陕旅版四年级下册Unit 2 I'm Cooking in the Kitchen教学设计
这是一份陕旅版四年级下册Unit 2 I'm Cooking in the Kitchen教学设计,共16页。教案主要包含了内容来源,单元总目标,单元具体目标,主 题,课 时,板书设计等内容,欢迎下载使用。
Unit2 I’m Cooking in the Kitchen 教学内容与目标【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社四年级下册Unit2【单元总目标】本单元的内容以谈论正在做的事情为主题展开。关于日常活动方面的词汇在本套教材的四年级上册Unit 4 When Do You Have Classes?和Unit 8 Boys Like to Play Ball中都涉及过。本单元在此基础上继续学习动词,学习谈论正在做的事情。引导学生感知、理解现在进行时态所表达的含义和功能结构是本单元的重点和难点。本单元的教学共分为4课时。第一课时以Part A中Let’s learn部分的词汇教学为主,主要是对已学过的动词进行复习并扩充学习新的动词;第二课时为会话教学,以Part A中的Let’s talk为主,在第一课时的基础上学习如何询问和表达此刻正在做的事情,要求学生掌握现在进行时态的表达,并能熟练运用句型:What are you / is she doing? I’m/She is ...;第三课时以Part B中的Let’s learn more为主,拓展学习句型:The baby is sleeping. What are ... doing? They are ...,继续学习如何询问和表达正在做的事情;第四课时以Part B中的Read a story为主,通过造飞机的小故事,培养学生大胆创新、坚持不懈的精神,并了解句型:We are flying! What are they doing? They are making a plane.本课时也要完成本单元的相关练习,达到综合复习的目的。【单元具体目标】知识目标一、能听、说、读、写单词:read, write, sleep, eat, listen, cook, stand, sit, baby二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用关于询问和表达此刻正在做的事情的句型:1. —What are you doing?—I’m / We are ...2. —What is he / she doing?—He/She is...3 —what are ... doing?—They are...4. The baby is sleeping情感目标一、培养学生养成尊重他人、举止文明的好习惯。二、注重培养学生细致的观察力和小组合作的能力。三、通过造飞机的小故事,培养学生大胆创新、坚持不懈的精神。Unit2 I’m Cooking in the Kitchen 第1课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社四年级下册 Unit2【主 题】Warming-up: Look and find, Warming-up: Listen and do, Let’s learn【课 时】第1课时一、教学目标1. 以学习Let’s learn部分的动词为主,要求学生能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:read, write, sleep, eat, listen, cook, stand, sit。2. 能够根据教师的指令做出相应的动作。二、教学准备1. 教师准备:(1) 本节课新授动词的图片。(2) Let’ learn部分的教学音频。三、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前复习完成Warming-up中的Look and find,复习第一单元关于房间的词汇。1. 教师引导学生观察图片。 °2. 教师提问:T: Hi, boys and girls. Look at the picture. Where is Colin?Ss: He is in the bedroom.T: Where is Wu Chen?Ss: She is in the living room.T: Where is Liu Zhaoyang?Ss: He is in the bathroom.(2)新课导入完成Warming-up中的Listen and do部分,引人本节课话题。T: (做跳绳动作并说) I like to jump rope. Look, I’m jumping rope. What do you like to do?引导学生边做动作边说:S1: I like to sing a song.S2:I like to run.S3:I like to dance.教师发指令,学生根据指令做相应的动作。课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)(1)新课展示Part A Let’s learn1. 教授单词read。教师出示read的图片。T: look, boys and girls. What does she like to do? Yes. She likes to read.教师领读并拼写单词read,注意这里的字母组合ea读长音[i:]。2. 教授单词write。1.1. 教师转身在黑板上写下write,并说:I like to write. I write on the blackboard. Now please take out your pens. Let’s write together. W-r-i-t-e, write.1.2. 教师指着黑板上的单词领读并拼写write:T: Now let’s read the word. It’s w-r-i-t-e, write.