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    The second period(第二课时)
    Part A Let’s learn & Ask and write

    Let’ s learn
    •够听、说、读、写以下短语:do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have class, play sports, eat
    •能够运用句型“—When do you do morning exercises / …? —I usually at ” 询问和回答日常活
    Ask and write
    能够在实际语境中运用关于作息时间的句型“—When do you ?—I usually/often at ”进行交流。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—Days of the week. (出示课件)
    Teaching purpose①
    通过 TPR 热身活动,复习之前学过的动词短语,帮助学生迅速进入状态,为教授新的短语做好铺垫。
    3. TPR game. (出示课件)①
    Show pictures of some activities. (e.g., watch TV, read books, listen to music, do homework…) Students do the actions and say the phrases quickly.
    T: Everybody, stand up. Let’s say and do quickly! Here we go!
    S1: Watch TV. (with action)
    S2: Read books. (with action)
    S3: Listen to music. (with action)
    S4: Water the flowers. (with action)
    S: …
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn “do morning exercises” and “a.m.”.②
    T: Look! Our new friend Pedro is coming. He is from Spain. What does he do every day? Let’ s have a look.
    Teaching purpose②
    (课件出示:Let’ s learn 做早操及其时间的图)
    T: What does Pedro do? (The teacher does the action.)
    Ss: Do morning exercises.
    T: Good! Do morning exercises.
    (Show the flash card, students read the phrase together. Then the teacher writes down “do morning exercises” on the blackboard. Ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation of “exercises”.)
    T: When does Pedro usually do morning exercises?
    Ss: At 7 o’ clock.
    T: Yes, at 7:00 a.m. (Write down “a.m.” on the blackboard.)
    T: “a. m.” means “in the morning”. When do you usually do morning exercises?
    Ss: At ________.
    T: Oh, you can say: I do morning exercises at ________a.m.
    Teaching purpose③
    让学生扮演Pedro,用第一人称回答作息时间安排,非常有代入感。了解Pedro 的吃饭时间后,教师马上询问班上学生的真实作息时间安排,让所学知识融入学生生活,加深学生记忆。
    2. Learn “eat breakfast”.③
    (1)T: Class! You are Pedro now. Pedro, when do you eat breakfast?
    (课件出示:Let’ s learn 吃早饭及其时间的图)
    Ss: I eat breakfast at 8:00 a.m.
    Show the flash card, students read the phrase together. Then boys PK girls.
    (Write down “eat breakfast” on the blackboard.)
    T: I eat breakfast at 7:30 a.m. When do you eat breakfast, S1?
    S1: I eat breakfast at…
    T: What about you? S2, S3, S4…
    S2 / S3 / S4: I eat breakfast at
    (2) Pair work.
    Students do the pair work and then have a show.
    A: When do you eat breakfast?
    Teaching purpose④
    B: I eat breakfast at
    3. Learn “have…class”.④
    (1) Show the class schedule on Monday. (课件出示:一张星期一的课程安排表)
    T: Today is Monday. What class do you have on Mondays?
    Ss: We have Chinese / English / maths / class.
    T: Pedro, when do you have English class?
    (课件出示:Let’ s learn 上英语课及其时间的图)
    Ss: I have English class at 9:00 a.m.
    (Write down “have…class” on the blackboard.)
    Students read after the teacher. The teacher checks the pronunciation.
    (2) Show some covers of the textbooks. Let students practise “have…class”. (课件出示:一些学科的教材封面图)
    Teaching purpose⑤
    设置扔球小游戏,一方面让学生体会“play sports”的含义,另一方面制造紧张又刺激的氛围,让学生集中注意力。
    4. Learn “play sports” and “p.m.”.⑤
    (课件出示:Let’ s learn 做运动及其时间的图)
    T: Pedro, we have studied all day. Let’ s play sports together.
    (Write down “play sports” on the blackboard.)
    Students read after the teacher.
    T: Pedro, when do you play sports?
    Ss: I play sports at 6:00 p.m.
    T: Good! “p.m.” means “in the afternoon”.
    (Write down “p.m.” on the blackboard.)
    The teacher takes out a toy ball and throws it to S1.
    T: S1, when do you play sports?
    S1: I play sports at
    T: Great! Pass the ball to the next one and ask him or her, “When do you play sports?”
    S1: When do you
    S2: …
    S3: …

    5. Learn “eat dinner”.
    (课件出示:Let’ s learn 吃晚饭及其时间的图)
    T: After playing sports, I am tired and hungry. It’s time to eat dinner.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    (Write down “eat dinner” on the blackboard.)
    Students read after the teacher.
    T: Pedro, when do you eat dinner?
    Ss: I eat dinner at 9:00 p.m.
    T: Oh, that’s too late! S1, when do you eat dinner?
    S1: I eat dinner at ________p.m.
    Teaching purpose⑦
    6. Listen and read.
    Students read the phrases and sentences after the recording.
    7. Introduce Pedro’ s timetable.⑥
    (课件出示:Petro 的时间安排表)
    T: You can say like this:
    Hello! I’m Pedro. At 7:00 a.m., I ________. At ________, I ________.
    Step 3: Practice.
    1. Play games.⑦
    (1) Bomb game.
    If there is no bomb, students can say the phrases loudly. If there is a bomb with a phrase, students should keep silent.
    (2) Can you say?
    Show the pictures of different activities and time. Students look and fill in the sentences.
    Teaching purpose⑧

    2. Ask and answer.⑧
    (1) Pair work.
    S1: When do you…?
    S2: I ________at ________. When do you...?
    S1: I ________at ________.
    (2) Group work.
    Work in groups of four. Each group asks and answers questions in turn.
    Teaching purpose⑨
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    What is an ideal timetable? ⑨
    (1) Look and say.
    Show some pictures of unhealthy timetable. Ask students to judge they are good or bad and give their reasons. (课件出示:一些不健康的作息图片)
    (2) Design your ideal timetable.
    Students talk about the ideal timetable and write down their own ideal ones on the paper.
    (3) Show time.
    Ask some students to show. Make a model:
    T: This is my ideal timetable. I get up at ________.
    I ________at ________.
    I ________at ________.
    Summary: Healthy timetable, healthy life.


    1. Introduce your own timetable to your family members.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    •Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new phrases.
    •Be able to talk about the daily routine by using the key sentences.
    •Be able to know that a healthy timetable is important to us.
    Ask and write
    •Be able to use the key phrases and sentence structures correctly in the context, and be able to ask about the timetable of the partner.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to listen, say, read and write the new phrases.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to use the key sentences in real situations.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    & Revision

    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song.
    3. TPR game.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song.
    3. Play the TPR game.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Review the phrases they have learned. Lead in the topic.
    1. Learn “do morning exercises” and “ a.m.”.
    Learn the new phrases and try to describe the timetable by using the key sentences.
    Pay attention to the
    pronunciation of “exercises”.
    2. Learn “eat breakfast”.
    Pair work.
    Practise the key sentences.
    3. Learn “have …class”.
    Use the course titles to practise the phrase.
    Students can use “have class” to express different courses.
    4. Learn “play sports” and “p.m.”.
    Play a game to practise the new phrases and sentences.
    Use a game to elevate students’ learning interest.
    5. Learn “eat dinner”.
    Practise the phrase.
    Strengthen students’ mastery of the phrase.
    6. Listen and read.
    Students read after the recording.
    Make sure the students read the phrases and sentences correctly and fluently.
    7. Introduce Pedro’ s timetable.
    Practise and have a show.
    Form a whole timetable, students get to know how to introduce one’s timetable.
    1. Play games.
    (1) Bomb game.
    (2) Can you say?
    Play the games, then fill in the sentences.
    Activate the atmosphere. Use interesting games to arouse students’ attention so as to practise the new phrases.
    2. Ask and answer.
    Practice the dialogue in pairs and in groups.
    Finish the exercises on the textbook and create the chance to practise the new phrases and sentences.
    Consolidation & Extension
    What is an ideal timetable?
    (1) Look and say.
    (2) Design your ideal
    (3) Show time.
    (1) Look at the pictures and talk about them.
    (2) Talk about the ideal timetable and design their own ideal ones.
    (3) Show their own ideal timetables to the class.
    The harm of unhealthy timetable makes the students realize the importance of a healthy timetable. The activity teaches students to be effective thinkers.
    1. Introduce your own timetable to your family members.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The third period(第三课时)
    Part A Let’s spell

    Let’s spell
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1:Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    Students practice the sentences “—When do you…? —I…at…” by the game.
    Make a competition between boys and girls.
    T: We have a new friend. He is from Spain. What’s his name?
    Ss: He’s Pedro.
    T: Now, let’s act out the dialogue. Who wants to be Zhang Peng? Who wants to be Pedro?
    S1: When do you…?
    S2: I …at…
    Teaching purpose②
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn the pronunciation of “cl”.②
    (1) Read and find.
    Students read the sentences and try to find out the words that have “cl”.

    (2) Summarize the pronunciation rule and read it.
    T: “cl” sounds / kl /. (Write down “cl / kl /” on the blackboard.) (3) Practice.
    T: Can you read? Let’s have a try. (课件出示: Let’s spell上面四幅图)
    Read more: clear, close, cloudy, clothes
    Teaching purpose③
    The teacher checks from all students to the individual.
    2. Learn the pronunciation of “pl”. ③
    (1) Read and find.

    Students read the sentences and try to find out the words that have “pl”.
    (2) Summarize the pronunciation rule and read it.
    T: “pl” sounds / pl /. (Write down “pl / pl /” on the blackboard.)
    (3) Practice.
    T: Can you read? Let’s have a try. (课件出示: Let’s spell 下面四幅图)
    Teaching purpose④
    Read more: plan, plot, plane…
    The teacher checks from all students to the individual.
    3. Listen, read and play a game.④
    (1) Listen to the chant.
    The teacher plays the cartoon. (课件出示:Let’s spell视频)Students watch and listen carefully.
    (2) Read the chant.
    Students read the chant after the cartoon.
    (3) Fast response game.
    Students should sit properly when they hear the words containing “pl”.
    Students should clap their hands when they hear the words containing “cl”.
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Bingo.
    (1)Read the words.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    Students read the words in many ways, such as in groups, boys PK girls, etc.
    (2)Play “Bingo” game.⑤
    Each student takes out a white paper and draw a Sudoku on it.
    The teacher reads the words at random. Students listen carefully and write them down. When three words make a line, the students can stop and say “Bingo” loudly.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    2. Choose, write and say.⑥
    (1) Read and find.
    (课件出示: Choose, write and say 上方表格)
    T: What can you find?
    Ss: Some of these words contain “cl”, some of them contain “pl”.
    (2) Read and distinguish.
    T: Good! Can you divide these words into two groups? “pl” group and “cl” group.
    (3) Read and write.
    (课件出示: Choose, write and say 下方练习)
    Students read the sentences in pairs, then write down their own sentences on the textbook.
    Teaching purpose⑦
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension
    Make new sentences.⑦
    (1) Choose a word from the exercises “Choose, write and say” at random.
    Students make new sentences in groups.
    T: Player.
    S1: He is a basketball player.
    T: Clean.
    S2: Clean your bedroom, please.
    T: Cloudy.
    S3: It’s cloudy today.
    T: People.
    S4: Chinese people are great!
    (2) Show time.
    Students create chants and show to the class. Choose the best chant and the best reader.


    1. Read the words to parents after class.
    2. Try to find more words that have the letter combination cl or pl.
    3. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    2.学生能够学以致用,在课堂最后输出含“ cl” 和“ pl” 的单词和句子,圆满完成教学任务。
    3.语音教学相对枯燥,更要融入趣味游戏。 这一点,教师可以多思考、多总结。
    4.Bingo 游戏是外国人最喜欢的娱乐活动之一,就像中国人喜欢围棋一样。如果教师课下有时间,还可以简单介绍一下欧美国家主要的益智类游戏,让学生了解更多的跨文化知识。
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s spell
    •Be able to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combinations “cl” and “pl” in words.
    •Be able to read and write down the words that have the letter combination “cl” or “pl” according to the pronunciation rules.
    •Be able to master the pronunciation of the words which have the letter combination “cl” or “pl”.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combinations “cl” and “pl” in words.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to master the pronunciation of the words which have the letter combination “cl” or “pl”.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    Warm-up & Lead-in

    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Practice the key sentences.
    Cultivate students’ learning
    interest. Lead in the topic. Review
    the sentence structures they have learned.
    1. Learn the pronunciation of “cl”.
    (1)Read and find.
    (2)Summarize and read.
    Read the sentences, find out the words and summarize the pronunciation rule of “cl”.
    Lead students to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rule of “cl”.
    2. Learn the pronunciation of “pl”.
    Read the sentences, find out the words and summarize the pronunciation rule of “pl”.
    Use the same way to teach the
    pronunciation of “pl ”. The teacher gives more opportunities to students so that they can practise by themselves. Develop students’ autonomous ability.
    3. Listen, read and play a game.
    (1) Listen to the chant.
    (2) Read the chant.
    (3) Fast response game.
    Listen, read and chant. Play a game.
    Strengthen students’ mastery of the pronunciation rules of the letter combinations “cl” and “pl”.
    1. Bingo.
    Read the words. Play “Bingo” game.
    Practise and reinforce the pronunciation through games.
    2. Choose, write and say.
    (1) Read and find. (2) Read and distinguish.
    (3) Read and write
    Read the words and then make sentences. Write down the sentences on the textbook.
    Train students to read the words which have the letter combination “cl” or “pl” correctly.
    Consolidation & Extension
    Make new sentences.
    Students make new sentences in groups and show to the class.
    Train students to use the words which have the letter combination “cl” or “pl” in context. Improve students’ comprehensive ability.
    1. Read the words to parents after class.
    2. Try to find more words that have the letter combination “cl” or “pl”.
    3. Do the exercises.

    The fourth period(第四课时)
    Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk

    Let’ s try
    •能够听懂 Let’s try 板块的录音,并根据录音内容选择相应的图片
    Let’ s talk
    •能够在情境中运用句型“—What do you do on the weekend?—I usually/often/sometimes…”询问和回答周末活动安排
    能够在实际语境中运用句型“—What do you do on the weekend?—I usually / often / sometimes ” 来问答周末活动。
    2.PPT 课件、课文录音、视频等。
    Teaching purpose①
    TPR热身运动让学生迅速进入英语课堂,同时复习Let’s learn 板块所学短语。用接龙游戏复习“When do you ? I at ”句型,为后面的“ Ask the question and then pass it on.”活动预热。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    (1) Do and say.
    Show the phrases that students have learned: do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have…class, play sports, eat dinner, eat lunch. (出示课件)
    Students stand up. Do and say.
    (2) Play the chain game.
    Review the sentence structures: When do you…? I…at…
    T: I eat dinner at 6:30. When do you eat dinner?
    S1: I eat dinner at…
    T: OK, ask the next one, “When do you…?”
    S1: When do you…?
    S2: I…at When do you…?
    S3: …

    Teaching purpose②
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Let’ s try.②
    Show the picture of Sarah. (课件出示:Sarah 的图片)
    T: Who is she?
    Ss: She is Sarah.
    T: Where is Sarah? Guess!
    Show the three pictures and explain: Picture One is about the shop. Picture Two is about the library. Picture Three is about the school.
    (课件出示:Let’s try 三幅图片)
    Ss: She is at school / in a shop / in the library.
    T: Let’ s listen and circle.
    Teaching purpose③
    (1) Listen and circle.
    (2) Check the answer together. (课件出示:听力材料及答案)
    2. Let’ s talk.
    (1) Watch and answer.③
    The teacher plays the cartoon. (课件出示:Let’s talk视频)Students watch the cartoon carefully and answer the question.
    T: Sarah is shopping today. Why does Sarah go shopping today?
    Ss: Because her mother worked last night.
    Teaching purpose④
    (2) Read and find.④
    T: Good! What does Sarah do on the weekend? Read the text and underline the sentences.
    Then let students tick the things Sarah does on the weekend. The teacher and students check the answer
    Teaching purpose⑤

    (3) Practice sentence patterns.⑤
    ①Learn “What do you do on the weekend?” and “I usually / often / sometimes…”
    T: What does Sarah do on the weekend? Can you read out a sentence?
    Ss: She said “I often watch TV and play ping-pong.”
    T: Sarah often watches TV and plays ping-pong. How about you? What do you do on the weekend? You can answer like this:
    I usually / often / sometimes…
    (Write down “What do you do on the weekend?” and “ I usually / often / sometimes…” on the blackboard.)
    Make a model:
    T: S1, what do you do on the weekend?
    S1: I usually / often / sometimes…
    T: Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun.
    ② Learn “That sounds like a lot of fun.”
    The teacher listens to students’ answers carefully and evaluates with “That sounds like a lot of fun.”
    (Write down “sound like a lot of fun” on the blackboard.)
    T: Class, when you hear an interesting story, you can say…
    Ss: That sounds like a lot of fun.
    T: When your friend says “I watch TV and play ping-pong with my
    father”, you can say…
    Ss: That sounds like a lot of fun. (Say loudly.)
    ③ Learn “You are so busy.”
    T: Sarah has a funny weekend, but she is also hard-working. What does Sarah usually do at home? Please read out the sentences.
    Ss: Sarah said “I usually wash my clothes.” “Sometimes I cook dinner.”
    (Write down “wash my clothes” “cook dinner” on the blackboard.) T: Sarah is hard-working. What about you? What housework can you do?
    (Write down “hard-working” on the blackboard.)
    Ss: Clean my room. / Sweep the floor. / Do the dishes. / Water the flowers. /…
    (Write down these phrases the students said on the blackboard.)
    T: Wow, you are as helpful and hard-working as Sarah.
    Make a summary.
    T: On the weekend, Sarah often watches TV and plays ping-pong with her father. She usually washes her clothes. Sometimes she cooks dinner. She is so busy.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    (Write down “busy” on the blackboard.)
    T: What does she need?
    Ss: She needs a robot.
    T: Yes, Robin is a robot. Robin can help her.
    (Write down “need a robot” on the blackboard.)
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Read and act.⑥
    (1) The teacher plays the cartoon of the dialogue. (出示课件)Students read after it. Let students pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2) Students practise the dialogue in groups.
    Teaching purpose⑦
    (3) Act out.
    2. Make a new dialogue.⑦
    T: Why are you shopping today?
    Ss: ______. So I’ m shopping today.
    T: Good ______! So what do you do on the weekend?
    Ss: I often ______.
    T: That sounds like a lot of fun.
    Ss: Yes, but I’ m also hard-working. I usually ______.
    Teaching purpose⑧
    T: You are so busy! You need a robot to help you!
    3. Ask the question and then pass it on.
    (1) Students read the phrases in the yellow blanks.
    (2) Make a model.⑧
    T: What do you do on the weekend?
    S1: I often / usually / sometimes What do you do on the weekend?
    S2: I What do you do on the weekend?
    S3: …
    (3) Show time.
    Teaching purpose⑨
    用思维导图将文本中的重要知识点串联起来,引导学生通过关键词复述内容。 图像能够帮助学生更容易地理解和记忆文本。
    Students work in groups. Groups PK Groups.
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Retell the dialogue.
    (1) Show a mind map to help students understand Sarah’ s weekend activities clearly.⑨

    (2) Make a model.
    T: You can say like this:
    Hello! I’ m Sarah. On the weekend, I often I have a lot of fun. I am also hard-working. I usually Sometimes I am so .... I … to help me.
    (3) Show time.
    Students try to say in pairs. Then ask students to stand up and show to the class.
    2. Arrange a reasonable weekend.⑩
    (1) Show a reasonable weekend plan.
    Teaching purpose⑩
    Let students freely talk about it. Then tell students why it is reasonable.
    (2) Emotional education.
    T: On the weekend, we can do many things. Arrange your weekend reasonably. Then you can have a lot of fun!


    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    •Be able to understand the dialogue and finish the listening exercise.
    Let’s talk
    •Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the pictures.
    •Be able to read the dialogue and act out.
    •Be able to use the sentence structures “—What do you do on the weekend? —I usually / often / sometimes” properly.
    •Through this section, lead students to arrange weekend activities reasonaly.

    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to use the key sentence structures in the real situation.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    Warm-up & Lead-in

    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    Show some phrases.
    Play a chain game.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Do and say.
    3. Play the chain game.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Review the sentences they have learned in part A.
    1. Let’s try.
    (1) show the three pictures and explain.
    (2) Check the answer together.
    (1) Listen and circle.
    (2) Check the answer together.
    Develop students’ listening ability. Students can circle the correct answer. Prepare for the next step.
    2. Let’s talk.
    (1) Watch and answer.
    (2) Read and find.
    (3) Practise sentence
    (1) Watch the cartoon and answer the question.
    (2) Read the text and tick the things Sarah does on the weekend.
    (3) Understand the language points.
    By watching and reading, students can get the general perception of the dialogue. Students practise and understand language points in the context.
    1. Read and act.
    (1)Play the cartoon
    (2)Ask students to practice the dialogue and act it out.
    Read after the recording. Practise and act out.
    Make sure the students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    2. Make a new dialogue.
    Work in pairs to talk about the activities on the weekend.
    Role-play improves students’ ability to use the language.
    3. Ask the question and then pass it on.
    Make a model.
    Read the phrases and practice the key sentences in groups.
    Practice and reinforce the phrases and the sentences through group work.
    Consolidation & Extension
    1. Retell the dialogue.
    2. Arrange a reasonable weekend.
    Use a mind map to retell the text. Talk freely about a reasonable weekend plan.
    The mind map helps students retell the text more easily. Cultivate students’ awareness of using the mind map to understand and remember the main idea of the text.
    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The fifth period(第五课时)
    Part B Let’ s learn & Do a survey

    Let’ s learn
    •能够听、说、读、写以下短语:clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing
    •能够运用句型“ —What do you do on the weekend? —I usually / often / sometimes ” 询问和回答周末活动安排
    Do a survey
    2. PPT 课件、视频、任务单等。
    Teaching purpose①
    通过“头脑风暴” 激活学生思维,让学生迅速进入学习状态,同时复习学过的短语与句型,为授新做好铺垫。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    (1) Sing a song—My Weekend. (出示课件)
    (2) Brainstorm.①
    Talk about weekend activities.
    T: What do you do on the weekend?
    Ss: I usually play basketball / play the piano / water the flowers / watch TV / play ping-pong / wash the clothes / cook dinner /…
    Teaching purpose②
    承接 Part B Let’s talk板块的话题,围绕主人公Sarah 在情境中开展词汇教学。教师带领学生边做动作边学短语。
    (Write down the activities students said on the blackboard.)
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn the new phrases.②
    (1) Learn “clean my room”.
    T: Sarah is very busy on the weekend. What does Sarah do on Saturdays? Watch and listen. Then say out the sentence. (课件出示:Let’s learn 视频)
    Ss: Sarah said, “I often clean my room on Saturdays.”
    T: (课件出示:Let’ s learn 打扫房间的图) Yes. Sarah said, “I often clean my room on Saturdays.”
    (Write down “clean my room” on the blackboard.)
    T: Who cleans your room on the weekend, S1?
    S1: I clean my room on the weekend.
    T: Good. But only you?
    S1: With my mother.
    T: So, you can say, “I clean my room with my mother.”
    (Write down “with my mother” after “clean my room” on the blackboard.)
    The teacher does the action and says “clean my room”. Students follow the teacher.
    (2) Learn “go for a walk”.
    T: (课件出示:Let’s learn Sarah 和张鹏散步图) Look! The weather is fine today. What does Sarah and Zhang Peng do?
    Ss: They go for a walk.
    T: You are right.
    (Write down “go for a walk” on the blackboard.)
    The teacher does the action and says “go for a walk”. Students follow the teacher.
    (3) Learn “go shopping”.
    T: Sarah is very busy on the weekend. (课件出示:Let’ s learn 购物图) Look! What does she do on the weekend?
    Ss: Go shopping.
    T: Good.
    (Write down “go shopping” on the blackboard.)
    The teacher does the action and says “go shopping”. Students follow the teacher.
    (4) Learn “take a dancing class”.
    T: (课件出示:Let’ s learn 上舞蹈课的图) Sarah takes a dancing class on the weekend, too.
    (Write down “take a dancing class” on the blackboard.)
    The teacher does the action and says “take a dancing class”. Students follow the teacher.
    T: Who takes a dancing class in our class?
    S1: I take a dancing class on Saturdays / Sundays.
    S2: I take a dancing class on Saturdays / Sundays.
    T: Good. What else class do you take on the weekend?
    S3: I take a Lego class on Saturdays.
    S4: I take an art class on Sundays.
    S5: I take a / an on the weekend.
    2. Read and say.
    (1) Students read after the recording.(课件出示:Let’s learn音频)
    (2) S1 is a little teacher and read these phrases. Other students follow the little teacher.
    (3) Play a game: I say, you do.
    Make a model:
    T: “clean the room”.
    Ss: (Do the action)

    T: “go for a walk”.
    Ss: (Do the action)
    Then students say the phrases and the teacher does the actions.
    Teaching purpose③
    Students practice in pairs and then in groups.
    3. Chant.③
    Show the chant on the PPT. The teacher claps hands and makes a model then the class chant together.

    T: Can you say more? (The tempo of the music continues. The teacher still claps hands and points to S1.)
    S1: Play, play, play basketball.
    T: Good, class, follow S1.
    Ss: Play, play, play basketball.
    (Point to S2)
    S2: Do, do, do homework.
    Ss: Do, do, do homework.
    (Point to S3)
    S2: …
    Teaching purpose④
    Step 3: Practice④
    1. What’ s missing?
    Show the four pictures and phrases on the PPT. (课件出示:Let’s learn四幅图)Ask students to watch carefully and read for several times. Then let one of them disappear at a time. Students say it out and try to do the action.
    2. Who is the fastest?
    Show the four phrases learned today and some activity phrases students learned before on the PPT. (出示课件)Ask students to say out as quickly as they can.
    Group PK Group.
    3. Pair work
    (1) Pair work.
    S1: When do you…?
    S2: I… at…
    (Exchange the role)
    S2: What do you do on the weekend?
    S1: I usually / often / sometimes…
    (Exchange the role)
    (2) Show to the class.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Do a survey.⑤
    (1) Read, say and tick.(课件出示:Do a survey内容)
    Students read the table carefully and tick out what they do on the weekend. Then make dialogues in groups.
    Make a model:
    S1: What do you do on the weekend?
    S2: I usually / often clean my room on the weekend.
    S3: I usually / often take an art class on the weekend.
    S4: I usually / often go for a walk on the weekend.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    (2) Let s write.
    Students write down the complete sentences on the line.
    2. Watch and write.⑥
    Show some pictures. (课件出示:中外学生的周末活动图片)
    T: Just now you shared your activities on the weekend. Now let s have a look at what Chinese and foreign students do on weekends.
    (2) Finish the task list.
    T: What do you want to do on the weekend?
    Ss: …
    T: Here is a task list for you. Write down your weekend activities on the lists. You can draw stick figures if you can’ t write the key words.


    1. Listen and read the phrases.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    1. 整个教学设计流程清晰,设计合理,由易到难,学生容易掌握。
    2. 通过观察图片,让学生了解国内外孩子的周末活动,一方面可以帮助学生打开思路,丰富语言输出,另一方面可以帮助学生体会文化差异,形成开放、包容的思想格局。
    3. 在最后一个环节—让学生完成任务单(课前发放,课中完成) ,允许不会写的孩子画简笔画,极大地调动了学困生的积极性,做到全员参与。

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’ s learn
    •Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new phrases.
    •Be able to talk about the daily activities by using the key sentences.
    •Be able to cultivate good living habits.
    Do a survey
    •Be able to do the survey with partners. Consolidate and use the key sentences and phrases.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new phrases.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to use the key phrases in daily communication.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. lead-in.
    (1) Sing a song.
    (2) Brainstorm.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    (1) Sing a song together.
    (2) Think and answer the questions in a short time.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Review the phrases and sentences they have learned. Prepare for the next part.
    1. Learn the new phrases.
    (1) Learn “clean my room”. (2) Learn “go for a walk”. (3) Learn “go shopping”.
    (4) Learn “take a dancing class”.
    Do the actions and say the phrases.
    Lead students to learn the new phrases in the context.
    2. Read and say.
    (1) Students read after the recording.
    (2) Follow the little teacher. (3) Play a game.
    (1) Read after the recording.
    (2) Follow the little teacher.
    (3) Play a game.
    By following the standard pronunciation and intonation, students can read the phrases correctly.
    3. Chant.
    Chant together and make a new chant.
    Practise new phrases by the chant.
    1. What’ s missing?
    2. Who is the fastest?
    3. Pair work.
    1. Students find out and say the missing phrases.
    2. Say the phrases in the fastest speed.
    3. Practice the key sentences in pairs.
    Practise new phrases by the interesting games.
    Consolidation & Extension
    1. Do a survey.
    Do the survey, make dialogues in groups and write down the complete sentences on the line.
    Students practise phrases and sentences in a natural reality.
    2. Watch and write.
    Look at the pictures and finish the task list.
    Cultivate students’ comprehensive language using ability by writing.
    1. Listen and read the phrases.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The sixth period(第六课时)
    Part B Read and write & Let’ s check & Let’ s wrap it up

    Read and write
    •能够在图片和教师的帮助下读懂 Robin 的台词
    •能够在语境中理解词汇:play, letter, island, early, cave, Friday;能够在情境中运用短语 live on, get up, wash my face, eat breakfast, clean my cave, go swimming, play sports
    Let’ s check
    Let’ s wrap it up
    •能够在教师的帮助下进行 go, play, have, do 等动词搭配的小结,然后完成选词
    能够读懂Read and write板块的信件,简单了解《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的主人公 Robinson。
    能够按正确的语音、语调及意群朗读并表演 Robinson 的台词,并能在有意义的语境中仿写。
    2.PPT 课件、课文录音、视频、表演小道具等。
    Teaching purpose①
    本节课是了解Robinson Crusoe 的日常生活安排,在阅读前必须让学生了解故事大意以及故事的主人公。通过播放电影片段,迅速将学生带入到文本中来,为之后的泛读和精读做好铺垫。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.①
    Make a competition between boys and girls.
    (1) Chain talk.
    T: What do you do on the weekend?
    S1: I often play basketball.
    S2: I usually do homework.
    S3: Sometimes I go shopping with my mum.
    (2) Pre-reading.
    T: Last class I required you to understand the main idea of Robinson Crusoe. Did you do it?
    Ss: Yes, I did.
    T: Great! Now let’s learn something about it together.

