人教版英语四年级上册导学案设计Unit 3 Part A 教案
这是一份人教版英语四年级上册导学案设计Unit 3 Part A 教案,共6页。
人教版PEP小学英语四年级上册《Unit3 My friends》A let’s talk 教学目标:1、能听懂、会说What's his name?His name is ……He has…… 2、能听、说、认读I have a new friend. A Chinese friend? What's his name? His name is …… 教学重点:What's his name?His name is ……He has…… 教学难点:He has…… 课前准备:单词卡(Chinese、 photo)、课件、John,John's mother的头饰.. 教学设想:围绕这节课的重点和难点单词和句型,通过复习学过的短语和句子,在大量语言输入的情况下,使学生听懂.在听懂的前提下,创设情景,利用游戏,达到在熟练掌握的基础上运用所学语言进行交流的目的... 教学过程: 一、Warm-up: 1、let's do : big,big,big,Make your eyes big. small,small,small,Make your eyes small. tall,tall,tall,Make yourself tall. short,short,short,Make yourself short. 2、Sing a song:《Friends》 [设计意图:let's do的目的是为了复习旧知:big、small、tall、short等形容词,让学生温故而知新,通过歌曲Friends的表演唱,让学生尽快进入本课所要交流的话题氛围..] 二、Presentation: 1、难点句型He has…… 和单词 photo的教学 (师声情并茂的描述) T:I have a new friend..He is very very tall..He has a big mouth,small eyes..He has big ears..He has short hair..Do you know,who’s he? T:Please look,this is his photo..(师出示照片让学生明白photo的意思,再出示词卡,教读,找生读,贴到黑板上) 2、 What’s his name? His name is 的教学.. 课件出示姚明的照片,Let’s look..师与学生一起再把照片描述一下引出His name is 句型并板书,然后出示几张卡通人物的照片进行问答练习,通过多次问答形式引出句子What’s his name?并板书..师领读板书的主句型,针对班里的其他男生,进行师生、生生问答练习.. (1)Play a game:全班分为两组,每组选一生上台,台下学生对课件中所选定的人物照片进行描述,并问What’s his name?台上的学生谁先猜出来即为胜利者.. 游戏分为2组 : 一组(大头儿子、小新、一休) 二组(刘欢、刘翔、猪八戒) (2)出示let’s chant:做巩固练习 I have a new (good,Chinese )friend. I have a new (good,Chinese )friend. He has big eyes. He is tall. Hello,what’s his name? Hello,what’s his name? His name is 姚明.His name is 姚明...(用"两只老虎"的曲调进行) [设计意图:针对重、难点句型我采用了趣引、巧练、游戏、chant巩固等形式让学生对知识从新到熟去掌握并运用.]三、practice: 1、教授Chinese .. T:Class,I'm form China..Where are you form? Ss:I'm form China ,too.. T:Nice to meet you .. Ss:Nice to meet you,too.. T:We are Chinese..(师出示词卡,教读,让生明白意思,找生读,然后把词卡贴到黑板上)指着班里的学生说Chinese girl,Chinese boy,让生明白并会运用..2、师出示John,John’s mother 的头饰, T:Boys and girls: What's his name? His name is .. Now,John is talking about his new friend to his mother. (1)Listen and answer:师大荧幕出示:What's his friend's name?(让学生带着问题听,听后回答) (2)Open the book,p29.. Listen and repeat. (让生跟着录音机读对话,注意模仿录音中的语音和语调) (3)Read the dialogue by yourself.(4)Act this dialogue.(师准备好John,John’s mother 的头饰,师生\生生进行对话表演)(5)Listen and number. 四、Production: 1、Group Work: 在小组内把你所带照片上的朋友介绍给你的同学. Like this:(供你参考) A: Hello, B名字. I have a new friend. B: A boy? A: Yes. He hashair and eyes. B: What's his name? A: His name is 名字. Look, this is his photo.He is strong. (1)师出示例子,先与一生做示范展示.. (2)小组活动.. (3)上台展示..[设计意图:通过介绍自己身边的朋友这一任务,把所学语言真正运用到实际生活中,达到了学以致用的目的.]2、Let’s check 达标测试Choose and fill in the blanks. (选择反义词填空)tall long new strong1、John has short hair. Sarah has hair.2、 John is short. His father is .3、Wu Yifan is thin. Zhang Peng is .4、Chen Jie is my friend. Sarah is my old friend.Read and choose .( )1、I have a friend. A;Chinese B;chinese( )2、She big eyes. A:have B:has( )3、Amy 向妈妈说自己有一位新朋友,该如何说? Amy: . A:Mom,I have a new classroom. B:Mom, I have a new friend.( )4、如果你的向朋友询问一个男孩的名字,该怎么问?A:What's her name? B: What's his name? 3、课堂总结评价.. . 五、Progress: 1、Introduce your new friends to your parents. 2、Make a name card for yourself or your friends. [课堂的终点在哪里?我想应该还在课外,因此,我以本课为延伸,鼓励学生动手制作名片,并把自己的朋友介绍给父母,增强与朋友和家长的情感.]
这是一份人教版英语四年级上册导学案设计Unit 3 导学案 3,共4页。
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这是一份人教版英语四年级上册导学案设计Unit 6 Part A Let's learn教案,共5页。