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    UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 达标检测-2022版英语必修第三册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)
    UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 达标检测-2022版英语必修第三册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)01
    UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 达标检测-2022版英语必修第三册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)02
    UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 达标检测-2022版英语必修第三册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)03
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations练习题

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations练习题,共32页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Music and art festivals are fun and exciting events. If yu're planning t g t a festival, it's imprtant t plan yur trip carefully t ensure that yu're safe and have a gd time.
    ■Bring clthes t keep warm r cl
    In additin t yur fun festival clthing, pack a raincat, sme light tank tps, and a sweater r sweatshirt. Dn't frget lnger pants fr cl evenings r bad weather. In general, it's best t leave yur umbrella at hme because it can be dangerus in large crwds.
    ■Get a cheap tent and sleeping bag fr multi-day festivals
    A majrity f peple end up thrwing their tents away after lng festivals, since they nrmally break frm the use. Pick up a less expensive tent with enugh rm fr yu and yur friends and pack a cmfrtable sleeping bag fr yurself. If yu dn't want t camp at the festival, remember t bk an Airbnb r a htel rm nearby!
    ■Place a first aid kit in a prper place
    Befre the festival, buy a small first aid kit with the Band-Aid, and any medicatin that yu need t take, in case yu get minr injuries r a headache. Keep it in a prper place that's easily accessible, like yur tent r car.
    1.Why shuld umbrellas be left at hme?
    A.They take up t much space.
    B.The weather will be terrible.
    C.They might hurt smene.
    D.Travelers prefer raincats.
    2.What d mst peple d with tents after festivals?
    A.Sell them. B.Return them.
    C.Pack them up. D.Thrw them away.
    3.What is suggested abut the first aid kit?
    A.It shuld be put at hand.
    B.It ught t be big enugh.
    C.It must cntain all medicines.
    D.It has t be placed in the car.
    “Serena, dn't frget yur prmise t me that yu will mw (修剪) Mrs. Martin's yard this weekend,” said Dad. “Dn't let me dwn.” Serena was the ldest child in the family, and ne f her chres was t mw their yard. Mrs. Martin, their elderly neighbr, was unable t take care f her yard, s Serena's dad had vlunteered Serena fr this jb. Since Mrs. Martin's yard was nt very big, Serena knew the jb wuld g quickly.
    Hwever, she still resented her dad's prmise.
    “Why didn't yu ask me first?” Serena cmplained.
    “Did yu ask me first when yu vlunteered me t be in the schl festival last fall?” asked Serena's father.
    “Well, n, I didn't ask yu first, but yu wuld have dne thse things anyway. Yu're always willing t help.”
    “I try when I can,” Dad answered.
    “Serena, we have knwn Mrs. Martin fr a very lng time. She has ften helped ur family. Nw we can d smething fr her. Besides, the feeling yu get frm helping smene makes yu wnder wh is really helping whm.”
    “I dn't knw, Dad,” said Serena. “The nly feeling I get frm mwing ur yard is tired.”
    “Just wait and see,” said Dad.
    After breakfast, Serena made her way t Mrs. Martin's yard. She was gd at her jb and sn had Mrs. Martin's yard lking tidy. Mrs. Martin came utside with a big glass f range juice and ffered it t her. Serena stpped her wrk and gratefully enjyed the drink, while Mrs. Martin talked t her abut all f the flwers in her yard. Seeing the jy in Mrs. Martin's eyes, Serena began t understand hw much the yard meant t Mrs. Martin.
    After finishing her drink, Serena returned t wrk with a new attitude. A warm feeling began t spread thrugh her bdy. Her dad was right. It was hard t tell wh was helping whm!
    4.What des the underlined wrd “resented” in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A.Understd. B.Welcmed.
    C.Brke. D.Disliked.
    5.Hw can we knw that Dad is cnsiderate (体贴的)?
    A.Thrugh Dad's wrds.
    B.Thrugh Serena's actins.
    C.Thrugh Mrs. Martin's behaviur.
    D.Thrugh the authr's statement.
    6.Which wrd best describes Serena's feeling after mwing Mrs. Martin's yard?
    A.Annyed. B.Surprised.
    C.Guilty. D.Pleased.
    7.What can we learn frm the text?
    A.Serena likes the jb f mwing her wn family's yard.