注意结尾的e在这里不发音。1.3. 此处教师可灵活复习上一单元内容,并引导学生作答。如:T: Where do you read and write?Ss: In the classroom. In the study.3. 教授单词eat和sleep。3.1. 教师摸着肚子说:T: I’m hungry. I want to eat something.教师边做吃东西的动作边说:T: Now I’m in the dining room. I eat an egg. I eat some bread. And I eat noodles.教师领读并拼写单词,让学生通过教师所做的动作,理解eat的意思,并引导学生根据read的读音总结出eat中字母组ea读长音[i:]。教学小贴士教师在教授read和eat的发音时,向学生介绍字母组合ea在单词中的发音,教师可通过已学单词,帮助学生归纳字母组合ea的读音。如:ice-cream, clean, teacher, meat等。3.2. 教师假装打哈欠说:T: Now I’m tired. I want to go to bed. I want to sleep.教师做睡觉状说:I sleep in my bedroom.教师领读并拼写单词sleep,注意字母组合ee读长音[i:]。4. 教授单词cook。教师出示做饭的图片,与学生进行问答:T: Where is she?T/Ss: She is in the kitchen.T: Yes. She cooks in the kitchen. She is a cook. Look, she is cooking.注意强调该单词有两个意思,名词意为“厨师”,动词意为“做饭”。5. 教授单词listen教师出示录音机,并播放一段音乐。T: Hi, boys and girls! Let’s listen to music.Ss: OK.T: Well. I like to listen to music.注意单词listen中字母t不发音。6. 教授单词stand和sit。6.1. T: I often stand here in the classroom.然后教师发指令:Now, listen! Everyone, stand up!要求全班起立,引导学生理解stand的意思。(学生起立后) T: Now you are standing, too.6.2. 教师领读并拼写单词stand,注意纠正学生的错误读音。教学小贴士在重读音节中,当摩擦音[s]后紧跟的是清辅音,如[t]时,清辅音要发生浊化,即读出其相应的浊辅音[d]。如:stand [stænd]中的[t]读成[d]。6.3. 教师接下来发指令:Everyone, sit down!(全班坐下之后)T: You often sit in the classroom. Now you are sitting.教师领读并拼写单词sit。(2)教师播放录音,让学生听并跟读Let’s learn部分的单词,其间注意write, listen, stand等易错音单词,教师要及时纠正学生的错误读音。操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)(1)我说你做1. 教师与一位学生做示范。2. 教师说动词,学生做出相应的动作。3. 将学生分成若干组,进行限时比赛。教师说单词,每组分别来做动作,做得最快、最准确的组得一分。(2)你来表演我来猜1. 每组请一位学生上台做动作。2. 组内其他学生看动作猜单词,猜对单词并且发音准确的学生为该组赢得一分。(3)抢读单词1. 教师将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示单词卡片或图片。2. 学生举手抢答,最先举手的学生读出该单词并说出其意思,读对的话就为所在组贏得一分,得分最多的组为获胜组。【板书设计】Unit2 I’m Cooking in the Kitchen 第2课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社四年级下册 Unit2【主 题】Let’s talk, Listen and tick, Look and write【课 时】第2课时一、教学目标1. 能听懂Let’s talk对话中表示现在逬行时态的句子。2. 通过具体而典型的情境,体会现在进行时态的用法,能运用句子What are you doing? 询问对方正在做什么,并能用句型I’m + v-ing.准确作答。3. 能听懂并熟读对话,语音语调准确。4. 通过对话的学习,培养学生的会话能力,激发其学习兴趣。二、教学准备1. 教师准备:(1 ) 有关动词的图片。(2) Let’s talk及Let’s learn部分的教学音频。(3) 一个正在睡觉的婴儿图片或课件。三、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前复习教师向学生出示所学的动词图片,学生观察图片,边说单词边做出相应的动作,复习上一节课所学的单词。(2)新课导入教师承接上一环节,以《两只老虎》的旋律来唱歌曲Brother John:Are you sleeping?Are you sleeping?Brother John. Brother John.Morning bells are ringing.Morning bells are ringing, ding-ding-dong, ding-ding-dong.教师也可引导学生用上一节课所学的其他动词来替换这里的动词sleep,演唱歌曲,在复习单词的基础上引入本节课新授内容。课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)(1)新课展示1. 教授现在进行时态。