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    这是一份湖北省新高考联考协作体2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题,文件包含高二英语答案docx、高二考试英语试卷docx、湖北省新高考联考协作体2021-2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间:2021 年 11 月 9 日上午 8:00-10:00试卷满分:150 分
    第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答
    第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Where is the wman?
    A. In a ticket ffice.B. On the plane.C. At the airprt.
    2. What des the wman advise the man t d? A. Speak English mre in class.
    B. Ask the teacher fr advice.
    C. Listen t English after class regularly.
    3. What is the present price f the suitcase?
    A. $25.B. $35.C. $50.
    4. What will the wman d this evening? A. Have dinner with a friend.
    B. Watch a ball game n TV. C. Wait fr a phne call.
    5. Hw is the weather?
    A. Sunny.B. Snwy.C. Cludy.
    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。
    6. What’s the masct(吉祥物)f the 2022 Winter Olympics?
    A. A snwman.B. A panda.C. A bird.
    7. What will the speakers d tgether? A. G t see the pandas.
    B. G t visit Beijing and Zhangjiaku.
    C. G t watch the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.
    听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。
    8. What des the wman want t d?
    A. Play sccer.B. Watch a game.C. Play sme music.
    9. What des the man usually d first when he gets hme?
    A. He has smething t eat.B. He practices the guitar.C. He des his hmewrk.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
    10. What is the wman ging t d tmrrw?
    A. G n a hike.B. G climbing.C. Have a picnic.
    11. Wh will be n the farm tmrrw?
    A. The man and Nichlas.B. The man and his uncle.C. The man and his father.
    12. What des the man think f the farm wrk?
    A. Enjyable.B. Tiring.C. Demanding.
    听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
    13. What des Gerge think f the exhibitin?
    A. Special.B. Bring.C. Wnderful.
    14. What des Gerge like best?
    A. Prtraits.B. Oil paintings.C. Waterclrs.
    15. What des Gerge say abut himself?
    A. He is a gd painter.B. He has artistic ability.C. He lves art very much.
    16. What des Mary want t d nw?
    A. Get a ticket.B. Buy a picture.C. G t the exhibitin.
    听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
    17. Wh can g n a free tur in Windsr Castle?
    A. The blind.B. The pr.C. The deaf.
    18. What is especially ffered t visitrs with children?
    A. An expert guide.B. A special family tur.C. An adventurus activity.
    19. Where d the turs end?
    A. At the Curtyard.
    B. At St. Gerge’s Chapel.
    C. At the entrance t the State Apartments.
    20. When can visitrs get ice cream in the shps?
    A. In March.B. In June.C. In Octber.
    第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该 项涂黑。
    M’rea, French Plynesia
    The Mst Beautiful Islands in the Wrld
    M’rea is a place t relax and appreciate the quietness and beauty f nature. Experience the island’s real Tahitian culture and explre beautiful nature n ft. Pass by white churches and sleepy fishing villages, and stp alng the way t buy sme fruit, fresh fish r an ice-cld ccnut.
    Kaua’i, Hawaii
    Kaua’i is als named “the garden island”. On the suth shre, yu’ll find sites with cultural, histrical, and gelgical significance alngside beautiful beaches. The island f Kaua’i has been featured in mre than seventy Hllywd mvies and televisin shws, ntably Indiana Jnes, Jurassic Park and Jurassic Wrld.
    Sri Lanka
    Sri Lanka has lng appealed t the adventurus, with muntains t climb, thick frests t explre and
    ancient sunk ships t discver in its warm Indian Ocean waters. There are beautiful beaches, but with s much t see and d, finding the time t lie back and relax might prve t be a challenge. Whether n land r ut at sea, explratin always calls and the curisity cannt be resisted.
    K Phi Phi, Thailand
    The K Phi Phi is lcated in the Andaman Sea, a marginal sea f the Indian Ocean. Lcated ff the west cast f suthern Thailand, it ffers an interesting range f plants and animal species. The island guides can take yu t the amazing frest where yu’ll see many animals, like mnkeys, snakes and wild birds.
