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    2021届广东省珠海市高三下学期第一次学业质量检测(一模)英语试题 Word版含答案
    2021届广东省珠海市高三下学期第一次学业质量检测(一模)英语试题 Word版含答案01
    2021届广东省珠海市高三下学期第一次学业质量检测(一模)英语试题 Word版含答案02
    2021届广东省珠海市高三下学期第一次学业质量检测(一模)英语试题 Word版含答案03
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    2021届广东省珠海市高三下学期第一次学业质量检测(一模)英语试题 Word版含答案

    这是一份2021届广东省珠海市高三下学期第一次学业质量检测(一模)英语试题 Word版含答案,共1页。

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    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Sme Must-see Travel Destinatins fr 2020
    Natinal Gegraphic has issued its 2020 list f best travel destinatins acrss the wrld and it’s sure t inspire wuld-be vacatiners.
    Guizhu Prvince, China
    Histrically ne f China's mst undiscvered prvinces, suthwestern Guizhu is gaining glbal ntice as a big data center. The muntainus regin's plentiful water and cl climate are attractive t Huawei, Apple and dzens f ther tech pwerhuses that have been established there. This has imprved access t the entire prvince, including the traditinal villages f ethnic minrity grups, such as Dng and Mia.
    Zakuma Natinal Park, Chad
    Hme t a rapidly grwing African elephant ppulatin—sme 559 in 2019 and a thusand expected by 2024-Zakuma Natinal Park is an ff-the-map African destinatin. The park's lcatin, in sutheastern Chad, ne f the wrld's least-visited cuntries, makes Zakuma a best-kept secret. Illegal hunting previusly had made the park nearly a war zne, with 90 percent f the wild elephants killed. Funding frm the Eurpean Unin has brught back life t the regin.
    Cair, Egypt
    The Great Pyramid, ne f the ancient Seven Wnders f the Wrld, can be fund just utside Cair.
    This triangular structure has been f interest t travelers far and wide fr mre than 4.000 yean Yet splendid as it is, it als huses sme f the mst interesting mysteries. It makes visitrs wnder what's inside the pyramid.
    Natinal Blue Trail, Hungary
    Hungary is a dream hiking destinatin thanks t the cuntry's Natinal Blue Trail. Winding its way frm Irttk Muntain t the nrtheastern village f Hll6hdza, the Blue Trail is a wnderfully diverse web f paths labeled with white — and — blue way markers. As Eurpe's first lng-distance trail, it's part f the nearly 6,500-miIe Eurpean lng-distance walking rute E4.
    1. What can we knw abut Guizhu Prvince?
    A. It remains a remte and little-knwn place.
    B. It is gaining glbal attentin fr its histry.
    C. Its ethnic regins are mre accessible nw.
    D. Few tech cmpanies have been set up there.
    2. Jack wants t g hiking. Which destinatin is recmmended?
    A. Cair, Egypt.
    B. Guizhu Prvince, China.
    C. Zakuma Natinal Park, Chad.
    D. Natinal Blue Trail, Hungary.
    3. Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A. The number f elephants in Zakuma is increasing.
    B. The Great Pyramid lies in the inner city f Cair.
    C. Natinal Blue Trail is the lngest path in Eurpe.
    D. All fur destinatins are ideal fr animal lvers.
    Gracefully spinning amng a grup f dancers in pink, Anthny Madu std ut in black leggings. The 11-year-ld by's dance in the rain in Lags, Nigeria, nt nly tuched the hearts f millins wh saw his passin but it is helping make his dream cme true.
    A vide f him dancing bareft in the rain n cncrete utside the studi where he trains, the Leap f Dance Academy, became a hit last mnth-mre than 15 millin peple have watched his jyful leaps and piruettes (单脚尖旋转),nt discuraged by the rain and rugh surface.
    Accmpanying Anthny's vide, the Academy wrte sme wrds, "Behind thse fanciful beauty and cstumes are lts and lts f backstage hard wrk. With very little r n resurces ur kids are training t be the best they can."
    The vide caught the eye f the American Ballet Theatre, which gave Anthny a schlarship and arranged Internet access fr virtual training this summer. Anthny will nw have the chance t train with sme f the best ballet dancers in the wrld. When asked hw ballet makes him feel, the by said, "It makes me feel strng and happy. When I am dancing, I feel as if I am n tp f the wrld. I see my future like that I'm ging t be a prfessinal dancer when I grw up,“ Anthny said.
