展开(一)1、一叶渔船两小童,收篙停棹坐船中。 1. A leaf fishing boat, two children, stop and sit in the boat. 2、马啼踏水乱明霞,醉袖迎风受落花。怪见溪童出门望,鹊声先我到山家。 2. When the horse crows on the water, the bright clouds are in disorder, and when the drunk sleeves are in the wind, the flowers fall. Strange see Xi Tong go out to look, magpie sound first I go to mountain home. 3、柳条搓线絮搓棉,搓够千寻放纸鸢。消得春风多少力,带将儿辈上青天。 3. The wicker rubs the thread, the wadding rubs the cotton, rubs the enough Chihiro to put the paper kite. How much power to dissipate the spring breeze, to take my son to the sky. 4、篱外谁家不系船,春风吹入钓鱼湾。小童疑是有村客,急向柴门去却关。 4. The spring breeze blows into the fishing Bay. Suspecting that there was a villager, the boy rushed to chaimen, but closed it. 5、借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。 5. Where is the restaurant? Shepherd boy points to Xinghua village. 6、媪引浓妆女,儿扶烂醉翁。 6. A woman with heavy make-up will help a drunken man. 7、日长睡起无情思,闲看儿童捉柳花。 7. After a long sleep, I have no feelings and watch children catch willow flowers. 8、儿女已在眼,眉目略不省。 8. The children are already in the eye, and the eyes are slightly absent. 9、最喜小儿亡赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬。 9. I like the death of children most, and I peel the lotus seeds at the head of the stream. 10、篱落疏疏一径深,树头花落未成阴。儿童急走追黄蝶,飞入菜花无处寻。 10. The hedge is sparse, the path is deep, and the flower on the tree head is not shade. Children chase yellow butterfly and fly into cauliflower. 11、谁人得似牧童心,牛上横眠秋听深。时复往来吹一曲,何愁南北不知音! 11. Who has the heart of a child like a shepherd. Back and forth when blowing a song, why worry about the South and North do not know each other! 12、疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏。 12. Thin shadow horizontal oblique, clear water, fragrance floating on the evening. 13、半夜呼儿趁晓耕,羸牛无力渐艰行。 13. In the middle of the night, hu'er ploughed at dawn, but the cattle were unable to walk. 14、柳条三尺长,明日清明节。江南小儿女,采作流苏结。 14. Willow is three feet long. Tomorrow is Tomb Sweeping Day. Jiangnan little children, take as tassel knot. 15、见面怜清瘦,呼儿问苦辛。 15. Meet pity thin, call son ask bitterness. 16、半陂草多牛散行,白犊时向芦中鸣。 16. The grass in banpi is scattered by cattle, and the white calves sing in the reed. 17、儿女已在眼,眉目略不省。 17. The children are already in the eye, and the eyes are slightly absent. 18、媪引浓妆女,儿扶烂醉翁。 18. A woman with heavy make-up will help a drunken man. 19、儿童相见不相识,笑问客从何处来。 19. Children do not know each other, smile and ask where the guests come from. 20、疏是枝条艳是花,春妆儿女竞奢华。 20. Sparse is the branch, gorgeous is the flower, spring makeup children compete luxury. 21、萋萋芳草春绿,落落长松夏寒。牛羊自归村巷,童稚不识衣冠。 21. Luxuriant grass is green in spring, long pine in fall and cold in summer. Cattle and sheep return to the Village Lane, childish and ignorant of clothes. 22、竹马踉蹡冲淖去,纸鸢跋扈挟风鸣。 22. The bamboo and horse rush to the lake, and the paper kite roars with the wind. 23、半夜呼儿趁晓耕,羸牛无力渐艰行。 23. In the middle of the night, hu'er ploughed at dawn, but the cattle were unable to walk. 24、小娃撑小艇,偷采白莲回。不解藏踪迹,浮萍一道开。 24. Xiaowa holds a boat and steals white lotus. I don't know how to hide the trace, duckweeds open together. 25、幼女才六岁,未知巧与拙。向夜在堂前,学人拜新月。 25. The young girl is only six years old, and she is not sure whether she is clever or clumsy. To the night in front of the hall, learn to worship the new moon. 26、痴儿不知父子礼,叫怒索饭啼门东。 26. Ignorant of father and son's propriety, the fool is called "nusuo fanti". 27、古巷少人行,新月弯弯瘦,藤萝满墙头,儿童摘扁豆。 27. There are few people walking in the ancient lane. The crescent moon is curved and thin. The walls are covered with vines. Children pick lentils. 29、弄儿床前戏,看妇机中织。 29. Play in front of children's bed and watch women's weaving. 30、怡然敬父执,问我来何方?问答未及已,驱儿罗酒浆。 30. Where do I come from? Question and answer has not been, drive son Luo wine. 31、田父草际归,村童雨中牧。主人东皋上,时稼绕茅屋。 31. The father of Tian returned to the grassland, and the village children grazed in the rain. Master Donggao, when Jia around the hut. 32、松下问童子,言师采药去。 32. Panasonic asked the boy and asked the teacher to collect the medicine. 33、蓬头稚子学垂纶,侧坐莓苔草映身。路人借问遥招手,怕得鱼惊不应人。 33. Children with fluffy hair learn to hang fiber, and sit on the side with Carex and raspberry. Passers-by ask, wave, afraid of fish should not be people. 34、我亦曾经放鹞嬉,今来不道老如斯,那能更驻游春马,闲看儿童断线时。 34. I used to fly kites, but now I'm not as old as I am now. I'll be able to stay on spring horses and watch children's disconnection. 35、日长睡起无情思,闲看儿童捉柳花。 