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    1、危径几万转,数里将三休。回环见徒侣,隐映隔林丘。飒飒松上雨,潺潺石中流。静言深溪里,长啸高山头。 1. The dangerous path will be taken for several tens of thousands of turns. Return to see the apprentice, hidden across the forest hills. Rustling on the rain, the murmur of the stone flow. In the deep stream of quiet words, the mountain is roaring high.   2、一片连绵不断的平原,在天空下伸展,没有山丘,像风平浪静的日子里的海一样平静。 2. A continuous plain, stretching under the sky, without hills, is as calm as the sea in the calm days of wind and waves.   3、乡村有山有水,有花有草,异常美丽。玉茭也不例外,她让春天为自己赶制了一套绿色的春装,显得份外美丽。 3. There are mountains and water in the countryside, flowers and grass. It is very beautiful. Yujiao is no exception, she let spring for her own to make a set of green spring clothes, appear to be beautiful.   4、村中所有街巷,都是青石板铺墁。即使雨雪满天,在此串门入户,从村头到村尾,衣赏可以不湿。 4. All streets and alleys in the village are plastered with green stone plates. Even if it is rainy and snowy, you can come to the house here, from the village head to the end of the village, the clothes can be rewarded without humidity.   5、清川带长薄,车马去闲闲。流水如有意,暮禽相与还。荒城临古渡,落日满秋山。迢递嵩高下,归来且闭关。 5. Qingchuan is long and thin, and the horses and cars go to leisure. If the water is intentional, the twilight birds will return. The desolate city is near the ancient ferry, and the sun is full of autumn mountains. Send song down all the way, return and close.   6、鸡唱三声天欲明,安排饭碗与茶瓶。良人犹恐催耕早,自扯蓬窗看晓星。 6. The chicken sings three voices to make clear, arrange the rice bowl and the tea bottle. The good man is afraid to rush the ploughing early, and he pulls the window to see Xiaoxing.   7、雨后的草原,野花竞放,像一块刚浸过水的花头巾,连露珠儿也都是五颜六色的了! 7. After the rain, the grassland, wild flowers, like a flower scarf just soaked in water, even dew is colorful!   8、乡村里还有平坦的稻田,老黄牛在田里干活。这黄牛固然不荷兰牧场的黑白花牛美丽,然而它却很勤快,和故乡里的人一样。 8. There are also flat rice fields in the countryside, and the old cattle work in the fields. Although the cattle are not beautiful in Holland ranch, they are diligent and as good as the native people.   9、泊舟湖桥酒楼下缥缈云边罨画楼,空蒙雨外木兰舟。谁知老子清狂甚,独占城南十里秋。 9. The painting building on the cloud edge under the wine tower of pozhou Lake Bridge is covered with the rain. Who knows that Laozi is crazy and monopolizes the southern ten li autumn.   10、江深竹静两三家,多事红花映白花。报答春光知有处,应须美酒送生涯。 10. There are two or three deep bamboo trees in the river, and many red flowers reflect white flowers. In return for spring light, you should have a good wine delivery career.   11、顺着弯曲的小路,寻着远去的记忆,提着一只桶,粉刷着田园农舍,山峦,让大山开满花苞,萌芽。 11. Along the curved path, looking for the memory of the distant, carrying a bucket, painting the farmhouses, mountains, let the mountains full of flowers and buds.   12、乡村里还有平坦的稻田,老黄牛在田里干活。这黄牛虽然不荷兰牧场的黑白花牛美丽,然而它却很勤快,和故乡里的人一样。 12. There are also flat rice fields in the countryside, and the old cattle work in the fields. Although the cattle are not beautiful in Holland ranch, they are diligent and as good as the native people.   13、茅檐细雨湿炊烟,江路清寒欲雪天。不爱相公金络马,羡他亭长白篷船。 13. Maoyan rain wet cooking smoke, river road cold to snow. Do not love the hero Jinluo horse, envy his pavilion long white Canon boat.   14、开门省禾黍,邻翁水头住。目前南涧波,昨夜西川雨。牧童披短蓑,腰笛期烟渚。不问水边人,骑牛傍山去。 14. Open door to save corn, adjacent Weng head to live. At present, nanjianbo, last night, Xichuan rain. The shepherd boy is covered with a short coir, and the waist is full of smoke. No question about the water side, riding cattle and mountain.   15、不是爱花即肯死,只恐花尽老相催。繁枝容易纷纷落,嫩叶商量细细开。 15. Not love flowers, but die, just fear flowers as old as possible. The branches are easy to fall, and the tender leaves are discussed to be opened carefully.   