展开1、在外面与朋友嬉游的时候,不要忘记家中孤独的老人。 1. When playing with friends outside, don't forget the lonely old man at home. 2、用“时间”来看人。时间是让对方暴露本质的检验师。 2. Use time to see people. Time is the examiner who exposes the essence of the other party. 3、人生中的老师只有兩个,一个是岁月,一个是骗子。 3. There are only two teachers in life, one is years, the other is liars. 4、人人存善念,并能日行一善,则个人、家庭、社会一定安乐祥和。 4. If everyone has good thoughts and can do good every day, the individual, family and society will be happy and peaceful. 5、做人看做事,做事看做人,不要轻易让一个人的语言说服你。 5. Be a man and do things. Don't let one's words persuade you. 6、每个人都是独立的个体,真的没有谁离开谁就活不下去! 6. Everyone is an independent individual. No one can live without him! 7、让所有人知道你是一个讲道理的人和值得尊重的人才是善良。 7. It is good to let everyone know that you are a reasonable person and worthy of respect. 8、所谓敌人,不过是那些迫使我们自己变得强大的人。 8. The so-called enemy is just those who force us to become strong. 9、受惠人必须永远把恩惠放在心里,而赠予人却不能记住。 9. The recipient must always keep the favor in mind, but the giver cannot remember it. 10、经常帮助别人,但是不能让被帮的人觉得理所应当。 10. Help others often, but don't let the people who are helped take it for granted. 11、土豆:样不好但心眼好,咱实在况且还厚道,好人肯定有好报。 11. Potato: it's not good, but it's kind-hearted. Besides, we're kind-hearted. Good people are sure to be rewarded. 12、做真实的自己,好人会得到回报;做事要踏实,走路要踏实! 12. To be true to yourself, good people will be rewarded; to be down-to-earth in doing things, to be down-to-earth in walking! 13、不要去抢属于别人的利益,但也不能纵容别人抢自己的。这是原则。 13. Don't rob others of their own interests, but don't connive at them. This is the principle. 14、洋葱:对外要敞开心扉,不骗人,心再硬的人也会热泪盈眶。 14. Onion: open your heart to the outside world, don't cheat people. No matter how hard your heart is, tears will come to your eyes. 15、什么叫聪明?对聪明的人说聪明的话;对愚蠢的人说愚蠢的话。 15. What is intelligence? Say wise words to the wise; say foolish words to the foolish. 16、规划过的人生不都能成功;不规划的人生定不能成功。 16. The life that has been planned can not be successful; the life that has not been planned can not be successful. 17、你对一个人太好了,他就会得寸进尺不把你当回事。 17. If you treat a person too well, he will take you seriously. 18、有些人对你的信任,你可以拒绝,但不能去欺骗。 18. Some people trust you, you can refuse, but not to cheat. 19、别人再好,关我什么事;我再不好,关别人什么事。 19. No matter how good others are, it's none of my business; no matter how bad I am, it's none of my business. 20、别人身上总有你看不到的优点,也总有你看不到的价值。 20. There are always advantages and values that you can't see in others. 21、对于那些改变主意的人,我们不能给予第二次谴责。 21. We can't give a second reprimand to those who change their mind. 22、不要太着急爱上一个人,不要和一个人熟得太快,来得快去得也快。 22. Don't fall in love with someone in a hurry. Don't get to know someone too soon, come and go too soon. 23、结婚是人生最大的一次冒险;因为它总有无法预见的结果。 Marriage is the greatest adventure in life; it always has unforeseen consequences. 24、人生需要四种人:名师指路,贵人相助;亲人支持,小人刺激。 24. Life needs four kinds of people: famous teachers guide the way, noble people help; relatives support, villains stimulate. 25、向不同行业的人吸收新知,记住!要用请教的态度。 25. Absorb new knowledge from people in different industries, remember! We should adopt a consulting attitude. 26、总有那么一句话,让明白的人都不明白了,让不明白的人都明白了。 26. There is always a sentence that people who understand don't understand and people who don't understand understand. 27、不要把别人的好,视为理所当然。要知道感恩。 27. Don't take other people's good for granted. Be grateful. 28、经常检查自己是不是又自负了,又骄傲了,又看不起别人了。 28. Often check whether you are conceited, proud and look down on others. 29、伤人的话就像地上的水一样,是无法挽回的。 29. The words that hurt people are like the water on the ground, which is irreparable. 30、书蔬鱼猪,一家之生机;少睡多做,一人之生气。 30. Books, vegetables, fish and pigs are the vitality of a family; less sleep and more work are the vitality of a person. 31、像山一样做事,稳重而有高度;像水一样做人,尽量往低出走。 31. Work like a mountain, steady and high; behave like water, try to run low. 32、尽量减少与性格孤僻、搬弄是非、怨言多多、心态负面的人接触。 32. Try to reduce contact with people who are eccentric, gossiping, complaining and negative. 33、莲藕:看人不可观外相,观物不看漂亮包装,处事要多长心眼。 33. Lotus root: you can't look at people, you can't look at things, you can't look at beautiful packaging, you have to be considerate. 34、漂亮的脸孔是给别人看的,而有智慧的头脑才是给自己利用的。 A beautiful face is for others, but a wise mind is for yourself. 