    Cynthia Eriv, an actress f the Theatre, was greatly mved by the yung dancer's perfrmance. "I think it's extremely imprtant because I think bys are nt encuraged t d this incredibly hard craft that actually encurages strength and stamina (耐力)and beauty," she said. In additin, the Theatre's famus perfrmer Calvin Ryal III ffered encuragement frm half a wrld away. "Yu are nt nly changing yur wrld there in Africa but yu're changing the hearts and minds f s many peple," Ryal said.
    4. Why did Anthny's vide becme s ppular?
    A. Because he danced bareft.
    B. Because he danced in the rain.
    C. Because he mved the audience.
    D. Because he was in black leggings.
    5. What can be inferred frm Paragraph 3?
    A. One can succeed, despite little resurces.
    B. The Academy ffers fanciful cstumes.
    C. Kids are trained t wrk backstage.
    D. The training in the Academy is the best.
    6. Which f the fllwing can best describe Anthny?
    A. Gifted and creative.
    B. Passinate and determined.
    C. Diligent and intelligent.
    D. Influential and prfessinal.
    7. The last paragraph is intended t shw that.
    A. Eriv and Ryal are famus perfrmers
    B. ballet is an incredibly hard craft
    C. bys are nt encuraged t dance
    D. Anthny is thught highly f
    As France enters a strict fur-week lckdwn in rder t prevent a dangerus secnd wave f crnavirus, its independent bksellers have requested the status f an essential service.
    A statement annunced by bksellers' assciatin wants bkshps t be listed alngside supermarkets and drugstres as necessary t human well-being. Bkstres might nt be the first thing that cmes t mind when we think abut what's needed in a dangerus situatin, but they ffer mental cmfrt that few ther businesses can match. "Bks satisfy ur needs fr understanding, reflectin, sharing and cmmunicatin, even in separatin," says the statement. They appeal t the French gvernment t “leave ur bkstres pen, s that scial separatin is nt als cultural islatin."
    Bkstres have already established rules f cnduct that allw shpping t ccur in a safe, germ-free manner. They want curbside (路边)pickup t be allwed t cntinue, which means placing a custmer's rder t his car trunk withut the buyer leaving his vehicle. The staff shuld wear a mask and maintain at least six feet f distance while delivering gds.
    We als reached ut t the American Bksellers Assciatin (ABA) t learn whether American bksellers als view themselves as a much-needed service. CEO Allisn Hill admits that bksellers “in n way utweigh healthcare wrkers during the stay-at-hme perid," but the rle f bkstres and bks shuld nt be underestimated. Bks arc imprtant t many peple this year fr varius reasns, including hmeschling, educatin, emtinal supprt, cnnectin, and humanity. That is why "bkstres in the U.S. are given essential status during shutdwns s that they can cntinue ffering curbside service," Despite this, independent bksellers are struggling acrss the US, as they are in France. Hill said in a press release that ne bkshp has clsed per week since COVID-19 started and that 25% are in danger f clsing by January.
    8. Why did the assciatin annunce the statement?
    A. T keep bkstres running.
    B. T run bkshps near markets.
    C. T cmpete with US bksellers.
    D. T stress the benefits f bks.
    9. Accrding t Paragraph 3, hw will bkstres perate safely?
    A. By prviding hme delivery.
    B. By giving away free masks.
    C. By ffering less cntact pickup.
    D. By frcing buyers t leave the cars.
    10. What can we infer frm Allisn Hill's wrds?
    A. American bkstres are cnsidered necessary.
    B. The great imprtance f bks is verlked.
    C. Bksellers are mre imprtant than dctrs.
    D. A quarter f bkstres have clsed by January.
    11. What’s the main idea f the passage?
    A. Bks ffer mental supprt in tugh times.
    B. Bkstres shuld be an essential service.
    C. Bkstres are at the risk f clsing dwn.
    D. Bksellers cntribute a lt during the pandemic.
    As peple get lder, the types f friends they have tend t change. As yung adults, humans have a lt f friends. With age, they ften prefer t spend their time with just a few clse, psitive individuals. Researchers lng believed that this change was unique t humans, but a new study finds that chimps als have similar tendencies.
    One explanatin fr the humans t get picky abut scial cnnectins has t d with awareness f ur limited life span. "Peple mnitr hw much time we have left in ur life and chse emtinally-fulfilling relatinships in ld age J says ne f the study's lead authrs Alexandra G. Rsati, a psychlgist at the University f Michigan. As peple age, they dn't want t be surrunded by a large grup f negative friends, but wuld prefer t be near a handful f ptimistic individuals.
