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    外研版英语 必修1 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommuniation 教案
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    高中英语外研版必修1Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications教学设计

    这是一份高中英语外研版必修1Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications教学设计,共37页。

    Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications
    Ⅰ. 模块教学目标
    技能目标Skill Goals
    ▲Talk about the Internet and Telecommunications
    ▲Talk about percentage and numbers
    ▲Learn to use compound words, definite and zero articles
    ▲Expressing views
    ▲Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet
    Ⅱ. 目标语言
    功 能 句 式
    Talk about percentage and numbers
    About 80 percent of web traffic is in English.
    Two percent of the total population of China have access to the Internet, compared with 45 percent in the USA and 15 percent in Japan.
    In 5 years, the number of Internet users rose from 600,000 to 40 million.
    The average time the Chinese people spend online is 17 hours per week.
    I think /In my opinion ...
    If you want my personal opinion ...
    What can I do for you? What kind of ...?
    Would you like/Are you looking for...?
    How would you like to pay?
    Would you like a bag?
    Would you like me to wrap it up?
    If you need any help, don’t hesitate to call us.
    Thank you for shopping here.
    Come back soon.
    词 汇
    1. 四会词汇
    access, accessible, communication, concentrate, crash, create, data, defence, definite, develop, fantastic, hard disk, hardware, independent, keyword, lecturer, military, millionaire, modern, network, organization, percentage, personal computer, screen, software, source, surf, system, terrible, web browser, average, frequently
    2. 认读词汇
    academic, army, CD-ROM, click on, download, email, enjoy, favorite, keyboard, Internet, monitor, mouse, reason, store, studio university, useful, web, website
    3. 词组
    consist of, as well, become known as ... , go down, come up with, from that moment on, concentrate on, compared with

    语 法
    Compound words
    Type 1. one word: earthworm, sightseeing, shorthand, earthquake, software, hardware
    Type 2. two words with “-”: hiding-place, break-through, snow-white, fast-printing, high-speed
    Type 3. two words: teaching building, mobile phone, woman doctor, computer study
    The definite article and zero article
    the world, the moon, the USA, people, gold, water
    重 点 句 子
    1. They created a network of computers called DARPANET. P52
    2. NSFNET became known as the Inter-Net-work, or “Internet”. P52
    3. At the moment, about 80 percent of web traffic is in English, but this percentage is going down. P52
    4. Berners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just universities and the army. P52
    5. Everyone in the world can access the Internet using his World Wide Web system. P52
    6. How often do you use the Internet? P55
    Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组
    1. 教材分析
    本模块以Internet and Telecommunications 为话题,不仅要求学生了解有关电脑、网络、电信的词汇,而且要了解因特网的历史和电信业的迅猛发展及因特网在现代交际中的作用。从情感上来讲,要求学生能正确地、客观地、辩证地看待因特网和现代通讯设备,积极利用因特网获取信息,使因特网能够更好地服务于自己的生活。从语言知识上来讲,教师应帮助学生复习应用所学的构词法知识,熟练地组合新词汇,扩大词汇量。从阅读角度来讲,要学会从文中获取信息,加工信息和准确筛选信息。从写作角度来讲,利用本模块所学的词汇和短语,结合实际陈述自己对因特网的看法和意见,并学会如何陈述相反的观点。在WORKBOOK 中要求对学校的设施做简单的介绍,并且对需要改进的地方提出自己的看法。
    1.1 INTRODUCTION通过一幅电脑图片,要求学生说出并掌握电脑各部件的名称,学会用简单的英语来解释这些英语单词。同时给出了许多新词汇,学生根据不同的语境来选择词义,为以后的阅读奠定基础。
    1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY课文分六段三部分。分别介绍了因特网、因特网的兴起、万维网和万维网的发明。通过学习本文,学生可以了解到关于因特网和万维网的知识。课后设置了正误判断题和选择题,旨在让学生从文中获取信息并能准确理解文章内容,同时帮助学生进一步巩固和掌握新词汇。
    1.3 GRAMMAR1部分介绍了构词法知识 ——合成词的构成。要求学生了解合成词的三种构成方式,并通过相关的练习学会运用名词的构成法猜测新词的意思。
    1.4 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY通过一段采访录音,培养学生准确获取听力材料中有效信息的能力。要求学生正确理解对话内容并推断不同说话者的观点和态度。以讨论的形式让学生学会筛选信息,用简单的英语表达所得信息。
    1.5 PRONUNCIATION通过一段关于Internet使用情况的简短对话的学习,让学生明确如何利用重音强调重要的信息。
    1.6 GRAMMAR 2复习巩固定冠词和零冠词的用法。培养学生在文章中准确运用冠词的能力。
    1.7 WRITING 该部分先要求学生阅读一篇论述因特网优点的短文,了解因特网在现实生活中的应用。然后根据所给提示写一篇观点相反的文章,陈述自己对因特网优、缺点的看法和意见,论述老师的帮助和同学之间合作的重要性。
    1.8 SPEAKING AND READING 从语言知识角度来讲,要求学生掌握有关手机的合成词,并阅读一篇有关手机的短文,然后在班里做一个调查,之后讨论手机的优点和缺点以及学校对学生使用手机的态度。
    1.9 FUCTION复习百分数和数字的表达法。
    1.10 EVERYDAY ENGLISH 复习购物时使用的交际用语。
    1.11 CULTURAL CORNER 通过阅读文章,了解手机短信及一些短信符号在信息交流中的应用。
    1.12 TASK要求学生以小组为单位,设计一份海报,介绍因特网的用途。
    1.13 MODULE FILE对本模块中所学词汇、语法、语音和日常用语作了归纳和总结。
    2. 教材重组
    2.3 将GRAMMAR 1 和GRAMMAR 2以及WORKBOOK中Grammar整合成一节语法课。
    2.4 将SPEAKING AND READING 与WORKBOOK中的Reading整合成一节阅读课。
    2.5 将WRITING, TASK, FUNCTION,EVERYDAY ENGLISH以及WORKBOOK的Speaking and writing 整合成一节综合课。
    3. 课型设计与课时分配
    1st Period Listening and Speaking
    2nd Period Reading
    3rd Period Grammar
    4th Period Extensive Reading
    5th Period Integrating Skills
    Ⅳ. 分课时教案
    The First Period Listening and Speaking
    Teaching goals 教学目标
    1. Target language 目标语言
    download, email, monitor, mouse, online, software, screen, crash, hardware, modem, personal computer, store, surf, website, keyboard, access, hard disk, click on, log on/off, break down, contain, CD-ROM, concentrate, definite, enjoy, fantastic, favorite, useful, independent, make sure, reason, studio, terrible
    2. Ability goals 能力目标
    Enable the students to talk about computers and the Internet.
