展开1、人间宝镜离仍合,海上仙槎去复还。 1. The world mirror is still close, and the sea fairy Chacha will return. 2、分不尽,半凉天。 2. It's not enough. It's half a cold day. 3、杯酒相延,今夕不应慳。 3. The wine is long. It should not be cheap this evening. 4、举杯邀明月,对影成三人。 4. Raise a cup and invite the moon to make three people. 5、尘中见月心亦闲,况是清秋仙府间。 5. The moon in the dust is also idle, the situation is the Qing Autumn Fairy mansion. 6、此生此夜不长好,明月明年何处看。 6. This night is not long in this life. Where will you see next year in the next month. 7、被白发、欺人奈何。 7. Be white hair, deceive person to do. 8、可怜关夜婵娟影,正对五候残酒卮。 8. Poor night Chan Juan shadow, is on the five waiting wine. 9、更深月色半人家,北斗阑干南斗斜。 9. The moon is half a family, and the north is closed to the south. 10、可惜一溪风月,莫教踏碎琼瑶。 10. Unfortunately, a stream of wind and moon, do not teach to break Qiongyao. 11、人道是、清光更多。 11. Humanity is, more light. 12、把从前、离恨总成欢,归时说。 12. And he said, when he had gone away from the hate assembly, he said. 13、起舞徘徊风露下,今夕不知何夕。 13. Dance hovers under the wind, I don't know what day. 14、空碧无云露湿衣,众星光外涌清规。 14. Sky green no cloud dew wet clothes, stars outside the surge of clear rules. 15、永结无情游,相期邈云汉。 15. Forever knot ruthless swim, phase period Miao Yunhan. 16、但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 16. I hope people will be long, thousands of miles together. 17、水亭凝望久,期不至、拟还差。 17. The pavilion has a long time to look at, and the period is not up to and the plan is poor. 18、斟酌嫦娥,九秋宫殿冷。 18. Consider Chang'e, the palace in September autumn is cold. 19、明月易低人易散,归来呼酒更重看。 19. The moon is easy to disperse, return to call wine more seriously. 20、凉霄烟霭外,三五玉蟾秋。 20. Outside the cool sky, the autumn of the three and five jade toads. 21、明月出天山,苍茫云海间。 21. The moon is out of Tianshan Mountain, between the vast clouds and sea. 22、千里共如何,微风吹兰杜。 22. What about the thousand miles, the breeze blows Landu. 23、今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家! 23. The moon bright people do their best to see tonight, I don't know who autumn thought to fall! 24、凭高眺远,见长空万里,云无留迹。 24. Looking out from the high, you can see the sky in the sky, and the clouds have no trace. 25、一月可曾闲几日,百年难得闰中秋。 25. January can be a few days free, a hundred years rare leap mid autumn. 26、云山行处合,风雨兴中秋。 26. Yunshan travel in combination, wind and rain in mid autumn. 27、偏只到、凉秋半破,斗成双绝。 27. It is only in the cold autumn, and it is half broken, and the fight is excellent. 28、一月可曾闲几日,百年难得闰中秋。 28. January can be a few days free, a hundred years rare leap mid autumn. 29、离别一何久,七度过中秋。 29. How long to leave, seven spent the Mid Autumn Festival. 30、禅边风味客边愁,馈我清光又满楼. 30. Zen side flavor customers worry, feed me Qingguang and full of buildings 31、十轮霜影转庭梧,此夕羁人独向隅。 31. Ten rounds of frost shadow turn into the court and the body, and the person in this evening is only in the corner. 32、可怜闲剩此婵娟。 32. I have nothing left in my life. 33、松江初有月,伊水正无风。 33. The Songjiang River had a month in the beginning, and Yishui was in the wind. 34、寻常岂是无三五。 34. Is it common that there is no three or five. 35、转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。 35. Turn to Zhu Pavilion, low Qihu, and sleep free. 36、天上若无修月户,桂枝撑损向西轮。 36. If there is no moon repair in the sky, the cinnamon branch will support the West wheel. 37、小住京华,早又是,中秋佳节。 37. Live in Beijing and China. It is a good mid autumn festival. 38、明月出天山,苍茫云海间。 38. The moon is out of Tianshan Mountain, between the vast clouds and sea. 39、小时不识月,呼作白玉盘。 39. The hour does not know the month, and calls for a white jade plate. 40、满月飞明镜,归心折大刀。 40. Full moon flying mirror, turning big knife back. 41、寄言俦侣,莫负广寒沈醉。 41. Send a message to the couple, and be not drunk by the cold. 42、此生此夜不长好,明月明年何处看。42. This night is not long in this life. Where will you see next year in the next month. 43、嫦娥应悔偷灵药,碧海青天夜夜心。 