    Rsati and her clleagues were curius whether chimps wuld shw similar features even thugh they dn’t seem t be aware f their upcming death. Researchers used 78,000 hurs f bservatins made ver 20 years frm the Kibale Chimpanzee Prject in Uganda. The data lked at the scial interactins f 21 male chimps between 15 and 58 years ld. The researchers nly studied male chimps because they shw strnger scial bnds and have mre scial interactins than female chimps.
    Researchers fund that wild chimpanzees share a similar pattern. "They interact with thers in mre psitive ways as they get lder. Yunger adults, in cntrast, shw mre aggressin and were mre likely t frm ne-sided relatinships where their partner did nt reciprcate." says Rsati. Fr example, the lder chimpanzees wuld sit clse t their lng-time cmpanins and grm (给...梳毛)each ther, while yunger chimps had mre ne-sided relatinships where they wuld grm a friend, but the actin wasn't returned. The study was published in the jurnal Science.
    “This aging pattern may be the result f shared changes in ur abilities t manage ur emtins with age,“ Rsati says. "This shared pattern between chimpanzees and humans culd represent an adaptive respnse where lder adults fcus n imprtant scial relatinships that prvide benefits and avid interactins that have negative cnsequences as they lse cmpetitive fighting ability."
    12. Why d humans change their preference fr friends in ld age?
    A. They dn't like making new friends.
    B. Their friends pass away ne by ne.
    C. They adapt t the changes in nature.
    D. They knw their life is running ut.
    13. What is the purpse f Paragraph 3?
    A. T shw the study was dne scientifically.
    B. T shw hw scientists tried t prve their assumptin.
    C. T shw hw hard it was t bserve the chimps.
    D. T shw male chimps are unaware f upcming death.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “reciprcate" in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Repay their kindness.
    B. Take care f them.
    C. Get alng well with them.
    D. Sit clse t them.
    15. Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Peple Prefer Psitive Partners in Old Age.
    B. Psitive Bnds Benefit Chimps in Many Ways.
    C. Aging Chimps like Us Get Picky Abut Friends.
    D. Chimps Share Similar Tendencies with Humans.
    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。
    The idea that yu either read fr pleasure r fr learning is misleading. 16 Still, yu shuldn't necessarily apprach academic reading the same way yu apprach a beach read. In rder t read and cmprehend a bk r article fr schl, yu need t be much mre intentinal and strategic.
    17 It is imprtant t knw smething abut the type f text yu're reading, whether it is a nnfictin r a wrk f fictin. Understanding the style f a bk helps yu make predictins abut the actin and thus helps yu cmprehend it.
    Read with tls. Any time yu read fr learning; yu shuld be reading actively. T d this, yu'll need sme extra tls. Fr example, yu can use a pencil t make cmments in the blank space f yur text withut ding any permanent damage t the bk. 18 Use yur ntes t take dwn thughts, impressins, predictins, and questins as yu read.
    Develp new vcabulary. 19 But it's imprtant t make a lg bk f thse new wrds, and revisit them lng after yu've finished reading that bk. The mre yu study a subject, the mre it sinks in.
    Analyze the title. Once a text is cmpleted, the writer may reflect n the true message r purpse as a final step and cme up with a new title. It means yu can use the title as a clue t understand the message r purpse f yur text. 20 .
    A. Make predictins.
    B. Understand text types.
    C. Take ntes while listening.
    D. It is, f curse, pssible t d bth.
    E. Therefre, cnsider the title as a final step after reading.
    F. Anther gd tl fr active reading is a pack f sticky ntes.
    G. It's a n-brainer that yu shuld lk up new and unfamiliar wrds as yu read.
    第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    This first day f schl can be stressful fr bth parents and children. But fr Cnnr Crites, an 8-year-ld Kansas by living with autism (自闭症),it was 21 terrible, until anther child 22 in. Cnnr Crites was beginning his secnd grade at Minneha Elementary Schl in Wichita, Kansas. But instead f mixing with ther children and explring the playgrund, Cnnr 23 himself frm thers and std in a cmer 24 .