    3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
    Learn to talk about the Internet and modern communication.
    Teaching important points 教学重点
    Learn how to judge the attitudes of the talkers towards the Internet.
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
    Judge the talkers’ attitudes towards the Internet.
    Teaching methods 教学方法
    Pair work and discussion.
    Teaching aids 教具准备
    A lap-top computer, a recorder and a projector.
    Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
    Step Ⅰ Revision
    1. Greetings.
    2. Check the homework in Module 5. Ask one of the students to read a simple scientific experiment report to the class. Make sure it contains the four steps of the experiments. If not, ask the students to correct it.
    Step Ⅱ Lead-in
    The purpose of this part is to deal with the vocabulary about the computer. Show a lap-top computer around the class. Then have a free talk with the students.
    T: What’s in my hand?
    Ss: A laptop.
    T: How many types of computer do you know?
    S: Desktop, lap-top and palm-top computers.
    T: Very good. Do you have a computer in your family?
    Ss: Yes. I have a desktop computer.
    T: How often do you use the computer?
    S: Twice a week. Sometimes I surf the Internet for the information every day if necessary.
    T: What do you do on the Internet?
    S: When I feel tired, I often listen to the music, play games and chat with friends.
    S: It is not only a convenient way to get information but also a good way of pleasure.
    T: Great! Thank you for your answers. Nowadays computers are widely used in our daily life, which make our life easy and enjoyable. We are quite familiar with computers. There are desktop, lap-top and palm-top computers. They play an important part in our work and study. But do you want to know more about computers?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: Can you tell me how many parts a computer consists of?
    S: It consists of hardware and software.
    T: Very good. Can you explain what hardware is?
    S: Let me have a try. Hardware is the computer machinery and equipment, as opposed to the programs that make the computer work.
    T: OK. What about software? Who can explain it?
    S: The set of program that you put into a computer when you want to do a particular job.
    T: Well done. But what is the difference between computer hardware and software?
    S: Hardware is the tangible pieces of equipment while software is the programs one uses on the computer.
    T: Excellent.
    Step Ⅲ Introduction
    The purpose of this part is to let the students learn the words in INTRODUCTION and finish Activities 1, 2 and 3.
    T: Now please turn to Page 51, Activity1. I will give you one minute to label the picture with the words in the box.
    One minute later, check the answers.
    T: Who can tell me what Number 1 stands for?
    S: Monitor.
    T: Very good. How about the blue part?
    S: Screen.
    T: What about the part on the top of the main machine?
    S: CD-ROM.
    T: How about this part, which we often use to click on things?
    S: Mouse.
    T: What about the part on the bottom of the screen?
    S: Keyboard.
    T: What is name of the last part?
    Ss: Hard disk.
    T: Well done. As we all know the computer hardware is made up of a monitor, a screen, a keyboard, a mouse, a CD-ROM and a hard disk. But can you tell me what functions they have?
    S: The information can be shown on the screen
    S: We can type words by taping the keyboard.
    T: How about the other parts?
    Ss: We are not sure.
    T: If so, let us look at Activity 2 on Page 51. Now I’d like you to read through the words on the left and try to find their correct definitions on the right. You had better finish the work within 2 minutes.
    Two minutes later, check their answers.
    T: You have done a good job. Now, let’s look at Activity 3. First, go through the words quickly and make sure you know the meanings of them. If you are not sure, you can ask for help. Are you clear?
    S: What does “crash” mean?
    T: When it is used as a noun, it means a car accident. When it is used as a verb, it means a computer breakdown.
    S: What about “log on” and “log off”?
    T: “Log on” means to work on a computer while “log off” means to finish working on a computer. Sometimes “log” is used to refer to a piece of tree that has been cut down.
    S: What is website?
    T: Website is a place on the Internet, where we can get the information we need.
    S: OK. Thank you.
    T: Now let’s look at Activity 3 on Page 51. I’ll give you 5 minutes to finish it.
    Three minutes later, check the students’ answers.
    T: OK. So much for the words. Next we will do listening practice.
    Step Ⅳ Listening and Vocabulary
    First, ask the students to scan the three activities in the LISTENING AND VOCABULARY so that they can know what they are going to do, and try to get ready to catch the key words or key sentences when they are listening. Second, ask the students to fill in the box. Third, check the answers.
    T: Today we will listen to a TV interview. Please open your books and turn to Page 54. Now please listen to the tape for the first time and do Activity 1.
    Play the tape for the students.
    Five minutes later, check the answers.
    T: You are quite right. Next, I will play the tape again.
    This time, you had better pay attention to the details of the talk and try to find out the attitudes of the three people towards the Internet and why they think so. Try to finish the following form. After you finish it, compare your notes with the other group members’.
    Show the form on the Screen:

    Attitude towards the Internet

    Play the tape again.
    Several minutes later, check the answer.
    Sample answers:
    Is the Internet a good thing for education

    Attitude towards the Internet
    a teacher
    Important to help the students find useful sites on the Internet.
    Both good things and bad things are on the Internet. Fantastic information is good to the students. Look for interesting and useful information instead of the terrible sites.
    a student
    A good place to study.
