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    高中Unit 5 Music精练

    这是一份高中Unit 5 Music精练,共17页。试卷主要包含了训练导入,知识精讲,语法突破,注意不能拆开的动词短语等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1 ._______f 梦见;梦想;设想
    2._______imprtance t认为有【重要性,意义】附上;连接
    3.play_______n 戏弄
    6.t be_______说实在地,实话 说
    7._______cash 用现金,用现钱
    8.be/ge_______wit ht 熟悉,与----熟悉起来
    13._______different directins朝不同方向
    14._______additin 另外
    1. rll n. 卷状物; 小圆面包; 摇摆; 摇晃 vt. & vi. (使某物)滚动; 摇晃
    1). The slw, steady rll f the ship made us feel sick.船老是晃晃悠悠的, 弄得我们很恶心。
    2). Six brwn rlls, please. 请给我来六个黑面包。
    rll sth up(将某物)卷或绕成球形或圆柱形; 卷起(某物)
    rll in 滚滚而来; 大量涌来
    2. attach vt. & vi. 系上; 缚上;附加;连接
    1). He will attach a label t each piece f luggage. 他会把每件行李上都加上标签。
    2). D yu attach any imprtance t what he said? 你认为他说的话重要吗?
    attach (sth.) t(sth.)将某物系在、缚在或附在(另一物)上
    attach t sb. / sth. 与某人相关联; 归于某人
    3. frm vt. 形成﹑ 构成﹑ 组成
    1). The reservir was frmed by flding the valley. 这个水库是引水淹没山谷而形成的。
    2). His research frmed the basis f his new bk. 他的研究成果是他这本新书的基础。
    frm sth. frm sth. (使)形成﹑ 构成﹑ 组成
    frm sb. / sth. int sth. 将(某人[某事物])按一定顺序排列
    4. reply vt. 指望或依赖某人[某事物]
    1). Nwadays we rely increasingly n cmputers fr help/t help us. 现今人们越来越依赖计算机协助工作
    2). I relied n yu(r) cming early. 我指望你早来。
    reply n/upn sb/sth (t d sth) 指望或依赖某人[某事物]
    5. brief adj. 简短的; 简洁的n. 摘要;任务简介
    1). Mzart's life was brief. 莫扎特的一生是短暂的。
    2). It's nt part f my brief t train new emplyees. 训练新雇员不是我工作范围以内的事。
    in brief 简言之
    t be brief 简单地说,一句话
    1. dream f梦想
    1). I dreamt abut flying last night. 昨夜我梦见我在飞翔。
    2). Was it real r did I dream it? 是真的还是我当时在做梦?
    dream f /abut (ding) sth. 梦见做…… dream f/abut sb./sth梦见某人/某物
    dream ne’s life away虚度光阴
    2. break up分裂;解体;打碎;结束
    1). The crwd started t break up when the night fell.天快黑时人群开始散开了。
    2). Their marriage brke up.他们的婚姻破裂了。
    break away frm摆脱;脱离break dwn出故障;分解;
    break int破门而入break ut爆发
    break thrugh突破
    3.srt ut 分类
    1). We must srt ut the gd apples frm the bad. 咱们得把好苹果拣出来, 同坏的分开。
    2). Let's leave them t srt themselves ut. 他们的事儿让他们自己解决吧。
    srt ut整理
    srt sth/neself ut解决(某个[自己的]问题等)
    1. Their persnal life was regularly discussed by peple wh did nt knw them but talked as if they were clse friends.素不相识的人们经常议论他们的私生活就像是谈论他们亲密的朋友一样。
    1). 连词as if=as thugh,意为“仿佛,像,似乎”。通常用在be,lk,seem,sund,taste,smell及feel等连系动词的后面。其后的从句可以用陈述语气,但多用于虚拟语气。如:
    Hw wild his white hair lked as if it had been electrified!
    She seems as订she is ging t cry.
    2).as if (thugh)后面除了跟句子外,还可以跟名词、动词不定式、形容词(短语)、介词短语和分词。如‘
    He acts as if a fl.他做事像个傻子。
    He raised his hand as if t take ff his hat.
