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    UNIT 2 MORALS AND VIRTUES 达标检测-2022版英语必修第三册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)
    UNIT 2 MORALS AND VIRTUES 达标检测-2022版英语必修第三册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)01
    UNIT 2 MORALS AND VIRTUES 达标检测-2022版英语必修第三册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)02
    UNIT 2 MORALS AND VIRTUES 达标检测-2022版英语必修第三册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)03
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    2020-2021学年Unit 2 Morals and Virtues课堂检测

    这是一份2020-2021学年Unit 2 Morals and Virtues课堂检测,共32页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    If yu want t help thers and imprve the wrld, yu still can, withut leaving the huse. Many vlunteer pprtunities require nly a cmputer r a phne. We've runded up fur websites ffering a variety f chices.
    Pints f Light
    Funded by a US president, this is the wrld's biggest rganizatin abut vlunteer service.
    RHistry and garden lvers can help make cllectins mre available by cpying histric dcuments r tagging(给……加上标签) images f American gardens by the plant type in its database.
    RHelp research cld cases f missing and unidentified peple fr the De Netwrk.
    This is a huge database f mre than ne millin virtual (虚拟的) vlunteer listings.
    RGt a legal backgrund? Lawyers can review nline cntent fr Illinis Legal Aid.
    RRetired business wner? There are many pprtunities t instruct small business wners in sales and marketing, business planning and prduct develpment.
    Create the Gd
    AARP, the membership grup fr peple 50+, perates this vlunteer pprtunities database fr the 50+ age grup.
    ROffer career advice t high schl students in pr families in fields frm baking t the handyman by email fr CareerVillage.
    RRaise awareness f scams (骗局), especially thse aimed at lder peple, identified by AARP's Natinal Fraud Team.
    United Natins Vlunteers
    This grup lists rganizatins fr peace and develpment all ver the wrld. Yu can:
    RResearch mney and its surces fr yung peple wh start business in Asia and the Pacific.
    RBrainstrm ideas t cllect plastic waste in Camern.
    Want t get invlved? Click here t becme a member r send an email t membership @senirplanet.rg t learn abut pprtunities.
    1.What d all the vlunteer pprtunities have in cmmn?

    A.They are difficult t acquire.
    B.They require n related knwledge.
    C.They allw ne t prvide help at hme.
    D.They're aimed at excellent prfessinals.
    2.What can vlunteers d thrugh Create the Gd?
    A.Teach the elderly hw t bake.
    B.Raise mney fr pr families.
    C.Prvide jb suggestins fr pr students.
    D.Train teenagers t run their wn businesses.
    3.Which website helps imprve the envirnment?
    A.Pints f Light.
    C.Create the Gd.
    D.United Natins Vlunteers.
    Anyne wh cares abut what schls and clleges teach and hw their students learn will be interested in the memirs(回忆录) f Ralph W. Tyler, wh is ne f the mst famus men in American educatin.
    Brn in Chicag in 1902, brught up and schled in Nebraska, the 19-year-ld cllege graduate Ralph Tyler became hked n teaching while teaching as a science teacher in Suth Dakta and changed his majr frm medicine t educatin.
    Graduate wrk at the University f Chicag established his cnnectin with hnrable educatrs Charles Judd and W. W. Charters, whse ideas f teaching and testing had an effect n his later wrk. In 1927, he became a teacher f the Ohi State University where he further develped a new methd f testing.
    Tyler became well knwn natinally in 1938, when he carried his wrk with the eight-year study frm the Ohi State University t the University f Chicag at the invitatin f Rbert Hutchins.
    Tyler was the first directr f the Center fr Advanced Study in the Behaviral Sciences at Stanfrd University, a psitin he held fr furteen years. There, he firmly believed that researchers shuld be free t seek an independent spirit in their wrk.
    Althugh Tyler fficially retired in 1967, he never actually retired. He served n a lng list f educatinal rganizatins in the United States and abrad. Even in his 80s he traveled acrss the cuntry t advise teachers and management peple n hw t set bjectives(目标) that develp the best teaching and learning within their schls.