    Study both at school and home. Use the Internet about five hours a day. Studying on the Internet is different from at school.
    Studying is the most important thing. She wants Tom to only study from books and enjoy himself.
    Tom likes music sites. He spends much time reading about football. Tom doesn’t always study. Studying from the books is more important.
    Now let’s look at Activity 3 and discuss in pairs about the questions.
    Five minutes later, collect the answers.
    T: What does “concentrate on” mean?
    S: It means focus on or pay attention to.
    T: Good. What are the good things about the Internet?
    S: I can look for useful information on the fantastic websites.
    S: I can enjoy myself on the Internet.
    T: Do you think it is fantastic? What other adjectives would you use to describe it?
    S: Yes. I can use “attractive” or “enjoyable”.
    T: What is the best reason for using the Internet at school?
    S: We use the Internet to enlarge our knowledge and do our schools work independently.
    T: What is the most useful thing you’ve ever found on the Internet?
    S: The most useful thing is to get different views about the same subject.
    S: We can get more information about what we have learnt in the class.
    S: We can also relax ourselves by playing games and listening to the music when we are tired.
    T: The Internet is wonderful. However, we should make good use of the useful websites. If not, our study will be affected. Besides, long time staying before the computers does harm to our eyes.
    Step Ⅴ Pronunciation
    T: So much for the listening. Next, we will listen to a dialogue. It is a simple extract from the TV interview we listened just now. Please listen to the tape, and pay attention to the stressed words. You had better underline these words in the dialogue.
    One minute later, check the answers.
    T: Can you tell me what words should be stressed?
    S: I think noun, verb, adverb and adjective should be stressed in a sentence. So “use”, “Internet”, “Everyday”, “school”, “home” and “spend” in the dialogue should be stressed.
    T: You are quite right. All these words are stressed words. Do you have any different opinions?
    S: I think some important information in the context should be stressed. In my opinion, “as much time as”, “can”, “five hours”, “Five hours a week”, “No” and “Five hours a day” should be stressed.
    T: Terrific! Thank you for your answers. So when we listen to a conversation, we cannot only get important information in it but also deduce the intention of the speakers.
    Later, give the students 2 minutes to practice in pairs and act out the dialogue by exchanging roles.
    Step Ⅵ Listening and Speaking (P100)
    Next, listen to another passage. There are two tasks in this part. First, ask the students to do Ex. 11 on Page 100 and then collect their answers. After that, the students will discuss questions in Ex. 12 on Page 101. Second, do the listening and Ex. 13-16.
    T: Please turn to Page 100. Work in pairs and fill in the box. After finishing, discuss the question in Ex. 12.
    Ss: I can send e-mails to my friends. It is easy for us to communicate.
    I can download music and films on the Internet, which makes my life colorful.
    I can play games on the Internet.
    I can use the Internet to search the information I need in my class, which is of great help to my study.
    T: You are quite right. But you have to use the good websites. Next, let’s take up another listening material. After that, we will do Ex.15-17.
    Six minutes later, check the answers.
    After checking the answers, ask the students to correct the false statements. And discuss further for the questions in Ex. 16.
    Sample answers to Ex. 16:
    1. No. Because they are too young to judge the offensive information.
    2. Yes. Because spending too much time visiting the Internet will affect their study.
    3. First, let the students know about the dangers. Second, encourage the students to surf useful information, which can help with their study.
    4. My parents only allow me to access the Internet at a proper time.
    Step Ⅶ Homework
    Ex. 4-7 on Pages 98-99.
    The Second Period Reading
    Teaching goals 教学目标
    1. Target language 目标语言
    a. 重点词汇和短语
    accessible, academic, army, communication, consist of, create, data, defense, develop, lecturer, military, millionaire, network, organization, percentage, source, system, university, web, web browser, via, document, permission
    b. 重点句式 P52
    1. They created a network of computers called DARPANET.
    2. NSFNET became known as the Inter-Network, or “Internet”.
    3. At the moment, about 80 percent of web traffic is in English, but this percentage is going down. 4. He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 while he was working in Switzerland.
    5. Berners-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet, not just universities and the army.
    6. Everyone in the world can access the Internet using his World Wide Web system.
    2. Ability goals 能力目标
    Enable the students to talk about the Internet and the World Wide Web.
    3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
    Enable the students to learn to talk about the Internet and modern communication.
    Teaching important points 教学重点
    Learn the development of the Internet, the World Wide Web and the text messages and emoticons.
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
    How to help the students talk about the Internet and Telecommunications.
    Teaching methods 教学方法
    Introduction method, pair work and discussion.
    Teaching aids 教具准备
    A tape recorder, a projector and mobile phones with different text messages.
    Teaching procedures& ways 教学过程与方式
    Step Ⅰ Revision
    T: Good morning, boys and girls!
    S: Good morning, Miss Liu!
    T: Let’s check the exercises on Page 98.
    Step Ⅱ Lead-in
    The purpose of this part is to let the students have a discussion about the use of Internet to see how much they know about the Internet and make preparations for the reading.
    T: From the listening we learnt last class, we know the Internet is playing a more and more important role in our daily life. It changes our life greatly. What do you use the Internet for in your life?
    Divide the students into small groups to discuss. Three minutes later, collect their answers.
    S: I can chat online with my friends and parents by QQ or MSN, no matter how far they are.
    S: I often surf the Internet for useful information, play games and sing songs.
    S: I usually send e-mails to get information without spending any money.
    T: Well done. We use the Internet to get what we need and enjoy ourselves. But do you know anything about the history and development of the Internet? Ss: No.
    T: OK. Today we will read the passage on Page 52 to learn more information about Internet and the World Wide Web.
    Step Ⅲ Reading
    There are three tasks in this part. First, ask the students to answer the questions in Activity 1 and get the general idea of the passage. Second, deal with Activities 1-3. Third, deal with some difficult sentences in the passage.
    Task 1
    T: Let’s take up the reading now. First, I will give you 5 minutes to read the passage quickly to find the answers to the questions in Activity 1 on Page 52.