    Nw, unfamiliar scial 25 can be challenging fr autistic children t 26 . But luckily fr Cnnr, the 8-year-ld Bb, wh was als starting secnd grade, nticed him 27 and weeping by himself. Withut 28 . Bb walked ver t Cnnr and tk his hand. Still 29 upset, Cnnr held n t Bb's hand as they walked tgether int schl.
    Bb's mther, Curtney Mre, witnessed the 30 and tk a quick pht f the bys. She said, “He grabs his hand and walks him t the frnt dr. We waited until the bell rang and he walked him inside f the schl. The past is histry. They have a firm bnd." Mre 31 the pht n Facebk and wrte: This lessn is a beautiful example f hw friendship can cme at the mst 32 mments. When Cnnr's mther, Crites, saw the pht, she was 33 t tears.
    “34 saved my sn. It desn't matter the disability, and it desn't matter anything, just be kind, and pen yur heart. It's what we need in this cld wrld, which 35 us," Crites said.
    Sugar painting, as 36 (it) name suggests, is made f sugar. The histry f it can be traced back t Ming Dynasty, 37 sugar tigers, sugar lins r figures f ministers were sacrificed t gds and ancestrs in ryal curt. Then the handicraft spread in the flk and evlved int sugar painting. Nw it can be fund in varius 38 (area) f China alng the streets r in the parks. There, yu may find 39 artist at a wden stand with a large marble, a wheel with animal patterns and a pt f melted sugar. Mst artists have a wheel fr peple t spin, which 40 (determine) which animal he r she will draw based 41 where the arrw lands.
    This is hw sugar paintings are made. Bil sugar in fire until it can draw wire. Then scp up (舀) a spn f melted sugar juice, cast quickly n a marble back and frth t create a shape. After the accmplishment, scp up the sugar painting with a shvel. Then use a wden stick 42 (hld) the figure.
    As a symbl f Chinese 43 (cultural), nwadays, the charm f sugar painting has been _44 (gradual) getting mre and mre attentin and recgnitin. S far, Chengdu Sugar Painting 45 (list) int "Natinal Intangible (非物质)Cultural Heritage''.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(满分15分)
    假定你是李华,听说你们班曾经任教的外教Sara准备在中国举办婚礼。现在你代表全班同学 给Sara发一封邮件。邮件包括以下内容:
    Dear Sara,
    I am Li Hua, ne f yur frmer students. .
    Li Hua
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段.使之构成一篇完整的短文.
    During my first seven semesters as a medical student at Cadjah Mada University in Ygyakarta, Indnesia. I spent mst f my time studying in classrms and I rarely spke with real patients in a hspital setting.
    Then I started visiting the neurlgy ward (神经内科病房)at Dr. Sardjit Hspital, where I was gathering data fr my paper. At the hspital I wuld review the medical recrds f newly admitted strke patients, and interview them t find ut if they tk the pills.
    One cld, rainy evening last Octber, I was in the hspital desperately “hunting” fr the final three patients I needed t cmplete my study. The recrds shwed that there was a 43-ycar-ld strke patient, whm I will call Ms A. Hlding a patient questinnaire, I walked twards her rm. Ms A was lying n bed 4B, clearly still weak. There were n nurses, relatives r friends with her. I sat dwn n a chair next t her, and asked hw she was ding. She sftly replied that she was getting better. When I tld her that I wanted t gather sme infrmatin frm her, she agreed.
    After I finished, I prepared t leave s that I culd g thrugh mre medical recrds. Befre I culd stand up, Ms A spke up in her weak vice, haven't seen yu here befre, dc. Are yu new?” “Nt really. I dn't cme here every day," I replied. She started making cnversatin, asking why 1 was wrking s late in the evening. I was surprised smene in her cnditin wuld want t talk.
    Sn Ms A started talking abut herself. She tld me that she had three children in primary schl, wh were staying with a neighbur. "My husband died a year ag and I'm the sle breadwinner f my family," said she.
    I didn't knw what t say. .
    A single tear suddenly fell frm the crner f her eve. .
    珠海市 2020-2021 学年度第二学期高三第一次学业质量监测英语 参考答案
    第一部分 阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分)
    1-3 CDA4-7 CABD8-11 ACAB12-15 DBAC16-20 DBFGE
    第二部分 第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    21-25 BACCD26-30 BDCAB31-35 DABCD
    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) (注:大小写错误不给分。)
    第三部分 第一节(满分 15 分) 参考例文
    Dear Sara,
    I am Li Hua, ne f yur frmer students. We’re mre than delighted t hear that yu are ging t tie the knt, in China! On behalf f my classmates, I am writing t cngratulate yu n yur happy marriage.