    4.Wh are mst prbably interested in Ralph W. Tyler's memirs?
    A.Tp managers.
    B.Language learners.
    C.Serius educatrs.
    D.Science researchers.
    5.What d the underlined wrds “hked n teaching” in Paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A.Attracted t teaching.
    B.Tired f teaching.
    C.Satisfied with teaching.
    D.Unhappy abut teaching.
    6.Where did Tyler wrk as the leader f a research center fr ver 10 years?
    A.At the University f Chicag.
    B.At Stanfrd University.
    C.At the Ohi State University.
    D.At the University f Nebraska.
    7.Tyler is said t have never actually retired because .
    A.he develped a new methd f testing
    B.he called fr the free spirit in research
    C.he was still active in giving advice
    D.he still led the eight-year study
    The idea f changing the wrld seems very crazy, but there are a number f small everyday things we can d t make the wrld better. Cmmunity centers, parks, libraries, hmeless shelters, hspitals and schls are all places where students can make a difference thrugh service.
    Alisia Orsc, 10, wanted t shw her lve and care t the sick kids at Texas Children's Hspital, where her brther had been a patient. She earned mney by ding part-time jbs and used it t buy different tys fr the children in hspital. Nw she visits three hspitals every year with bags f tys. “I hpe t help as many kids as I can,” Alisia says. “It makes me happy t make them smile.”
    High schl students in a twn f Washingtn made a difference t the lives f sme needy children by building a playgrund at a wrker's camp. They gt a lt f help frm a building supply stre which prvided free building materials fr the prject.
    Teens in New Jersey decided t ffer their help at a lcal sup kitchen where peple with n hmes can get free fd. But there wasn't ne. They created a ne-day sup kitchen and were able t feed 60 needy peple and allw them t take the rest. Their effrts gt mre peple t understand the great need f the pr in their cmmunity. Because f their effrts and success, a permanent sup kitchen was created with the $10,000 Natinal Award they received frm Newman's Own.
    High schl students in Las Vegas helped 30 hmeless adults prepare résumés during a jb fair they held at the area's largest hmeless shelter. At least nine f the adults later fund jbs.
    8.Every year Alisia visits three hspitals with bags f tys in rder t .
    A.sell her different tys
    B.lk fr part-time jbs
    C.lk after her sick brther
    D.bring cheer t the sick kids
    9.Where was a playgrund built fr needy children?
    A.In Texas.
    B.In a twn f Washingtn.
    C.In New Jersey.
    D.In Las Vegas.
    10.The ne-day sup kitchen created by teens in New Jersey .
    A.received high praise
    B.cst $10,000 t build
    C.gt help frm 60 peple
    D.was aimed at children
    11.Which f the fllwing can best describe the students mentined in the text?
    A.Kind. B.Brave.
    C.Prud. D.Crazy.
    Despite all the ther fun activities arund us tday, there's n dubt that many peple still lve reading. Bks can teach us plenty abut the wrld, f curse, as well as imprving ur vcabularies and writing skills. But can nvels als make us better peple?
    Accrding t the Canadian psychlgist Keith Oatley, peple wh read nvels may imprve their scial skills. In his research, Oatley has fund that each time we pen a nvel, we read abut the characters and imagine urselves int their psitin. When they are in danger, ur hearts start t race. Characters hk us int stries. Withut necessarily even nticing, we imagine what it's like t be them and cmpare their reactins with hw we respnd.
    S peple wh read nvels appear t be mre skilled at wrking ut what ther peple are thinking and feeling, which is an imprtant scial skill. But des that necessarily make them better peple? T test this, Oatley's team carried ut an experiment, where researchers “accidentally” drp a number f pens n the flr and then see wh ffers t help pick them up. Befre the pen-drp tk place, participants were given a list f questins measuring empathy(共鸣). Then they read a shrt stry and answered a series f questins t see if they had better perfrmance n empathy. It wrked: the peple wh expressed the mst empathy fr the characters were mre likely t help pick up the pens.
