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    Module 6 Fillms and TV Programmes 单元测试题 2
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    英语必修2Module 6 Films and TV Programmes单元测试课时训练

    这是一份英语必修2Module 6 Films and TV Programmes单元测试课时训练,共17页。

    On a dark winter day in Russia in 1896, Sergei Prkfiev sat by a pian next t his mther. She was helping him cmpse his first piece f music. Sergei was nly five years ld.
    He had verheard his parents discussing a terrible famine (饥荒) in India. The picture Sergei had f thse hungry peple in his mind caused him t write a stry, in the frm f musical ntes. Sergei culd nt read music, s he picked ut a tune n the pian keys, and his mther recrded the ntes. Sergei titled it “Indian Gallp.”
    Sergei's mther began giving him pian lessns fr 20 minutes a day, and his ability grew quickly. She had a great lve fr music, t, and Sergei ften lay awake in bed at night and listened t her play the pian.
    Sergei's parents fund a famus music teacher fr him. The teacher shuted at Sergei when he didn't practice reading and playing music. Sergei later wrte, “I wanted t cmpse great musical plays, and instead I was given all srts f bring tasks.” Yet he persisted with his studies and grew up t be a great cmpser.
    In 1936 a children's theater asked Sergei t write music that wuld teach children abut different instruments (乐器). He was happy and wrte the piece in a week, calling it Peter and the Wlf.
    Sergei's Peter and the Wlf was enjyed by children as well as adults. The first time Sergei played the piece n the pian, the children listening t it lved it s much that they made him play the ending three extra times. He was excited.
    Tday Sergei Prkfiev is remembered nt nly fr his cntributins (贡献) t classical music, but als fr his sense f fun.
    21. When he was five, Sergei _____.
    A. culd read music
    B. experienced a famine
    C. created his first cmpsitin
    D. wrte a stry abut his parents
    22. What des the underlined part “persisted with” in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Hurried up.
    B. Put up with.
    C. Cntinued with.
    D. Walked away frm.
    23. The piece f music Peter and the Wlf _____.
    A. was a great success
    B. was ne f Sergei's early wrks
    C. was written t teach children abut the pian
    D. was played three extra times when first played
    24. What's the text mainly abut?
    A. The greatest 20th-century cmpser.
    B. Sergei's cntributins t music.
    C. Musical plays in Russia.
    D. Sergei's musical stries.
    Inside Out is ne f my favrite Disney / Pixar mvies. The stry is abut a yung girl named Riley wh mves frm Minnesta t San Francisc with her family and hw she deals with her emtins (情感) thrugh the mve. These five emtins in Riley's brain are Jy, Fear, Anger, Disgust (厌恶) and Sadness. These emtins play a very imprtant rle in her life. I can relate because I am an 11-year-ld girl and I am very in tuch with my emtins and pre-teen feelings.
    The film is extremely beautiful and yu culdn't ask fr better directin frm Pete Dctr. The use f the right clrs fr the characters is great. Fr example, Jy is yellw, Sadness is blue, Disgust is green, Fear is purple and Anger f curse is red. Sadness plays a main rle in the stry and it makes me wnder why we are tld nt t be sad. I think it's imprtant t be sad when the time cmes. The end f the mvie pretty much gt me and the whle audience (families, cuples and even elderly peple) in tears and I cried very hard.
    I recmmend (推荐) this mvie fr anyne frm 8 t 18 because it has enugh jy in it fr yunger kids t like it even thugh it des have sme sad mments. I believe that adults will like it t. And I give it 4 ut f 5 stars because it cnnects t an lder audience even thugh it is designed fr a yunger audience. I think yunger children can see this, but a parent wuld have t explain sme things t them after the mvie.
