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    这是一份湖北省黄冈市2022届高三上学期11月联考英语试卷(PDF版)(含听力),文件包含湖北省黄冈市2022届高三上学期11月联考英语答案doc、湖北省黄冈市2022届高三上学期11月联考英语试卷PDF版pdf、湖北省黄冈市2022届高三上学期11月联考英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    应用文写作【答案】One pssible versin:
    Last Sunday, ur schl held a charity sale n the playgrund t raise mney fr the fld-stricken areas. All the students tk part in it.
    At 8 a.m. ur headmaster made a statement annuncing the pening f the charity sale. And then a variety f things made by urselves were sld. Eventually, we earned 5000 yuan and dnated the mney t the charity.
    Thanks t the enthusiasm and selflessness displayed by ur classmates, this event turned ut t be a great success. We went back hme realizing that all f us can make a cntributin t ur sciety.
    Para 1: I heard the TV ging inside s I knew she was hme. I kncked at the dr, but n ne answered. A little wrried, I pushed it pen, stepped int the huse and fund Mrs. Drman lying face dwn in the hallway. Her arm was caught in an armchair which fell n tp f her. She seemed t be having truble breathing — prbably frm the heavy chair. I called 91l immediately. Arriving fast, they lifted Mrs. Drman nt a stretcher and carried her t the ambulance.
    Para 2: Mrs. Drman was back hme within a few days, her brken shulder in a sling. I was sure happy the day she greeted me at the dr herself again. We greeted each ther as usual. “I was watching TV n Thursday mrning and lst my balance getting up,” she explained. “All that time I was praying. Praying fr yu. I knew yu'd cme just as yu d every day. That's what gave me cmfrt.” I realized I culd make sme difference t their life. It was just an rdinary Thursday. And that was extrardinary.
    【21题详解】细节理解题。根据The Principal Hstel部分的“If yu're pressed fr time, there's an exit straight n t Platfrm 1 f Yrk statin at the back f the htel”(如果您赶时间的话,在酒店后面有一个直接通往约克站1号站台的出口)可知,The Principal Hstel是最容易进去的,故选B。
    【22题详解】细节理解题。根据The Burgyne Hstel部分的“There are 11 bedrms with views f mighty muntains, plus sitting rms with fires”(这里有11间卧室,可以看到雄伟的山脉,还有几间起居室,可以生火)及The Wensleydale Hstel部分的“Opened in 2019, this 17th-century inn is in a picturesque spt in Yrkshire”(这家17世纪的旅馆于2019年开业,位于约克郡一个风景如画的地方)可知,游客可以在伯格恩旅舍和文斯利代尔旅舍欣赏风景,故选C。
    【23题详解】细节理解题。根据The Black Swan Hstel部分的“It serves exceptinally gd, hearty fd made frm prduce grwn in the pub's wn garden”(它提供特别美味、丰盛的食物,这些食物都是由酒馆自家花园里种植的农产品制成的)可知,黑天鹅旅舍的特色是自种食物,故选A。
    B篇【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,加州的一个叫艾哈迈德穆罕默德的高中生受到他做保姆的经历启发成立了一个组织,为小学生设计科学包。他推出了Kits Cubed,通过有趣、实惠、方便的方式向孩子们介绍科学的奇迹。
    【24题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段“That was hw Muhammad successfully cnvinced his nephew that he was nt bad at science. “He actually likes science nw,” he said.”(穆罕默德就是这样成功地让他的侄子相信他在科学方面并不差。“他现在真的很喜欢科学,”他说。)可知Muhammad改变了侄子对于科学的态度,由讨厌到喜欢。故选择C。
