展开1、坎坷就像是疾病,固然药方重要,但治疗时间更加重要。 1. Bumps are like diseases, although prescriptions are important, but the time of treatment is more important. 2、不要怨恨命运的错误,不要害怕旅途的坎坷,向着梦想前进,即使错了也不要后悔。 2. Don't hate the mistakes of fate, don't be afraid of the bumps of the journey, go forward to your dreams, and don't regret even if you are wrong. 3、各自挥霍,各自生活。各自坎坷,各自曲折。 3. Each squanders, lives. Each is bumpy and tortuous. 4、人生不如意之事七,能与人言一二三都无,才算坎坷。 4. Life is not a good thing seven, can speak with people, no matter what, is a rough. 5、放平心态,正确应对一切得失。人生之所以坎坷,很大部分是因为自我的固执与太过坚持。 5. Put your mind flat and deal with all gains and losses correctly. The reason why life is bumpy is mostly because of self stubborn and too persistent. 6、在坎坷的生命里,我们要有超越自我之感觉。 6. In the rough life, we must have the feeling of transcending ourselves. 7、人生坎坷,风雨,永不停息。努力拼搏,战胜自我,无怨无悔。 7. Life is rough, wind and rain, never stop. Strive hard, overcome self, no regrets. 8、人生不能过于平淡,索然无味的人生,必然会错失生命的乐趣。 8. Life can not be too plain, tasteless life, will inevitably miss the joy of life. 9、人生,是一段旅程。看到的风景。便是坎坷和奇迹! 9. Life is a journey. The scenery you see. It's bumps and wonders! 10、人生的选择只要有一条,人生的道路也是只能做出一条选择,选择了就有后悔可然。 10. As long as there is one choice in life, the road of life can only make a choice, and regret can be made after choosing. 11、人生绝对不能失去的东西:自制的力量,冷静的头脑,希望和信心。 11. Things life can never lose: self-control power, calm mind, hope and confidence. 12、积极的人生不一定会使你成功,但消极的人生态度却一定会使不思进取,从而放弃一生! 12. Positive life doesn't necessarily make you succeed, but negative attitude will definitely make you not think of progress, and give up your life! 13、人生的坎坷,大多因为自我不肯转弯或者总是逃避。 13. The ups and downs of life are mostly because of the fact that I am unwilling to turn or always escape. 14、我顾不了那么多的闲言碎语,我只能风景很美、机会很多、人生很短,不要蜷缩在一小块阴影里。 14. I can't care for so much gossip. I can only have beautiful scenery, many opportunities, short life, and don't curl up in a small shadow. 15、哭给自己听,笑给别人看,这就是所谓的人生。 15. Cry to listen to oneself, laugh to others, this is called life. 16、漫漫人生路,几多坎坷途。忙碌疲惫躯,身死皆虚浮! 16. Long life road, a few bumpy road. Busy tired body, body death is vain! 17、通常通往成功的道路都是充满了荆棘与坎坷,所以没有人能随随便便就成功。 17. Usually the road to success is full of thorns and bumps, so no one can succeed at will. 18、如果想要人生中的坎坷变少,那么就放平自己的心态吧。人生的际遇,并不是能预料到的。 18. If you want to reduce the ups and downs in your life, let your mind go. The fate of life is not predictable. 19、当你觉得累,不是因为路上坎坷太多,而是因为忘记了要去哪里。 19. When you feel tired, not because of the bumpy road, but because of forgetting where to go. 20、无论命运多么晦暗,无论人生多么坎坷,这条人生之船的舵柄,就在我们自己的手里。 20. No matter how dark fate is, no matter how rough life is, the rudder of this ship of life is in our own hands. 21、一生坎坷,勤为本,善始善终;万事曲折,韧是先,不气不馁。 21. Life is rough, always based, good and good; everything turns and turns, toughness is the first, not discouraged. 22、人生就如调料一样,在人生中也有很多坎坷和曲折,我们在坎坷,曲折中找到前进动力和方向。 22. Life is like seasoning, and there are many ups and downs in life. We find the driving force and direction in the bumpy and tortuous. 23、在光滑的冰面上容易摔倒,是因为上面没有坎坷。 