    3). as if (thugh)还可以表达感叹语气,来对某项建议、假设和推测表示不赞成、惊讶、不满和厌恶等。如:
    As if anyne wuld believe that stry!好像有人竟会相信那样的事!
    As if we were all stupid and he alne clever!
    2. Hwever,after a year r s in which they became mre serius abut their wrk,the Mnkees started t play and sing their wn sngs like a real band.然而,大约一年以后,他们对自己的工作逐渐认真起来。“门基”组合开始像一支真正的乐队那样演唱他们自己的歌曲了。
    [解释] in which在这儿引导定语从句修饰a year r s,故可换成关系副词when,“介词+关系代词which”大多可转换成关系副词引导定语从句。如:
    I shall never frget the day n which(=when)we mved int ur new huse.
    定语从句 介词+关系代词
    “介词 + 关系代词”引导的定语从句是定语从句中较复杂的一种,多用于正式文体中。这类定语从句的关系代词主要有 which, whm, whse 。它们既可引导限定性定语从句,又可引导非限定性定语从句。同学们在学习这种定语从句时要注意以下几种情况:
    一、注意介词的选取 “介词” + “关系代词”引导的定语从句中,介词的选取应根据如下几点:
    1 .根据介词和定语从句中谓语动词的习惯搭配。如:
    • Wh is the man with whm yu just shk hands? 刚才和你握手的人是谁?
    • The tw things abut which Marx was nt sure were the grammar and sme f the idims. 马克思不大有把握的两个方面是语法和某些习惯用语。
    [典型考例 1 ] In the dark street there wasn't a single persn_____ she culd turn fr help. A. that B. wh C.frm whm D.t whm
    析:答案为 D 。介词 t 和定语从句中的 turn 构成固定搭配 turn t sb. fr help。 意为“向某人求助”。
    2 .根据定语从句意思的需要,此时不但要注意其前的搭配也要注意其后的搭配。
    如:• He had a bad cld, because f which he didn't attend the meeting.
    The speed at which the car runs depends n the rad cnditin. 这辆车的速度要根据路面状况而定。
    [典型考例 2 ] In the ffice I never seem t have time until after 5:30 p.m.,_______ many peple have gt hme.
    A. whse time B.that C. n which D. by which
    析:答案为 D 。根据句意“到下午 5 : 30 时,许多人已经到家了”,且定语从句中又用了完成时,故应用介词 by。
    3。 根据意思也可用复杂介词,如 by means f ,as a result f, in frnt f, in the back f ,all f , mst f 等,如:
    (1) The instrument by means f which the temperature is measured is called thermmeter. 用来测量温度的仪器叫温度计。
    ( 2 ) There are frty students in the classrm, all f whm are wrking hard at a prblem in mathematics. 教室里有四十个学生,他们都在努力计算一道数学难题。
    在“介词 + 关系代词”引导的定语从句中,如果关系代词指代事物就用 which; 如果指代人则用 whm; 若表示“……的”则用 whse。 如:
    This is the classrm in which we studied last year.
    2.There are sixty students in ur class, twenty f whm are girls.
    3.He lives in a huse, whse dr pens t the nrth.
    [典型考例 1 ] He paid the by $ 10 fr washing the windws, mst f _____ hadn't been cleaned fr at least a year.(MET1990) A. thse B. these C. that D. which
    [典型考例 2 ] The gentleman _____ yu tld me yesterday prved t be a thief. (上海 2000 春招) A . wh B. abut whm C.whm D.with whm
    析:考例 1 中关系代词指代“窗子”,故用 which, 答案为 D ;考例 2 中关系代词指代人,故用 whm,它又和后面的 tld 构成固定搭配 tell sb. abut sb./sth. ,故答案为 B 。
    1 .介词 in, n, at, fr 等与关系代词 which 一起引导定语从句时,可与相关的关系副词 when, where, why 等替换。如:
    (1)America is the cuntry in which Gerge Washingtn was brn. 美国是乔治•华盛顿出生的国家。 (in which 用 where 替换 )
    (2)I have frgtten the exact date n which this small cuntry became independent. 我忘了这个国家独立的确切日期了。 (n which 用 when 替换 )
    (3)The reasn fr which he refused t g t the party was that they had nt invited him t. 他拒绝去赴宴的原因是他没受到他们的邀请。 (fr which 用 why 替换 )
    2。 “名词 +f + 关系代词 ” 引导定语从句时,可与相关的关系副词“ whse + 名词”替换。如: (1)I will talk t thse students the hmewrk f whm hasn't been dne.
