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    牛津深圳版英语九年级上unit 07 The adventure of Tom Sawyer PPT
    牛津深圳版英语九年级上unit 07 The adventure of Tom Sawyer PPT01
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    牛津深圳版英语九年级上unit 07 The adventure of Tom Sawyer PPT07
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    初中英语牛津版 (深圳&广州)九年级上册(2014秋审查)Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer集体备课课件ppt

    这是一份初中英语牛津版 (深圳&广州)九年级上册(2014秋审查)Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer集体备课课件ppt,共57页。PPT课件主要包含了novel,writer,sympathy,steamboat,steam,humorous,celebrated,lead,plot,lazy等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Part 01 Lead in
    Samuel Langhrne Clemens
    Nvember 30, 1835, Flrida, Missuri, U.S.
    Writer, humrist, publisher, lecturer
    "the father f American literature"
     The Adventures f Tm Sawyer (1876) Adventures f Huckleberry Finn (1884)
    "greatest humrist this cuntry has prduced"
    The adventures f Tm Sawyer
    The Adventures f Tm Sawyer by Mark Twain is an 1876 nvel abut a yung by grwing up alng the Mississippi River. It is set in the 1840s in the fictinal twn f St. Petersburg, inspired by Hannibal, Missuri, where Twain lived as a by.In the nvel Tm Sawyer has several adventures, ften with his friend, Huckleberry Finn. Originally a cmmercial failure, the bk ended up being the best selling f any f Twain's wrks during his lifetime. The bk is cnsidered a masterpiece f American literature.
    Part 02 Passage
    Tm Sawyer paints the fence
    On Saturday mrning, every by in twn was happy, except Tm Sawyer. Tm’s aunt gave him a task f painting their fence. It was 30 yards lng and 3 yards high. He painted ne bard and surveyed his prgress, and then he sat dwn t have a rest.Tm began t think f the games that he wanted t play. He knew the bys wh were free wuld sn cme alng and make fun f him. Just then, he had an idea. He picked up his brush and went back t wrk.Ben Rgers came alng the rad. He was singing happily and carrying an apple.
    fence n. 栅栏,篱笆【搭】ver the fence 越过栅栏
    except prep. 除…之外(不包括) 【辨】except fr…(不包括局部) besides prep.除…之外(不包括)
    task n. 任务, 工作【同】assignment/jb/missin【释】piece f difficult wrk【搭】a task f ding sth. 一项…任务; carry n/cmplete/undertake a task 执行/完成/承担任务
    yard n. 码 (1码==三英尺=0.9144米)【拓】n. 院子 backyard 后院【拓】基数词 yards lng …码长
    bard n. 木板【搭】n bard 在船(或火车等)上【拓】v. 上船(或火车等)
    survey v. 查看,审视【同】lk carefully at; check【拓】n. 调查 d a survey f sth.
    prgress n. 进展 (U)【同】imprvement 【拓】make (great )prgress in在…取得进展
    have a rest 休息【同】have a break【拓】rest n. 休息时间=perid f relaxing n. 剩余部分=remainder
    cme alng 出现【同】appear/shw up;
    think f 想像到【同】imagine【拓】1. think f =remember 想起,记起 2. think f=think abut 思考,考虑 3. think f=cme up with 想出(主意) 4. what d yu think f…? =Hw d yu like …? 你觉得…怎么样? 5. think f…as=regard…as…=cnsider…as…把…当作…
    “I’m ging swimming,” said Ben. “D yu want t cme? Oh, yu have t wrk, dn’t yu? What a pity!”“Wrk?” said Tm. “This isn’t wrk. I’m enjying myself. Des a by get a chance t paint a fence like this every day?” Then he went n painting.Ben watched Tm in silence. He became mre and mre interested.After a while, he said, “Tm, will yu let me d sme painting?”Tm said, “N, Ben, I can’t. Aunt Plly warned me t d it well. I’m the nly persn that can d it right.”
