展开1. 每个白昼,都要落进黑夜的沉潭,像有那么一口井,锁住了光明。 1. every day will fall into the deep pool of night, like a well, and lock the light. 2. 上帝为你关上一扇门的同时,也一定会为你加把锁。 2. God will lock a door for you while closing it. 3. 假如你不够快乐,也不要把眉头深锁,人生本来短暂,为什么还要栽培苦涩。 3. if you are not happy enough, don't lock your eyebrows deeply. Life is short. Why should you cultivate bitterness. 4. 每个白昼都要落进黑沉沉的夜,像有那么一口井,锁住了光明。 4. every day will fall into a dark night, like a well, and lock the light. 5. 我有明珠一颗,久被尘劳关锁,今朝尘尽光生,照破山河万朵。 5. I have a pearl, which has been locked by dust and labor for a long time. Today, the dust is shining through the light, breaking the mountains and rivers. 6. 雾锁山头山锁雾,天连水尾水连天。 6. fog locks the mountain head and mountain, and the sky connects with the water and tail water. 7. 从前的锁也好看, 钥匙精美有样子, 你锁了, 人家就懂了。 7. the previous lock was also beautiful. The key was beautiful. If you locked it, they would understand it. 8. 懒惰就像一把锁,锁住了知识的仓库,使你的智力变得匮乏。 8. laziness is like a lock, which locks the warehouse of knowledge, which makes your intelligence scarce. 9. 不是那里不好,就是这里不好,还好我有你朱锁锁。 9. it's not good there or it's not good here. Fortunately, I have your lock. 10. 是谁和谁的锁,锁住了山盟。 是谁和谁的名,铭刻了海誓。 10. who and whose lock, locked the ShanMeng. Who and whose name, engraved the sea oath. 11. 我有明珠一颗,久被尘劳关锁,今朝尘尽光生,照破山河万朵。 11. I have a pearl, which has been locked by dust and labor for a long time. Today, the dust is shining through the light, breaking the mountains and rivers. 12. 心门已锁,请勿打扰。 12. the heart door is locked, please do not disturb. 13. 人总在寻找一把安全锁,可即便锁得住世间一切,仍锁不住光阴逝去。 13. people are always looking for a safety lock, but even if it can lock everything in the world, it can not lock the time. 14. 成功大师卡耐基曾说:忧虑象把锁,它能把人“锁”得心慌意乱。打开忧虑之锁的“钥匙” 是:看清事实,分析情况和付诸行动。14. successful master Carnegie once said: worry is like locking, it can "lock" people in a panic. The key to opening the lock of worry is to see the facts, analyze the situation and put into action. 15. 天高风低冷冷气,一笑一场雨。 15. it is high wind and low cold air conditioner, and it will rain with a smile. 16. 半途何处解甲人,锁眉锁云局。 16. where to disarm the person in the middle of the way, lock the eyebrow and lock the cloud Bureau. 17. 寂寞梧桐深院锁清秋。 17. lonely Wutong deep courtyard lock autumn. 18. 一朝一夕,锁于眉间。 18. lock in the eyebrows all day and night. 19. 寒汤愁锁清秋。 19. cold soup worries about locking the autumn. 20. 离别锁心意 道出已天涯。 20. leaving and locking heart means that the world is gone. 21. 深院锁黄昏,阵阵芭蕉雨。 21. the deep courtyard locks the evening, and the banana rain is in the air. 22. 今日事为锁,不开明日门。 22. today is a lock, and tomorrow's door will not be opened. 23. 有一把锁,自己打不开,又不想让别人拿走里头的东西,所以再加一把属于自己的锁。 23. there is a lock that can't be opened by yourself and doesn't want others to take away the inside, so add another lock that belongs to yourself. 24. 寒蝉噤临行,落叶锁清秋。 24. cicadas are silent and leaves lock the autumn. 25. 锁离愁,连绵无际,来时陌上初熏。 25. lock away from worry, endless, when coming on the first smoke. 26. 这是上就没有我开不了的锁,我能征服世界上所有的锁,就算是黑洞我也要打开。 26. this is a lock that I can't open. I can conquer all the locks in the world. Even black holes I will open. 27. 即便用12把锁,把“美”牢牢锁在密室,“爱”也照旧能把锁个个打开而斩关直入。 27. even with 12 locks, the "beauty" is firmly locked in the secret room. Love can open the locks and cut them straight in as usual.