    25. The authr feels cnnected with the mvie because she and the character Riley _____.
    A. enjy the same mvie
    B. have the same feelings
    C. have the same mve experience
    D. have a similar family backgrund
    26. What des the authr think f Pete Dctr's jb?
    A. Bad. B. Just s-s.
    C. Wnderful. D. Disappinting.
    27. After seeing the mvie, the authr has a new understanding f _____.
    A. fear B. sadness
    C. anger D. jy
    28. In the authr's eyes, the mvie _____.
    A. wn't attract peple ver 18
    B. is really unsuitable fr children
    C. will be ppular amng kids and adults
    D. can easily be understd by yunger kids
    Mary bught a dress in a wmen's clthing stre. She felt very happy abut buying the dress until she gt hme. Then she remembered she had left her purse at the stre. It was the third time that mnth that Mary had frgtten smething imprtant. Mary was angry with herself. She said, “Am I lsing it?”
    Emma was teaching a class in mathematics at a cllege. She began t explain t the students hw t slve (解决) a very difficult prblem. She understd it very well. But smehw, at that mment, she culd nt explain it. Emma said, “I must be lsing it.”
    Americans seem t have a lt f cncern (担忧) abut lsing it. At least that is what yu wuld think frm hearing them talk. They use the expressin when they feel they are lsing cntrl. It can mean lsing emtinal cntrl. Or lsing the ability t d smething. Or lsing intelligence.
    Wrd experts differ abut hw the expressin started. Sme believe it came frm televisin prgrams ppular in the 1980s. Others believe it began with psychlgists, wh deal with hw peple think, feel and act.
    “We Americans have many cncerns abut cntrlling ur lives. Perhaps we wrry t much,” ne psychlgist said. “In many situatins, t say yu are lsing it eases the tensin (不安). It's healthy. And mst peple wh say they are having a prblem are nt lsing it.”
    Peple may feel mre like they are lsing it when they are “dwn in the dumps”. Wrd expert Charles Funk says peple have been feeling dwn in the dumps fr mre than 400 years. The wrd dumps prbably cmes frm Nrthern Eurpean cuntries. The languages f Denmark and Nrway bth have similar wrds. The wrds mean t fall suddenly. Americans brrwed this saying. And, ver the years, it has becme a ppular way f expressing sadness.
    29. What prblem did Mary think she had?
    A. She seemed t have a pr memry.
    B. She lst the ability t shp wisely.
    C. She easily lst emtinal cntrl.
    D. She had quite lw intelligence.
    30. Hw des the authr explain the use f lsing it?
    A. By using examples.
    B. By giving instructins.
    C. By prviding research findings.
    D. By describing his wn experiences.
    31. We can infer frm the psychlgist that _____.
    A. Americans wrry t much abut their health prblems
    B. peple really lse it when they say they're lsing it
    C. it's gd fr yur health t say yu're lsing it
    D. Americans enjy cntrlling their lives
    32. If smene feels dwn in the dumps, he r she _____.
    A. has a sudden fall in life
    B. becmes less ppular
    C. is lsing smething
    D. is in lw spirits
    UCA Art Cmpetitin 2015
    Take a phtgraph, draw r paint a picture, put it n a pstcard and yu culd have the chance t win an iPad.
    Yur design shuld be inspired (启迪) by smething that happened t yu tday.
    Once yu've cmpleted yur artwrk, cmplete the entry frm and send it with yur pstcard t:
    Freepst RLXL-GYRS ECCL
    UCA Art Cmpetitin
    University fr the Creative Arts
    Falkner Rd
    Surrey GU9 7DS
    The University fr the Creative Arts (UCA) Art Cmpetitin (“the cmpetitin”) is pen t peple aged between thirteen and nineteen years ld.
    Students wh're studying in UCA, emplyees f the University r their family members r anyne else cnnected with the cmpetitin may nt enter the cmpetitin.
    When sending in yur cmpetitin entry yu must cmplete the entry frm (dwnlad the entry frm frm here) prviding yur name, age, date f birth, address, telephne number and e-mail address and (if yu are under eighteen) the name and telephne number f yur parent r teacher.
    Only ne entry per artist is allwed.
    The last date fr entries is 5 pm n 14 July 2015.