    A few minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.
    T: Who would like to tell me what the Internet is?
    S: The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world, it’s accessible through a computer.
    T: Perfectly. How did it start?
    S: Let me have a try. In 1969, DARPA, a US defense organization created a net of computers called DARPANET, which was only used in the army. Later in 1984, NSF started NSFNET, which made it possible for universities to use the system as well. NSFNET is so-called “Internet”.
    T: Excellent. How about the next two questions?
    S: The World Wide Web is also a computer network. It was invented by an English scientist named Berners-Lee. We can get information from millions of websites via Internet.
    T: Well done. So much for the questions.
    Later, help the students learn how to get the main idea of the passage easily and quickly. Play the tape and get the key sentences.
    T: We know sometimes it is not easy to get the main idea of a passage. Maybe it is better to do it in this way. First, we had better find the key sentence of each paragraph. The key sentence usually appears at the beginning or the end of a paragraph. After that we can summarize the main idea in our own words. Now we are going to listen to the passage, when you are listening, please try to get the key sentence of each paragraph.
    A few minutes later, ask the students to tell the key sentence of each paragraph.
    T: Now who would like to tell me the key sentence of the first paragraph?
    S: What is the Internet?
    T: You are right. What about the second paragraph?
    S: How did the Internet start?
    T: Excellent. How about next paragraph?
    S: What is the World Wide Web?
    T: Quite good. Next paragraph?
    S: Who invented the World Wide Web?
    T: Yes, you are quite right. How about the fifth paragraph?
    S: The development of the World Wide Web.
    T: The last paragraph? Who would like to have a try?
    S: Berners-Lee doesn’t make money by his World Wide Web system.
    T: Good! Who’d like to tell me the main idea of the passage?
    S: Internet and the World Wide Web are two important networks. They change our life greatly. The Internet is the biggest source of information. The World Wide Web is a computer network. People can get information from millions of websites via Internet. They provide quick and easy ways for us to explore the information and enjoy ourselves online. As a student, we should use them correctly.
    Task 2
    After reading the passage, let the students finish the Ex. 3 and 4 on Page 53. Check the answers ten minutes later.
    Task 3
    T: We have finished the passage. Do you have any difficulties?
    S: What does the sentence — “A network of computer called DARPANET” mean?
    T: It means a network that was called DARPANET. For example: A house owned by his father. A company operated by his uncle.
    S: What is the difference between “became known as” and “became known for”?
    T: Please compare the following two sentences and try to find out the differences between them.
    a. He became known as a novelist in the 1990s.
    b. Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake.
    S: About 80 percent of the web traffic is English. Can you explain the usage of percentage?
    T: Yes. Please look at the following sentences and pay attention to the agreement of the Subject and the Predicate.
    a. 30 percent of the work has been done.
    b. 90 percent of the students have passed the exam.
    The noun behind “of” decides the number of the predicate.
    S: In the sentence — He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 while he was working in Switzerland. What does “came up with” mean?
    T: “Came up with” means “put forward”.
    S: Everyone in the world can access the Internet using his World Wide Web system. How to understand “using his World Wide Web system”?
    T: Here the Present Participle is used as Adverbial Clause of Manner. For example, He was sitting on the sofa, watching TV. / The students enter the classroom, talking and laughing.
    Step Ⅳ Cultural Corner
    In this part, deal with some information about the text messages and emoticons.
    T: I will tell you one of my experiences. Yesterday, my friend, another English teacher, sent me a text message in English through mobile phone but I can’t understand what the message means.
    Write Wy nt me a cll? Iv bn wtng fr alng tme? I’m so sd. on the blackboard.
    T: Do you understand the messages? Could you explain it for me?
    S: No.
    T: If you want to know the meanings of these message. Please turn to Page 59. I will give you 5 minutes to read the passage. While reading, you’d better find the answers to the two questions above.
    Ss: Yeah!
    Five minutes later, check the answers.
    T: Time is up, have you finished?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: Who would like to deal with the first question?
    S: OK. Text massages are cheaper.
    T: What about the second question? Wang Lin?
    W: Yes, most of people do so, but not everyone can use it quickly and perfectly.
    T: Well done. Now I have three text messages, who can tell me what they mean?
    Show the prepared text messages on the mobile phones to the students.
    1. Whr hv U bn? Iv bn wtng hrs fr a cll?
    2. Do U wnt 2g 2 th cnma tnite?
    3. I gt a txt mssge frm my frnd. Shes a prty on strd. Do U wnt 2 cm?
    Sample answers:
    1. Where have you been? I have been waiting hours for a call.
    2. Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?
    3. I got a text message from my friend. She’s having a party on Saturday. Do you want to come?
    T: OK, you have done an excellent job. Now let’s look at the next part. There are some interesting emoticons at the bottom of Page 59. Can you think of where you could use them? Discuss with your partners. I will give you three minutes.
    Three minutes later, check the answers.
    Sample answers:
    -) laughing when he gets a birthday gift.
    -( sad when he doesn’t pass the exam.
    -< really sad when he meets something
    -V shouting when someone makes him angry. |-| asleep when the person feels tired.
    O shocked when something frightening
    8-| surprised when something happens
    suddenly and unexpectedly.
    \-O bored when he has nothing interesting
    to do.
    Step Ⅴ Summary
    T: In this class, we have learnt two passages about the Internet and telecommunications. From the text, we can see the fast development of the hi-tech. If they can be used successfully in our daily life, they will be the best and quickest ways to communicate.
    Step Ⅵ Homework
    1. Make a list of compound words by adding prefixes and suffixes: -or, -er, -en, un-, dis-, im-, il-, -ment, -tion, -y, -ful, etc.
    2. Prepare Grammar 1 and Grammar 2.
    The Third Period Grammar
    Teaching goals 教学目标
    1. Target language 目标语言
    a. 重点词汇和短语
    hardware, high-speed, computer system, search engine, software, keyboard, CD-ROM, mobile phone, website, web browser, hard disk, web traffic, note work
    b. 重点语法
    Three types of compound words.