    S the research shws that reading nvels des make peple behave better. It sunds as thugh it's time t change peple's fixed image f the shy bkwrm whse nse is always in a bk because they find it difficult t get n with real peple. In fact, these bkwrms might be better than everyne else at understanding human beings.
    12.Hw d peple imprve scial skills by reading nvels accrding t Oatley?
    A.By chsing the right nvels.
    B.By understanding the characters.
    C.By learning frm the characters.
    D.By measuring the value f nvels.
    13.Why d researchers drp pens in the experiment?
    A.T imprve participants' scial skills.
    B.T help participants see their strengths.
    C.T encurage participants t read mre.
    D.T check participants' willingness t help.
    14.What is the writing purpse f the text?
    A.T present the result f a study.
    B.T increase the interest in reading.
    C.T stress the imprtance f scial skills.
    D.T intrduce a way fr scientific research.
    15.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.Make yurself a better reader.
    B.Make nvel-reading interesting.
    C.Reading nvels makes us better peple.
    D.Reading makes bkwrms mre ppular.
    T frgive is a virtue, but n ne has ever said it is easy.When smene has deeply hurt yu,it can be extremely difficult t let g f yur hate.Hwever,frgiveness is pssible,and it can be surprisingly beneficial t yur physical and mental health.Peple wh frgive shw less sadness,anger and stress and mre hpefulness,accrding t recent research.
    16 Try the fllwing steps:
    Calm yurself. 17 Yu can take a cuple f breaths and think f smething that gives yu pleasure:a beautiful scene in nature, r smene yu lve.
    Dn't wait fr an aplgy.Many times the persn wh hurts yu des nt intend t aplgize. He may have wanted t hurt yu r just desn't see things the same way. 18 Keep in mind that frgiveness des nt necessarily mean becming friends again with the persn wh upsets yu.
    Take the cntrl away frm yur ffender(冒犯者).Rethinking abut yur hurt gives pwer t the persn wh caused yur pain.Instead f fcusing n yur wunded feelings,learn t lk fr the lve,beauty and kindness arund yu.
    19 If yu understand yur ffender,yu may realize that he r she was acting ut f unawareness,fear,and even lve.Yu may want t write a letter t yurself frm yur ffender's pint f view.
    Dn't frget t frgive yurself. 20 But it can rb yu f yur self-cnfidence if yu dn't d it.
    A.Why shuld yu frgive?
    B.Hw shuld yu start t frgive?
    C.Recgnize the benefits f frgiveness.
    D.Try t see things frm yur ffender's angle.
    E.Fr sme peple,frgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.
    F.T make yur anger die away,try a simple stress-management technique.
    G.If yu wait fr peple t aplgize,yu culd be waiting an awfully lng time.
    16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Smetimes peple arund yu can change yur life. The change may nt be sudden r 21 , but little habits can prduce big ideas that make yu think abut what is imprtant in yur life. The persn wh changed my life is Julia Masi. She has 22 me s many things that I will carry with me thrughut my life.
    One thing I've learned frm Julia is hw t balance 23 . Julia has shwn me hw t plan ahead s that I can finish all my schl wrk, enjy sprts and 24 have time fr my friends. She has taught me that yu can d anything if yu are 25 —never give up. I've als learned that yu can find anything 26 if yu cnnect it with smething that yu enjy.
    Last year I hated studying vcabulary, but I lved playing n my cmputer. Julia 27 the tw and shwed me a website called “freerice.cm” where yu can 28 a wrd game that gives yu 5 grains f rice t dnate t the pr with every crrect wrd. She 29 me t learn a hundred new wrds by filling up the rice bwl. I liked playing the game s much that I 30 abut 1,000 wrds in just ne mnth.
    Julia has always 31 me t try new hbbies. She shwed me that ging t the theater culd help me becme a better writer. 32 , she taught me that discussing a play can excite an interest in reading.
    If it weren't fr Julia, I prbably wuldn't have 33 hw easy it is t help the pr. There are s many ways that ne persn can 34 . I've learned t be mre appreciative f what I wn. I am 35 fr the pprtunities that I have been given. I will cntinue t think f ways t help thse less frtunate fr the rest f my life.