    What a pity! 多可惜啦!【拓】pity n. 遗憾,可惜
    g n 继续【拓】g n ding sth.继续做…What’s ging n?=What happened?【同】cntinue ding sth.
    in silence 沉默地【同】withut saying a wrd=silently【拓】silent adj. 安静的 =quiet keep silent/quiet 保持安静
    after a while 一会儿后【同】after a perid f time; a mment later【拓】while n. =a perid f time 一会儿 while cnj. 正当…时候,然而,引导状语从句
    当定语从句的先行词有the nly 修饰时,关系代词用that
    “Oh, please, Tm,” said Ben. “I can d it. I’ll be really careful. I’ll be really careful. I’ll give yu half my apple. Wait, I’ll give yu all f it.”“That’s a deal,” said Tm. “But yu must be careful.”Tm gave Ben his brush with wrry n his face but jy in his heart. He sat dwn again and started t eat the apple.When Ben gt tired, Billy Fisher was waiting. He gave Tm a kite fr the chance t paint. Then Jhnny Miller ffered him tw ty sldiers.Sn Tm had gt many new tys, and the fence gt three cats f paint. Aunt Plly was s pleased that she gave Tm a big apple! 
    careful adj. 小心,谨慎【变】care v. 照顾 care abut/fr sb. carefully adv. 小心地 careless adj. 粗心的 carelessness n.粗心
    That’s a deal 就这么定了!【拓】deal n.交易 =business agreement make a deal with sb. 与…达成协议 v. 处理 deal with sth. 处理某事Hw…deal with ?=What…d with?
    cat n. 涂料层,覆盖层【拓】n. 外套,大衣
    Part 03 Vcabulary
    【变】nvelist n. 小说家
    【拓】literature n.文学 science fictin n. 科幻小说 fairy tale 童话故事 essay n. 散文 petry n.诗歌
    【例】This nvel has been made int a film.
    n. 【pl.】祝贺,恭贺
    【搭】 cngratulatins n/ ding sth. 因…而祝贺;
    【拓】 cngratulate v. 祝贺 cngratulate sb. n sth. 向(某人) 道贺
    【练】 Please accept my ____________ (道贺). I wuld like t __________(祝贺)yu ___yur victry.
    【释】 the feeling f being srry fr sb.
    【拓】 express/feel sympathy fr sb. 对…感到同情 have n sympathy fr sb. 不同情…
    【拓】 I _____________________ Jan, it's all her wn fault.  我不同情简,那都是她自己的错。
    have n sympathy fr
    adj. 滑稽的,有幽默感的
    【同】 funny adj.
    【变】 humr n. 幽默 the sense f humr 幽默感
    【同】 I think ur English teacher is better than yurs.  He is  _________(更有经验的) and _________  (更幽默的)
    mre experienced
    adj. 著名的,闻名的
    【同】 famus; well-knwn;
    【变】 celebrate v. 庆祝,庆贺 celebratin n. 庆祝 celebrity n.名人
    【练】 Dick ___________ his 60th birthday n Mnday. He is a ___________ artist. The Natinal Day ___________ this year was s great.
    【释】 It is a sft, grey, heavy metal.
    【变】 lead v. 带领 lead sb. t +地点 带领…去…; leading adj. 领先的,优秀的 lead t =cause 导致 leader n.领导
    【例】 Is the pipe made f cpper r lead?
    【释】 the series f events which frm the stry f a nvel, play, film/mvie, etc.
    【变】 laziness n. 懒惰
    【反】 hard-wrking adj. 工作努力的
    【练】 Because f his _______, he didn’t hand in his wrk n time.
    【搭】 pretend t be +名词 假装是… pretend t be ding sth. 假装正做… pretend that从句 假装…
    【译】 不要不懂装懂!
    Dn't pretend t knw when yu dn't.
    turn sth. ver
    【练】 I culdn’t sleep and __________________in bed last night. 我昨晚睡不着,在床上辗转反侧。
    turned ver and ver
    【变】 turn up turn dwn turn int turn ff turn n turn ut turn rund turn back
    trick sb. int ding sth.