16、中岁颇好道,晚家南山陲。兴来美独往,胜事空自知。行到水穷处,坐看云起时。偶尔值林叟,谈笑无还期。 16. Middle age is quite good, late home south mountain border. The beauty of the world is the only way to prosper, and the better is to know nothing. When you walk to the water, sit and watch the clouds rise. Occasionally, it is worth Lin old, and there is no time for conversation and laughter.   17、翁卷绿遍山原白满川,子规声里雨如烟。乡村四月闲人少,才了蚕桑又插田。 17. Wengzolulu green mountains, white and full of Sichuan, the voice of the rules rain like smoke. In April, the rural area had few idle people, so that the silkworm was planted in the field.   18、草原多么像海啊!只是比海寂静;草原多么像一幅没有框子的画,广漠得望不到边际。 18. How like the sea! It was more silent than the sea; the grassland was like a picture without a frame, and it was so far from being seen.   19、新筑场泥镜面平,家家打稻趁霜晴。笑歌声里轻雷动,一夜连枷响到明。 19. The new construction site is smooth with mud mirror, and the family will fight rice while the frost is clear. The thunder in the laughter and singing rang to the Ming all night.   20、皖南古村落之宏村建于明清时代的白墙黑瓦,临于水边,映于倒影,一片黑白明透烟雨索清的感觉,很美,也很舒适。你动心了没。 20. The Hongcun village of luozhi, an ancient village in southern Anhui, was built in the white wall and black tile of Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was near the water and reflected in reflection. It was beautiful and comfortable with a black and white clear and clear feeling of smoke and rain. Are you moving.   21、高原的气候,真叫人无从捉摸。忽而喜,忽而怒;忽而风满天,忽而平静得纹丝不动。 21. The climate of the plateau is so unpredictable. Suddenly, I was happy, I was angry, and the wind was full of the sky, and I was still.   22、村后是一望无际的桑园,在春天雨露的润泽下,桑树抽出了新芽,全部桑园就是一马平川的大陆。 22. After the village, there is an endless mulberry garden. Under the moist spring rain and dew, the mulberry trees have taken out new buds, and all the mulberry gardens are the mainland of yipingchuan.   23、屏居淇水上,东野旷无山。日隐桑柘外,河明闾井间。牧童望村去,猎犬随人还。静者亦何事,荆扉乘昼关。 23. The screen is on Qi water, and the East is open without mountains. Outside the sun Yin Sangzhe, between the wells of the river Minglu. The shepherd boy looks at the village and the hound returns with the people. What is the matter with the quiet, Jingyi takes the day pass.   24、羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。开荒南野际,守拙归田园。方宅十余亩,草屋八九间。榆柳荫后椋,桃李罗堂前。 24. Birds love old forest, and fish think about the abyss. Open up the wasteland in the South and return to the countryside. Square house more than ten acres, 89 cottages. The Starling is in the shade of elm and willow, and it is in front of Taoli Luotang.   25、无边无际的平原平坦、广阔,像一个硕大无比的墨绿色的大翡翠圆盘,苍茫浩渺,气魄摄人。 The boundless plain is flat and broad, like a huge emerald disc with huge and green ink, vast and vast and breathtaking.   26、村里的农舍几乎全被积雪笼罩了,只留下几个黑洞洞的窗户,像一双双大睁着的眼睛,诧异地打量着这个白雪的世界。 26. The village farmhouses were almost covered with snow, leaving only a few black holes in the window, like a pair of open eyes, looking at the snow-white world in surprise.   27、远远地眺望,草地上有团团白云在蠕动,原来这是牧场的羊群,一只只白生生的,肥壮可爱,使草原更加生机勃勃。 27. Looking far away, there are clouds creeping on the grass. It turns out that this is the sheep of the pasture. A white, fat and lovely sheep make the grassland more lively.   28、梅子金黄杏子肥,麦花雪白菜花稀。日长篱落无人过,唯有蜻蜓蛱蝶飞。 28. Plum is rich in golden yellow apricot, and wheat flower is thin with snow white cauliflower. No one has passed the fence, only dragonfly and nymphalus fly.   29、稠花乱蕊畏江滨,行步欹危实怕春。诗酒尚堪驱使在,未须料理白头人。 