    21. Which island is suitable if yu are interested in the Tahitian culture?
    A. Sri Lanka.B. M’rea, French Plynesia. C. Kaua’i Hawaii.D. K Phi Phi, Thailand.
    22. What is special abut Kaua’i?
    A. Beautiful beaches.B. The beauty f nature.
    C. Plants and animals.D. Appearance in mvies and TV shws
    23. Which f the fllwing attracts the visitrs mst in Sri Lanka?
    A. Taking part in adventurus activities. B. Seeing wild plants and animals.
    C. Relaxing n the beautiful beaches.
    D. Taking a ship trip in the Indian Ocean.
    When Kirk Alexander went missing fr 11 days, an unlikely savir came t his rescue: his neighbrhd pizza stre.
    Almst every night fr mre than ten years, Alexander rdered a late dinner frm his lcal Dmin’s pizza stre. Until suddenly, fr nearly tw weeks, he didn’t.
    It was a Saturday night when Dmin’s general manager Fuller felt she culd n lnger ignre
    Alexander’s recent absence.
    Fuller had knwn Alexander since 2009, when she started at the Dmin’s stre as a delivery driver and regularly made the shrt trip t Alexander’s hme abut six minutes away. She knew Alexander wrked frm hme, and neighbrs said he rarely left. She als knew that he had suffered sme health issues in the past. Smething, Fuller wrried, was wrng.
    On Sunday, Fuller sent her cwrker Hamblen t stp by Alexander’s hme. Hamblen apprached Alexander’s dr and kncked. He culd plainly see that Alexander’s TV set was n, as were his lights; but after several minutes, Alexander still didn’t answer the dr. Seriusly wrried nw, Hamblen called Alexander directly. His phne went straight t vicemail.
    Hamblen called t relay the upsetting develpments t Fuller. She dialed 911. Sn, fficers were n their way.
    When deputies(警官) arrived at Alexander’s huse, they brke the dr dwn and fund Alexander n
    the flr “in need f immediate medical attentin.” Alexander was rushed t the hspital, where he was listed in stable cnditin shrtly after the dramatic rescue. In the fllwing weeks, Fuller and the ther emplyees went t visit him with flwers and cards, nting that Alexander greeted them with knwing smiles. Their rle in his rescue did nt seem lst n Alexander, thugh t Fuller, it was all just part f the jb.
    Fuller and her cwrkers’ herism did nt g unnticed. After their stry went viral, they received invitatins—and free flights t a Dmin’s crprate rally in Las Vegas as a nd t their status as real-life superheres.
    24. Hw did Fuller get t knw Alexander?
    A. By ging n a trip.
    B. By delivering dinner t him. C. By Hamblen’s intrductin.
    D. By wrking as Dmin’s general manager.
    25. What is the meaning f the underlined part in paragraph 7?
    A. Alexander knew he was safe.
    B. Alexander was in stable cnditin.
    C. Alexander was happy t see his friends.
    D. Alexander was aware f what had happened t him.
    26. Why did Fuller and her wrkmates g t a crprate rally?
    A. That was part f their jb.
    B. They were ffered free flights.
    C. They were rewarded fr their kind act. D. They wanted t be superheres.
    27. Which f the fllwing can be used t describe Fuller?
    A. Attentive and helpful. B. Hardwrking and hnest. C. Careful and brave.D. Reliable and pwerful.
    Japan is a natin that appreciates the virtues f silence and gd manners. Yet, when it cmes t eating ndles, Japanese peple can be the ludest in the wrld.
    Accrding t lifestyle website Grapee.jp, slurping (发出啧啧声) when eating ndles is encuraged in
    Japanese culture. It’s believed that taking air int yur muth can enhance (提高) the flavr f the ndles and help cl dwn the fd. It’s als cnsidered t be a way t shw appreciatin fr the dish. Smetimes, just making the nise alne seems t make the ndles mre enjyable.
