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    鲁教五四版七年级下册英语 专项训练之语法填空专训 习题课件

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    语法填空专训专项训练答 案 呈 现12345ideasfindingcallingforabout题组 1678intereststo asktraining题组 212345yourselfusefullostlivingstart678910will getreadbettermorespelling910Ifvolunteering答 案 呈 现12345lovelyafterworksheran题组 3678butmatchesfaster题组 412345driverbycomingquicklyheard678910giveanpaybe kiddinghow much910woneighth答 案 呈 现12345thatherssittingbecauseangrily题组 5678thandon’twere ill题组 612345probablythebutfriendsdisappear678910to getsurprisedfoundearlierthankful910kindnessanger答 案 呈 现12345dohowto answerfollowingblue题组 7678flylife’sbetter题组 812345to cookfirstboredinterestedcooking678910himselflearningchildrento teachwill be910informationwill give答 案 呈 现12345activitiesto findfromfriendsknowing题组 9678themselveswishfirst题组 1012345to berulesknowwill understandfriendly678910firstsaysthinkyourselftrying910to workbetter题组1根据短文内容及所给提示填空, 完成短文。【2021·烟台莱山期末】Do you know how to find out where you can volunteer? You can surf the Internet. You can call an organization(组织) directly and ask if they need volunteers in your area. You can ask friends for ________1(idea). ideasYou need to spend much time _________2(find) a job that's a good fit for you. When you're ________3 (call) an organization, get ready _________4 some questions, like: What do you know __________5 our organization?How many hours a week will you be able to volunteer? callingforaboutfindingWhat are your __________6 (interest)?Most places will ask you to come for an interview in person. They want to talk to you, face to face, and if they haven't yet asked the questions above, they will do that in the interview. Whether your interview is on the phone or in person, remember __________7 (ask) questions of your own. For example: intereststo askWhat kind of __________8 (train) will I receive?How many volunteers are there?How many hours do you expect me to do the work each week/month?training__________9 it's a good fit for you, it means you like the organization, that they like you, and that you like the work. Then _____________10 (volunteer) can be a great experience(经历). Ifvolunteering题组2根据短文内容及所给提示填空, 完成短文。Reading books is a good hobby for all kinds of reasons. First, reading books is fun. You can always keep __________ 1 (you) happy if you like reading. This is especially _________2 (use) when the weather is bad. It is a relaxing hobby, too. yourselfusefulYou can really become _________3 (lose) in a book. Next, you can read a book anywhere: in a car, in the __________4(live) room, on a plane or in bed. All you need is a book! Reading is a convenient hobby as it is easy to stop and then __________5 again. livingstartlostAnother good reason for reading books is that it is useful. If you read as a hobby, you __________6(get) better and better at it. This makes you__________ 7 faster and makes it easier for you to understand what you read. If you read enough, you will probably find that your schoolwork becomes much __________8 (good). will getreadbetterSome people say that reading is out of date. This is not true. You can read on computers and the __________9 you read, the better your computer skills will be. moreGood readers are most likely to be good writers, too. They are usually good at __________10 (spell) as well, and have more things to write about. Reading books is a wonderful hobby. Why not start reading right now?spelling题组3根据短文内容及所给提示填空, 完成短文。【2021·河北】Hi Alice, My name's Zhao Ming and I'd like to be your pen­friend. I'm 16 years old. I have two little brothers. They're very _______1 (love). lovelyI often help my parents look ________2 them in my spare time. My mother __________3 (work) in a toy shop. She loves __________4 (she) job. And my father is __________5 engineer. He is busy every day, __________6 he tries to spend more time with us. worksheranbutafterI'm in the school basketball team. We usually play __________7 (match) on Saturday mornings. Last week, we played against another school. They ran __________8 (fast) than us. However, we had better teamwork. matchesfasterFinally, we __________9 (win)! How happy we were! This is the __________10 (eight) time we beat them. Could you tell me something about you? Please write. Yours, Zhao Mingwoneighth题组4根据短文内容及所给提示填空, 完成短文。 It was a dark and cold night. The taxi __________1 (drive) didn't have even one passenger (乘客) all day. When he went __________2 the bus station, he saw a young man __________ 3(come) out with two bags in his hands. driverbycomingSo he __________4(quick) opened the door of the car and asked, “Where do you want to go, sir?” “To Star Hotel,” the young man answered. When the taxi driver __________5 ( hear) this, he wasn't happy any more. quicklyheardHe knew the young man could ________ 6(give) him only three dollars because the hotel was not far from the bus station. But suddenly he had ________7(a) idea. He took the young man through many streets of the big city. givean After a long time, the car arrived at the hotel at last. “You should __________8 (pay) me fifteen dollars,” the driver said to the young man. “What? Fifteen dollars! You must __________9(kid) (开玩笑). Only last week, I took a taxi from the bus station to the same hotel and I only gave the driver thirteen dollars. paybe kiddingI know __________10 I have to pay for the trip. I won't pay you one dollar more than that I paid to the other taxi driver last week.”how much题组5根据短文内容及所给提示填空, 完成短文。 Mrs. Green opened the door so hard _________1 the door nearly broke. Then she looked through the window at her neighbor across the yard(院子). “She is in my garden again. Those are my strawberries, not _______2 (she). Maybe I should call the police.”thathersHer friend Alice was __________ 3(sit) at the table with a cup of coffee in her hands. “You want to call the police __________4 she picks your strawberries?” she asked. “Of course,” Mrs. Green answered __________5 (angry). sittingbecauseangrily“What would you do if your neighbor walked into your yard without your permission and picked your strawberries?”“I would say better her __________6 bees.”“Bees don't take my strawberries.”than“But birds do,” Alice continued. “That old lady only picks a few strawberries every year, and the only ones she picks are those you leave to birds. Why __________ 7 you pick some of your good strawberries and give them to her?”don’t“Are you crazy? What are you thinking about?”