29. Thick flowers are disordered and the stamen is afraid of the river shore, and the steps are dangerous and the spring is really afraid. Poetry and wine are still driven, and no white headed people have to be treated.   30、一条条小河宛如蓝色的缎带环绕着无边无际的绿色原野,远处一座座造型古朴、颜色协调的小屋,一派漂亮动听的田园景色! 30. A river is like a blue ribbon surrounded by endless green fields. In the distance, there are simple and colorful cottages and beautiful and beautiful countryside scenery!   31、望断金马门,劳歌采樵路。乡曲无知己,朝端乏亲故。谁能为扬雄,一荐甘泉赋。 31. Watch the Golden Horse Gate, and Lao Ge will pick the woodcutter road. There is no confidant in the folk music, and there is no kinship at the end of the dynasty. Who can give Yang Xiong a recommendation of the Ganquan Fu.   32、我生涯的农村里有清清的池塘,有巍峨竖立的山,有草木旺盛的树林,有勤奋朴素的人。 32. There are clear ponds, towering mountains, vigorous trees and hardworking and plain people in the countryside where I have lived.   33、那霏霏的雨丝,宛如一片朦胧的烟雾,遮掩了绵延千里的淮河平原。 33. The rain, like a hazy smoke, covered the Huaihe plain, which lasted thousands of miles.   34、那是一间低矮破旧的南房,屋里终年不见阳光,昏暗潮湿,墙皮早已脱落了,墙上凹凸不平。 34. It was a low and shabby south room. The room was not sunny all year round, dark and humid, and the wall skin had already fallen off, and the wall was uneven.   35、乌鸟投林过客稀,前山烟暝到柴扉。小童一棹舟如叶,独自编阑鸭阵归。 35. The birds of the black birds are scattered in the forest, and the smoke in the front mountain is dark and the leaves are in the wood. The little boy, like a leaf, made up his own appendix duck array.   36、江上被花恼不彻,无处告诉只颠狂。走觅南邻爱酒伴,经旬出饮独空床。 36. The river is not completely annoyed by flowers, and there is no place to tell you that you are crazy. Go to find the South neighbor love wine company, after ten days out drink alone empty bed.  37、高高的建造也是一种艺术品,古典、优雅,像一幅浓烈的油漆彩画! 37. High construction is also an art, classical and elegant, like a strong painting!   38、绿草如茵的草原上还有一条细细的河,袒露在阳光下,远远看去,像一条发光的银项链。 38. There is also a thin River on the grass like grassland, exposed in the sun, and seen far away, like a shining silver necklace.   39、太乙近天都,连山接海隅。白云回望合,青霭入看无。分野中峰变,阴晴众壑殊。欲投人处宿,隔水问樵夫。 39. Taiyi is near the sky, and connects mountains to the sea corner. White clouds look back and close, and the mist is gone. The peak changes in the field, and the clear and the ravines are different. To put people to stay, ask the woodcutter.   40、茅镬古村落其实不大,十分钟就可绕遍整个村子,漫步其间有种久违的感觉,类似的村落在若干年前有很多,只是以前不曾关注罢了。 40. The ancient village of maowok is not large. It can be roamed around the village in ten minutes. There is a long-standing feeling during the walk. There are many similar villages several years ago, but they have not been concerned about before.   41、南面的山,山高树茂。宝贵的白松、红松,一样样,一片片,郁郁葱葱,秀气挺立,万年长青。 41. The South Mountains are high and lush. Precious white pine, red pine, one sample, one piece, lush, elegant stand, ten thousand years of evergreen.   42、我生涯的城市里有清清的池塘,有巍峨竖立的山,有草木旺盛的树林,有勤奋朴素的人。 42. There are clear ponds, towering mountains, vigorous trees and hardworking and plain people in the city of my life.   43、莫笑农家腊酒浑,丰年留客足鸡豚。山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。 43. Don't laugh at the farm with the rice wine, and stay for the chicken and porpoise in a good year. The mountains are heavy and the waters are clear, and there is no way out.   44、一座座古老的风车,风车的风叶像张开的翅膀,顺风滚动,与绿草、野花形成了奇特的风景更为这童话般世界增加神奇色彩! 44. An ancient windmill, the wind leaves of the windmill are like open wings, rolling along the wind, forming a strange scenery with grass and wild flowers, adding magic colors to the fairy tale world!   45、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。明月松间照,清泉石上流。竹喧归浣女,莲动下渔舟。随意春芳歇,王孙自可留。 