    B.impressive C.necessary D.slight
    B.served C.ffered D.bught
    B.mney C.career D.time
    B.seldm C.hardly D.still
    B.determined C.careful D.patient
    C.pssible D.interesting
    C.cmbined D.separated
    B.play C.raise D.imprve
    C.permitted D.reminded
    B.read C.used D.spelled
    C.frced D.encuraged
    C.Hwever D.Otherwise
    C.imagined D.dreamed
    away B.make a difference
    C.shw ff D.make a mistake
    B.srry C.thankful D.anxius
    Abut 20 years ag, n the way t a student's huse, Zhang Guimei learned that a 13-year-ld girl 36 (frce) t get married by her parents. She felt srry fr nt 37 (be)able t help. That inspired her t build a free high schl fr girls frm the faraway muntains. After years f effrts, in 2008 a free public high schl was funded in Huaping, 38 Zhang has been the headmaster since then. Over the years, Zhang has walked 39 (thusand) f kilmeters, persuading girls t g back t schl. Many graduates have been admitted 40 cllege, which is regarded as a “miracle” in the area, because mst students didn't d 41 (gd) in academic study befre the schl was funded.
    Zhang Guimei wants children frm the muntains t attend the best universities. She tld the media a girl can influence three generatins. “ 42 educated, respnsible mther will nt let her children 43 (drp) ut f schl,” she added, “and the gal is t prevent pverty frm passing dwn frm generatin t generatin.” Her 44 (mve)stries inspire a great many peple. In early December, she was named a natinal utstanding member f the Cmmunist Party f China fr her 45 (cntribute) t educatin in rural China.
    36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
    41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Kate,

    Li Hua
    Once upn a time, there was a man wh was very helpful, kind-hearted, and generus. He was a man wh wuld help smene withut asking anything t pay him back. He wuld help smene because he wanted t and he lved t. One day while walking alng a dusty rad, this man saw a purse, and then he picked it up and fund that the purse was empty. Suddenly, a wman with a pliceman shwed up and caught him.
    The wman kept n asking where he hid her mney but the man replied, “It was empty when I fund it.”The wman shuted ut angrily, “Please give it back. It's fr my sn's schl fees.” The man realized that the wman really felt sad, s he handed her all his mney. He culd see that the wman was a single mther. The man said, “Take these.I am srry fr the truble.” The wman left and the pliceman held the man fr further questining.
    The wman was very happy, but later n she fund her mney was dubled, which came as a shck. One day while the wman was ging t pay her sn's schl fees twards the schl, she nticed that sme skinny man was walking behind her. She thught that he might rb her, s she apprached a pliceman standing nearby. He was the same pliceman, wh she tk alng t ask abut her purse. The wman tld him abut the man fllwing her, but suddenly they saw that man fall dwn n the grund. They ran twards him and saw that he was the same man whm they caught a few days ag.
    Paragraph 1:
    He lked very weak and the wman was cnfused.

    Paragraph 2:
    After hearing what the pliceman said, the wman felt shy.