    Show the brief introduction of the book on the PPT. (出示课件)
    T: Who are the characters?
    Ss: Robinson and Friday.
    T: Why is he called Friday?
    Ss: Because Robinson met him on Friday.
    Teaching purpose②
    T: Great! Now, let’s watch the video about Robinson. (出示课件)
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Fast reading.②
    (课件出示:Read and write 中 Robin 扮演的鲁滨逊图片)
    Play the recording of the whole text.(出示课件)Let students listen and read the text carefully.
    (1) Look, listen and read.
    T: Robin is in a play. He is Robinson now. Here is a letter from him. What does Robinson do? Now, let’s listen, read and find.
    (2) Read and circle.
    Students read and circle what Robinson does.

    The teacher and students check the answers together.
    (Write down “get up early, wash my face, eat breakfast, go swimming, play sports, clean the cave” on the blackboard.)
    Teaching purpose③
    2. Careful reading.③
    (1) Learn the first paragraph.
    Students read carefully and finish exercises 1~2 in “Tick or cross”.
    Check the answers. (出示课件)
    Students read after the recording sentence by sentence (the first paragraph). The teacher explains the new words: live on, island, cave.
    T: I live in a city. How about Robinson? Does he live in a city?
    Ss: No.
    T: (课件出示:小岛图片) Look, he lives on an island.
    Students read “is-land, island, live on an island” after the teacher.
    T: Where does Robinson live? In a house?
    Ss: No, he lives in a cave.
    T: (课件出示:洞穴图片) Look! This is a cave.
    Students read “cave” after the teacher.
    (Write down “live on an island, cave” on the blackboard.)
    (2) Learn the second paragraph.
    Students read carefully and finish exercise 3 in “Tick or cross”.
    Check the answer. (出示课件)
    The teacher explains the language points: go swimming, in the water, play sports.
    T: Robinson said, “I often go swimming in the water.” Look, which picture is right, Picture A or Picture B?

    Ss: Picture B.
    T: Let’s go swimming in the water! Follow me. Go swimming in the water.
    The teacher does the action and says the sentence. Students follow the teacher.
    T: Who is Robinson’s friend? What’s his name?
    Ss: Friday.
    T: Look, what are they doing? (课件出示:Read and write 场景图)
    Ss: They are playing basketball.
    T: Yes. They often play sports together.
    Students read the phrase after the teacher.
    Students read after the recording sentence by sentence (the second paragraph).
    (3) Learn the third paragraph.
    Students read after the recording sentence by sentence (the third paragraph).
    The teacher explains the new language points: is good at, win.
    T: Look, Yao Ming is a basketball player. He is good at playing basketball.
    Lang Lang is a pianist and he is good at playing the piano.
    Sun Yang is a swimmer and he is good at swimming.
    T: If you are good at something, you can win the game.
    (Write down “is good at, win “on the blackboard.)
    (4) Read the whole text after the recording.
    3. Retell the story.④
    (1) Students fill in the blanks.

    Teaching purpose④
    让学生补全文本并复述出 Robinson 的关键活动,为仿写做好准备。用思维导图辅助学生口头复述,进一步提高要求,培养学生依靠关键词复述完整文本的能力。

    (2) Retell the text with the help of the mind map.
    (课件出示:Read and write 的思维导图)
    4. Read and act.⑤
    Teaching purpose⑤
    Three students work in a group. One is the narrator. One plays Robinson. One plays Friday.
    Step 3: Practice
    Post-reading: Write a letter to Robinson.
    (课件出示:Read and write 第二部分练习)
    Let students finish the task. Then ask some of them to read to the class.
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    Teaching purpose⑥
    1. Let’s check.⑥
    (1) Look and say.
    Show the four pictures. (课件出示:Let’ s check 四幅图)
    Students say the activities according to the four pictures in order.
    (2) Listen and tick.
    (3) Check the answers. (课件出示:听力材料及答案)
    (4) Give answers about yourself.
    Let students write down the sentences. Then ask some of them to read to the class.
    2. Let’s wrap it up.⑦
    Teaching purpose⑦
    (1) Read and match.
    Show the eleven words and phrases in the text on the PPT. (出示课件) The teacher encourages students to match the verbs with the nouns.
    (2) Check the answers. (出示课件)

    1. Recite and act out the text.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Read and write
    •Be able to understand the main idea of the text. Know the words and the phrases: play, letter, island, early, cave, live on, get up, wash my face, eat breakfast, clean my cave, go swimming, play sports.
    • Be able to finish the exercises about the text.
    • Be able to read the text and act out.
    Let’s check
    •Be able to use the key words and sentences correctly.
    •Be able to understand, write and use the phrases in real context.
    Let’s warp it up
    •Be able to read and categorize the diverse phrases.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to understand the main idea of the text in “Read and write”.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to understand, read and role-play the text.
    •Be able to imitate the sentences and write new ones.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    (1) Chain talk.
    (2) Pre-reading.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    (1) Talk to the teacher.
    (2) Get to know the main. idea of Robinson Crusoe Watch the video about Robinson.
    Lead in the topic “Robinson “by introducing the main idea of the book and watching the cartoon. Cultivate students’ learning interest.

    1. Fast reading.
    (1) Look, listen and read.
    (2) Read and circle.
    Listen to the recording, read the text and then circle what Robinson does.
    Make students understand the main idea of the text.
    2. Careful reading.
    (1) Learn the first paragraph. (2) Learn the second paragraph. (3)Learn the third paragraph.
    Finish “Tick or cross “questions 1 & 2. Finish “Tick or cross” question 3. Listen to the recording and follow.
    Make students understand the text better by some detailed questions. Cultivate students’ intensive reading strategy.
    3. Retell the story.
    Fill in the blanks, then retell the text with the help of the mind map.
    The mind map helps students understand and retell the text more easily.
    4. Read and act.
    Three students are in a group. One is the narrator, one plays Robinson, one is Friday.
    Make sure the students read the text correctly and fluently. Cultivate students’ creative and imaginative abilities by role-play.
    Post-reading: Write a letter to Robinson.
    Write one’s own letter to Robinson.
    Help students imitate the text and write a letter. Practise students’ writing ability.
    Consolidation & Extension
    1. Let’s check.
    (1) Look and say.
    (2) Listen and tick.
    (3) Check the answers. (4) Give answers about yourself.
    (1) Students look at the pictures and say the activities.
    (2) Tick the right answer.
    (3) Check the answers with the teacher.
    (4) Write the sentences on the line.
    Develop students’ listening ability. Consolidate phrases and sentences by writing. Improve students’ English thinking ability.
    2. Let’s warp it up.
    (1) Read and match.
    (2) Check the answers.
    (1) Students read the words and do the exercises.
    (2) Check the answers.
    Cultivate students’ ability to categorize. Master the usages of some fixed collocations.
    1. Recite and act out the text.
    2. Do the exercises.

    Unit 1 My day

    本单元学习的主题是日常学习生活以及周末活动安排。教学重点是能够听、说、读、写核心句型“—When do you…?—I usually/often…at…”“—What do you do on the weekend/Saturdays/Sundays?—I usually/often…”;能够听、说、读、写五个有关日常作息活动的短语:do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have…class, play sports, eat dinner;能够听、说、读、写四个日常活动的短语:clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class。
    •能够听、说、读、写句型:“—When do you finish class in the morning? —We finish class at 1 o’ clock.” “—What do you do on the weekend? —I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father./ I usually wash my clothes. /Sometimes I cook dinner.”
    •能够在情境中运用以下句型询问并回答某人的日常作息与周末安排:—When do you finish class in the morning? —We finish class at 1 o’ clock. —What do you do on the weekend?— I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.
    •能够在语境中理解词汇“finish class, go back to school, classes start”,并能就学校的课程安排时间进行问答;能够理解句型“ Why are you shopping today?”“I’ m also hard-working.” 的意思,并能正确发音
    •能够听、说、读、写五个有关日常作息活动的短语: do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have class, play sports, eat dinner;能够听、说、读、写四个日常活动的短语:clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class;能够在语境中正确运用这些短语询问并回答关于日常作息和周末安排的问题、描述日常活动与周末安排
    •能够在图片的帮助下理解 Robin 的台词;能够按照正确的语音、语调、意群朗读 Robin 的台词;能够运用核心句型完成书信填写任务
    •能够掌握字母组合 cl 和 pl 的发音规则,即 cl 和 pl 在单词中的发音分别为/ kl / 和/ pl /
    •能够读出符合cl 和pl 的发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼写出符合cl 和pl 的发音规则的单词
    •能够根据 cl / pl 的发音规则拼读、拼写单词
    第一课时: Part A Let’ s try & Let’ s talk
    第二课时: Part A Let’ s learn & Ask and write
    第三课时: Part A Let’ s spell
    第四课时: Part B Let’ s try & Let’ s talk
    第五课时: Part B Let’ s learn & Do a survey
    第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’ s check & Let’ s wrap it up
    The first period(第一课时)
    Part A Let’ s try & Let’ s talk

    Let’ s try
    Let’ s talk
    •能够通过观察、谈论 Let’ s talk 板块的图片,在图片、PPT 和教师的帮助下理解对话大意
    •能够在情境中运用句型“—When do you…?—I usually/often…at…”询问和回答作息安排
    •能够在语境中借助图片等帮助理解频率副词“usually, often, always, sometimes”的意思,并能正确发音
    能够在实际语境中运用句型“—When do you ? —I usually/often at ” 来问答作息时间。
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a game.
    Wolf, Wolf, what time is it now?
    T: Now, you are the wolf. I ask, and you answer.
    (课件出示:显示不同时间的图片,如:8 点、10 点、12 点、1 点等)
    T: Wolf, Wolf, what time is it now?
    Ss: It’s eight o’clock / ten o’clock / twelve o’clock / one o’clock /
    3. Show a video to students.
    Teaching purpose②
    The video is about a teacher’ s day.
    ( 课件出示:一段“教师的一天” 的视频)
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Guess the teacher’s timetable.②
    Show the teacher’ s timetable. (课件出示:一张教师的时间安排表) Only show the time. Ask students to guess what the teacher does.
    T: Guess, what do I do at 6:00?
    Ss: Get up at 6:00?
    T: You are right.
    T: What do I do at 6:30?
    Teaching purpose③
    Ss: Wash your face?
    T: No, I eat breakfast. What do I do at 8:00?
    Ss: Go to school?
    T: Oh, I start class at 8:00.
    (Write down “start class” on the blackboard.) Teach “finish class” in the same way.
    2. Pair work.③
    One student plays the teacher. The other plays a reporter and asks questions according to the teacher’s timetable.
    S1: When do you…?
    S2: I… at…
    3. Learn “usually, often, always, sometimes”.④
    Teaching purpose④
    Show the picture of main scene. (课件出示:Unit 1主情景图) Students answer some questions:
    ① Who are they?
    ② What are they talking about?
    After that, the teacher shows a timetable of Pedro.
    ( 课件出示:教材人物 Pedro 的时间安排表)
    T: When does Pedro get up?
    Ss: Often at 7 o’ clock.
    T: When does Pedro start class?
    Ss: Usually at 9 o’ clock.
    The teacher explains the meanings of “usually, often, always, sometimes”.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    此部分为听力活动,培养学生的听力策略。与Let’s talk 板块紧密相关,为对话教学做好铺垫。
    4. Learn “ Let’ s try”.⑤
    (1) Students watch the three pictures carefully and predict: Where are Zhang Peng and Pedro?(课件出示:Let’s try的图片)
    Answer: They are in the classroom.
    (2) Listen and tick.
    (3) Check the answer together. (出示课件)
    Teaching purpose⑥
    由于前面的铺垫,学生能够快速反应过来对话是讲 Pedro 的作息安排,并能从课文中快速找到相应的活动与时间。
    5. Learn “Let’ s talk”.⑥
    (1) Fast reading.
    Show the picture of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示: Let’s talk情景图)
    T: Look! Are Zhang Peng and Pedro in the classroom now?
    Ss: No.
    T: You are right. They are walking and talking now. What are they talking about? Read the text and find out the answer.
    Students read and find out the answer.
    Ss: They are talking about the timetable.
    T: Pedro comes from Spain, a beautiful country in Europe. Does he have the same timetable with Zhang Peng?
    Ss: No, he doesn’t.
    (2) Read again and match.

    (3) Fill in the blanks.
    Teaching purpose⑦

    (4) Check the answers.⑦
    Write down the sentence structures “—When do you? —I… at… ” on the blackboard.
    T: When does Pedro eat dinner? S1: Usually at 9:30 or 10 o’ clock. T: When do you eat dinner?
    S2: Usually at 6 o’ clock.
    T: What do you do at 9:30 or 10 o’ clock in the evening?
    S3: Go to bed.
    T: But Pedro usually eats dinner at 9:30 or 10 o’ clock in the evening. So we can say, “Wow, that’ s too late!”
    Students read the sentence after the teacher.
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Read and act.⑧
    Teaching purpose⑧
    (1) The teacher plays the cartoon of the dialogue. ( 课件出示: Let’ s talk视频) Students read after it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2) Students practice the dialogue in groups.
    (3) Act out.
    2. Make a new dialogue.
    Ask students to talk about the timetables of their owns. Then make a dialogue in pairs.
    Teaching purpose⑨
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑨
    1. Look and talk.
    Let students watch different people’s timetables and talk about them.
    2. Role-play.
    (1) Ask and answer.
    Prepare the headwear of a driver, a cook, a basketball player and a doctor.
    T: (Show the headwear of a driver) What do you do?
    S1: I’ m a driver.
    T: (Show the headwear of a basketball player) What do you do?
    S2: I’ m a basketball player.
    (2) Make a model.
    T: Hello, Cook, when do you get up?
    S1: I usually get up at 5:00 o’clock. Hello! Nurse, when do you have lunch?
    T: I often have lunch at 2:00 o’clock.
    (3) Students work in groups.
    (4) Show time.
    Summary: Labor creates beauty. Everyone has his / her value. We should respect the jobs of other people.


    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.(见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》P1 第三题)


    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    • Be able to perceive the new sentence structures from the auditory, and be able to listen to the dialogue and choose the right picture.
    Let’s talk
    • Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the pictures.
    • Be able to read the dialogue and act out.
    • Use the sentence structures “—When do you…? —I usually…at…” properly.
    • Be able to understand the meaning of the frequency adverbs “usually, often, always, sometimes” in the context and pronounce them correctly.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to understand the sample sentences. Try to imitate the sentence structures.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a game.
    3. Show a video to students.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a game.
    3. Watch the video.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Lead in the topic.
    1. Guess the teacher’s timetable.
    Learn the new phrases.
    Create “information gap” to help students learn the new phrases.
    2. Pair work.
    Practise the sentence structures.
    Practise the main sentences to prepare for the next part.

    3. Learn “usually, often, always, sometimes”.
    Observe the picture of main scene and answer the questions. Understand the meanings of the words “usually, often, always, sometimes”.
    Practise sentences and get to know the meanings of frequency adverbs.
    4. Learn “Let’s try”.
    Predict the picture. Listen to the recording and tick the right one.
    Develop the listening strategies of students and prepare for “Let’ s talk”.
    5. Learn “Let’s talk”.
    (1) Fast reading.
    (2) Read again and match.
    (3) Fill in the blanks.
    (4)Check the answers.
    Read the text. Finish the exercises. Check the answers with the teacher.
    Understand the main idea of the text. Practice the key sentence structures. Cultivate students’ analytical and logical thinking ability.
    1. Read and act.
    Read after the recording. Practice and act out.
    Make sure the students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    2. Make a new dialogue.
    Work in pairs to share the timetables of their owns.
    Practise the dialogue.
    Consolidation & Extension
    1. Look and talk.
    1. Look at different people’s timetables and talk about them.
    Create a natural reality situation. Students can use the sentences reasonably. Cultivate students’ comprehensive language using ability.
    2. Role-play.
    2. Do the role-play.
    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.
    Unit 2 My favourite season

    本单元学习的主题是描述最喜欢的季节并陈述原因。通过对四季的学习,让学生了解每个季节的特点以及在每个季节中可以做的事情。教学重点是运用功能句型“—Which season do you like best?— I like …/…—Why? —Because…”进行语言交际,解决现实生活中关于此类话题的问题,并培养学生善于表达个人喜好的情感态度。
    •能够听、说、读、写句型“—Which season do you like best? —Summer. —Why? —Because I like summer vacation!”
    •能够在情境中运用句型“—Which season do you like best? —Summer. —Why? —Because I like summer vacation!” 询问并回答对季节的喜好,并简单陈述喜欢某个季节的理由
    •能够在图片的帮助下理解描写四季的短文;能够按照正确的语音、语调、意群朗读短文;能够运用句型“I like best. Because” 书面表达自己最喜欢的季节及原因
    •能够听、说、读、写五个关于季节的单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, season;能够听、说、
    读、写四季里典型活动的四个短语:go on a picnic, go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman
    •能够在教师的帮助下总结、归纳 why 和 because 的用法
    •能够掌握字母组合 br 和 gr 的发音规则,即 br 和 gr 在单词中分别发/ br / 和/ gr /
    •能够读出符合br 和gr 发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼写出符合br 和gr 发音规则的单词
    第一课时: Part A Let’s try & Let’ s talk
    第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & Read and match
    第三课时: Part A Let’s spell
    第四课时: Part B Let’s try & Let’ s talk
    第五课时: Part B Let’s learn & Ask and answer
    第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’ s check & Let’ s wrap it up
    The first period(第一课时)
    Part A Let’ s try & Let’ s talk

    Let’ s try
    •能够听懂 Let’ s try 板块的听力内容,完成听力题目
    Let’ s talk
    •能够在情境中运用句型“—Which season do you like best? —Winter.” 询问并回答对季节
    •能够在语境中理解生词 winter 和 spring 的意思,并能正确书写
    能够在现实生活中运用句型“—Which season do you like best? —Winter.” 询问并回答对季节的喜好;能够理解并分角色表演 Let’s talk 板块的交际内容。
    2.PPT 课件、课文录音、视频等。
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Enjoy a song—The four seasons. (出示课件)
    3. Lead-in.
    (1) Free talk.
    T: Do you like the music?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: What is it?
    T: Yes. It’s The four seasons. Which season do I like? I like spring.
    Teach the words “season, which, spring”.
    T: Do you like spring?
    Ss: Yes. It’s sunny and warm.
    (2) Let’s try.
    T: Now, let’s listen to a dialogue and write down the weather.
    The teacher plays the recording of “Let’s try”. Students listen and finish the task.
    Teaching purpose②
    (3) Check the answer. (课件出示:听力材料及答案)
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Show four pictures.②

    T: Look at the first picture. What season is it in Picture 1?
    Ss: It’s winter.
    T: You’re right. I like winter. I like snow. Do you like winter?
    Ss: Yes. I like snow, too. / No. It’s too cold.
    The teacher teaches the word “snow”. Students read after the teacher.
    T: How about the second picture? What season is it?
    Ss: It’s spring.
    T: Do you like spring?
    Ss: Yes. / No. It’s…
    T: What about the other two pictures?
    Ss: They are summer and autumn.

    The teacher teaches the four words “spring, summer, autumn and winter” through the four pictures. Students learn the pronunciations and the spellings of the words.
    (Write down “spring, summer, autumn, winter” on the blackboard.)
    T: I like spring best. It’s beautiful. Which season do you like best?
    Teaching purpose③
    The teacher teaches the word “best” and the sentence “Which season do you like best?”.
    (Write down “which season do you like best?”on the black board.)
    Students read the sentence and the word “best” after the teacher.
    2. Watch and tick.③
    The teacher plays the cartoon.(出示课件)Students watch the cartoon and answer the questions.
    T: We all know that there are four seasons in a year. Now let’s watch the cartoon and answer the questions.
    Teaching purpose④

    3. Check the answers. (出示课件)
    4. Read and find.④
    Let students read the text and talk about the difficult points in this part in groups. Finally they can ask the teacher for help.
    The teacher explains the difficulties.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    5. Read and act.⑤
    (1) Students read after the recording. And pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2) Let students practise the dialogue in groups.
    (3) Act out.
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Make dialogues.⑥
    Teaching purpose⑥
    T: Boys and girls. Which season do you like best? Please talk about your favourite seasons in pairs. You can make dialogues like this:
    A: Which season do you like best?
    B: Spring. It’s pretty. Which season do you like best?
    A: Winter. I like snow.
    2. Show the dialogues.
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. The teacher makes a summary of the key words and the sentences.
    Teaching purpose⑦
    2. Students finish the table below in groups.⑦
    One student acts as the reporter. The others in the group try to answer his / her question to fill in the blanks.

    3. Emotional education.
    The weather is different in the four seasons. We should do different things in different seasons and love nature.


    1. Make a dialogue in this period.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》P9第四题)


    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    •Be able to understand the listening text of “Let’s try” part. Finish the task of the listening.
    •Be able to perceive the new topic and review the relevant vocabulary about weather.
    Let’s talk
    •Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the pictures.
    •Be able to read the dialogue and act it out.
    •Be able to use the sentence structures Which season do you like best? Winter.” properly.
    •Be able to understand and write the new words “winter” and “spring”.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to use the sentence structures properly. Understand the main idea of “Let’s talk” and act it out.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to talk about favourite seasons in English.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    Warm-up & Lead-in

    1. Greetings.
    2. Enjoy a song.
    3. Lead-in.
    Teach the words“season, which, spring”.
    Play the recording of “Let’s try”.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song.
    3. Talk about the song and learn the words“season, which, spring”.Listen to the recording and finish the task of “Let’s try”. Check the answer.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Lead in the topic “four seasons”.
    1. Show four pictures. Teach the new words and the sentence “Which season do you like best?”.
    Watch the pictures and talk about the seasons. Learn the new words and the sentence.
    Pictures can arouse students’ learning interest. Students can understand the new words better.
    2. Watch and tick.
    Play the cartoon. Show the questions.
    Watch the cartoon and tick the right answers.
    Help students get the overall perception of the text.
    3. Check the answers.
    Check the answers with the teacher.
    Use questions to lead students to learn the new sentences in the dialogue.
    4. Read and find.
    Help students understand the difficult points of the text.
    Read the text by themselves. Find out the difficult points of this part.
    Strengthen students’ understanding of the key sentence.
    5. Read and act.
    Play the recording and ask students to read and act.
    Read after the recording. Practise the dialogue in groups and act it out.
    Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    1. Make dialogues.
    2. Show the dialogues.
    Make dialogues. Show the dialogues.

    Practise the main sentences through dialogues.
    Consolidation & Extension
    1. Make a summary.
    2. Ask students to do a survey.
    3. Give emotional education.
    Do a survey and fill in the table. Get emotional education.
    Create a natural and real situation. Students can use the sentences reasonably. Cultivate students’ comprehensive language using ability.
    1. Make a new dialogue in this period.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The second period(第二课时)
    Part A Let’s learn & Read and match

    Let’ s learn
    •能够听、说、读、写单词 spring, summer, autumn, winter, season
    Read and match
    能够听、说、读、写单词 spring, summer, autumn, winter, season;能够在语境中询问并回答最喜爱的季节。
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Quick response.
    Show some pictures one by one on the PPT. Pictures are about four seasons. Students say the season quickly according to the picture on the PPT.

    3. Lead-in.
    T: How many seasons are there in a year?
    Ss: Four.
    T: What are they?
    Ss: Spring, summer, autumn and winter. T: Which season do you like best, S1?
    S1: Spring. It’s warm.
    T: What can you do in spring?
    S1: I can fly a kite.
    T: Which season do you like best, S2?
    S2: …
    Step 2: Presentation
    Teaching purpose②
    1. Let’s learn.②
    T: There are four seasons in a year. Can you guess my favourite season?
    Ss: Spring?
    T: Sorry. It’s not spring. Any other answer?
    Ss: Summer?
    T: Nice guess! Do you know why?
    Ss: …
    Teaching purpose③
    T: I like swimming. I can go swimming in summer every day.
    The teacher teaches the phrase “go swimming”. Students learn the phrase.
    2. Let’s guess.③
    One student does some actions. He / She can do actions in different seasons in front of the class. The others guess which season it is.
    3. Pair work.
    Ask students to make dialogues like this:
    A: Which season do you like best?
    B: Winter.
    Teaching purpose④
    教师播放录音,学生听录音跟读。 引导学生按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能在小组中进行角色表演。
    A: What can you do in winter?
    B: I can make a snowman.
    Choose some students to show their dialogues.
    4. Read and act.④
    (1) Students read after the recording of “Let’s learn”. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2) Let students practise the dialogue in groups.
    (3) Act out.
    Step 3: Practice⑤
    Teaching purpose⑤
    1. Watch and think.
    The teacher shows the pictures of “Read and match”. (课件出示: Read and match 四幅图片) Let students watch the pictures. Then ask them to find out the features of the four seasons.
    2. Read and match.
    (1) The teacher leads students to understand the following sentences:
    Spring is green with flowers and songs.
    Summer is hot and the days are long.
    Autumn is golden and farmers are busy.
    Winter is white and the year is gone.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    (2) Students read the sentences and match.
    3. Check the answers. (课件出示: Read and match答案)
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑥
    1. Do a survey.
    Divide students into several groups and choose a group leader in each group. Let the group leaders do a survey in their groups. Ask about their team members’ favourite seasons and the reasons. Then make a table.
    2. Make a report.
    Let students make a report in class. They can do it like this:
    In group…, S1 likes …best. It is…He / She can…in…
    S2 likes… best. It is… He / She can… in…
    S3 likes… best. It is… He / She can… in…
    S4 likes… best. It is… He / She can… in…


    1. Talk about family members’ favourite seasons.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    •Be able to listen, speak, read and write the words “spring, summer, autumn, winter, season”.
    •Be able to use the five words properly in the real scene.
    Read and match
    •Finish the task of “Read and match”.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words “spring, summer, autumn, winter, season”.
    •Be able to ask and answer about one’s favourite season in the context.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to talk about one’s own favourite season fluently.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    & Revision

    1. Greetings.
    2. Quick response.
    3. Lead-in.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Say the words quickly.
    3. Talk about the seasons.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Review the words and the sentences that they have learned in the last lesson. Lead in the new lesson.
    1. Let’s learn.
    Teach the phrase “go swimming”.
    Learn the phrase “go swimming”.
    Lead in the new knowledge.

    2. Let’s guess.
    One student does some actions and others guess which season it is.
    Stimulate students’ learning interest. Consolidate the words of four seasons.
    3. Pair work.
    Ask students to make dialogues and show them to the class.
    Make dialogues and show in class.
    Practise the sentence structures properly.
    4. Read and act.
    Play the recording and ask students to practise the dialogue and act it out.
    Read after the recording.
    Then practise the dialogue in groups and act it out.
    Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    1. Watch and think.
    Show the four pictures and give a task.
    Watch the pictures and find out the features of four seasons.
    Cultivate students’ thinking ability.
    2. Read and match.
    Finish the task of “Read and match”.
    Practise the new words and the sentences.
    3. Check the answers.
    Check the answers with the teacher.
    Consolidation & Extension
    1. Do a survey.
    2. Make a report.
    1. Do a survey in groups.
    2. Make a report in class.
    Check students’ understanding of the features of the four seasons.
    1.Talk about family members’ favourite seasons.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The third period(第三课时)
    Part A Let’s spell

    Let’s spell
    •能够掌握字母组合br和gr的发音规则,即br和gr在单词中分别发/ br/ 和/ gr/音
    •能够读出符合 br 和 gr 发音规则的单词,并能根据发音拼写出符合br和gr发音规则的单词
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Enjoy a song—Phonics song. (出示课件)①
    3. Lead-in.
    Show a picture. (课件出示:一张农场图片)
    T: Look! What’s this?
    Ss: It’s a farm.
    T: Let’s have a look at what is on the farm together!
    Ss: Great!
    Step 2: Presentation
    Teaching purpose②
    通过创设情境为后文的学习作铺垫。在故事情境中教学单词可以提升学生的学习兴趣,并巩固学生对于“ br” 和“ gr” 组合的认读,强化学生对发音规律的记忆。
    1. Look and learn.②
    T: Look! What can you see on the farm?
    Ss: Grapes.
    Teach the word “grapes”. Ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation of “/ gr /”. Students read after the teacher and practise in groups.
    T: Do you want to eat the grapes?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: Who plants the grapes? Let’s see! (课件出示:老爷爷图片)
    Ss: Grandpa.
    T: Yes! Bruce’s grandpa plants the grapes.
    Teach the word “grandpa”. Ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation of “/ gr /”. Students read after the teacher and practice in groups.
    T: Bruce has a brother. Where is he? (课件出示:兄弟俩在图书馆图片)
    Ss: He is in the library.
    T: You are so clever! Bruce’s brother is in the library.
    Teach the words “brother” and “library”. Ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation of “/br /”. Students read after the teacher and practise in groups.
    T: What can you see now? (课件出示:一把棕色的伞图片)
    Ss: An umbrella.
    T: What colour is it?
    Ss: It’s brown.
    T: Yes. This is Bruce’s grandpa’ s brown umbrella.
    Teach the words “brown” and “umbrella”. Ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation of “/br/”. Students read after the teacher and practise in groups.
    T: What is Grandpa doing? (课件出示:老爷爷种植物图片)
    Ss: He is planting some green plants.
    T: Yes! The green plants are small. But they will grow up day by day.
    Teaching purpose③
    让学生通过听音和观察来总结字母组合 br 和 gr的发音规则,培养学生的自主探究学习能力,并巩固相应的发音规则。
    Teach the words “green” and “grow”. Ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation of “/gr/”. Students read after the teacher and practise in groups.
    2. Listen and find.③
    (1) Play the recording for the first time. Let students listen carefully.
    (2) Play the recording for the second time. Let students read after it.
    (3) Let students find out the rules.
    Teaching purpose④
    通过再次听、读 chant,让学生自主体验字母组合br 和 gr 的发音规则,加强语音练习。
    Show the eight words on the PPT: brown, library, brother, umbrella, green, grapes, grandpa, grow. (出示课件)
    T: Can you find the pronunciation rules?
    Ss: Yes, the combination of “br” sounds “/ br /”. And the combination of “gr” sounds “/ gr /”.
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Read, listen and chant.④
    Students read by themselves at first. Then the teacher plays the recording. Students listen to the recording and chant.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    通过归类练习来检测学生对于该课时语音知识的掌握程度,进一步巩固字母组合br 和gr 的发音规则。
    Let students pay attention to the pronunciation of the word combinations of “br” and “gr”.
    2. Read and group.⑤
    (课件出示: Read and group 内容)
    T: Please read and group the words.
    (1) Students read the words and finish the task.
    (2) Check the answers. (出示课件)
    (3) The teacher sums up the rules.
    T: The words “brown / breakfast / brother / library” have the same sound “/ br / ” and the other words have the same sound “/gr/ ”.
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑥
    Teaching purpose⑥
    让学生根据发音规则自主认读新单词,完成课本上的练习,进一步巩固字母组合 br 和 gr 的发音规则。
    1. Read the new words.
    (1) The teacher shows some new words on the PPT.