    【25题详解】细节理解题。根据第四段“With the help f his teachers, he started designing science kits that explred real science cncepts with simple everyday materials.”(在老师的帮助下,他开始设计科学工具包,用简单的日常材料探索真正的科学概念。)可知科学工具包用的是简单的日常材料,故选择B。
    【26题详解】推理判断题。根据首段“A high schl senir in Califrnia called Ahmed Muhammad has started an rganizatin that designs science kits(配套工具) fr primary schl students. He launched Kits Cubed t intrduce kids t the wnders f science thrugh fun, affrdable, and accessible means, which wed t a babysitting experience.),可知Ahmed Muhammad自己设计工具包,非常有创意,并且可以将创意变成现实,有一定的能力,故选择D。
    【27题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一句“I want t remve that thught, and replace it with ‘I'm gd at science and I can be a scientist if I want t’. That's what I really want them t get ut f the kits,” said Muhammad.”( 我想消除这种想法,代之以“我擅长科学,如果我想的话,我可以成为一名科学家”。这是我真正希望他们从球衣中得到的。”穆罕默德说道。)可知他想孩子们得到学习科学的自信,故选D。
    【28题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“The cnclusin, which appears in a paper published n Tuesday, was drawn based n the large number f fssils fund in the Baingin Basin at an altitude f nearly 5,000 meters during the secnd cmprehensive scientific expeditin t the plateau.”(这一结论出现在周二发表的一篇论文中,是根据第二次对该高原的全面科学考察期间在海拔近5000米的班戈因盆地发现的大量化石得出的。)可知,得出这个结论是基于第二次全面科考中在班戈盆地里所发现的大量化石。故选C。
    【29题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段“‘It was cvered by thick frest and was rich in water and grass. It is fair t call it the ‘ShangriLa’ f ancient times,’ Su adds.”(Su Ta的补充说,“这里曾经水草丰茂,被茂密的森林覆盖。因此在古时候这里被称为香格里拉。”)可以推断出,香格里拉是指一个有着丰茂水草的美丽之地。故选B。
    【30题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段“Chinese palentlgists (古生物学家) have determined that, abut 47 millin years ag, subtrpical frests nce existed n the high-altitude Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.”(中国古生物学家已经确定,大约4700万年前,亚热带森林曾经存在于高海拔的青藏高原上。)和文章内容可以推断出这篇文章可能出自于《中国国家地理》,而不可能出自于《泰晤士报》、《经济学人》和《华尔街日报》。故选C。
    【32题详解】推理判断题。根据第二段“Knwn as humblebragging, it is a bast disguised as a cmplaint. “I have t many huses. Hw can I decide which ne t decrate?” and “I thught I lst weight this mrning. S disappinted when I realized it was because I tk ff the huge diamnd ring my byfriend gave me last night” are sme examples f Versailles literature. The intentin is t shw ff—usually things f materialistic values, yet ne ught t pretend that’s nt the pint.(这被称为谦虚自夸,是一种伪装成抱怨的自夸。“我的房子太多了。我怎么决定要装饰哪一个呢?”和“我想今天早上我瘦了。当我意识到是因为我把昨晚男朋友送给我的巨大钻石戒指摘下来的时候,我非常失望。”其目的是炫耀——通常是一些物质价值的东西,但人们应该假装这不是重点)”可知,“凡尔赛文学”是指谦虚自夸,是一种伪装成抱怨的自夸,其目的是炫耀——通常是一些物质价值的东西。A项“有五个人排着队想和我约会,我都不知道约哪个好”是典型的“凡尔赛文学”。故选A。