    The definite article and zero article.
    2. Ability goals 能力目标
    Enable the students to learn the formation of compound words and deduce the meanings of the words.
    Enable the students to use the definite article and zero article.
    3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
    Enable the students to learn how to use the articles properly.
    Teaching important points 教学重点
    Compound nouns, the definite article and zero article.
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
    How to use the definite article and zero article correctly.
    Teaching methods 教学方法
    Introduction method and practicing.
    Teaching aids 教具准备
    A projector.
    Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
    Step Ⅰ Revision
    The purpose of this part is to go over the word formation and lead in new grammar. Divide the students into two groups and have a word contest to see which group can make more derivatives by adding prefixes and suffixes.
    T: Last class I asked you to make a list of compound words by adding prefixes or suffixes. Now I will divide you into two groups to have a word contest to see which group can write more words. Are you clear?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: The left four lines is Group 1 and the rest lines, Group 2.
    Sample answers:
    GROUP 1
    practical national
    musical restart
    reread trainee
    actor actress
    writer helpless
    dreadful explanation
    GROUP 2
    discover useless
    disable disappointing
    dismiss trainer
    rewritten reddish
    unexpected successful
    rebuilt illegal
    useless remove
    introduction friendship
    sunny friendly
    T: Time is up. Let’s look how many words you have written. Group 1 has got 15 words while Group 2 has got 18 words. Group 2 has won the game. Let’s congratulate them. You have done a wonderful job. Please look at the screen, I will show you more words.
    Show the following.
    1. bookstore outlook daybreak
    horthand toothpaste outpour
    2. noise-killing good-looking sleeping-pills
    warm-hearted cold-blooded easy-going
    3. computer center search engine coffee cup
    reading room washing machine swimming pool
    T: What characteristics do these words have?
    S: They are all formed by two words, but in different ways. They are quite different from the words we went over just now.
    S: There is no prefix or suffix.
    S: The two words are joined together in different ways, some have “-” in between, some haven’t and some only put two words together.
    T: Yeah! You are quite right.
    Step Ⅱ Grammar 1
    The purpose of this part is to provide the students with different forms of compound words. Try to teach the students how to guess the meanings of the words by using word formation. At last, they need to finish some exercises.
    T: All these words belong to compound words. That is the main grammar we will learn today. They are the basic types of compound words.
    S: Sorry, can you explain what “compound” mean?
    T: Compounding is also an important means by which you may deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words. When two words are joined together to make a new one, the word formed in this way is called a compound word. The forming process is described as compounding. Are you clear?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: If you happen to know the meaning of each word making up the compound words, you will be able to guess the meanings of the compound words. For example, sun-up and firefighter. Could you tell me the meanings of these two words?
    Write the two words on the blackboard.
    S: Sun-up means sunrise.
    S: Fire-fighter means person who fights fire.
    T: Well done. But do you know some compound words may have special meanings, quite different from the meaning simply added together. Can you guess the meaning of “greenhouse”?
    S: No.
    T: OK. It means a building used for growing plants that need protection, not houses painted green. Now I will give you more information. Compound words are subdivided into compound nouns, com-pound adjectives, compound verbs and compound adverbs.
    Show the following to the students.
    SCREEN 1 Compound nouns
    Compound nouns may be written together or with a hyphen in between or simply two separate words.
    (1) Without a hyphen: cowboy (cow+boy), rainstorm
    (rain+storm), railroad (rail+road), slaughterhouse (slaughter+house), dryland (dry+land)
    (2) With a hyphen: cheek-bones, take-off, life-story (传记), water-level, get-together (联欢会)
    (3) Separate: dancing party, film star, price list,railroad station, news broadcast (新闻广播)
    SCREEN 2 Compound adjectives
    (1) Without a hyphen: overspeed (over+speed),runaway (run+away ) (失去控制的),widespread (wide+spread ) (广泛的),heartfelt (heart+felt) (由衷的), outgoing (out + going ) (开朗的)
    (2) With a hyphen: good-looking, well-known, new-born, snow-white, Chinese-designed, do-it- yourself
    (3) Separate: computer controlled,world famous
    SCREEN 3
    Compound verbs
    uphold (up+hold ) (拥护), whitewash (white+wash) (粉刷),overhear (over+hear ) (无意中听到), air-condition (调节……的空气),mass-produce (大量生产)
    Compound adverbs
    beforehand (before+hand) (事先),southwest (south+west ), upside-down (颠倒地),above-ground, warm-heartedly
    T: OK. We have known a lot about compound words. Now let’s do some exercises. Please turn to Page 53, Activity 1.
    One minute later, check the answers.
    T: Next, let’s come to Activity 2.
    Two minutes later, check the answers.
    T: OK. So much for the exercises. Next, I will show you some more words, please try to guess the meanings of these words.
    Show the following screen to the students.
    SCREEN 4
    1.handball handbook daydreaming businessman shorthand pickpocket outbreak outpour
    downfall horseback roommate cookbook
    2. coffee cup tooth brush computer study
    shopping list mobile phone First Aid Center
    student union refuge camp reading room
    tomato juice
    3. go-between grown-up whereabout
    frequent flier decision making story teller
    waiting room double-dealer
    Sample answers:
    1. 手击球 手册 白日梦 商人
    速写 扒手 爆发 排放
    垮台 马背 舍友 烹饪手册
    2. 咖啡杯 牙刷 电脑学习
    购物单 移动电话 急救中心
    学生会 避难所 阅览室
    3. 媒人 成年人 行踪
    常坐飞机的人 决策 讲故事的人
    候车室 两面派
    Step Ⅲ Grammar 2
    The purpose of this part is to go over the usages of the articles. First, go over the usages of the Articles; second, explain the usages of the definite and zero articles; at last, do Activities 1-4 to consolidate the grammar.