    我要和没完成作业的同学谈话。 (the hmewrk f whm 用 whse hmewrk 替换 )
    (2)She lives in the huse the windws f which face t the east. 她住在一栋窗户朝东的房子里。 (the windws f which 用 whse windws 替换 )
    并不是所有的动词短语都能拆开,要注意有些动词短语不能拆开使用。这样的动词短语常用的有: lk after, lk fr, turn in, pay attentin t, take care f, depend n, listen t 等。如: 1。The babies (whm)the nurses are lking after are very healthy .
    2。Is this the bk (which/that)she was lking fr ? 这是她正在找的那本书吗?
    3。Where is the wallet (which/that)yu turned in yesterday? 你昨天上交的钱包哪去了?
    4。These are the wrds (which/that)yu shuld pay attentin t.这些是你应该注意的单词。
    五、注意“介词 +where ”引导的定语从句
    有时我们可以见到“介词 +where ”引导的定语从句,此时要和“介词 +which” 引导的定语从句从意思上加以区别。如: 1。His head sn appeared ut f the windw, frm where he saw nthing but trees. 他的头很快从窗口露出来,从那儿除了树木他什么也看不见。 (frm where 相当于 frm ut f the windw. 而不是 frm the windw)
    2。They std n the tp f the building, frm where they culd see the whle city. 他们站在楼顶上,从那儿能看到整个城市。 (frm where 相当于 frm the tp f the building, 而不是 frm the buiding)
    如:He has saved anther thusand dllars with which t supprt his family.
    =He has saved anther thusand dllars with which he culd supprt his family. 他又攒了一千块钱,用这些钱他可以养活他的家庭。
    I have fund a rm in which t put my things. (正)
    I have fund a rm which t put my things in. (误)
    I have fund a rm t put my things in. (正)
    一. 用适当的关系代词填空,必要时可加上适当的介词。
    1)Avatar is a very successful film, ____ is knwn t us.
    2) Jack was a famus dctr, with the help ____ ______ the yung dctr succeeded in an peratin.
    3) There are a great many verseas students in ur university, mst _________ cme frm America.
    4) I have read the nvel, _______ title is Red and Black.
    5) The freign guests spke highly f the children and their perfrmance ______they saw at the Children’s Palace.
    6) I asked several friends fr help, nne ___________ were ready t give me a hand.
    二. 单选:
    1)The jurney arund the wrld tk the ld sailr nine mnths, __ the sailing time was 226 days.
    A. f which B. during which C. frm which D. fr which
    2)The English play _______ my students acted at the New Year's party was a great success.
    A. fr which B. at which C. in which D. n which
    3)American wmen usually identify their best friend as smene ____they can talk frequently.
    A.wh B. as C. abut which D. with whm
    4)In the ffice, I never seem t have time until after 5:30 p.m. _______ time many peple have gne hme.
    A. whse B. that C. n which D. by which
    5)Recently I bught an ancient Chinese vase, __ was very reasnable.
    A. which price B. the price f which C. its price D. the price f whse
    6) There are tw buildings, __ stands nearly a hundred feet high.
    A. the larger B. the larger f them C. the larger ne that D. the larger f which
    7) The factry prduces half a millin pairs f shes every year, 80% ____ are sld abrad.
    A. f which B. which f C. f them D. f that
    8)we shwed the visitrs arund the museum, the cnstructin _____ hand taken mre than three hurs.