    第一部分 阅读
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了四个志愿者服务网站,目的是帮助他人,改善世界。
    1.C 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“If yu want t help thers and imprve the wrld, yu still can, withut leaving the huse.”可知,这几个志愿者机会的共同特点是,允许志愿者在家提供帮助。故选C。
    2.C 细节理解题。根据第三个网址Create the Gd中的“Offer career advice t high schl students in pr families”可知,志愿者通过Create the Gd可以向贫困学子提供工作建议。故选C。
    3.D 细节理解题。根据第四个网址United Natins Vlunteers中的“cllect plastic waste in Camern”可知,United Natins Vlunteers提出了收塑料废品,可以帮助改善环境。故选D。
    【高频词汇】 1.a variety f各种各样的 2.fund v.建立
    3.available adj.可获得的;可购得的 4.raise v.提高,增加;提升;筹集;养育 5.awareness n.意识;知道;认识 6.be aimed at针对;对象是
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇人物传记。文章讲述了美国教育家Ralph W. Tyler一生从事教育研究工作,直至晚年仍不断为教育事业奔走服务,贡献力量。
    4.C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的Anyne wh cares abut what schls and clleges teach and hw their students learn...可以看出非常有可能对Ralph W. Tyler的回忆录感兴趣的是教育工作者。故选C。
    5.A 词义猜测题。根据第二段中的changed his majr frm medicine t educatin可知,他弃医从教,说明对教育很痴迷。becme hked n意为“着迷于……的”。故选A。
    6.B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的Tyler was the first directr f the Center fr Advanced Study in the Behaviral Sciences at Stanfrd University, a psitin he held fr furteen years.可知Tyler在斯坦福大学的一个研究中心当了10多年的领导。故选B。
    7.C 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知尽管Tyler在1967年退休,但他并未停止为美国国内及国外的教育机构服务,提供建议。故选C。
    【高频词汇】 1.bring up养育;提出 2.majr n.专业 adj.主要的 3.hnrable adj.值得敬仰的 4.have an effect n...对……有影响 5.firmly adv.坚定地;坚固地 6.free adj.能随自己意愿的;不受限制的 7.(be) attracted t...为……所吸引;喜爱…… 8.(be) tired f...厌倦/厌烦……
    原句 Anyne wh cares abut what schls and clleges teach and hw their students learn will be interested in the memirs f Ralph W. Tyler, wh is ne f the mst famus men in American educatin.
    分析 本句为主从复合句。句子的主干是Anyne will be interested in the memirs f Ralph W. Tyler。Anyne后面的wh引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词Anyne,该定语从句中的what和hw引导的都是宾语从句,作cares abut的宾语,而Ralph W. Tyler后面的wh引导的是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Ralph W. Tyler。
    句意 任何关心学校和大学教什么以及学生如何学习的人都会对美国教育界最著名的人物之一Ralph W. Tyler的回忆录感兴趣。
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章通过讲述几个事例说明了小事情也可以产生大影响,从而让世界更美好。
    8.D 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的“Alisia Orsc, 10, wanted t shw her lve and care t the sick kids...”以及最后一句中的“I hpe t help as many kids as I can”及“It makes me happy t make them smile”可知,Alisia Orsc每年去医院给生病的孩子们送玩具,是为了给他们带来欢乐。故选D。
    9.B 细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句“High schl students in a twn f Washingtn made a difference t the lives f sme needy children by building a playgrund at a wrker's camp.”可知,在华盛顿的一个城镇,高中生们为贫困儿童建造了一个操场。
    10.A 推理判断题。根据第四段的最后两句“Their effrts gt mre peple t understand the great received frm Newman's Own.”可知,新泽西州的青少年创办的一日施粥所让更多的人了解到了穷人的需求,同时由于他们的努力和成功,他们获得了一万美元的奖励,一个永久性的施粥所被建立了。由此可推断,孩子们创办的一日施粥所得到了高度赞扬。故选A。C、D属于细节对应错误,容易排除;B项为易错选项,青少年创办的一日施粥所没有花费这些钱,花费这些钱的是一个永久性的施粥所。