    一、真题再现i. 从下列每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分的最佳项。  (  )1. —It’s a pity that we must leave fr wrk. —I can’t wait fr the next hliday.A. happy thingB. disappinting thingC. pleasant thing(  )2. —Yu lk wrried.—Yes. I hpe yu can be back in a little while.A. a lng timeB. a shrt time C. a gd time(  )3. —The girl was careful, and she didn’t make any mistake.—I think girls are mre careful than bys.A. nt carelessB. quietC. nisy
    (  )4. —D yu knw the celebrated Jumping Frg in Mark Twain’s wrks?—Of curse. Mark Twain’s my favurite writer.A. quiet B. pleasedC. famus  (  )5. —Tm is lazy, and he desn’t d any wrk at hme.  —But Tm tells me that his parents never let him d anything.  A. nt happy B. nt wrriedC. nt hard-wrking  (  )6. —After I heard the result, I began t think f the trip that I expected.—Yu mean yu finished yur task successfully.A. imagineB. listen tC. lk at(  )7. —Sadly, my best friend didn’t cme alng in the end.—I heard that he was really busy these days.A. appear B. g awayC. disappear
    (  )8. —After a while, Lucy went n ding her hmewrk. —Did she finish it by herself?A. began B. finishedC. cntinued(  )9. —All custmers lk carefully at the new prducts in silence. —I think they must be amazed.A. withut smilingB. withut speakingC. withut mving(  )10. —After a while, the teacher walked int the classrm. —His students were nisy when he entered.A. In a minuteB. After a lng timeC. A mment later
    ii. 根据句子意思,从下列每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(  )11. ________ refers t a situatin when nbdy is speaking.A. PrgressB. Silence C. Research(  )12. Each f us must d smething fr the picnic. I was given the _____ f building a fire.A. quizB. taskC. schedule(  )13. If yu ___ smething, yu lk at r cnsider the whle f it carefully.A. imagineB. survey C. interview
    (  )14. —Well dne. Tracy! Yu have made great ________ in yur study.—Thank yu. Miss Xie.A. graduatinB. surveyC. prgress(  )15. ________ is a heavy sft grey metal.A. LeadB. SupC. Petrl(  )16. —When the teacher went near t Jack, he ________ he was listening. In fact, he didn’t listen t the teacher.—He seldm listens carefully in class.A. pretendedB. hpedC. recrded(  )17. —If yu are tired, yu can lie dwn and ________.—But I have t finish the wrk in tw hurs.A. cme alngB. have a restC. lse weight
    (  )18. —I lst a pen yesterday which is my birthday gift frm my friend.—________!A. Gd luckB. CngratulatinsC. What a pity  (  )19. —When yu fry a cake, yu need t ______ it _______again and again—Yu’re a really gd ck. Culd yu give me mre advice?A. switch ... nB. turn ... verC. act ... ut(  )20. —Why did yu buy such a useless thing at a high price?—The shpkeeper ________ me ______ buying that. I knew little abut it.A. tricked ... intB. kept ... away frmC. let ... dwn
    1. My mther is a nurse. She _____________ _____________ the sick peple every day.2. After having a rest, Tm _____________ _____________ painting the fence.3. The ship Eastern Star has been lifted ut f the water, ver 400 peple _____________ _____________ died. Hw sad!4. Bb thinks _____________ befre he wrks.5. It’s plite t eat yur fd _____________.
    cares fr
    went n
    n bard
    6. Mr White can always make us relaxed. He is the _____________ __________ teacher I have ever met.7. T start with, he was nervus, but _____________ _____________ _________ he felt fine.8. I am writing t _____________ yu n yur getting the first prize in Chinese Bridge Speech Cntest.9. I think yu have made rapid _____________ in Maths.10. In the library, we shuld read in _____________.
    mst humrus
    after a while
    三、根据括号内所给的单词或短语,将下列句子翻译为英语。1. 很开心能够收到这本小说。(nvel)2. 我写信祝贺你出色的表现。(cngratulate)3. 在你的帮助下,我在英语方面取得了巨大的进步。(prgress)4. 当我们走路的时候,我们一路愉悦地交谈。(while)5. 在使用电器的时候,我们应当小心。(careful)
    I am very happy t receive this nvel.