45. After the rain in the empty mountain, the weather comes to autumn late. The moon shone among the pines, and the spring stone flowed upward. Bamboo noise to huannv, lotus move under the fishing boat. If you want to rest in spring, you can stay.   46、东望少城花满烟,百花高楼更可怜。谁能载酒开金盏,唤取佳人舞绣筵。 46. Looking to the East, the city is full of smoke, and the tall buildings with flowers are even more pitiful. Who can carry wine to open Calendula, call for the beautiful people to dance embroidery.   47、在房子周围,有一片竹林。那竹林投下了一片绿绿的浓荫。在房子的右边有一些花,有杜鹃、鸡冠花、大丽菊,他们依着时令顺序开放。 47. Around the house, there is a bamboo forest. The bamboo forest cast a green shade. On the right side of the house are some flowers, azalea, cockscomb and Dahlia, which are open in order of time.   48、一片辽阔的大草原,大得无边无际,微风扶着泥土散发出的芳香,把一大片一大片庄稼吹得如涟波荡漾。 48. A vast grassland is so vast that it is endless. The breeze supports the fragrance of the soil, and blows a large area of crops like ripples.   49、南面的山,山高树茂。名贵的白松、红松,一样样,一片片,郁郁葱葱,清秀挺拔,万年长青。 49. The south mountain is high and lush. The famous white pine, red pine, one sample, one piece, lush, elegant and vigorous, ten thousand years of evergreen.   50、站在半山腰上向村子望去,一座座低矮的小茅屋,像雨后钻出地面的一朵朵小蘑菇,散落在山坳里。 50. Standing on the hillside, looking at the village, a small hut was like a small mushroom that came out of the ground after the rain, scattered in the depression.   51、屋中春鸠鸣,树边杏花白。持斧伐远杨,荷锄觇泉脉。归燕识故巢,旧人看新历。临觞忽不御,惆怅远行客。 51. The spring dove in the house is loud, and the apricot flowers are white by the tree. With axe, the far Yang is cut, and the lotus hoe targets the spring vein. Return to Yan to know the nest, the old people look at the new calendar. The guests who are not able to resist the cup suddenly are disconsolated.   52、古人诗云古树高低屋,斜阳远近山,林梢烟似带,村外水如环这就是似诗如画婺源古村落的真实写照。 52. The ancient poem "the ancient trees and high houses, the inclined Yang is far away from the mountain, the forest tops are like the smoke belt, the water outside the village is like a ring". This is the true portrait of the ancient village like the painting of Wuyuan.   53、木杪田家出,城阴野迳分。溜渠行碧玉,畦稼卧黄云。薄槿烟脂染,深荷水麝焚。斜阳人不见,鸡鹜自成群。 53. When the wood field family leaves, the city is divided into two parts. The channel runs Jasper, and the grain lies in yellow clouds. The hibiscus smoke is stained with fat, and the deep water will burn. The people in the twilight are gone, and chickens flock in groups.   54、一座座古老的风车,风车的风叶像张开的翅膀,顺风滚动,与绿草、野花构成了奇特的风景更为这童话般世界增加神奇颜色! 54. An ancient windmill, the wind leaves of the windmill are like open wings, rolling along the wind, and the strange scenery with grass and wild flowers adds magic colors to the fairy tale world!   55、新晴原野旷。极目无氛垢。郭门临渡头。村树连溪口。白水明田外。碧峰出山后。农月无闲人。倾家事南亩。 55. The new clearing field is open. The extreme is free of atmospheric scale. Guo Men is near the ferry. The village tree is connected to Xikou. Outside the white water field. After Bifeng came out of the mountain. There are no idle people in the lunar month. The family affairs are in the South mu.   56、一首乡村曲子,静静躺在母亲怀抱,静静挂在树梢,让整片丛林守护着一片家园。 56. A rural song, lying quietly in the arms of her mother, hanging quietly on the tree top, let the whole jungle guard a home.   57、绿遍山原白满川,子规声里雨如烟。乡村四月闲人少,才了蚕桑又插田。 57. Green mountains were white and full of rivers, and the rain in the voice of Zi Gui was like smoke. In April, the rural area had few idle people, so that the silkworm was planted in the field.   58、秋色有佳兴,况君池上闲。悠悠西林下,自识门前山。千里横黛色,数峰出云间。 58. Autumn color has a good time, and Kuang Jun is idle on the pool. You can see the front mountain of the gate from the west forest. Thousands of miles of horizontal color, several peaks out of the clouds.   