    T: Please try to read the words according to the pronunciation rules.
    (2) Students read the words in groups. The teacher corrects the mistakes.
    2. Choose, write and say.
    (课件出示: Choose, write and say 内容)
    (1) Students read carefully. Then finish the task of “Choose, write and say”.
    (2) Student show the sentences to the class.


    1. Try to find more words that have the letter combination “br” or “gr” and share them.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    3.练习的设置具有坡度,由易到难,及时地巩固了本节课的语音知识点。 若是时间充足,还可以加入更多有趣的练习让学生进行语音操练。
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s spell
    •Be able to master the pronunciation rules of the letter combinations “br” and “gr” in words.
    •Be able to read and spell words that have the letter combination “br” or “gr” according to the pronunciation rules.
    •Be able to write down the words of this part on the lines correctly.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to listen, say and read the words of this part. Learn the pronunciation of the letter combinations “br” and “gr” in words.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to read the new words with the letter combination “br” or “gr” in them.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    Warm-up & Lead-in

    1. Greetings.
    2. Enjoy a song.
    3. Lead-in.
    Show a picture.
    1. Say “Hello!” to the teacher.
    2. Listen to the song and sing it.
    3. Talk about the picture.
    Enliven the class and help students get prepared for the next step.
    1. Look and learn.
    Teach the words“grapes, grandpa, brother, library, brown, umbrella, green, grow”.
    Learn the pronunciation of the eight words through the pictures.
    Practise the words.
    Lead students to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of letter combinations “br” and “gr” in words. Develop students’ autonomous learning ability. Strengthen their mastery of the pronunciation rules.
    2. Listen and find. (1) Play the recording for the first time.
    (2) Let students listen to
    the recording for the second time, then read after it.
    (3) Show the eight words on the PPT.
    (1) Listen to the recording carefully.
    (2) Listen and read after the recording.
    (3) Find out the rules.
    1. Read, listen and chant.
    2. Read and group.
    1. Read, listen and chant.
    2. Read and group the words.
    Enhance students’ learning initiative. Strengthen their mastery of the pronunciation rules of letter combinations “br” and “gr”.
    Consolidation & Extension
    1. Show some new words on the PPT.
    2. Ask students to finish the task of “Choose, write and say”.
    1. Read the new words.
    2. Finish the task
    Let students try to read more words that have the letter combination “br” or “gr” according to the pronunciation rules.
    1. Try to find more words that have the letter combination “br” or “gr” and share them.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The fourth period(第四课时)
    Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk

    Let’ s try
    •能听懂 Let’s try 板块的听力内容,完成听力题目
    Let’ s talk
    •能够在情境中运用句型“—Why? —Because I like summer vacation.”询问并回答喜欢某个季节的理由
    •能够在语境中理解生词 because 的意思,并能正确发音
    2.PPT 课件、课文录音、视频等。
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Free talk.
    Show three pictures. (课件出示: Let’ s try 三幅图)
    T: There are three pictures. Are they beautiful?
    Ss: Yes!
    T: What can you see in Picture 1?
    Ss: I can see some flowers.
    T: What can you see in Picture 2?
    Ss: I can see golden leaves.
    T: What can you see in Picture 3?
    Ss: I can see the snow.
    3. Let’s try.
    (1) Ask the question: Which is Zhang Peng’s picture? Let students predict the answer.
    (2) The teacher plays the recording. Let students listen and tick the right picture.
    Teaching purpose②
    (3) Check the answer. (课件出示: Listen and tick 听力材料及答案)
    Step 2: Presentation②
    1. Look and guess.
    The teacher shows a picture. (课件出示: Let’ s talk 第一幅插图)
    T: Zhang Peng’s picture is very beautiful. Amy’s picture is beautiful, too.
    Which season does Amy like best? Can you guess?
    S1: I think she likes autumn best.
    T: Why?
    S1: Because I can see golden leaves in her picture.
    T: Nice try. Any more answers?
    S2: …
    Teaching purpose③
    T: Whose guess is correct? Let’s watch the cartoon.
    2. Watch the cartoon and check the answers.③
    The teacher plays the cartoon. Students watch it carefully and answer the questions. (课件出示: Let’ s talk 视频)
    T: Which season does Amy like best?
    Ss: Autumn.
    T: Why?
    Ss: Because the weather is good and the colours are beautiful.
    T: Which season does Miss White like best?
    Ss: Summer.
    T: Why?
    Ss: Because she likes summer vacation.
    3. Read and act.
    (1) Students read after the recording. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2) Let students practise the dialogue in groups.
    (3) Act out.
    Step 3: Practice
    Teaching purpose④
    1. Make a dialogue.④
    T: Boys and girls! Which season do you like best? Please talk with your partner.
    You can make a dialogue like this: A: Which season do you like best? B: I like spring best.
    A: Why?
    B: Because there are pretty flowers.
    2. Show the dialogue.
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑤
    Teaching purpose⑤
    1. Draw pictures.
    T: Which season do you like best? Please draw a picture about it. Then talk about the picture in groups.
    2. Make a report.
    The teacher can make a model and show the key sentence patterns to help students finish the task easily.


    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    •Be able to understand the listening text of “Let’s try” and finish the task of the listening.
    •Be able to perceive the new topic of “Let’s talk”.
    Let’s talk
    •Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the pictures.
    •Be able to read the dialogue and act it out.
    •Be able to use the sentence structures properly.
    •Be able to understand and read the new word “because”.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to use the sentence structures properly to talk about their favourite seasons and reasons.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to talk about favourite seasons correctly and fluently.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Free talk.
    3. Let’s try.
    Play the recording.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Free talk.
    3. Listen to the recording, tick the right picture and check the answer.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Lead in the new lesson.
    1. Look and guess.
    Show a picture. Let students guess Amy’s favourite season.
    Look at the picture. Guess Amy’s favourite season.
    Cultivate students’ observational and logical thinking ability.
    2. Watch the cartoon and check the answers.
    Play the cartoon. Let students watch the cartoon and answer the questions.
    Watch the cartoon carefully and answer the questions.
    Help students get the overall perception of the text. Lead students to learn the new sentences in the dialogue. Help them understand the dialogue by themselves.
    3. Read and act.
    Play the recording. Let students read after the recording and then act it out.
    Read after the recording. Practise the dialogue and act it out.
    Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    1. Make a dialogue.
    Read after the recording. Practise and act out.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Practise the main sentences.
    2. Show the dialogue.
    Show the dialogue in
    Consolidation & Extension
    1. Draw pictures.
    2. Make a report.
    Make a model.
    Draw pictures about their favourite seasons and talk about the pictures. Then make a report in class.
    Cultivate students’ creative ability and comprehensive language using ability.
    1. Practise the dialogue of “Let’s talk”.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The fifth period(第五课时)
    Part B Let’ s learn & Ask and answer

    Let’ s learn
    •能够听、说、读、写四个有关不同季节活动的短语:go on a picnic, go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman
    Ask and answer
    能够听、说、读、写有关不同季节活动的短语: go on a picnic, go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman。
    能够在实际语境中运用关于季节的问答句型“—Which season do you like best?—I like best. I often…”
    2. PPT 课件、视频、任务单等。
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—The Four Seasons.
    3. Lead-in.
    Play “A Train Ride” game.
    T: Which season do you like best?
    S1: Spring. Which season do you like best?
    S2: Summer. Which season do you like best?
    S3: Autumn. Which season do you like best?
    Teaching purpose②
    S4: Winter. Which season do you like best?

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Do and say.②
    One student does actions according to the seasons. The others say the relevant seasons.
    Make a model:
    One student does the action “go swimming”. The others say “Summer!”
    Teaching purpose③
    通过让学生猜测教师在最喜欢的季节经常做的事来引出本课时的重点短语go swimming,并用图片让学生直观地感受和学习四个重要短语。
    One student does the action “make a snowman”. The others say “Winter!”

    2. Learn the phrases.③
    T: We can do many things in different seasons. I like summer best. I like the summer holiday. What do I often do in summer? Can you guess?
    Ss: You often go swimming.
    T: Good guess! Now look at the picture. I often go swimming in summer.

    The teacher teaches the phrase “go swimming”. Students read and practise
    T: We can also do interesting activities in the other three seasons. Let’s see together.

    The teacher teaches the three phrases. Students read and practise them.
    Teaching purpose④
    3. Watch and tick.④
    (1) The teacher plays the cartoon. Let students watch it and finish the task. (课件出示: Let’s learn 视频)
    T: Now let’s watch the cartoon and finish the task.

    (2) Check the answers. (出示课件)
    Teaching purpose⑤
    4. Read and act.⑤
    (1) The teacher plays the recording. Students read after it.
    T: Please read sentence by sentence. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2) Let students practise the dialogue in groups.
    (3) Act out.
    Step 3: Practice
    Teaching purpose⑥
    Ask and answer.
    (1) Read the sentences and the phrases in “Ask and answer” on page 18.
    (2) Make a dialogue.⑥
    T: Please try to make a dialogue. You can do like this:
    A: Which season do you like best?
    B: Winter. I often play in the snow.
    (3) Show the dialogue to the class.
    Teaching purpose⑦
    通过让学生给朋友写信的方式来巩固和拓展本节课的知识点。 提升学生的语言综合运用能力。
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑦
    Write an email.
    T: Please write an email to your friend. Introduce your favourite seasons and the activities you often do in these seasons.
    Give an example.


    1. Introduce your favourite season to your family members.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’ s learn
    •Be able to listen, say, read and write the new phrases “go on a picnic, go swimming, pick apples, make a snowman”.
    •Be able to use the four phrases properly to describe seasonal activities in the real context.
    Look and write
    •Consolidate the usage of the target sentences and phrases through practice.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    • Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new phrases.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Use the new phrases and the sentence patterns in context.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    Warm-up & Lead-in

    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song.
    3. Lead-in.
    Play “A Train Ride” game.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song.
    3. Play “A Train Ride” game.
    The song can be used to cultivate students’ learning interest. Use the game to lead in the new lesson.
    1. Do and say.
    Let one student do actions and others say the relevant seasons.
    One student does actions according to the seasons. Others say the relevant seasons.
    The guessing activity can be used to increase students’ initiative and consolidate the words of four seasons.

    2. Teach the phrases “go
    swimming, pick apples, make a snowman, go on a picnic”.
    Learn and practise the phrases.
    Use pictures to help students understand the phrases easily.
    3. Watch and tick.
    Play the cartoon and give a task.
    Check the answer.
    Watch the cartoon and finish the task. Check the answers.
    Lead students to get a better understanding of the dialogue. The task-based teaching method can be used to strengthen students’ understanding of the details.
    4. Read and act.
    Play the recording. Let students practise and act out the dialogue.
    Read after the recording and act it out.
    Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    Let students finish the task of “Ask and answer” and make a dialogue.
    1. Read the sentences and the phrases and finish the task.
    2. Make a dialogue.
    3. Show the dialogue.
    Practise the phrases and the sentence structures.
    Consolidation & Extension
    Ask students to write an email.
    Give an example.
    Write an email to their friends. Introduce their favourite seasons and the activities they often do in the seasons.
    Create a natural and real situation. Students can use the sentences reasonably. Cultivate students’ comprehensive language using ability.
    1. Introduce your favourite season to your family members.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The sixth period(第六课时)
    Part B Read and write & Let’ s check & Let’ s wrap it up

    Read and write
    Let’ s check
    Let’ s wrap it up
    1.能听懂、读懂 Read and write 板块的内容,并掌握基本的阅读策略。
    2.能够在实际生活的交流中运用关于喜好的句型“I like… because…”。
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Guess and say.①
    The teacher shows some pictures. (课件出示:一些与季节有关的图片)
    Students guess the seasons according to the pictures quickly.
    T: What season is it?
    Ss: Spring. / Summer. / Autumn. / Winter.
    T: Which season do you like best? Why?
    Teaching purpose②
    Ss: I like best. Because...
    3. Lead-in.②
    (1) Listen and say.
    (课件出示:Robin 图像)
    T: Which season does Robin like best? Please listen to the recording
    and then answer the question. (课件出示: Read and write 音频)
    (2) Check the answer. (课件出示: Read and write 听力材料及答案)
    T: Which season does Robin like best?
    S1: Robin likes spring.
    S2: Robin likes summer.
    S3: Robin likes autumn.
    S4: Robin likes winter.
    Teaching purpose③
    T: Yes! Robin likes all the seasons. Robin likes them all.
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Read and match.③
    (1) Ask students to read the sentences on the PPT.

    (2) Let students read the sentences and match them with the pictures.
    Teaching purpose④
    学生通过读文本划出Robin 喜欢春天和冬天的原因的语句,学会在阅读中快速提取重点信息的技巧和策略。

    (3) Check the answers. (出示课件)
    2. Read and underline.④
    T: Why does Robin like spring and winter? Please read the text
    and underline the relevant sentences.
    Students read and underline the sentences.
    T: Why does Robin like spring?
    Ss: Because there are beautiful flowers everywhere.
    T: Why does Robin like winter?
    Teaching purpose⑤
    Ss: Because Robin can play in the snow.
    3. Read and tick.⑤
    (1) Students read the text again and finish the task.
    (2) Check the answers. Explain the different meanings of the word
    “fall” in the text.
    T: Look at Picture 3 and read the sentences. How many “fall” can you find?
    Ss: Four.
    Let students guess the meanings first. Then the teacher tells students their difference.
    T: The last one means “autumn”. The others are verbs and mean “落下”in Chinese.
    (3) Complete the sentence.
    T: Which season do you like best? Why? Think and write. Students complete
    the sentence. Then read it out.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    Step 3: Practice⑥
    1. Let’ s check.
    Listen, write and read.
    (1) Play the recording for the first time. Students listen and understand the
    text. Then write down the key words.
    (2) Play the recording for the second time. Students listen and finish the
    (3) Check the answers. (课件出示: Let’ s check 听力材料及答案)
    (4) Play the recording for the third time. Students read after the recording.
    2. Let’ s wrap it up.
    (1) Students read and fill in the blanks.
    (2) Check the answers.
    (3) The teacher leads students to summarize the usage of the five question words.
    (4) Ask students to make up sentences with the question words.
    Teaching purpose⑦
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑦
    1. Make a season album.
    T: Robin makes an album for the seasons. It looks so beautiful.
    Please try to make an album for the seasons by yourselves. You should
    write at least two sentences for each season.
    Give students an example through the PPT.

    2. Share the album in class.

    1. Listen and recite the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Read and write
    •Be able to understand the text with the help of pictures and the teacher.
    •Be able to use the sentence structures properly.
    •Be able to finish the exercises by themselves.
    Let’s check
    •Be able to understand the dialogue and write the sentences independently.
    Let’s wrap it up
    •Be able to master the usage of the five question words and fill in the blanks.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    • Be able to understand the text and learn some reading strategies.
    •Be able to use the sentence structures about the preference in real life.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    • Be able to master the reading skills and use the sentence structures properly in writing.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    Warm-up & Lead-in

    1. Greetings.
    2. Guess and say.
    Show some pictures about seasons.
    3. Lead-in.
    Play the recording.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Guess the season and talk about their favourite seasons.
    3. Listen to the recording and answer the question. Check the answer.
    Use “Guess and say” activity to enliven the learning atmosphere. Let students get an overall understanding of the text by listening. Lead in the new lesson.
    1. Read and match.
    (1) Ask students to read the sentences on the PPT.
    (2) Let students read and match.
    (3) Check the answers.
    Read the sentences on the PPT. Read the sentences and match them with the pictures. Check the answers.
    “Read and match” activity can be used to check students’ understanding of the key sentences and strengthen students’ self- learning ability.
    2. Read and underline. Ask a question. Let students read and underline the relevant sentences.
    Read the text and underline the relevant sentences.
    Lead students to learn the reading strategies through underlining the relevant sentences to the question.
    3. Read and tick.
    Ask students to read the text again and finish the task. Check the answers. Explain the different meanings of the word“fall”.
    (1) Read the text again and finish the task.
    (2) Check the answers.
    (3) Think and write.
    Consolidate students’ understanding of the text and overcome the difficult points.
    1. Let’s check.
    Play the recording three times. Check the answers with students.
    Listen to the recording and write down the key words and finish the dialogue. Check the answers and read after the recording.
    Strengthen students’ ability to listen and write. Filling activity can be used to further consolidate students’ understanding of the question words.
    2. Let’s wrap it up.
    Ask students to read and fill in the blanks. Check the answers. Lead students to summarize the usage of the five question words. Let them make up sentences.
    (1) Read and fill in the blanks.
    (2) Check the answers. (3) Summarize the
    usage of the five question words.
    (4) Make up sentences with the question words.
    Consolidation & Extension
    1. Make a season album.
    Lead students to make a season album.
    2. Share the album in class.
    1. Make a season album.
    2. Share the album in class.
    Cultivate students’ comprehensive language using ability.
    1. Listen and recite the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.

    Unit 3 My school calendar

    本单元学习的主题是校历,通过对校历内容的讨论展示了不同节日或活动所在的月份。教学重点是能够听、说、读、写核心句型“—When is (the)…? —It’s in…”;能够听、说、读、写十二个月份单词:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December。
    Ÿ 能够听、说、读、写句型:—When is the party? —It’s in April. —When is the trip this year?—It’s
    in October. We’ll go to the Great Wall.
    Ÿ 能够在情境中运用句型“—When is the…? —It’s in…”就某个活动在哪个月份举行进行问答
    Ÿ 能够在情境中运用句型“—When is the trip this year? —It’s in October. We’ll go to the Great
    Ÿ 能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演
    Ÿ 能够根据实际情况判断句子正误并作相应的修改,并按实际情况填充合适的单词并进行描述
    Ÿ 能够听、说、读、写12个月份的单词:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August,
    September, October, November, December
    Ÿ 能够在语境中正确运用这12个单词对月份进行描述
    Ÿ 能够掌握字母组合ch/sh的发音规则,即ch/sh在单词中分别发/tʃ/和/ʃ/
    Ÿ 能够读出符合ch/sh的发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼写出符合 ch/sh发音规则的单词
    Ÿ 能够在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范
    Ÿ 能够了解校历上一年12个月中丰富多彩的活动
    Ÿ 能够有效地记忆发音与拼写有难度的月份单词
    第一课时: Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk
    第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & Read and say
    第三课时: Part A Let’s spell
    第四课时: Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk
    第五课时: Part B Let’s learn & Ask and write
    第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up

    The first period(第一课时)
    Part A Let’ s try & Let’ s talk

    Let’s try
    Ÿ 能够通过听录音,对一般将来时有初步感知
    Ÿ 能够通过听前阅读题目,初步预测听力内容
    Ÿ 能够通过听录音,理解听力内容,选出正确答案
    Let’s talk
    Ÿ 能够通过观察、谈论Let’s talk图片,在图片、PPT和教师的帮助下理解对话大意
    Ÿ 能够通过听录音,学会按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演
    Ÿ 能够在情境中运用句型“—When is…? —It’s in…”询问某个活动在哪个月份举行
    Ÿ 能够在语境中理解生词及短语a few, thing, sports meet, trip的意思,并能正确发音
    Ÿ 能够运用句型“—When is…? —It’s in…”完成书写与对话的活动
    Ÿ 能够完成听录音选答案的活动

    能够在实际语境中运用句型“—When is…? —It’s in…”询问某个活动在哪个月份举行。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    Teaching purpose①
    回顾Unit 2知识点,承上启下,同时扫清部分语言障碍,为授新做好铺垫。
    Show the pictures of four seasons.(课件出示:四季的景色图)
    T: Which season do you like best? Why?
    S1: I like summer best. I can go swimming and eat ice cream.
    S2: I like winter best. I can make a snowman and play in the snow.
    T: Oh, you have a few fun things in summer.
    (Write down “have a few fun things” on the blackboard.)
    T: Good! What about spring? What can we do in spring?
    Ss: We can fly kites/go on a picnic/plant flowers and trees.
    T: Wow, we have a few fun things in spring!
    Show the sentence on the PPT. Teach the phrase “a few” and the word “thing”.
    T: Which months are in spring?
    Ss: March, April, May.
    T: Right. In spring, we can fly kites/go on a picnic/plant flowers and trees. And we can also have a school trip and a sports meet.
    Teaching purpose②
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn new words and phrases.②
    T: Look at the pictures. What do they do?
    Ss: Have a school trip/sports meet.
    Teach the two phrases. Students read after the teacher.
    Teaching purpose③
    2.Let’s try.③
    (1)Predict “Let’s try”.
    T: Do you like our sports meet?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: Me, too. Will you invite your parents to the sports meet?
    Ss: Yes/No.
    T: Look, this is an invitation. Guess, who will go to the sports meet next Friday,Zhang Peng’s or Mike’s parents?(课件出示: Let’s try练习)
    Ss: …
    T: Now, let’s listen and tick.(课件出示: Let’s try音频)
    (2)Students listen and tick.
    (3)Check the answer together.(课件出示: Let’s try听力材料及答案)
    Teaching purpose④
    3.Let’s talk.
    (1)Look at the pictures and predict the main idea of the dialogue.
    Show the pictures of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示: Let’s talk图片)
    T: Who are they?
    Ss: Zhang Peng and Mike.
    T: Guess! What are they talking about?
    Ss: They are talking about activities.
    (2)Read and answer.④
    T: What activities are they talking about? Read the dialogue and answer. Students read and answer. Then check the answer together.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    (3)Read and fill in the table.⑤
    Present the table and ask students to read the dialogue again. Let students fill in the table.

    T: Please read the dialogue again with two questions:
    ①When is the English party?
    ②When is the school trip?
    You can answer like this: The _______ is in _______.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    Ss: The English party is in April. The school trip is in May.
    (4)Read and act.⑥
    ①Students read after the recording. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
    ② Role-play.
    Boys play the role of Mike. Girls play the role of Zhang Peng. Then they exchange.
    Teaching purpose⑦
    ③ Act out.
    (5)Fill in the blanks.⑦

    Teaching purpose⑧
    Step 3: Practice⑧
    Write and talk.
    (1)Read and write.
    Students read the phrases and make a discussion together. After the discussion, students write down the activities in the calendars.
    (2)Make up conversations.
    Students work in groups of three. Two students have a dialogue with each other. The third one makes a report.
    Make a model:
    T: When is the singing contest?
    S1: It’s usually in May.
    S2: (report) The singing contest is usually in May.
    S2: When is the school trip?
    T: It’s usually in April.
    S1: (report) The school trip is usually in April.
    S1: When is the sports meet?
    Teaching purpose⑨
    S2: It’s usually in April.
    T: (report) The sports meet is usually in April.
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑨
    Make a new dialogue.
    (1)Pair work.
    Ask students to work in pairs and make a dialogue according to different festivals and different activities.
    (2)Show time.
    Ask three or four groups to show. Give an example through the PPT.


    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.(见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    •Be able to perceive the simple future tense by listening to the recording.
    •Be able to predict the listening content by reading the questions.
    •Be able to listen to the dialogue and tick the right answer.
    Let’s talk
    •Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the pictures.
    •Be able to read the dialogue and act it out.
    •Be able to use the sentence structure “When is…? It’s in…” properly.
    •Be able to understand the new words and the new phrases “a few, things, sports meet, trip” in the context.
    •Be able to finish the tasks of writing and making dialogues.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to use the sentence structure “When is…? It’s in…” properly.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to understand the dialogue and read it correctly and fluently.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Free talk.
    Freely talk with students. Lead in the topic. Remove some language barriers. Prepare for the next step.

    1.Learn new words and phrases.
    Learn the new vocabulary.
    Help students understand new words and phrases by using pictures. Activate students’ interest.
    2.Let’s try.
    Predict the listening content. Listen and tick. Check the answer.
    Develop listening strategies and
    prepare for “Let’s talk”.
    3. Let’s talk.
    (1)Predict the main idea of the dialogue.
    Look at the pictures and
    predict the main idea.
    Lead students to observe the
    pictures and predict the dialogue. Make full use of the information about the dialogue.
    (2)Read and answer.
    Read the dialogue and find the answers.
    Make students understand the
    dialogue better by some detailed
    (3) Read and fill in the table.
    Read the dialogue again and fill in the table.
    Cultivate students’ analytical and logical thinking abilities.
    (4)Read and act.
    Read after the recording. Practise and act out the dialogue.
    Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    (5)Fill in the blanks.
    Students fill in the blanks.
    Let students understand the dialogue further.
    Write and talk.
    (1)Read and write.
    (2)Make up conversations.
    (1) Read the phrases and make a discussion together. Then write down the activities in the calendars.
    (2) Work in groups of three. Two students make a dialogue and the third one makes a report. Finish the task in turn.
    Practise the sentence patterns. Cultivate students’ thinking and writing abilities.
    Make a new dialogues.
    (1)Pair work.
    (2)Show time.
    (1) Work in pairs to make a new dialogue.
    (2)Then show to the class.
    Create a natural reality situation. Students can use the sentences reasonably. Cultivate students’ comprehensive language using ability.
    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The second period(第二课时)
    Part A Let’s learn & Read and say

    Let’s learn
    Ÿ 能够听、说、读、写六个月份单词“January, February, March, April, May, June”
    Ÿ 能够在语境中正确运用这六个单词
    Read and say
    Ÿ 能够根据实际情况判断句子正误并进行相应的修改

    学会听、说、读、写月份单词“January, February, March, April, May, June”。
    能够在语境中正确运用“January, February, March, April, May, June”这六个月份单词。
    Teaching purpose①
    由Unit 2主题“Season”过渡到季节所包含的活动,为下一步引出活动所在的月份做好铺垫。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    T: If you can do a good job, you can get a beautiful calendar postcard.
    T: (Ask 2~3 students) Which season do you like best? Why?
    Teaching purpose②
    S1: I like… because…
    T: I like winter best.
    S1: Why?
    T: Because New Year’s Day and winter vacation are in winter. I enjoy my holidays.

    Present the phrases and the pictures of New Year’s Day and winter vacation. (课件出示:元旦与寒假图片)
    Step 2: Presentation②
    1.Learn “January (Jan.)”.
    (1)Present the picture. (课件出示:Let’s learn第一幅图片)
    T: Read after me for three times. New Year’s Day…
    Ss: New Year’s Day…
    T: When is New Year’s Day?
    Ss: In January./在一月。
    Show the word card “January”. Students read after the teacher.(Write down “January” on the blackboard.)
    (2)Sing a song—Happy New Year. (出示课件)
    T: The short form of “January” is “Jan.”. Don’t forget the dot.
    Students spell the short form with their fingers.
    2.Learn “February (Feb.)”.
    Present the pictures. (课件出示: Let’s learn第一、二幅图片)
    (1)Ask students two questions.
    T: Do you like winter vacation? When is winter vacation?
    (Write down “When is winter vacation?” on the blackboard.)
    Ss: It’s in January and February./在一月和二月。
    T: Great! Winter vacation is in “January” and “February”.
    Show the word card “February”. Students read after the teacher.
    (Write down “February” on the blackboard.)
    (2)Practice: High and low voice.
    Teaching purpose③
    The teacher says “January” loudly. Students say it in a low voice. The teacher says “January” in a low voice. Students say it loudly.
    T: The short form of “February” is “Feb.”.
    Students spell the short form with their fingers.
    T: “January” and “February” both end with “-uary”.
    3.Learn “March (Mar.)”.
    (1)T: Which season is it after winter?
    Ss: Spring.
    T: We have an important activity in spring. It’s…
    Ss: Tree Planting Day./植树节。
    Present a picture of “Tree Planting Day” and ask students to read for several times. (课件出示:植树节图片)
    T: Excellent! Read after me, Tree Planting Day…
    (Write down “Tree Planting Day” on the blackboard.)
    T: When is Tree Planting Day? In January?
    Ss: No.
    T: It’s in—March.
    Show the flash card “March”. Students read after the teacher.
    (Write down “March” on the blackboard.)
    (2)Practice: Clap hands.④
    Teaching purpose④
    The teacher claps hands and says “March”, then students follow. The teacher says “March” without clapping hands, then students keep silence.
    T: March(clap hands).
    Ss: March.
    T: March.
    Ss: (Keep silence)
    T: The short form of “March” is “Mar.”.
    Students spell the short form with their fingers.
    4.Learn “April (Apr.)”.
    (1)Present a picture of a sports meet.(课件出示:运动会图片)
    T: What is this?
    Ss: A sports meet.
    Present the calendar of April.(课件出示:四月份日历)
    T: When is the sports meet?
    (Write down “sports meet” on the blackboard.)
    Ss: It’s in April./在四月。
    T: What else do we have in April?
    Ss: An English party.
    (Writer down “English party” on the blackboard.)
    Show the word card “April”. Students read after the teacher.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    (Write down “April” on the blackboard.)
    (2)Practice: I ask, you answer.⑤
    The teacher points to the pictures. Boys ask, “When is…?” Girls answer, “It’s in…” Then they exchange.
    T: The short form of “April” is “Apr.”.
    Students spell the short form with their fingers.
    5. Learn “May”.
    (1)T: April is great, but there is another month much better. In this month, we have a singing contest, a school trip, May Day and Mother’s Day.
    Show the pictures one by one. Encourage students to say the activities with the teacher together.
    T: Which month is it? (课件出示:五月份日历)
    Ss: It’s May./五月。
    Show the flash card “May”. Students read after the teacher.
    (Write down “May” on the blackboard.)
    (2)Practice: Pass the flash card.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    The students in the first row stand up, and read the word on the flash card and pass it to the next one.
    T: The word “May” has no short form.
    6. Learn “June (Jun.)”.
    (1)T: May is interesting, isn’t it?⑦
    Teaching purpose⑦
    Ss: Yes.
    T: In fact, there is a big day for all of you in the next month.
    Play the children’s song—Childhood. (出示课件)
    T: What festival do you think of?
    Ss: Children’s Day.
    T: Good job. When is Children’s Day?
    (Write down “Children’s Day” on the blackboard.)
    Ss: It’s in June./在六月。
    The teacher shows the flash card “June”. Students read after the teacher.
    (Write down “June” on the blackboard.)
    (2)Practice: Fast response.
    The teacher shows the pictures of activities and points to one of them every time. If it takes place in June, students say “yes” aloud. If it doesn’t take place in June, students say “no”.
    T: The short form of “June” is “Jun.”.
    Students spell the short form with their fingers.
    Teaching purpose⑧
    Step 3: Practice
    1.Listen and read.⑧
    Students follow the recording of “Let’s learn” and read together.
    2.Play games.⑨
    Teaching purpose⑨
    (1)Finger game.
    The teacher shows one finger. Students say “January”. The teacher shows two fingers. Students say “February”…
    (2)Can you read?
    Show the months from January to June. Students read them loudly.
    (3)Match game.
    Show the pictures of different activities and festivals to students. Students should say the month quickly according to the information of “Let’s learn”.
    (4) Pair work.
    T: Look at the pictures on Page 25. Practise with your partner.
    S1: When is New Year’s Day?
    S2: It’s in January.
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑩
    Teaching purpose⑩
    Read and say.
    (1)Tick or cross.
    T: Please read the sentences and tick or cross. Can you correct the wrong sentences?
    (2)The teacher and students check the answers together.
    Ask several students to read the right sentences.


