with PTSD t experience the stressrs that they previusly avided, ptentially leading t
    It can't be denied that mindfulness is an imprtant tl in the managerial tlbx, but it is nt a cure-all, and it must be applied thughtfully t be effective.
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    40 年前买一块普通手表要花一个人一整年的收入,这是真的吗?(it)
    Guided Writing
    Directins:Write an English cmpsitin in 120-150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    据报道,陪伴读者 23 年的上海书城福州路点计划重装。为了更好地在互联网时代服务
    读者,值此重装之际,上海书城向全社会征集建议。假如你是读者李明,你对此很感兴趣, 并决定给相关负责人写一封信,内容包括:
    Listening Cmprehensin(共 25 分。 1~10 每题 1 分; 11~20 每题 1.5 分。)
    1~5ACBAD 6~10DCDBC
    11~13 AAD
    Grammar and Vcabulary 201
    21. where22. that23. They24. Watching
    Accrding t
    As27. mre advanced28. imprved29. is delayed
    30. t cntrl
    31~35 IHDCB36~40 GFEJA
    Reading Cmprehensin(共 45 分。 41~55 每题 1 分; 56~70 每题 2 分。)
    56~59. DBCA 60~62. ABA. 63~66.BADC
    67-70 DECF
    Summary Writing (共 10 分)
    Mindfulness means being in the present mind state withut assessing neself r thers. Many findings suggest practicing mindfulness has many benefits, including stress reductin and increased attentin. Despite these benefits, mindfulness can cme at a cst because it may frm false memries and hurt participants by magnifying negative memries. Therefre it shuld be used carefully. (55 词 )
    Translatin(共 15 分)
    Drink (up) the milk in the fridge as sn as pssible, fr it ges bad easily.
    Is/Was it true that an rdinary watch cst a persn a whle year’s incme 40 years ag?
    I charged the newly bught trch yesterday, as (was) recmmended in the instructins, nly t find that it failed t wrk prperly.
    In the past/last mnth, seasnal vegetables have been available n the market in large quantities, and peple have mre chices because f the great varieties and cnsumer-friendly prices.
    Guided Writing (共 25 分)
    ,浦东新区 2021 学年度第一学期期末质量检
    测 高三英语
    Listening Cmprehensin Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read
    the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    M: Miss, can I have anther cup f cffee?
    W: Yes, but yu have t drink it fast, because we’ll be landing in 15 minutes. Q: Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    W:The view frm here is terrific. Lk! That’s where we had breakfast this mrning. M: Yu’re right. I can see acrss the valley.
    Q: What are the speakers talking abut?
    M: Can I pay fr this pair f glasses by credit card? W: N, it’s cash sale nly.
    Q: What’s the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?
    W: I felt s embarrassed tday. When the bss asked me a questin, I culdn’t think f a wrd t say.
    M: I knw the feeling. In situatins like that, I ften find myself at a lss fr wrds. Q: Hw will the man feel in the wman’s situatin?
    M:Ww! This buffet lks fantastic. I can’t wait t start eating.
    W: Be careful. Dn’t verstuff yurself. Remember what happened last time yu came here. Q: What is the wman wrried the man may d?
    W:I’m glad Tim’s gne. He was getting n my nerves. M: I knw he wuldn’t stp talking thrugh the mvie. Q: What was the wman’s cmplaint abut Tim?
    M: I want t start investing sme mney tward my retirement years, but I am nt sure what wuld be best.
    W: My brther is an investment manager. He helps peple make the right investment chices. Q: Hw will the wman help the man?
    W:Mary was frtunate her uncle’s lan paved the way fr her t study at university. M: Yes, she was. Nw lk at her. She has a great jb with gd prspects.
    Q: What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    M: I really enjyed reading the hardcver nvel. The unexpected ending tuches my heart. W: Really? Can yu lend it t me?
    Q: What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    W: When d yu think yu will be able t start yur new psitin? Is next Mnday kay? M: I’m srry, but I have nt had a chance t infrm my current bss abut my quitting, and I
    think I have t give him tw weeks’ ntice t find a replacement.
    Q: What des the man mean?
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw passages and ne lnger cnversatin, and yu will be asked several questins n each f the passages and the cnversatin. The passages and the cnversatin will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    There are few tpics as debatable as ur diet. N ne wants t be tld what t eat. Yet a fd switching seems t be gaining ppularity. Mre and mre f us are interested in reducing the impact f ur diet n the envirnment. Specifically, we want t eat less meat.