    UCA will pick three judges (裁判), at least tw f whm will be Senir Lecturers at the University. The judges will shrtlist up t fifty entries fr exhibitin and frm the shrtlist, winners wh get the mst supprt will receive prizes as fllws:
    1st — iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 128GB
    2nd — iPad Air Wi-Fi 16GB
    3rd — iPad mini Wi-Fi 16GB
    If yu have any questins abut the cmpetitin, please e-mail us at cmpetitins@ with UCA Art Cmpetitin 2015 in the subject.
    33. What has t be dne t enter the cmpetitin?
    A. Designing a picture bk.
    B. Sending an inspiring pht r picture.
    C. Recrding smething that happened t yu.
    D. Creating a pstcard with a pht r picture n it.
    34. Wh can take part in the cmpetitin?
    A. Students in the University.
    B. Peple wh wrk fr the University.
    C. Teenagers with n relatin t the cmpetitin.
    D. Family members f the University's emplyees.
    35. Where might yu read the text?
    A. On a schl's ntice bard.
    B. At an art exhibitin.
    C. In a newspaper.
    D. On the Internet.
    Hw t stay fcused in class
    ● 36 N matter hw much yu want t sit with yur friends during the class, try yur best t avid them. Talking with friends is nt ging t help yu stay fcused (集中注意力的) in class and will cause truble, t.
    ● Lk at the teacher. Yur teacher is nt just standing up there talking — they're trying t give yu an acceptable educatin. Shw the teacher that he r she has yur full attentin, by lking him r her in the eye. 37
    ● Take ntes. By taking ntes, yu'll be able t “get int” the lessn. 38 Listen fr key phrases such as, “This is imprtant,” “This is the main idea,” etc. This can help yu listen mre intently (专心地); yu'll have smething t d and fcus n.
    ● Get invlved (参与) in class discussins. This is a wnderful way t becme a mre fcused, successful student. When a teacher asks a questin, ffer t answer it. 39 This shws the teacher that yu're listening intently during the class.
    ● Ask a questin. 40 This really shws yur teacher that yu want t be better, and can recgnize the things yu're having difficulty with. Chances are, smene else in the class has the same questin (and is t afraid t ask!). They'll be relaxed — and s will yu.
    A. D yur best.
    B. Avid sitting with friends.
    C. Dn't try t finish yur ld ntes in class.
    D. Write dwn key pints as yur teacher speaks.
    E. If he r she asks fr an pinin, share yur wn.
    F. If yu dn't understand smething, never be afraid t ask.
    G. This persn shuld have yur full attentin at all times in class.
    第三部分: 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
    N ne sat next t Len. That's why when I entered the 41 just befre the bell, the nly 42 left was beside him.
    Ms. Priestley said, “Sit dwn, Nimmy.”
    I dn't think Ms. Priestley 43 me. I am terrible in art.
    “Tday we're ging t draw a fantasy (幻想) picture,” Ms. Priestley said.
    “This will be 44 !” Len said.
    That's why n ne liked t sit by Len. He was t excited.
    I drew sme lines acrss the 45 .
    “What are yu drawing?” Len asked.
    “Muntains and a 46 .”
    “That's nt fantasy. Why nt make it a dragn 47 ?”
    I lked angrily at him.
    “The muntains culd be the scales (鳞片) alng its back, 48 the river culd be a lng tail,” Len smiled hpefully.
    T my 49 , I culd see the dragn take shape. And I 50 drawing the bdy.
    Ms. Priestley was mving arund the classrm. 51 she'd stp at mine and sigh (叹息), but nt this time.
    “That's a very 52 idea, Nimmy.” Ms. Priestley's vice made me jump.
    I smiled shyly, 53 it wasn't ttally my idea. “It was Len's idea,” I said.
    Ms. Priestley's smile grew wider. “Excellent, Len. We must always be willing t 54 ur ideas.”
    Then Ms. Priestley cntinued, “Nimmy, why dn't yu ffer Len sme 55 ?”
    On Len's paper was a space farm. “It's nice,” I ffered.
    “And ...” Ms. Priestley said 56 .
    “Maybe ... maybe yu culd add ... sme levels. Each level fr smething different,” I added.