    I am writing t cngratulate yu n yur utstanding/wnderful perfrmance.
    With yur help, I have made great prgress in English.
    While we were walking, we talked with each ther happily all the way.
    We shuld be careful when using electrical appliances.
    Part 04 Grammar
    Attribute clauses 定语从句
    the thin by; the humrus student;
    the apples n the table; the lady in red;
    The bk which I am reading is The Adventures f Tm Sawyer.
    The by is frm Beijing.
    The by is standing there .
    The building is her father’s cmpany.
    The building is next t the bkshp.
    wh is standing there
    The by is frm Beijing.
    which is next t the bkshp
    The building is her father’s cmpany.
    2.whm:先行词指“人”,在从句中作宾语。 The girl (whm) we met just nw is my sister.
    选择填空1. Accrding t a survey, peple ___ are able t speak tw languages can manage tw things at the same time mre easily. A. which B. whm C. whse D. wh 2. Uncle Xi is a great chairman________ I have adred fr five years. A. wh B. wh/whm C. what D. whse
    1.wh:先行词指“人”,在从句中作主语或宾语。 The girl wh is reading ver there is my friend.
    3. whse:先行词指“人”或“物”,在从句作定语。The dg whse name is Lucky belngs t Jim.
    4.which: 先行词指“物”,在从句中作主语或宾语。The bk which was written by M is very ppular.
    选择填空3. I caught a sight f an ld man _______hat is pink. A. which B. whm C. whse D. wh 4. Venice is a city _______ is famus fr beautiful scenery and a lng histry. A. wh B. which C. whatD. whse
    I lve this dg that/which my mther gave me as a gift.
    I lve this dg my mther gave me as a gift.
    I lve this dg that/which my mther asked me t take care f.
    I lve this dg f which my mther asked me t take care.
    The dg whse name is Lucky belngs t him.
    先行词由all, n, sme, any, nly, little, much, many, every等修饰时。
    Every bk that ur library has bught is gd.
    先行词被形容词最高级、序数词以及nly, the very, the last, the same修饰时。
    This is the very bk that I want t buy.
    I wn't frget the club and the friends that I met last summer.
    先行词为smething, everything, anything, nthing等不定代词时。
    Is there anything that I can d fr yu?
    当主句中已有wh或which, 为了避免重复时。
    Wh is the girl that standing there?
    当主句中以here, there开头时
    Here is the bk that yu’ve been lking fr.
    1. 先行词本身是that时
    2.前有逗号, 用which指事或物时
    3. 关系词前有介词时
    4. 一个句中含有两个定从,一个关系代词用that, 另一个宜用which。
    That watch is that which tells the time.
    He came late again, which made me angry.
    This is the rm in which I lived last night.
    Let me shw yu the bk that I brrwed frm the library which was newly pen t us.
    先行词由thse, ne, nes, he 或anyne 时,多用wh。
    He wh desn’t reach the Great Wall is nt a true man.
    在there be 开头的句子中时
    There is a lady wh is waiting fr yu utside.
    一个句子中两个定从,一个用that, 另一个wh时
    The man that was praised at the meeting is the mnitr wh is very mdest.
    The persn fr whm yu’re waiting is n the way nw.
    He has a daughter wh very pretty.he has tw daughters wh very pretty.
    1. when 在定语从句中作时间状语。2. where 在定语从句中作地点状语。3. why 在定语从句中作原因状语。
    当先行词是表示时间的名词,用when,在定语从句中充当时间状语,这时一般可以用介词+which来代替:I will never frget the day ___________________ we studied tgether.
    when/n which
    I still remember the year _____________________I came here.
    when/in which
    当先行词是表示地点的名词,用where,在定语从句中充当地点状语,这时一般可以用介词+which来代替:The factry ___________________ his father wrks is in the east f the city.
