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    1、秋后的后半夜,月亮下去了,太阳还没有出,只剩下一片乌蓝的天。除了夜游的东西,什么都睡着。 1. After autumn, in the middle of the night, the moon went down, the sun was not yet out, only a dark blue sky remained. Everything is asleep except for the night trip.   2、夜色越来越浓了,村落啦,树林子啦,坑洼啦,沟渠啦,好象一下子全都掉进了神秘的沉寂里。 2. The night was getting stronger and stronger. Villages, trees, potholes and ditches all fell into the mysterious silence.   3、仲夏之夜,湛蓝的天幕也许被太阳飞溅出的火星儿烧穿了无数小孔,漏出了透明的光亮。 3. On midsummer night, the blue sky may be burned through numerous holes by Mars, which is splashed by the sun, and a transparent light is leaking.   4、夜渐渐深了,天空显得无比深邃,地面上散着的路灯好像也昏昏欲睡起来。 4. The night gradually deepened, the sky seemed to be very deep, and the street lights scattered on the ground seemed to be drowsy.   5、在那灯光明亮的夜晚,深圳的东门却没有停下它行走的脚步。还变的更加热闹了! 5. On that bright night, the east gate of Shenzhen didn't stop its walking. It's also getting more lively!   6、海边的月夜是美丽幽静的,耳畔只能听到哗哗的海浪声;微风轻拂脸面,使人感到简单愉快。 6. The moon night by the sea is beautiful and quiet, and only the sound of the waves can be heard in the ear; the breeze blows the face, making people feel simple and happy.   7、冬天的夜晚漆黑而漫长,因为那时辰的农村还不知道电是什么工具。黄昏的太阳一晃就落山,教室里一片暗淡。 7. The winter night was dark and long, because the countryside at that time did not know what the electricity was. The sun set in the evening and the classroom was dim.   8、寂静在喧嚣里低头不语,沉默在黑夜里与目光结交,于是,我们看错了世界,却说世界欺骗了我们。 8. Silence in the noise bow head not to speak, silence in the night and eyes, so, we read the world wrong, but said the world deceived us.   9、上海是一座繁华茂丽的大都市,不仅早晨是雄伟万分,就连夜景也是别具特色。 9. Shanghai is a prosperous and beautiful metropolis, not only in the morning is magnificent, even night scenery is also unique.   10、黑夜中,熠熠闪烁着一簇簇黄色灯光,像花的蓓蕾在做着盛开的梦。 10. In the night, there were a cluster of yellow lights shining like the bud of the flower in the dream of blooming.   11、黑夜给了我思绪万千的权利,看一些散文才能使我宁静,对着黑夜笑笑,一切又平静下来。 11. Night gives me the right to think about it. Only by reading some prose can I be quiet, smile at the night, and everything will calm down.   12、蓝蓝的夜空宛如一面光滑的镜子,上面点缀着许多小钻石,这些小钻石就是美丽可爱一闪一闪的小星星。 12. The blue sky is like a smooth mirror, dotted with many small diamonds, which are beautiful and lovely little stars.   13、远处的丘陵,近处的沟壑,都被浓浓的夜色抹平了,大地像一块巨大的黑布。 13. The hills and the ravines near the distance were all smoothed by the thick night color, and the earth was like a huge black cloth.   14、几颗大而亮的星星挂在夜空,仿佛是天上的人儿提着灯笼在巡视那浩瀚的太空。 14. Several big and bright stars hang in the night sky, as if the sky people carrying lanterns in the vast space.   15、当夜幕降临,我站在阳台上,就可以看见远处楼上的点点灯光,真像天上的繁星一样美丽。 15. When night falls, I stand on the balcony, and I can see the light on the far upstairs. It is as beautiful as the stars in the sky.   16、雨夜,终究比不上雪夜。若置身雨中,则莫过于雨也潇潇,人也潇潇;若置身雪中,却是情也朦胧,月也朦胧了。 