    T: So much for the compound words. Next we will learn another grammar — the definite article and zero article. Please turn to Page 55. Let’s look at Activity 1. Read through the words and tell me why we use “the” before these words?
    One minute later, check their answers.
    S: Because they are all unique.
    T: Do you think this is necessary? Why? How can we know when to use the definite article and when to use the indefinite articles?
    S: Yes, it is necessary. But I am not sure about the usages of articles.
    T: What are articles?
    S: Articles contain “a”, “an” and “the”, which come before nouns to modify or describe them.
    T: Very good. Do you know why we have to use articles in English? Do we use them in Chinese?
    Ss: We are not sure.
    T: Articles do not exist in Chinese, or in a lot of other languages. Therefore, it is a bit difficult for Chinese to master the usages of the articles. Now I will explain the usages of articles to you. “The” is called the definite article because the noun it goes with refers to something specific. As in this sentence, “Put the book on the table in the dining room.” That means we put “not just any old book on any old table”, we’re talking about specific things — the book, the table and the dining room. The definite article is also used to point out something that is unique — like “the moon” or “the earth.” Indefinite articles don’t refer to a specific noun. I might use “a” in this sentence, “Please give me a pen”. It means any pen. “A” goes before a consonant while “an” goes before a vowel. Now that you know the usages of the articles, could you give me some examples?
    S: So, we could go to “the grocery store” to buy “a bunch of carrots,” “a head of lettuce,” “a loaf of bread”and “a box of cereal.”
    S: We might also buy “an apple,” “an apricot” and “an orange.”
    T: Yes. You are quite right. Have you understood the usages of articles?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: If so, let’s come to Activity 2 on Page 55. First, you will be divided into several groups to discuss. And then write two or three examples in each category.
    Three minutes later, collect the answers.
    T: Why do we use zero article before these words?
    S: Generally speaking, we don’t use articles before mass nouns, abstract nouns and plural nouns.
    T: Very good. Now let’s come to Activities 3-4 on Pages 55-56.
    Two minutes later, check their answers.
    Step Ⅳ Summary
    T: OK. We still have a few minutes left. Now let’s go over what we have learnt today. In this class, we have learnt two important grammars. When we use them, we should pay attention to the following:
    a. Three types of compound words.
    Type 1. one word:
    earthworm, sightseeing, shorthand, earthquake, software, hardware, toothbrush,
    Type 2. two words with “-”:
    hiding-place, break-through, snow-white, fast-printing, high-speed
    Type 3. two words:
    teaching building, mobile phone, woman doctor, computer study
    b. We should use the definite article to talk about specific things, countries such the USA, the UK etc.
    c. We use zero article before material nouns, abstract nouns and plural nouns.
    Step Ⅴ Homework
    1. Ex. 1-3 on Page 97.
    2. Prepare SPEAKING AND READING on Page 57 and Reading on Page 99.
    3. Consolidate the grammar we’ve learnt today.
    The Fourth Period Extensive Reading
    Teaching goals 教学目标
    1. Target language 目标语言
    credit card, internal call, international call, mobile phone, text massage, video camera, frequently, disadvantage, average
    2. Ability goals 能力目标
    Enable the students to learn the fast development of telecommunications.
    3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
    Enable the students to express their views towards mobile phones.
    Teaching important points 教学重点
    Express one’s views towards mobile phones orally.
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
    How to express views towards mobile phones.
    Teaching methods 教学方法
    Fast reading and discussion.
    Teaching aids 教具准备
    A computer and some pictures.
    Teaching procedures &ways 教学过程与方式
    Step Ⅰ Revision
    1. Greetings.
    2. Deal with Ex 1-3 on Page 97.
    Step Ⅱ Lead-in
    In this part, lead in the lesson by using Activity 1 in SPEAKING AND READING on Page 57.
    T: Last class we learnt the grammar — compound words. Now I will show you some words, please tell what type of compounds they belong to and their Chinese meanings.
    Show the following on the screen:
    credit card internal call international call
    mobile phone text massage video camera
    One minute later, check the answers.
    T:Very good. We can see all these words are made up of two words to express a thing that we use in our life. Today we will learn a passage about Mobile Phone Use in China.
    Step Ⅲ Reading
    In this part there are two tasks: SPEAKING AND READING on Page 57 and exercises on Page 99. In order to finish the two tasks, the students need to do some discussions.
    T: Now, please turn to Page 57 and look at Activity 2. I would like you to read the passage and tell me what you can learn from the text. You had better finish the work within four minutes. You can discuss in pairs. Are you clear?
    S: Yes.
    Four minutes later, collect their opinions.
    T: Have you finished reading?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: What about your opinions?
    S: From the numbers we can see China has the most mobile users in the world because of a large population.
    T: Very good. Anything else?
    S: The mobile market is promising in China. And therefore, the technology of mobile phone needs improving in order to meet the needs of the consumers.
    T: Do you have different opinions?
    S: The mobile phone market in China is developing at a great speed.
    S: Perhaps more and more high school students and university students are using the mobile phones, because they feel “cool” when using mobile phones. And it is an easy way to communicate with outside world.
    T: Your conclusions may be true. As you have known, mobile phones are very important to us in our daily life. We can’t imagine what our life would be like without mobile phones. You have done a wonderful job. Next, we will come to Activity 3. I will give you five minutes to discuss the four questions and do a survey among your classmates. After the discussion, I will ask some of you to give a report to us.
    Five minutes later, check the report.
    A sample report:
    More than one third of my classmates have mobile phones. They use them mainly to call their parents or friends when they need help. As calling by mobile phones cost a lot, they often send text messages.
    Next, let the students do more discussions about the use of mobile phones by doing Activity 4. Divide the class into two groups. One group makes a list of advantages of the mobile phones, the other disadvantages. The task should be done in 5 minutes. Then ask the students to state their views.
    T: OK. Now we will have a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of having a mobile phone. I will divide you into two groups. The four lines on the left discuss the advantages and the rest disadvantages. After your discussion, I will ask one of you to list the key points on the blackboard. Five minutes for the discussion.