    This is the huse ____________________he lives.Schlar Educatin is the place ___________________I wrk.
    where/in which
    先行词是表示原因的名词,即 reasn,用 why,在定语从句中充当原因状语,这时一般可以用 fr +which 来代替:I dn't knw the reasn __________________ he did it.
    why/fr which
    There are many reasns _________________ peple like traveling.
    2. 去掉后,句意不完整;
    4. 译为 “…的”;
    5. 所有关系词都可以引导,作宾语时可省略。
    D yu have the pht that we tk tgether in ur primary schl?
    2. 去掉后,句意仍然完整;
    3. 可修饰先行词或主语;
    4. 可译为 并列句;
    5. 由关系词wh, whm, whse, which, when, where等引导且不可省略,that, why不可引导。
    There are many festivals in ur China, amng which I like the Spring Festival best.
    Shenzhen, which lies in the suth f China, is a very beautiful city.
    Part 05 Practice
    一、选择填空(  )1. This was the radi ________ the factry prduced in 1997.  A. whB. whereC. whichD. when  (  )2. This is the wrker ________ sn died in a traffic accident.  A. whseB. whmC. whD. that  (  )3. Yesterday I met Dr. Li ________ tld me the gd news.  A. whB. whenC. whichD. when  (  )4. The tw pupils ________ yu taught three years ag have becme drivers.  A. whenB. whmC. whereD. whse  (  )5. Yu can telephne the peple ________ yu want t invite t dinner.  A. whmB. whereC. whichD. why  
    (  )6. This is the man ________ I tk pht with yesterday.A. whB. whmC. thatD. all abve(  )7. The dctr ________ is treating fr yur heart truble is a friend f mine.A. whB. whenC. whichD. whm(  )8. Mary ________ dress is all white, lks very pretty.A. whB. whmC. whseD. that(  )9. Wh’s the man ________ yu just talked with?A. whB. whmC. thatD. all abve(  )10. This is the bk ________ I’m lking fr.A. /B. whichC. thatD. all abve
    (  )11. This is the bag ________ my mther bught yesterday.  A. thatB. whC. whmD. this  (  )12. The man ________ lives next t us is my English teacher.  A. whmB. whichC. whD. /  (  )13. The girl ________ yu saw in the street is Mary.  A. thatB. whseC. whichD. as  (  )14. Please shw me the bk ________ yu bught yesterday.  A. whichB. whmC. whseD. this  (  )15. The by ________ has tw lvely dgs.  A. wh live next drB. which lives next dr  C. whm lives next drD. that lives next dr  
    (  )16. The film ________ they saw last night is interesting.A. whichB. whC. thisD. what(  )17. The factry ________ his father wns is large.A. whatB. thisC. thatD. wh(  )18. This is the bk ________ we read last year.A. /B. whC. whatD. why(  )19. D yu knw the man ________ is reading under the tree?A. whmB. whyC. thatD. this(  )20. I lst the bk ________ yu gave me.A. thisB. whatC. whyD. which
    二、将下列句子合并为定语从句1. The wman gt the jb. We saw the wman n the street.2. The bk is very interesting. I brrwed it frm the library yesterday.3. Parents shuld pay attentin t the TV prgrams. Their kids watch the TV prgrams.4. The peple were in danger. The sldiers have saved them.5. The lady is Helen Jnes. She is getting ff the bus.
    The wman (wh/whm/that) we saw n the street gt the jb.
    The bk (which/that) I brrwed frm the library yesterday is very interesting.
    Parents shuld pay attentin t the TV prgrams (which/that) their kids watch.
    The peple (wh/whm/that) the sldiers have saved were in danger.
    The lady wh/that is getting ff the bus is Helen Jnes.
    6. The wman is a scientist. Yu met her in my ffice yesterday.7. The waiter was very friendly and plite. He served us tea.8. The fan is n the desk. Yu want it.9. The students will nt pass the exam. They d nt study hard.10. The tree is quite tall. He is climbing it.
    The wman (wh/whm/that) yu met in my ffice yesterday is a scientist.
    The waiter wh served us tea was very friendly and plite.