    1. Read the words and the sentences to your family members.
    2. Do the exercises.(见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    •Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words “January, February, March, April, May, June”.
    •Be able to use the new words in the context properly.
    Read and say
    •Do exercises of “Read and say”.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words about months.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to use the new words in the context correctly.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1. Greetings.
    2. Free talk.
    Present the phrases and pictures of New Y ear’s Day and winter vacation.
    1. Greetings. 
    2. Free talk.
    Review the topic “Season” and the activities. Lead in the new topic “months and festivals”.
    1. Learn “January(Jan.)”.
    Learn the word. Sing the song. Spell the word with fingers.
    Practise the new words and the sentences with lots of interesting games. Attract students’ attention and cultivate students’ interest. Make students learn the new words and the sentences well in the context.
    2. Learn
    Learn the word. Practice by the game: High and low voice. Spell the word with fingers.
    3. Learn “March (Mar.)”.
    Learn the word. Practice by the game: Clap hands. Spell the word with fingers.
    4. Learn “April (Apr.)”.
    Learn the word. Practice by the game: I ask, you answer. Spell the word with fingers.
    5. Learn “May”.
    Learn the word. Practice by the game: Pass the flash card. Spell the word with fingers.
    6. Learn “June (Jun.)”.
    Learn the word. Practice by the game: Fast response. Spell the word with fingers.
    1. Listen and read.
    Play the recording.
    Follow the recording and read the words and the phrases together.
    Make sure students read the words and the phrases correctly and fluently.
    2. Play games.
    (1)Finger game.
    (2)Can you read?
    (3)Match game.
    (4)Pair work.
    Play the games to practise the words and the sentences.
    Use the interesting games to arouse students’ attention so as to practise the phrases. Make students learn in a relaxing atmosphere.
    Read and say.
    Do the exercises of “Tick or cross”.
    Read out the right sentences.
    Let students finish the task by themselves to check whether they master the knowledge or not.
    1. Read the words and the sentences to your family members.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The third period(第三课时)
    Part A Let’s spell

    Let’s spell
    Ÿ 能够通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的特征,学习ch和sh在单词中的发音规则;
    Ÿ 能够根据ch和sh的发音规则读出生词;通过完成听录音、圈单词、读单词的活动,强化
    Ÿ 能够按照ch和sh的发音规则拼写出单词
    Ÿ 能够在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范正确

    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    Teaching purpose①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    Sing a song—The twelve months.(出示课件)
    Make a competition between boys and girls.
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn the pronunciation of “ch”.②
    (1)Read and find.
    Students read the sentences and try to find out the words that have “ch”.
    T: We have a new friend today. Do you know him? Let’s read together.
    Teaching purpose②

    T: What do you find?
    Ss: The words contain “ch” in all these sentences.
    (Write down the words “China, chicken, lunch, teacher” on the blackboard.)
    (3)Summarize the pronunciation rule.
    T: “ch” sounds—
    Ss: /tʃ/.
    (Write down “ch /tʃ/” on the blackboard.)
    ① Fast word reading. (课件出示:符合ch发音规则的单词)
    The teacher checks from all students to the individual.
    ② Let’s read.
    Present the pictures and let students read the words.

    Ss: Children, chair, cheap.
    T: Look at the third picture. How much is the shirt?
    Ss: Ten yuan.
    T: Oh, this shirt is cheap. It’s a cheap shirt.
    Teaching purpose③
    (Show “This shirt is cheap.” Students read after the teacher.)
    2. Learn the pronunciation of “sh”.③
    (1)Read and find.

    Students read the sentences together.
    T: Shirt, shorts, sheep, fish. What do you find?
    Ss: The words contain “sh” in all these sentences.
    (Write down the words “sheep, fish, shirt, shorts” on the blackboard.)
    (2)Summarize the pronunciation rule.
    T: “sh” sounds—
    S: /ʃ/.
    (Write down “sh /ʃ/” on the blackboard.)
    ① Who is faster?
    Show some balloons with some words. Students read the words as fast as they can. (课件出示:“单词热气球”环节)
    ② Can you chant?
    Students chant together. (课件出示: Let’s spell第一部分内容)
    Teaching purpose④
    这首轻松愉快的歌谣既包括“ch”单词发音,又包括 “sh”单词发音,让学生在欢快的节奏中进行语音操练与巩固。
    The teacher checks from all students to the individual.
    3. Listen, read and chant.④
    (1)Listen to the chant.
    The teacher plays the cartoon. Students watch and listen carefully.
    (2)Read the chant.
    Present the text content and lead students to chant.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Read and distinguish.⑤
    T: Put the words into different houses.

    2. Guess: Who am I?
    Take out the word cards that contain “ch” or “sh”.
    (1)The teacher says, and students point.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    T: Now, le’s play a game. I say, and you point. Guess, who am I?
    (2)Pair work.
    Students work in groups of two. One says, and the other points.
    3. Listen, number and say.⑥
    (1)Look and read. (课件出示:Let’s spell 第二部分练习)
    (2)Listen and number.
    (3)Check the answers and listen again. (课件出示:该部分练习的答案)
    Teaching purpose⑦
    4. Choose, write and say.⑦
    Present the third exercise of “Let’s spell”.
    (课件出示:Let’s spell第三部分练习)
    (1)Read and match to make a sentence.
    (2)Write down the sentences on the lines.
    (3)Group work.
    Students work in groups of four. Read and check their sentences with each other.
    Teaching purpose⑧
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑧
    “A Fish for Lunch”
    1. Listen to the story.
    (课件出示: 绘本故事A Fish for lunch)
    The teacher reads the story for students.
    T: Now let’s listen to an interesting story. It’s about a shark and a fish. What happened to them? Let’s listen.
    2. Read the story.
    Students read the story after the teacher. Then they read by themselves.
    3. Show time.
    Students read the story with emotion and act it out.

    1. Read the words and chant to parents after class.
    2. Try to find more words that have the letter combination “ch” or “sh”.
    3. Do the exercises.(见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s spell
    • Be able to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of letter combinations “ch” and “sh” in words by listening to the pronunciation of the words.
    • Be able to read the words that have the letter combination “ch” or “sh” according to the pronunciation rules.
    • Be able to spell and write down the words which have the letter combination “ch” or “sh” according to the pronunciation rules.
    • Be able to write down the sentences on the lines correctly.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    • Perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of letter combinations “ch”and “sh” in words.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    • Read and write down the words which have the letter combination “ch” or “sh”.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    Sing a song.
    1. Greetings. 
    2. Sing the song.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Lead in the topic. Review the sentence structures they have learned.
    1. Learn the pronunciation of “ch”.
    (1)Read and find.
    (2)Summarize the pronunciation rule and read the words.
    Read the the sentences. Find out the words that have “ch”. Conclude the pronunciation rule of “ch”. Practice the words.
    Lead students to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rule of “ch”.
    2. Learn the pronunciation of “sh”.
    (1)Read and find.
    (2)Summarize the pronunciation rule and read the words.
    Read the sentences and find out the words that have “sh”. Summarize the pronunciation rule of “sh”. Practice the words.
    Use the same way to teach the pronunciation of “sh”. The teacher gives more opportunities to students so that they can summarize by themselves. Develop students’ autonomous ability.
    3. Listen, read and chant.
    (1)Listen to the chant.
    (2)Read the chant.
    Watch the cartoon and listen to it carefully. Read the chant.
    Master the pronunciation rules of letter combinations “ch” and “sh”.
    1. Read and distinguish.
    Distinguish the words. Put the words into different houses.
    Reinforce and practise the pronunciations of letter combinations “ch” and “sh” through games.
    2. Guess: Who am I?
    Show the word cards.
    Listen and point to the words.
    3. Listen, number and say.
    Read, listen and number. Check the answers and listen again.
    Cultivate students’ listening ability.
    4. Choose, write and say.
    Read the words and then make sentences. Write the sentences on the lines.
    Train students to read the words that have “ch” or “sh” in the sentences properly.
    “A Fish for Lunch”
    1. Listen to the story.
    2. Read the story.
    3. Show time.
    Listen and read the story that concludes many words which have the letter combination “ch” or “sh”.
    Read the story with emotion and act it out.
    Improve students’ speech recognition ability and reading ability.
    1. Read the words and chant to parents after class
    2. Try to find more words that have the letter conbination “ch” or “sh”.
    3. Do the exercises.

    The fourth period(第四课时)
    Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk

    Let’s try
    Ÿ 能够加深对一般将来时用法的印象
    Ÿ 能够根据图文提示预测听力内容,听录音完成练习
    Let’s talk
    Ÿ 通过观察、谈论Let’s talk图片,能够在图片、PPT和老师的帮助下理解对话内容大意
    Ÿ 通过听录音,能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演
    Ÿ 能够在情境中运用句型“—When is the trip this year? —It’s in October. We’ll go to the Great
    Ÿ 能够在语境中理解新词汇“the Great Wall”的意思,并能正确发音

    能够在实际语境中运用句型“—When is…? —It’s in… I/We’ll…”询问并回答有关学校活动举行的月份及活动内容。
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision①
    2.Sing a song—The twelve months. (出示课件)
    3.Free talk.
    T: What’s your favourite season? Why?
    Ss: I like… Because I…
    Make a competition between boys and girls.
    Step 2: Presentation
    1.Let’s try. ②
    (1)Present two pictures to students. (课件出示:Let’s try练习)
    Teaching purpose②
    T: What will Oliver have? A birthday party or a birthday cake? Listen and tick.
    Students listen and tick. Then check the answer together. (课件出示:Let’s try音频)
    (2)Present the listening text. Then lead students to read it.
    Teaching purpose③
    引导学生练习句型“I’ll…”,让他们熟练掌握该句型,为Let’s talk的学习扫清障碍。
    2. Learn and practice “I will…”③
    Present the picture of Hangzhou. And talk with students.
    T: I will go to Hangzhou this summer. Where will you go?
    (Write down “ I/We will…” on the blackboard.)
    Students read after the teacher and practice “I/We will…”
    T: Look at the pictures. Can you make sentences by yourself?
    S1: I will…
    S2: I will…
    Teaching purpose④
    3. Let’s talk.
    (1)Fast reading.④
    Review some short forms, such as: Apr., Jan. Students say the full form.
    T: A-p-r dot means?
    Ss: April.
    T: What do you have in April?
    Ss: We have a sports meet.
    T: What does O-c-t dot mean?
    Ss: October.
    T: You are so smart. It’s October.
    Students read after the teacher.
    (课件出示: Let’s talk图片)
    T: What can you see in the picture?
    S1: I can see the Great wall.
    S2: It’s October.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    S3: The school trip is in October.
    The teacher shows students the picture of the main scene. Ask some questions to lead them to predict the main idea of the dialogue.
    The questions like these:
    ①Who are they? (Oliver and Chen Jie.)
    ②What are they talking about? (The school trip.)
    Students predict what happens in the picture.
    (2)Careful reading.⑤
    Students read by themselves. Think about the questions:
    ①What is Oliver’s favourite season? Why?
    ②What is Chen Jie’s favourite? Why?
    ③When is the school trip?
    ④Where will they go?
    The teacher shows the table about the four questions above.
    Students read and fill in the table. Then check the answers together.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Read and act.⑥
    (1)Students read after the recording with correct pronunciation and intonation.
    Boys play the role of Oliver. Girls play the role of Chen Jie. Then they exchange.
    (3)Pair work.
    Students work in pairs. They practice the dialogue with their partners.
    (4)Show time.
    Ask three or four pairs to compete. The pair that shows well can get the stickers.
    2. Retell the text.
    Let students look at the table. Lead them to retell the text.
    Teaching purpose⑦
    完成教材中的练习。在“母亲节”话题中先讨论、后书写,降低难度。创造实际情境,操练“I will…”句型,帮助学生巩固核心句型。
    (课件出示:Careful reading表格)
    3. What will you do for your mum on Mother’s Day?⑦
    (1)Talk with the teacher.
    T: When is Mother’s Day?
    Ss: It’s in May.
    T: On Mother’s Day, I will send flowers to my mum. What will you do for your mum?
    Ss: I will…
    Teaching purpose⑧
    Show the picture. Lead students to say with these phrases.
    (课件出示: Let’s talk第二部分右边单词及短语)
    (2)Pair work.
    First, students write down the dialogue. Then, they practice in pairs.
    S1: What will you do for your mum on Mother’s Day?
    S2: I will… What about you?
    S1: I will…
    (3)Show time.
    Ask several pairs to show. Then the teacher makes a summary with students.
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑧
    My plan

    Show the table to students. Ask them to fill in the table according to their plans. Then introduce it to others.
    T: Do you have a plan? Make your own plan. You can introduce like this: Here is my plan. I will… in….

    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.(见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    • Be able to perceive the usage of the simple future tense further.
    • Be able to predict the content of the dialogue, listen to the dialogue and tick the right answer.
    Let’s talk
    • Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the pictures.
    • Be able to read the dialogue according to the correct pronunciation and intonation and act it out.
    • Be able to use the sentence structures “—When is…? —It’s in… I/We’ll…” properly in the context.
    • Be able to understand the new phrase “the Great Wall” in the context and pronounce it correctly.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    • Be able to use the sentence structures “—When is…? —It’s in… I/We’ll…” in the real context.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    • Be able to understand the structure and the usage of the simple future tense.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—The Twelve Months.
    3. Free talk.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song—The Twelve Months.
    3. Free talk.
    Review the sentences students have learned in Unit 2. Lead in the topic.
    1. Let’s try.
    Present two pictures.
    Play the recording and check the answer.
    Present the listening text.
    Look at the pictures. Listen to the recording and tick the answer. Check the answer and read the listening text.
    Develop the listening strategies. Students can tick the correct answer.
    2. Learn and practise “I will…”.
    Show the picture of Hangzhou.
    Use “I/We will…” to express what they will do in some festivals or activities.
    Practise the key sentence pattern. Sweep the language points barriers. Prepare for the next step.
    3. Let’s talk.
    (1)Fast reading.
    (2)Careful reading.
    Predict the main idea of the dialogue. Read the text and fill in the table. Check the answers.
    Train students to observe the pictures and predict the text. Make full use of the information about the text.
    Make students understand the text better by some detailed questions.
    1. Read and act.
    Read after the recording and do role play.
    Practice the dialogue and show to the class.
    Students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    2. Retell the text.
    Look at the table on the blackboard and retell the story.
    The table helps students to retell the text more easily.
    3. What will you do for your mum on Mother’s Day?
    (1)Talk with the teacher.
    (2)Pair work.
    (3)Show time.
    Practise “I will…” in the real situation.
    My plan.
    Show the table.
    Design a plan by using sentence pattern “I will…in…”.
    Create a natural and real situation. Cultivate students’ comprehensive language using ability.
    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The fifth period(第五课时)
    Part B Let’s learn & Ask and write

    Let’s learn
    Ÿ 能够听、说、读、写“July, August, September, October, November, December”这六个月份
    Ÿ 能够在语境中正确运用这六个月份单词
    Ask and write
    Ÿ 能够听、说、读、写Let’s learn中不同的节日名称,并根据节日填写相应的月份,将句子

    1.能够听、说、读、写“July, August, September, October, November, December”这六个月份单词。
    2.能够听、说、认读单词“national, American, Thanksgiving, Christmas”和短语“National Day”。
    Teaching purpose①
    复习1~6月的月份单词与句型“—When is…?—It’s in…”,为教授新课做好铺垫。从教师问、学生答,过渡到一名学生问、全班学生回答,最后是两人一组, 一人问、一人答。复习方式多样,极大地调动学生的积极性。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Revision.
    Show some pictures of the festivals.
    T: What festival is it?
    Ss: Tree Planting Day.
    T: When is Tree Planting Day?
    Ss: It’s in March.
    S1: What festival is it?
    Ss: …
    S1: When is…?
    S2: …
    Make a competition between boys and girls.
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn “July, August”.②
    (1)T: Which season do you like best?
    Ss: Spring/Summer.
    Teaching purpose②
    以提问形式自然引出新单词July、 August, 并将月份、季节和活动联系起来, 将新旧知识融合在一起, 培养学生的综合语言运用能力。
    T: What do you usually do in summer?
    S1: I usually go swimming in summer.
    T: I like summer, too. We have summer vacation in summer.
    (Write down “summer vacation” on the blackboard.)
    T: When is summer vacation?
    Ss: 在7月和8月。
    T: Yes, summer vacation is in July and August.
    (Write down “July, August” on the blackboard.)
    Students read after the teacher.
    T: The short form of “July” is—
    Ss: “Jul.”.
    T: The short form of “August” is—
    Ss: “Aug.”.
    Students spell the short forms with their fingers.
    (3)What will you do?
    T: Class, I’ll eat watermelons in summer vacation. What will you do in summer vacation? You can say “I’ll…”
    (Write down “I’ll…” on the blackboard.)
    Teaching purpose③
    用同样的方法引出9月、10月、11月的月份单词。提醒学生注意比较、观察三个单词, 培养学生的观察能力和记单词的技巧。
    Ss: I’ll go swimming/eat ice cream/…
    2. Learn “September, October, November”.③
    T: After summer vacation, autumn is coming. In autumn, what will you do?
    Ss: I will have a school trip/pick apples/…
    Show pictures of some festivals.
    T: In autumn, there are some festivals. What are they?
    Ss: Teachers’ Day, Mid-Autumn Day, China’s National Day, American Thanksgiving Day.
    (Write down the four festivals on the blackboard.)
    Students read the four festivals after the teacher.
    (1)Learn “September”.
    T: When is Mid-Autumn Day?
    Ss: It’s usually in September or October./在九月或十月。
    T: Good! It’s usually in September or October.
    (Write down “September, October” on the blackboard.)
    Students read after the teacher and summarize the short form of September—“Sept.”.
    T: Pay attention to the four letters. S-e-p-t, dot.
    Students spell the short form with their fingers.
    T: The Mid-Autumn Day is usually in September or October. What will you do on Mid-Autumn Day?
    Ss: I will eat mooncakes see the moon/…
    (2)Learn “October”.
    T: When is China’s National Day?
    Ss: It’s in October. 在十月。
    T: Good! It’s in October. (课件出示:十月日历图)
    Students read after the teacher.
    T: The short form of “October” is—
    Ss: “Oct.”.
    Students spell the short form with their fingers.
    T: China’s National Day is in October. What will you do on China’s National Day?
    Ss: I will play with friends. And I will draw a picture of Beijing…
    (3)Learn “November”.
    T: Do you know American Thanksgiving Day? Let’s look at the picture.
    T: When is American Thanksgiving Day?
    Ss: It’s in November. 在十一月。
    T: Good! It’s in November. (课件出示:十一月日历图)
    (Write down “November” on the blackboard.)
    Students read after the teacher.
    T: The short form of “November” is—
    Ss: “Nov.”.
    Ask students to spell the short form with their fingers.
    T: What will people do on Thanksgiving Day?
    Ss: They will eat dinner with family/say “Thank you”/…
    The teacher makes a summary:
    Teaching purpose④
    通过听熟悉的歌曲引出12月的月份单词, 让学生有代入感。
    The spelling of September, October, November all end with “-ber”.
    3. Learn “December”.④
    T: Now, what’s this festival?Let’s listen to a song.
    The teacher plays the song Jingle Bells. (课件出示:歌曲音频)
    Ss: Christmas.
    T: When is Christmas?
    Ss: It’s in December. 在十二月。
    T: Good! It’s in December. (课件出示:十二月日历图)
    (Write down “December” on the blackboard.)
    Students read after the teacher.
    T: The short form of “December” is—
    Ss: “Dec.”.
    The teacher asks students to spell the short form with their fingers.
    T: What will people do on Christmas Day?
    Teaching purpose⑤
    由机械操练过渡到半机械操练,再到自主操练, 难度逐渐增加。配以相应的游戏、 吟唱,整个过程轻松有效,很好地帮助学生巩固单词与句型。
    Ss: They will eat dinner with family have a Christmas party/…
    Step 3: Practice⑤
    1. Listen and read.
    Play the recording of “Let's learn”. Students follow the recording and read together.
    2. Play games.
    (1)Go fishing.
    Each fish represents a month. When the teacher catches a fish, students say the corresponding month.
    (2)Guessing time.
    Show a table. Tick the number in the table one by one and then there will be pictures. Students say out the months according to the pictures they see.
    (3)Pair work.
    T: Look at the dialogue in “Let’s learn”. Practice with your partner.
    S1: When is Mid-Autumn Day?
    S2: It’s in September or October. I will…
    (4)Chant. (课件出示:与月份相关的chant)
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Ask and write.
    (1)Finish the exercises on P28 of the textbook.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    (2)The teacher and students check the answers together. (课件出示:Ask and write练习及答案)
    2. Make your own festival card.⑥
    Students make a festival card and introduce the card by themselves.
    Make a model:
    I like summer.
    I like August.
    The summer vacation is in July and August.
    It is hot in August.
    I will go swimming in the sea with my parents and eat ice cream.
    Students who perform well can get a sticker.


    1. Read the words and sentences to your family members.
    2. Do the exercises.(见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    1.本节课继续学习月份单词,沿用了“Part A”单词教学的部分教学方法。因为学生已经较为熟悉,教师可以将主动权交给学生,如请学生自己总结缩写规律、拼写规律等。
    3.设计节日卡片环节极大地调动了学生的感官。以画画的形式表达活动,学生在思考之后,呈现自己喜欢的作品,创意满满。学生汇报时,说的句子比较多,内容丰富, 较好地达到了教学效果。

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    • Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words:July, August, September, October, November, December.
    • Be able to use the words of months properly in context
    Read and say
    • Be able to listen, speak, read and write the months and the festivals and complete the sentences.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    • Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words about months and the new phrases about festivals .
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    • Be able to use the new words and the sentences to describe some important festivals in context.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1. Greetings.
    2. Revision.
    1. Greetings. 
    2. Talk about months and festivals.
    Review the words, the phrases and the sentences they have learned. Lead in the new lesson.
    1. Learn “July, August”.
    Learn the new words and their short forms. Practise the sentences: “I’ll…”
    Not only learn the new words, but also connect the months with activities and seasons. Cultivate students’ comprehensive language using ability.
    2. Learn “September, October, November”.
    Learn the words, the short forms of the three words and pay attention to that the spelling of these words all end with “ber”.
    3. Learn “December”.
    Listen to the song. Learn the new word and its short form.
    1. Listen and read.
    Play the recording.
    Students follow the recording and read together.
    Make sure students read the phrases and the sentences correctly and fluently.
    2. Play games.
    (1)Go fishing.
    (2)Guessing time.
    (3)Pair work.
    Play the games to practice the words and the sentences.
    Use the interesting games to arouse students’ attention so as to practise the words and the sentences. The games get harder and harder. Practise from words to sentence patterns.
    1. Ask and write.
    Finish the exercises in the textbook and check the answers.
    Cultivate students’ creativity and imagination and comprehensive language using ability. Students can say more in the real situation.
    2. Make your own festival card.
    Make a model.
    Make a festival card and then make a report.
    1. Read the words and the sentences to your family members.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The sixth period(第六课时)
    Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up

    Read and write
    Ÿ 能够听、说、认读单词或短语:game, riddle, act, act out, RSVP, by
    Ÿ 能够在图片的帮助下读懂请柬,并能完成读后判断句子正误的活动
    Ÿ 能够参考例词,根据设定的情境,写出含有核心句型的三个句子
    Let’s check
    Ÿ 能够阅读表格信息,听音圈词
    Ÿ 能够关注细节信息,听录音回答问题,在横线上写出答句
    Let’s wrap it up
    Ÿ 能够在教师帮助下总结in, at, on与时间搭配的基本规则,并完成选词填空练习

    1.能够听、说、认读单词或短语: game, riddle, act, act out, RSVP, by。
    Teaching purpose①
    在读前活动中,通过呈现节日活动图片复习学过的句型“—When is…? —It’s in…”同时引出短语“English party”,为读中环节做好铺垫。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.①
    Show the pictures of festivals and activities. Then ask students some questions. (课件出示:植树节、端午节、中秋节、春节及英语聚会图片)
    T: Look at this picture. What festival is it?
    Ss: It’s Tree Planting Day/…
    T: When is Tree Planting Day/… ?
    Ss: It’s in…
    T: Look, students and the teacher are playing English game. They are in the—English party.
    (Write down “English party” on the blackboard.)

    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn the text.
    (1)Show an invitation.
    T: Here is an invitation. What’s it about? Let’s have a look.
    Teaching purpose②
    在读中环节,让学生通过自主阅读,以回答when, where, what三个方面的问题,快速了解文本大意,同时明白邀请函该如何书写,并在阅读文本的过程中掌握一些新词,扫清阅读障碍。
    Ss: An English party.
    (2)Read and answer.②
    Play the recording. Students read after the recording first. Then think about three questions:
    ①When is the English party?
    ②Where will the party be?
    ③What will they do in the party?
    Students discuss in groups of four students. The teacher lead them to read, think and answer.
    (3)Learn the new words and the new phrase: riddles, act out, RSVP.②
    ①Learn “riddles”.
    T: Do you know riddles? Now, I want to test you! Here are some English riddles. I read riddles for you. Please tell me the answers.
    a. What letter is your eye? (answer: I)
    b. A mouse has a large pocket. What is it? (answer: kangaroo)
    c. Which man cannot live in a warm house? (answer: snowman)
    Students read “riddles” after the teacher.
    ②Learn “act out”.
    T: In an English party, we often have role play. We can act out the stories.
    Students read “act out” after the teacher.
    ③Learn “RSVP”.
    RSVP is the short form of “Répondez s'il vous plaît”(法语).
    It means “please reply(请赐复) ”.
    Students read “RSVP” after the teacher.
    Teaching purpose③
    (Write down “riddles, act out, RSVP” on the blackboard.)
    (4)Read and tick or cross. (课件出示:Read and tick or cross练习)③
    Students read and circle the information about the English party and finish the exercises.
    The teacher and students check the answers together.
    2. Read the whole text after the recording.
    3. Retell the text.④
    (1)Present the mind map.
    Students finish the mind map by themselves.
    Teaching purpose④
    运用思维导图呈现三个问题(when, where, what),让学生寻找关键词并回答。通过捕捉关键词、复述文本,完成对文本的深层次理解。

    (2)Check the answers. (课件出示:思维导图答案)
    Teaching purpose⑤
    读后活动是根据提示并模仿所学内容,自己写一份生日请柬。旨在操练“I will…”句型,表达自己将会做什么。
    (3)Retell the text.
    Step 3: Practice⑤
    “What will you do if you have a birthday party?”
    1. Discuss.
    The teacher asks the question “What will you do if you have a birthday party?”. Students discuss freely.
    Ss: I will…
    2. Look and say.
    The teacher presents the words and the phrases on Page 29 and ask several students to share their ideas.
    3. Think and write.
    Students write three sentences with “I will…” on the textbook. Then read them out in the class.
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Let’s check.⑥
    (1)Look and read.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    Students look at the table in “Let’s check”, and read the information in it.
    (2)Listen and circle.
    Students listen carefully, and circle the answers.
    (3)Listen again and answer.
    Students listen again and answer the two questions in “Let’s check”.
    Teaching purpose⑦
    (4)Check the answers together. (课件出示:Let’s check练习的答案)
    (5)Read after the recording.
    Present the listening text and play the recording. Students read after it.
    2. Let’s wrap it up.⑦
    (1)Read and fill in the blanks.
    (2)Check the answers. (课件出示:Let’s wrap it up练习的答案)
    Lead students to find the usage rules of “in, at, on”. Then make a summary.


    1. Read the invitation and write your own one.
    2. Do the exercises.(见“状元成才路”系列丛书《状元作业本》P30第三题)


    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Read and write
    • Be able to listen, speak and read the words and the phrases: game, riddle, act, act out, RSVP, by.
    • Be able to understand the main ideas of the invitation letter.
    • Be able to finish the exercises about the text.
    • Be able to use the main sentence patterns to write three sentences according to the real context.
    Let’s check
    • Be able to listen and circle the right words.
    • Be able to listen and write the correct answers on the lines.
    Let’s wrap it up
    • Be able to read and summarize the usage rules of the prepositions of time “in, at, on” and finish the exercise with the help of the teacher.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    • Be able to listen, speak and read the new words and the new phrases.
    • Be able to understand the invitation by key information.
    • Be able to use the main sentence patterns to write three sentences according to the real context.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    • Be able to imitate the invitation and write a new one.
    • Be able to use the prepositions of time correctly.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    Show the pictures of festivals and activities.
    Write down “English party” on the blackboard.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Review the words and the sentences.
    Review the words and the sentences. Prepare for the next step.
    1. Learn the text.
    (1)Show an invitation.
    (2)Read and answer.
    (3)Learn the new words and the new phrase.
    (4)Read and tick or cross.
    Read and answer three questions. Learn the new words and the new phrase in the context. Read the text again. Finish “Tick or cross” exercises. Check the answers.
    Make students understand the main idea of the text. Make students understand the text better by some detailed questions. Cultivate students’ intensive reading strategy.
    2. Read the whole text after the recording.
    Listen to the recording and follow it.
    Make sure students read the text correctly and fluently.
    3. Retell the text.
    Present the mind map.
    Finish the mind map and check the answers, then retell the text according to the mind map.
    The mind map helps students understand and retell the text more easily.
    1. Discuss.
    2. Look and say.
    3. Think and write.
    Discuss with the partners. Write three sentences with “I will…”. Read the three sentences out in the class.
    Lead students to imitate the text and write sentences. Practise students’ writing ability.
    1. Let’s check.
    (1)Look and read.
    (2)Listen and circle.
    (3)Listen again and answer.
    (4)Check the answers.
    (5)Read after the recording.
    (1)Read the words or the phrases in the table of “Let’s check”.
    (2)Listen to the recording and circle the answers.
    (3)Listen again and answer the two questions in “Let’s check”.
    (4)Check the answers together.
    (5)Read after the recording.
    Develop students’ listening ability. Consolidate phrases and sentences by writing. Improve students’ English thinking ability.
    2. Let’s wrap it up.
    (1)Read and fill in the blanks.
    (2)Check the answers.
    (1)Read the words and do the exercises.
    (2)Check the answers.
    Cultivate students’ ability to summarize. Master the usage rules of some prepositions of time.
    1. Read the invitation and write your own one.
    2. Do the exercises.