    B.Mrs. Martin and Serena did the wrk tgether.
    C.Mrs. Martin shared her lve fr the yard with Serena.
    D.Dad vlunteered himself t take part in the schl festival.
    Hw d yu knw if a watermeln is perfectly ripe? Well, ne thery is that if yu knck hard n the utside, the sund yu hear will help determine if it's ready t eat. That thery led t a huge nline debate in China abut what kind f peple tend t engage in the art f “watermeln kncking”.
    The discussin, which thusands f peple cntributed t n the Chinese micr-blgging site Sina Weib, was kicked ff by an unknwn event thusands f miles away in Italy.
    It all began when a Chinese scial media user psted the picture f a sign in an Italian supermarket asking custmers nt t knck n the watermelns. The sign was stuck in a full bx f watermelns which read,“Please stp kncking n the watermelns. They will nt respnd t it!”
    There was n indicatin that the supermarket was targeting this message at custmers with Chinese heritage. The sign was in Italian, nt Mandarin. But smehw it was taken as an attack n a practice which sme Chinese bservers regarded as being unique t their natinal custms.
    Many shared jkes aimed at the supermarket sign.
    Online users are keen t shw they knw better, especially n the subject f watermelns.
    A quick nline search will reveal that Chinese scial media users are nt alne in their thinking. Watermeln kncking and listening fr a hllw sund is indeed a nearly universal cncept. It even appears in films. The ppular Russian cartn, Nu, pgdi!, includes watermeln kncking as part f an episde.
    There are n abslute guarantees abut what t d when it cmes t chsing fruit. But at the risk f causing an internatinal diplmatic incident we wuld suggest sme cmmn grund abut what t lk fr t chse the perfect watermeln.
    Feel the weight f the meln. The heavier, the better.
    Press n the watermeln. It shuld feel firm and if it springs back, it's ready t eat.
    Lk at the markings n the meln. A yellw patch n ne end indicates it's ready.
    Of curse if all these fail, yu culd always, knck and wait fr a reply.
    8.What was the cause f the heated discussin?
    A.The art f watermeln kncking.
    B.Whether the watermeln is ripe.
    C.The traditinal Italian custms in the supermarket.
    D.The picture f a sign in an Italian supermarket.
    9.The authr writes the article in a(n) way.
    A.serius B.humrus
    C.apprving D.critical
    10.In the text, the authr suggests a lt f methds f selecting watermeln EXCEPT .
    A.by feeling the weight
    B.by waiting fr a respnse
    C.by pressing
    D.by bserving markings
    11.What is the purpse f this text?
    A.T bring up an internatinal diplmatic incident.
    B.T present a research result.
    C.T give practical advice by telling a stry.
    D.T intrduce the traditinal custms f Italy.
    It may seem as if Mther's Day was invented by a cmpany named Hallmark, but peple have been taking time n the calendar t give a shut-ut t Mm fr a lng time. The Greeks and Rmans had mther gddess festivals—althugh their celebratins didn't invlve the menflk taking their underappreciated mthers ut t dinner. A mre recent traditin was Mthering Sunday, which develped in the British Isles during the 16th century. On the furth Sunday in April, yung men and wmen wh were living and wrking apart frm their families were advised t return t their mthers' huses.
    Mther's Day as it is bserved in the United States started in the 1850s with Ann Jarvis, a West Virginia wman wh held “Mthers' Wrk Days” t prmte health and hygiene(卫生) at hme and in the wrkplace. During the Civil War, Jarvis rganized wmen t imprve clean cnditins fr sldiers n bth sides, and after the war she became a peacemaker, furthering the cause by bringing tgether mthers f Unin and Cnfederate sldiers and prmting a Mther's Day hliday.
    Jarvis's wrk inspired anther 19th-century wman, Julia Ward Hwe. In 1870 Hwe published her “Mther's Day Prclamatin”, which imagined the day nt as appreciatin f mthers by their children but as an pprtunity fr wmen t exercise their cllective pwer fr peace. Hwe started hlding annual Mther's Day celebratins in Bstn, her hmetwn, but after abut a decade she stpped fting the bill and the traditin faded away.
