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    Beijing has fur distinct seasns.Spring is time fr the capital city t dress in blssms.It might be cmmn t enjy the fragrance f flwers elsewhere,but in Beijing,they can be appreciated alngside the ancient buildings nestled amng them.Here is a quick guide f the best ruted f themed spring turs fr visitrs.
    Yulan magnlias
    Its flwering phase is very shrt,as if shwing a never-say-die curage and pride.Many lve the plant fr the flwers that blssm befre leafing.The best time t see it is usually frm the last week f March t mid-April.
    Yulan magnlias usually appear first alng Chang'an Avenue,and lcals cnsider it a sign f the real appraching f spring.The blssms lk best n the western side f the avenue.Visitrs shuld als lk ut fr the spread f purple magnlias in the nrth western crner f the street,near the Natinal Center fr the Perfrming Arts.
    The Summer Palace has a lng histry f planting Yulan magnlias.Every time they blssm,the Lngevity Hall is filled with fragrance.
    Winter jasmine
    These glden-yellw flwers can be widely seen in Beijing in March.Their beauty is amplified by the red walls and green titles f histrical buildings.
    At the nrthern gate f Beihai Park,winter jasmine prvided a picturesque scene against the back drp f water,hills and pedestrian activity and has been a lasting favrite f phtgraphers.The blssms are brught ut by the nearby lake stnes f varius shapes and sizes.
    In Zhngshan park,winter jasmine breathes life int the slemn(庄严的)atmsphere f the ryal sits,where sacrificial ceremnies were nce held during the Ming and ding dynasties.
    Where can visitrs appreciate Yulan magnlias the earliest? ______
    A. In Beihai Park.B. In Zhngshan Park.
    C. On Chang'an avenue.D. In Natinal Center.
    Why is winter jasmine particularly beautiful in Beijing? ______
    A. Because f its fragrance.
    B. Its flwering phase is cmparatively lng.
    C. It has been a lasting favrite f phtgraphers.
    D. Red walls and green titles f ancient buildings alngside add t its beauty.
    What's the purpse f writing this passage? ______
    A. T attract mre visitrs.
    B. T intrduce distinct seasns f Beijing.
    C. T shw the beauty f tw kinds f flwers.
    D. T cmpare the difference between tw flwers.
    A man is lucky t be alive after a hrrible meet with a bear in Alaska.The unidentified man,wh is said t be in his 50s,spent several days fighting fr survival in the wilderness as a bear fllwed him---but then a Cast Guard helicpter team came t his rescue n Friday,July 16.
    Cmmander Carbajai tld the newspaper that their Cast Guard helicpter had changed curse t avid clud cver n their way t a task when the shcking discvery was made.Thugh it was uncmmn fr the Cast Guard t cme acrss peple in need in the middle f nwhere,they nticed a shack(棚屋)with "SOS" and "heap me" written n the rf.
    The man later tld his rescuers he had been staying at the shack since July 12.In thse five days,he suffered nn-life-threatening injuries,including damage t his leg.
    "He was kind f struggling.When we came arund,he was n his hands and knees waving a white flag," Cmmander Carbajal said. "He definitely lked like he had been there fr a while, " he added.
    "At sme pint,a bear had dragged him dwn t the river," Cmmander Carbajal said. "He had a gun but the bullets were nt enugh.He said that the bear kept cming back every night and he hadn't slept fr a few days."
    It is reprted that 68 peple in the state were sent t hspitals in 66 bear attacks frm 2000 t 2017.Ten peple died frm bear attacks during that perid.USA Tday nted that all three species f Nrth American bears --- including black,brwn and plar bears --- live in Alaska.
    When did the man begin t stay at the shack? ______
    A. On Friday.B. On Mnday.C. On Tuesday.D. On Saturday.
    What was the first jb f Cast Guard helicpter team? ______
    A. Rescuing the man.
    B. Checking the SOS signals.
    C. Carrying ut their wn task.
    D. Cllecting infrmatin f the clud.
    Which f the fllwing best describe the man's feeling when rescued? ______
    A. Wrried.B. Frightened.C. Tired.D. Relaxed.
    What can be inferred frm the last paragraph? ______
    A. It is dangerus t travel in the wild f Alaska.
    B. There is n chance t live after encuntering bears.
    C. Sixty eight peple lst their lives because f bears.
    D. It is unrealistic t travel in the wild in Alaska.
    With the develpment f apps,scial media has seemingly revlutinized the way we travel.Nw,yung peple primary travel inspiratin cmes frm scial media.Instead f chsing their destinatin frm a selectin in a catalgue at travel agent like befre,they scrll(滚动)thrugh nline psts in search f that ideal lcatin.