    Unit 4 When is the art show?

    本单元学习的主题是某节日、活动及个人的生日。 教学内容主要是围绕着“如何询问某节
    日、活动及个人生日的具体日期及答语”来展开。 教学重点是能听、说、读、写核心句型“—When is the art show? —It’s on May 1st.”“—When is your birthday? —My birthday is on April 4th.”;能听、说、读、写first(1st), second(2nd)等序数词
    •能够听、说、读、写核心句型“—When is the art show? —It’s on May 1st.”“—When is your birthday? —My birthday is on April 4th.”
    •能够在情境中运用句型“—When is the art show? —It’s on May 1st.”询问并回答某节日或活动的具体日期;能够在情境中运用句型“—When is your birthday? —My birthday is on April 4th.”询问并回答生日日期
    •能够听、说、读、写序数词:first(1st), second(2nd), third(3rd), fourth(4th), fifth(5th),
    twelfth(12th), twentieth(20th), twenty-first (21st), twenty-third(23rd), thirtieth(30th)
    •能够掌握字母组合 th 的发音规则,即在单词中 th 发/౺/或/ð/的规则
    •能够读出符合 th 发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼写出符合 th 发音规则的单词

    •能够根据 th 的发音规则拼读、拼写单词
    第一课时: Part A Let’ s try & Let’ s talk
    第二课时: Part A Let’ s learn & Ask and write
    第三课时: Part A Let’ s spell
    第四课时: Part B Let’ s try & Let’ s talk
    第五课时: Part B Let’ s learn & Look and write
    第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’ s check & Let’ s wrap it up
    The first period(第一课时)
    Part A Let’ s try & Let’ s talk

    Let’ s try
    •能够理解 Let’s try 中的听力内容,完成听力题目
    •感知 A 部分的核心句型,并能在语境中理解“Good luck.”的含义
    Let’ s talk
    •能够在情境中运用句型“—When is the art show? —It’s on May 1st.”“—When is the reading festival? —It’s on May 5th.”询问并回答节日或活动的日期
    •能够在情境中运用句型“There are some other special days in May.”表述某月有多少

    能够在情境中运用句型“—When is ? —It’s on ”询问节日或活动的日期并作出相应回答。
    Teaching purpose①
    歌曲可以激发学生的学习兴趣, 唤醒学生对月份的记忆。 快速反应的卡片游戏可以进一步巩固复习月份的表达。教师以谈话导入教学, 自然亲切地创设真实有效的教学情境。让学生看图预测, 培养学生的观察能力和逻辑推理能力,并为后面的学习做好铺垫。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—Twelve months in a year. (出示课件)
    3. Play a game.
    The teacher shows some cards with different months on them one by one. Students say out the months quickly.
    4. Lead-in.
    T: There are twelve months in a year. What’s your favourite month?
    Ss: …
    5. Let’s try.
    Show the picture of “Let’s try” on the PPT. Lead students to predict what they will hear according to the picture.
    (课件出示: Let’s try 图片)
    T: Look at the picture. Where is Zhang Peng? What is he doing?
    Ss: He’s on the playground. He’s running.
    If students can’t answer the questions in English,they can answer in Chinese.
    T: Yes. Zhang Peng is practicing running. Mr Jones is talking to him.
    Which month are they talking about? Please listen and tick!
    (课件出示: Let’s try 练习)
    The teacher plays the recording. Students listen and tick.
    Check the answer. (出示课件)
    Teaching purpose②
    自由谈论special days,自然引入“Let’ s talk” 板块的话题。
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Talk about the special days.②
    T: My favourite month is May. Because there are some special days in May. What are they? Do you know?
    Ss: May Day and Mother’s Day.
    T: Good. May Day is on May 1st. Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday in May.
    T: And there are some special days in June. What are they?
    Ss: Children’s Day and Father’s Day.
    T: Great!
    Teach the word “special”. Students learn the spelling and the pronunciation of the word.
    Teaching purpose③
    提前渗透reading festival和 art show,为后面的学习扫清部分障碍。
    2. Let’s talk.
    (1)Look and say.③
    Show some pictures of the reading festival and the school art show.
    T: Look! What school activity is this? (Point to the picture of the reading festival)
    Ss: The reading festival. / 读书节。
    T: Yes. It’s the reading festival. What school activity is this? (Point to the picture of the art show)
    Teaching purpose④
    Ss: The art show. / 艺术节。
    T: Yes. It’s the art show.
    Teach the words “show” and “festival”.
    T: When is the art show in our school? Do you remember?
    Ss: …
    Write down the topic on the blackboard.
    (2)Listen and answer.④
    T: There are some special days in Zhang Peng’s school.
    Listen to the recording of “Let’s talk” and answer my questions:
    Question 1: What are the special days?
    Teaching purpose⑤
    Question 2: Does Zhang Peng like May?
    Students listen to the recording and answer the questions.
    Answer 1: The school art show and the reading festival.
    Answer 2: Yes,he does.
    (3)Watch and answer.⑤
    The teacher plays the cartoon. Let students watch and answer the questions:
    Question 1: When is the art show?
    Question 2: When is the reading festival?
    Students watch the cartoon and answer the questions.
    Answer 1: It’s on May 1st.
    Answer 2: It’s on May 5th.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    Teach the words “fifth(5th)”. Students learn the pronunciation and the spelling of the word.
    3. Read and act.⑥
    (1)Students read after the recording of “Let’s talk”. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2)Let students practice the dialogue in groups.
    (3)Act out.
    Step 3: Practice.
    1. Let’s guess.
    The teacher says some dates. Let students guess the festivals according to the dates.
    T: January 1st.
    Ss: It’s New Year’s Day.
    T: March 12th.
    Teaching purpose⑦
    Ss: It’s Tree Planting Day.

    2. Ask and answer.⑦
    The teacher shows some pictures of different festivals and asks about the dates. Let students answer the questions.
    T: When is …?
    Ss: It’s on …
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension.⑧
    “Your favourite festival”
    1. Create a situation by using the PPT.
    Teaching purpose⑧
    T: Look! There are some special days in a year. Please talk about your favourite festival with your partner. (课件出示:各种节日图片)
    2. Make a model.
    A: There are some special days in a year.
    B: What are they?
    A: They are …
    B: What’s your favourite festival?
    A: I like … best. Because…
    B: When is …?
    A: It’s on … What about you?
    B: I like…best. Because…
    A: When is …?
    B: It’s on …
    3. Students work in groups.
    4. Show time.


    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业 100 分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    1. 情境对话训练有助于学生口语表达能力的提升。
    2. 活动设计丰富,易操作,且具备层次感,深受学生喜爱。
    3. 利用优质的网络资源,如生动形象的图片、视频及课件来辅助教学,迅速吸引了学生的注
    4. 扩充学生的知识面,让学生了解到更多节日的英文表达。
    5. 板书设计清晰明了,重点突出,起到了很好的辅助作用。
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    •Understand the listening text of “Let’s try” and finish the task of the listening.
    •Perceive the key sentence structures of Part A and understand the meaning of the sentence “Good luck.” in real situations.
    Let’s talk
    •Understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the pictures.
    •Read the dialogue and act out.
    •Use the sentence structures properly.
    •Read and understand the new word “special”.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to use the sentence structure properly to ask and answer in real situations.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to master the words of ordinal numbers and the short forms.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    Warm-up &
    Revision &
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—Twelve months in a year.
    3. Play a quick response game.
    4. Show the picture of “Let’s try”.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song.
    3. Say out the months one by one quickly.
    4. Listen and finish the task.
    Stimulate students’ learning interest and review the expressions of different months. Lead in the topic of “dates”. Lay the ground work for the later lesson.
    1. Talk about the special days. Teach the spelling and the
    pronunciation of “special”.
    Say out the special days in May and June. Learn the spelling and the
    pronunciation of “special”.
    Create a pleasant learning environment and make students understand the new word better. Lead in the topic of “Let’s talk” naturally.
    2. Let’s talk.
    (1)Look and say.
    Show some pictures. Let students answer the questions. Teach the words “show” and “festival”. Write down the topic on the blackboard.
    Look at the pictures and
    answer the questions. Learn the words “show” and “festival”.
    Permeate the phrases in advance,and remove some obstacles for the following study.
    (2)Listen and answer.
    Play the recording of “Let’s talk”. Ask questions.
    Listen to the recording.
    Answer the questions.
    Help students get the overall perception of the text and the useful information.
    (3)Watch and answer.
    Play the cartoon. Let students watch and answer the questions. Teach the word “fifth”.
    Watch the cartoon.
    Answer the questions. Learn the pronunciation and the spelling of the word “fifth”.
    Use questions to lead students to learn and understand the dialogue
    more detailed.
    3. Read and act.
    Play the recording. Let students practise the dialogue in groups and act out.
    Read after the recording. Practice and act out.
    Make sure students can read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    1. Let’s guess. Say some dates and let students guess the festivals.
    2. Ask and answer. Show some pictures of different festivals and ask questions.
    Guess the festivals.
    Answer the questions
    Understand and practice the key sentence structures.
    “Your favourite festival”
    1. Create a situation by using the PPT.
    2. Make a model.
    3. Students work in
    4. Show time.
    Work in groups to make
    their own dialogues. And then act out in the class
    Create a natural reality situation.
    Students can use the sentences reasonably. Cultivate students’
    comprehensive using ability.
    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The second period(第二课时)
    Part A Let’s learn & Ask and answer

    Let’s learn
    情境,学会听、说、读、写 first(1st), second(2nd), third(3rd), fourth(4th), fifth
    Let’s learn (5th)
    •能够熟练运用句型“—When is the sports meet? —It’s on April 5th.”询问和回答节日或
    Ask and answer
    能够听、说、读、写并熟练运用 first(1st), second(2nd), third(3rd), fourth(4th), fifth(5th)。▶教学难点
    Teaching purpose①
    歌曲热身。卡片游戏复习月份单词。 教师以谈话导入,延续日期这个话题,引出本节课所学内容。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—When is your birthday ? (出示课件)
    3. Play a card game to review the words of twelve months.
    4. Lead-in.
    Create a situation: Sarah is talking with Robin. Show the picture on the PPT. (课件出示: Sarah 和 Robin 交谈的图片)
    T: Sarah says to Robin, “We have a few important things in April.” Now let’s go to see this calendar.
    Lead in the topic and write it down on the blackboard.
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn the phrase.②
    Teaching purpose②
    利用卡片和音频让学生更直观、牢固地学习目标词汇。 卡片可以激发学生的思维和学习兴趣,音频可以让学生学会序数词的正确读法。 两者结合相得益彰,使得学生对于目标词汇的掌握更加牢固。
    The teacher shows the activity card of April 1st.
    T: Look at the card. It’s the swimming contest. When is the swimming contest?
    Ss: It’s on April 1st.
    The teacher teaches the pronunciation and the usage of the phrase “April 1st(1st—first)”, and lets students read it after the recording. (课件出示:音频)
    Teaching purpose③
    任务型教学法可以有效集中学生的注意力。 自由讨论可以激发学生的学习热情,有效提升学生的思维品质。 学生通过自主思考和讨论,发现基数词和序数词的区别,老师及时进行总结,加深学生对目标知识点的印象。
    The teacher uses the same way to teach other words: second(2nd),third(3rd),fourth(4th),fifth(5th)and review the phrases: maths / Chinese / English test,sports meet.
    2. Do you know?③
    T: Now look at the picture,please! Which words are cardinal numbers? Which ones are ordinal numbers? Can you find out the differences?
    Let students discuss the questions with their partners. Students answer the questions and then the teacher explains the differences between cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.
    3. Let’s play.
    Show these five ordinal numbers one by one on the PPT. Students say them out quickly.
    4. Read and act.
    (1)The teacher plays the cartoon of “Let’s learn”. Students read after it and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2)Let students practise the dialogue in groups.
    (3)Act out.
    Teaching purpose④
    通过游戏让学生操练日期的准确表达。 通过创设情境编对话,让学生学会认读并运用核心词汇。
    Step 3: Practice④
    1. Flashing cards.
    (1)Students read the phrases: Sept. 5th;May 1st;Jul. 4th;Jan. 2nd;Mar.3rd.
    (2)The teacher shows the pictures of May Day,Children’s Day,New Year’s Day,China’s National Day and so on. Let students say out the dates quickly.
    2. Ask and answer.
    (1)Ask students to make dialogues. (课件出示: Ask and answer 图片)
    T: There are many school activities. Please make dialogues and practise with your partner.
    Example: A: When is the singing contest?
    B: It’s on Jul. 1st.
    A: When is the school trip?
    B: It’s on Mar. 5th.

    Students make dialogues and show them.
    (2)Show five floors of a shopping mall. (出示课件)
    Teaching purpose⑤
    T: Look at this shopping mall. It has five floors. There are different store in this mall. Where are / is the women’s clothing stores / men’s clothing stores children’s clothing stores / restaurants/ amusement park?
    Ss: They are / It is on the first / second / third / fourth / fifth floor.
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑤
    “Our teaching building”
    1. Let students design their favourite teaching buildings.
    T: Now please design your favourite teaching building and draw it.
    2. Group work.
    Students work in groups to make their own introductions. Show an example on the PPT. (出示课件)
    3. Show time.

    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    1. 歌曲热身能迅速调动学生的学习热情,营造积极的学习氛围,吸引学生的注意力。
    2. 采用自然拼读法教学单词,注意学生学习方法和学习策略的培养。
    3. 丰富多彩的练习活动能帮助培养学生的发散性思维。
    4. 基于单元整体设计创设教学情境,注意话题的延续性和整体性。
    5. 善于抓住课堂教学契机,在传递语言知识的同时,适时进行情感教育和人文渗透。
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    •Be able to listen,speak,read and write the words “first(1st),second(2nd),third(3rd), fourth(4th),fifth(5th)” through the pictures,PPT and phonics.
    •Use the sentence structures properly.
    Ask and answer
    •Consolidate the usage of the key words and the sentence structures.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to listen,speak,read and write and use ordinal numbers skillfully.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Master the special transformation rules of ordinal numbers and cardinal numbers.
    ▶Teaching Procedures

    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—When is
    your birthday?
    3. Play a card game.
    4. Lead-in.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song.
    3. Play a card game.
    Stimulate students’ learning interest.
    Lead in the topic of “dates”.
    1. Learn the phrase.
    (1) Teach the phrase “April 1st”through the activity card and the recording.
    (2)Use the same way to teach other words: second(2nd), third(3rd), fourth(4th), fifth(5th).
    (1) Learn the phrase “April
    (2)Learn other words:
    second(2nd), third
    Cards and recording can help students learn the key words and phrases more easily.
    2. Do you know?
    Show the picture with cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers and explain the differences.
    Discuss with other students about the differences between cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.
    The task-based teaching method can be used to stimulate students’ learning
    3. Let’s play. Show 1~5 ordinal numbers one by one.
    Play a game.
    Consolidate students’ learning of ordinal numbers.
    4. Read and act.
    Read after the cartoon.
    Practice and act out.
    Make sure students can read the dialogue correctly and fluently.

    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1. Flashing cards.
    Show some pictures of different festivals.
    2. Ask and answer.
    Ask students to make and practice dialogues.
    Let students answer the questions.
    (1)Read the phrases and
    say out the dates quickly.
    (2)Make and practice
    Answer the questions.
    Let students practice the accurate expression of dates through the game.
    And learn to recognize and use the key vocabulary by setting up the dialogue.
    “Our teaching
    1. Create a situation.
    2. Show an
    3. Let students work in groups and act out.
    Work in groups to design
    the teaching buildings and
    make their own introductions.
    And then act out in the
    Create a natural reality situation. Students can use the sentences reasonably.
    Cultivate students’ comprehensive using ability.
    1. Practice the dialogues.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The third period(第三课时)
    Part A Let’ s spell

    Let’s spell
    •能够掌握字母组合 th 在单词中发/θ/或/ð/的规则
    •能够根据 th 的发音规则读出生词
    •能够按照 th 的发音规则拼写单词,并进一步提高在单线上抄写句子的能力,做到书
    能够熟读本板块的单词,学习字母组合 th 在单词中的两种发音。
    Teaching purpose①
    通过PPT图片呈现的内容来猜测老师的朋友的信息,引出一系列包含字母组合th的单词,如:Thera, birthday, thirty, fourth,既可以复习旧知,又可以引入本课的主题。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    The teacher shows a picture of a lady, whose name is Thera.
    T: This is my friend. Her name is Thera. How old is she? When is her birthday? Can you guess?
    Ss: She is thirty. Her birthday is on May 4th.
    Make a competition between boys and girls.
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Listen to the chant.
    T: What are the most sounds in this chant?
    Ss: /θ/ and / ð /.
    T: Great!
    2. Read the chant.②
    Teaching purpose②
    通过chant让学生自主寻找含有/θ/和/ ð /发音的单词,感受th的发音。
    (1)Students read the chant and try to find out the words with “th” which sounds /θ/or / ð /.
    T: Look at the chant. Can you find out the words with “th” which sounds /θ/ or / ð /?
    (2)Check the answers: birthday/three/thirteen/brother/the/third/
    month. (出示课件)
    Teaching purpose③
    3. Create a situation.③
    Let students learn the words with “th” which sounds “/θ/”. The teacher shows some pictures.
    T: This is my brother’s daughter. Do you want to know anything about her? Let’s have a look.

    Teaching purpose④

    4. Sum up.④
    Students try to sum up the pronunciation rules of “th”. The teacher demonstrates. Students try to imitate the pronunciation.
    T: Boys and girls! Can you find out the pronunciation rules of “th”? Please discuss and say.

    Teaching purpose⑤
    5. Create another situation.⑤
    Let students learn the words with “th” which sounds “/ð/”.
    T: Boys and girls! We know “th” can make the sound of /θ/. And it has another sound. Can you guess? Now let’s have a look!

    Teaching purpose⑥

    6. Read, listen and chant.⑥
    The teacher plays the recording of “Read, listen and chant”. Students imitate. Try to spell and read out.
    T: There are some other words with “th”. Please try to read.
    T: Can you say other words with “th”?
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Read and find.⑦
    Teaching purpose⑦
    The teacher presents the words with “th”.

    T: Look at the words! Can you find their homes?
    Check the answers.
    T: Now! Please read the words together! And then I will show you some tips.
    Teaching purpose⑧
    2. Listen, circle and say.⑧
    (课件出示: Let's spell第二部分图片)
    T: Please listen to the recording. Then circle the words you hear.
    (1)Students listen to the recording.
    (2)Students circle the words.
    (3)Students check the answers with the teacher.
    (4)Students read all the words loudly by themselves.
    Step 4: Consolidation &Extension
    1. Choose, write and say.
    (课件出示: Let’s spell 第三部分练习)
    2. Tongue twister.
    T: Look! Here is a tongue twister. Try to read, please! And pay attention to the pronunciation of “th”.
    Teaching purpose⑨

    3. Read a story.⑨
    T: Please read the story. Then find out all the words with “th” and circle them. Finally, try to guess what happened to the caterpillar.
    (1)Let students read the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
    (2)Students circle the words with “th”.
    (3)Students try to read the new words by the syllables.
    (4)Students predict the ending of the story.


    1. Read the story after class.
    2. Try to find more words with “th” and share them.
    3. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    2.通过丰富多彩的活动来调动学生的学习积极性。采用 chant、绕口令、绘本故事等多种形式来激发学生的兴趣,让学生体会到语音学习的乐趣。
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s spell
    •Perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “th” in words.
    •Read and write down the words that have the letter combination “th” according to the pronunciation rules.
    •Be able to spell the words according to the pronunciation rules of the letter combinations and finish the task.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to read the words of this period expertly.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to read other new words through the pronunciation rules.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes


    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead\|in.
    Show a picture and ask
    students some questions
    about the lady Thera.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Guess the information
    about Thera.
    Stimulate students’ learning interest. Experience the pronunciation of “th”. Lead in the new lesson.
    1. Play the chant.
    2. Read the chant.
    3. Create a situation.
    4. Summarize the pronunciation rules of “th”.
    5. Create another situation.
    Read the chant. Find out and summarize the
    pronunciation rules of “th”.
    Lead students to perceive, conclude and strengthen the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “th”. Develop students’ autonomous
    learning ability.
    6. Read, listen and chant.
    Read the words.
    Read the chant.
    Strengthen the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “th”.

    1. Read and find.
    (1)Present the words with “th”.
    (2)Check the answers.
    (3)Show the tips.
    (1)Finish the exercises.
    (2)Check the answers.
    (3)Read the words.
    Strengthen the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “th” in different words.
    2. Listen, circle and say.
    (1)Play the recording.
    (2)Check the answers.
    (1)Listen to the recording.
    (2)Circle the words.
    (3)Check the answers.
    (4)Read all the words.
    Master the pronunciation of words which have the letter combination “th”.
    1. Choose, write and say. Show the exercises on the PPT.
    2. Tongue twister.
    Show the tongue twister on the PPT.
    3. Read a story.
    Show the story on the PPT.
    1. Finish the exercises.
    2. Read the tongue twister.
    3. Read the story and find out the words which have the letter combination “th” and circle them, and predict the end of the story.
    Improve students’ speech recognition ability and reading ability.
    1. Read the story after class.
    2. Try to find more words that have “th” and share them.
    3. Do the exercises.

    The fourth period(第四课时)
    Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk
    Let’s try
    •能够理解Let’s try中的听力内容,完成听力练习
    •能够感知B部分的核心句型,并能在语境中理解“—How old is he now? —He’s 15 days old.”的含义
    Let’s talk
    •能够在情境中恰当运用核心句型“—When is your birthday? —My birthday is on April 4th.”就生日的日期展开问答
    •能够在情境中运用句型“—What will you do for your mum? —I’ll cook noodles for her.”
    •能够感知B部分的核心句型,并能在语境中理解“both of you”的含义重点
    能够掌握核心句型“—When is your birthday? —My birthday is on…”,并能够在情境中恰当运用该句型。
    Teaching purpose①
    通过“炸弹”游戏来复习日期的表达,为这节课的学习做准备。通过歌曲猜节日,激发学生的学习兴趣并引出生日主题。通过听力,提前让学生感知生日日期的表达,并完成B 部分Let’s try的任务。以谈话导入教学,创设真实有效的教学情境。
    Step 1: Warm-up &Revision &Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a game.
    The teacher plays the bomb game with students to review the expressions of dates.
    3. Lead-in.
    The teacher plays three different songs (Jingle Bells/Happy New Year!/ Happy Birthday!). Students listen to the songs. (出示课件)
    T: Can you guess what festivals they are or what they are about?
    Ss: They are…
    4. Let’s try.
    (课件出示: Let’s try图片)
    T: Look! Here is a cute baby. Who is he?
    Ss: He is Mike’s new cousin.
    T: When is the baby’s birthday? Let's listen and find out the answer.
    (课件出示: Let's try音频)
    Check the answers.
    5. Free talk.
    T: When is your birthday?
    Ss: …
    T: What will you do on your birthday?
    Ss: …
    Students talk about their family members’ birthdays freely.
    T: Now please talk about your family members’ birthdays with your partners.
    Make a competition between boys and girls.
    Teaching purpose②
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Talk about their mothers’ birthdays.②
    T: When is your mother’s birthday?
    Ss: …
    T: What will you do for your mum?
    2. Practice the dialogue.
    Students try to make dialogues in pairs.
    3. Listen and circle.
    The teacher plays the recording. Let students listen to the recording and finish the task.
    T: Now listen to the dialogue and circle the right answer, please!
    (课件出示: Let’s talk音频)

    Teaching purpose③
    任务型教学法能有效提高学生的专注力和对文本的理解能力。通过追问“为什么Chen Jie在妈妈生日这天做长寿面?”来引出学生对中西文化差异的思考和学习。

    4. Watch and answer.③
    The teacher plays the cartoon and asks some questions. Students watch the cartoon and answer the questions. (课件出示:Let's talk视频)

    Teaching purpose④
    通过图片直观呈现,并通过创设真实的情境,让学生在语境中感知和学习短语“both of you”。
    5. Get more details.④
    (1)After students answer the third question, the teacher explains the cultural differences between China and the West.
    T: Chen Jie cooks noodles for her mum, because they are Chinese. Chinese people usually eat long noodles on their birthdays. Long noodles symbolize longevity. People in Western countries usually have a birthday party and eat a birthday cake together on their birthdays.
    (2)Learn the phrase “both of you” on the PPT.
    T: Look at the pictures. Which one refers to “both of you”? Please tick or cross. (课件出示:2个女孩与3个女孩的图片)
    Create a situation to practice “both of you”.
    The teacher shows a picture of twin sisters. (课件出示:双胞胎姐妹图片)
    T: Look! Linda and Sally are twins. Their birthday is on May 5th. So, if you are their good friend, what can you say to them? Try to complete the sentence: We can have a birthday party for _______.
    Check the answer: both of you.
    6. Read and act.⑤
    Teaching purpose⑤
    (1)Students read after the recording of “Let’s talk”. (课件出示: Let’s talk音频) Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2)Let students practice the dialogue in groups.
    (3)Act out.
    Step 3: Practice⑥
    1. Practice the dates.
    Use the calendar cards to practise the dates.
    Show the calendar cards. Let students pass them on one by one. Students read out the dates on the cards quickly.
    2. Ask and answer.
    The teacher asks the questions at first. Then students continue the conversation one by one.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    T: My birthday is on… When is your birthday? What will you do on your birthday?
    S1: My birthday is on… I will… When is your birthday? What will you do on your birthday?
    S2: My birthday is on… I will… When is your birthday? What will you do on your birthday?

    Teaching purpose⑦
    Step 4: Consolidation &Extension⑦
    T: When is your mother’s birthday? What will you do for her? Please do a survey and make a report in groups of four.
    Report like this:
    In my group, S1’s mother’s birthday is on… He/ She will… for his/her mum. S2’s mother’s birthday is on… He/ She will…for his/her mum. S3’s mother’s birthday is on… He/ She will… for his/her mum. S4’s mother’s birthday is on… He/ She will… for his/her mum.
    Then choose the best group.

    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    •Understand the listening text of “Let’s try” and finish the task of the listening.
    •Be able to understand the key sentences in the context.
    Let’s talk
    •Understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the pictures.
    •Read the dialogue and act out.
    •Use the key sentence structures properly.
    •Understand the phrase “both of you”.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to master the key sentence structures and use them in the real situation.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to express birthday dates accurately.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a bomb game.
    3. Lead-in.
    Play three different songs.
    4. Show the picture of “Let’s try” and play the recording. Check the answers.
    5. Free talk.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play the bomb game.
    3. Guess the festivals.
    4. Listen to the recording and finish the task of “Let’s try”.
    5. Free talk.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Use different songs to
    lead in the topic of “birthday”.
    1. Talk about their mothers’ birthdays. Ask students to talk about their mother’s birthdays.
    Talk about their mother’s
    Lead in the topic of this lesson.
    2. Practice the dialogue. Ask students to practice the
    Make dialogues and practice them.
    Create a real situation to help students understand and practice the key sentence structures.
    3. Listen and circle.
    Play the recording.
    Listen to the recording and finish the task.
    The task-based teaching method can quickly arouse students’
    4. Watch and answer.
    Play the cartoon.
    Ask some questions.
    Watch the cartoon and answer the questions.
    5. Get more details.
    Explain the cultural differences between China and the West. Show pictures to teach the phrase “both of you”.
    Learn the cultural differences between China and the West.
    Learn the phrase “both of you”.
    Create a real situation to help students learn and understand the phrase “both of you”.
    6. Read and act. Play the recording.
    Read after the recording.
    Practice and act out.
    Make sure students can read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    1. Practice the dates.
    Use the calendar cards to
    practice the dates.
    2. Ask and answer.
    Play a game by asking and
    answering the questions one
    by one.
    1. Read out the dates on the calendar words. Practice the dates one by one.
    2. Ask and answer the
    questions one by one.
    Cultivate students’ enthusiasm through the game. Practice the
    dates and the key sentence structures.
    1. Let students do a survey in groups.
    2. Let students make a report.
    1. Do a survey in groups of four.
    2. Make a report in the class.
    Group work can effectively enhance
    students’ learning interest and
    consolidate the key sentences.
    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The fifth period(第五课时)
    Part B Let’s learn & Look and write
    Let’s learn
    •能够听、说、读、写“twelfth(12th), twentieth(20th), twenty-first(21st), twenty-third(23rd), thirtieth(30th)”
    •能够运用句型“—When is Grandpa’s birthday? —It’s on October 12th.”询问和回答生日的日期
    Look and write
    能够听、说、读、写twelfth(12th), twentieth(20th), twenty-first(21st), twenty-third(23rd), thirtieth(30th);能够询问和回答生日日期。
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant. (课件出示:与月份相关的chant)
    3. Magic eyes.
    One student comes to the front and holds up the cards one by one. The other students say out the dates on the cards quickly.
    4. Lead-in.
    Show the photos of some famous people.
    T: (课件出示:姚明图片及生日) Look! Who is he?
    Ss: He is Yao Ming.
    T: When is his birthday?
    Ss: It’s on September 12th.
    The teacher teaches “twelfth” and its short form “12th”. Students learn the spelling and the pronunciation of the word.
    T: Look! Who is he? Do you know? (课件出示:巴尔扎克图片及生日)
    Ss: He is Balzac.
    T: When is his birthday?
    Ss: It’s on May 20th.
    The teacher teaches “twentieth” and its short form “20th”. Students learn the spelling and the pronunciation of the word.
    Teaching purpose②
    Let students talk about some famous people's birthdays with their partner by using “who is he/she? He/ She is… When is his/her birthday. It\'s on…”
    Make a competition between boys and girls.
    Step 2: Presentation
    1.Listen and match.②
    T: Look at the photo. Who are they?
    Ss: They are Wu Binbin’s grandpa, grandma, dad, mum and Wu Binbin.
    T: Do you know his family members’ birthdays?
    Ss: …
    T: Let’s listen and match.
    The teacher plays the recording. Students listen to the recording and finish the task.

