展开1. 质量与成本发生矛盾或冲突时必须尊重质量,而不是考虑质量,虽然都是质量优先,但后者在遇到特殊情况时候还是会不尊重质量。 1. When there is a contradiction or conflict between quality and cost, we must respect quality, not consider quality. Although quality is the priority, the latter will not respect quality in special circumstances. 2. 生活的质量在于信息沟通的质量。 2. The quality of life lies in the quality of information communication. 3. 人生的质量,除了身体的质量,更重要的,是身体内部储存的目光的质量。 3. The quality of life is not only the quality of the body, but also the quality of the eyes stored inside the body. 4. 我们判断的质量决定于我们生活的质量。 The quality of our judgment depends on the quality of our life. 5. 我经常怀念童年,它经久耐用,质量良好。 I often miss my childhood. It is durable and of good quality. 6. 数量可以繁衍,但质量只能蜕变。 6. Quantity can reproduce, but quality can only degenerate. 7. 数量不应该试图去跟质量攀比。 7. Quantity should not try to keep up with quality. 8. 年轻,其实是一种质量。 8. Youth is actually a quality. 9. 时间不改变事件,时间只改变质量,质量再推进事件,事件又变成现实。 9. Time does not change the event, time only changes the quality, and then the quality promotes the event, and the event becomes reality. 10. 一所大学的质量在一定程度上与其图书馆的质量成正比。 10. The quality of a university is directly proportional to the quality of its library to a certain extent. 11. 我们思想的质量决定着我们生活的质量,因为生活是思想派生出来的。 11. The quality of our thought determines the quality of our life, because life is derived from thought. 12. 有时候各种力量只是简单地相加,有时候它们会在临界点或者临界质量的基础上联合起来。 12. Sometimes the forces are simply added together, sometimes they are combined on the basis of critical point or critical mass. 13. 高度即深度,数量即质量。 13. Height is depth, quantity is quality. 14. 数量与质量,不可一概而论。 14. Quantity and quality can not be generalized. 15. 朋友不在于数量. 而在于质量! Friends are not quantity, but quality! 16. 商品售出柜,质量保到家. 16. The goods are sold out of the counter and the quality is guaranteed 17. 追求质量,而不追求数量。 17. Pursue quality, not quantity. 18. 生活质量的要素:创造,享受,体验。 18. Elements of quality of life: creation, enjoyment and experience. 19. 我经常怀念童年,它经久耐用,质量良好。 19. I often miss my childhood. It is durable and of good quality. 20. 不存在评判生活质量的客观标准。 20. There is no objective standard to judge the quality of life.21. 教育的终极目标是道德为手段提高人的生命质量,现代教育的目标是以竞争为手段提高人的生活质量。 21. The ultimate goal of education is to improve people's quality of life by means of morality. The goal of modern education is to improve people's quality of life by means of competition. 22. 有质量的勤奋,才能成功得更快。 22. The quality of hard work, in order to succeed faster. 23. 最考验质量的东西,果然是时光岁月。 23. It is time and years that test the quality most. 24. 质量是维护客户忠诚的最好保证! 24. Quality is the best guarantee to maintain customer loyalty! 25. 水晶的质量不好,尤其是自己家的。 25. The quality of crystal is not good, especially at home. 26. 睡眠质量很好,总是睡到半夜自然醒。 26. The quality of sleep is very good. I always wake up in the middle of the night. 27. 不要设定太多的目标,如果要,那就得拉长时间或者提高成本,或降低质量。 27. Don't set too many goals. If you want to, it will take a long time or increase the cost or reduce the quality. 28. 人的一生只有两件事:一个是时长,一个是质量,时长是天定的,质量是自知的,不是对比的,也是比不了的。 28. There are only two things in a person's life: one is the length of time, the other is the quality. The length of time is determined by nature, and the quality is self-knowledge, not comparison, and incomparable. 29. 重点不是少买,而是简化流程,减少思考与精力的浪费,从而更专注在喜欢的事情上,提升生活质量。 29. The key point is not to buy less, but to simplify the process, reduce the waste of thinking and energy, so as to focus more on what you like and improve the quality of life. 30. 极简是为了提高生活质量,而不是单纯为了什么关注内心而降低生活质量,否则就是本末倒置。 30. Minimalism is to improve the quality of life, not simply to pay attention to the heart and reduce the quality of life, otherwise it is putting the cart before the horse. 31. 一切交往的质量都取决于交往者本身的质量,唯有两个灵魂有趣的人,才能有真正动人的友情和令人羡慕的爱情。 31. The quality of all communication depends on the quality of the communicators themselves. Only two people with interesting souls can have truly moving friendship and enviable love. 32. 你的气量决定了你的质量。 32. Your quantity determines your quality. 33. 物理空间是在巨大质量的附近变弯曲的;质量越大,曲率也越大。 33. Physical space is curved near a huge mass; the greater the mass, the greater the curvature. 34. 艺术的质量决定于对人的启发性。 34. The quality of art depends on its inspiration to people. 35. 爱因斯坦告诉我们质量与能量的差别只是在表面。质量与能量,只是同样东西的两面。他表示宇宙在任何一个地点的形状由位于该处的质量与能量决定。在这个过程中他抛弃了把引力看作一种作用力的观念,引力只是一种几何学,是曲线与斜坡,由质量和能量所产生。 Einstein told us that the difference between mass and energy is only on the surface. Mass and energy are just two sides of the same thing. He said that the shape of the universe at any place is determined by the mass and energy at that place. In this process, he abandoned the concept of gravity as a force. Gravity is just a geometry, a curve and a slope, generated by mass and energy. 36. 决定孤独感的并非人际交往的数量,而是质量。 36. It is not the quantity of interpersonal communication that determines loneliness, but the quality. 37. 质量意味着与深度有关,而不是与数量。 37. Quality means depth, not quantity. 38. 民主的质量依赖于大众的理性思考水平。 38. The quality of democracy depends on the level of rational thinking of the masses. 39. 质量是开发出来的,不是测试出来的! 39. Quality is developed, not tested! 40. 联想偏误会影响我们作决定的质量。 40. Misunderstanding affects the quality of our decisions.