    【33题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段中“The psychlgy behind humblebragging is t be recgnized fr ne’s successes and be liked by thers at the same time, accrding t schlars.(根据学者们的研究,谦虚自夸背后的心理是为了在获得成功的同时得到别人的认可和喜欢)”可知,谦虚自夸背后的心理是为了赢得别人的钦佩。故选C。
    【34题详解】词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“humblebragging is a “strategy in pursuit f respect” because it draws attentin t ne’s accmplishments in a”可知,谦虚自夸是用自谦的方式来吹牛,是一种间接地表达优越感的方式。划线词circuitus的意思是“间接、迂回”。A. Ambiguus模棱两可的;B. Rundabut迂回的;C.Duble-edged双刃剑,有利有弊 ;D.Straightfrward直接的 。故选B。
    【35题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段中“Peple dn’t like braggers, but they at least see them as mre sincere than humblebraggers(人们不喜欢吹牛的人,但至少他们觉得这些人比谦虚自夸者更真诚)”可知,A项“吹牛的人要比谦虚自夸者更真诚”可推出;第三段中“Nthing is mre deceitful than the appearance f humility. (没有什么比谦虚的外表更容易骗人的了)”可知B选项“谦虚自夸是一种假装谦虚的表现”可推出;以及最后一段“S, hw can we anny humblebraggers back? “Just pretend yu dn’t get whatever it is they try t shw ff,” a netizen advised. “And respnd with genuine sympathy fr their cmplaints.”(那么,我们该如何回应这些谦虚的吹牛者呢?一位网友建议道:“他们想炫耀的是什么,你就假装什么都不懂吧。并对他们的抱怨报以真诚的同情。”)”可知C项“用真正的同情来回应会让谦虚的吹牛者泄气”可推出;D项“如果你想被正面地看待,试着使用凡尔赛文学”从文中无法推出。故选D。
    【36题详解】根据下文“And rughly 67% f adults talk in their sleep at least nce every three mnths. ”可知,大约67% 的成年人每三个月至少说一次梦话。所以选项与下文为并列关系,说明哪些人群说梦话。故C选项“大约一半的孩子每年至少说一次梦话”切题。故选C项。
    【37题详解】根据下文“ ranging frm mumbling(咕噜)t cmplete sentences”可知,从咕噜到完整的句子。所以选项在说说梦话的内容可以有相当大的不同。故B选项“梦话的内容可以有相当大的不同。”切题。故选B项。
    【38题详解】根据上文“yur first cncern might be whether yu said smething ffensive r let ut a lng-held secret.”可知,你的第一个顾虑可能是你是否说了冒犯性的话或者泄露了一个长期的秘密。选项与上文为并列关系,说明第二个顾虑的内容。故F选项“你的第二个想法可能是,睡觉时说话是不是需要担心的事情”切题。故选F项。
    【39题详解】根据下文“In rare situatins, sleep talking is assciated with a psychiatric disrder(精神障碍).”可知,在极少数情况下,梦话与精神障碍有关。选项承接下文,在说明说梦话会带来其它的症状。故G选项“有时这种夜间喋喋不休伴随着其他睡眠障碍,例如梦游”。故选G项。
    【40题详解】根据上文“If yu’re frequently waking up tired, r yu feel verwhelmed r sad mst f the time, it's wrth talking t yur dctr abut sleep talking.”可知,如果你经常醒来且很累,或者你大部分时间都感到不知所措或悲伤,那么就得去看看医生。选项承接上文说明看医生的目的。故E选项“只要确保这不是一个危险信号或其它健康问题”切题。故选E项。
    【41题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:38岁的安磊是中国东北辽宁省大连市交通运输厅执法小组的成员。A. member成员;B. victim受害者;C. directr导演;D. winner胜利者。由下文的“f the Law Enfrcement Team frm the Department f Traffic and Transprtatin in Dalian”可知,此处指安磊是大连市交通运输部执法小组的一名成员。故选A项。
    【42题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:左边这张照片拍摄于2008年,当时安磊穿着印有“抗震救灾”口号的夹克衫,在中国西南部四川省汶川协助救灾工作,与2021年的一张照片形成对比,当时他穿着印有“去吧,金普!”口号的防护服,在新冠疫情出现在大连金浦新区后自愿参加。A. vide视频;B. pht照片;C. painting绘画;D. prtrait肖像。由上文的“A side by side pht f a man's back with a 13-year perid f time apart tk ver Chinese Internet recently.”和下文的“When An ___10___ a thrwback pht f himself frm 2008 next t a snap frm 2021”可知,安磊上传的照片,此处应该指左边那部分照片。故选B项。