    11.A 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“Alisia Orsc, 10, wanted t shw her lve and care t the sick kids...”,第三段第一句“High schl students in a twn f Washingtn made a difference t the lives f sme needy children by building a playgrund at a wrker's camp.”,第四段的第一句“Teens in New Jersey decided t ffer their help at a lcal sup kitchen...”以及最后一段的第一句“High schl students in Las Vegas helped 30 hmeless adults...”可知,文章提到的这些学生用他们的行动表达了对弱者的关心和帮助,由此判断,这些学生是善良的。故选A。
    【高频词汇】 1.crazy adj.不理智的;疯狂的 2.a number f许多 3.shelter n.避难处;居所;住处;遮蔽,庇护 4.make a difference有影响;起作用 5.permanent adj.永久的
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。作者介绍了阅读小说可以提高人们的社交能力,让人们变得更好。
    12.C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Oatley has read abut the characters and imagine urselves int their psitin. When they are in danger, ur hearts start t imagine what it's like t be them and cmpare their reactins with hw we respnd.”可知,Oatley发现,每次我们打开一本小说时,我们都会读到小说中的人物,然后想象自己在他们的处境中。当他们处于危险中时,我们的心跳就会加速。人物让我们沉浸在故事里。甚至没有注意到,我们想象成为他们会是什么样子的,然后比较他们的反应和我们的反应。由此判断,在这一过程中,我们通过学习故事中的人物,进而提高自己的社交技能。故选C。注意B项“了解人物”不足以提高我们的社交技能,这只是开始的一步,我们还需要设身处地去比较、去从人物身上学习才能提高社交技能。
    13.D 细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“T test this, Oatley's team carried ut an experiment, where researchers “accidentally” drp a number f pens n the flr and then see wh ffers t help pick them up.”可知,为了验证这一点,Oatley的团队进行了一项实验,研究人员“不小心”把一些笔掉在地上,然后看看谁主动帮忙捡起来。所以实验中“不小心”把笔掉在地上是为了看谁主动帮忙捡起来。故选D。
    14.B 推理判断题。根据第一段第二、三句“Bks can teach us plenty abut the can nvels als make us better peple?”及最后一段第一句“S the research shws that reading nvels des make peple behave better.”可知,研究表明,读小说可以让人们变得更好。文中这两处充分肯定了读书的好处。所以推知,本文的写作目的是增加人们对读书的兴趣。故选B。
    15.C 主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句“But can nvels als make us better peple?”及最后一段第一句“S the research shws that reading nvels des make peple behave better.”可知,第一段提出问题,随后文章通过介绍一项实验说明了研究结果,最后总结结论,因而本文主要讲述了读小说能让人们变得更好。故选C。
    【高频词汇】 1.despite prep.即使;尽管 2.in danger处在危险中 3.race v.急速跳动;快速运转 4.carry ut 实施;执行;实行
    5.participant n.参与者 6.a series f...一系列的……
    原句 It sunds as thugh it's time t change peple's fixed image f the shy bkwrm whse nse is always in a bk because they find it difficult t get n with real peple.
    分析 本句为主从复合句。as thugh引导表语从句;在这个表语从句中又含有whse引导的定语从句(修饰先行词bkwrm)以及because引导的原因状语从句。
    句意 这听起来似乎是时候改变人们对害羞的书呆子的固定印象了,他们总是专心致志地读书,因为他们觉得很难与真实的人相处。
    ◎语篇解读 本文为说明文,主要介绍了宽恕别人和自己的方法。
    16.B 第一段说明了宽恕的意义,设空处后的各段介绍了宽恕的具体方法,由此可推断设空处应为一个承上启下的过渡句,故选B(你应该如何开始宽恕呢?)。
    17.F 根据段落中心句Calm yurself.和下文的关键信息think f smething that gives yu pleasure可确定F项(为使你的怒气逐渐消失,试试一个简单的压力管理方法。)符合语境。
    18.G 根据段落中心句Dn't wait fr an aplgy.可知本段讲述不要等道歉,再由设空处前面说到的,很多时候伤害你的人并不打算道歉,他可能是想伤害你,或者只是和你看待事物的方式不一样,故G项(如果你等别人道歉,你可能要等一段非常长的时间。)符合该段主题且与上文联系紧密。
    19.D 设空处是该段的主旨句。根据下文的关键信息“If yu understand yur ffender,yu may realize that”和“write a letter t yurself frm yur ffender's pint f view”可确定D项(尽量从你的冒犯者的角度看事情。)符合语境。