    It was nt until a new expressin — “ndle harassment” — came ut n scial media that Japanese peple started t realize the prblem. They fund that the slurping nise was making sme freign visitrs uncmfrtable.
    As a respnse, Japanese instant ndle maker Nissin intrduced a s-called nise-canceling (降噪的)
    frk last mnth. The frk lks like an electric tthbrush. It is cnnected wirelessly t a smartphne. When the persn using the frk starts t slurp, the frk will send a signal t the persn’s phne. Then the phne will play a sund t mask the slurping nise.
    But is it really necessary? Dining traditins and table manners d vary. In India, peple eat with their hands. They think they build a cnnectin with the fd in this way. Hwever, peple wh are used t eating with frks might find it unacceptable t get their hands cvered in il r sauce. But this eating methd is part f India’s culture, just like Japan's slurping is part f its wn.
    “S, if yu are eating ndles, please slurp as yu like,” wrte a Japanese fd blgger. “If anyne gets annyed while yu are ding that, ignre them. They’re missing the pint entirely.”
    28. The fllwing are the reasns fr slurping when eating ndles except .
    A. Shwing lve fr the ndles.
    B. Imprving the flavr f the ndles.
    C. Shwing gd manners.
    D. Adding t the pleasure f eating ndles.
    29. What des the underlined wrd mean in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Anxiety.B. Annyance.C. Pliteness.D. Appreciatin.
    30. Hw des the nise-canceling frk wrk?
    A. The frk remves the slurping nise.
    B. The frk can be used as an electric tthbrush. C. A smartphne reminds the user t stp slurping.
    D. A smartphne receives a signal frm the frk and plays a sund t hide the nise.
    31. Why des the authr mentin peple in India in this passage?
    A. T shw that frks are unnecessary.
    B. T give an example f cultural differences.
    C. T shw the Indian way f slving the prblem. D. T tell us the culture f India.
    When it cmes t wh is happier, peple with kids r thse withut, mst research pints t the latter. But a new study suggests that parents are happier than nn-parents later in life, when their children mve ut and becme surces f scial enjyment rather than stress.
    Mst surveys f parental happiness have fcused n thse whse children still live at hme. These tend t shw that peple with kids are less happy than their child-free peers because they have less free time, sleep and mney.
    Christph Becker at Heidelberg University in Germany and his clleagues wndered if the stry might be different fr parents whse kids have left hme. T find ut, they analysed data frm a Eurpean survey that asked 55,000 peple aged 50 and lder abut their emtinal well-being.
    They fund that, in this lder age grup, peple with children had greater life satisfactin and fewer symptms f depressin than peple withut children, but nly if their kids had left hme.
    This may be because when children grw up and mve ut, they prvide scial enrichment t their parents minus the day-t-day stress f lking after them, says Becker. They may als give smething back by prviding care and financial supprt t their parents, he says. “Hence, children’s rle as caregivers, financial supprt r simply as scial cntact might utweigh negative aspects f parenthd,” he says.
    If parents disbey the idea f waiting fr their kids t mve ut t maximize their ptential happiness, they culd mve t a cuntry with better childcare supprt, says Becker. A 2016 study f 22 cuntries fund that parents with children at hme were actually slightly happier than their child-free peers if they
    lived in places like Nrway, Prtugal and Sweden that have paid parental leave ( 假 期 ) and generus
    childcare subsidies (补助).
    32. Why did Christph Becker and his clleagues analyse data frm a Eurpean survey?
    A. T shw their pinins are different.
    B. T prve the previus findings are wrng.
    C. T find ut if peple with children can be happier under certain cnditins. D. T figure ut ld peple’s emtinal well-being.
    33. Accrding t the new study, what is the key pint f parental happiness?
    A. Whether the kids have mved ut. B. Which cuntry they live in.
    C. Whether the kids are under bligatin t be caregivers.
    D. Whether the parents bey the idea f waiting fr their kids t grw up.
    34. Hw can peple with kids at hme achieve mre happiness accrding t Becker?
    A. Mving t anther cuntry.
    B. Asking their kids t mve ut.
    C. Living in a cuntry that has better plicies (政策) n childcare. D. Paying fr parental leave, generus childcare subsidies.