16. Rainy night, after all, can not compare to snow night. If you are in the rain, you can not be more than the rain is also natural and natural, and people are also Xiaoxiao; if you are in the snow, it is also hazy, and the moon is hazy.   17、我感恩这神妙而伟大的黑夜。它让能我获得比白日更多的思考与丰盈。捕捉到更深远的生活奥秘。 17. I am grateful for the wonderful and great night. It allows me to get more thinking and abundance than in the day. Capture the deeper mystery of life.   18、夜色是那么迷人,天上一颗一颗蓝幽幽的小星星,神秘地眨着眼睛,离我们是那样遥远。 18. The night is so charming, a small blue star in the sky, blinking mysteriously, so far away from us.   19、满夜雨,晓星光泪;醉花香,知独瓣悲。暗影随,何言别,故城风高,追碎心扉,千里孤思,断何处? 19. Full of night rain, dawn stars tears; drunk flowers, know the only sad. Shadow with, what words do not, the city wind high, chasing heart, thousands of miles alone, where to break?   20、手捧茶水,坐于窗台,听雨下的声音;头戴耳机,漫步街头,看霓虹的斑斓;雨夜,苍凉而孤寂。 20. Holding tea in hand, sitting on the windowsill, listening to the rain; wearing headphones, walking on the street to see the neon beauty; rainy night, desolate and lonely.   21、晚上没有月,星是极稠密的。十一点后人都睡了,四周真寂静啊,恐怕是个绣花针儿落在地上也可以听得出声音。 21. There is no moon in the evening, and the stars are very dense. After eleven, people were asleep. It was so quiet around. I'm afraid an embroidered needle could be heard on the ground.   22、夜幕像一条无比宽大的毯子,满天的星星像是缀在这毯子上的一颗颗晶莹而闪光的宝石。 22. The night curtain is like a blanket with a very wide width. The stars all over the sky are like the crystal and shining stones that are attached to the blanket.   23、夜幕下的雨,淅沥,淅沥,牵着我的思绪,融着我的情怀,仍在下着。 23. Rain, patter and patter under the night, hold my thoughts, melt my feelings, and still under.   24、夜幕降临,幽蓝幽蓝的天空中点缀着无数的小星星,一眨一眨地,仿佛在邀请人们到广阔的太空中去遨游。 24. When night falls, the blue and blue sky is dotted with countless small stars, blinking, as if inviting people to travel in the vast space.   25、夜深了,小城的灯光像远飞的萤火虫,忽闪忽闪地越来越昏暗,整个城市像笼罩在梦幻中。 25. In the dark of the night, the lights of the small town are like the distant fireflies, and the lights of the small town are becoming dim and dim, and the whole city is like a dream.   26、在幕布上,跳动着五颜六色的灯光。它们像小精灵在跳舞,跳进了每个人的家里。给被黑夜笼罩了的人一份温暖。 26. On the curtain, there were colorful lights. They dance like elves and jump into everyone's home. Give a warm to the people who are covered by the night.   27、每当晚幕来临,整个攀钢一片渔火灿烂,就像地下闪耀的星星,比地下的星星还要难看,还要富饶吸收力。 27. When the evening curtain comes, a fishing fire is brilliant in panzhigang, just like the stars shining underground, which are more ugly than the stars under the ground, and they are also rich in absorption.   28、夜深了、习惯性望着你照片发呆,不知道不觉泪划过脸颊,才知道留下的只有寂寞。 28. When the night is deep, habitually looking at your photos, I wonder if I don't know if tears cross your cheek, I know that only loneliness is left.   29、夜已深了,明月当空,繁星点点,晚风吹拂着人的面颊,感到阵阵清凉。 29. The night is deep. The moon is in the sky, stars are dotted, and the evening wind blows on the cheek of people, feeling a cool array.   30、黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我就用它来为黑夜寻找幸福,捍卫黑夜的孤独。 