    Five minutes later, check the answers.
    Sample answers:
    Attitudes of
    the school
    Mobile phones make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere.
    Sometimes the use of mobiles is limited, though new functions are being added.
    Phones are not
    allowed to use
    in the reading
    room, the
    classroom, during the
    meeting in
    case of
    Modern phones are more than just phones.
    Communicating by mobile phone costs a lot.
    They are being used as cameras and radios and to send emails.
    Radiation of the mobile phones does harm to people’s health.
    Many new functions are being added to the phones.
    In mountainous areas or the high buildings the signals are not good.
    Task 2 Online Shopping (WORKBOOK: P99)
    Next, deal with another passage on Page 99. It is about Online Shopping. After that, finish Ex. 8-10.
    T: Now please turn to Page 99. I will give you five minutes to read through the text and match the questions 1-6 with the paragraphs A-F.
    Five minutes later, check their answers.
    Later deal with Ex. 9-10.
    T: Well done. Now I’d like you to read the passage again and tell me the main idea of the text.
    Three minutes later, check the answer.
    Sample answers:
    The passage is mainly about Online Shopping. It tells us several things that we should think about when shopping online and measures to protect ourselves.
    Step Ⅳ Summary
    T: In this class, we have learnt the wide use of the Internet and telecommunications in our daily life. They make our life easier than ever. Wherever we are, we can communicate with families and friends. We can’t imagine the life without mobile phones. Online shopping makes us free from the common shopping with baskets. Thus, we can make good use of our limited time and do more other things. However, we need to be careful when using credit cards. We should buy things from the companies that have secure page facilities. We should be cautious about the online deception.
    Step Ⅴ Homework
    1. Preparing the WRITING, FUNCTION on Pages 56-57 and Speaking and writing on Page 101.
    2. Do Ex. 1-4 in the WORKBOOK.
    The Fifth Period Integrating Skills
    Teaching goals 教学目标
    1. Target language 目标语言
    a. 重点词汇和短语
    in-service learners
    b. 重点句式
    But this percentage is going down. P57
    Two percentage of ... have access to Internet, compared with 45 percent in ... P57
    The average time ... is 17 hours per week. P57
    How would you like to pay? P58
    If you want my personal opinion ... P58
    But I should tell you ... P58
    2. Ability goals 能力目标
    Enable the students to talk about percentage and numbers.
    Enable the students to express the opposite views.
    3. Learning ability goals 学能目标
    Help the students learn how to write a short essay to express opposite views.
    Teaching important && difficult points 教学重点和教学难点
    How to express the opposite views.
    Teaching methods 教学方法
    Talking and writing.
    Teaching aids 教具准备
    A projector.
    Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式
    Step Ⅰ Revision
    1. Greetings.
    T: Good afternoon, class!
    S: Good afternoon, Miss Liu!
    2. Have a dictation of the words in this module.
    T: Before we learn the new class, I would like to have a dictation of the words in this module. Are you ready?
    Ss: Yes.
    Read out the words and after that collect their papers.
    Step Ⅱ Everyday English
    In this part, let the students go over some words and expressions for shopping. Provide some situations and ask the students to make up dialogues and act them out.
    T: Before we learn the writing, please turn to Page 58. Let’s look at Everyday English. First, read the words and expressions for shopping then decide what expressions shop assistants and customers usually use. After that, I will divide you into 4 groups to make up a dialogue by choosing one of the following situations. One group chooses one topic.
    S: Yes.
    Show the situations on the screen:
    Situation 1: Li Ming wants to buy a jacket. He has
    only 200 yuan. But he wants a jacket with bright color and good quality. The assistant gives him some advice.
    Situation 2: Tom wants to buy a mobile phone. He doesn’t know much about mobile phones. The assistant recommends him some brands such as Bird, Panda, and Haire etc. At last Tom is talked into buying one he likes best.
    Five minutes later, let them act out their dialogues.
    Sample dialogue 1:
    L=Li Ming A=assistant
    A: Good morning! What can I do for you?
    L: I’d like to buy a jacket.
    A: There are quite a lot of fashionable jackets. Have a look at this one.
    L: The color is too dark. I’d like one with bright color.
    A: How about this one? It’s quite suitable for you.
    L: But it is too expensive.
    A: How would you like to pay?
    L: In cash, but I only have 200 yuan.
    A: I see. This one must be the very one. It only costs 150 yuan. The color is bright and it’s of good quality.
    L: OK. I will take this one.
    A: Thank you for shopping here. See you again soon, I hope.
    L: See you.
    Sample dialogue 2:
    T=Tom A= assistant
    A: Good morning, sir. How can I help you?
    T: I’d like to buy a mobile phone.
    A: What kind are you looking for?
    T: There are so many different brands. I don’t know which one to choose. Can you give me some advice?
    A: Of course. Some mobile phones made in China are quite good, such as Bird, Panda and Haire.
    T: Which one is better?
    A: The brand “Panda” has a long history. The products are of good quality. And Bird and Haire are fast-developing brands. The products are well-designed.
    T: I will take the Panda.
    A: OK. Would you like me to wrap it up?
    T: Yes.
    A: Here you are. Thank you for shopping here.
    T: Bye.
    Step Ⅲ Function
    This part is about the numbers and percentage. In Activity 1, the students need to fill in a box using the given information. In Activity 2, ask the students to write a short passage according to the information in Activity 1.
    T: Your performance is wonderful. Now let’s turn to Page 57, FUNCTION. First, I will ask some students to read the sentences in Activity 1. Please pay attention to the numbers and percentage. Who would like to have a try?
    The students read the sentences loudly.
    T: You have done a good job. OK. Thank you. Let’s look at the box on Page 58. You can discuss in pairs and fill in it.
    Three minutes later, check their answers.
    T: Well done. You have filled in the correct information. Now, let’s look at Activity 2. I will give you ten minutes to write the passage. After finishing, I would like some of you to read out your compositions to the class.