    When it cmes t planning the perfect hliday,scial media has becme a huge factr fr many yung peple tday.Everybdy wants t return hme with an album full f artistic and "instagramable" phts that shw ff their trips.The best way t find that desired "pst-able" hliday destinatin is nw thrugh scial media itself.Whether it is viewing a friend's recent travel pst,r a pht directly frm a travel accunt,scial media inspires the desire t explre new places fr s many f its users.
    Travel cmpanies nw als use scial media as part f their wn marketing strategies.The majrity f airlines,tur cmpanies,htels and ther travel-related businesses have their wn Instagram,Facebk and Twitter pages t increase brand awareness.One f the leading marketing strategies is the use f the scial influenced.Research shws that 70% f teens trust influences mre than traditinal celebrities --- in 2018,1.6 billin were funnelled int spnsred influenced psts n Instagram alne;and 63% f 18-24- year-ld Instagram users fllw travel influenced accunt.
    Hwever,as with many aspects f scial media,there were bvius disadvantaged t this travel revlutin.It culd be argued that the bsessin with dcumenting and sharing yur travel adventures nline distracts frm being present and truly enjying the experience.Our mtives t travel seem t have shifted away frm a strng desire t travel and have becme mre eg centric(自我为中心的),travelling nw fr the sake f likes and fllws.This draws away frm sme f the mst imprtant elements f travel.
    In general,scial media has revlutinized the way we travel,prviding tnnes f inspiratin and new pprtunities.We shuld be grateful fr the glbal awareness it has given us,and the insight int new places and different means f travel.At the same time,it is equally imprtant nt t allw the psts we see t affect ur self-image r reflect n ur wn experiences any differently.
    Hw did peple get their primary travel inspiratin in the past? ______
    A. By appreciating phts frm a travel accunt.
    B. By viewing friends' recent travel pst.
    C. By cnsulting a travel agent.
    D. By strlling thrugh nline psts.
    Which f the fllwing is right accrding t the text? ______
    A. Using Internet celebrities is a very effective marketing strategy.
    B. Mst teenagers trust traditinal celebrities mre than scial influences.
    C. The bsessin with sharing travel experiences helps t enhance the travel experience.
    D. The travel inspiratin f yung peple mainly cmes frm the turism advertisements.
    What is the authr's attitude t the travel revlutin? ______
    A. Skeptical.B. Objective.C. Wrried.D. Disapprving.
    Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text? ______
    A. Ways t enhance the travel experiences.
    B. Elements f mdern travel.
    C. Inspiratin and pprtunities frm scial media.
    D. The impact f scial media n travel.
    Mst peple dn't think much abut the fd scraps they thrw away;hwever,researchers in Tky have develped a new methd t reduce fd waste by recycling discarded fruit and vegetable scraps int rbust cnstructin materials.
    Wrldwide industrial and husehld fd waste amunts t hundreds f billins f punds per year,a large prprtin f which cmprises edible(可食用的) scraps,like fruit and vegetable peels.This unsustainable practice is bth cstly and envirnmentally unfriendly,s researchers have been searching fr new ways t recycle these rganic materials int useful prducts.
    "Our gal was t use seaweed and cmmn fd scraps t cnstruct materials that were at least as strng as cncrete," explains Yuya Sakai,the senir authr f the study. "But since we were using edible fd waste,we were als interested in determining whether the recycling prcess impacted the flavr f the riginal materials."
    The researchers brrwed a "heat pressing" cncept that is typically used t make cnstructin materials frm wd pwder,except they used vacuum-dried,pulverized fd scraps,such as seaweed,cabbage leaves,and range,nin,pumpkin,and banana peels as the cnstructin pwders.The prcessing technique invlved mixing the fd pwder with water and seasnings,and then pressing the mixture int a mld at high temperature.The researchers tested the bending strength f the resulting materials and mnitred their taste,smell and appearance.
    "With the exceptin f the specimen btained frm pumpkin,all f the materials exceeded ur bending strength target," says Kta Machida,a senir cllabratr. "We als fund that Chinese cabbage leaves,which prduced a material ver three times strnger than cncrete,culd be mixed with the weaker pumpkin-based material t prvide effective rein fr cement."