    A. fr which B. with which C. f which D. t which
    三. 改错
    1. Simn helped Peter repair his guitar, fr that he was very grateful.
    2. I like sngs t which the feelings f lve is expressed.
    3. I enjyed my hliday n which I went t a cncert f pp music.
    4. I like my music teacher fr which I have great respect.
    5. I have many friends f which sme are musicians.
    6. Peter went t a cncert at whm his favrite band played and sang.
    四 翻译
    1. 我们班级有44位同学,大多数同学都对音乐感兴趣。
    2. 这幢房子很漂亮,前面坐着一个男孩。
    一 填空
    1. which 2. f whm 3. f whm 4. whse 5. that 6. f whm
    二 单选
    三 改错
    1. that→which 2. t→in 3.n→during 4.which→whm 5. which→whm 6.whm→which
    四 翻译
    1. There are frty-fur students in ur class, mst f whm are interested in music.
    2. This is a beautiful huse, in frnt f which there is a by sitting.
    3. I bught a Chinese vase, the price f which is reasnable.
    第一节 单项选择
    1.The traffic in ur city is already gd and it ________ even better.
    A.is getting B.has gt
    C.gets D.gt
    1. A
    2.________,I dn't think we have a chance f winning.
    A.T be hnest with yu
    B.T start with
    C.T make matters wrse
    D.T telling yu the truth
    3.If yu dn't like the present jb,I suggest yu lk fr anther ne ________ it's t late.
    A.until B.when
    C.befre D.nce
    4.Tm put his heart int the wildlife research,and finally,his effrts ________ him a great success and fame.
    A.saved B.earned
    C.made D.ffered
    5.________,meeting strangers means seeing the unknwn.And it's human nature t feel a bit uncmfrtable abut the unknwn.
    A.After all B.In all
    C.At all D.Fr all
    6.—Ring me at 5 am?N,better nt s early!I ________.
    —I gt it.
    A.will sleep B.sleep
    C.am sleeping D.will be sleeping
    7.—Just think,all that wrk fr nthing.What a fl I was!
    A.Ah,dn't think any mre abut it really
    B.Well,I'm glad that's ver
    C.I'd rather nt say anything abut that
    D.Here's hping yu're able t d it well
    8.On April 1st,the westerners will play ________ n each ther but make sure that n ne is hurt.
    A.fun B.fl
    C.jkes D.games
    9.Everyne's attentin was drawn t the eightyearld girl wh was ________ the pian perfectly.
    A.acting B.behaving
    C.ding D.perfrming
    10.She is________ the newspapers t be thrwn away and putting away the rest.
    A.srting ut B.figuring ut
    C.making ut D.turning ut
    11.—What a qualified husband he is!
    —Definitely.Lts f peple are tuched by his ________ t his wife wh has weak eyesight.
    A.devtin B.deed
    C.satisfactin D.service
    12.—Why did the plice ________ the crwd?
    —Because the president's car ________ in the street.
    A.break dwn; brke dwn
    B.break up; brke up
    C.break dwn; brke up
    D.break up; brke dwn
    13.Yu may certainly ________ his wrds,fr he always speaks the truth.
    A.pay attentin t B.ask fr
    C.suffer frm D.rely n
    14.Many f us Chinese peple are ________ with the beauty f Hangzhu and Suzhu.
    A.attractive B.cnfident
    C.familiar D.sensitive
    15.Yu'll ________ the department until the end f the year.Next year yu will be rearranged.
    A.be attached t B.be belnged t
    C.we t D.cntribute t
    Befre discussing different kinds f emtins, let us briefly talk abut hw researchers 1 bdily prcesses, actins and behavir, and hw this relates t what we d in ur daily lives when we bserve emtins in 2 .
    Bdily prcesses can be directly measured by 3 f a plygraph(测谎仪). When a plygraph is skillfully used t 4 hw we react bdily with what we are 5 , it is called a "lie detectr". Bdily prcesses can als be measured 6 . This is what we d when we bserve smene blushing (脸红). Hwever, we are nt always 7 f what bdily prcesses respnd t.
    Measuring actin r behavir is the ther way researchers assess the 8 . 9 , ne measure f fear f snakes is hw 10 a persn will g t the snake. Anther prcedure is t have a persn 11 hw afraid he is, r hw he feels, in this way, researchers have 12 the s-called "fear thermmeter" t assess a persn's fear. 13 ur everyday living, we d very much the same thing. Only nt t 14 . We react t what a persn des, what he says, 15 he says it, and hw he lks. Is he smiling? Is his vice trembling? We put all this 16 tgether t infer what a persn is feeling.
