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    1、她跳着舞像美丽的蝴蝶般飞舞着,像婀娜多姿的柳条样扭动着,美的让人陶醉。 1. She danced like a beautiful butterfly, and she was twisting like a graceful willow, and the beauty was intoxicating.   2、舞蹈家的使命就是要表现最道德、最健康、最美好的事物。 2. The dancer's mission is to show the most moral, the healthiest and the best.   3、民气郁阏而滞著,筋骨瑟缩不达,故作为舞以宣导之。 3. The people were depressed and stagnant, and their muscles and bones were not reached. Therefore, they were used as dance to preach.   4、翾风回雪:翾:飞翔。回风飞雪。形容舞姿轻盈美妙。 4. Wind back to snow: flying. The wind is returning and snow. Describe the lightness and beauty of dancing.   5、他被誉为流行音乐之王,他魔幻般的舞步更是被无数明星效仿。 5. He is known as the king of pop music, and his magical dance steps are imitated by countless stars.   6、妖歌曼舞:曼:柔和。音乐轻快,舞姿优美。 6. Magic man dance: Man: soft. The music is light and graceful.   7、翥凤翔鸾:盘旋飞举的凤凰。常比喻美妙的舞姿。 7. Zhufeng xiangluan: the Phoenix hovering and flying. It is often compared to wonderful dance.   8、舞蹈演员用她们迷人的外表,优美的舞姿,让所有人都为之倾倒。 8. Dancers use their charming appearance and beautiful dance posture to make everyone fall in love with it.   9、她们热情万分,默契十足的与舞伴迈着优雅的步子。 9. They were enthusiastic, tacit and dancing partners with elegant steps.   10、舞蹈不过是和自然运动保持和谐一致的人体运动罢了。 10. Dancing is nothing more than a human movement that is in harmony with natural movement.   11、舞蹈的美首先在于它是运动冲动的自由和有节奏的表现。 11. The beauty of dance is that it is the freedom and rhythmic expression of the impulse of movement.   12、真正的舞蹈是一种恬静的表现,它受制于内心情感的深层节奏。 12. The real dance is a quiet performance, which is subject to the deep rhythm of the inner emotion.   13、她在舞台上翩翩起舞,一会儿跳跃,一会儿转圈,美极了! 13. She danced on the stage, jumped, circled, and was so beautiful!   14、笛子吹起,小鼓敲起,歌声唱起,卡拉玛开始舞蹈了。 14. The flute blows, the drum blows, the song sings, and Karama begins to dance.   15、歌台舞榭、歌舞升平、歌莺舞燕、鼓舞人心、酣歌恒舞、欢欣鼓舞、龙飞凤舞、鸾歌凤舞。 15. The dance Pavilion, the dance is flat, the singing and dancing of the birds and swallows, the inspiring, the sound singing and the constant dance, the joyful, the dragon flying phoenix dance, the Luan singing and the phoenix dance.   16、舞蹈就是一种以人的身体为材料的艺术加工品。 16. Dance is an art processing product which takes human body as material.   17、舞蹈者必须像雕刻家一样,经常在生活中研究这种静止时的姿态,而创造运动中静止的美。 17. Dancers must study this static posture in life, like sculptors, and create the beauty of stillness in motion.   18、南国有佳人,轻盈绿腰舞。华筵九秋暮,飞袂拂云雨。翩如兰苕翠,婉如游龙举。越艳罢前溪,吴姬停白纻。 18. South China has a beautiful person, light green waist dance. The Chinese banquet is in the late autumn, and the clouds and rain are blowing with the flying clothes. Elegant as the blue sweet potato, gentle as the dragon. The more gorgeous, the Qianxi, Wu Ji stopped Bai Yi.   19、舞蹈是你的脉搏,是你的心跳,是你的呼吸,是你生命的节奏。也是对时间动作幸福喜悦伤心和羡慕的表达。 19. Dance is your pulse, your heart beat, your breath, and the rhythm of your life. Also to time movement happiness joy sad and envy expression.   20、下午正巧遇上婷他们班在跳舞。老师真是辛苦,小朋友们都很棒! 20. I happened to meet ting in the afternoon. Their class was dancing. The teacher is really hard. The children are all great!   21、人生漫途,一杯妙酒,手抚一琴,月光渺渺,酒醉彷徨,乍然看去,月下美人,月中曼舞,曼妙舞姿,忽起一声,香魂淡去。 21. Life is long, a cup of wonderful wine, a hand touch a piano, the moon is slim, drunk and wandering. At first glance, the beauty under the moon, the moon man dance, the graceful dance posture, suddenly rise, fragrance light.   22、舞蹈应该纯洁而又坚强,使人们不得不说,我们看到的是灵魂在舞动,一个展露在光明里的、无比纯洁的灵魂。 22. Dance should be pure and strong, so people have to say that what we see is the soul dancing, a soul that is exposed in the light and is extremely pure.   23、你像一只悲傲的雀。身躯辗转缠绵,我听到了时间断裂的声音,因你的舞动。 You are like a sad and proud bird. My body is rolling and rolling, I hear the sound of time break, because of your dance.   24、我觉得每个人都是舞蹈家,只是我们在不同的地方起舞。 24. I think everyone is a dancer, but we dance in different places.   25、洞房花烛明。燕余双舞轻。顿履随疎节。低鬟逐上声。步转行初进。衫飘曲未成。鸾回镜欲满。鹤顾市应倾。已曾天上学。讵是世中生。 25. The flowers and candles in the cave are bright. Yanyu dances light. The day is followed. The lower servant girl goes up one after another. Step forward. The sweater is not finished. Luan wants to be full of mirrors. The city of Hegu should be tilted. It was already a day to go to school. He is a middle-aged man.  26、民气郁阏而滞着,筋骨瑟缩不达,故作为舞以宣导之。 