    【43题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:左边这张照片拍摄于2008年,当时安磊穿着印有“抗震救灾”口号的夹克衫,在中国西南部四川省汶川协助救灾工作,与2021年的一张照片形成对比,当时他穿着印有“去吧,金普!”口号的防护服,在新冠疫情出现在大连金浦新区后自愿参加。A. dressing穿衣;B. using使用;C. making使;D. wearing穿、戴。由下文的“wearing a prtective suit”可知,此处安磊在汶川地震的救援工作中应该是穿着一件印有“抗震救灾”标语的夹克衫。故选D项。
    【44题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:左边这张照片拍摄于2008年,当时安磊穿着印有“抗震救灾”口号的夹克衫,在中国西南部四川省汶川协助救灾工作,与2021年的一张照片形成对比,当时他穿着印有“去吧,金普!”口号的防护服,在新冠疫情出现在大连金浦新区后自愿参加。A. printing打印;B. drawing画;C.cntrasting对比 ;D. designing设计。由上文的“The ___2___ n the left was taken in 2008”和下文的“a picture f him in 2021”可知,此处应指将汶川地震救援工作中拍的照片与2021年新冠疫情救援工作的照片进行对比。故选C项。
    【45题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:左边这张照片拍摄于2008年,当时安磊穿着印有“抗震救灾”口号的夹克衫,在中国西南部四川省汶川协助救灾工作,与2021年的一张照片形成对比,当时他穿着印有“去吧,金普!”口号的防护服,在新冠疫情出现在大连金浦新区后自愿参加。A.stpped停下 ;B. appeared出现;C. cntinued继续;D. disappeared消失。由上文的“the COVID-19 pandemic”可知,此处应指在2021年新冠肺炎疫情出现后,安磊投身到志愿工作中。故选B项。
    【46题详解】考查连词词义辨析。句意:2008年,汶川地区发生里氏8.0级地震后,25岁的安磊冲到前线参加灾后恢复和救灾工作。A.until直到 ;B. befre之前;C. after之后;D. while当……时候。由本处语境可知,此处应指在2008年汶川遭遇地震后,安磊投身到志愿工作中。故选C项。
    【47题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:2008年,汶川地区发生里氏8.0级地震后,25岁的安磊冲到前线参加灾后恢复和救灾工作。A. walked走路;B. rushed冲;C. stepped迈步;D. wandered漫游。由本处语境可知,在地震发生后,安磊应该是冲到前线参与灾后救援工作。故选B项。
    【48题详解】考查介词词义辨析。句意:十多年后的2020年12月,安磊再次站在前线,在家乡大连出现新冠疫情后,他作为志愿者负责运送密切接触新冠病毒的病人。A.Fr为了 ;B. Less减去;C.Over超过 ;D. On在……上面。由上文的“a 13-year perid f time”和“The ___42___ n the left was taken in 2008”可知,2008年与2020年应该是相差超过10年,应该是超过10年后。故选C项。
    49题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:十多年后的2020年12月,安磊再次站在前线,在家乡大连出现新冠疫情后,他作为志愿者负责运送密切接触新冠病毒的病人。A. fear恐惧;B. case例子;C.favr赞成;D. charge负责。由上文的“in 2021 when he, wearing a prtective suit with the slgan “G, Jinpu!”, vlunteered after the COVID-19 pandemic”可知,在2021年新冠肺炎疫情出现后,安磊投身到志愿工作中,可得出作为志愿者,他应该负责运送新冠肺炎病例密切接触者的工作,in charge f负责、掌管;in fear f害怕;in case f假如;in favr f支持。故选D项。
    【50题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当安磊在他的微信社交媒体账号上发布了一张2008年的回溯照片和一张2021年的快照时,这张“过去和现在”的照片开始在中国媒体上流行起来。A. psted贴出、上传 ;B. dwnladed下载;C. scanned扫描;D.tk带走。由下文的“n his WeChat scial media accunt”可知,安磊应该是上传照片到微信社交媒体账户上。故选A项。
    【51题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:当安磊在他的微信社交媒体账号上发布了一张2008年的回溯照片和一张2021年的快照时,这张“过去和现在”的照片开始在中国媒体上流行起来。A. cut ff中断;B. give ff释放;C. shw ff炫耀;D. take ff突然成功。由下文的“Winning natinwide applause fr his dedicated service”可知,安磊的奉献赢得了全国的掌声,说明安磊上传的拼接在一起的两个时间段的照片受到广大群众的关注,这张照片走红或突然成功了。故选D项。
    【52题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管他的奉献赢得了全国的掌声,但安磊认为他所做的一切并没有什么特别之处。A. terrible糟糕的;B.special特殊的;C. urgent紧急的 ;D. gd善良的。由下文的“During the epidemic, I'm just ne f tens f thusands f ___53___ here”可知,安磊认为疫情期间,自己只是成千上万志愿者中的一员,所以他认为自己所做的事情并不是什么特别的事情。故选B项。