    The new,rbust materials kept their edible nature,and the additin f salt r sugar imprved their taste withut reducing their strength.Furthermre,the durable prducts resisted rt,fungi,and insects,and experienced n appreciable changes in appearance r taste after expsure t air fr fur mnths.
    Given that fd waste is a glbal financial burden and envirnmental cncern,it is crucial t develp methds fr recycling fd scraps.Using these substance t prepare materials that are strnger enugh fr cnstructin prjects,but als maintain their edible nature and taste,pens the dr t a wide range f creative applicatins.
    Why d the researchers search fr new ways t recycle rganic materials? ______
    A. Because the cnstructin f rbust material needs much fd waste.
    B. Because fd waste is bth cstly and envirnmentally unfriendly.
    C. Because they want t make a frtune by recycling the fd waste.
    D. Because the amunt f fd waste is t large t stre at the mment.
    What des the underlined wrd "cmprises" mean in the secnd paragraph? ______
    A. Cntains.B. Prcesses.C. Presses.D. riginate.
    Which f the fllwing is right accrding t the text? ______
    A. All the materials btained frm fd waste surpass researchers' strength target.
    B. The material prduced frm Chinese cabbage leaves is tw times strnger than cncrete.
    C. There is a lt f rm fr creative use f this technlgy.
    D. The new materials are strng enugh fr cnstructin prjects,but fail t maintain their riginal taste.
    Where is the text prbably frm? ______
    A. A turist brchure.B. A recipe bk.
    C. A bigraphy bk.D. A science magazine.
    We need t be cnscius f the fact that peple arund us influence us in subtle ways that may encurage us,r keep us frm mving frward. (1) Here are sme pints we need t keep in mind.
    The circle f five
    Mtivated speaker Jim Jhn famusly said, "Yu're the average f the five peple yu spend mst f yur time with." (2) If this "circle" f peple is gal-driven,and encuraging,we can experience a psitive impact n ur actins.On the ther hand,if the peple arund us are negative and restrictive,we may subcnsciusly "live-up" t these qualities and stunt ur wn persnal grwth in the prcess.
    Hw d yu identify wh is influencing yu?Be mindful f the cnversatins yu have with peple and the activities yu engaged in with them.What are the pinins that dminate in yur scial grup?What are the similarities between yu and the five peple yu are cnstantly clse t?If there is a difference between what yu are and where yu want t be,lk at yur circle f five and yu will see hw instrumental they are in influencing yur path.Identify and exclude time and energy vampire's frm yu circle f five.
    Nurish yur circle
    Once yu identify the peple wh belng t yur reference grup,it is imprtant t nurish these relatinships. (4) Different individuals evlve at a different pace.The imprtant part is t be aware f this living and changing "circle f five".Of curse,five is a rugh guide.It culd be slightly mre r less.Let this circle f five mtivate yu,help yu gain curage,and take the right actins.
    (5) Play this rle sincerely and demnstrate a grwth mind set t anyne wh lists yu as part f their circle f five.
    A.Knw yur circle.
    B.Enrich yur circle.
    C.D yu knw wh are in yur circle?
    D.Over time,this cre circle may change.
    E.Hw can we make use f it t live a better life?
    F.The influence f thse arund us can be quite significant.
    G.Remember,just like thers influence yu,yu als exert an influence n thers.
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    It was the Spring f 2016,and 17-year-ld Beat rice de Lavalette was waiting fr a flight when she gt hit by the terrrist bmbing at Brussels airprt.De Lavalette(21) bth legs belw the knee.Yet she says she wuldn't be the persn she is tday if weren't fr thse(22).She(23) as part f the team at the Paralympic Games in Tky.
    She began(24) at early ages.Getting back in the saddle(马鞍)was n easy feat in terms f her(25), but she was determined t d s as sn as she was able.Unsurprisingly,De Lavalette was (26) as she tried t cme t terms with her injuries.Frtunately,De Lavalette gt lts f help and (27) alng the way --- frm her family,her friends,--- and frm her belved hrse,DeeDee.It has(28) a great deal f hard wrk fr De Lavalette t get where she is tday.Having t(29) t her bdy's new nrmal was,in many ways,liking having t learn t ride all ver again.But as her effrt began t(30), the Paralympics seemed the perfect utlet t(31) her hard-earned skills.