59、黄梅时节家家雨,青草池塘处处蛙。有约不来过半夜,闲敲棋子洛花灯。 59. In yellow plum season, the family rain, and the grass pond is full of frogs. I can't get to midnight, and I will knock chess and Luo Hua lamp.   60、夜幕笼罩着草原,一盘圆月从鱼鳞般的云隙中闪出,草原上弥漫起朦胧的月光,像是升腾起来的一片淡淡的银雾。 60. The night curtain is covered in the grassland, and a round moon flashes out of the fish scale cloud gap. The grassland is filled with hazy moonlight, like a light silver mist rising up.   61、剥啄敲村舍,丫叉揖主人。新墙拆龟兆,疏瓦断鱼鳞。红粒炊畲粟,青烟郁涧薪。得床思熟睡,寒犬苦狺狺。 61. Peel and knock on the village house, and the wench bows to the master. The new wall is broken with turtle omen and the fish scales are broken by sparing tiles. She millet with red grains is paid by the smoke and the valley. I have to sleep in bed, cold dogs are bitter.   62、汪口是俞姓聚族而居的古村落,人烟稠密,商旅辐辏,是一个商业贸易集镇。 62. Wang Kou is an ancient village where Yu surnames Ju nationality. It is densely populated and a commercial and trade town.   63、黄四娘家花满蹊,千朵万朵压枝低。留连戏蝶时时舞,自在娇莺恰恰啼。 63. The four yellow women's family flowers are full of strange flowers, and thousands of thousands of them are low. The butterfly dances all the time, and the charming warbler just sings.   64、一座座房,一户户窗,牵引着归家游子,是谁,舞动了金秋,让大地芬芳,让房檐挂满飘香。 64. One house, one door window, who is the leading home, who danced the golden autumn festival, let the earth fragrance, let the eaves hang full of fragrance.   65、我感受到的乡村,既有男儿的粗犷豪放,又有女儿家的似水柔情。这是我心目中的乡村,是我感受出来的乡村。 65. The countryside I feel has both the rough and unrestrained men and the tender feeling of the daughter's family. This is the country in my mind, it is the country I feel.   66、黄师塔前江水东,春光懒困倚微风。桃花一簇开无主,可爱深红爱浅红。 66. The river is east of the river in front of the Huangshi tower, and the spring light is lazy and sleepy and lean on the breeze. Peach blossom a cluster open no owner, lovely deep red love light red.   67、一年后的回顾,估计那道原生态的风景犹在,只是古村落茅镬村的未来尚不明了,她会离我们正渐行渐远吗? 67. A year later, it is estimated that the original ecological landscape is still in place. But the future of the old village luomaowok village is unclear. Will she be getting away from us?   68、篱落疏疏一径深,树头花落未成阴。儿童急走追黄蝶,飞入采花无处寻。 68. The hedge is sparse and deep, and the head of the tree does not fall into shade. Children rushed to chase yellow butterflies, flying into the flowers nowhere to find.   69、斜光照墟落,穷巷牛羊归。野老念牧童,倚杖候荆扉。雉雊麦苗秀,蚕眠桑叶稀。田夫荷锄立,相见语依依。即此羡闲逸,怅然吟式微。 69. The ruins are falling in oblique light, and the cattle and sheep return to the poor lane. The wild old man thought of shepherd children and stood by his staff to wait for the Jingye. The pheasant is a beautiful wheat seedling, and the mulberry leaves are sparse. Tian Fu ho hoes and meets each other and says it. That is, the envy of leisure, melancholy Yin decline.   70、村后是一马平川的桑园,在春天雨露的润泽下,桑树抽出了新芽,全部桑园就是无边无际的大陆。 70. After the village, there are a village of mulberry trees. Under the moist spring rain and dew, the mulberry trees have taken out new buds, and all the mulberry gardens are endless mainland.   71、灵动就是彼岸。这样的微雨,如何不让人心动?如何不让人凭窗凝目? 71. Agility is the other side. How can such a rain not make people feel excited? How can people not set their eyes by the window?   72、寒山转苍翠,秋水日潺潺。倚杖柴门外,临风听暮蝉。渡头余落日,墟里上孤烟。夏值接舆醉,狂歌五柳前。 72. The cold mountain turns green, and the autumn water is murmuring. Leaning on the wood door, listening to the cicadas in the wind. After the ferry left the sun, the ruins were smoking alone. Summer value receives public opinion drunk, crazy song five willow front.

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