    【53题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:“在疫情期间,我只是这里成千上万志愿者中的一员,”他说,并补充说,作为中国共产党的一员,他为能够以最好的方式帮助他人感到自豪。A. bsses老板;B. wrkers工人 ;C.vlunteers志愿者;D. students学生。由上文的“serving as a vlunteer”可知,安磊只是数以万计的志愿者中的一位。故选C项。
    【54题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“在疫情期间,我只是这里成千上万志愿者中的一员,”他说,并补充说,作为中国共产党的一员,他为能够以最好的方式帮助他人感到自豪。A. prud骄傲的;B.embarrassed尴尬的 ;C.sad悲伤的 ;D. terrified恐惧的。由上文的“as a member f the Cmmunist Party f China”可知,作为党员的安磊对于帮助其他人应该是感到自豪。故选A项。
    【55题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:此外,他9岁的儿子在媒体上看到父亲后给安磊打电话说:“爸爸,我长大后想成为一个像你一样的人。”A. liked喜欢;B. pretended假装;C. hated讨厌;D.wanted想要 。由下文的“t be smene just like yu when I grw up”可知,安磊的儿子长大以后也想成为爸爸这样的人。故选D项。
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Last Sunday, ur schl held a charity sale n the playgrund t raise mney fr the fld-stricken areas. All the students tk part in it.
    At 8 a.m. ur headmaster made a statement annuncing the pening f the charity sale. And then a variety f things made by urselves were sld. Eventually, we earned 5000 yuan and dnated the mney t the charity.
    Thanks t the enthusiasm and selflessness displayed by ur classmates, this event turned ut t be a great success. We went back hme realizing that all f us can make a cntributin t ur sciety.
    要求:1. 活动时间、地点及参加人员;
    2. 活动过程;
    3. 活动反响。
    第二步:列提纲 (重点单词及词组)
    raise (筹集); take part in (参加); annunce (宣布); a variety f (各种各样的); dnate (捐赠); enthusiasm (热情); selflessness (无私); make a cntributin t (对……做出贡献); sciety (社会);
    1. Last Sunday, ur schl held a charity sale n the playgrund t raise mney fr the fld-stricken areas.
    2. At 8 a.m. ur headmaster made a statement annuncing the pening f the charity sale.
    3. And then a variety f things made by urselves were sld.
    4. We earned 5000 yuan and dnated the mney t the charity.
    5. Thanks t the enthusiasm and selflessness displayed by ur classmates, this event turned ut t be a great success.
    6. We went back hme realizing that all f us can make a cntributin t ur sciety.
    1. 表文章结构顺序:first f all; t begin with; firstly/first; secndly/secnd… ; and then(本篇文章使用过); finally; in the end; at last
    2. 表并列补充关系:What’s mre; besides; mrever; furthermre; in additin; additinally; nt nly… but als…; as well as; bth…and…
    3. 表转折对比关系:but; hwever; n the cntrary; instead; althugh; in spite f; n the ne hand…, n the ther hand…; sme…, while thers…
    4. 表因果关系:because; because f; fr; s; since; thus; therefre; as a result; why
    5. 表总结:in shrt; in a wrd; in cnclusin; in summary; all in all; generally speaking
    “Last Sunday, ur schl held a charity sale n the playgrund.”本句用来介绍活动的时间和地点。可以使用不定式,在句中作目的状语,进一步介绍活动的目的是什么。润色修改为:Last Sunday, ur schl held a charity sale n the playgrund t raise mney fr the fld-stricken areas.