    17 , we d nt always act as we feel. Smetimes we d things that we dn't feel like ding. 18 we say we feel ne way and then we act anther. Actrs, fr example, successfully learn t "make believe" emtins, r learn t 19 them. Thus we 20 always tell what a persn is feeling by what he says r by what he des.
    1. A. measureB. describeC. makeD. use
    2. A. therB. thersC. antherD. the thers
    3. A. waysB. methdsC. meansD. tls
    4. A. cmbineB. treatC. examineD. cmpare
    5. A. dingB. sayingC. bservingD. carrying
    6. A. directlyB. indirectlyC. easilyD. difficultly
    7. A. afraidB. fndC. awareD. accused
    8. A. expressinsB. reactinsC. cnclusinsD. emtins
    9. A. Fr exampleB. On ne handC. As well asD. At times
    10. A. slwB. fastC. farD. clse
    11. A. tellB. sayC. talkD. speak
    12. A. apprvedB. discveredC. develpedD. infrmed
    13. A. DuringB. WithC. OnD. In
    14. A. really B. systematicallyC. naturallyD. eventually
    15. A. whyB. whereC. hwD. whether
    16. A. imaginatinsB. bservatinsC. impressinsD. awareness
    17. A. TherefreB. OtherwiseC. HweverD. Anyway
    18. A. SmetimeB. SmewayC. SmetimesD. Anytime
    19. A. expressB. hideC. actD. say
    20. A. needn’t B. shan’tC. wn’t D. cannt
    I'd been thinking f it s lng; it seemed like the nly thing t d-t shw my baby, wh had eyes as green as water and whse name means the sea, the cean.
    "Babies are suppsed t instinctually knw wh they daddy is," Gerald, Driya's daddy, said, hlding Driya befre him."But she dn't recgnize nthing."
    Everybdy had smething t say abut raising my baby, but nne f them actually did any raising.Taking Driya t see the cean had becme the nly thing that kept me frm feeling like my life was an everlasting lsing race, this visin f what culd be fr my little girl.When I tld Mmma abut my plans t visit the lighthuse(灯塔)at Cape Hatteras, she just spun her brken recrd.
    "That baby'11 never understand a thing f what she's seeing."
    "My baby bk says I shuld treat her just like any ther child.It's gd t shw her beautiful things even if she dn't knw what she's seeing.It helps her brain develp.Hw's her brain gnna develp if all she ever sees is the walls inside this crummy huse?"
    "That child's brain ain't never gnna develp.We lve her, but it's nt like she's ever gnna nt be a Mnglid(先天愚型患者)."
    I had read a half-dzen bks abut Dwn Syndrme that said stimulatin(刺激)might imprve a child's chances f develping t her fullest ptential.And what's mre stimulating than a trip t see the cean?
    Guidebks described the area as the land f beginnings, which I liked the sund f.But befre I culd map ut a plan, I wke up ne night when Driya hiccupped (打嗝).Then she just stpped breathing.The ER dctr gave me a pamphlet n SIDS (sudden infant death syndrme) and said, children with Dwn Syndrme are much mre likely t be affected by this srt f thing.
    I didn't remember much abut driving t Cape Hatteras, especially taking Driya frm the hspital. But up n that lighthuse, with its brad spiral running up and arund it like a black and white barber's ple, I saw my life twist int the air.
    As I climbed the winding stairs, I cunted the steps, 268 in all, stpping n 77, Driya's very number f days n this planet.At the tp, I held Driya up t the Atlantic, its cld air raising the thin sft hair n her head.With her eyes clsed and her arms spread ut, it lked like she was bathing in the warmth f the sun.
    1.Frm Gerald's wrds "But she dn't recgnize nthing." we knw ____.
    A.The baby was prbably brn with the eye prblem
    B.The father thught the baby was abnrmal
    C.The baby culd recgnize nthing except her father
    D.The father made up an excuse nt t care fr the baby
    2.Did anybdy else besides her mther actually take the respnsibility t raise the baby?
    A.The father. B.The grandma.
    C.Nbdy. D.The dctr.