    After making her first(32) as part f the sage team in 2020,De Lavalette set her sights n Tky. "The reasn I've gtten t this level f (33) is because f my hrses," De Lavalette says. "I can't change what happened,but I can(34) at being me.There are n 'What Ifs' I have a new life in frnt f me," she says n her website. "What's f (35) is that I'm alive and I feel that I will d smething grand with my life."
    A. bentB. lstC. trappedD. sacrificed
    A. eventsB. highlightsC. mistakesD. campaigns
    A. expsedB. liftedC. cmpetedD. reached
    A. shrinkingB. exercisingC. changingD. riding
    A. injuriesB. ageC. heightD. experience
    A. enthusiasticB. embarrassingC. relievedD. depressed
    A. securityB. sympathyC. encuragementD. cmmitment
    A. deservedB. takenC. cnsumedD. vercme
    A. adjustB. abandnC. attendD. adpt
    A. cme abutB. turn upC. pay ffD. add t
    A. demnstrateB. representC. reserveD. challenge
    A. platfrmB. appearance
    C. annuncementD. transfrmatin
    A. cmmunicatinB. cmprehensinC. discveryD. recvery
    A. pushB. mendC. succeedD. twist
    A. useB. significanceC. helpD. surprise
    Participating in the randm culture is n lnger simply a hbby, (1) a frm f data labur.Frm celebrity ranking lists based n fllwers and engagement,t singing TV cntests (2) ( allw)the public t cast vtes,fans have becme active (3) ( participate)in feeding the idl wrship machine like never befre.But in many instanced,their behaviur has turned txic.Frm stalking (4) cyber-bullying and spreading rumrs,rganized fan grups have increasingly taken (5) ( they) "lve" t crazy extreme.
    "The chas in celebrity fan clubs shws that bad fan culture has reached (6) critical mment that must be crrected," the cuntry's tp disciplinary bdy said n a pst.
    There needs t be a limitatin f irratinal star-chasing.If celebrities are expected t be mdels,then it is natural that nline fan grups need t be regulated t (7) ( prmte)a healthy internet culture verall.
    Already,all the majr scial media platfrms (8) ( respnd)t the gvernment's call,remving celebrity ranking lists and shutting select fan accunts.Cmpetitive idl reality TV shws,many f (9) rely n fan participatin,were als banned.It is an attempt t prtect yung peple frm being (10) ( negative) impacted.
    Jacksn,a 6th grader was heartbrken abut his grandpa's diagnsis,He and his grandfather,spent a lt f time tgether.Grandpa taught him things like hw t play glf and hw t drive a bat.When Jacksn fund ut this Papa had been diagnsed with cancer,his wrld cllapsed.
    Grandpa Rick lved styling his hair but with the chemtherapy(化疗)treatments,his hair stared getting really thin.Jacksn knew his grandpa felt pretty disheartened abut lsing his hair.S,he decided t d smething t cheer him up and make him feel less alne.He culdn't make cancer g away,but he culd supprt his grandpa during his treatments.He decided t shave his wn head and tld his grandpa he wuldn't be alne,and that he wuldn't be the nly ne lsing his hair.
    Hwever,at schl the next day,Jacksn's friends had a different attitude t his hairstyle.Sme f his classmates teased and bullied him abut his shaved head.One student call him "baldy" and anther said "yu lk like having a cancer".At first,Jacksn felt enraged at the cmments,but his anger turned t sadness later n.
    When Jacksn gt hme frm schl,withut saying anything,he lcked himself in his rm.His mther kncked at the dr,asking what had happened.The dr finally pened.Out he came.With disappintment n his face,he murmured,"My classmates made fun f my haircut.Nbdy in this wrld culd knw my srrw." After saying these,he buried his face in his mther's chest and burst ut crying.The mther,t,felt angry and disappinted with the kids at schl.
    She decided t reach ut t Principal(校长)Tm Hadley and tell him abut her sn being bullied.When he returned her call,he asked if she still had the clippers(理发剪)Jacksn cut his hair with.Sue said "yes",unsure f what he was ging t d with this.Tm then asked if Jacksn culd bring the clippers t schl the next day.
    The fllwing day,the principal rganized a gathering with all students at the schl.
    Hadley then sat in a chair in frnt f all the students while Jacksn shaved his head.