30. The night gives me black eyes, and I use it to find happiness for the night and defend the loneliness of the night.   31、夏夜,微风,点一杯冷饮,坐在广场上,看城市里人来人往,霓虹闪烁,灯火斑斓,好不惬意。 31. On summer night, the breeze, a cold drink, sit on the square, and see the people coming and going in the city, neon flashing, the lights are colorful, and it is not pleasant.   32、在宁静的夜空中,满天的星星互相玩耍,眨巴的小眼睛,好像在看大地上各种有趣、美丽的景色呢! 32. In the quiet night sky, stars play with each other, blinking eyes, as if they are looking at all kinds of interesting and beautiful scenery on the earth!   33、有一种痛苦的生活:以前在黑夜里抬头望着星光,此刻在霓虹里抬头看着黑夜。 33. There is a painful life: I used to look up at the stars in the night, and now I look up in the neon and look at the night.   34、不知从哪一天,我开始喜欢上了黑夜。我知道,有许多奇怪的事情,只会在看不见的夜里发生。 34. I don't know which day I began to like the night. I know there are many strange things that only happen on the unseen night.   35、海边的月夜是美丽幽静的,耳畔只能听到哗哗的海浪声;微风轻拂脸面,使人感到轻松愉快。 35. The moon night by the sea is beautiful and quiet, and only the sound of "sound of the waves" can be heard in the ear; the breeze blows the face, making people feel relaxed and happy.   36、我在雨夜里,轻轻吟唱着你喜欢的歌,希望有一天你能回头看我一眼,就已满足。 36. I sing your favorite songs in rainy night. I hope you can look back at me one day and you will be satisfied.   37、一颗流星划破了夜的沉静,在天空中留下了一道美丽的长弧,继而消失在天边。我呆住了,原来流星也很美丽! 37. A meteor broke the silence of the night, leaving a beautiful long arc in the sky, and then disappeared in the sky. I stayed, the original meteor is also very beautiful!   38、夜晚悄悄来到,月亮迷人的身姿却还没亮出来。过了一小会儿,月亮撩开朦胧的轻纱,出现在人们的面前。 38. Night comes quietly, but the charming posture of the moon has not yet come out. After a while, the moon lifted the hazy veil and appeared in front of people.   39、夜深了,天上的星星都已经睡了!此时此刻,只想发个信息,告诉你,晚安,吾爱! 39. The night is deep, and the stars in the sky are asleep! At this moment, just want to send a message, tell you, good night, my love!  40、夜晚,更是孩子们的天下,捉灿灿,做游戏,真是一群快乐的小星星。 40. Night, it is the children's world. It is a group of happy little stars to catch and play games.   41、多么迷人的夏夜啊!天空像刚刚洗刷过的蓝色缎子,蓝幽幽的又高又远。 41. What a charming summer night! The sky is like the blue satin just washed, and the blue and quiet are high and far away.   42、黑沉沉的夜,仿佛无边的浓墨重重地涂抹在天际,连星星的微光也没有。 42. The dark night, as if boundless thick ink heavily applied to the sky, even the stars of the light also did not.   43、夜阑人静,独自一人谛听着钟摆在冷漠地、不停地摆动……黑夜与睡梦笼罩着大地,万籁俱寂。 43. The night is quiet, listening to the pendulum in indifference and ceaselessly Night and sleep are all over the earth, all quiet.   44、夏天的夜晚,总是那么的陶醉人,漆黑的天穹里,布满了点点生辉的星星,显得格外耀眼。 44. Summer night, always so intoxicated people, the dark sky, full of a little bit of bright stars, it is particularly dazzling.   45、夜,静悄悄的。雪花落在积得厚厚的雪褥上面,听去似瑟瑟有声,使人更加感到寂寞。 45. Night, quiet. Snow falls on the thick snow bed, listening to the sound of Thur, making people feel more lonely.   46、又是一个月光如水美丽宜人的夜晚,天空繁星点点,颗颗如亮丽的钻石,散落在深蓝色的空际。 