23. It is easy to fall on smooth ice because there is no bumps on it. 24、当你觉得累,不是因为路上坎坷太多,而是你忘了要去哪里。 24. When you feel tired, it is not because there are too many bumps on the road, but you forget where to go. 25、从某种意义上讲,人生的坎坷是人的精神财富。 25. In a sense, the ups and downs of life are the spiritual wealth of human beings. 26、用心的人生不必须会使你成功,但消极的人生态度却必须会使不思进取,从而放下一生! 26. The life with heart does not have to make you succeed, but the negative attitude of life must make you not think enterprising, so as to put down your life! 27、人生道路千条万条,但最后所走的,只有一条。每个人的生活都是不一样的,但都要经历风雨。 27. There are thousands of life paths, but only one is the last. Everyone's life is different, but it has to be through the wind and rain. 28、少晓报国恩,今时不死心。一身刚正气,坎坷路一生。 28. Less knowledge of the national grace will not die at this time. A just positive, rough road life. 29、困难和坎坷谁都会有,是去跨越,还是止步不前。 29. Difficulties and bumps will be there. Whether to cross or stop. 30、人生坎坷无数,唯有胸襟宽广,才能一路无忧! 30. Life is rough and numerous, only with a broad mind can you have no worries all the way! 31、我要告诉你一个秘密,它会帮你度过人生中所有坎坷。 31. I want to tell you a secret that it will help you through all the ups and downs in your life. 32、无论命运多么晦暗,无论人生多么坎坷,这条人生之船的舵柄,就在我们自我的手里。 32. No matter how dark the fate is, no matter how rough life is, the helm of this ship of life is in our own hands. 33、人生布满了荆棘,我们想的惟一办法是从那些荆棘上迅速跨过。伏尔泰。33. Life is full of thorns. The only way we think is to cross them quickly. Voltaire. 34、人生的选取只要有一条,人生的道路也是只能做出一条选取,选取了就有后悔可然。 34. As long as there is one choice in life, the road of life can only be made one choice, and regret can be made if it is selected. 35、人生在世不会总是一帆风顺和美妙动人的。苏霍姆林斯基。 35. Life in the world will not always be smooth and beautiful and moving. Sukhomlinsky. 36、人生不如意之事七八九,能与人言一二三都无,才算坎坷。 36. Life is not a good thing, and it is difficult to talk to people, no matter what they say, or not. 37、悠悠九十载,走过了多少坎坷与荆棘,品尝了多少屈辱和血泪,更记载了多少沧海变桑田的伟大业绩! 37. For 90 years, I have experienced many bumps and thorns, tasted how much humiliation and blood tears, and recorded the great achievements of changing the sea into mulberry fields! 38、人生坎坷,风雨,永不停息。努力拼搏,战胜自己,无怨无悔。 38. Life is rough, wind and rain, never stop. Strive hard, overcome yourself, no regrets. 39、人生道路千条万条,但最后所走的,只有一条。每个人的生活都是不同的,但都要经历风雨。 39. There are thousands of life paths, but only one is the last. Everyone's life is different, but they have to go through the storm. 40、人生就是一条坎坷曲折的路,即使不断的跌倒,也一定要爬起来,坚持自己的梦想。 40. Life is a rough and tortuous road. Even if you fall constantly, you must climb up and stick to your dreams. 41、前路坎坷,后路悬崖。是生是死?是喜是悲? 41. The road ahead is rough, and the back road is cliff. Life or death? Is it joy or sorrow? 42、人生的小小不幸,可以帮助我们渡过重大的不幸。伊森伯格。 42. The small misfortune of life can help us through the great misfortune. Eisenberg. 43、因为有梦想,我们才能经历坎坷依然前行,就是因为有梦想我们才历经沧桑信心不改。 43. Because of our dreams, we can go through the ups and downs and still move forward, because of our dreams, we will experience vicissitudes of confidence. 44、结束我这一生的坎坷,让公平回到我的身上。 44. End the ups and downs of my life, let fairness return to me. 45、读懂自我,带着简单的心情,看复杂的人生,走坎坷的路! 