    Ten minutes later, check their passages.
    A sample version:
    In Li Kang’s hometown education has grown rapidly. The town had a population of 2,500,000 in 1978. By 2003, the population has reached up to 3,800,000. It has increased by 52%. Compared with 450,000 in 1978, the number of school kids has increased by 90%, reaching as many as 855,000. Meanwhile, the number of the JH students has increased from 420,000 in 1978 to 790,000 in 2003. The percentage of increase is 88%. But the number of SH students has only increased by 70%, from 380,000 to 646,000 since 1978. Much to our joy, the number of in-service learners has increased by 128%. Now there are 180,000 in-service learners, compared to 79,000 in 1978. In a word, the education in his hometown has changed dramatically, which will promote the development of local economy in the future.
    Step Ⅳ Writing (P56)
    The students are asked to do the writing after class. After reading through the compositions, choose the best ones to the whole class. Show the following samples on the screen:
    Sample 1:
    I don’t agree with this opinion. To start with, we can only get some information, but not all of the information is what we need. There is lots of information on the Internet, so it takes us lots of time to search for a proper one. Besides, it is very important to have a teacher, who can give his / her lesson lively and with a clear aim. If we have problems, we can turn to him / her for help. On the Internet, we can only get information and pictures, but we can not get a person to discuss with. What’s more, in the class with a teacher we can also work on the problems together. That will do good to both our friendship and team spirits.
    Spending too much time playing computer games will push us into a pitch-fall of pleasure and affect our study. What is worse, logging on the Internet for a long time is bad for our health especially eyes and back. In my opinion, we need to search for the good websites and limit the online time.
    Sample 2:
    I don’t agree with the opinion. Though Internet makes our life interesting and colorful, it has negative effects on our life. First, if a student is addicted to the Internet and spends too much time playing computer games, it will affect his study. Second, some information on the Internet is not suitable for children. So we should look for information on good and useful websites. Third, chatting with strangers by QQ, or MSN etc is a dangerous thing. Furthermore, staying a long time before screen will do harm to our health. In a word, we should be aware of online safety.
    Step Ⅴ Speaking and Writing (P101)
    First, ask the students to work in pairs and discuss the questions in Ex. 17. After discussion they need to find out how they could improve computer facilities in their school in Ex. 18. For Ex. 19, the students need to read the passage and find out five things that need improving. If time is not enough, Ex. 20 will be done after class.
    T: Now I will give you several minutes to discuss the questions in Ex. 17.
    Two minutes later, collect their answers.
    T: How about the first question?
    S: There are about 200 computers in our school.
    T: Where are they? Is there a special computer room?
    S: They are in the electronic library, in the office and students’ computer room.
    T: How about next one?
    S: The students and teachers can use the computers.
    T: No. 4. Who’d like to try?
    S: We have CD-ROMs, printers, DVD drives, modems and scanners.
    T: What software is there in the library?
    S: We have 60,000 electronic books but there are not enough CD-ROMs of the text.
    T: How many computers have Internet links?
    S: All of the computers at school are linked.
    T: The facilities in our school are good in general. But how do you think we could improve computer facilities in our school? Can you give some concrete suggestions?
    S: The students’ computer room should be provided with 40 new computers.
    S: If possible, electronic library should be opened to the students every afternoon.
    S: We need to have a computer in the classroom, which is good for both teachers and students.
    S: Buy some CD-ROMs going with our textbooks.
    Give the students five minutes to finish Ex. 19.
    Sample answers:
    1. They need more printers.
    2. They can’t access the Internet.
    3. There are no English CD-ROMS.
    4. Students can only use the IT room during classes with their teachers.
    5. There aren’t enough computers, so they have to wait a long time to use the Internet
    T: Next, do Ex. 20 on P102 after class.
    A sample version:
    Computer Facilities in Our School
    In my school, we have a special IT computer room with 60 computers for the students, an electronic library with 40 computers and 4 multi-media classrooms. In the teachers’ office, every teacher is provided with a desktop computer, which is of great help to their work. All of the computers have Internet links. Each computer has a monitor, keyboard, mouse, CD-ROM and hard disk. The teachers share one printer and a scanner in the same office.
    Though the school facilities are good, something still needs to be improved. First, the students can only use computers in the class. We need to supply more computers to the students. Second, the computer is too old to work. Therefore, it is necessary to buy more new ones. Furthermore, we can only use the electronic library at a given time. It would be better if we are allowed to use the computers every afternoon. If possible, I hope we can have a computer in each classroom, which will do good to both teachers and students.
    Step Ⅵ Homework
    Task: Prepare a poster showing the uses of the Internet.
    This task needs some out-of-class research. So it is best given at the end of the week so that the students can work on it over the weekends. After the students finish it, the teacher can have a poster exhibition in the class. Then choose the best ones to the students.
    Sample poster 1:
    Nowadays the Internet is more and more popular. However, I prefer to study at a traditional school. First, the school provides a place where all the students spend most of their time together, so we can develop a long and lasting friendship. And the students will benefit from this precious friendship all their life. They will also learn from teachers and classmates and thus improve their social skills. These advantages of a traditional school are the disadvantages of the Internet. With nobody to have a face-to-face discussion, the students can easily get lonely, which may lead to unhealthy personalities.
    Sample Poster 2:
    Nowadays studying on the Internet is more and more popular. I think it is a good way of studying. First, the Internet enables people to study whenever and wherever. People can also choose to study whatever they are interested in. However, a traditional school doesn’t provide such great freedom. The students have to study given subjects in a certain classroom. Even if they are not interested in what is taught, they have to stay there. Besides, due to the large number of students in a class, some students’ weak subjects can not attract the teachers’ attention. I love studying on the Internet. It brings me a lot of chances and freedom.

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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet教学设计及反思: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet教学设计及反思,共2页。教案主要包含了Unit等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet教案: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet教案,共3页。教案主要包含了Unit等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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