    Len 57 happily.
    “See, it's nt s 58 ,” Ms. Priestley said, and walked n.
    I breathed. Maybe I culd be OK in 59 . “We shuld be partners (搭档) in art,” Len said. “We give each ther gd ideas.”
    I 60 . “Nw we're partners in art.”
    41. A. classrm B. church
    C. huse D. theatre
    42. A. gift B. picture
    C. seat D. pencil
    43. A. knws B. likes
    C. trusts D. needs
    44. A. successful B. interesting
    C. difficult D. impssible
    45. A. flr B. desk
    C. paper D. bk
    46. A. tail B. farm
    C. frest D. river
    47. A. instead B. inside
    C. t D. again
    48. A. but B. and
    C. s D. since
    49. A. surprise B. shame
    C. fear D. wrry
    50. A. suggested B. avided
    C. started D. preferred
    51. A. Immediately B. Usually
    C. Cntinually D. Clearly
    52. A. strange B. crazy
    C. nice D. general
    53. A. until B. when
    C. if D. because
    54. A. share B. test
    C. think up D. talk abut
    55. A. chances B. services
    C. help D. advice
    56. A. impatiently B. encuragingly
    C. ludly D. helplessly
    57. A. said B. played
    C. ndded D. shuted
    58. A. hard B. quick
    C. different D. imprtant
    59. A. music B. gegraphy
    C. math D. art
    60. A. disagreed B. smiled
    C. insisted D. stpped
    第三部分: 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    Jane: What d yu want t d this weekend?
    Mary: I'm ging t the mvies with David. What abut yu? Hw abut 61. ________ (g) with us?
    Jane: What mvies are yu planning 62. ________ (watch)?
    Mary: I haven't decided yet. Is there anything 63. ________ catches yur eyes?
    Jane: N. In fact, I can't think f any gd mvies I'd like t see at the mment.
    Mary: By 64. ________ way, what is yur favrite mvie?
    Jane: Birdman. Actually, it is ne f the funniest and best mvies I 65. ________ (see) s far. Such cmedies are really 66. ________ (entertain).
    Mary: I prefer thrillers because they really make me excited.
    Jane: As 67. ________ as I knw, few girls like thrillers. I think mst girls like Krean TV series.
    Mary: That is the case. Krean TV series 68. ________ (usual) have s many attractive plts and they say the actrs are handsme and the actresses beautiful. Perhaps 69. ________ is these factrs that really attract the teens nwadays. But I dn't think they are realistic enugh.
    Jane: I agree. S I used t like Krean TV series but nw I have fallen in lve 70. ________ cmedies.
    Mary: N wnder yu like Birdman.
    第四部分: 写作 (共两节,满分35分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    My brther started learning t drive when he is eighteen. At first, Dad taught him what t drive. Dad was nt patient fr him, and he always shuted at his brther when he made mistakes. S he had decided t g t a driving schl. Learning t drive weren't especially easy r difficult, but he enjyed it. Unfrtunate, he failed his test first time, but he passed it later. He tld me that he didn't feel prud r exciting. He said he was just happy when it was finishing.
    1. 表示拒绝并说明理由;
    2. 建议他邀请别的同学。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    1-5 BCCBC 6-10 BCABA 11-15 ACCAB
    16-20 ABBCC 21-25 CCADB 26-30 CBCAA
    31-35 CDDCD 36-40 BGDEF 41-45 ACBBC
    46-50 DABAC 51-55 BCDAD 56-60 BCADB
    61. ging 62. t watch 63. that
    64. the 65. have seen 66. entertaining
    67. far 68. usually 69. it
    70. with
    71. ... he is eighteen. is → was
    72. ... what t drive. what → hw
    73. ... patient fr him ... fr → with
    74. ... at his brther ... his → my
    75. ... he had decided ... 去掉had
    76. ... weren't especially ... weren't → wasn't
    77. Unfrtunate, he ... Unfrtunate → Unfrtunately
    78. ... first time ... first前加the
    79. ... prud r exciting. exciting → excited
    80. ... it was finishing. finishing → finished
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Tm,
    Thanks fr yur invitatin but I'm srry t tell yu that I can't watch the mvie with yu.