    35. What is the main idea f this passage?
    A. Hw peple can achieve happiness in their life.
    B. Peple withut children are happier than thse with kids.
    C. Why peple have greater life satisfactin in their lder age.
    D. A new study shws parents whse children have left hme feel happier than nn-parents.
    第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Technlgy has changed the way we cmmunicate. We send emails, nt letters, text messages, nt
    phne calls. 36 But it hasn’t made it easier t cnnect with ther human beings, especially in the wrkplace. Rbert Reffkin shares his tips fr building real cnnectins n the jb.
    37 It just puts that extra effrt t shw smene that yu really care and that yu’re willing t g abve and beynd. Make it clear in yur letter hw much yu treasure the cnnectins with them. If yu can shw them that they’ve really had an impact n the life yu are living r pursuing, it culd have a huge impact.
    Pick up the phne and dial. Rbert has called every emplyee t welcme them t the cmpany. Smetimes he calls peple n their last day f wrk. When peple leave, smetimes they’re franker than they ever were when they were still at the cmpany. 38
    Answer questins with hnesty. Yu knw hw it feels when yu g int an elevatr and smene says, “Hw was yur weekend?” It might have been the best weekend ever and yu wuld say, “Gd, hw was yurs?” 39 Maybe yu are nt always gd at it but that’s why being pen matters s much, because mst peple aren’t.
    Nbdy succeeds alne. The mre yu can take time t develp genuine relatinships, the mre yu’re ging t be able t realize yur dreams. 40
    A. Write a letter.
    B. Try t make a difference.
    C. Technlgy has made it easier t cmmunicate.
    D. If yu want t cnnect with peple, then yu have t pen up.
    E. Authentic relatinships lie in daily cmmunicatin and are nt easy t maintain.
    F. Thus, it’s a great pprtunity t get valuable infrmatin that is very hard t get therwise.
    G. And yu’re ging t knw there’s a netwrk f peple t cheer yu n and t supprt yur effrts.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    That winter night, I was standing at the cash register, ready t pay fr my bananas when I fund my wallet was lst. And I culd nly have 41 it at ne place: the G9 bus, frm which I had 42 minutes earlier.
    Tw hurs after I realized my wallet was 43 , back at my huse in Brkland, I heard a knck n the dr. My husband 44 while I sat in the dining rm n the phne with a credit card cmpany. “Des Jennifer live here?" I heard smene say. In her hand was my 45 , intact with nt a penny missing. She left 46 I culd even make it t the dr, much less ffer my gratitude fr her 47 gd act.
    After I tweeted the stry, I heard frm her 48 , wh identified the gd citizen as Erin Ball, a
    30-year-ld wrking fr a trade rganizatin. Unbelievably, here’s hw they met: He left his bag behind at a bar ne night. Ball fund it and 49 him — and they’ve been married fr five years.
    Once I 50 wh she was, I called her. She said her kid went t my sn’s day care s she recgnized my face in a 51 , which was in my wallet.
    Ball had gne beynd what almst anyne wuld have dne, finding my huse n a bitterly
    52 night, and fr that I was extremely 53 .
    The next day, as I was pushing my sn in his strller dwn the blck, I lked at him and
    54 realized that — I hpe I am raising him t help thers and that smeday, when he finds a wallet n the 55 , he knws what t d.