43. Chang'e should regret stealing the medicine, and she should be clear and blue, night and night. 44、一轮秋影转金波,飞镜又重磨。 44. A round of autumn shadow turns golden wave, and the flying mirror is grinded again. 45、一轮飞镜谁磨?照彻乾坤,印透山河。 45. Who is grinding a round of flying glasses? According to the heaven and earth, the mountains and rivers are printed. 46、满月飞明镜,归心折大刀。 46. Full moon flying mirror, turning big knife back. 47、遮莫圆明似前度,不知谁续广寒游。 47. The shadow is as bright as the front, and I don't know who can swim in the cold. 48、对望中天地,洞然如刷。 48. Looking at the middle of the world, the holes are like brushes. 49、乘云径到玉皇家。 49. Take the cloud path to the jade royal family. 50、强饭日逾瘦,狭衣秋已寒。 50. The day of strong rice is thinner, and the narrow clothes are cold in autumn. 51、何处楼高,想清光先得。 51. Where is the building high, I want to get it first. 52、露冷阑干,定怯藕丝冰腕。 52. Cold appendix, cold, lotus root silk ice wristband. 53、水晶宫里,一声吹断横笛。 53. In the Crystal Palace, a flute is broken. 54、强饭日逾瘦,狭衣秋已寒。 54. The day of strong rice is thinner, and the narrow clothes are cold in autumn. 55、偏皎洁,知他多少,阴晴圆缺。 55. It is bright and clear, and knows how much he is, and it is sunny and full. 56、快上西楼,怕天放浮云遮月。 56. Go up the West floor quickly, and fear that the sky will be covered by clouds. 57、分明不受人间暑。 57. It is clear that it is not subject to the heat of the world. 58、槁秸申酬,轮嗣布。 58. The chaff claims compensation and issues cloth. 59、鼓吹助清赏,鸿雁起汀洲。 59. Advocating to help the Qing Dynasty reward, the wild goose rose to Tingzhou. 60、月到中秋偏皎洁。 60. The moon will be bright from the Middle Autumn Festival. 61、离别一何久,七度过中秋。 61. How long to leave, seven through the Mid Autumn Festival. 62、妙曲虽传,毕竟人何许。 62. Although the wonderful music is handed down, what is the man after all. 63、声直上,蟾蜍窟。 63. Sound straight up, toad cave. 64、天应有意故遮阑。 64. The sky should be covered by the intention. 65、忆对中秋丹桂丛。 65. I remember the mid autumn Dan GUI Cong. 66、影留人去,忍向夜深,帘户照陈迹。 66. Shadow left people to go, and endure to go to the night, and the curtain door was as old as it was. 67、暮云收尽溢清寒,银汉无声转玉盘。 67. The twilight cloud is covered with cold and the silver and Han Dynasties turn to jade plate silently. 68、青烟幂处,碧海飞金镜。 68. Blue smoke power, blue sea flying golden mirror. 69、一杯未尽银阙涌,乱云脱坏如崩涛。 69. A cup of silver is pouring, and the clouds break down like avalanches. 70、大漠沙如雪,燕山月似钩。 70. Desert sand is like snow, and Yanshan moon is like hook. 71、惟有今宵,皓彩皆同普。 71. Only this night, the bright color is the same as the common. 72、山中夜来月,到晓不曾看。 72. The moon comes in the middle of the mountain, and never sees it at dawn. 73、浑欲乘风问化工。 73. I want to take advantage of the wind and ask chemical industry. 74、虽桂华飘下,玉轮移影,归兴犹未。 Although Guihua is floating, the jade wheel moves shadow, and it is still not in the mood. 75、风雨满城,何幸两重阳之近。 75. The wind and rain are full of the city, and he fortunately is close to the two heavy Yang. 76、但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 76. I hope people will stay long, and all the miles will be beautiful. 77、皓魄当空宝镜升,云间仙籁寂无声。 77. The bright soul rises in the sky, and the sound of the fairy in the clouds is silent. 78、十轮霜影转庭梧,此夕羁人独向隅。 78. Ten rounds of frost shadow turn into the court and the body, and the person in this evening is only in the corner. 79、风泛须眉并骨寒,人在水晶宫里。 79. The wind is full of eyebrows and bone cold, and people are in the Crystal Palace. 80、碧天如水,湛银潢清浅,金波澄澈。 80. The sky is like water, the silver is light and the golden wave is clear. 81、目穷淮海满如银,万道虹光育蚌珍。 81. The Huaihai sea is full of silver, and the rainbow light is the most important way to raise mussels. 82、阴晴圆缺都休说,且喜人间好时节。 82. All the people will not say it, and I will enjoy the good time in the world. 83、露蓼香泾,记年时相识。 83. The Polygonum is fragrant and jingling. I know you when I am in my life.