    I knw yu like thrillers very much but I dn't like this kind f mvie, because they usually make me scared. Every time I watch thrillers, I can't sleep well at night. By the way, my favrite mvies are cmedies which make me happy and relaxed. Yu can ask smene else wh als likes thrillers t g with yu. Yu knw there are several classmates wh like thrillers in ur class.
    Thanks again fr yur invitatin and wish yu a gd time.
    Li Hua
    A篇 (个人情况)
    21. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的She was helping him cmpse his first piece f music. Sergei was nly five years ld以及第二段介绍Sergei完成他的作曲并将其命名为“Indian Gallp”可知,Sergei在五岁时就创作出他人生的第一支乐曲。
    22. C。词义猜测题。根据划线部分前的The teacher shuted at Sergei when he didn't practice reading and playing music和I wanted t cmpse great musical plays可知,正因为Sergei坚持自己的学习才使得他成为一名伟大的作曲家。
    23. A。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的Sergei's Peter and the Wlf was enjyed by children as well as adults和the children listening t it lved it s much that they made him play the ending three extra times可推测,《彼得和狼》这支乐曲大获成功。
    24. D。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了与Sergei的音乐有关的故事。
    B篇 (文娱)
    25. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的hw she deals with her emtins和I can relate because ... I am very in tuch with my emtins and pre-teen feelings可知,电影《头脑特工队》中的主角有着同样的青春期前的情感问题,从而引起了作者的共鸣。
    26. C。推理判断题。根据第二段中的yu culdn't ask fr better directin frm Pete Dctr可知,作者认为Pete Dctr导演得很棒。
    27. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的Sadness plays a main rle in the stry and it makes me wnder why we are tld nt t be sad. I think it's imprtant t be sad when the time cmes可知,作者在看过电影后对悲伤有了一种全新的认识。
    28. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的it has enugh jy in it fr yunger kids t like it和I believe that adults will like it t可知,作者认为这部电影应该会受到孩子和大人的喜爱。
    C篇 (语言学习)
    29. A。推理判断题。根据第一段中的It was the third time that mnth that Mary had frgtten smething imprtant可推测,Mary认为她的记忆力在衰退。这也与第三段中的They use the expressin when they ... lsing the ability t d smething相吻合。
    30. A。写作手法题。作者通过在第一、二段列举的两个例子得出第三段的结论,即lsing it这个表达的不同意义和用法。故选A项。
    31. C。推理判断题。根据第五段中的ne psychlgist said ... t say yu are lsing it eases the tensin. It's healthy可知,这位心理学家认为说lsing it有利于缓解紧张情绪,对健康有益。
    32. D。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的it has becme a ppular way f expressing sadness可知,dwn in the dumps指忧伤或情绪低落。
    D篇 (艺术)
    33. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Take a phtgraph, draw r paint a picture, put it n a pstcard可知,这项比赛要求参赛选手设计一张带图片的明信片。
    34. C。细节理解题。根据文中的The University fr the Creative Arts (UCA) Art Cmpetitin (“the cmpetitin”) is pen t peple aged between thirteen and nineteen years ld和anyne else cnnected with the cmpetitin may nt enter the cmpetitin可知,参赛选手必须是和比赛(如举办方)毫无关系的青少年。
    35. D。推理判断题。文中的关键信息dwnlad the entry frm frm here透露本文来自网络。