    【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。作者在范文中合理使用了非谓语动词,如:“Last Sunday, ur schl held a charity sale n the playgrund t raise mney fr the fld-stricken areas.”这句话为不定式在句中作目的状语;其次,使用了一些固定短语,如:take part in; a variety f; make a cntributin t等,使语言更加丰富;同时使用了一些高级词汇,如annunce; dnate; enthusiasm; selflessness等,让语言更加地道。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外,文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。
    【答案】I heard the TV ging inside s I knew she was hme. I kncked at the dr, but n ne answered. A little wrried, I pushed it pen, stepped int the huse and fund Mrs. Drman lying face dwn in the hallway. Her arm was caught in an armchair which fell n tp f her. She seemed t be having truble breathing — prbably frm the heavy chair. I called 91l immediately. Arriving fast, they lifted Mrs. Drman nt a stretcher and carried her t the ambulance.
    Mrs. Drman was back hme within a few days, her brken shulder in a sling. I was sure happy the day she greeted me at the dr herself again. We greeted each ther as usual. “I was watching TV n Thursday mrning and lst my balance getting up,” she explained. “All that time I was praying. Praying fr yu. I knew yu'd cme just as yu d every day. That's what gave me cmfrt.” I realized I culd make sme difference t their life. It was just an rdinary Thursday. And that was extrardinary.
    ①由第一段首句内容“我听到电视在播放的声音,所以我知道她在家。”可知,第一段可描写Mrs Drman 独自在家发生意外,我提供及时帮助。
    进入:walk int/step int/enter
    被卡住:be caught in /be stuck in /be trapped in
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. Her arm was caught in an armchair which fell n tp f her.(使用了which引导的定语从句)
    [高分句型2]. Arriving fast, they lifted Mrs. Drman nt a stretcher and carried her t the ambulance.(使用了现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型3]. That's what gave me cmfrt.(运用了what引导的表语从句)
    1.M: Hw many students passed the physics exam in yur class?
    W: 40, but 8 students in the class failed. Tw students didn't attend the exam because f illness.
    2.M: Wn't yu just stp fr a minute? Helen wuld like t see yu.
    W: Thanks, Jhn. I'd like t see Helen t, but nt nw.
    M: Why are yu s busy?
    W: Dave will be hme frm schl at 3:00, and I have t get sme things at the bakery befre then.
    3.W: I'm having difficulty with all the theries we are learning in ur cmputer curse.
    M: Oh, thse I understand. What I can't figure ut is hw t make them wrk in ur prgram.
    4.W: The admissin fee f the gallery is ten dllars per persn. I think that's pretty expensive fr a single exhibit.
    M: But if we have student cards, we can get in fr tw.
    W: Really? Let's have a try.
    5.M: What's in the envelpe?
    W: This is my applicatin fr a fashin schl that I read abut in Seventeenmagazine. I've stayed up fr tw whle nights finishing it.
    6.M: Did yu g t the meeting last night?
    W: Yes, but I wish I hadn't.
    M: Did yu ask hw much the new furniture fr the club was ging t cst?
    W: Yes, and I really put my ft in it.
    M: Hw?
    W: Well, I said I thught it was a stupid idea t buy new furniture when the club was s shrt f mney.
    M: Well, there's nthing wrng with that. It's a reasnable pinin.
    W: Maybe, but I had frgtten that I was the ne wh first suggested new furniture at last year's meeting.
    7.W: Mr. Winters? I have a questin.
    M: Yes, Mlly, what is it?
    W: Why d we have hmewrk? We didn’t have hmewrk last year in the 1st grade.