    【解析】(1)C.细节理解题。根据第三段的"Yulan magnlias usually appear first alng Chang' an Avenue,and lcals cnsider it a sign f the real appraching f spring.(玉兰木兰通常首先出现在长安街,当地人认为这是春天真正来临的标志。) "可知,游客最早可以在长安街欣赏到玉兰木兰。故选C。
    (2)D.细节理解题。根据第五段的"These glden-yellw flwers can be widely seen in Beijing in March.Their beauty is amplified by the red walls and green titles f histrical buildings.(这些金色的花朵在3月份在北京随处可见。红色的墙壁和历史建筑的绿色标题放大了它们的美丽。)"可知,迎春花在北京特别美丽是因为红色的墙壁和绿色的古代建筑的标题增加了它的美丽。故选D。
    (3)A.目的意图题。根据第一段的"It might be cmmn t enjy the fragrance f flwers elsewhere,but in Beijing,they can be appreciated alngside the ancient buildings nestled amng them.Here is a quick guide f the best ruted f themed spring turs fr visitrs.(在其他地方享受鲜花的香味可能很常见,但在北京,它们可以与坐落在其中的古老建筑一起欣赏。以下是为游客提供的最佳春季主题旅游的快速指南) "可知,文章主要介绍了北京春季主题旅游路线,因此推断文章的写作目的是吸引更多的游客。故选A。
    【解析】(1)B.推理判断题。根据原文第一段The unidentified man,wh is said t be in his 50s,spent several days fighting fr survival in the wilderness as a bear fllwed him-but then a Cast Guard helicpter team came t his rescue n Friday,July 16.这名身份不明的男子据说50多岁,在荒野中为了生存挣扎了好几天,一只熊跟着他,但在7月16日星期五,海岸警卫队的直升机救护队赶来救援。结合第三段The man later tld his rescuers he had been staying at the shack since July 12. 这名男子后来告诉他的救援人员,他从7月12日起一直呆在棚屋里。可知他从周一就待在棚屋里。故选B。
    (2)C.细节理解题。根据原文第二段Cmmander Carbajal tld the newspaper that their Cast Guard helicpter had changed curse t avid clud cver n their way t a task when the shcking discvery was made.卡巴加尔指挥官告诉该报,他们的海岸警卫队直升机在执行任务的途中改变了航线,以避开云层,就在这时,他们发现了这一令人震惊的发现。可知直升机在执行自己的任务。故选C。
    (3)B.情感态度题。根据原文倒数第二段He said that the bear kept cming back every night and he hadn't slept fr a few days.他说熊每天晚上都回来,他已经好几天没睡了。可知他是"害怕的",结合选项:A.Wrried.担心的;B.Frightened.害怕的;C.Bred.无聊的;D.Relaxed.放松的。故选B。
    (4)A.推理判断题。根据原文最后一段It is reprted that 68 peple in the state were sent t hspitals in 66 bear attacks frm 2000 t 2017.Ten peple died frm bear attacks during that perid.USA Tday nted that all three species f Nrth American bears-including black,brwn and plar bears-live in Alaska. 据报道,从2000年到2017年,该州有68人在66起熊袭击事件中被送往医院。在此期间,有10人死于熊的袭击。《今日美国》指出,北美所有三种熊--包括黑熊、棕熊和北极熊--都生活在阿拉斯加。可知在阿拉斯加的野外旅行是危险的。故选A。
    【解析】(1)C.细节理解题。根据第一段"Instead f chsing their destinatin frm a selectin in a catalgue at travel agent like befre,they scrll thrugh nline psts in search f that ideal lcatin."(他们不再像以前那样从旅行社的目录中选择目的地,而是滚动浏览在线帖子,寻找理想的地点)可知,过去人们通过咨询旅行社获得主要的旅行灵感。故选C项。
    (2)A.细节理解题。根据第三段"Research shws that 70% f teens trust influences mre than traditinal celebrities --- in 2018,1.6 billin were funnelled int spnsred influenced psts n Instagram alne;and 63% f 18-24- year-ld Instagram users fllw travel influenced accunt."(研究表明,70%的青少年比起传统名人来说更信任影响力--2018年,仅Instagram上就有16亿人被投入到赞助的有影响力的帖子中;在18-24岁的Instagram用户中,63%的人关注受旅游影响的账户)可知,利用网络名人是一种非常有效的营销策略。故选A项。