1.1. T: Where are you, boys and girls?Ss: We are in the classroom.T: Yes. We are in the classroom. I am standing here and you are sitting.教师板书I am standing.用彩色粉笔勾出am和ing。You are sitting.用彩色粉笔勾出are和ing。1.2. 教师做吃东西状:T: I’m eating.并板书:eat I am eating.1.3. 教师拿起一本书,做读书状:T: I’m reading a book.并板书:read I am reading a book.T: What are you doing?引导学生作答:T / Ss: We are listening. 并板书:listen We are listening.1.4. 教师依次教授如下句型:I am (I’m) sleeping. I am(I’m) writing.I am (I’m) listening. I am(I’m) cooking.I am (I’m) standing. I am(I’m) sitting.2. 教师领读黑板上的句子。3. 教师启发全班思考:黑板上用彩色粉笔勾出的am/are, -ing等分别表示什么?然后教师可做简单讲解。教学小贴士现在进行时态:表示正在进行成发生的动作。结构:助动词be (am/is/are)+现在分词。动词现在分词的变化规则:1. 大多数动词可在后面直接加-ing。如:read-reading,sleep-sleeping。2. 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,则去掉e,再加-ing。如:write-writing,have-having。3. 在重读闭音节中,如果动词只有一个元音字母,且其后接有一个辅音字母时,则双写此辅音字母,再加-ing。如:sit-sitting,run-running, swim-swimming。以上语法是根据学生已学动词总结的,以后可根据学生学习程度逐渐深入作讲解。4. 请一位同学到教室前面与教师做如下演示:4.1. 请该生做看书状:T: What are you doing?教师可反复问几次,让全班猜这句话的意思。启发这位同学回答:S1: I am reading a book.其他动词做同样处理。教师领读:What are you doing? I am ...4.2. 请该生做做饭状:T: (教师指着这位学生问大家)What is he/she doing?教师引导学生回答:T/Ss: He / She is cooking.(2)Part A Let’s talk1. 教师播放录音,让学生听并跟读Let’s talk部分的对话。2. 学生分组指读对话,教师纠正错误读音。3. 学生两人一组练习对话,要求语音语调准确。4. 随机挑选一组学生上台表演对话,教师给予评价。操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)(1)连锁提问教师将学生们分组,每组第一个学生问第二个学生:What are you doing?第二个学生边做动作边回答,并提问第三个学生:I am ... What are you doing?以此类推,完成最快的组得一分。如:S1: What are you doing?S2:(做睡觉状)I am sleeping. What are you doing?S3:(做听音乐状)I am listening to music. What are you doing?S4:(做站立状)I am standing. What are you doing?S5:(做写字状)I am writing. What are you doing?...(2)Part C Listen and tick1. 教师引导学生观察图片,并说出图片所对成的单词。2. 教师播放录音,学生听并勾出正确的图片。3. 教师再次播放录音,引领学生核对答案。录音内容如下:1. Kevin is writing in his study.2. Alice is listening to music.3. The boys are sitting on the chairs.4. Grandma is watching TV in the living room.参考答案:1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A(3)Part C Look and write1. 教师指导学生根据图片补全句子,提醒学生注意句子的时态。2. 学生读句子,教师核对答案,注意强调write要去掉结尾的e再加-ing。参考答案:1. cooking 2. eating 3. reading 4. writing【板书设计】Unit2 I’m Cooking in the Kitchen 第3课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社四年级下册 Unit2【主 题】Let’s learn more, Look and say, Read and name【课 时】第3课时一、教学目标1. 能听懂Let’s learn more对话中表示现在进行时态的词汇和句型。2. 能理解并运用句型What are ... doing? They are ... 就别人正在做什么进行问答。3. 能听懂并熟读对话,语音语调准确。4. 通过对话的学习,培养学生的会话能力,激发其学习兴趣。二、教学准备1. 教师准备:(1) 已学的有关动词的卡片和课件。(2) Let’s learn more部分的教学音频。三、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前复习1. 教师向两位学生出示动词卡片并提问,学生做动作并回答。如:T:(教师出示站立的卡片)What are you doing?S1:(做站立状) I’ m standing.T:(教师出示写字的卡片) What are you doing?S2.