46. Another beautiful and pleasant night with moonlight, stars in the sky, and bright diamonds scattered in the dark blue sky.   47、淘气的小星星在蓝幽幽的夜空中划出一道金色的弧光,像织女抛出的一根锦线。 47. Naughty little stars in the blue and quiet night sky draw a golden arc, like a brocade line thrown by Zhinv.   48、静谧的夜多么富有诗情画意,仿佛沉浸在银色的月光之中,烘托出一片温暖。 48. How poetic the quiet night is, as if immersed in the silver moonlight, it gives a warm.   49、月亮慢慢地爬上了天,映衬着夜空的星光灿烂;风儿吹弯了月牙,吹散了白云,吹皱了我心中层层的涟漪。 49. The moon slowly climbed up the sky, reflecting the bright stars in the night sky; the wind bent the crescent teeth, blew the white clouds, and wrinkled the ripples in my heart.   50、这是一个月色朦胧的夜晚,周围静极了,仿佛一枚绣花针掉在地上都能听见。 50. It was a dark moon night, and the surroundings were quiet, as if an embroidered needle fell on the ground.   51、往往让事物清淅的并不是眼晴。就象黑夜中的事物永远比光明中的诱人,而诱我从痛苦爬到痛苦的力量。 51. It is not clear that things are clear. Like the things in the night are always more attractive than the light, and tempt me to climb from pain to the power of pain.   52、夜很静,星星得眨着眼睛对我们微笑,月亮发出柔和的光线指引着我们。 52. The night is quiet, the stars have to blink their eyes and smile at us. The soft light of the moon guides us.   53、夜幕降临了,明镜般的月亮悬挂在天空上,把清如流水的光倾泻到广阔的大地上。 53. The night fell, and the bright mirror moon hung in the sky, pouring the light of clear water into the vast earth.   54、抬头遥望星空,夜空深邃依旧,群星灿烂依旧,田野的蛙虫奏着优美动听的乐曲。 54. Look up at the stars, the night sky is still deep, the stars are still bright, and frogs in the field play beautiful and pleasant music.   55、放眼望去,灯光朦胧。仰望天空,零星点点。我苦笑,如此微弱的光芒怎抵得过黑夜的覆没? 55. Look at it, the light is dim. Look up at the sky, a little bit. I smile bitterly, how can such a faint light survive the night?   56、黑夜的孤独里没有声音,黑夜的灵魂站在千里之外,黑夜的视野里早已没有了等待。 56. There is no sound in the loneliness of the night, the soul of the night stands thousands of miles away, and there is no waiting in the vision of the night.   57、夜色抹去了最后一缕残阳。夜幕就像剧场里的绒幕,慢慢落下来了。 57. The night color erased the last ray of residual sun. The night curtain, like the velvet curtain in the theatre, slowly fell down.   58、夜色象野猫悄悄从山梁上滑下来,把所有的声音一起装进峡谷,峡谷便打起鼾声。 58. Night like a wildcat slides down the mountain beam quietly, and puts all the sounds into the canyon together, and the canyon snores.   59、冬天,天开始下雪,没有色彩,只有白色,万物开始沉睡,寂静无声。夜晚,雪开始飘落。 59. In winter, it began to snow, without color, only white, everything began to sleep, silent. At night, the snow began to fall.   60、夜幕降临,幽蓝幽蓝的天空中点缀着无数小星星,一闪一闪地,仿佛在邀请人们到广阔的太空去遨游。 60. When night falls, the sky with blue and blue is dotted with countless small stars, which seems to invite people to travel in the vast space.   61、舞榭亭台,灯红酒绿,车水马龙,灿烂的灯光与柔和的夜色交相呼应。 61. Dance Pavilion, red, wine and green, traffic, brilliant lights and soft night color echo.   62、好一颗流星在夜空里划出银亮的线条,就像在探寻着世界里最美好的未来。 62. A good meteor draws a silver line in the night sky, just like searching for the best future in the world.   63、黑夜让孤独变得深邃,孤独在黑夜升华,绽放演绎着黑色的美丽没有星星的夜里我还是我自己。 