    2. Check the answers.③
    Teaching purpose③
    T: OK! Let’s check the answers. When is Grandpa’s birthday?
    Ss: It’s on October 12th.
    T: When is Grandma’s birthday?
    Ss: It’s on April 20th.
    T: When is Dad’s birthday?
    Ss: It’s on November 30th.
    The teacher teaches “thirtieth” and its short form “30th”. Students learn the spelling and the pronunciation of the word.
    T: When is Mum’s birthday?
    Ss: It’s on February 23rd.
    The teacher teaches “twenty-third” and its short form “23rd”. Students learn the spelling and the pronunciation of the words.
    T: When is Wu Binbin’s birthday?
    Ss: It’s on August 21st.
    The teacher teaches “twenty-first” and its short form “21st”. Students learn the spelling and the pronunciation of the word.
    3. Sum up.
    T: Look at the numbers. Please try to find out the rules.
    Teaching purpose④
    Students sum up the transformation rules of cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers. The teacher provides help if students can’t sum up. (课件出示:基数词变序数词的规则)
    4. Read and act.④
    (1)The teacher plays the recording of “Let’s learn”. Students read after it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2)Let students practise the dialogue in groups.
    (3)Act out.
    Step 3: Practice⑤
    Teaching purpose⑤
    1. Play the turntable game.
    Turn the turntable. And ask the student whose name is pointed to on the turntable about his/her birthday.
    T: When is your birthday?
    S1: My birthday is on… When is your birthday?
    S2: My birthday is on… When is your birthday?
    S3: My birthday is on…
    2. Make dialogues.
    (1)Let students make birthday cards. Then ask them to write down their birthdays on the cards.
    (2)Students make dialogues according to the cards.
    A: When is your birthday?
    B: My birthday is on… When is your birthday?
    Teaching purpose⑥
    A: My birthday is on…
    Step 4: Consolidation &Extension⑥
    “Your favourite day”
    1. Do a survey.
    Let students do a survey in groups of four.
    T: Boys and girls! Please do a survey about your favourite days and the reasons in groups of four.
    2. Make a report.
    Students talk about their favourite days and make a report in the class.
    They can report like this: In our group, S1’s favourite day is… Because he/she can… S2’s favourite day is… Because he/she can… S3’s
    favourite day is… Because he/she can… S4’s favourite day is… Because he/she can…
    Then choose the best group.


    1. Make a family birthday calendar card.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    •Be able to listen, speak, read and write the words “twelfth(12th), twentieth(20th), twenty-first(21st), twenty-third(23rd), thirtieth(30th)” through the pictures, PPT and phonics.
    •Use the sentence structures properly.
    Look and write
    •Consolidate the usage of the key words and the sentences.
    •Be able to talk about the birthday with the partner and write the date correctly.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new phrases.
    •Use the new words and the sentences in context.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Sum up the transformation rules of cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.
    3. Magic eyes.
    4. Lead-in.
    Show the photos of some famous people.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Chant together.
    3. Say out the dates quickly.
    4. Talk about some famous people's birthdays and learn new words.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Review the sentences
    they have learned in last lesson. Lead in the new lesson.

    1. Listen and match.
    Show the photo of Wu Binbin’s family. Play the recording.
    Listen to the recording and finish the task.
    Lead in the new words properly.
    The task-based teaching method can strengthen students' understanding
    of the text.
    2. Check the answers.
    Check the answers.
    Teach the new words.
    Check the answers.
    Learn the new words.
    Lead students to learn the new words effectively.
    3. Sum up.
    Help students sum up the
    transformation rules.
    Discuss and sum up the transformation rules of cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.
    Lead students to focus on the transformation rules of cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.
    4. Read and act.
    Play the recording.
    Read after the recording.
    Practice the dialogue and act out.
    Practice the words and the sentences. Improve students’ learning interest.

    1.Play the turntable game.
    Turn the turntable.
    Ask and answer the questions.
    Lead students to practice the key sentence structures.
    2. Make dialogues.
    (1)Let students make birthday cards.
    (2)Ask students to make dialogues according to the cards.
    Write down their birthdays on the cards.
    Make dialogues.
    “Your favourite day”
    1. Do a survey.
    2. Make a report.
    1. Finish the survey in groups of four.
    2. Talk about their favourite days and make a report in the class.
    Create a natural reality situation.
    Students can use the sentences reasonably. Cultivate students’
    Comprehensive language using
    ability. Cultivate students’ divergent
    1. Make a family birthday calendar card.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The sixth period(第六课时)
    Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up
    Read and write
    •能够在语境中理解“kitten, diary, noise, fur”等词汇的意思
    •能够运用句型“They are…/They have…/They can…”描述小猫的成长变化
    Let’s check
    Let’s wrap it up
    1.能够在图片和教师的帮助下读懂日记并理解“kitten, diary, noise, fur”等生词。
    2.能够运用句型“They are…/They can…/They have…”描述小猫的成长变化。
    Teaching purpose①
    通过画小鱼作为奖励来激发学生的学习热情。通过Guessing game让学生猜测老师的喜好,迅速拉近师生距离,吸引学生的注意力,并引出宠物话题。借助小猫叫声的录音让学生听辨宠物,引出文章的主人公“kittens”。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    Say hello to students. Divide the whole class into two groups. Let
    them compete by getting more fish for their own group.
    2. Guessing game.
    Show some pictures. Let students guess the teacher’s hobbies quickly.
    S1:Do you like reading books?
    S2:Do you like playing basketball?
    S3:Do you like puppies?
    T:Yes, I like puppies. They are cute pets. Do you like pets?
    Ss: Yes.
    T:What’s your favourite pet?
    S1: My favourite pet is…
    S2: My favourite pet is…

    T:Sarah has some pets, too. What are they? Let’s listen and guess.(课件出示:猫叫声)
    Ss: They are baby cats.
    Show a picture of a kitten. Teach the word “kitten”.
    Teaching purpose②
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Fast reading.②
    Show the four pictures of the kittens. Play the recording of the whole text. Let students listen and read the whole text quickly. Ask students to put the pictures in order.
    T: Look at the four pictures. Please listen to the recording. And put the pictures in order.

    Teaching purpose③

    2. Careful reading.③
    (1)Show the picture of the first diary. Play the recording of the first diary. Let students listen and fill in the blanks.
    T: Please listen and fill in the blanks.

    Check the answers with students.
    Let students read the diary after the recording.
    (2)Show the picture of the second diary.
    T:How old are the kittens?
    S1: They are six days old.
    T:Can they see?
    S2: No, they still can’t see.
    T:What do they do when they are hungry?
    S3: They make noises when they are hungry.
    Teach the phrase “make noises”. Let students act out “make noises”.
    T:Are they still pink?
    S4: No. They are white. They have white fur now.
    Show some pictures to teach the word “fur”. (出示课件)
    T:Do you know “fur”? Look at the picture. The yellow dog has yellow fur.
    T:How about the white rabbit? (课件出示:一只白色的兔子)
    Ss:It has white fur.
    Play the recording of the second diary. Let students listen and read with expressions.
    (3)Show the picture of the third diary. Play the recording of the third diary. Ask students to find out the mistakes.
    T:Please listen to the recording. Try to find out the mistakes.

    Check the answers with students. Let students read the diary with actions.
    (4)Show the picture of the fourth diary.
    T:What can they do now?
    Play the recording of the fourth diary. Ask students to listen, discuss and answer the question. Check the answer with students.
    Teaching purpose④
    (5)Let students retell the four diaries with the blackboard design.
    Step 3: Practice④
    1. Read and match.
    (课件出示: Read and write第二部分练习)
    T:Please read the whole text. And try to match.
    Check the answers.
    2. Choose two sentences to write down.
    (课件出示: Read and write 第三部分练习)
    T:Please choose two sentences and write them down on the line.
    3. Let’s check.
    T:Listen to the recording, please! First, number the dates. Then listen again and tick or cross. Pay attention to the key words while listening.
    Check the answers. (出示课件)
    4. Let’s wrap it up.
    T:Fill in the table and finish the sentences.
    Check the answers. (出示课件)
    T:Now, please pay attention to the following points:

    Teaching purpose⑤
    Step 4: Consolidation &Extension⑤
    1. Show some pictures and growing-up diaries of the teacher’s puppies.
    2. Let students talk about their favourite animals and try to write at least three sentences about the animals.
    3. Play a video about lovely animals.


    1. Observe an animal you like and write a diary about it.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Read and write
    •Be able to read and understand the text.
    •Be able to learn the new words.
    •Use the sentence structures properly.
    Let’s check
    •Be able to listen, speak, read, and write the key vocabulary and the sentence structures of this section.
    Let’s wrap it up
    •Be able to sum up and use the ordinal numbers to fill in the blanks.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Understand the text and learn some new words.
    •Master the reading skills and use the sentence structures properly in writing.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to imitate the diary according to the mind map.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    1. Greetings.
    2. Guessing game.
    Talk about the teacher’s hobbies.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Guess the teacher's hobbies quickly.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Lead in the topic of “pets”.

    1. Fast reading.
    Show the four pictures. Play the recording of the whole text.
    (1)Listen and read the whole text quickly.
    (2)Put the four pictures in order.
    Make students understand the whole text better. Cultivate
    students’ c good reading habit.
    2. Careful reading.
    (1)Show the picture of the first diary. Play the recording of the first diary. Let students
    listen and fill in the blanks.
    Check the answers.
    Listen and fill in the blanks.
    Check the answers.
    Read after the recording.
    Use different activities to make students understand the text better. Let students learn to read with correct pronunciations, intonations and sense groups.

    (2)Show the picture of the
    second diary. Teach the
    phrase “make noises” and
    the word “fur”. Play the
    recording of the second diary.
    Learn the phrase “make
    noises” and the word “fur”. Listen to the recording and read with expressions.
    (3)Show the picture of the third diary. Play the recording of the third diary. Ask students
    to find out the mistakes.
    Check the answers.
    Listen and find out the mistakes. Check the answers and read with actions.
    (4)Show the picture of the fourth diary. Ask students to listen, discuss and answer the
    question. Check the answer.
    Listen, discuss and answer the question.
    (5)Retell the four diaries.
    Retell the four diaries.
    1. Present the exercises in the
    textbook on the PPT.
    2. Play the recording and ask
    students to finish the tasks.
    3. Check the answers.
    1. Read and match.
    2. Choose two sentences to write them down.
    3. Listen to the recording and finish the task.
    4. Fill in the table and finish the sentences.
    Check the answers.
    Different practicing activities can
    stimulate students’ learning interest
    and help them use the key sentences
    more effectively.
    1. Show some pictures and
    Growing-up diaries of the
    teacher’s puppies.
    2. Let students talk about their favourite animals and try to write at least three sentences about the animals.
    3. Play a video about lovely
    Talk about their favourite animals and try to write at least three sentences about the animals.
    The teacher’s diaries can stimulate students’ writing interest. The
    video can promote students’ love for the nature and the life.
    1. Observe an animal you like and write a diary about it.
    2. Do the exercises.

    Unit 5 Whose dog is it?

    本单元学习的主题是寻找动物的主人。教学内容主要围绕如何询问和回答某物是否属于某人来展开。教学重点是能够听、说、读、写核心句型“The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? “—Whose is it? —It’s Zhang Peng’s. ”“—Is he drinking water? —No, he isn’t. He is eating.”;能够听、说、读、写名词性物主代词:“mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours”;能够听、说、读、写六个动词现在分词“climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking, sleeping”和短语“each other”等。
    •能够听、说、读、写核心句型“The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? ”“—Whose is it? —It’s Zhang Peng’s.” “—Is he drinking water? —No, he isn’t. He is eating.”
    •能够在情境中运用句型“The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? ”“—Whose is it? —It’s Zhang Peng’s.”询问并回答某物属于某人,以及在情境中运用句型“—Is he drinking water? —No, he isn’t. He is eating.”询问并回答某人正在做某事
    •能够听、说、读、写六个名词性物主代词“mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours”能够听、说、读、写六个动词现在分词“climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking, sleeping”以及短语“each other”;能够在语境中正确运用以上词汇
    •能够掌握字母组合ng和nk的发音规则,即ng和nk在单词中分别发/ ŋ/和/ŋk/

    第一课时: Part A Let’ s try & Let’ s talk
    第二课时: Part A Let’ s learn & Look, say and complete
    第三课时: Part A Let’ s spell
    第四课时: Part B Let’ s try & Let’ s talk
    第五课时: Part B Let’ s learn & Let’s play
    第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’ s check & Let’ s wrap it up
    The first period(第一课时)
    Part A Let’ s try & Let’ s talk

    Let’s try
    •能理解Let’s try中的听力内容,完成听力题目
    •能理解Let’s talk的对话情境,初步感知核心句型和词汇
    Let’ s talk
    •能够在情境中运用句型“The yellow picture is mine. Are these all ours? —Whose is it? —It’s Zhang Peng’s.”询问并回答某物属于某人
    在情境中运用句型“—Whose is it? —It’s Zhang Peng’s.”询问并回答某物属于某人。
    Teaching purpose①
    以观看世界名画吸引学生注意力,引出话题“art show”。在对话教学开展前,扫清大部分语言障碍,为下一步学习做好准备。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—Animals, animals are everywhere. (出示课件)
    3. Lead-in.①
    T: Boys and girls, do you know these pictures?
    Ss: Yes. /No.
    T: They are very famous in the world. Where can we see them?
    Ss: On TV. /In the museum.
    T: Great answers! We can see these pictures at an art show, too.
    Teach the phrase “art show”.
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn “ours, his, hers, mine”.②
    T: Our school art show is also great. Let’s have a look.
    Teaching purpose②
    T: What are these?
    Ss: They are our pictures.
    T: Yes, the pictures are ours. They are ours. Students read “ours” after the teacher.
    (Write down “ours” on the blackboard.)
    T: (Show a boy’s picture.) Whose picture is it? Is it S1’s?
    Ss: No.
    T: Is it S2's?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: Oh, it’s S2’s. It’s his.
    Students read “his” after the teacher.
    (Write down “his” on the blackboard.)
    T: (Show a girl’s picture.) Whose picture is it? Is it S3’s?
    Ss: No.
    T: Is it S4’s?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: Oh, it’s S4’s. It’s hers.
    Students read “hers” after the teacher.
    (Write down “hers” on the blackboard.)
    T: (Show the teacher’s self-portrait.) Whose picture is it? Is it Miss White’s?
    Ss: No.
    T: Whose picture is it?
    Ss: It’s your picture.
    T: You are great! It’s my picture. It’s mine.
    Students read “mine” after the teacher.
    (Write down “mine” on the blackboard.)
    2. Learn “Are these all ours? The yellow picture is mine.”
    T: (Point at the pictures on the PPT.) Are these all ours?
    Ss: Yes, they are.
    Students read the sentences “Are these all ours?” “Yes, they are.” after the teacher.
    T: Now, I want to show you a picture. (课件出示:教师画的黄色向日葵)
    Guess! Whose picture is it? You can guess like this: Is it S5’s?
    Ss: Is it S5’s?
    T: No, it’s mine! The yellow picture is mine.
    Students read the sentence “The yellow picture is mine.” after the teacher.
    3. Learn “Whose book is this? It’s Mike’s. Whose storybooks are these? They are mine.”
    The teacher gathers the things of some students: a ruler, a book, a pencil-case, two pens.
    T: (Show the ruler.) Look! Whose ruler is it? You can answer like this: It’s S6’s. It’s his/hers.
    (Show two pens.) Look! Whose pens are these? You can answer like this: They are S7’s. They are his/hers/…
    The teacher shows the stationery one by one. Students ask and answer with the sentence patterns “—Whose…is it? —It’s…’s. —It’s his/hers. —Whose…are these? —They are…’s. —They are his/hers/…”
    Teaching purpose③
    此板块为听力活动,培养学生的听力策略。与Let’s talk 紧密相关,为对话教学作铺垫。
    Write down the sentence patterns on the blackboard.
    4. Learn “Let’ s try”.③
    (课件出示:John 头像)
    T: Who is he?
    Ss: He is John.
    (课件出示:Let’s try 图片)
    T: John’s school has an art show, too. Which is John’s picture? Let’s listen and tick.
    Check the answer. (出示课件)
    5. Learn “Let’ s talk”.
    (1)Learn “There is a picture of Beijing/Shanghai.”
    T: Look! There is a picture, where is it?
    Ss: Beijing.
    T: Yes. We can say “There is a picture of Beijing.”
    Students read the sentence after the teacher.
    Teaching purpose④
    T: How about this one?
    T & Ss: There is a picture of Shanghai.
    (2)Play the recording of “Let’s talk”.④
    Let students listen and answer the question:
    Q: What are Mike and Chen Jie talking about?
    Teaching purpose⑤
    Students listen to the text carefully and answer the question.
    Ss: Pictures.
    (3)Read carefully.⑤
    The teacher plays the cartoon. Let students watch and answer the questions:
    Q1: Which picture is Chen Jie’s?
    Q2: Whose is the picture of Beijing? Whose is it?
    Q3: Whose is the picture of Shanghai? Whose is it?
    Students read the text carefully and answer the questions.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    Check the answers. (出示课件)
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Read and act.⑥
    (1)Students read after the recording of “Let’s talk”. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2)Students practise the dialogue in groups.
    Teaching purpose⑦
    (3)Act out.
    2. Pair work.⑦
    (1)Ask and find out. (课件出示:Ask and find out对话及图片)
    Two students are in a pair. Prepare some stationery. One asks and the other answers.
    Make a model:
    A: Whose…is this? B: It’s…
    A: Whose…are these?
    Teaching purpose⑧
    B: They are…
    (2)Show time.
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑧
    1. Make new dialogues. (课件出示:失物招领处图片)
    Take away some things from students. Suppose these things are at the “Lost and Found”.
    T: After visiting the art show, some students left some things. What are they? Let’s have a look. (课件出示:一顶帽子、一本书、一个书包和一把伞) Can you help them find the owners?
    Four students are in a group and make new dialogues.
    2. Make a model.
    T: S1, is this your hat?
    S1: No.
    T: Whose is it?
    S1: It’s ___________’s. It’s his/hers.
    T: Is this book ________________’s?
    S1: No, it’s ______________’s. It’s his/hers.
    3. Show time.


    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》P1 第三题)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    •Understand the listening material of “Let’s try”.
    •Be able to understand the context and perceive the key vocabulary and the sentence structures preliminarily.
    Let’s talk
    •Understand the main idea of the dialogue with the help of pictures and the teacher.
    •Read the dialogue correctly and act it out.
    •Use the sentence structures correctly.
    •Be able to understand and pronounce “his” correctly.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to use the sentence pattern “Whose…is it? It’s…’s.” correctly.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Understand and use the nominal possessive pronouns correctly.
    ▶Teaching Procedures

    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—Animals,
    animals are everywhere.
    3. Lead-in. Show some famous pictures.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song —Animals, animals are everywhere.
    3. Talk to the teacher.
    Arouse students’ interest by means of world-famous pictures. Remove some language
    barriers. Lead in the topic.

    1. Show pictures and talk to
    students. Teach the new
    words and sentences.
    1. Look at the pictures and talk to the teacher. Learn the new words and sentences.
    Help students learn the new words and sentences directly by
    showing pictures and talking to them.
    2. Teach “Let’s try” by
    showing pictures, asking
    questions and letting students listen to the recording.
    2. Look at the pictures.
    Answer the questions.
    Listen to the recording
    and finish the listening
    Cultivate students’ listening strategies. Lay the groundwork for “Let’s talk”.
    3. Teach “Let’s talk” by
    showing pictures, asking
    questions and playing the
    recording and cartoon.
    3. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Listen to the recording and watch the cartoon.
    Help students get the overall perception of the text and the useful information. Use questions to lead students to learn and understand the text in detail.
    1. Read and act.
    2. Pair work.
    Read after the recording.
    Practice the dialogue in
    groups and then act it out.
    Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    1. Make new dialogues.
    2. Make a model.
    3. Show time.
    Work in groups to make
    their own dialogues. Act
    them out in the class.
    Create a natural and real situation. Help students use the sentences reasonably. Cultivate students’ ability of comprehensive language use.
    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The second period(第二课时)
    Part A Let’s learn & Look, say and complete
    Let’s learn
    •能够听、说、读、写“mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours”六个名词性物主代词
    Look, say
    and complete
    •操练和巩固Let’s learn板块的形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词
    能够听、说、读、写“mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours”六个名词性物主代词并能够在语境中正确运用这六个单词。
    Teaching purpose①
    以观看不同种类小狗图片,吸引学生注意力,引出话题“dog show”。学生自由表达喜欢谁的小狗,为授新做好准备。
    Step 1: Warm-up &Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Enjoy a dog show.
    Show some pictures about cute dogs on the PPT. Let students look at and talk about them. (课件出示:可爱狗狗图片集合)
    T: What a great dog show! Class, do you like the dog show?
    Ss: Yes. The dogs are very cute!
    3. Lead-in.
    T: Today we have a dog show. Welcome to the dog show! Look! Whose dogs are these on the show? (课件出示:Let’s learn五幅图片并依次标上A-E)
    The teacher leads students to make a summary that whose dogs they are.
    T: I like dog A. It’s Mike’s dog. Which dog do you like best?
    S1: I like dog B. It’s Chen Jie’s.
    The teacher asks and students answer one after another until finishing all the five pictures.
    Teaching purpose②
    充分利用课文提供的情景图,分别引出“his, hers, theirs, ours, yours, mine”,并帮助学生理解“It’s _____ dog=The dog is_____ .”。在教学过程中,注意从“提供支架”到“去支架”。
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Let’s learn.②
    (1)Learn the word “his”.
    T: Look! Whose dog is it?
    (Write down the sentence “Whose dog is it?” on the blackboard.)
    Ss: It’s Mike’ dog.
    T: Great! It’s Mike’ dog. It’s his dog. The dog is his. “It’s his dog.” means “The dog is his.”
    Students read “his” and the sentences “It’s his dog. The dog is his.” after the teacher.
    (2)Learn the word “hers”.
    (课件出示:Chen Jie的狗 )
    T: Look! Whose dog is it? Is it Mike’s?
    Ss: No, it’s Chen Jie’s dog.
    (课件出示:Chen Jie和狗)
    T: Great! It’s Chen Jie’s dog. It’s her dog. The dog is hers. “It’s her dog.” means “The dog is hers.”
    Students read “hers” and the sentences “It’s her dog. The dog is hers.” after the teacher.
    (3)Learn the word “theirs”.
    (课件出示:Let’s learn两人的狗)
    T: Look! Whose dog is it? Is it Chen Jie’s?
    Ss: No, it’s their dog.
    T: Great! It’s their dog. “It’s their dog.” means…
    Ss: The dog is theirs.
    T: Wonderful! Let’s read together.
    Students read “theirs” and the sentences “It’s their dog. The dog is theirs.” after the teacher.
    (4)Learn the word “ours”.
    (课件出示:Let’s learn两人和狗)
    T: Look! What are they saying? Can you guess?
    Ss: They are saying, “It’s our dog. The dog is ours.”
    T: Great! Read after me: It’s our dog. The dog is ours.
    Students read “ours” and the sentences “It’s our dog. The dog is ours.” after the teacher.
    (5)Learn the word “yours”.
    T: (wear the headwear of Zoom) I’m Zoom now. You are Zip. Let’s make a dialogue.
    T: Look! That’s my dog.
    Ss: Yes, it’s your dog.
    T: “It’s your dog.” means…
    Ss: The dog is yours.
    Students read “yours” and the sentences “It’s your dog. The dog is yours.” after the teacher.
    (6)Learn the word “mine”.
    T: Look! Whose dog is it?
    Ss: It’s Zip’s dog.
    T: (show the headwear of Zip) Now, you are Zip. Zip, whose dog is it?
    Ss: It’s my dog.
    T: “It’s my dog.” means…
    Teaching purpose③
    Ss: The dog is mine.
    Students read “mine” and the sentences “It’s my dog. The dog is mine.” after the teacher.
    2. Summary.③

    Teaching purpose④
    设计琅琅上口的chant,让学生在韵律中加深印象。此chant 较长,教师可以采取男生问、女生答或女生问、男生答等形式展开,使学生积极参与进来。

    3. Chant.④
    T: Now, let’s chant together!

    Teaching purpose⑤

    4. Read and act.⑤
    (1)Students read after the recording of “Let’s learn”. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2)Students practise the dialogue in groups. Then act out.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    5. Pair work.⑥
    (课件出示:Let’s learn四幅图)
    (1)Ask students to make dialogues like this:
    A: Whose dog is it?
    B: It’s his/her/my/our/your/their dog. The dog is his/hers/mine/
    (2)Show time.
    Step 3: Practice
    Teaching purpose⑦
    1. Play games.⑦
    Show these words “hers, yours, mine, his, theirs, ours” on the PPT one by one. Students read the words as quickly as they can. (出示课件)
    (2)Turntable game.
    Students practise the key sentence patterns “—Whose…is that? —It’s…’s.” “The…is…”by playing the turntable game. (出示课件)
    Make a model:
    The pointer points to the eraser.
    Teaching purpose⑧
    A: Whose eraser is that?
    B: It’s my eraser. The eraser is mine.
    2. Can you say?⑧
    Show some characters of the textbook and some things. Put a character and a thing together. Let students watch and say.
    Make a model:

    Teaching purpose⑨
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Look, say and complete.⑨
    (课件出示:Look, say and complete表格)
    (1)Make a model.
    T: (课件出示:Amy和一本书)Whose book is that?
    Ss: It’s Amy’s book.
    T: Yes. It’s her book. We can also say…
    Ss: The book is hers.
    (2)Group work: Talk and write.
    Three students work in a group. They make a dialogue like this:
    S1: Whose pen is that?
    S2: It’s John’s pen. It’s his pen. (One student writes down “It’s his pen.” in the blank.)
    S3: The pen is his. (One student writes down “The pen is his.” in the blank.)
    Students practice again and again until they complete the table.
    (3)Check the answers.
    Teaching purpose⑩
    Choose some students to read their sentences. The teacher and the other students check the answers together.
    2. Summary.⑩


    1. Read the new words and share the chant with your family.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    •Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words “mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours”.
    •Be able to use the six nominal possessive pronouns above properly in real life.
    •Use the key sentence structures correctly.
    Look, say and complete
    •Practise and consolidate the adjectival possessive pronouns and the nominal possessive pronouns.
    •Finish the task of “Look, say and complete”.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words “mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours” and use them correctly.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Use the nominal possessive pronouns correctly in context.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1. Greetings.
    2. Enjoy a dog show.
    3. Lead-in.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Enjoy the dog show.
    3. Talk to the teacher.
    Arouse students’ learning interest by looking at some pictures about this topic. Lead in the new lesson.
    1. Let’s learn.
    (1)Teach the word “his”.
    (2)Teach the word “hers”.
    (3)Teach the word “theirs”.
    (4)Teach the word “ours”.
    (5)Teach the word “yours”.
    (6)Teach the word “mine”.
    Learn and practice the new words and sentences in the context.
    Lead in the new knowledge. Use the pictures of “Let\’s learn” to create a real situation for students.
    2. Summary.
    Make a summary with
    the teacher.
    Make a preliminary summary of the usages of the adjectival possessive
    pronouns and the nominal possessive pronouns.
    3. Chant.
    Read the chant.
    Lead students to practice the language in a relaxing atmosphere.
    4. Read and act.
    Play the recording.
    Students read after the recording. Practise and act out.
    Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.