(做写子的动作)l’m writing.2. 教师请一位学生上台,面对全班问学站立。然后教师出示单词卡片,由该学生做动作,教师提问,其他学生回答。如:T:(教师出示……的卡片)What is he/she doing?S1:(做……的动作)Ss: He / She is ...(2)新课导入教师借助图片或课件展示一个正在睡觉的婴儿T: Hello, boys and girls. What are you doing?Ss: We are...T: Shh …Please be quiet. The baby is sleeping.课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)新课展示Part B Let’s learn more(1)对话新授教师请几位女生或男生上台,面对全班同学站立。然后教师出示单词卡,台上学生依据单词做相应的动作,由教师提问,其他学生回答。T: Look. What are the girls / the boys doing?Ss: They are (They’re) ...教师请台下任意一位学生提问,其他学生回答。S1: What are the girls / the boys doing?Ss: They are (They’re) ...(2)听力理解1. 教师借助课件呈现问题,然后播放Let’s learn more部分的录音,让学生带着问题听录音。建议问题如下:What is the baby doing?What is Alice doing?What are the boys doing? What are the girls doing?2. 学生回答问题,教师注意引导学生说出完整的句子。3. 教师再次播放Let’s learn more部分的录音。3.1. 学生打开课本听录音,并注意模仿其语音语调跟读本部分对话。3.2. 学生分组跟读对话,要求指读。3.3. 学生两人一组,分角色自由朗读对话。教学小贴士在这里,教师向学生教授How about ...?与What about ...?是同义句,其意思要按语境来理解,如“How about the boys?” 在对话中的意思是“男生们在做什么?”4. 表演对话4.1. 教师让学生自由分组,选择各自喜欢的图片进行对话,并鼓励学生发挥想象,改编对话,不必局限于文本。4.2. 随机挑选几组学生上台表演,教师点评并给予肯定。操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)(1)Part B Look and say1. 教师提问,学生分组看图抢答:T: what is the cat doing?S1: The cat/It is sleeping.T:What is Grandpa doing?S2: Grandpa / He is writing.T: what is Grandma doing?S3: Grandma / She is watching TV.T: What is the dog doing?S4: The dog / It is sitting (near the house).T: What is the rabbit doing?S5: The rabbit / It is standing (near the tree).T: What is the woman / Mom doing?S6: The woman / Mom / She is reading.T: What is the man / Dad doing?S7: The man / Dad / He is listening to music.2. 学生两人之间互相问答。3. 分组问答,一组学生提问,另一组学生回答。如:Group 1: What is Grandpa doing?Group 2: He is writing.温馨提示:为了激发学生的兴趣,提高其参与的积极性,教师也可让提问的学生自主选择回答问题的同学。(2)Part C Read and name1. 学生自由读短文。2. 教师就短文提问。建议问题如下:What is Alice doing? What are Wu Chen and Su Nan doing?What is Colin doing?What is Miss White doing?What are Liu Zhaoyang and Kevin doing?What is Kitty doing?What is Li Shan doing?3. 教师随机挑选学生回答上述问题,引导学生根据回答填姓名,并核对答案。【板书设计】Unit2 I’m Cooking in the Kitchen 第4课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社四年级下册 Unit2【主 题】Read a story, Let’s sing, Ask and answer【课 时】第4课时一、教学目标1. 通过Part B的Read a story,复习本单元所学的有关现在进行时态的词汇和句子。2. 掌握句型:What are you doing? We are ...3. 通过学唱Let’s sing部分的歌曲,复习巩固现在进行时态,并提高学生学习英语的兴趣。4. 通过各项复习活动,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。5. 通过造飞机的小故事,培养学生勇于创新、坚持不懈的精神。二、教学准备1. 教师准备:(1) 本单元词汇卡片。(2) Read a story部分的教学音频。2. 学生准备一些体现动作的图片,如:两条小鱼游泳和小羊吃草的图片。三、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前复习Part C Ask and answer1. 