    It was Jarvis's daughter Anna wh succeeded in getting Mther's Day recgnized as a natinal hliday. After her mther died, in May 1905, Anna started hlding yearly ceremnies n the anniversary and cnducting a tireless PR campaign t make the day a hliday. In 1908 she succeeded in enlisting the supprt f Jhn Wanamaker, the Philadelphia department stre magnate(巨头) and advertising pineer, and by 1912 West Virginia and a few ther states had adpted Mther's Day. Tw years later, President Wdrw Wilsn signed a reslutin(决议) declaring the secnd Sunday in May a natinal hliday.
    It wasn't lng, thugh, befre whatever ideals the day was suppsed t celebrate were buried under an amunt f greeting cards and candy.By the 1920s Anna Jarvis was campaigning against the hliday she had been instrumental in creating.“I wanted it t be a day f emtinalism, nt prfit,” she said.
    12.The first paragraph suggests that .
    A.mthers didn't get enugh appreciatin
    B.Mther's Day was invented by Hallmark
    C.yung peple returned t their mthers' huses
    D.the Greeks and Rmans were the first t celebrate Mther's Day
    13.Wh plays the mst imprtant rle in creating Mther's Day?
    A.Ann Jarvis. B.Julia Ward Hwe.
    C.Wdrw Wilsn. D.Anna Jarvis.
    14.Why did Anna Jarvis bject t Mther's Day at last?
    A.Because it was an emtinal day.
    B.Because the festival was nt prfitable.
    C.Because the celebratins went against the riginal spirit.
    D.Because the day was buried under greeting cards and candy.
    15.Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A.The Objectin t Mther's Day
    B.The Argument n Celebrating Mther's Day
    C.The Stry Behind the Creatin f Mther's Day
    D.Different Frms f Celebratins n Mther's Day
    Yu can't help spending much mney during the festival seasn. Hwever, it's nt impssible t save. Here are sme tips yu can take t prevent yurself frm verspending.
    Surrund yurself with peple wh make yu feel gd. There's a cmmn trick played by the advertising industry. 16 , the advertising industry tries their best t appeal t yur emtins in rder t mtivate yu t buy their prducts. S, instead f falling int their marketing trap, surrund yurself with the peple wh make yurself feel gd.
    Dn't buy anything htheadedly. Have yu ever heard f the saying that a fl and his mney are sn parted? 17 .
    Cnsider renting. 18 . After all, hw ften will yu wear that special dress?
    19 . When it cmes t clthes, yu shuld ften pick ut the unused. Selling them n eBay r Carusell can give yu extra cash t g shpping.
    Remind yurself f the things yu have. Yu may nt knw abut yurself. Every time yu lk at yur clset(壁橱) and rganize it, yu find just hw many items f clthing yu have. 20 .
    A.If yu are in a bad md
    B.Sell items yu dn't need
    C.Put away the clthes yu dn't wear
    D.When yu are attracted t buy certain prducts
    E.This prevents yu frm wanting t g shpping even mre
    F.It warns yu nt t be a man wh desn't think twice abut parting with his mney
    G.Renting a dress r a bag fr a special ccasin culd actually save yu mre mney
    16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I'm a big fan f pp music and I enjy listening t music quite a lt. Althugh peple can listen t 21 music n their music players when they are travelling, wrking r studying, 22 festivals and cncerts are becming mre and mre 23 . This is because I believe they ffer tw main 24 .
    The first ne is that the sund is much 25 at live cncerts where the music and vices cme 26 frm the musicians. This makes it a much mre emtinal(有感染力的) 27 because yu have direct cntact with the 28 and yu react t them and they react t yu.
    The secnd advantage is the atmsphere. 29 listening t a recrding 30 n yur persnal music player, at a cncert yu are 31 with a huge crwd f peple and 32 the music tgether. This means it is a 33 as well as an artistic experience.
    The main prblem is that yu cannt listen t live music whenever yu want as yu can n a persnal music player. Besides, the nise frm the audience smetimes damages the quality f the sund.
    In my pinin, hwever, the best way t enjy music is in the wnderful atmsphere f a live cncert. It is mre 34 because yu are surrunded by ther 35 wh are dancing with yu happily.