    (3)B.观点态度题。根据第五段"We shuld be grateful fr the glbal awareness it has given us,and the insight int new places and different means f travel.At the same time,it is equally imprtant nt t allw the psts we see t affect ur self-image r reflect n ur wn experiences any differently."(我们应该感谢它赋予我们的全球意识,以及对新地方和不同旅行方式的洞察。同时,同样重要的是,不要让我们看到的帖子影响我们的自我形象,或以任何不同的方式反思我们自己的经历)可知,作者认同旅游革命带来的益处,同时建议大家不要受到旅游革命的负面影响,所以作者对于旅游革命持有的态度是客观的。故选B项。
    (4)D.标题判断题。通读全文,根据第一段的"With the develpment f apps,scial media has seemingly revlutinized the way we travel.(随着应用程序的发展,社交媒体似乎已经彻底改变了我们的旅行方式)"可知,文章主要介绍了社交媒体对于旅行的影响,所以"社交媒体对旅行的影响"可以作为文章标题。故选D项。
    【解析】(1)B.细节理解题。根据第二段的"This unsustainable practice is bth cstly and envirnmentally unfriendly,s researchers have been searching fr new ways t recycle these rganic materials int useful prducts.(这种不可持续的做法既昂贵又不环保,因此研究人员一直在寻找新的方法将这些有机材料回收成有用的产品。)"可知,这种做法浪费了很多钱,对环境也不友好,所以科学家们一直在寻找新的方法,把这些材料变成有用的东西。而我们可以从第二段第一句得知这句话的"这种做法"是指fd waste,因此可知因为食物浪费昂贵不环保,研究人员为此寻找新方法。故选B。
    (2)A.词义猜测题。分析句子可知,which引导定语从句,指代fd waste,结合下文"edible(可食用的) scraps,like fruit and vegetable peels(可食用的残羹剩饭,像水果和蔬菜的果皮)"可推断,食物浪费包括可食用的残羹剩饭,划线单词与A项"包括"意思相近。A.Cntains.包括;B.Prcesses.流程;C.Presses.出版社;D.riginate.起源。故选A。
    (3)C.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段"Using these substance t prepare materials that are strnger enugh fr cnstructin prjects,but als maintain their edible nature and taste,pens the dr t a wide range f creative applicatins.(使用这些物质来制备建筑项目所需的足够坚固的材料,同时保持其可食用的性质和味道,这为广泛的创造性应用打开了大门。)"可知,用食物残余物来做成足够坚固的材料用于建筑工程,为未来技术打开了大门,因此推断这项技术有很大的创造性使用空间。故选C。
    (4)D.文章出处题。根据第一段的"researchers in Tky have develped a new methd t reduce fd waste by recycling discarded fruit and vegetable scraps int rbust cnstructin materials.(东京的研究人员开发了一种新方法,通过将废弃的水果和蔬菜废料回收利用,制成坚固的建筑材料,来减少食物浪费。)"和下文内容可知,文章主要介绍了一项研究,因此可以推断文章很可能来自科学杂志。结合选项A.A turist brchure.一本旅游手册;B.A recipe bk.一本食谱;C.A bigraphy bk.一本传记;D.A science magazine.一本科学杂志。故选D。
    【解析】(1)E.联系上文题。根据上文We need t be cnscius f the fact that peple arund us influence us in subtle ways that may encurage us,r keep us frm mving frward. (我们需要意识到,我们周围的人会以微妙的方式影响我们,可能鼓励我们,也可能阻止我们前进。)说明周围的人对我们的影响有好有坏,以及下文"Here are sme pints we need t keep in mind." (我们需要记住以下几点。)说明我们需要以下几点,空处应提问如何利用周围人产生的影响,E项"我们如何利用它过上更好的生活? "符合题意。故选E。
    (2)F.逻辑推理题。根据下文If this "circle" f peple is gal-driven,and encuraging,we can experience a psitive impact n ur actins.On the ther hand,if the peple arund us are negative and restrictive,we may subcnsciusly "live-up" t these qualities and stunt ur wn persnal grwth in the prcess.(如果这个"圈子"是由目标驱动的,并且是令人鼓舞的,我们可以体验到对我们行动的积极影响。另一方面,如果我们周围的人是消极的、有限制的,我们可能会在潜意识中"不辜负"这些品质,并在这个过程中阻碍我们自己的个人成长。)说明周围的人会对我们的成长产生很大影响,F项"我们周围人的影响可能相当大。"符合题意。故选F。
    (3)A.标题归纳题。根据下文Hw d yu identify wh is influencing yu?(你如何确定谁在影响你?)提问要如何确定谁在影响你,空处为本段标题句,应表示要了解影响你的人, A项"了解你的圈子"符合题意。故选A项。
    (4)D.联系下文题。根据下文Different individuals evlve at a different pace.The imprtant part is t be aware f this living and changing "circle f five".(不同的个体以不同的速度进化。重要的是要意识到这个活生生的、不断变化的"五人圈"。)说明,核心 "五人圈"是不断变化的,因此D项"随着时间的推移,这个核心圈可能会发生变化。"符合题意。D项中change是关键词,故选D。