    M: Well, that’s true, Mlly. Yu are lder nw, and it’s imprtant t d new things. It will help yu gain mre knwledge. I think yu guys are the smartest students arund, and I want t push yu t d yur best.
    W: I wish we culd d fun things fr hmewrk, like art prjects r smething.
    M: Well, maybe we can! We shuld be using all f ur skills t shw what we knw. Maybe yu can think f a special prject that we can d as a class. It will be bth fun and challenging.
    W: OK! Um, Mr. Winters?
    M: Yes, Mlly?
    W: What des “challenging” mean?
    M: Why dn’t we lk it up tgether in this dictinary?
    8.M: Hell, yu lk lst. Can I be f assistance?
    W: Oh, thanks. Yu're right. I am lst. I'm lking fr the Student Unin building.
    M: Yu're clse; it's just acrss the playgrund. It's the three-stry brick building ver there.
    W: I see, thanks a lt. Yu've been a big help.
    M: Excuse me fr saying s, but yu're nt frm arund here, are yu? Are yu British r what?
    W: Actually I'm Australian. I’m an exchange student. Yu're an American I assume?
    M: Yes. By the way, I'm Sam Jnes.
    W: I'm Mary Dnald. Pleased t meet yu.
    M: S hw lng have yu been in the States, Mary?
    W: I've been here abut three weeks nw. S, what's yur majr, Sam?
    M: I'm studying medicine nw. What's yurs?
    W: I'm nt sure yet. I'm kind f interested in business but my parents believe psychlgy will be ht in the future.
    M: S, d yu live in the drm?
    W: Actually n, I have a small apartment abut five blcks frm here. Well, I have t run. I hanks tr yur help. Maybe we'll run int each ther again smetime.
    M: Culd be, it's a pretty small cllege. Nice t meet yu, Mary. See yu later.
    W: See yu.
    9.W: What d yu think I shuld d fr my birthday this year?
    M: Yu shuld have a really big party! Maybe a pl party!
    W: That wuld be fun. I dn't really like swimming, thugh. Maybe I'll have a rller-skating party.
    M: What abut an ice-skating party?
    W: Yeah, that's even better! I'll definitely invite Katie and Sammy.
    M: What abut Melinda?
    W: Yes, Melinda, t. D yu think I shuld invite Kelly?
    M: N, because she didn't invite yu t her party last mnth. Am I allwed t invite anyne?
    W: Yu can invite ne friend, but that's it.
    M: Fine. I'll invite Mike. Yu shuld have a winter-themed party. If Mm and Dad say it's kay t rent ut the entire place, we can decrate it with ballns. I knw yur favrite cake is cheesecake, but yu shuld get an ice-cream cake instead.
    W: Thse are all great ideas. Maybe I can even get a snw machine!
    M: Yu can call the party “Patty's Wnderland”. Maybe Mm will let us rent sme winter animals, like deer and penguins!
    W: Okay, dn't get ahead f yurself. I dn't think that wuld be pssible.
    M: Yeah, I guess yu're right.
    10.M: Health is very imprtant t everyne, but hw t keep healthy? Here I will give yu sme tips.
    First, drinking tea prtects hearts. Tea drinkers will jump at the gd news. The research dne in the Bstn area shws that drinking at least tw cups f black r green tea a day culd reduce yur chance f dying after a heart attack by 44 percent.
    Secnd, exercise preserves gd health. Exercise ffers all f the bvius benefits: it helps t lse weight, grw bigger muscles and make a healthier heart. And it als calms ur nerves. All frms f exercise help peple t lighten up. Experts say just 30 minutes f brisk activity mst r all days f the week can ffer yu a pwerful benefit.
    Third, we shuld try ur best t fight the flu. Hand-washing prevents spreading viruses frm ne persn t anther. Fresh fruit and vegetables rich in vitamin C are necessary part f wintertime diet. Winter indr heating dries ut the air and makes us easily cme dwn with the flu. Yu can simply place an pen bwl f water ver the heaters. Cld weather is n excuse fr staying indr.

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