    B.live C.sft D.lud
    B.traditin C.music D.art
    B.difficult C.successful D.ppular
    C.challenges D.results
    B.lwer C.wrse D.better
    C.frequently D.suddenly
    B.lessn C.experience D.talk
    C.prducers D.strangers
    t B.Instead f
    C.Except fr D.Alng with
    B.quietly C.tgether D.alne
    C.wrking D.singing
    C.studying D.enjying
    C.scial D.physical
    C.surprising D.puzzling
    B.classes C.vlunteers D.fans
    The Lantern Festival falls 36 the fifteenth day f the first lunar mnth. This is the first full mn f the new year, representing reunin and perfectin. This festival als marks the 37 (ffice) end f the lng hliday.
    There are many legends (传说) related t the rigin f the Lantern Festival. Accrding t ne legend, nce in ancient times, a celestial(天上的) swan came int the human wrld where it 38 (sht) dwn by a hunter. The Jade Emperr, the 39 (high) gd in Heaven, was angry abut this. He planned an attack n Earth n the 40 (fifteen) day f the first lunar mnth, with rders t destry all peple and animals. But anther gd 41 (disagree) with him and risked 42 (warn) the peple n Earth. As 43 result, befre and after the fifteenth day f the first lunar mnth, every family hung red lanterns utside their drs and set ff firecrackers, giving the impressin 44 their hmes were already burning. By successfully tricking the Jade Emperr in this way, human beings were saved frm 45 (destruct).
    36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
    41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Gd mrning, my dear friends. I'm Li Hua.

    Thanks fr yur listening.
    Jhn Blanchard std up, straightened his army unifrm(制服), and studied the crwd making their way thrugh the statin. He lked fr the girl whse heart he knew, but whse face he didn't, the girl with a rse.
    His interest in her began thirteen mnths ag in a library. Taking a bk ff the shelf, he fund himself fascinated, nt with the wrds f the bk, but with the ntes penciled in the margin(页边的空白). The sft handwriting shwed a thughtful sul and brilliant mind. In the frnt f the bk, he discvered the wner's name, Miss Hllis Meynell. With time and effrt, he fund her address. She lived in New Yrk. He wrte her a letter, intrducing himself and inviting her t crrespnd(通信). The next day he was shipped verseas fr military service.
    During the next year and ne mnth, the tw began t knw each ther by mail. Each letter was a seed falling n bth hearts. A rmance was budding. Blanchard asked fr a phtgraph, but she refused. She felt that if he really cared, it wuldn't matter what she lked like.
    When the day finally came fr him t return frm Eurpe, they scheduled their first meeting—7 pm at Grand Central Statin in New Yrk. “Yu'll recgnize me,” she wrte. “By the red rse I'll wear my dress.” S at 7:00 he was in the statin, lking fr a girl whse heart he lved, but whse face he'd never seen.
    A yung lady was cming tward him. Her figure was lng and slim; her blnde hair lay back frm her ears; her eyes were blue as flwers; her lips and chin had a gentle firmness, and in her pale green suit she was like springtime cming alive. He went tward her, entirely frgetting t ntice that she was nt wearing a rse. As he mved, a middle-aged wman whispered, “Ging my way, Sir?”
    Paragraph 1:
    Almst uncntrllably he made his way t the wman, and then he nticed that she was wearing a rse.

    Paragraph 2:
    The wman's face bradened int a big smile.