    (5)G.逻辑推理题。根据下文Play this rle sincerely and demnstrate a grwth mind set t anyne wh lists yu as part f their circle f five.(真诚地扮演这个角色,并向任何将你列为五人圈成员的人展示一种成长心态。)说明应该如何对别人产生影响,所以空处应说明你也会影响别人,因此G项"记住,就像别人影响你一样,你也会影响别人。"符合题意。故选G。
    【解析】(1)B.考查动词及语境理解。A.bent弯腰;B.lst丢失;C.trapped卡住;D.sacrificed牺牲。句意:德拉瓦列特失去了膝盖以下的双腿。根据上句when she gt hit by the terrrist bmbing at Brussels airprt.可知,此处表示失去了膝盖以下的双腿。故选B。
    (3)C.考查动词及语境理解。A.expsed暴露;B.lifted举起,提高;C.cmpeted竞争,参加比赛;D.reached到达。句意:她作为美国残奥会马术运动员的一员参加了东京残奥会。根据空后"at the Paralympic Games in Tky."可知,此处表示参加东京残奥会。故选C。
    (4)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.shrinking收缩,减少;B.exercising锻炼;C.changing改变;D.riding骑。句意:她很小就开始骑马。根据下句Getting back in the saddle(马鞍)was n easy feat in terms f her(5),but she was determined t d s as sn as she was able可知,她开始骑马多年了。故选D。
    (5)A.考查名词及语境理解。A.injuries伤;B.age年龄;C.height高度;D.experience经验,经历。句意:从她的伤势来看,重返马鞍并非易事,但她决心一有机会就尽快重返马鞍。根据上文De Lavalette(1)bth legs belw the knee.可知,此处表示她的伤势。故选A。
    (6)D.考查形容词及语境理解。A.enthusiastic热情的;B.embarrassing令人尴尬的;C.relieved感到宽慰的;D.depressed抑郁的,沮丧的。句意:不出所料,拉瓦莱特在试图接受伤病时感到沮丧。根据下句"cme t terms with her injuries"可知,她因为伤病感到沮丧。故选D。
    (7)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.security安全;B.sympathy同情;C.encuragement鼓励;D.cmmitment承诺,保证。句意:幸运的是,拉瓦莱特一路上得到了很多帮助和鼓励---来自她的家人、朋友,还有她心爱的马-迪迪。根据下句frm her family,her friends,--- and frm her belved hrse,DeeDee.可知,拉瓦莱特一路上得到了很多帮助和鼓励。故选C。
    (8)B.考查动词及语境理解。A.deserved值得;B.taken带走,花费;C.cnsumed 消耗;D.vercme克服。句意:拉瓦列特取得今天的成就,付出了巨大的努力。根据下句"a great deal f hard wrk fr De Lavalette t get where she is tday."可知,拉瓦列特取得今天的成就,付出了巨大的努力。it takes+时间精力+t d sth."花时间精力做某事"故选B。
    (10)C.考查动词短语及语境理解。A.cme abut发生;B.turn up出现;C.pay ff偿还,回报;D.add t增加。句意:但随着她的努力开始得到回报,残奥会似乎是展示她来之不易的技能的完美途径。根据下句the Paralympics seemed the perfect utlet t(11)her hard-earned skills.可知,此处表示她的努力得到了回报。故选C。
    (11)A.考查动词及语境理解。A.demnstrate演示,证明;B.represent代表;C.reserve保留,预定;D.challenge挑战。句意:但随着她的努力开始得到回报,残奥会似乎是展示她来之不易的技能的完美途径。根据上句the Paralympics seemed the perfect utlet 可知,残奥会似乎是展示她来之不易的技能的完美途径。故选A。
    (12)B.考查名词及语境理解。A.platfrm平台;B.appearance外貌,露面;C.annuncement通告,宣告;D.transfrmatin转换,转化。句意:在2020年作为美国Para-Dress圣人队的一员首次亮相后,De Lavalette将她的目光投向了东京。根据空后as part f the sage team in 2020可知,在2020年作为美国Para-Dress圣人队的一员首次亮相后,De Lavalette将她的目光投向了东京。故选B。
    (13)D.考查名词及语境理解。A.cmmunicatin交流;B.cmprehensin理解力;C.discvery发现;D.recvery恢复。句意:拉瓦莱特说:我之所以能恢复到这个水平,是因为我的马。根据上句De Lavalette set her sights n Tky.可知,此处表示恢复到能参加奥运会的水平。故选D。
    (14)C.考查动词及语境理解。A.push推动;B.mend修理;C.succeed成功;D.twist扭曲。句意:我不能改变已经发生的事情,但我可以成功地做我自己。根据下句There are n 'What Ifs' I have a new life in frnt f me," she says n her website. "可知,作者认为自己可以成功做自己。故选C。
    (15)B.考查名词及语境理解。A.use使用;B.significance重要性;C.help帮助;D.surprise惊讶。句意:"重要的是,我还活着,我觉得我将用我的生命做一些伟大的事情。"根据下句that I'm alive and I feel that I will d smething grand with my life可知,作者认为自己还活着以及可以用生命做一些伟大的事情是重要的事。故选B。