    3.The reasn why the mther wanted t take her baby t see the cean is that ____.
    A.She believed seeing the cean culd help cure her baby's disease
    B.She wanted her baby t enjy her remaining time
    C.She believed the cean was the land f beginnings
    D.She wanted her baby t enjy nature
    4.Which f the fllwing is true accrding t the text?
    A.The dctr eventually saved the life f the baby.
    B.The baby was disabled by her careless mther.
    C.The baby enjyed the sunshine while seeing the cean.
    D.The disease SIDS tk away the life f the baby.
    Steve Jbs made technlgy fun.The c-funder f Apple died last Wednesday at the age f fifty-six He had fught fr years against cancer.Murners gathered utside his huse in Pal Alt, Califrnia, and Apple stres arund the wrld.
    Tim Bajarin, president f a high-tech research and cnsulting cmpany, said "If yu actually lk at a tech leader, they're really happy if they have ne hit in their life.Steve Jbs has the Apple II, the Mac, the iPd, the iPhne, the iPad and Pixar."
    Steve Jbs was a cllege drput.He was adpted by a machinist and his wife, an accuntant.They supprted his early interest in electrnics.
    He and his friend Steve Wzniak started Apple Cmputer—nw just called Apple—in nineteen seventy-six.They stayed at the cmpany until nineteen eighty-five.That year, Steve Wzniak returned t cllege and Steve Jbs left in a dispute(分歧)with the chief executive.
    Mr.Jbs then frmed his wn cmpany, called NeXT Cmputer.He rejined Apple in nineteen ninety-seven after it bught NeXT.He helped remake Apple frm a business that was in bad shape then t ne f the mst valuable cmpanies in the wrld tday.
    Steve Wzniak, speaking n CNN, remembered his lngtime friend as a "great visinary and leader'' and a "marketing genius(天才)".
    President Obama said in a statement: "By building ne f the planet's mst successful cmpanies frm his garage, he exemplified the spirit f American ingenuity.By making cmputers persnal and putting the Internet in ur pckets, he made the infrmatin revlutin nt nly accessible, but intuitive and fun."
    David Carrll is a prfessr at Parsns Schl f Design in New Yrk City.He says Steve Jbs nt nly revlutinized technlgy, he als revlutinized American business.
    "The fact that he was able t redesign American cmmerce lp t bttm and acrss is really stunning (令人惊奇的).He prbably will be cnsidered an industrial giant n the scale f Thmas Edisn and Henry Frd, s ne f the great[s] f all time." David Carrll said.
    Steve Jbs stepped dwn as Apple's chief executive in August because f his health.He died a day after the cmpany released a new iPhne versin that met with limited excitement.Apple's new chief, Tim Ck, will als have t deal with the new Kindle Fire tablet cmputer frm Amazn.cm.It csts less than half as much as an iPad but als des less.
    5.Why did peple all ver the wrld murn Steve Jbs?
    A.He was very curageus in the face f cancer.
    B.He became very rich thugh drpping ut cllege.
    C.He released a new iPhne versin befre death.
    D.He revlutinized technlgy and made it enjyable.
    6.Which f the fllwing can easily prve that Jbs is a "marketing genius"?
    A.After Apple, he funded NeXT Cmputer.
    B.He made Apple very valuable nce again in the wrld.
    C.He develped a series f Apple prducts.
    D.He was cnsidered the greatest industrial figure f all time.
    7.What des the underlined part in Paragraph 7 mean?
    A.Jbs was a typical example f American spirit f creatin
    B.Jbs enriched the American spirit f science and freedm.
    C.Jbs eventually realized his American dream.
    D.American peple are gd at inventing things.
    8.Which f the fllwing is true accrding t the text?
    A.Jbs's parents discuraged him frm wrking n electrnics
    B.Jbs stayed in Apple as chief executive fr abut 24 years.
    C.Jbs started his career in his family garage.
    D.Run unsuccessfully, Apple was sld t NeXT Cmputer.
    第一节 1-5AACBA6-10DACDA11-15ADDCA
    第二节 1-5 ABCDB 6-10 BCDAD 11-15 ACDBC 16-20BCCBD
    第三节1-8: BCADD BAC

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