    第一部分 阅读
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文。音乐和艺术节是有趣和令人兴奋的活动。作者主要就去参加节日活动,提出了一些建议,以确保你的安全并且玩得开心。
    1.C 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“In general, it's best t leave yur umbrella at hme because it can be dangerus in large crwds.”可知,一般来说,最好把雨伞放在家里,因为在人多的时候雨伞很危险。所以,把雨伞留在家里是因为雨伞可能会伤害到别人。故选C。
    2.D 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“A majrity f peple end up thrwing their tents away after lng festivals, since they nrmally break frm the use.”可知,大多数人会在漫长的节日后扔掉他们的帐篷。故选D。
    3.A 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Keep it in a prper place that's easily accessible, like yur tent r car.”可知,急救箱应该放在手边,放在容易拿到的地方。故选A。
    【高频词汇】 1.have a gd time过得愉快;玩得开心 2.in additin t除……之外(还) 3.in general大体上;总的来说;总体上来看 4.end up ding sth.以做某事而结束 5.thrw away扔掉 6.in case以防万一;以防 7.accessible adj.易得到的;易使用的;可接近的;可进入的 8.take up占据(时间、空间)
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。Serena的父亲擅自替她答应去帮马丁太太整理庭院,Serena原本不情愿,但在明白了马丁太太对庭院的热爱后改变了想法,收获了温暖。
    4.D 词义猜测题。根据第三段“‘Why didn't yu ask me first?’ Serena cmplained.”可知,此处是指Serena抱怨父亲没有事先问她,她不喜欢父亲的承诺。A项“理解”;B项“欢迎”;C项“打破”;D项“不喜欢”。故选D。
    5.A 推理判断题。根据第七段中父亲说的话“Serena, we have knwn Mrs. Martin fr a very lng time. She has ften helped ur family. Nw we can d smething fr her.” 可知,父亲对Serena说他们认识马丁太太很久了。她经常帮助他们家。现在他们可以为她做点什么了。所以从父亲的话中可以看出他是一个体贴的人。故选A。
    6.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Serena returned t wrk with a new attitude. A warm feeling began t spread thrugh her bdy. Her dad was right. It was hard t tell wh was helping whm!”可知,对于Serena而言,在给马丁太太的院子割草之后的感觉与之前是不同的,她帮助了别人自己心里却有一股暖意,这是一件令人惊奇的事情。A项“恼怒的”;B项“惊奇的”;C项“感到内疚的,感到惭愧的”;D项“高兴的,满意的”。故选B。
    7.C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后两句“Serena stpped her wrk and gratefully enjyed the drink, while Mrs. Martin talked t her abut all f the flwers in her yard. Seeing the jy in Mrs. Martin's eyes, Serena began t understand hw much the yard meant t Mrs. Martin.”可知,马丁太太与Serena分享了她这个院子中所有的花,Serena开始理解了这个院子对马丁太太而言有多重要,所以可知马丁太太与Serena分享了她对这个院子的热爱。文中没有提到Serena对自家院子的修剪工作的态度,可排除A项;B、D项与文中事实不符,马丁太太没有和Serena一起干活,父亲没有自愿参加校庆活动,而是Serena举荐的。故选C。
    【高频词汇】 1.prmise n.诺言;许诺;承诺 2.let sb. dwn让某人失望 3.vlunteer v.(未经当事人同意)举荐;自愿做;义务做;无偿做 4.cmplain v.抱怨;埋怨;发牢骚 5.annyed adj.恼怒的;生气的
    ◎语篇解读 本文为说明文。作者以幽默的口吻介绍了中国人买西瓜时爱敲西瓜的习惯以及由此引发的微博热议,并给出了一些挑选西瓜的建议。
    8.D 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,这场讨论的起因是意大利超市里的一个关于挑西瓜的指示牌。故选D项。
    9.B 推理判断题。通读全文可知,作者以比较诙谐的语言讲述了该事件的来龙去脉,故作者的写作方式是幽默的。故选B项。A项:严肃的;C项:赞成的;D项:批评的。
    10.B 细节理解题。根据文章最后四段可知,作者推荐了三种鉴别西瓜的方法。最后一段是一句玩笑话,并不是一种真正的方法。故选B项。
    11.C 推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,作者通过讲述一个故事从而给出了鉴别西瓜是否成熟的可行建议。故选C项。
    【高频词汇】 1.determine v.确定 2.engage in参加,从事
    3.indicatin n.表明;标示;显示;象征 4.target v.把……对准(某群体) 5.be keen t d...热衷于做…… 6.reveal v.揭示;显示;透露
    原句 The discussin, which thusands f peple cntributed t n the Chinese micr-blgging site Sina Weib, was kicked ff by an unknwn event thusands f miles away in Italy.
