展开1、不要强迫别人来爱自己,只能努力变得更优秀,让自己成为值得爱的人!其余的事,顺其自然。 1. Don't force others to love themselves, but to strive to be better, to be worthy of love! Let the rest of the things go. 2、成长也许一瞬间,难能可贵相交相谈,感谢教我那么多你所经历与你所学,我会努力变得更优秀,等我。 2. Maybe in a moment of growth, it is difficult to talk about the precious. Thank you for teaching me so much about what you have learned with you. I will try to be better and wait for me. 3、一个女孩子最迷人的就是学会爱自己,只有自己变优秀了,才会吸引更优秀的人。 3. The most attractive thing a girl has to learn to love is to attract better people only when she becomes excellent. 4、看透一些东西,学会一些东西,现在最重要的是照顾好自己,然后努力变好,变优秀。 4. See through something and learn something. Now the most important thing is to take care of yourself, and then try to be good and be good. 5、一个决定可能是会改变你的人生轨迹,但我还是想通过努力让自己变得更好,让自己能够更优秀的站在他的身边。 5. A decision may change your life path, but I still want to make myself better by trying to be better and to be better by his side. 6、想要的我会自己去努力,过自己想要的生活,变得优秀,再慢慢去拥有更好的! 6. I want to work hard, live the life I want, become excellent, and then slowly to have better! 7、如果你不逼自己一次,你永远都知道自己会成为什么样子,也无法看到优秀的自己。 7. If you don't force yourself once, you will always know what you will be and you can't see yourself as good. 8、在没有遇到喜欢的人之前,你要努力变得优秀;在遇到喜欢的人之后,你要努力变得比他更优秀。 8. Before meeting someone you like, you should try to be good; after meeting the person you like, you should try to be better than him. 9、要悄悄拔尖,努力上进,让自己变得优秀,惊艳所有人,然后骄傲地生活! 9. To quietly pull the top, strive to advance, make yourself excellent, amazing everyone, and then live proudly! 10、似乎应该做些什么了,一点点通过自己的努力,让自己变得优秀,也让身边的人觉得有我在而感到幸福。 10. It seems that what should be done, a little through their own efforts, make themselves become excellent, but also let the people around feel happy with me. 11、害怕就面对,做错就改正,不逃避,不退后,努力变优秀,为了下次遇见你的时候我会站在你身旁而不是你背后。 11. Fear on the face, do wrong, do not escape, do not retreat, strive to become excellent, in order to meet you next time I will stand by your side, not behind you. 12、如果你不努力,不拼尽全力的去变优秀,那你不是没有选择的机会,而是连被选择的机会都没有。 12. If you don't work hard and try your best to be good, you don't have the opportunity to choose, but not even the chance you are chosen. 13、安安静静的过自己的小日子,努力变优秀,对生活充满热爱,不要瞎想。人生也不长,所以要更加珍惜。 13. Live your own small days quietly, strive to become excellent, love life, do not think blindly. Life is not long, so we should cherish it more. 14、我害怕这样优秀的你会变得不优秀,所以我努力的让自己变得和你一样优秀。 14. I am afraid that you will become inferior to such a good, so I try to make myself as good as you. 15、努力提升自己,不迎合任何人,要与优秀的人为伍。努力让自己发光,对的人才会迎光而来。 15. Strive to improve yourself, not cater to anyone, and to be with the best. Try to make yourself shine, the right person will come to light. 16、现实就像一个泥潭,有人选择沉沦苟且,也有人跨过泥潭面向远方。如果想要逃离泥潭,就必须努力变得优秀。 16. Reality is like a mire, some choose to sink and meticulous, and others cross the mire and face far away. If you want to escape the mire, you must strive to be good. 17、想要的我会自己去努力,过自己想要的生活,变得优秀,再慢慢去拥有更好的,加油! 17. I want to work hard, live the life I want, become excellent, and then slowly to have better, refueling! 18、听说自信的人最美,自信的前提是得让自己变优秀,才能有资本自信呐。 18. People who hear that confidence is the most beautiful, the premise of self-confidence is to make themselves excellent, to have capital confidence. 19、你呢要做个帅气的男孩,要敢爱敢恨,要一生坦荡,不要爱的太满,也不要睡的太晚,努力变得优秀。 19. You should be a handsome boy, dare to love and hate, to be honest in your life, not to love too full, and not to sleep too late, and strive to become excellent. 20、离容和回来还有414天,这一年里我要努力让自己变得优秀,去迎接最好的容和,因为值得,所以等待。 20. I have 414 days left to leave and come back. In this year, I will try to make myself excellent and meet the best. Because it is worth it, I wait. 21、我要努力让自己变得优秀,因为喜欢的你很优秀,我要努力去见你。 21. I will try to make myself excellent, because you like you are excellent, I will try to see you. 22、只有努力,才能让自己变的更优秀,做扎扎实实的实力派,优质生活,方可信手拈来! 