展开1. “窗外有风景 ,笔下有前途.” 1. "There is scenery outside the window, and there is a future in my writing." 2. 淅淅沥沥,细雨敲窗,一帘烟雨,满窗愁绪! 2. The drizzle knocks on the window, and a curtain of misty rain fills the window with melancholy! 3. 每个人都有自己的故事,或悲或喜或无奈,不接触深了,你永远都不知道这一个个经过的人心里装着的事,亮着灯的一扇扇窗里在有没有叹息。 3. Everyone has his own story, either sad or happy or helpless. If you don't touch deeply, you will never know whether there are sighs in the windows with lights in the heart of those who pass by. 4. 不管远方如何声讨你是背信的人,月光下总有一扇青窗,坚持说你是唯一被等待的人。 No matter how far away you are accused of breaking faith, there is always a green window in the moonlight, insisting that you are the only one to be waited for. 5. 月亮照耀青窗,窗里窗外皆有青色的光。 5. The moon shines on the green windows. There are blue lights in and out of the windows. 6. 水墨画疏窗,孤影淡潇湘。 6. Ink painting sparse window, solitary light Xiaoxiang. 7. “每一个人心里都有一扇窗,每一扇窗里都有一个故事。” 7. "There is a window in everyone's heart, and there is a story in every window." 8. 窗外有晚霞泛红,窗内有我们努力向上的身影。 8. There is a rosy sunset outside the window, and there is our upward figure in the window. 9. 爱情与婚姻就是两扇不同的窗,窗子里有着不相同的风景,一窗岁月静好,一窗尘世烟火。 9. Love and marriage are two different windows. There are different sceneries in the windows. One is quiet and the other is fireworks. 10. 旧忆就像一扇窗,推窗邀月空留霜。 10. Old memories are like a window. Push the window to invite the moon to leave frost in the sky. 11. 有梦就有窗,有窗就有光,去追别怕别人怎么看。 11. If there is a dream, there will be a window. If there is a window, there will be light. Go after it. Don't be afraid of what others think. 12. 长长的老街,古色古香,一窗一画本,一窗又一历几人生。 12. Long old street, antique, a window of a picture book, a window of a few life experience. 13. 楼上的窗,让视线越过树梢,掠过屋顶,远处青山绵延,流水如练,天高地阔,一望无边。 13. The windows on the upper floor let us see over the treetops and over the roofs. In the distance, the green hills are stretching, the flowing water is like training, and the sky is wide and boundless. 14. 清风来入梦,细雨轻敲窗。凭窗抬眼望,一帘绿朦胧。 14. The breeze comes to dream and the drizzle knocks on the window. Looking up from the window, a curtain of green is hazy. 15. 隔窗遥望,万家灯火。 15. Looking from the window, there are thousands of lights. 16. 窗里窗外,咫尺天涯。 16. In and out of the window, it's very close. 17. 上帝是公平的,他关上一扇窗的同时,总会悄然打开另一扇窗。 17. God is fair. When he closes one window, he always opens another.18. 窗半月,月半窗;一曲啼鸣思天明。 18. Half moon in the window, half moon in the window; a song of singing thinks of the dawn. 19. 房屋有了窗就像人体有了灵魂。 窗可以开阖,人心亦可以开阖。 19. A house with windows is like a human body with a soul. Windows can be opened and closed, so can hearts. 20. 你和我只差一扇窗的距离,但偏偏,那扇窗已被落了锁。 You and I are only one window away, but that window has been locked. 21. 小轩窗,正梳妆 21. Xiaoxuan window, dressing 22. 上帝关你一扇门,会给你一扇窗,但是他没有考虑过,你要的是门还是窗。或许我们的窗已经够多了,却还没有门。 22. God closed your door and gave you a window, but he didn't consider whether you wanted a door or a window. Maybe we have enough windows, but no doors. 23. 语言是窗,否则它们是墙。 23. Language is a window, otherwise they are a wall. 24. 窗外阳光明媚,窗内欢声笑语。 24. It's sunny outside the window, and there's laughter inside. 25. 忧郁是镜子,愤怒是窗。 25. Melancholy is the mirror, anger is the window. 26. 窗外有风景在招手。 26. The scenery is waving outside the window. 27. 细雨划过窗,玻璃也流泪。 27. Drizzle across the window, the glass also shed tears. 28. 老树新叶破旧枝,春泥无痕含新芽,春色几窗窗几许,伏案落笔映窗花。 28. Old trees have new leaves and old branches, spring mud is traceless and contains new buds, and the spring scenery is like a few windows, and the painting on the desk reflects the window flowers. 29. 天空是蔚蓝色,窗外有千纸鹤. 29. The sky is blue and there are thousands of paper cranes outside the window 30. 每一个人都有一扇窗,它被叫做相遇窗;每一个人都有一扇门,它的名字叫做相思门。 30. Everyone has a window, which is called meeting window; everyone has a door, which is called Acacia door. 31. 那一刻,我静静的望着窗。 31. At that moment, I looked at the window quietly. 32. 月亮照耀青窗,窗里窗外皆有青色的光。不管远方如何声讨你是背信的人,月光下总有一扇青窗,坚持说你是唯一被等待的人。 32. The moon shines on the green windows. There is blue light inside and outside the windows. No matter how far away you are accused of breaking faith, there is always a green window in the moonlight, insisting that you are the only one to be waited for. 33. 难言处,良窗淡月,疏影尚风流。 33. It's hard to say where the good window and the light moon are. 34. 眼前无长物,窗下有清风。 34. There's nothing in front of you. There's a breeze under the window.