    这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了De Lavalette在失去双腿膝盖以下部分后努力训练骑马,最终准备参加残奥会的励志故事。
    【小题7】t prmte
    【小题8】have respnded
    【解析】(1)but.考查连词。句意:参与随机文化不再仅仅是一种爱好,而是一种数据劳动。前文提到"n lnger",故此处应该是另外一种方式,上下文之间是转折关系,需用连词but连接。故填but。
    (7)t prmte.考查不定式。句意:如果名人被期望成为模特,那么很自然,网络粉丝团也需要被监管,以促进整体健康的网络文化。此处需用动词不定式作目的状语。故填t prmte。
    (8)have respnded.考查动词时态。句意:目前,所有主流社交媒体平台都响应了政府的号召,删除了名人排名,并关闭了部分粉丝账户。根据事件状语"Already"可知,使用现在完成时,主语为platfrms,助动词用have。故填have respnded。
    37.【答案】Dear Peter,
    I'm delighted that yu are fascinated by Chinese petry and jin a petry club in yur schl.Knwing that yu are having a hard time learning it,I'm writing t give yu sme suggestins and encuragement.【高分句型一】(写信目的)
    Even thugh it is a little bit difficult t understand Chinese pems,it is interesting t read them. 【高分句型二】Yu need t have sme patience and fllw yur ears.In additin,fcus n the repeated wrds and rhythm,and then they may lead yu t a better understanding f the pem.Besides,remember that yu d nt have t fully understand a pem t appreciate it. (提出建议)
    Hpe yu enjy yur jurney in the wrld f Chinese petry! (表示鼓励)
    Li Hua
    Knwing that yu are having a hard time learning it,I'm writing t give yu sme suggestins and encuragement.
    分析:句子使用了现在分词Knwing that yu are having a hard time learning it作原因状语。
    Even thugh it is a little bit difficult t understand Chinese pems,it is interesting t read them.
    分析:句子里使用了Even thugh引导的让步状语从句 it is a little bit difficult t understand Chinese pems。
    38.【答案】The fllwing day,the principal rganized a gathering with all students at the schl.Said, "Jacksn shaved his head t back his grandpa wh has been diagnsed with cancer.【高分句型一】But smene laughed at him." He then asked the students t raise their hand if they'd ever knwn smene with cancer.Almst everyne in the rm raised their hands.Hadley cntinued, "It is wrng fr us t judge smebdy else's reactin t that,and we can d better.In standing up fr Jacksn and shwing my supprt fr his grandpa,I've ffered t let Jacksn shave my head tday."(校长在大会上解释了杰克逊剃头的原因,并支持他的做法,还要求杰克逊为他剃头)
    Hadley then sat in a chair in frnt f all the students while Jacksn shaved his head.The students seemed mved.The principal ended his speech by saying: "Supprt each ther,lve each ther.We're a family,that's why we're here.We're family-that's what we d;we supprt each ther,gd times and bad.I want t see mre gd times than bad,but I'm here either way." It was these tuching wrds that all the students in the rm wuld never frget.【高分句型二】(学生们被震撼到,也明白了一家人要相互支持)
    高分句型一:Jacksn shaved his head t back his grandpa wh has been diagnsed with cancer.
    分析:as if引导虚拟语气。
    高分句型二:It was these tuching wrds that all the students in the rm wuld never frget.

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