“I don't think so. Do you remember when you __________8(be ill) in hospital last year? She went to see you with some chicken soup. If you give her the strawberries, you can tell her you still remember that.” Mrs. Green was shocked (震惊 ). were illShe almost forgot that little __________9(kind) because she was too angry. Then she took a basket of good strawberries and went to her neighbor. Through the window, Alice could see that the __________10 (angry) on Mrs. Green's face changed into a bright smile. kindnessanger题组6根据短文内容及所给提示填空, 完成短文。【2021·四川南充改编】Coming home after working for the whole night, I lost my wallet. It was __________1 (probable) very close to my house but I couldn't find it and had to close my credit cards' accounts. probably I had kept __________2 wallet for ten years and it was a Christmas present. It was a bright red leather wallet. Not every adult is sad about losing something, __________3 I was very upset about losing my wallet. thebutI spoke to my ________4 (friend) about my lost wallet. Most of them said I might get the wallet back finally but that the money in it would _____________5 (appear). I had listed all the things in my wallet __________6 (get) some new ones. friendsdisappearto getI came home late the next night and my red wallet was in front of my house. I checked it carefully. Everything was in my wallet. And there was a note. I was __________7(surprise) when I read the note which said, “I __________8 (find) this last night. It was too dark to go through it then, so I came back tonight. I got your address from your license. Sorry. Mike.”surprisedfoundNot only this man returned my wallet but he was sorry for not bringing it back __________9 (early). There was no information about Mike so I couldn't get in touch with him to say “Thank you”. But I did hope he could know how __________10 (thank) I was!earlierthankful题组7根据短文内容及所给提示填空, 完成短文。Do your kids ask a lot of questions?If they __________1 (do), that's great. Because that's __________2 children learn. Some of these questions may be easy __________ 3(answer). Others may be hard. And they want to get the right answers. dohowto answerDo your kids ask the __________4(follow) questions?●Why is the sky __________5? Why is the sunset red?●Why are leaves green?●Why do leaves change color in autumn?●How do airplanes __________6( fly) in the sky?followingblueflyCan you answer these questions? If not, don't worry. Though Science Made Simple can't help with all of __________7( life) important questions, it can help with those. In this fast­-changing world, the more your children know about science, the __________ 8 it is for them to grow. life’sbetterGet the help you need now, and every month you can get Science Made Simple online for only $11. 95 for 10 issues(期). Click here: questions @science made simple. Come for more ____________9 (information). Remember, if you are not happy with your first issue, we ________10(give) back all your money. informationwill give题组8根据短文内容及所给提示填空, 完成短文。Tom began to learn __________1 (cook) when he was six years old. At that time, he was ill in hospital. During the __________2 (one) three days there, Tom watched a lot of TV cartoons and felt __________3 (boring) with them. to cookfirstboredThen he visited the Internet for fun. He found an interesting website (网站). It taught people how to cook. Tom was very __________4 in the pictures on the website and fell in love with __________5(cook). After he got better, Tom went back home and tried his best to learn to cook by __________6. interestedcookinghimselfTom spent most of his free time __________7 ( learn) how to cook. He tried a lot of recipes (食谱). After five years of practice, Tom is a famous cook in his town now. He also uses his cooking to make money for poor __________8(child) in his town. He's already given them more than 10, 000 dollars. learningchildrenHe even has his own book __________9 (teach) people how to cook simple food. The book is quite popular. “When you decide to do something, try your best to do it. Then you __________10 (be) successful one day!” said Tom. to teachwill be题组9根据短文内容及所给提示填空, 完成短文。The health of our children is important. Children should take part in sports or other __________1 (activity) often. However, this isn't always easy. In cities, it can be hard __________2 (find) activities to do. Don't worry, though. activitiesto findThe West Moor Sports Camp can offer help! The West Moor Sports Camp is an outdoor camp for children __________3 7 to 16. Children can enjoy outdoor activities here. They can also make new _________4 (friend) here. And their parents can also relax here, __________5(know) that their children are safe. The West Moor Sports Camp is quite big. fromfriendsknowingThere is a lot of space for children to run around and enjoy __________6(they). There are many games and sports for them—badminton, basketball, ping-­pong, tennis and swimming. There are also fitness (健康) classes that children can take part in. Parents can even join in if they __________7 ( wish) to. themselveswishThere are many benefits (益处) of the camp. The __________8 is that children will take part in fitness activities they enjoy. They will become fitter when having fun. The second is that children will make new friends. They will learn how __________9( work) with other children. So visit our website today to find out more. Give your children a __________10(good) future. firstto workbetter题组10根据短文内容及所给提示填空, 完成短文。 If you think you are too shy and want _________1 (be) a little outgoing, try the following _________2(rule). You can make it. to berulesTell people you are shy. Just let people _________ 3 (know) that you are a shy kid. If they know that, they _______________4(understand) you better. This also helps you feel more at home when talking with others. knowwill understandTry to smile more. People will think you are __________5(friend) and easy to make friends with. Remember that most of us would like to talk to friendly people and that we will stay away from an angry looking face. friendlyTalk to others __________6(one). If you find it hard to do, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone __________ 7(say) something nice to you. firstsaysTurn your attention to something else. Think more about ways to enjoy a party or a game. Don't _________ 8 about your looks or care if people like you. thinkReward(奖励) __________9(you). Each time after you say “Hi” or smile at someone for the first time, say to yourself “You did it!” or it could be something bigger like buying yourself an ice-­cream. Keep __________10(try) and one day you won't be shy anymore when you talk to others. yourselftrying

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