45. Read yourself, with a simple mood, look at complex life, and take a rough road! 46、人生的路,走走停停是一种闲适,边走边看是一种优雅,边走边忘是一种豁达。 46. The road of life, walking and stopping is a kind of leisure, while walking and looking at it is an elegant, while walking and forgetting is an open-minded. 47、对于懒虫来说,起床是人生中不可磨灭的坎坷。 47. For lazy insects, getting up is an indelible bumpy in life. 48、母亲,您沉重的步伐替孩儿走出了多少坎坷的道路。 48. Mother, how many bumpy paths have you taken for your child with heavy steps. 49、挫折与不幸是人生的伴侣,但又是人生的一笔财富,它能使人清醒,催人奋进。 Frustration and misfortune are the partners of life, but also a wealth of life. It can make people awake and urge people to advance. 50、享受成果,是人生一大乐事。事前花的心血愈多,下的功夫愈大,事后获得的成果自然。 50. Enjoying the results is a great pleasure in life. The more effort you spend before, the more you work, the more you get afterwards. 51、任何平静的现在,都有一段坎坷纷乱的过去。 51. Any calm now has a rough and turbulent past. 52、原来我还会去失落,明明经历了那么多坎坷。 52. I would go to lose, and I experienced so many setbacks. 53、人生的坎坷,大多因为自己不肯转弯或者总是逃避。 53. The ups and downs of life are mostly due to their refusal to turn or always escape. 54、放平心态,正确面对一切得失。人生之所以坎坷,很大部分是因为自己的固执与太过坚持。 54. Put a flat mind and face all gains and losses correctly. The reason why life is bumpy is mostly because of their stubborn and too persistent. 55、人生坎坷,坎坷人生。若不坎坷,何谓人生? 55. Life is rough and bumpy. If not bumpy, what is life? 56、如果想要人生中的坎坷变少,那么就放平自我的心态吧。人生的际遇,并不是能预料到的。 56. If you want to reduce the ups and downs in your life, let yourself be calm. The fate of life is not predictable. 57、人生就是一条坎坷曲折的路,即使不断的跌倒,也必须要爬起来,坚持自我的梦想。 57. Life is a rough and tortuous road. Even if you fall constantly, you must climb up and stick to your dreams. 58、谁的人生都有坎坷,没有坎坷的人意味着他已往生。 58. Whoever has a rough life, no bumpy people means he has passed away. 59、人生之路,荆棘遍地,坎坷泥泞不可计数,唯有坚强者才能披荆斩棘,扫平坎坷走到路的尽头。 59. The road of life, thorns everywhere, rough mud can not be counted, only the strong can cut the thorns, smooth the bumps to the end of the road. 60、人生之路,从来都与坎坷相伴而行。然而,坎坷对于强者来说是一块块垫脚石,是通向成功的一级级阶梯。 60. The road of life has always been accompanied by ups and downs. However, for the strong, bumps are stepping stones and a step-by-step to success. 61、人生就像掌纹,虽然坎坷,但总掌握在自己手中。 61. Life is like palm print. Although it is rough, it is always in your own hands. 62、人生必有坎坷和坎坷!坎坷是成功的先导,不怕坎坷比渴望成功更可贵。 62. Life must be bumpy and bumpy! Bumps are the forerunner of success, and fear of bumps is more valuable than the desire for success. 63、人生多坎坷,朋友情谊多;江湖风浪急,哥们义气不退缩;世界多变幻,唯有情谊没变过;朋友,有事别忘了我! 63. Life is rough and friends have many friendship; the Jianghu is in a hurry, and the brothers' righteousness does not retreat; the world is changeable, but friendship has not changed; friends, don't forget me! 64、我们经历了那么多坎坷只因你离去彼此都放下了彼此的信念。 64. We have experienced so many setbacks only because you leave each other and put down their beliefs. 65、打开人生的第一页日历,就如掀开一张崭新的图画,岁月的年轮在春天的脚步中增长,生命在风的呼吸中升华。 65. Open the first page of life calendar, like opening a new picture, the annual rings of years grow in the footsteps of spring, and life sublimates in the breath of the wind.