    分析 本句为主从复合句。 which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词The discussin。
    句意 在中国的微博网站新浪微博上数千人参与的这场讨论,是由在千里之外的意大利的一个不为人知的事件拉开帷幕的。
    ◎语篇解读 本文为记叙文。文章主要叙述了母亲节的来历。
    12.A 推理判断题。根据第一段中 peple have been taking time n the calendar t give a shut-ut t Mm fr a lng time.The Greeks and Rmans had mther gddess festivals—althugh their celebratins didn't invlve the menflk taking their underappreciated mthers ut t dinner.可知,虽然有母亲节,但母亲们没有得到足够的感激和重视。A项符合题意,故选A。
    13.D 推理判断题。根据第二段中的Mther's Day as it is bserved in the United States started in the 1850s with Ann Jarvis... in the wrkplace.和第四段中的After her mther died, in May 1905, Anna started hlding yearly May a natinal hliday.可知,在19世纪50年代美国开始庆祝母亲工作日,并倡导推动母亲节。1905年5月,安娜的母亲去世后,她开始举行周年纪念仪式,并进行不懈的公关活动,让这一天成为节日。1908年,她成功地获得了费城百货公司巨头和广告先锋约翰·沃纳梅克的支持,到1912年,西弗吉尼亚和其他几个州都采用了母亲节。两年后,伍德罗·威尔逊总统签署了一项决议,宣布5月的第二个星期天为国定假日。由此可知,安娜·贾维斯在母亲节的创立方面起了最重要的作用。故选D项。
    14.C 推理判断题。根据文章第二段中 Jarvis, a West Virginia wman wh held “Mthers' Wrk Days” t prmte health and hygiene(卫生) at hme and in the wrkplace.可知,Ann Jarvis举办“母亲工作日”活动是为了促进家庭和工作场所的健康和卫生;根据第三段中In 1870 Hwe published her “Mther's Day Prclamatin”... pwer fr peace.可知,Hwe发表了她的“母亲节宣言”,该宣言认为母亲节不是孩子对母亲的感恩,而是妇女行使集体力量争取和平的机会;根据最后一段中By the 1920s Anna Jarvis was campaigning against the hliday she had been instrumental in creating.“I wanted it t be a day f emtinalism, nt prfit,” she said.可知,到了20世纪20年代,安娜·贾维斯发起了反对这个节日的运动。她说:“我希望这一天充满感情,而不是利益。”综合上面提到的内容可知,现在的母亲节已与最初的母亲节的精神相悖,故选择C项。
    15.C 主旨大意题。本文主要按时间顺序叙述了母亲节创立的背景故事。故选择C项“母亲节创立背后的故事”。A:反对母亲节;B:关于庆祝母亲节的争论;D:关于母亲节的不同形式的庆祝活动。
    【高频词汇】 1.bserve v.庆祝 2.prmte v.促进;提升
    3.further v.促进,增进 4.cause n.事业 5.ft the bill负担费用
    6.recgnize v.承认,认可;接受 7.ceremny n.仪式
    原句 Mther's Day as it is bserved in the United States started in the 1850s with Ann Jarvis, a West Virginia wman wh held “Mthers' Wrk Days” t prmte health and hygiene(卫生) at hme and in the wrkplace.
    分析 本句是主从复合句。主句是Mther's Day started in the 1850s with Ann Jarvis。as it is bserved是方式状语从句,a West Virginia wman是Ann Jarvis的同位语,这个同位语被wh引导的定语从句修饰。
    句意 美国母亲节的庆祝始于19世纪50年代,由西弗吉尼亚州的一位名叫安·贾维斯的妇女发起,她举办了“母亲的工作日”,以促进家庭和工作场所的健康和卫生。
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,针对如何才能防止在节日期间受广告诱惑不考虑经济收入而乱购买东西这种情况的发生,作者给出了几条建议。
    16.D 根据下文the advertising industry tries their best t appeal t yur emtins in rder t mtivate yu t buy their prducts并结合选项D中的信息buy certain prducts可知,当你被吸引去买某些产品时,广告行业就会尽其所能打动你的情感,以激励你购买他们的产品。故选D。
    17.F 根据上文a fl and his mney are sn parted并结合选项F中的信息parting with his mney可知,要珍惜钱,不能做一个花钱时不加考虑的人。故选F。
    18.G 根据设空处上句Cnsider renting.并结合选项G中的信息Renting可知,对于不太常穿的衣服可以考虑租用,对你来说这样就会节省一笔钱。故选G。
    19.B 根据本段内容,尤其是最后一句Selling them n eBay r Carusell can give yu extra cash t g shpping.并结合选项B中的信息Sell可知,对于不用的衣服可以在一些网站上卖掉,这样也可以得到一笔额外的钱。故选B。
    20.E 根据本段主题句Remind yurself f the things yu have.以及本段内容可知,要经常提醒自己已经有的物品,尤其是在整理壁橱时,这样有助于阻止自己乱购物。故选E。
    【高频词汇】 1.prevent sb. frm ding sth.阻止某人做某事
    2.appeal t打动;启发;劝说 3.hear f听说
    第二部分 语言运用