    20.E 根据段落中心句Dn't frget t frgive yurself.可知本段主要讲述要宽恕自己,故E项(对有些人来说,宽恕自己是最大的挑战。)符合语境。
    【高频词汇】 1.intend v.打算;计划;想要 2.keep in mind that...将……记在心中 3.instead f代替;而不是 4.fcus n集中注意力于 5.frm ne's pint f view从某人的角度来看
    第二部分 语言运用
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过讲述Julia如何帮助自己安排时间,克服学习中的困难告诉我们一个人影响别人的方式有很多。
    21.B 根据空前的“The change may nt be sudden r”以及空后的but little habits(很小的习惯)可知,这种改变可能不会是突然的或令人印象深刻的。simple简单的; impressive印象深刻的; necessary 必要的; slight轻微的。故选B。
    22.A 根据空前的“The persn wh changed my life is Julia Masi.”及下文“One thing I've learned frm Julia”可知,Julia教会了我很多东西。teach教; serve服务; ffer提供; buy买。故选A。
    23.D 根据空后的“s that I can finish all my schl wrk, enjy sprts and 24 have time fr my friends”可知,Julia教会了我如何平衡时间。wrk 工作; mney金钱; career事业; time时间。故选D。
    24.D 根据空前后的“Julia has shwn me hw t plan ahead s that I can finish all my schl wrk, enjy sprts time fr my friends.”可知,提前计划好可以让我完成所有的作业,做一些运动,仍有时间和朋友在一起。never从不; seldm很少;hardly几乎不; still仍然。故选D。
    25.B 根据空后的“never give up”可知,永不放弃,说明只要你下定决心,你就能做任何事。excited兴奋的; determined坚决的; careful细心的; patient有耐心的。故选B。
    26.D 根据空后的“if yu cnnect it with smething that yu enjy”可知,如果你把你所做的和你喜欢的东西联系起来,你会发现任何事情都是有趣的。 imprtant 重要的; hard 困难的; pssible可能的; interesting有趣的。故选D。
    27.C 根据空后的“a wrd game that gives yu 5 grains f rice t dnate t the pr with every crrect wrd”可知,我讨厌学习词汇,但喜欢玩电脑,而Julia把二者结合了起来,给我介绍了一个这样的网站。share分享; remember记得; cmbine使结合; separate使分开。故选C。
    28.B 根据空后的“a wrd game”可知,在这个网站上显然可以玩词汇游戏。watch观看; play玩; raise提高; imprve改善。故选B。
    29.A 根据空后的“me t learn a hundred new wrds by filling up the rice bwl”可知,在游戏中学一百个新单词显然是任务、是挑战。challenge挑战; invite邀请; permit许可; remind提醒。故选A。
    30.A 根据上文中的“learn a hundred new wrds”可知,涉及单词,应为“学习”,此处指我只用了一个月就学会了一千个左右的单词。learn学习; read阅读; use使用; spell拼写。故选A。
    31.D 根据空后的“try new hbbies”可知,因为是新爱好,所以Julia总是鼓励我去尝试。allw允许; warn 警告; frce强迫; encurage鼓励。故选D。
    32.B 根据空前的“She shwed me that ging t the theater culd help me becme a better writer”以及空后的“she taught me that discussing a play can excite an interest in reading.”可知,Julia向我解释说,去剧院可以帮助我成为一个更好的作家,此外,她还教我讨论戏剧可以激发阅读的兴趣。therefre因此;besides此外;hwever然而;therwise否则。故选B。
    33.A 此处指如果没有Julia,我可能不会意识到帮助穷人是多么简单。realize意识到; bserve观察; imagine想象; dream梦想。故选A。
    34.B 上文介绍了我在Julia的帮助下,在一个网站上玩一个单词游戏从而帮助了穷人,在一定程度上产生了影响、发挥了作用。turn away把……拒之门外; make a difference产生影响; shw ff炫耀; make a mistake犯错误。故选B。
    35.C 通过上文的描述可知,我认识到了一个人可以有很多发挥作用的方法、也更加感激自己所拥有的,自然是对这些被给予的机会心存感激。eager热切的; srry难过的; thankful感激的; anxius焦虑的。故选C。
    【高频词汇】 1.dnate v.捐赠;捐献 2.appreciative adj.感激的;感谢的;欣赏的;赏识的 3.frtunate adj.幸运的
    4.impressive adj.给人印象深刻的 5.determined adj.坚定的;坚决的;果断的 6.make a difference有影响;起作用 7.shw ff炫耀;卖弄
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了张桂梅为中国农村教育做出的贡献。
    36.was frced 考查动词的时态和语态。句意:大约20年前,在去一个学生家里的路上,张桂梅得知一个13岁的女孩被父母逼婚。分析句子结构可知,frce与a 13-year-ld girl之间为被动关系,事情发生在大约20年前,因此用一般过去时。故填was frced。
    37.being 考查动名词。句意:她为不能帮上忙而感到遗憾。句中fr为介词,后接动名词。故填being。