    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    5. Pair work.
    Ask students to make
    dialogues and show them.
    Make dialogues and act
    them out.
    Lead students to practice the sentence structures.
    1. Play games.
    (2)Turntable game.
    Speak out the new words
    and practice the sentences
    with partners.
    Lead students to practice the new words and sentences by the interesting games.
    2. Can you say?
    Show some pictures.
    Make a model.
    Watch the pictures and say.
    Consolidate the new words and the sentences.
    1. Look, say and
    (1)Make a model.
    (2)Group work: Talk and write.
    (3)Check the answers.
    Finish the task of “Look, say and complete”.
    Check the answers with the teacher.
    Improve students’ learning by implementing from the output of oral English to writing.
    2. Summary.
    Make a summary with the
    Understand and sum up the usages of the adjectival possessive pronouns and the nominal possessive pronouns.
    1. Read the new words and share the chant with your family.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The third period(第三课时)
    Part A Let’ s spell

    Let’s spell
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Enjoy a song—Phonics song.①
    Step 2: Presentation②
    1. Learn the pronunciation of “ng”.
    Teaching purpose②
    (1)Learn the word “sing”.
    T: Look! This is Meimei. What is she doing? (课件出示:女孩Meimei唱歌图片)
    Ss: She is singing.
    T: She is singing. She can sing.
    Students read the word “sing” after the recording.
    (2)Learn the word “long”.
    Show two rulers. (课件出示:一长一短两把尺子)
    T: Look! Meimei has two rulers. This one is…
    Ss: Short.
    T: You are right! Is this ruler short, too?
    S: No.
    T: Look! The second ruler is…
    Ss: Long.
    Students read the word “long” after the recording.
    (3)Learn the word “ring”.
    T: Where is Meimei now?
    Ss: She is in the living room.
    T: (课件出示:电话铃声) Listen! The telephone is ringing. Read after me:ring.
    Students read the word “ring” after the teacher.
    (4)Learn the word “young”.
    T: The telephone is ringing. (课件出示:婴儿哭声) Listen! What do you hear now?
    Ss: A baby is crying.
    T: Great! The telephone is ringing. So the young baby cries.
    Students read the word “young” after the teacher.
    T: What do you find? (课件出示:Let's spell上面四幅图)
    Summary: All these words contain “ng”. “ng” sounds “/ŋ /”.
    (Write down the words “long, sing, ring, young” on the blackboard.)
    The teacher summarizes the pronunciation rule. Students read after the teacher and then read the words loudly.
    T: “ng” sounds…
    Ss: /ŋ/.
    (Write down “ng/ ŋ /” on the blackboard.)
    a. Fast reading
    The teacher shows the cards of these five words one by one. Students read them out quickly.
    b. Can you read more?
    The teacher checks from all the students to the individuals.
    2. Learn the pronunciation of “nk”.
    (1)Learn the word “think”.
    T: (Point at the homework.) Look! What is this?
    Ss: Homework.
    T: Oh, look! The girl can\'t do her homework now. What is she doing?
    Ss: She is thinking.
    Students read the word “think” after the teacher.
    (2)Learn the word “ink”.
    T: Look! The ink bottle falls down. You can see the ink.
    Students read the word “ink” after the teacher.
    (3)Learn the word “pink”.
    T: Look! This is Meimei\'s dress. What colour is it?
    Ss: It’s pink.
    Students read the word “pink” after the teacher.
    (4)Learn the word “trunk”.
    T: Meimei wears her pink dress. Look! Where is she now?
    Ss: At the zoo.
    T: What does Meimei see?
    Ss: An elephant.
    T: Yes. And the elephant has a long trunk.
    Students read the word “trunk” after the teacher.
    T: What do you find? (课件出示:Let’s spell下面四幅图)
    Summary: All the words contain “nk”. “nk” sounds “/ŋk/”.
    (Write down the words “think, ink, trunk, pink” on the blackboard.)
    The teacher summarizes the pronunciation rule. Students read after the teacher and then read the words loudly.
    T: “nk” sounds…
    Ss: /ŋk/.
    (Write down “nk/ŋk/” on the blackboard.)
    Can you read more?
    The teacher checks from all the students to the individuals.
    Step 3: Practice
    Teaching purpose③
    这首轻松愉快的chant 既包括字母组合nk在单词中的发音,又包括字母组合ng在单词中的发音。在动感的节奏中,进行操练与巩固。
    1. Read, listen and chant.③
    (1)Read the words together.
    (课件出示:Let's spell八幅图)
    Students read after the recording.
    (2)Listen and chant.

    a. Listen to the chant.
    Teaching purpose④
    The teacher plays the recording. Students listen carefully.
    b. Read the chant.
    Students follow the recording and read the chant.
    2. Read and distinguish.④
    Teaching purpose⑤
    完成课本上“Read, write and listen.”的练习,要求先读,再听音将单词分类,最后写出来。要求较高,培养学生的综合运用能力。

    Step 4: Consolidation &Extension
    1. Read, write and listen.⑤
    (1)Look and read.
    Two students work in a pair. Read the words to each other.
    (2)Listen and write.
    Students listen to the recording and write the answers in the blanks.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    (3)Check the answers and listen again. (课件出示:答案及音频)
    2. Look, listen and write.⑥
    (1)Read the words one by one.
    (2)Listen and follow the recording.
    (3)Write down the sentences on the textbook.
    (4)Check the answers together. (课件出示:答案及听力材料)


    1. Try to find more words that have “ng” or “nk” and share them.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s spell
    •Perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of letter combinations “ng” and “nk” in words.
    •Master the pronunciation of words which have the letter combination “ng” or “nk”.
    • Read and write down the words that have the letter combination “ng” or “nk” according to the pronunciation rules.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    • Perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of letter combinations “ng” and “nk” in the words.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    • Master the pronunciation of words which have the letter combination “ng” or “nk” and read other new words according to the pronunciation rules.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes


    1. Greetings.
    2. Enjoy a song—Phonics song.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Enjoy the song.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Lead in the topic.
    1. Learn the pronunciation of “ng”.
    (1)Teach the words “sing, long, ring, young”.
    (2)Summarize the pronunciation rule of “ng”.
    (3)Lead students to practice.
    Learn the words. Find and summarize the pronunciation rule of “ng”. Practice these
    Lead students to perceive and conclude the pronunciation
    rule of “ng”.

    2. Learn the pronunciation of “nk”.
    (1)Teach the words “think, ink, pink, trunk”.
    (2)Summarize the pronunciation rule of “nk”.
    (3)Lead students to practice.

    Learn the words. Find and summarize the pronunciation rule of “nk”. Practice these
    Use the same way to teach the pronunciation of “nk”. Develop
    students’ autonomous learning ability.

    1. Read, listen and chant.
    Play the recordings.
    Listen, read and chant.
    Strengthen the pronunciation rules of letter combinations “ng” and “nk”.
    2. Read and distinguish.
    Read more words that have the letter combination “ng” or “nk”.
    Lead students to read more words that have the letter combination “ng” or “nk” according to the pronunciation rules.
    1. Read, write and listen.
    (1)Look and read.
    (2)Listen and write.
    (3)Check the answers and
    listen again.
    (1)Read the words with the partners.
    (2)Listen and write.
    (3)Check the answers and listen again.
    Cultivate students’ listening ability. Students can listen and write down the words.
    2. Look, listen and write.
    (1)Read the words one by one.
    (2)Listen and follow the
    (3)Write down the sentences on the textbook.
    (4)Check the answers
    Train students to write sentences with the present continuous tense correctly.
    1. Try to find more words that have “ng” or “nk” and share them.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The fourth period(第四课时)
    Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk
    Let’s try
    •能理解Let’s try中的听力内容,完成听力题目
    Let’s talk
    •能感知B部分的核心句型,并能在语境中理解“—Is he drinking water? —No, he isn’t. He is eating.”
    •能够在情境中恰当运用核心句型“—Is he/she 动词-ing? —Yes, he/she is. —No, he/she isn’t. He/She is 动词-ing.”询问并回答某人正在做某事
    在情境中运用句型“—Is he/she 动词-ing? —Yes, he/she is. /—No, he/she isn’t. He/She is 动词-ing.”询问并回答某人正在做某事。
    Teaching purpose①
    以观看可爱小狗视频吸引学生注意力,在介绍视频时引出现在进行时,让学生初步感知现在进行时,同时渗透文本中即将出现的地点名词和即将学习的短语“play with”,为下一步授新做好准备。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—Animals, animals are everywhere. (出示课件)
    3. Lead-in.
    T: Class, do you like the dogs? Let’s watch videos together.
    T: (Explain the videos one after another.) Look! The cute dog is running on the grass/is eating in the kitchen/is sleeping in the bedroom/is playing in the living room.
    Teaching purpose②
    在听力环节,引导学生进一步感知现在进行时。学生跟读,更加深刻地体会现在进行时。此环节与Let’s talk 紧密相关,为对话教学作铺垫。
    T: Do you want to play with them?
    Ss: Yes.
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn “Let’s try”.②
    (1)Listen and tick.
    T: What is it?
    Ss: It’s a dog.
    T: Its name is Fido.
    (课件出示:Let’s try 图片)
    T: Where is Fido in Picture 1?
    Ss: In the living room.
    T: Yes. He is sleeping in the living room. Read after me.
    (Students read the sentence after the teacher.)
    T: Where is Fido in Picture 2?
    Ss: In the kitchen.
    T: He is drinking in the kitchen. Read after me.
    (Students read the sentence after the teacher.)
    T: Where is Fido in Picture 3?
    Ss: In the bedroom.
    T: He is sitting in the bedroom. Read after me.
    (Students read the sentence after the teacher.)
    Teaching purpose③
    T: So, where is Fido? Listen to the recording carefully. Then tick the right picture.
    (2) Check the answer. (课件出示:答案及听力材料)
    2. Learn “Let’s talk”.
    (1)Look and say.③
    (课件出示:Let’s talk中Sam和Chen Jie交谈的图片)
    T: Look! Who are they?
    Ss: They are Sam and Chen Jie.
    T: What are they talking about? Guess!
    Teaching purpose④
    Ss: They are talking about…
    T: They are talking about Chen Jie’s dog.
    Play the recording of “Let’s talk”. Let students answer the question:
    Q:Where is Fido now?
    Teaching purpose⑤
    Students listen to the text and answer the question.
    Ss: He is in the kitchen.
    The teacher plays the cartoon. Students watch it with the following questions.
    Q1: Is Fido drinking water?
    Q2: What is Sam going to do with Fido?
    T: Fido is in the kitchen. Is he drinking water?
    Ss: No, he isn’t. He’s eating in the kitchen.
    T: Great, read after me: No, he isn’t. He’s eating.
    (Write down “No, he isn’t. He’s eating.” on the blackboard.)
    T: Then what is Sam going to do with Fido?
    Teaching purpose⑥
    Ss: He’s going to take Fido to the park.
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Read and act.⑥
    (1)Students read after the recording of “Let’s talk”and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2)Let students practice the dialogue in groups.
    (3)Act out.
    Teaching purpose⑦
    2. Pair work: Look and say.(课件出示: Look and say图片和对话)⑦
    (1)Two students work in a pair. Look at the pictures on the textbook. One points and asks the questions and the other answers.
    Make a model:
    A: Is the dog eating?
    B: No, he isn’t. He is sleeping.
    A: Is the dog drinking water?
    B: No, he isn’t. He is eating.
    (2)Show time.
    Step 4: Consolidation &Extension
    Teaching purpose⑧
    1. Can you guess?⑧
    Choose one student from each group. Let the students come to the front of the classroom and face to their classmates. Use “Is it…?” to guess.
    The group that finishes the guessing game in the shortest time is the winner.
    Make a model:
    S1: What is it?
    Ss: It’s a cat.
    S1: Is it sleeping?
    Ss: No, it isn’t.
    S1: Is it drinking?
    Ss: No, it isn’t.
    S1: Is it eating?
    Ss: Yes, it is.
    S1: I see. The cat is eating.
    Ss: Bingo!
    Teaching purpose⑨
    将拓展环节中所出现的动物正在做的动作汇编成一首chant,进一步巩固现在进行时,同时也为B部分Let’s learn板块的学习做好铺垫。

    2. Make a chant.⑨
    Put all the animals in “Can you guess?” in the chant.
    Example: Eating, eating, the dog is eating.
    Sleeping, sleeping, the cat is sleeping.
    Swimming, swimming, the duck is swimming.
    Singing, singing, the bird is singing.
    Drinking, drinking, the elephant is drinking.


    1. Read and recite the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    •Understand the listening material of “Let’s try”.
    •Finish the task of the listening.
    Let’s talk
    •Perceive and understand the key sentences in context.
    •Understand the main idea of the dialogue with the help of pictures and the teacher.
    •Read the dialogue correctly and act it out.
    •Understand and use the key sentence structures correctly.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to use “Is he/she v-ing? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t. He/She is v-ing.” in the context correctly.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Understand and use the present continuous tense correctly.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song—Animals,
    animals are everywhere.
    3. Lead-in. Show the videos.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing the song.
    3. Watch a video about dogs.
    Arouse students’ learning interest. Lead in the topic.
    1. Learn “Let’s try”.
    (1)Listen and tick.
    (2)Check the answer.
    Describe the pictures one by one and answer the questions. Read after the teacher. Listen to the recording. Tick the right picture.
    Cultivate students’ observational and logical thinking ability.
    2. Learn “Let’s talk”.
    (1)Look and say.
    Show some pictures.
    Discuss what Chen Jie and Sam are talking about.
    Lead students to predict the text.
    Prepare for the next step.
    Help students get the overall perception
    of the text and the useful information.
    Use questions to lead students to learn and understand the dialogue more detailedly.
    Play the recording.
    Listen to the recording.
    Answer the question.
    Play the cartoon.
    Watch the cartoon.
    Answer the questions.
    Talk to the teacher.
    1. Read and act.
    2. Pair work: Look and say.
    1. Read after the recording.
    2. Work in groups. Practice the dialogue and act it out.
    Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    1. Can you guess?
    Show some pictures.
    2. Make a chant.
    1. Work in groups to finish the guessing game by using “Is it…?”. The others give the answers.
    2. Make a chant.
    Lead students to use the language points reasonably by creating
    “information gap”. Cultivate students’ comprehensive language using ability.
    1. Read and recite the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The fifth period(第五课时)
    Part B Let’s learn & Let’s play
    Let’s learn
    •能够听、说、读、写以下现在分词:climbing, eating, drinking, playing, jumping, sleeping
    Let’s play
    •操练和巩固Let’s learn板块的现在分词
    能够听、说、读、写以下现在分词: climbing, eating, drinking, playing, jumping, sleeping。▶教学难点
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    T: Today we will have a school trip. Look at the picture and guess where we will go. (课件出示:农场图片)
    Ss: A farm!
    T: Yes, we will visit a farm in this class. Are you happy? Let’s begin our trip!
    Step 2: Presentation
    Teaching purpose②
    1. Let’s learn.②
    T: Now we are at the farm. Let’s walk around and have a look.
    (1)Learn the word “eating”. (课件出示:Let’s learn eating图片)
    T: Look! What can you see?
    Ss: I can see a dog.
    T: What is the dog doing?
    Ss: He is eating.
    T: Yes, he is eating.
    Students read “eat—eating” after the teacher.
    (2)Learn the word “climbing”. (课件出示:Let’s learn climbing图片)
    T: Look! Is the dog eating now?
    Ss: No, he isn’t.
    T: What is he doing?
    Ss: He is climbing.
    Students read “climb—climbing” after the teacher.
    (3)Learn the word “drinking”. (课件出示:Let’s learn drinking图片)
    T: Look! Is the dog eating now?
    Ss: No, he isn’t.
    T: What is he doing?
    Ss: He is drinking.
    Students read “drink—drinking” after the teacher.
    (4)Learn the word “sleeping”. (课件出示:Let’s learn sleeping图片)
    T: Look! What can you see?
    Ss: I can see three rabbits.
    T: What are they doing?
    Ss: They are sleeping.
    Students read “sleep—sleeping” after the teacher.
    (5)Learn the word “playing”. (课件出示:Let’s learn playing图片)
    T: Look! Are these rabbits sleeping now?
    Ss: No, they aren’t.
    T: What are they doing?
    Ss: They are playing with each other.
    Students read “play—playing” after the teacher.
    The teacher explains the meaning of “each other”.
    (6)Learn the word “jumping”. (课件出示:Let’s learn jumping图片)
    T: Look! Are they playing now?
    Ss: No, they aren’t.
    T: What are they doing?
    Ss: They are jumping.
    Students read “jump—jumping” after the teacher.
    2. Let's chant.③
    T: Now, let’s chant together!

    Teaching purpose③
    设计琅琅上口的chant,让学生在韵律中加深印象。此chant 较长,教师可以采取男生问、女生答或女生问、男生答等多形式展开,使学生积极参与进来。

    Teaching purpose④

    3. Read and act.④
    (1)Students read after the recording of “Let’s learn” and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2)Let students practise the dialogue in groups.
    (3)Act out.
    Step 3: Practice
    Teaching purpose⑤
    1. Play games.⑤
    (1)What’s missing?
    Show the six words on the PPT. Let students read them for a while. Then let the words disappear one by one. Students find out the missing word and say it out quickly.
    (2)Let's say and do.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    Students read the six words loudly. At the same time, they do the actions. Then the teacher says the words one after another and students do the actions. After finishing the six words, exchange the roles. The teacher does the actions, students say out the words.
    2. Look and say.⑥
    “What are they doing?”
    Show a picture of the zoo. (课件出示:动物园图片)
    Students make sentences according to the picture like this:
    The _______ is _______. The _______ are _______.
    Lead students to make a sentence. Then let them do by themselves.
    Step 4: Consolidation &Extension
    1. Look and guess.⑦
    Teaching purpose⑦

    Use pictures to practice the target language more times.
    Teaching purpose⑧
    2. Let’s play.⑧
    (1)Group work.
    Put the cards with the words and phrases in “Let’s play” on Page 52 into three boxes. Four students work in a group. Three of them pick one card from his/her own box each time and says out their words or phrases. The fourth one combines the words or phrases and says out the sentence. Students try to make new sentences as many as possible.
    Make a model:
    S1: Zhang Peng
    S2: is listening to the music
    Teaching purpose⑨
    S3: under the tree
    S4: Zhang Peng is listening to the music under the tree.
    (2)Show time.
    3. Summary.⑨
    Summarize the changing rules of the present participle.

    1. Read the new words and recite the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    1.注重旧知联系新知。在前几册教材中学生已掌握了动词原形drink, eat, play, sleep, jump, climb的音、形、义。在本课的教学中,教师要唤起学生的旧知,做到前后联系,实现知识的升华和迁移。
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    •Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words “climbing, eating, drinking, playing jumping, sleeping”.
    •Be able to use the present participle correctly in context.
    Let’s play
    •Finish the task of “Let’s play”.
    •Use the key sentence structures to make sentences with three phrases.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to listen, speak, read and write “climbing, eating, drinking, playing, jumping, sleeping”.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Use the present participle correctly in context.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes


    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    Show a picture.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Look at the picture and talk with the teacher.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Lead in the new lesson.

    1. Let’s learn.
    (1)Learn the word “eating”.
    (2)Learn the word “climbing”.
    (3)Learn the word “drinking”.
    (4)Learn the word “sleeping”.
    (5)Learn the word “playing”.
    (6)Learn the word “jumping”.
    Learn and practice the new words and sentences in context.
    Lead in the new knowledge. Use the pictures of “Let’s learn” to create a real situation for students.
    2. Let’s chant.
    Chant together.
    Help students practice the language in a relaxing atmosphere.
    3. Read and act.
    Play the recording.
    Students read after the
    Practice the dialogue and act it out.
    Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    1. Play games.
    (1)What is missing?
    (2)Let’s say and do.
    Play two games.
    Lead students to practice the six new words by interesting games.
    2. Look and say.
    Show a picture.
    Watch the picture and make sentences.
    Lead students to practice the new words and sentences according to the picture.
    1. Look and guess.
    Look at the pictures and
    guess what the animals are doing.
    Lead students to practice the key sentences.
    2. Let’s play.
    (1)Group work.
    (2)Show time.
    Make new sentences as many as possible.
    Cultivate students’ comprehensive
    language using ability.
    3. Summary.
    Summarize the changing rules of the present participle.
    Make a summary with the teacher.
    Make a preliminary summary of the
    changing rules of the present participle.
    Help students understand the usage of the present participle better.
    1. Read the new words and recite the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The sixth period(第六课时)
    Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up
    Read and write
    Let’s check
    •能听懂、理解对话,完成Let’s check板块的听力任务
    Let’s wrap it up
    能根据课文仿说句子“I’m looking at ______. I’m _______ like a/an________ .”。
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Revision①
    1. Greetings.
    Say hello to students. Divide the whole class into two groups. Let
    them compete by getting more fish for their own group.
    2. Play a game.
    Show some pictures of animals. Let students do the actions and say out the names of the animals.
    T: Act like a rabbit.
    Ss: (Do and say.) Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.
    T: Act like a monkey.
    Ss: (Do and say.) Monkey, monkey, monkey.
    T: …
    Ss: …
    T: Class, you did a good job! How do you feel now? Sad?
    Ss: No.
    T: Happy?
    Ss: Yes! Very, very happy!
    T: Wow, you are excited!
    Teach the word “excited” by a flashcard.
    3. Look and say.
    Review some present participles the students have learned.

    T: There are many animals at the zoo. What are they doing?
    You can say like this: The_________ is_________.
    S1: The rabbit is jumping.
    S2: The tiger is sleeping.
    S3: …
    Teaching purpose②
    Step 2: Presentation
    2. Read and answer.②
    Let students read the text with two questions:
    Q1: Where is Robin?
    Q2: What animals does Robin see?
    T: Where are Sarah and Robin?
    Ss: They are at the zoo.
    T: What animals does Robin see?
    Ss: He sees a bear/the rabbits/a tiger/an elephant/a monkey/a bird/the fish.
    T: Good job! Now, you are Robin. Answer my question—What are you doing? You can say like this: I’m looking at ...
    (Write down the sentence “I’m looking at…” on the blackboard.)
    Teaching purpose③
    Ss: I’m looking at a bear/the rabbits/a tiger/an elephant/a monkey/a bird/the fish.
    2. Read and underline.③
    (1)What are the animals doing?
    T: Now, read the text again. Please finish the exercises on the textbook.
    What are the animals doing in the story? Students read the text and underline the sentences.
    (2)Check the answers.
    T: What are the animals doing?You can say like this:
    The bear is dancing.
    S1: The bear is dancing.
    S2: The rabbits are eating.
    S3: The tiger is running.
    S4: The elephant is walking.
    S5: The monkey is climbing.
    S6: The bird is flying.
    S7: The fish are swimming.
    (3)Practice: I’m Robin. I’m________like ________.
    T: Robin likes the animals. He is so excited, so he imitates the actions of the animals. Look!(Wear the headwear of Robin.) I’m Robin. I’m dancing like a bear. Can you have a try?
    S1: I’m Robin. I’m running like a tiger.
    S2: I’m Robin. I’m walking like an elephant.
    S3: I’m Robin. I’m eating like a rabbit.

    (4)Understand the last picture. (课件出示:Read and write最后一幅图)
    T: Look at this picture. Boys, now you are Robin. Girls, now you are Sarah. Let’s read together.
    Ss: … (students read together)
    T: Does Robin want to swim like a fish?
    Teaching purpose④
    Ss: No. He doesn’t want to be a fish.
    T: Why?
    Ss: Because he is a robot. He is afraid of water.
    T: Good answer! Robin is a robot, and he will be broken if he is in the water.
    3. Read and act.④
    (1)Group work.
    Six students work in a group. Read and act.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    (2)Show time.
    4. Retell the text.⑤
    Fill in the blanks and retell the text.

    Teaching purpose⑥
    给出其他动物,引导学生观察、思考动物园里的其他动物在做什么,从而拓宽文本,进一步练习核心句型“The ______is. I’m ______like______ .”。
    Step 3: Practice⑥
    T: There are many other animals at the zoo. What are they doing? Look at the picture and tell me. You can say like this:
    The_______is________ . I’m________like _________.
    Lead students to observe the picture carefully and help them understand the animals’ activities. Then show the words on the picture to help students make sentences.
    Step 4: Consolidation &Extension
    1. Review the key words and sentences.
    (1)Look and say.
    (课件依次出示:Part A、B Let’s learn重点单词)
    Students look and read the words loudly one after another.
    (2)Ask and answer.
    (课件出示:Part A、B核心句型及相关图片)
    Teaching purpose⑦
    Students ask and answer in pairs according to the pictures. Practice the key words and sentences.
    2. Let’s check.⑦
    (1)Look and say.
    The teacher shows four pictures and students say the activity of each picture in order.
    (课件出示:Let’s check 四幅图片)
    T: Look at Picture 1. What is the cat doing?
    Ss: It is climbing the tree.
    T: Look at Picture 2. Whose bike is it?
    Ss: The girl’s bike.
    T: Look at Picture 3. What is Wu Binbin doing?
    Ss: He is eating.
    T: Look at Picture 4. What is Amy doing?
    Ss: She is shopping.
    (2)Listen and number.
    Teaching purpose⑧
    T: Now, please listen and number.
    (3)Check the answers. (出示课件)
    (4)Listen again and choose the right answers.
    (课件出示:Let’s check第二部分练习)
    Check the answers. (出示课件)
    3. Let’s wrap it up.⑧
    (1)Summary. (课件出示:物主代词小结表格)
    (2)Read and complete the sentences.
    (3)Check the answers. (出示课件)

    1. Read and retell the text.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Read and write
    •Predict and understand the main idea of the text with the help of pictures and the teacher and read the text correctly and retell it.
    •Finish the exercises about the text and describe the animals.
    •Be able to understand the new words “excited, like” in context.
    •Be able to write the sentences correctly.
    Let’s check
    •Be able to understand the dialogue and finish the task of listening.
    •Listen and choose the correct answers.
    Let’s wrap it up
    •Summarize the changing rules of the present participle, the nominal possessive pronouns and the adjective possessive pronouns.
    •Finish the exercises.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to understand the main idea of the text with the help of pictures and the teacher.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Understand and imitate to say “I’m looking at _______. I’m_________like a/an _______.”
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a game.
    3. Look and say.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a game.
    3. Review some present
    Stimulate students’ learning
    enthusiasm. Help students get
    prepared for the later lesson.

    1. Read and answer.
    Give two questions.
    Talk to students
    Read the text and answer the
    questions. Talk to the teacher.
    Make students understand the
    main idea of the text.
    2. Read and underline.
    (1)What are the animals doing?
    (2)Check the answers.
    (3)Practice: I’m Robin. I’m ________like_______ .
    (4)Understand the last picture.
    (1)Read and underline the sentences.
    (2)Check the answers by saying out the sentences.
    (3)Practice the sentence pattern.
    (4)Understand why Robin doesn’t want to be a fish.
    Help students understand the text better by some detailed
    questions. Cultivate students’ intensive reading strategies.
    3. Read and act.
    (1)Group work.
    (2)Show time.
    Six students work in a group.
    Read and act.
    Make sure students read the text correctly and fluently.
    4. Retell the text.
    Fill in the blanks, and then retell the text.
    Retelling helps students understand the text more easily.
    Show a picture and lead students to make sentences.
    Look and think. Practice the sentence patterns: The _____is____. I’m____ like_____.
    Lead students to imitate the text to practice the sentence patterns.
    1. Review the key words and
    (1)Look and say.
    (2)Ask and answer.
    Review the key words and sentences according to some pictures.
    Develop students’ listening ability.
    Lead students to review the key words and sentences of Unit 5 and prepare for the next step.
    2. Let’s check.
    (1)Look and say.
    (2)Listen and number.
    (3)Check the answers.
    (4)Listen again and choose the right answers.
    (1)Look at the pictures and describe them.
    (2)Listen and number.
    (3)Check the answers with the teacher.
    (4)Listen again and choose the right answers.
    3. Let’s wrap it up.
    (2)Read and complete the sentences.
    (3)Check the answers.
    Cultivate students’ comprehensive
    language using ability.
    1. Read and retell the text.
    2. Do the exercises.

    Unit 6 Work quietly!

    本单元学习的主题是询问并回答正在做的事情,以及谈论在一些公共场所的行为规范。教学重点是能听、说、读、写五个动词的现在分词、四个有关行为规范的短语,以及核心句型“—What are they doing? —They’re eating lunch!”“—What’s the little monkey doing? —It’s playing with its mother!” “Talk quietly.” “Keep your desk clean.” “Take turns.” “Keep to the right.” “Work quietly.”。
    •能够听、说、读、写核心句型“—What are they doing? —They’re eating lunch!” “—What’s the little monkey doing? —It’s playing with its mother!” “Talk quietly.” “Keep your desk clean.” “Take turns.” “Keep to the right.” “Work quietly.”
    •能够在情境中运用句型“—What are they doing? —They’re…”询问并回答正在做的事情
    •能够在情境中运用句型“Talk quietly.” “Keep your desk clean.” “Take turns.” “Keep to the right.” “Work quietly.”谈论行为规范
    •能够听、说、读、写五个动词短语的现在分词:doing morning exercises, having…class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music
    •能够听、说、读、写四个有关行为规范的短语:keep to the right, keep your desk clean, talk quietly, take turns

    第一课时: Part A Let’ s try & Let’ s talk
    第二课时: Part A Let’ s learn & Look and say
    第三课时: Part A Let’ s spell
    第四课时: Part B Let’ s try & Let’ s talk
    第五课时: Part B Let’ s learn & Look, match and say
    第六课时: Part B Read and write & Let’ s check & Let’ s wrap it up
    The first period(第一课时)
    Part A Let’ s try & Let’ s talk

    Let’ s try
    •能够理解Let’s try中的听力内容,完成听力题目
    Let’ s talk
    •能够在情境中运用句型“—What are they doing? —They’re eating lunch.”“—What’s the little monkey doing? —It’s playing with its mother!”询问并回答正在做的事情
    •能够在语境中理解词汇eating lunch, bamboo, its的意思,并能正确发音
    在情境中运用句型 “—What are they doing? —They’re eating lunch.”“—What’s the little monkey doing? —It’s playing with its mother!”询问并回答正在做的事情。
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a game.
    Round 1: The teacher says out some verbs (e.g., swim), then students say out the “-ing” forms while doing the corresponding actions.
    Round 2: One student does some actions, and the other students say out the “-ing” forms of the actions.
    3. Lead-in.
    T: Do you like animals?
    Ss: Yes, We do.
    T: Look! Where are the animals? (课件出示:动物园图片)
    Ss: They’re at a zoo.
    4. Show the pictures of “Let’s try”.
    (课件出示:Let’s try图片)
    T: Look at the four pictures. What can you see?
    Ss: We can see some animals.

    T: What are the animals doing?
    S1: The birds are flying.
    S2: The tiger is running.

    T: Now, please listen and tick. (课件出示:Let's try音频)
    Students listen and tick.
    Check the answers. (课件出示:Let's try听力材料及答案)
    T: Do you want to have a look at the zoo?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: OK! Let’s go to the zoo together!
    Teaching purpose②
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Let’s talk.②
    (1)Look and say.
    The teacher shows a picture of a zoo.
    T: What can you see in the zoo?
    Ss: We can see some tigers, monkeys…in the zoo.
    T: What are the tigers doing?
    S1: Maybe they are jumping.
    S2: Maybe they are swimming.
    S3: Maybe they are playing.
    S4: Maybe they are walking.
    The teacher shows the complete picture. (课件出示:完整的老虎跑步的图片)
    T: Now, look! What are they doing?
    Ss: They are running.
    (2)Listen and match.
    T: Do you want to know more about the animals?
    Ss: Yes.
    T: OK! Chen Jie and Mike are at the zoo now. What are the animals doing? Let’s listen to the recording and finish the task.