    第二节 (共 10 个小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    Lu Xun, wh 56. (acknwledge) as ne f the greatest mdern writers in China, was brn in Zhejiang Prvince in 1881. In 1904, he went t Japan and became a medical student, 57. (lng) t imprve peple’s health and save lives. Nevertheless, he saw a Chinese man abut t be killed by a Japanese sldier in a pht, 58. changed his intentin. 59. struck him was that the ther Chinese men in the pht apparently did nt care abut what was happening t their fellw cuntrymen. Frm this, he cncluded that the spiritual illness f peple at that time was a 60. (crucial) prblem in China than physical illness. Lu had an appetite 61. the pwer t change the present situatin f China. 62. (cnsequence), he quit medical schl. He returned t China in 1908 and btained a teaching jb, hping t prmte the 63. (innvate) f sciety. In 1917, a friend insisted that he help write fr a magazine 64. (name) New Yuth. That was hw 65. (he) first famus shrt stry A Madman’s Diary gt published.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节 应用文写作(共 1 小题,每小题 15 分) 假定你是红星外国语学校学生会主席李华。神舟十二号飞行任务取得了圆满成功后,航天英雄
    聂海胜受邀将来你校作报告。请你根据提示内容写一则通知,请全校同学参加报告会。 内容包括:
    41. A. frgt
    B. left
    C. paid
    D. brught
    42. A. gt ff
    B. gt n
    C. gt ahead
    D. gt away
    43. A. abnrmal
    B. distant
    C. gne
    D. vital
    44. A. heard
    B. saw
    C. returned
    D. answered
    45. A. picture
    B. wallet
    C. mney
    D. bananas
    46. A. when
    B. befre
    C. because
    D. after
    47. A. entirely
    B. apparently
    C. incredibly
    D. ttally
    48. A. husband
    B. friend
    C. wrkmate
    D. neighbr
    49. A. met
    B. implied
    C. cnvinced
    D. tracked
    50. A. thught f
    B. figured ut
    C. thught again
    D. made ut
    51. A. paper
    B. nte
    C. picture
    D. card
    52. A. cld
    B. ht
    C. rainy
    D. starry
    53. A. happy
    B. amazed
    C. dubtful
    D. grateful
    54. A. gradually
    B. ultimately
    C. suddenly
    D. slightly
    55. A. bus
    B. earth
    C. campus
    D. site
    注意:词数 80 左右。 参考词汇:神舟十二号 Shenzhu XII spacecraft宇航员 astrnaut
    第二节 读后续写(共 1 小题,每小题 25 分)
    I was an extremely shy third grader and didn’t make friends easily. My teacher, Mr. Dcy, called my mther and explained that I hadn’t spken a single wrd in class, and we were mre than halfway thrugh the schl year. Even as a third grader, I knew this was unusual. I watched admiringly the free interactin
    (互动) f my classmates.
    Mm tried t excuse my behavir as smething that I wuld utgrw. But Mr. Dcy wuld nt agree. He asked Mm if I had smething at hme that I liked. He said he wuld arrange a shw-and-tell fr the class if I brught it t schl.
    Playing right int Mr. Dcy’s hands, Mm tld him abut my cat wh’d had a litter f kittens abut three weeks earlier. I was crazy abut thse kittens.
    Bing! Mr. Dcy suggested I bring the kittens t schl the next day. I suppse Mm was hping t dissuade him when she explained that I wuld have t bring the mther cat alng with the six kittens because they were t yung t be separated frm their mther. She prbably thught this wuld put an end t the plan. But Mr. Dcy said that was fine.
    I nrmally walked t schl, but my mther drve me the next mrning alng with a big brwn cardbard bx. I staggered tward the classrm under the heavy lad.
    In n time, the chrus f kittens drew curius classmates t the mysterius bx. Their eyes lit up in wnder when they caught sight f my tiny treasures. My little heart thumped (怦怦跳) against my chest as
    pride swelled within me. I had never felt s imprtant in my entire nine years f life!
    Mr. Dcy instructed me t sit n the steps utside the classrm s everyne culd get a gd lk inside the cntainer. Sn, the schl bell rang, but n ne mved — nt even Mr. Dcy. He allwed us t sit there until each student had a turn tuching the kittens.
    1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
    “Can I hld ne fr a minute?” a little girl squealed with excitement.
    Then, Mr. Dcy accmpanied me t the frnt f the classrm and waited fr the students t sit dwn.

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