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。作者列举了现场音乐会的优点和缺点并将其与录制好的播放器播放的音乐进行对比,最终提出自己的观点——欣赏和享受音乐的最好方式是听现场音乐会。
    21.A 根据空后的n their music players可知,音乐播放器上播放的应该是“录制的”音乐。recrded录制的;live现场的;sft柔软的;lud响亮的。故选A。
    22.C 句意:尽管人们在旅行、工作或学习时可以在他们的音乐播放器上听录制的音乐,但是音乐节和音乐会正变得越来越受欢迎。上文说到的是用音乐播放器听音乐,结合句中的Althugh可知此处说的应该是音乐节。culture文化;traditin传统;music音乐;art艺术。故选C。
    23.D 第二段和第三段说的都是去现场听音乐的优点,并结合此空所在句的句意可知此处说的是音乐节和音乐会正变得越来越受欢迎。special特殊的;difficult困难的;successful成功的;ppular受欢迎的。故选D。
    24.B 根据下文The first ne is...及The secnd advantage is...可知,此处提到的是作者认为它们有两个主要的优点。questin问题;advantage优点;challenge挑战;result结果。故选B。
    25.D 根据下文 the musicians. This makes it a much mre emtinal...可知,音乐和声音直接来自音乐家,所以现场的声音会更好些。higher更高的;lwer更低的;wrse更差的;better更好的。故选D。
    26.B 在现场音乐会上,音乐和声音是直接来自音乐家的。quickly快速地;directly直接地;frequently频繁地;suddenly突然地。故选B。
    27.C 根据下文yu react t them and they react t yu可知,这显然是一种更有感染力的“体验”。 example例子;lessn课程;experience体验;talk谈话。故选C。
    28.A 根据空前后的yu have direct cntact with yu react t them and they react t yu可知,此处提到的互动显然是在“表演者”与“你们(听众)”之间进行的。perfrmer表演者;audience观众;prducer生产者;stranger陌生人。故选A。
    29.B 在音乐会上听的显然“不是”录制的歌曲。accrding t根据;instead f而不是;except fr除了……之外;alng with连同……一起。故选B。
    30.D 根据下文n yur persnal music player 可知在听录制的歌曲时你是独自在听。patiently耐心地;quietly安静地;tgether一起;alne独自地。故选D。
    31.A 根据空前的at a cncert可知,在音乐会上,你显然是在“听音乐”。listen听;play演奏;wrk工作;sing唱歌。故选A。
    32.D 根据空前后的a huge crwd f peple music tgether可知,你是与一大群人一起听音乐并“欣赏”音乐的。write写;prvide提供;study学习;enjy欣赏。故选D。
    33.C 根据上文可知,现场音乐会是和一大群人一起听音乐并欣赏音乐,且观众和表演者之间有互动,所以它是一种“社交”体验,也是一种艺术体验。persnal个人的;practical实际的;scial社交的;physical身体的。故选C。
    34.A 根据上句中的the wnderful atmsphere f a live cncert以及下文dancing with yu happily可知,更让人兴奋的是,你周围都是和你一起快乐跳舞的其他歌迷。exciting令人兴奋的;interesting有趣的;surprising令人吃惊的;puzzling令人困惑的。故选A。
    35.D 根据常识,在现场音乐会上,你的周围都是“歌迷”。team团队;class班级;vlunteer志愿者;fan歌迷。故选D。
    【高频词汇】 1.ffer v.主动提出;自愿给予 2.react t回应;对……作出反应 3.a huge crwd f peple一大群人
    4.quality n.质量;品质;人品 5.in ne's pinin以某人之见
    6.recrd v.录制;记录;记载 7.instead f代替;而不是
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。农历正月十五,是新年第一次出现满月的日子,是中国传统节日元宵节,本文介绍了有关元宵节起源的历史传说。
    36.n 考查介词。具体的某一天前要用介词 n。
    37.fficial 考查形容词。设空处修饰名词 end,作定语,用ffice 的形容词形式fficial,意为“正式的;官方的”。
    38.was sht 考查动词时态和语态。设空处动词sht与其主语it之间构成被动关系,主句谓语动词用一般过去时,故此处用一般过去时的被动语态。
    39.highest 考查形容词的最高级。句意:玉皇大帝是天上地位最高的神,他为此感到生气。根据句意及空前的 the可知,此处用形容词的最高级形式。
    40.fifteenth 考查序数词。表示“第几”要用序数词,故填fifteenth。
    41.disagreed 考查动词时态。此处讲述元宵节的来历,是过去发生的事,故用一般过去时。
    42.warning 考查动名词。risk ding sth.冒险做某事,故用动名词形式作宾语。
    43.a 考查冠词。as a result 为固定搭配,意为“因此;结果”。故用不定冠词a。
    44.that 考查名词性从句。分析句子可知设空处引导同位语从句,且从句中不缺少任何成分,故用that引导同位语从句。
    45.destructin 考查名词。设空处作介词frm的宾语,故用名词destructin。
    【高频词汇】 1.related t...和……相关 2.as a result因此;结果 3.set ff引爆;引发;启程 4.impressin n.假象;印象;感想
    第三部分 写作
    One pssible versin:
    Gd mrning, my dear friends. I'm Li Hua.Welcme t ur schl. Knwing yu're keen n traditinal Chinese culture, I'd like t intrduce a traditinal Chinese festival t yu—the Dragn Bat Festival.