35、对事不对人;或对事无情,对人要有情;或做人第一,做事其次。 35. Don't treat people with respect to things; or be merciless to things, and be affectionate to people; or be a man first and do things second. 36、我不是话少,也不是冷漠,只是我没必要对每个人都有说有笑。 36. I'm not talkative or indifferent, but I don't have to laugh at everyone. 37、乐观的人只顾着笑,而忘了怨;悲观的人只顾着怨,而忘了笑。 Optimists only smile and forget to complain; pessimists only complain and forget to laugh. 38、谁像我一样,不停的更换着签名,其实只是想让某一个人有所感触。 38, who like me, constantly changing the signature, in fact, just want to let someone feel. 39、所有的人都站在一边并不一定是好事,譬如他们都站在船的一边。 39. It's not necessarily a good thing that all the people are on the side, for example, they are on the side of the boat. 40、请一定要有自信。你就是一道风景,没必要在别人风景里面仰视。 Please be confident. You are a scenery, there is no need to look up to others in the scenery. 41、那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。 41. Those who used to say that they would never separate have already scattered all over the world. 42、什么叫犯傻?对诚实的人说不诚实的话;对不诚实的人说诚实的话。 What is being silly? To say dishonest words to honest people; to say honest words to dishonest people. 43、结婚是人生最大的一笔生意,因为它时有不可期许的收益。 Marriage is the biggest business in life, because it has unexpected profits. 44、人的智慧并非来自研究伟大的学说,而是来自对平凡事物的观察。 44. Human wisdom does not come from the study of great theories, but from the observation of ordinary things. 45、这个世界自以为是的人太多,我们也只能装的冷漠一点。 There are too many self righteous people in this world, we can only pretend to be indifferent. 46、智慧的代价是矛盾。这是人生对人生观开的玩笑。 46. The price of wisdom is contradiction. This is a joke of life on the outlook on life. 47、能帮助别人的,尽量帮忙。不能帮的,别勉强自己。 If you can help others, try to help. You can't help. Don't force yourself. 48、善良与懦弱让所有人都知道你是好人,那是你最大的失败。 Kindness and cowardice let everyone know that you are a good man, that is your biggest failure. 49、听人说话信一半,是精明;知道哪一半可信,是聪明。 49. It is wise to believe half of what a man says; it is wise to know which half is trustworthy. 50、要想得到别人的友谊,自己就得先向别人表示友好。 If you want to get friendship from others, you have to show friendship to others first. 51、梦想,它是人人所向往的。而没有梦想的人的人生将是空虚的。 Dream, it's what everyone yearns for. And the life of people without dreams will be empty. 52、很多事其实大家都心知肚明,只是聪明的人知道忍住不说。 52. In fact, we all know a lot of things, but smart people know that they can't hold back. 53、对已经改过、忏悔的人,我们不能再给予第二次责难。 53. We can't censure those who have changed or repented again. 54、人为善,福虽未至,祸已远离;人为恶,祸虽未至,福已远离。 54. If a man is good, the good will not come, but the evil will be far away; if a man is evil, the evil will not come, but the good will be far away. 55、慎独则心安,主敬则身强,求仁则人悦,习劳则神钦。 55. To be cautious is to be at ease, to be respectful is to be strong, to be benevolent is to please others, and to be diligent is to be respectful. 56、我不需要多么完美的爱情,我只需要有一个人,永远不会放弃我。 56. I don't need perfect love. I just need one person who will never give up on me. 57、做一个简单的人,踏实而务实。不沉溺幻想。不庸人自扰。 57. Be a simple person, down-to-earth and pragmatic. Don't indulge in fantasy. Don't worry about it. 58、真正的善良是怀着一颗正义的心,去帮助应该帮助和值得帮助的人。 58. True kindness is to help those who should and deserve help with a just heart. 59、要一个人没有一点缺点,他也就会丧失所有优点。 59. If a person has no shortcomings, he will lose all his advantages. 60、此刻我希望更糊涂,糊涂的爱过多少人,糊涂的喜欢过谁。 60. Now I hope to be more confused. How many people have I loved and who have I liked. 61、说谎者得到的只是当他说真话时没有人会相信他。 What a liar gets is that no one will believe him when he tells the truth. 62、人脉就是钱脉,关系就是实力,朋友是最大的生产力。 62. Contacts are money, relationships are strength, and friends are the greatest productivity. 63、人们总是在努力珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的。 63. People always try to cherish what they don't get and forget what they have. 64、所有的人都是平凡的,有些人因知道这一点而真正成了平凡的人。 64. All people are ordinary. Some people become ordinary because they know this. 65、永远不要以为任何你接触的人比你傻比你笨比你容易上套。 Never think that anyone you come into contact with is dumber than you, dumber than you, and easier to trap than you. 66、因为别人对自己用心而欺骗别人和利用别人,那不叫聪明,叫傻。 66. It's not smart, it's stupid, to cheat and use others because others have their own heart.