22. Only by working hard can we make ourselves better. We can only make solid and solid power schools and have a good life! 23、如果你想成为一个优秀的人,就必须比别人多努力地做一些优秀的事。 23. If you want to be an excellent person, you must do something better than others. 24、我要不停的努力,成为一个优秀的人。努力是走向成功的唯一捷径。 24. I keep trying to be an excellent person. Efforts are the only shortcut to success. 25、清醒,自律,爱自己,优秀的人都是相互吸引的,所以请努力让自己变优秀,只有多做,才能让自己更加强大。 25. Sober, self-discipline, love themselves, excellent people are attracted to each other. Therefore, please try to make yourself excellent. Only by doing more can you make yourself stronger. 26、努力提升自己,不迎合任何人要与优秀的人为伍努力让自己发光,对的人才会迎光而来。 26. Strive to improve themselves, and do not cater to anyone who wants to work with excellent people to make themselves shine. The right people will come to light. 27、别人为什么会攻击你,因为你好,因为太优秀,没办法,只能让自己变得更优秀。 27. Why do others attack you, because you are so good, there is no way to make yourself better. 28、我想变成自己喜欢的样子,如果有一天我不努力了我会讨厌我自己,坤是你让我变优秀。 28. I want to be like myself. If I don't work hard one day, I will hate myself. Kun is you who make me excellent. 29、高雅的人,看背影就知道;奋进的人,听脚步声就知道;和善的人,看笑容就知道;优秀的人,看行动就知道。 29. The elegant people know when they look at the back; those who are striving, they will know when they listen to the footsteps; those who are kind will know when they look at the smile; the excellent people know when they look at the actions. 30、年轻人最迷人的就是学会爱自己,只有自己努力变优秀了,才会吸引更优秀的人。 30. The most attractive thing young people have to learn to love themselves is to attract better people only if they try to be excellent. 31、你左耳上有颗痣,我右耳上有颗痣,你喜欢喝绿茶,我也喜欢喝绿茶,你那么努力优秀,我在努力变优秀。 31. There is a mole on your left ear, and there is a mole in my right ear. You like to drink green tea, and I like to drink green tea. You are so hard and excellent, and I am trying to be excellent. 32、我努力并不是为了自己可以变得多优秀,我只是,不想那么颓废自己的青春。 32. I try not to be so good for myself, I just don't want to decadent my youth. 33、他是那个让我见到他就觉得,只有努力变优秀,才能和他在一起的人。 33. He is the one who let me see him and feel that only by trying to be excellent can I be with him. 34、没有谁会是一尘不变的,我们都在努力奔跑,都在努力适应环境,都在努力变得更优秀,所以我们都需改变。 34. No one will be unchanged. We are all trying to run, all trying to adapt to the environment, and all strive to become better, so we all need to change. 35、当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视着你,可能你不快乐,那就适应现状,努力变得更优秀,跳出这个圈子。 35. When you gaze at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you. Maybe you are unhappy. Then adapt to the status quo and strive to become better and jump out of the circle. 36、我感谢那些抛弃我,放弃我,丢下我,看不起我的人,因为你们让我努力把自己蜕变成优秀而且无坚不摧的模样。 I thank those who have abandoned me, gave up me, left me and despised me, because you made me strive to transform myself into a good and indestructible appearance. 37、想要的我会自己去努力,过自己想要的生活,变得优秀,再慢慢去拥有更好的,2020年,加油。 37. I will try my best to live the life I want, become excellent, and then slowly have better. In 2020, refuel. 38、我重新留起了长发,在努力变优秀,遇见喜欢我的男生就说有男朋友了,我想就这样再等等你。 38. I have long hair again, and I try to be excellent. When I meet a boy who likes me, I say I have a boyfriend. I think I will wait for you again. 39、女孩,在这个十几岁的年纪,不要去做让自己后悔的事,努力学习,努力变优秀。 39. Girls, at this teenage age, don't do things that you regret, study hard and strive to be excellent. 40、做自己应该做的事情,我要努力变得优秀,一定要比你更加优秀,哼。 40. I should strive to be excellent in doing what I should do, and I must be better than you. Hum. 41、当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视着你。如果不快乐,那就适应现状,努力变得更优秀,跳出这个圈子。 When you gaze at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you. If you are not happy, then adapt to the status quo, strive to become better and jump out of the circle. 42、真正在努力的,日子是不会舒服的。把自己变优秀,其他的事情自然就会跟着好起来。 42. When we are really working hard, the day will not be comfortable. Make yourself excellent, and other things will naturally follow.