教师让学生观察本部分的图片,并说出词汇:sing a song, watch TV, run, have a class,have dinner, jump rope, swim, draw a picture。2. 教师逐图提问,学生看图片回答:T: What are they / the girls doing? Ss: They are singing a song.T: What are they doing? Ss: They are watching TV.T: What are they / the students doing? Ss: They arc running.T: What are they doing? Ss: They are having a class.T: What are they doing? Ss: They are having dinner.T: What is she / the girl doing? Ss: She is jumping rope.T: What is he / the boy doing? Ss: He is swimming.T: What is she / the girl doing? Ss: She is drawing a picture.教师在这里要注意强调现在分词running (双写末尾字母n,再加-ing ),having (去掉不发音的字母e,再加-ing) 和swimming(双写末尾字母m,再加-ing)的构成。3. 同桌练习,互相问答。4. 男女生分组问答,由一方提问,另一方回答。课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)(1)Part B Read a story1. 教师首先教授故事中的新词汇:make a plane (造飞机),fly (飞)。2. 教师出示课本第14页Part B Read a story部分的图片,引导学生仔细观察每幅图片并回答问题。以下问题可供参考:Picture 1: What are the boys doing?Picture 2: Where are the boys? What are they doing now?Picture 3: How about now?Picture 4: How many people are there? What are the boys doing?Picture 5: What are the three children doing?(教师尽量用学生学过的句型进行提问,引导学生借助图片理解问题。每个问题提出后要留给学生思考的时间,对于有争议的问题,可分组让学生进行讨论,并提醒学生用已学句型的完整形式来回答。教师可鼓劢学生通过小组合作讨论问题答案,并对踊跃回答且答句完整的小组加以表扬和奖励,以此激发出学生学习英语的热情)3. 教师播放录音,引导学生结合图片听Read a story部分的内容,理解故事大意。教师可强调We are making a plane. We are flying.的意思。4. 教师引导学生对故事进行思考,让学生明门做事情要坚持不懈、永不言弃,就像故事中的男孩们一样,通过不懈的努力,成功制造出飞机。5. 教师再次播放录音,让学生模仿其语音语凋跟读此部分内容,教师注意强调现在分词making的构成(去掉末尾不发音的字母e,再加-ing)。6. 学生分角色朗读对话,教师注意纠正学生错误的语音语调。7. 教师安排学生六人一组,排练小故事。8. 教师鼓励学生上台,加入相应的动作,绘声绘色地表演故事。9. 教师扩充一些关于坚持不懈、永不言弃的名言警句。如:Slow and steady wins the race.锲而不舍事竟成。Where there’s a will, there’s a way.有志者,事竟成。Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母。(2)Part B Let’s sing1. 教师播放歌曲,要求学生认真听,理解歌词大意。2. 教师领唱,学生逐句学唱。3. 学生跟着音乐齐唱。4. 学生分组演唱歌曲,比一比哪组唱得最好。5. 鼓励学生自编动作,边喝边跳,表演歌曲。操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)(1)头脑风暴教师将学生分成四人一组,小组总结已学过的有关动作的词汇,总结最多的组获胜。已学动词类词汇有:run, sing a song, watch TV, read, write, sleep, eat, listen, cook, stand, sit, jump rope, swim, dance, have a class, have lunch, play games, play basketball。(2)造句教师引导学生用已学动词类词汇造句,练习现在进行时态的用法,鼓励学生将句子说完整,并注意纠正错误的用法。(3)小小交流会教师将学生分成男女生两组,一组学生展示图片提出问题,另一组学生看图作答(要求学生提问以本单元内容为主)。如:Boy:(展示两条小鱼游泳的图片)What are the fish doing?Girl: They are swimming.(展示小羊吃草的图片)What is the sheep doing?Boy: It is eating grass.(展不……) ...?Girl: ...... 教学笔记 【板书设计】
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这是一份陕旅版四年级下册Unit 2 I'm Cooking in the Kitchen教案设计,共3页。
这是一份英语四年级下册Unit 2 I'm Cooking in the Kitchen教案,共3页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。