    The teacher plays the recording.
    Students listen and finish the task.
    (课件出示:Let's talk音频)
    The teacher checks the answers with students.
    (3)Look and learn.
    T: Look at the little monkey. It is so cute. What is it doing?
    Ss: It’s playing with its mother.
    T: Yes. It’s playing with its mother. Pay attention to “playing with its mother”. Let’s practice it and do some actions.
    The teacher teaches “play with its mother—playing with its mother”. Students follow the teacher and practice it.
    T: Now, look at the elephant. Who can ask about the elephant?
    S1: What is the elephant doing?
    Ss: It is drinking water.
    T: You are so great! It is drinking water. Look at me. I am drinking water, too. Now, who can repeat and do the action of “drinking water”.
    Finally, the teacher teaches “drink water—drinking water”. Students follow the teacher and practice in groups.
    T: Look! There are two cute pandas. What are they doing?
    Ss: They are eating lunch.
    The teacher teaches “eat lunch—eating lunch”. Students follow the teacher and practice in rows.
    T: The pandas are eating. What do the pandas like? Do you know?
    Teaching purpose③
    S1: They like plants.
    S2: Maybe they like sweets.
    T: You are cute. They like bamboo. Do you know bamboo?
    The teacher points to the picture of “bamboo” and teaches the pronunciation and the spelling of it. Students follow the teacher and practice it in low voice and high voice.
    2. Read and act.③
    Teaching purpose④
    (1)Students read after the recording of “Let’s talk”. The teacher asks students to pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2)Let students practice the dialogue in groups.
    (3)Act out.
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Make sentences.④
    (课件出示:Choose and tell右边内容)
    T: Please make sentences with the phrases on the PPT in pairs. You can make sentences like this:
    A: We’re having an English class.
    B: I’m eating dinner.
    2. Show the sentences.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑤
    Do and say.
    (1) Choose one student to do some actions he/she learned before.
    Let the others say out the actions by using the present continuous tense.
    Make a model:
    T: What is he/she doing?
    Ss: He /She is…
    (2)Choose two students to do the same action at a time. Let boys ask and girls say out the action quickly.
    Make a model:
    B: What are they doing?
    G: They are…


    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    • Understand the listening materials of “Let’s try” and finish the listening task.
    • Perceive the key sentences preliminarily.
    Let’s talk
    •Understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the pictures.
    •Read the dialogue and act it out.
    •Use the sentence structures properly.
    •Understand the meanings of the new words and the phrases and pronounce correctly.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    • Be able to use the sentence structures properly in scenes.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    • Be able to make dialogues by using the present continuous tense and act them out.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    Warm-up & Lead-in

    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a game.
    3. Lead-in.
    Talk with students.
    4. Show the pictures of “Let’s try”. Play the recording. Check the answers with students.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play the game with the teacher.
    3. Talk with the teacher.
    Look at the pictures.
    4. Listen and finish the task.
    Check the answers with the teacher.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Create an interesting situation. Lead in the new lesson.
    1. Let's talk.
    (1)Look and say.
    Show pictures and let students guess the action through using the present continuous tense.
    (2)Listen and match.
    Play the recording of “Let’s
    talk” and let students listen and match. Check the answers with students.
    (3)Look and learn.
    Show some pictures. Teach the new phrases and the new word.
    (1)Look at the pictures
    and guess the action freely.
    (2)Listen to the recording and finish the task. Check the answers with the teacher.
    (3)Talk about the pictures through the present continuous tense. Learn the new phrases and the new word.
    Cultivate students’ observation and logical thinking ability.
    Help students get the overall perception of the text and the useful information. Lead students to learn and understand the dialogue more detailedly. Lead students to learn the key sentences and the words.
    2. Read and act.
    (1)Play the recording.
    (2)Let students practice the
    (3)Let students act out.
    (1)Read after the
    (2)Practice the dialogue.
    (3)Act out.
    Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    1. Ask students to make sentences.
    2. Let students show the sentences.
    1. Make sentences.
    2. Show the sentences in the class.
    Arouse students’ learning interest. Consolidate students’ understanding of the target sentences.
    Consolidation & Extension
    Do and say.
    (1)Choose one student to do some actions he/she learned before.
    (2)Choose two students to do the same actions at a time.
    (1)Say out the actions by using the present
    continuous tense.
    (2)Boys ask and girls say out the action quickly.
    Lead students to use the present continuous tense. Consolidate students’ understanding and application of the key sentences. Cultivate students’ comprehensive
    ability to use language.
    1.Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The second period(第二课时)
    Part A Let’s learn & Look and say
    Let’s learn
    •能够听、说、读、写五个动词短语:doing morning exercises, having…class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music
    Look and say
    能够听、说、读、写并熟练运用短语“doing morning exercises, having…class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music”。
    Teaching purpose①
    用“魔术眼”的活动来帮助学生复习和巩固动词的现在分词形式,激发学生学习兴趣。利用PPT依次出示Chen Jie的图片,让学生猜测她正在做的事情,以此引入新课。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Magic eyes.
    Let students say out the words according to the PPT.
    3. Lead-in.
    T: What’s the time now?
    Ss: It’s…
    T: What are you doing?
    Ss: We are having an English class.
    (课件出示:Chen Jie的图片)
    T: What is Chen Jie doing? Can you guess?
    Ss: She is…
    Teaching purpose②
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Learn the phrases.②
    T: Do you want to know Chen Jie’s daily activities?
    Ss: Yes!
    T: Let’s have a look! (课件出示:Let’s learn第一幅图)
    T: What time is it? What's Chen Jie doing?
    Ss: It’s 6 o’clock. She's doing morning exercises.
    The teacher teaches “doing morning exercises” while doing actions. Students learn the phrase while doing actions, and then practice it.
    Ask students to pay attention to the word “exercises”.
    (课件出示: Let's learn第二幅图)
    T: What time is it? What are the students doing?
    Ss: It’s 9 o’clock. They are having an English class.
    The teacher teaches “having an English class” while doing actions. Students learn the phrase while doing actions, and then practice it.
    Ask students to pay attention to the pronunciation and the spelling of the word “having”.
    T: Do you want to know more about Chen Jie’s daily activities? Who can be the little teacher now? Please try to ask two questions according to the picture.
    (课件出示:Let's learn第三幅图)
    S1: What time is it? What's Chen Jie doing?
    Ss: It’s half past eleven. She's eating lunch.
    (课件出示:Let's learn第四幅图的一半)
    S1: What time is it? What's Chen Jie doing? Can you guess?
    Ss: It’s 4 o’clock. She's reading a book.
    The teacher teaches “reading a book” while doing actions. Students learn the phrase while doing actions, and then practice it.
    T: Look! What am I doing?
    Teaching purpose③
    Ss: You're listening to music.
    (课件出示: Let's learn第五幅图)
    T: It’s half past seven. Chen Jie is listening to music, too.
    The teacher teaches “listening to music” while doing actions. Students learn the phrase while doing actions, and then practice it.
    2. Read and act.③
    (1)Students read after the recording of “Let’s learn” and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2)Let students practice the dialogue in groups.
    (3)Act out.
    Step 3: Practice④
    Teaching purpose④
    1. Quick response.
    (1)Show the phrase cards one by one. Students read the phrases on the cards quickly. (doing morning exercises, having an English class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music…)
    (2)Choose one student to come to the front of the classroom and do some actions according to the phrases on the cards. Let the other students say out the actions quickly.
    2. Look and say.
    (课件出示: Look and say图片)
    T: Look at the pictures. Try to talk about them with the sentence pattern “…is/are doing…” Who can say quickly? Let’s have a competition.
    S1: Mike is listening to music.
    S2: Zhang Peng is reading a book.
    S3: Chen Jie and Sarah are eating lunch.
    S4: Wu Binbin and Robin are running.

    Teaching purpose⑤
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑤
    1. Make dialogues.
    Show Jack’s daily activities. (课件出示:男孩Jack的作息活动)
    T: Look! This is Jack’s daily activities. Please make dialogues according to the pictures. You can say like this:
    A: What is Jack doing at 6:30 in the morning?
    B: He is getting up at 6:30 in the morning.

    2. Show the dialogues.


    1. Read and show your dialogue about Jack’s daily activities to your family.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    • Be able to listen, speak, read and write the phrases “doing morning exercises, having…class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music”.
    • Use the five phrases correctly.
    Look and say
    • Consolidate students’ understanding of the usage of the target sentences and phrases.
    • Be able to make sentences to describe the actions according to the pictures.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    • Be able to understand and use the phrases “doing morning exercises, having…class, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music” correctly.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    • Be able to use the key phrases and the sentences in real situations.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    Warm-up & Lead-in

    1. Greetings.
    2. Magic eyes.
    3. Lead-in.
    Talk with the students.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Say out the words quickly.
    3. Have a free talk with the teacher.
    Cultivate students’
    learning interest. Lead in the new lesson.
    1. Learn the phrases.
    (1)Teach the phrases “doing morning exercises” and “having an English class” through the pictures.
    (2)Review the phrase “eating lunch” with the help of the little teacher.
    (3)Teach the phrase “reading a book” through the guessing activity.
    (4)Teach the phrase “listening to music” through the audio.
    Learn the phrases with the help of the teacher and practice them in time. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the spelling of the phrases.
    Use different ways to lead students to learn
    the new phrases. Improve students' motivation of learning and consolidate
    students’ understanding of the dialogue.
    2. Read and act.
    (1)Play the recording and ask students to read after it.
    (2)Ask students to practice the dialogue in groups.
    (3)Ask students to act it out.
    Read after the recording.
    Practice the dialogue and act it out.
    Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.

    1. Quick response.
    (1)Show the phrase cards one by one.
    Ask students to read the phrases quickly.
    (2)Choose one student to do some actions according to the phrases on the cards. Ask the other students to speak them out quickly.
    2. Look and say.
    (1)Show the pictures of “Look and say”.
    (2)Ask students to have a competition.
    1. Read the phrases on the cards quickly. One student comes to the front of the class and does some actions according to the phrases on the cards. The other students speak out the actions quickly.
    2. Talk about the pictures with the sentence pattern “…is/are doing…”
    Practice the target phrases and sentences. Create a pleasant learning atmosphere.
    1. Make dialogues.
    Show Jack's daily activities on the PPT and give an example.
    2. Show the dialogues.
    1. Talk about Jack’s daily activities through making dialogues.
    2. Act them out in the class.
    Create a natural and real situation. Students can use the sentences and phrases reasonably. Cultivate students’ comprehensive
    language using ability.
    1. Read and show your dialogue about Jack’s daily activities to your family.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The third period(第三课时)
    Part A Let’s spell
    Let’s spell
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    The teacher shows some riddles. Let students guess.
    T: I have five riddles. Please try to guess. (课件出示:谜语)
    Step 2: Presentation
    Teaching purpose②
    1. Read and find.②
    The teacher shows the five words “what, when, where, whose and who” on the PPT. (课件出示:Let’s spell板块的五幅图)
    T: What’s the same part in these words? Discuss it with your partner.
    Ss: They all have “wh”.
    T: Yes! Does “wh” in the five words sound the same? Let’s listen to the recording.
    The teacher plays the recording and asks students to listen to it.
    Ss: No! They pronounce the sounds of “/w/” and “/h/”.

    2. Look, listen and classify.

    T: Look! There are six words. Please listen and repeat. Try to classify. You can discuss with your partner.
    Students discuss the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “wh”. The teacher sums up the pronunciation rules with students.
    Teaching purpose③
    3. Read the chant.③
    The teacher plays the recording of the chant of “Let’s spell”.Students listen to the chant and repeat. (出示课件)
    4. Try to read.
    T: Look at the pictures. Please try to read.

    Teaching purpose④
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Read and find.④
    The teacher shows some words on the PPT.
    T: Look at the words! Can you find their homes?

    T: Now! Please read together! And then let’s review the rules together.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    2. Listen and circle.⑤
    T: Please listen to the recording. Then circle the words you hear.
    (课件出示:Listen and circle练习)
    (1)Students listen to the recording and circle the words.
    (2)Check the answers.
    (3)Students read all the words loudly by themselves.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑥
    1. Ask and write.
    T: Please ask your partner three wh-questions and write them down.
    Example:What colour is it?
    (1)Students ask wh-questions and write them down.
    (2)Students read the questions.
    2. Make dialogues.
    T: Please read the following story. Ask some wh-questions. And try to make dialogues with the questions. You can discuss in groups.

    (1)Students ask “wh” questions with their partners.
    A: Who is the girl?
    B: She is Sarah.
    A: When is Sarah’s birthday?
    B: It’s on May 25th.
    A: Whose cat is this?
    B: It’s Sarah’s cat.
    A: Where is the cat?
    B: It’s on the desk.
    (2)Students show their dialogues in the class.


    1. Read the chant after class.
    2. Try to find more words that have “wh” and share them.
    3. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》P1 第一、三题)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s spell
    •Be able to perceive and conclude the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “wh” in words.
    •Be able to read the new words that have the letter combination “wh” according to the pronunciation rules.
    •Be able to spell the words which have the letter combination “wh” according to their pronunciation.
    •Be able to write down the sentences correctly. Teaching Priorities
    •Be able to read the words of this period expertly.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    • Be able to read other new words through the pronunciation rules.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    •Be able to read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    Show some riddles and ask
    students to guess.
    1. Say “Hello!” to the
    2. Guess the riddles.
    Cultivate students’ learning interest. Let students experience the pronunciation of the letters. Lead in the new lesson.
    1. Read and find.
    Show the five words “what, when, where, whose and who” on the PPT. Play the recording of “Read, listen and chant.”
    Observe the words and discuss them with the partners. Listen to the recording and find out the sounds of “wh”.
    Lead students to find out the two sounds of the letter combination “wh”. Develop students’
    autonomous learning ability.
    2. Look, listen and classify.
    Show some words on the PPT. Ask students to listen and repeat, then classify. Sum up the pronunciation rules with students.
    Look at the words. Listen and repeat. Discuss the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “wh”.
    Sum up the pronunciation rules with the teacher.
    Lead students to conclude the
    pronunciation rules of the letter combination “wh”.
    3. Read the chant.
    Play the recording of “Read, listen and chant”.
    Listen to the chant and repeat.
    Make sure students read the chant correctly and fluently.
    4. Try to read.
    Show some pictures.
    Read the sentences.
    Create a pleasant learning atmosphere and enhance students’ ability to read the words with the letter combination “wh”.
    1. Read and find.
    Show some words on the PPT. Ask students to read together and review the rules.
    Look at the words and find their homes. Read the words and review the rules together.
    Strengthen the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “wh”.
    2. Listen and circle.
    Play the recording and check the answers.
    Listen to the recording and circle the words. Check the answers. Read all the words loudly.
    Reconsolidate the pronunciation rules of the letter combination “wh”.
    Consolidation & Extension
    1. Ask and write.
    Give an example.
    2. Make dialogues.
    Ask students to read the story and make dialogues.
    Ask partners three wh- questions and write them down. Read the questions. Read the story and make dialogues with the wh- questions.
    Help students use phonetic knowledge in their daily life and improve their reading ability.
    1. Read the chant after class.
    2. Try to find more words that have “wh” and share them.
    3. Do the exercises.

    The fourth period(第四课时)
    Part A Let’ s try & Let’ s talk

    Let’ s try
    •能够理解Let’s try中的听力内容,完成听力题目
    Let’ s talk
    •能够感知B部分的核心句型,并能在语境中理解“Talk quietly.” “Keep your desk clean.”的含义
    •能够在情境中恰当运用核心句型“Talk quietly. ” “Keep your desk clean.”谈论一些在公共场所要遵守的行为规范
    掌握核心句型“Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean.”并能够在情境中恰当运用该句型。
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a game.①
    The teacher shows a picture. (课件出示:一个女孩看电视的图片) Students who can speak out the phrase “watching TV” stand up quickly and say a chant like this:
    Watching TV! Watching TV! Is she reading a book? No, she is watching TV.
    The teacher shows a picture. (课件出示:一个男孩去游泳的图片)
    Students who can speak out the phrase “going swimming” stand up quickly and say a chant like this:
    Going swimming! Going swimming! Is he going fishing? No, he is going swimming.

    3. Lead-in.
    The teacher shows the pictures of “Let’s try”. (课件出示:Let’s try练习)
    T: Please listen to the dialogue and circle the right answer.
    The teacher plays the recording. Students listen to the recording and circle the answer.
    4. Check the answer.
    Teaching purpose②
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Show some pictures of different signs.②
    T: What does it mean?
    Ss: It means “Don’t eat!”
    T: Good answer! It means “No eating!”
    The teacher explains the meaning of the expression “No eating!”. Students learn the expression.
    T: There are some other expressions with “No…”, such as “No talking! No parking!”
    The teacher explains the expressions with actions.
    T: Can you guess the meaning?
    Ss: It means “Keep clean.”
    T: Good job! It means “Keep your desk clean!”
    The teacher explains the meaning of “Keep your desk clean!”Students learn the expression.
    T: What other things should we keep clean?
    Ss: Keep our bedrooms clean.
    T: Anything else?
    Ss: Keep our classroom clean. Keep our clothes clean.

    The teacher explains “Anything else?”, and students try to learn it.
    The teacher does the action. (Shh)
    T: What should you do now?
    Teaching purpose③
    Ss: Talk quietly.
    The teacher teaches the phrase. Students learn it.
    T: “Quietly” is an adverb. Adverbs are often used after verbs. For example, walk slowly.
    2. Show other pictures of the signs.
    T: Please look at the pictures. And speak out the signs quickly!
    3. Read and act.③
    (1)The teacher plays the recording of “Let\'s talk” and asks students to read after it. Let students pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2)Let students practice the dialogue in groups.
    Teaching purpose④
    (3)Act it out.
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Quick response.④
    The teacher prepares different cards with different signs on them. Choose one student to come to the front of the classroom and hold up the cards one by one. Let the other students speak out the signs quickly.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    T: Look at the cards. I need one student to come to the front and then hold up the cards one by one. The others speak out the signs in English quickly.
    2. Match, say and act.⑤
    (1)Students look and match.
    (课件出示:Match, say and act.练习)
    T: Look at the pictures. Try to match at first.
    (2)Check the answers. (出示课件)
    (3)Let students make dialogues.
    (课件出示:Match, say and act.图片)
    T: Please make dialogues according to the pictures.
    Make a model:
    A: Where are we now?
    B: We are in the classroom.
    A: Oh, my English book is here.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    B: Can I read the books here?
    A: OK! Please work quietly!
    (4)Students act out the dialogues.
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑥
    Make class rules.
    T: Now, please make some class rules. They can make our class better and better. Discuss in groups and make a report.
    Report the rules like this:
    S1: Group 1 makes the following rules:
    Keep the blackboard clean before class.
    Talk quietly when we are in the classroom.


    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》P1 第一、三题)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    • Understand the listening materials of “Let’s try”.
    • Finish the listening task.
    Let’s talk
    • Understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing the pictures.
    • Read the dialogue correctly and act it out.
    • Understand and use the target sentences properly.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    • Be able to master the key sentences and use them in the real situations.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    • Be able to describe the meanings of different signs.
    ▶Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    Warm-up & Lead-in

    1. Greetings.
    2. Play a game.
    3. Lead-in.
    Show the pictures of “Let’s
    try” and play the recording.
    4. Check the answer.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Play the game.
    3. Listen to the dialogue and circle the right answer.
    4. Check the answer with the teacher.
    Make some chants to review and get prepared for the learning. The listening task helps students perceive the meaning of different signs.
    1. Show some pictures of different signs. Show the sign of “No eating!”. Show the sign of “Keep your desk clean!”.
    Explain “Anything else?” to students. Show the sign of “Talk quietly.”
    Guess the meaning of the signs.
    Learn the expressions of the signs and the sentence “Anything else?”
    Cultivate students’ observation and logical thinking ability. Help students to understand the target language with the help of the pictures.
    2. Show other pictures of the signs.
    Speak out the signs quickly.
    Practice the expressions of different signs quickly.

    3. Read and act.
    Play the recording of “Let’s talk”.

    Read after the recording. Practice the dialogue and act it out.
    Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    1. Quick response.
    Prepare some cards with different signs on them.
    2. Match, say and act.
    Ask students to look and
    match. Check the answers. Let students make dialogues. Let students act out the dialogues.
    1. Speak out the expressions of
    the signs quickly.
    2. Look and match. Checks the answers with the teacher. Then make dialogues. Finally act out the dialogues.
    Activate the learning atmosphere. Let students practice the expressions of different signs.
    Make class rules.
    Ask students to make the class rules and make a report.
    Discuss and make the class rules, and make a report.
    Group work can effectively enhance students’ learning
    interest and consolidate the target sentences. Lead students to use the target sentences in real situations.
    1. Practice the dialogue.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The fifth period(第五课时)
    Part B Let’s learn & Look, match and say
    Let’ s learn
    •能够听、说、读、写四个有关行为规范的短语keep to the right, keep your desk clean, talk quietly, take turns
    Look, match
    and say
    1. 能够听、说、读、写keep to the right, keep your desk clean, talk quietly, take turns。
    2. 提醒学生注意遵守公共场所的行为规范和学校的规章制度。
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.①
    T: Boys and girls! Let’s chant together! Follow me!

    Students follow the chant.
    3. Lead-in.
    T: We know some expressions of the signs. Do you remember? What should you do when you are having classes?
    Ss: Talk quietly!
    T: Well done! Today we are going to learn other signs! Are you ready for class?
    Ss: Yes.
    Teaching purpose②
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Show some pictures of the signs.②
    T: What does it mean?
    Ss: It means “Drive on the right side.”
    T: Good. It means “Keep to the right.”
    The teacher explains the meaning of the word “keep”. Students learn the word.
    The teacher holds up the right hand and says “This is the right side. Keep to the right.”
    T: When should we keep to the right?
    Ss: When we go down stairs./When we go up stairs./When we drive a car in China./…
    The teacher lets students read the expression and practice it in lines.
    T: Look at this sign. What does it mean?
    Ss: It means “Keep your desk clean.”
    The teacher lets students read the expression and practice it in rows.
    The teacher does the action.
    T: What should you do now?
    Ss: Talk quietly!
    Teaching purpose③
    Let students practice the expression through doing the action
    2. Show the picture of “Let’s learn”.③
    (课件出示: Let’s learn图片)
    T: Where are they now?
    Ss: They are in the classroom.
    T: Yes. They both want to use the crayons. What should they do?
    Ss: Use the crayons one by one.
    Teaching purpose④
    T: Good answer. They should take turns.
    The teacher explains the phrase “take turns” and teaches its pronunciation and spelling.
    Students learn the phrase and practice it group by group.
    3. Read and act.④
    (1)Students read after the recording of “Let’s learn” and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2)Let students practice the dialogue in groups.
    (3)Act out.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    Step 3: Practice
    1. Play the turntable game.⑤
    The teacher turns the turntable. Let students read out the expression
    Teaching purpose⑥
    that is pointed to on the turntable quickly. (出示课件)
    2. Magic eyes.⑥
    T: I will show you some pictures. Please find out the problems and give some suggestions.
    T: What should they do?
    Ss: They should take turns.
    T: What should he do?
    Ss: He should talk quietly.
    T: What should you do?
    Ss: We should keep our desks clean.
    T: What should she do?
    Ss: She should keep to the right.
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension
    1. Let students look and match.
    Teaching purpose⑦
    (课件出示:Look, match and say练习)
    T: Look at the sentences. Try to match.
    Students look at the sentences and match.
    The teacher checks the answers with students.
    2. Make dialogues.⑦
    T: Please use the sentences to make dialogues in groups.
    A: He is talking in the library.
    B: Talk quietly.
    A: We are playing a game.
    B: Take turns.

    3. Show the dialogues.


    1. Find more expressions of signs.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》P1 第三题)

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    • Be able to listen, speak, read and write the phrases “keep to the right, keep your desk clean, talk quietly, take turns”.
    • Use the phrases correctly in real situations.
    Look, match and say
    •Practice and consolidate the target expressions and cultivate students\' communicative competence.
    •Understand the five sentences and finish the task.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    • Be able to listen, speak, read and write the phrases.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    • Use the key expressions in real situations.
    ▶Teaching Procedures

    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.
    3. Lead-in.
    Talk about the signs.
    1. Say “Hello!” to the
    2. Chant with the teacher.
    3. Talk about the signs.
    Activate the learning atmosphere. Help students review the sentences they learned in the last lesson. Lead in the new lesson.
    1. Show some pictures of the signs.
    Show the sign of “Keep to the right.” Show the sign of “Keep your desk clean.” Show the sign of “Talk quietly!”.
    Learn the expressions of “Keep to the right.”, “Keep your desk clean.” and “Talk quietly!”
    Use different pictures to lead in the expressions of different signs. Stimulate students’ learning motivation.
    2. Show the picture of “Let’s learn”.
    Talk about the picture. Explain the phrase “take turns”.
    Talk about the picture. Learn the phrase “take turns”.
    Lead students to learn the new phrase effectively.

    3. Read and act.
    Play the recording and let students read and act.
    Read after the recording, and act out the dialogue.
    Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently.
    1. Play the turntable game.
    Play the game.
    Read the expression that is pointed to on the turntable.
    Activate the atmosphere. Let students practice the expressions.
    2. Magic eyes.
    Show some pictures. Lead students to talk about them and give suggestions.
    Talk about the pictures and give suggestions.
    Lead students to find out the problems and give some suggestions. Consolidate the expressions of the signs and encourage students to think.
    Consolidation & Extension
    1. Let students look and match. Check the answers with students.
    2. Make dialogues.
    3. Show the dialogues.
    1. Look at the sentences
    and match. Check the answers with the teacher.
    2. Make dialogues.
    3. Act out the dialogues.
    Cultivate students’ logical thinking ability. Improve students’ learning efficiency.
    1. Find more expressions of signs.
    2. Do the exercises.

    The sixth period(第六课时)
    Part B Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up
    Read and write
    Let’s check
    Let’s wrap it up
    Teaching purpose①
    通过引导学生观察并回答问题,巩固现在进行时的表达,同时让学生感知新句型“What are you saying?”,继而引入新课。
    Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in①
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in
    The teacher shows some pictures.
    T: What is it?
    Ss: It’s a fox.
    T: Where is the fox? What is it doing?
    Ss: It’s in the forest. It’s walking.
    T: Yes. The fox is walking in the forest.
    T: What is the cat doing?
    Ss: It’s playing the piano.
    T: What are the children doing?
    Ss: They are playing football.
    T: Look at the girl. What is she saying? Can you guess?
    S1: Maybe she is saying “Happy birthday!”.
    S2: Maybe she is saying “A present for you!”.
    T: Sorry! I can’t hear clearly. What are you saying?
    Ss: …
    Teaching purpose②
    Step 2: Presentation
    1. Show the pictures above together.②
    T: Do you like the pictures?
    Ss: Yes. They are very nice.
    T: They are from the school picture exhibition.
    The teacher explains the word “exhibition”. Students learn the pronunciation and the spelling of the word, then practice it.
    Teaching purpose③
    2. Look and answer.③
    T: There are many other exhibitions in the world. Sarah and Robin are at the world robot exhibition. Please look at the pictures quickly and find out how many robots Robin and Sarah see. (课件出示:Read and write六幅图片)
    Ss: They see six robots.
    Teaching purpose④
    3. Read and match.④
    T: Now let’s read the text and find out where the robots are from. Please read and match. You can circle the pictures and underline the key words.
    Check the answers with students.
    T: The…robot is from the USA.
    The…robot is from Canada.
    The…robot is from Spain.
    The…robots are from Japan.
    Teaching purpose⑤
    Is the…robot from China?
    Ss: Yes, it is.
    4. Read and answer.⑤
    T: Please read the text again and answer the following questions:
    Q1: Is Asako cooking rice?
    Q2: What can the Spanish robot do?
    Q3: What is the Chinese robot doing?
    Q4: Is Robin doing kung fu?
    Check the answers with students.
    T: Asako is not cooking rice. It is making sushi. (课件出示:寿司图片)
    The teacher explains the word “sushi” through the picture. Students learn the word and practice it.
    T: The Spanish robot is playing music. The Chinese robot is doing kung fu. Robin is doing kung fu, too.
    Teaching purpose⑥
    5. Read and act.⑥
    (1)The teacher plays the recording of “Read and write”. Students read after it.
    T: Please read sentence by sentence and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.
    (2)Let students practice the dialogues in groups.
    (3)Act out.
    Teaching purpose⑦
    Step 3: Practice⑦
    1. Fill in the blanks.
    Let students read the text and fill in the blanks.
    (课件出示:Fill in the blanks练习)
    T: Sarah and Robin are at the world robot exhibition. There are many robots. They are very clever and useful. What are they doing? Please fill in the blanks.
    2. Check the answers.
    3. Sum up the rules of the present continuous tense.
    T: Please pay attention to the forming of the present continuous tense.
    Teaching purpose⑧
    Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑧
    1. Let’s check.
    (课件出示:Let’s check图片)
    (1)Listen and tick.
    The teacher plays the recording of “Let's check”.
    T: Please listen to the recording of “Let's check” and tick the right pictures.
    (2)Check the answers. (课件出示:听力材料及答案)
    (3)Listen again and write.
    T: Please listen again and write down the answers on the line.
    Check the answers with students.
    2. Let’s wrap it up.
    (课件出示:Let’s wrap it up图片)
    T: Look at the pictures. What are they doing? Please look carefully and fill in the blanks.
    Check the answers. (课件出示:Let’s wrap it up答案)


    1. Use the present continuous tense to write a new passage.
    2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书《创优作业100分》或《状元作业本》对应课时作业)
    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Read and write
    • Be able to understand the text and complete the sentences with the help of the pictures.
    • Review and consolidate the key words and sentences.
    Let’s check
    • Be able to listen, speak, read and write the key words and sentences.
    Let’s wrap it up
    • Be able to summarize the structure and the usage of the present continuous tense and finish the task of this part.
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    • Be able to master the phrases and the sentences, and use them correctly in real situations.
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    • Master the basic reading strategies and use the new words and sentences in the daily life.
    ▶Teaching Procedures

    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    Warm-up & Lead-in
    1. Greetings.
    2. Lead-in.
    Show some pictures and talk about the pictures with students.
    1. Greetings.
    2. Talk about the pictures.
    Consolidate the present continuous tense. Lead in the new lesson.
    1. Show the pictures above together.
    Explain and teach the word “exhibition”.
    Talk about the pictures.
    Learn the pronunciation and the spelling of the word “exhibition”.
    Lead in the difficult word “exhibition”, and help students learn it.
    2. Look and answer.
    Ask students to look at the pictures and answer the question.
    Look at the pictures and find out the answer to the question.
    Lead students to find out the information through the pictures and get an overall understanding of the text. Cultivate students’ reading ability.
    3. Read and match.
    Let students read the text and answer the questions. Check the answers with students.
    Read the text and match.
    Check the answers.
    Task-based teaching method is used to make students get a better understanding of the details of the text.
    4. Read and answer.
    Let students read the text again and answer the questions. Check the answers with students. Explain the word “sushi” through the picture.
    Read the text and answer the questions. Check the answers with the teacher. Learn and practice the word “sushi”.
    Cultivate students’ independent inquiry ability.
    5. Read and act.
    Play the recording. Let students read after the recording and act them out.
    Read after the recording.
    Practice the dialogues in groups and act them out.
    Make sure students read the dialogues correctly and fluently.
    1. Fill in the blanks.
    2. Check the answers.
    3. Sum up the rules of the present continuous tense.
    1. Read and finish the task.
    2. Check the answers with the teacher.
    3. Pay attention to the
    structure of the present continuous tense.

    Help students get a better understanding of the present continuous tense by practicing.
    Consolidation & Extension
    1. Let’s check.
    Play the recording and ask students to finish the two tasks. Then check the answers with students.
    2. Let's wrap it up.
    Ask students to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers.
    1. Listen and finish the two tasks. Then check the answers with the teacher.
    2. Look carefully and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers with the teacher.
    Consolidate students’ learning of the present continuous tense. And lead students to use it in real situations.
    1. Use the present continuous tense to write a new passage.
    2. Do the exercises.


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