    The Dragn Bat Festival falls n the fifth day f the fifth lunar mnth, s it's als called the Duble Fifth Festival. On that day, we usually eat zngzi—sticky rice dumplings wrapped in reed leaves. As the festival name shws, peple hld dragn bat races t celebrate it, especially in the suthern places in memry f Qu Yuan, a great pet f ancient China. Therefre, it's regarded as a day f murning and cherishing the memry f Qu Yuan.
    Thanks fr yur listening.
    One pssible versin:
    Paragraph 1:
    Almst uncntrllably he made his way t the wman, and then he nticed that she was wearing a rse. T be sure, she shuld be the girl he was lking fr thugh Jhn Blanchard was kind f disappinted t see the wman, wh was in her frties. Thinking that it desn't matter what she lked like, he walked tward the wman, greeted her and held ut the bk with the wner's name he had fund in the library. “I'm Jhn Blanchard, and yu must be Miss Meynell. I am s glad I culd meet yu and may I take yu t dinner?”
    Paragraph 2:
    The wman's face bradened int a big smile. “I dn't knw what this is abut n earth,” she answered, “but the yung lady in her pale green suit wh just went by begged me t wear the red rse n my cat. And she prmised if yu were ging t ask me ut t dinner, I shuld tell yu that the yung lady is waiting fr yu in the big restaurant acrss the street. She said it was just a test!”
    2. D
    thirteen mnths ag,the next day,during the next year and ne mnth
    in a library,in the statin
    Jhn Blanchard,Miss Hllis Meynell, a middle-aged wman,the crwd
    first meeting a girl with a rse
    十三个月前在一个图书馆里,男主人公Jhn Blanchard从书架上取下了一本书,他被这本书页边空白处的字迹深深吸引,男主人公知道了这本书之前的主人名叫 Hllis Meynell,于是他费了很大的力气找到这个女孩的地址,开始通信。不久,男主人公Jhn就去海外服兵役了。在一年零一个月的通信中,他们之间的爱情慢慢发芽,当男主人公服役结束从欧洲回来的那天,他们约定晚上七点在纽约的中央火车站见面。女主人公说她会穿着自己的裙子,拿着玫瑰出现在那里。然而,一位妙龄女子吸引了男主人公Jhn的注意,他完全没有注意到这个妙龄女子手中并没有拿着玫瑰。
    Para. 1
    Almst uncntrllably he made his way t the wman, and then he nticed that she was wearing a rse.
    ①What shuld he be feeling?
    ②Was he disappinted?
    ③What wuld he d?
    ④Shuld he just leave r talk t the wman plitely?
    Para. 2
    The wman's face bradened int a big smile.
    ①What did her smile mean?
    ②What did the wman d next?
    ③Was she Hllis Meynell?
    ④Where was the real Hllis Meynell?
    ⑤Hw culd Paragraph 2 be ended reasnably and creatively?

    人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations随堂练习题: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations随堂练习题,共14页。试卷主要包含了单词默写,词汇变形,短语默写,阅读理解,七选五,语法填空等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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