26. The people are depressed and stagnant, and their muscles and bones are not able to reach. Therefore, they are used as dance to preach.   27、舞蹈家应该像火焰一样炙热而不沉重,即使是熊熊大火,也不会有丝毫重量。 27. Dancers should be as hot as fire and not heavy. Even if it is a big fire, they will not have any weight.   28、羽衣蹁跹:羽衣:羽毛织成的衣服;蹁跹:舞姿美妙。身穿羽毛绣衣,举步轻盈飘逸。指道士或神仙赶路的神态。也形容舞姿优美。 28. Feather clothes: feather clothes: clothes made of feathers; Dancing: beautiful dance. Wearing feather embroidered clothes, the steps are light and elegant. The manner in which a Taoist or a fairy drives the road. Also describes the graceful dance.   29、弄的琴弦,跳动的音符,撒脱的舞姿,让我们的青春飞扬。 29. The strings, the beating notes, the dancing posture of the throwing, let our youth fly.   30、舞也者,咏歌不足,故手舞之,足蹈之,动其容,象其事。 30. If the dance is not enough, it is not enough to sing songs. Therefore, the hand dance, the foot dance, move its contents, like its affairs.   31、忽如间水袖甩将开来,衣袖舞动,似有无数花瓣飘飘荡荡的凌空而下,飘摇曳曳,一瓣瓣,牵着一缕缕的沉香。 31. Suddenly, like the water sleeve will be thrown out, the sleeves dance, like countless petals floating down the sky, fluttering, a petal, holding a wisp of fragrance.   32、芭蕾舞演员精彩的单腿飞转,那是力的旋律;健美运动员块块隆起的肌肉,那是力的线条;赛跑健将风驰电掣般的冲刺,那是力的速度。 32. The ballet dancer's wonderful single leg flying, that is the melody of force; the muscle of bodybuilder is the line of force; the runner will rush like a lightning, which is the speed of force.   33、我继续跳着,永恒的创造之舞,创作者与创作融成完整的喜悦。我持续跳着跳着……跳着,跳到只剩下……舞蹈。迈克尔杰克逊。 33. I continue to dance, the dance of eternal creation, and the creator and creation merge into complete joy. I keep jumping Jump, jump to the rest dance. Michael Jackson.   34、姿势是舞蹈幻象赖以创造、组织的一种基本抽象。 34. Posture is a basic abstraction of dance illusion.   35、孤独着,伤口藏的很深。泪在我掌心精疲力尽的舞蹈。 35. Alone, the wound is hidden deeply. Tears in my palm exhausted dance.   36、舞蹈艺术是人类文化上最崇高的,同时也是最普及的一种表现。 36. Dance art is the most lofty and popular expression in human culture.   37、舞蹈者的世界是一个美化了、觉醒了的特殊生活世界。 37. The world of dancers is a special life world that has beautified and awakened.   38、蹈厉之志:蹈厉:踏地猛烈。本形容舞蹈的动作威武有力。比喻奋发向上的志向。 38. Ambition of making a strong move: stepping on the ground is fierce. This describes the dance movement is powerful. It is a metaphor for ambition to rise.   39、摇曳在笔尖的舞姿,是聚光灯下最浓烈的一抹艳红。 39. The dancing posture of swaying at the tip of the pen is the strongest bright red under the spotlight.   40、小寒雪舞梅花笑,笑口常开;大寒瑞香兰花开,开门见喜;惊蛰桃梨一片白,白头皆老;春分雷鸣吉祥来,来福来寿,祝福惊蛰快乐! 40. The cold snow dance plum blossom laughs, and the smile is always open; the big cold and fragrant orchids open, and the door opens to meet the joy; the startling peach pear is white and the white head is old; the spring break thunder is bright and auspicious, and the blessing is to be happy!   41、舞凤髻蟠空,袅娜腰肢温更柔。轻移莲步,汉宫飞燕旧风流。谩催鼍鼓品梁州,鹧鸪飞起春罗袖。锦缠头,刘郎错认风前柳。 41. The dancing Phoenix bun is flat and empty, and the waist and limbs of the curla are warm and soft. Move lotus steps lightly, the Han Palace flies swallow old wind. The partridge flies up the spring Luo sleeve. Brocade entangles head, Liu Lang mistakenly recognizes the wind front Liu.   42、演出总会有结束的时候,但我生命中的舞蹈永不谢幕。 42. There will always be a time when the performance ends, but the dance in my life will never end.   43、我在刀尖上舞蹈,沉重也好,轻盈也罢,从脚底到心里,终究是蔓延的疼痛。 43. I dance on the tip of the knife, heavy or light, from the bottom of my feet to my heart, and it is the pain of spreading.   44、舞蹈是有节拍的步调,就像诗歌是有韵律的文体一样。 44. Dance is a rhythm pace, just as poetry is a rhythmic style.   45、急管清弄频,舞衣才揽结。含情独摇手,双袖错落列。 45. The frequency of the dance dress is only tied when the frequency is cleared. Love alone shaking hands, double sleeves staggered column.   46、我持续跳着、跳着……跳着,跳到只剩下……舞蹈。 46. I keep jumping and jumping Jump, jump to the rest dance.   47、舞蹈跳的就是文化,跳的就是一个人的文化底蕴。 47. Dancing is culture, and it is the cultural heritage of a person.   48、我持续跳着、跳着;跳着,跳到只剩下;舞蹈。 48. I keep jumping and jumping; I jump, and I jump to the rest; dance.   49、当你翩翩起舞的时候,要注意与你伴舞的是谁。 49. When you dance, pay attention to who is with you.   50、舞蹈根据音乐表演,它从音乐汲取自己的内容。 50. Dance according to music performance, it draws its own content from music.

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