    While all-ut vegetarianism is becming mre ppular, it’s still a minrity psitin. A recent survey suggests that just five per cent f adults in the UK, and three per cent in the US are vegetarian. Mst dn’t want t eliminate animal prducts cmpletely, but d want t cut back.
    This raises the questin f nt just hw much meat we shuld eat, but what types. We ften talk abut steak, lamb chps, bacn and chicken as if they’re n a level playing field. Just ‘meat’. But their impacts are vastly different. Per gram f prtein, beef has almst ten times the carbn ftprint f chicken. It uses 23 times as much farmland. If we were t rank them in rder: beef and lamb have the highest cst; prk has significantly less; chicken is even lwer; and many types f fish are better still.
    This means that if yu want t reduce the envirnmental ftprint f yur diet, substituting beef and lamb with chicken and fish gets yu really far. In fact, this has a much larger impact than switching frm eating mderate amunts f chicken t a vegetarian r vegan diet. That’s the recmmendatin I give t mst peple. Eat less meat verall, but als replace the beef steak with chicken r fish.
    Why d peple want t eat less meat?
    Which f the fllwing fds prbably has the greatest impact n the envirnment?
    Accrding t the passage, what des the speaker suggest we d?
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing passage.
    Like s many nature films these days, the film Escape frm Extinctin begins with the bad news: a lt f glbal headlines highlighting the bad effect f il spills and extreme weather n life n Earth. This particular film, directed by Matthew R. Brady, then fcuses n species threatened by the sixth mass extinctin event.
    It sn becmes different frm ther envirnmental films, because f its unique pinin n the best way frward: zs. Actress Helen Mirren assures us that zs have changed. She says, “Once cnnected with exhibitin and entertainment, mdern zlgical facilities are leaders in the
    fight against mass extinctin.”
    Even if that cnnectin passes yu by, it is impssible t ignre the supprt fr zs thrughut the wrld. As American Humane president Rbin Ganzert says, “The nly reasn certain species are alive tday is that zs have saved them frm extinctin.” They are even supprted in ther areas such as marine life.
    Peple repeatedly refer t “zlgical facilities” in rder t make zs sund like the reasnable, scientific chice.
    The ne thing the film des d well is t make the prblem f extinctin feel urgent. It als calls fr actin ver sympathy. Mirren adds that repairing the damage we’ve dne t the envirnment requires mre than abstract inspiratin.
    Hwever, fr me, despite the film’s central message that the cming eclgical cllapse calls fr the need fr zs, what is in urgent demand is a restructuring f the ecnmy, envirnmental prtectin and restratin, and the will t act nw.
    Which f the fllwing is the mst imprtant t the fight against mass extinctin?
    Hw des the speaker like the film?
    What is the passage mainly abut?
    Questins 17 thrugh 20 are based n the fllwing cnversatin.
    M:Linda,yu are what’s called a vlgger—yu put nline vides that yu have made fr peple t watch, in yur case abut envirnmental issues. Hw did yu learn t d that?
    W: At university, my department was running these curses fr helping peple becme vlggers, s I went alng t thse. There is s much stuff abut it nline, but I just fund it cnfusing.
    M: Why did yu chse t fcus n envirnmental issues?
    W: It’s just smething that I have believed is vital fr ages and I think t little is being dne, s I wanted t help.
    M: What’s yur majr? Is it related t yur majr?
    W: It’s nt cnnected t what I am studying at university, s it wasn’t like I gt advice frm any f my classmates.
    M: Hw did yu feel when yur vides first became a hit?
    W: I was expecting t nly have a few peple watching regularly fr years. I culdn’t believe hw wrng I was abut this.
    M: D yu have any tips fr thse wh are interested in vlgging? Fr example, hw ften shuld peple uplad vides if they want t becme successful?
    W: Well, it’s nt abut the mre the better, because peple will sn get bred and it will als be hard fr yu t cme up with new ideas.
    M: Say nce a mnth?
    W: That’s nt ging t wrk, either. In my pinin, aiming fr weekly is prbably frequent enugh.
    M: I see. By the way what’s yur latest vide abut?
    W: I’ve just finished a series encuraging mre peple t use buses and trains rather than their cars, but I’ll be mving n hw t reuse things we usually thrw away like glass and plastic.
    M: That is amazing! Gd luck!Thanks, Linda!
    Hw did the wman learn t make vlgs?
    Accrding t the wman, why des she fcus n envirnmental issues?
    Hw did the wman feel when her vlgs first became a hit?
    What can be inferred frm the cnversatin?

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