63. The night makes loneliness deep, loneliness sublimates in the night, and I am still myself in the night that shows the black beauty without stars.   64、啊,春夜,多美的春色,积聚着多少希望,蕴含着多少春光明媚的早晨。 64. Ah, spring night, what beautiful spring color, how much hope is accumulated, and how many bright and beautiful morning is contained.   65、秋后的后半夜。月亮下去了,太阳还没有出,只剩下一片乌蓝的天;除了夜游的东西,什么都睡着。 65. The late autumn night. The moon went down, and the sun was still not out, but a blue sky remained; everything fell asleep except for the night trip.   66、夏天到了,夜暮降临了,音乐会也随着开始。我静静地坐在阳台上,准备参加夏夜举行的一场热闹的音乐盛宴。 66. Summer is coming, evening comes, and the concert begins. I sat quietly on the balcony, preparing for a lively music feast on summer night.   67、人夜,月亮怕羞似地躲进云层里,人们进人了甜甜的梦乡,大地显得格外静谧,仿佛等待着黎明的到来。 67. At night, the moon shy into the clouds, people into sweet dreams, the earth seems to be particularly quiet, as if waiting for the dawn to come.   68、无尽的黑夜太太太过于黑暗,我没有奢求看见过一丝光明,所以我早就闭上了眼睛! 68. The endless dark lady is too dark, I have not expected to see a light, so I have closed my eyes long ago!   69、夏夜静谧,只有月光从树林里,悄悄地来到大地。月光像一个出嫁女,羞涩地让大地只能听见她的心跳和呼吸。 69. Summer night is quiet, only moonlight from the woods, quietly to the earth. Moonlight like a married woman, shy let the earth only hear her heart beat and breath.   70、歌声在雨夜中飘扬,恰似一缕无形的轻纱在不自不觉中把我的愁思席走。 70. The song is flying in the rainy night, just like a thread of invisible light yarn in the self unconsciously to take my sad seat away.   71、一颗流星拖着长尾巴似的蓝色磷光,在夜空中划出一条长长的弧线,好大一会儿才渐渐地消失了。 71. A meteor, with a long tail like blue phosphor, drew a long arc in the night sky, and disappeared gradually for a long time.   72、啊!多么宁静的月夜!你默默无语地浸在月光之中,月光却无声地传出你那绵绵无尽的心声。 72. Ah! What a quiet moon night! You are immersed in the moonlight silently, but the moonlight silently out of your endless heart.   73、夜晚的海边十分宁静,没有嘈杂的说话声,没有喧闹的汽车声,只有柔和的风声和美妙的涛声。 73. The sea at night is very quiet, without noisy voice, no noisy car voice, only soft wind and beautiful waves.   74、呆呆的望着黑夜,数落满地的月光,确依旧心慌得无法入眠。满脑子的混乱模糊了一个身影。 74. Staring at the night, I can not sleep without a panic to count the moon falling on the ground. The confusion of the mind blurred a figure.   75、夜幕降临了,明镜般的月亮悬挂在天空上,把清如流水的光辉泻到广阔的大地上。 75. The night fell, and the bright mirror moon hung in the sky, and poured the light of clear water on the vast earth.   76、你走在我所陌生的黑夜中,如果至今还在黑夜中踱步,我们会努力成为出口的路标。 76. If you walk in the dark night I am unfamiliar with, if you still pace in the dark night, we will try to become the road sign for the exit.   77、夜静得像一潭水,似乎所有的生灵都已经睡了,一切显得那么安谧。 77. The night was as quiet as a pool of water, as if all the living creatures had slept, and everything seemed so peaceful.   78、晚上,我抬头看着夜晚的星空,啊,真美啊!夜空与那皎洁的月亮和那一眨一眨的星星给我带来无遐的想象。 78. At night, I look up at the stars at night, ah, it's beautiful! The night sky and the bright moon and the twinkling stars bring me imagination without reverie.

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