    We want t cnvey ur sincere gratitude t yu fr yur help. Yur whle-hearted devtin and enthusiastic teaching kindle ur passin fr English learning. Besides, yur English class is s fascinating, indeed, that we all fall in lve with the language. Mre imprtantly, yu get us t knw a ttally different wrld f culture by intrducing yur cuntry t us.
    We’ve prepared a hand-made Chinese knt fr yu, as a tken f ur gratitude. We hpe the gift, which is n its way t reach yu, can bring happiness and gd luck. Wish yu a happy wedding!
    21. A. als
    B. even
    C. hardly
    D. yet
    22. A. stepped
    B. called
    C. cut
    D. gave
    23. A. divided
    B. prevented
    C. separated
    D. learned
    24. A. hwling
    B. sighing
    C. sbbing
    D. cnsidering
    25. A. chances
    B. adventures
    C. prejudices
    D. situatins
    26. A. btain
    B. handle
    C. adpt
    D. cnfirm
    27. A. wandering
    B. cmplaining
    C. reflecting
    D. struggling
    28. A. principle
    B. guidance
    C. hesitatin
    D. methd
    29. A. visibly
    B. surprisingly
    C. regularly
    D. deliberately
    30. A. emtin
    B. scene
    C. aspect
    D. atmsphere
    31. A. wned
    B. checked
    C. tk
    D. psted
    32. A. unexpected
    B. unfrgettable
    C. unnecessary
    D. unacceptable
    33. A. terrified
    B. mved
    C. frustrated
    D. embarrassed
    34. A. Luck
    B. Faith
    C. Cmpaninship
    D. Curage
    35. A. inspires
    B. challenges
    C. enhances
    D. warms
    36. its37. when38. areas
    39. an
    40. determines
    41. n42. t hld43.culture
    44. gradually
    45. has been listed
    第二节(满分 25 分)参考例文
    Yurs, Li Hua
    I didn’t knw what t say. Lking int her eyes, I cursed myself fr nt remembering the lessns frm my previus curses n cmmunicatin skills. Since I didn’t have anything t say, I just listen attentively while she talked. The cnversatin went n like this fr abut 20 minutes. She shared her difficulties and sufferings. Meanwhile, all I did was nd my head as a way f shwing my sympathy.
    A single tear suddenly fell frm the crner f her eye. “Thank yu, dc, thank yu s much. I’m srry fr keeping yu here t listen t my prblems, but I feel relieved nw.” I smiled and cntinued t listen. Just at this very mment, it suddenly dawned n me that Ms A had taught me ne f the mst imprtant lessns a dctr can learn. Smetimes what patients need might nt be expensive medicine r state-f-the-art technlgy. Instead, patients may simply need a patient heart, willing ears and a little time. Fr me, that is ne f the best things a dctr can d fr a patient.
    第 1 页 共 3 页
    第一节 应用文写作一、评分原则
    本题总分为 15 分,按 5 个档次给分。
    第 2 页 共 3 页
    主要表达对外教结婚的祝福、对她在执教期间对自己和班级同学的帮助与启发的感谢, 并简单说明给外教邮寄的具有中国特色的礼物。
    第二节 读后续写一、评分原则
    本题总分为 25 分,按 5 个档次给分。
    词数少于 150 的,从总分中减去 2 分。
    如书写较差以致影响交际,可将分数降低一个档次。 二、各档次的给分范围和要求
    第 3 页 共 3 页
    21-25 分
    16-20 分
    11-15 分
    -应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求,虽有一些错误,但不影响意义的表 达;
    5-10 分
    -语法结构单调、词汇项目有限,有些语法结构和词汇方面的错误,影响了意义 的表达;
    1-5 分
    -语法结构单调、词汇项目很有限,有较多语法结构和词汇方面的错误,严重影 响了意义的表达;
    0 分

    2023合肥高三下学期第一次教学质量检测(一模)英语试题含解析: 这是一份2023合肥高三下学期第一次教学质量检测(一模)英语试题含解析,文件包含2023届安徽省合肥市高三第一次教学质量检测英语试题含解析docx、2023届安徽省合肥市高三第一次教学质量检测英语试题无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023渭南高三第一次教学质量检测(一模)英语试题PDF版含答案: 这是一份2023渭南高三第一次教学质量检测(一模)英语试题PDF版含答案

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