    38.where 考查定语从句。句意:经过多年的努力,在2008年,一所免费公立高中在华坪建立起来了,从那时起,张一直是该校的校长。分析句子结构可知设空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为a free public high schl,关系词在定语从句中作地点状语,所以用关系副词where引导。
    39.thusands 考查固定搭配。句意:多年来,张已经走了数千公里的路,说服女孩们重返校园。thusands f为固定搭配,意为“数以千计的”。故填thusands。
    40.t/int 考查介词。句意:许多毕业生已经被大学录取,这在那个地区被视为一个“奇迹”,因为在学校建立之前,大多数学生的学业并不好。be admitted t/int...为固定搭配,意为“接收(入学)”。 故填t或int。
    41.well 考查副词。d well in意为“在……方面做得好”。故填well。
    42.An 考查冠词。此处指一个受过良好教育的、负责任的母亲是不会让她的孩子辍学的。句中mther为可数名词,此处表示泛指“一个受过良好教育的、负责任的母亲”,educated以元音音素开头,需用不定冠词an。置于句首,首字母大写。故填An。
    43.drp 考查不带t的动词不定式。let sb. d sth.让某人做某事,故填drp。
    44.mving 考查形容词。句意:她动人的故事鼓舞了许多人。分析句子结构可知,空格处作定语修饰stries,意为“令人感动的”。故填mving。
    45.cntributin 考查名词。此处指因她对中国农村教育做出的贡献。设空处作fr的宾语,且前面有her限定,故此处应用名词cntributin。
    【高频词汇】 1.inspire vt.激励;鼓舞;给……以启示
    2.persuade v.说服,劝说 3.admit v.接收(入学);准许……加入(俱乐部、组织);准许(进入);承认 ding sth.阻止……做某事 5.pass dwn使世代相传;流传
    6.utstanding adj.杰出的 7.cntributin n.贡献
    第三部分 写作
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Kate,
    I'm srry that yu are having truble in yur being verweight, but I think yu can make it if yu take fllwing tips.
    As we all knw, a healthy figure is much mre imprtant than a gd ne. S there is n need t wrry abut yur present figure as lng as yu're in gd health.Besides,healthy eating alng with regular exercise is als a gd way t becme fit and avid being verweight.In additin, real beauty cmes frm the cnfidence and gd qualities that yu have.
    I hpe the abve advice can be f help.Lking frward t hearing frm yu.
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    Paragraph 1:
    He lked very weak and the wman was cnfused. The pliceman explained, “On hearing abut yur sn's schl fees, he felt pity. He didn't return yur mney but gave yu all his mney that day.” Then, they helped the man stand up, and the man tld the wman, “I fllwed yu t make sure that n ne steals yur sn's schl fees.” The wman was speechless. “Learn t appreciate what we are given. Be kind and generus. When we get a secnd chance, crrect ur mistakes and return the favr,” said the pliceman.
    Paragraph 2:
    After hearing what the pliceman said, the wman felt shy. She said srry t the man, but the man seemed dead. Frightened, they tk him t a hspital nearby quickly. Luckily, the man was saved in time. The wman went there t attend t him every day. Taken gd care f and treated, the man was getting better and better. He said thanks t the wman, which made the wman at ease. Since then, they have becme gd friends and lked after each ther.
    a man;a wman;a pliceman
    A wman lst her purse.She and a pliceman saw a man hlding it.
    Para. 1
    He lked very weak and the wman was cnfused.
    ①Why did the wman get mre mney?
    ②Why did the man fllw the wman?
    Para. 2
    After hearing what the pliceman said, the wman felt shy.
    ①What happened t the man?
    ②What wuld happen t them in the end?

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