    36. B。该段主要介绍要尽量避免在课堂上和朋友坐一起,因为和朋友聊天会影响注意力并且招来麻烦。由此可知,B项概括了该段的大意。
    37. G。根据上一句中的Shw the teacher that he r she has yur full attentin可知,课堂上,你应该将注意力放在老师身上。G项中的This persn指的就是老师,其中的have yur full attentin也与上一句中的has yur full attentin相呼应。
    38. D。根据该段的小标题Take ntes和该空后的Listen fr key phrases可知,D项“在老师讲课时将要点记录下来”符合语境。
    39. E。根据上一句When a teacher asks a questin, ffer t answer it可知,E项与之相呼应。
    40. F。根据该段的小标题Ask a questin可知,F项符合此处语境,也与该段中的t afraid t ask相呼应。

    41. A。根据下文讲述美术课上发生的故事可知,我进了“教室(classrm)”。下文中的Ms. Priestley was mving arund the classrm是提示。
    42. C。根据文章首句N ne sat next t Len可知,Len旁边的“座位(seat)”没人坐。
    43. B。根据下一句I am terrible in art可知,由于作者美术学的不好,因此认为老师不“喜欢(likes)”她。
    44. B。根据下文中的He was t excited可知,Len觉得老师布置的任务很“有趣(interesting)”。
    45. C。联系故事发生的场景可知,我在“纸(paper)”上画了一些线条。下文中的On Len's paper was a space farm是提示。
    46. D。根据下文中的muntains和the river可知,作者在纸上画了一片山脉和一条“河流(river)”。
    47. A。根据下文中的The muntains culd be the scales和the river culd be a lng tail可知,Len建议作者将山脉和河流“改成(instead)”龙。
    48. B。“山脉可以当作龙背上的鳞片”和“河流可以当成是龙的尾巴”之间为并列关系,故填and。
    49. A。根据上文中的I lked angrily at him可知,Len一开始给作者建议时,作者很不高兴;根据该空后的I culd see the dragn take shape可知,作者看到龙开始成形,这让她感到有点“意外(surprise)”。
    50. C。根据该空前的see the dragn take shape和该空后的drawing the bdy可知,作者“开始着手(started)”画龙的身体。
    51. B。根据该空后的she'd stp at mine and sigh, but nt this time和下文老师对作者的表扬可知,Ms. Priestley“通常情况下(Usually)”会在作者的座位停留片刻并叹息。
    52. C。根据下文中的Ms. Priestley's vice made me jump和I smiled可知,老师夸奖作者的主意“不错(nice)”。
    53. D。“羞怯地笑”是因为“画龙不完全是自己的主意”,故填because。
    54. A。根据上文中作者说的It was Len's idea和Ms. Priestley说的Excellent, Len可知,老师告诉Len要乐于“分享(share)”彼此的主意。
    55. D。根据下文中作者说的Maybe yu culd add ... sme levels. Each level fr smething different可知,Ms. Priestley让作者也给Len提一些“建议(advice)”。
    56. B。根据上文描述老师在这节美术课上对作者的态度有所转变可知,她“鼓励(encuragingly)”作者接着说。
    57. C。根据下文中的“We shuld be partners in art,” Len said. “We give each ther gd ideas.”可知,Len对于作者提的建议高兴地“点了点头(ndded)”。
    58. A。老师鼓励作者给Len提建议,作者最终办到了,因此老师想告诉作者,提出建议其实并不是那么“困难(hard)”。
    59. D。根据上文中的I am terrible in art可知,作者通过这堂美术课认识到或许她也可以学好“美术(art)”。
    60. B。根据上文中的We shuld be partners in art,” Len said和下一句“Nw we're partners in art.”可知,作者“微笑着(smiled)”和Len说。

    61. ging。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。介词后接动词-ing形式作宾语,故填ging。
    62. t watch。考查不定式作宾语的用法。plan后接不定式作宾语,故填t watch。
    63. that。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词anything,故填that。
    64. the。考查定冠词。by the way 顺便提一下。
    65. have seen。考查现在完成时。由时间状语s far可知,此处用现在完成时,故填have seen。
    66. entertaining。考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处作表语,说明主语(指物)的特征,故填形容词entertaining。
    67. far。考查副词。as far as I knw 就我所知。
    68. usually。考查副词。设空处作状语修饰整个句子,故填副词usually。
    69. it。考查强调句。设空处所在的句子使用了强调句型,被强调部分是主语these factrs,故填it。
    70. with。考查介词。fall in lve with爱上。

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