    The fan (which/that) yu want is n the desk.
    The students wh/that d nt study hard will nt pass the exam.
    The tree (which/that) he is climbing is quite tall.
    11. I want t talk t the bys. Their hmewrk hasn’t been handed in.12. He used t live in a big huse. In frnt f it grew many banana trees.13. They passed a factry. At the back f the factry there were rice fields.14. The bk is well wrth reading. The bk is written by Tm.15. The man and the dg are waiting fr the wman. The man and the dg like ice cream.
    The bk (which/that) is written by Tm is well wrth reading.
    They passed a factry, at the back f which there were rice fields.
    The man and the dg that like ice cream are waiting fr the wman.
    He used t live in a big huse, in frnt f which grew many banana trees.
    二、完成下列定语从句1. There were abut 50 freign students studying in China, ______________________________________. (大多数人是德国人). (mst)2. A new subway will have been cmpleted by the end f 2008, ____________ __________________________(那时我们去观光将会很便利). (cnvenient)3. I knw a place ________________________________(在那里你可以找到野生草莓). (find)4. The Chinese gvernment has decided t develp the west f China, __________ _____________________ ___. (这会使穷人受益). (benefit)5. The rm _______________________ (窗户朝南), is accessible t cars. (face)
    mst f wh were Germans/frm Germany
    cnvenient fr us t g sightseeing
    when it will be very
    where yu can find wild strawberries
    which will be f
    great benefit t the pr peple
    whse windw faces suth
    the windw f which faces suth
    6. The by will never frget the day ____________________________.(他一个人留在家里). (leave alne)7. My teacher advised me t repeat the materials several times and read them alud, _____________________________________________ (她认为这会帮助我提高我的记忆力). (memry)8. He std at the windw ________________________________________(从那儿他能看见正发生的事). (happen)9. The reasn ______________________________________(我兄弟为何戒烟) is that it is bad fr his health. (why)10. Yu must d the thing ________________________________ (自己认为做不到的事情). (think)
    when he was left alne at hme
    which she thught wuld help t imprve my memry
    frm where he culd see what was happening
    why my brther quit/stpped/gave up smking
    which yu think yu cannt d
    11. This is the same kind f pen ______________________________ . (和我昨天丢失的一样).12. There are tw thusand students in ur schl, __________________________ (其中2/3是女孩). (whm)13. On the third flr there are tw rms, _______________________________ _________(其中较大的一个当作会议室用). (which)14. Wh is the by ___________________________ (在那边树下读书). (read)15. The Mid-autumn Festival is a traditinal festival ____________________________________________________________(全家团圆,赏月、吃月饼). (get tgether)
    as which I lst yesterday
    tw thirds f whm are girls
    the larger f which is be used the meeting
    wh is reading under the tree
    when families get
    tgether t enjy the mn and eat mncakes
    16. Many parents have dne everything fr their children, __________________ _________________________. (这使得这些孩子非常依赖于父母). (rely n)17. He has gt himself int a dangerus situatin ___________________________ f the plane. (他很有可能失控). (likely)18. He is reading a bk, _______________________ (我不知道名字的). (which)19. He talked happily abut the men and the bks _______________________ ______(令他非常感兴趣) at schl. (interest)20. Titanic is the nly ne f the mst wnderful mvies __________________________(是好莱坞所生产的)in Hllywd. (prduce)
    which makes children rely
    n parents badly
    where he is likely t lst cntrl
    f which the name I dn’t knw
    that interested him greatly
    that have been prduced
    21. I want t find the very pen _________________________(用它写过信的). (with)22. This is the first American mvie _______________________ (我曾经看过的). (see)23. English is the mst difficult subject _______________________________ (你这些年要学的). (learn)24. The by ___________________________(昨晚见过的)is the grup leader wh studies very hard. (meet)25. Anyne ________________________________________(没有通过考试的)shuld be punished. (fail)
    with which I wrte that letter
    that I have ever seen
    that yu will learn during these years
    that I met last night
    that didn’t pass the exam/failed in the exam

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