35. After a long day's sleep, I have no feelings and watch children catch willow flowers. (二)1、投荒万里无归路,雪点鬓繁。度鬼门关,已拚儿童作楚蛮。 1. There is no way to return to the wasteland. Through the gate of hell, he has tried his best to be a Chu man. 2、不洒世间儿女泪,难堪亲友中年别。 2. If you don't shed tears on your children in the world, you will embarrass your relatives and friends. 3、见人初解语呕哑,不肯归眠恋小车。一夜娇啼缘底事,为嫌衣少缕金华。 3. I'm not willing to go back to sleep. One night, I cry because of the bottom of the matter, because I don't like clothes. 4、童孙未解供耕织,也傍桑阴学种瓜。 4. Tong and sun did not understand how to cultivate and weave, but also learned how to plant melons near Sangyin. 5、儿女纷纷夸结束,新样钗符艾虎。 5. Children have boasted the end of a new kind of hairpin Fu AI Hu. 6、牧童骑黄牛,歌声振林樾。意欲捕鸣蝉,忽然闭口立。 6. The shepherd boy rides the cattle and sings to the forest. I want to catch cicadas, and I suddenly shut up. 7、相携及田家,童稚开荆扉。 7. Together with Tian family, children open the door. 8、晴明风月雨乾时,草满花堤水满溪。童子柳阴眠正着,一牛吃过柳阴西。 8. When the wind and rain are dry, the grass is full of flowers and the river is full of water. The boy Liu Yin is sleeping, and a cow has eaten Liu Yin West. 9、下床着新装,初学小姑拜。低头羞见人,双手结群带。 9. Get out of bed with a new dress and learn to worship. Bow your head to shame, and put your hands together. 10、蚕娘洗茧前溪渌,牧童吹笛和衣浴。 10. Before silkworm mother washed cocoon, she went to the river, while shepherd boy played flute and bathed in clothes. 11、多少长安名利客,机关用尽不如君。 11. How many Chang'an celebrities and profiteers are not as good as you. 12、痴儿不知父子礼,叫怒索饭啼门东。 12. Ignorant of father and son's propriety, the fool is called angry Suofen. 13、知有儿童挑促织,夜深篱落一灯明。 13. Knowing that there is a child to pick up the weaving, the fence will light up at night. 14、遥怜小儿女,未解忆长安。 14. I feel pity for my little children, but I don't remember Chang'an. 15、大禹理百川,儿啼不窥家。 15. Dayu managed all rivers, but his son did not see his home. 16、袨服华妆着处逢,六街灯火闹儿童。 16. There are lots of children in six streets. 17、昼出耕田夜绩麻,村庄儿女各当家。童孙未解供耕织,也傍桑阴学种瓜。 17. Day out of farming, night Jima, village children in charge of their own. Tong and sun did not understand how to cultivate and weave, but also learned how to plant melons near Sangyin. 18、松下问童子,言师采药去。 18. Panasonic asked the boy, saying that the teacher went to collect medicine. 19、儿童相见不相识,笑问客从何处来。 19. Children do not know each other, smile and ask where the guests come from. 20、晴明风月雨乾时,草满花堤水满溪。童子柳阴眠正着,一牛吃过柳阴西。 20. When the wind and rain are dry, the grass is full of flowers and the river is full of water. The boy Liu Yin is sleeping, and a cow has eaten Liu Yin West. 21、少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰。儿童相见不相识,笑问客从何处来。 21. When young and old leave home, the local accent has not changed and the hair on the temples has declined. Children do not know each other, smile and ask where the guests come from. 22、相携及田家,童稚开荆扉。 22. Together with Tian family, children open the door. 23、空门寂寞汝思家,礼别云房下九华。 23, empty door lonely you homesick, farewell cloud room under Jiuhua. 24、童孙未解供耕织,也傍桑阴学种瓜。 24. Tong and sun did not understand how to cultivate and weave, but also learned how to plant melons near Sangyin. 25、柳条三尺长,明日清明节。江南小儿女,采作流苏结。 25. Willow is three feet long. Tomorrow is Tomb Sweeping Day. Jiangnan little children, take as tassel knot. 26、野童扶醉舞,山鸟助酣歌。 26. Wild children dance drunk while mountain birds sing. 27、秋晚莼鲈江上,夜深儿女灯前。 27. On the river in late autumn, in front of the lamp at night. 28、弄儿床前戏,看妇机中织。 28. Play in front of children's bed and watch women's weaving. 29、草满池塘水满陂,山衔落日浸寒漪。牧童归去横牛背,短笛无腔信口吹。 29. The pond is full of grass, the pond is full of water, the mountain is full of sunset, and the cold ripples are soaked. The shepherd boy goes back to the back of the cattle, and the piccolo blows freely without any cavity. 30、庭花蒙蒙水泠泠,小儿啼索树上莺。 30. The court flowers are misty, the water is cold, and the children sing the warbler on the tree. 31、喇叭,唢呐,曲儿小腔儿大。 31. Trumpet, suona, small tune and big tune. 32、草铺横野六七里,笛弄晚风三四声。 32. The grass shop is six or seven miles across the field, and the flute makes the night wind three or four. 33、"痴儿呆女贺新凉,也不道、西风又起。" 33. "He Xinliang, a fool, does not know the way, and the west wind rises again. " 34、先生醉也,童子扶者。 34. When the husband is drunk, the boy helps him. 35、草长莺飞二月天,拂堤杨柳醉春烟。儿童放学归来早,忙趁东风放纸鸢。 35. The grass grows and the warbler flies in February, and the willows are drunk with spring smoke. The children came back early from school and were busy taking advantage of the east wind to release paper kites.