词汇晨读07- 江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测
conscience n.良心,道德感:
I can’t advise you what to do and what not to do—it’s a matter of conscience.
A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder.(谚)没做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门。
conscious adj.意识到的,自觉的,神志清醒的:
Only after the incident happened was I conscious of his unfriendliness.
He was found lying beside the road, covered in blood but still conscious.
【拓展】①consciousness n.意识:
Men’s social existence determines their consciousness.
However great the demand to succeed, one should never abandon his moral and social
Hearing a scream, I rushed downstairs only to see my hostess lying unconscious on the
consent n.同意,准许,赞同,(意见等的)一致:
I ought first to have asked your consent. 我本应该首先征得你的同意。
For a self-regulatory system to work, the consent of all those involved is required.
consequence n.①结果,后果,影响:
Time and time again she was warned of the consequences of her action.
Some experts fear that too-early exposure to computers will have harmful consequences for children’s development.一些专家担心过早接触电脑会对儿童的发展产生有害影响。
②重要性,价值:Is it of any consequence to you?对你重要吗?
【拓展】①in consequence=as a result因此,结果:
He studied hard and in consequence he passed the exam.
②as a consequence of 由于,因为:
As a consequence of his laziness, he was fired.由于他的懒惰,他被解雇了。
As a consequence of his hard work, he was eventually admitted to Nanjing
③consequent adj.随之发生的,必然的,合乎逻辑的:
The warming of the Earth and the consequent climatic changes affect us all
conservation n.保存,保护,管理:
The island where these rare birds nest has been declared a conservation area.
There is a need for the conservation of trees, or there will soon be no forests.
conservative adj.保守的,谨慎的:
Well, the doctors are considering a conservative therapy.
Old people are usually more conservative than young people.老年人通常比年轻人保守。
consider v.①考虑,顾及:
Considering the temperature might drop, it’s wise of you to prepare some coal in advance.
We must consider the feelings of other people.我们必须顾及他人的感受。
As had been expected, Smith wasn’t appointed chairman of the committee, considered not very popular with its members.正如人们所预料的那样,史密斯没有被任命为委员会主席,因为委员会成员认为他不太受欢迎。
All the staff in our company are considering going to the city centre for the fashion show.
Have you considered how to get there?你是否考虑过如何到那儿去?
We considered him to be our friend, as did many others he cheated.
③considering考虑到,就……而言,鉴于 :
Considering he’s only just started, he knows quite a lot about it.
Considering that he received no help, his results are very good.
considerable adj.相当大的,相当多的:
Considerable resources have been devoted to proving him a liar.
considerate adj.考虑周到的,体贴的:
He is considerate in this matter.他对此事考虑得很周到。
It’s very considerate of you to share your experience so that others may benefit from it.
consideration n.①考虑,关心,体贴:
I can hardly imagine Peter accepting the decision without any consideration.
Several considerations have influenced my decision.有好几个因素影响了我的决定。
【拓展】take…into consideration/account把……考虑进去:
We must take into consideration that the school library has not purchased new books for a long time.我们必须考虑到学校的图书馆很久没有购买新书了。
Security should be taken into consideration with any web site.
consist v.①包含,组成,构成:
Do you know how many parts this machine consists of?你知道这台机器有多少部件组成的吗?
②在于,存在于:Happiness consists in contentment.幸福在于知足(知足常乐)。
consistent adj.与……一致的/符合,一贯的,始终如一的:
According to the principle of the investigation, interviewees should give a truthful answer consistent
with the reality of their world.根据调查的原则,受访者应如实给出与自己领域的现实相符的答案。
Obviously, strengthening strategic partnership is consistent with the fundamental interests of the two countries and their peoples.显然,加强战略伙伴关系符合两国和两国人民的根本利益。
constant adj.①经常的,不断发生的,不停的:
There was a content stream of visitors to the house.来访者源源不断地参观这所房子。
Constant dripping wears away a stone.滴水穿石
②不变的,恒定的:He drove at a constant speed.他驾车速度稳定。
constitution n.①宪法,章程:
The chairman shall hold office for five years according to the constitution.
Thanks to his strong constitution, Jack was able to pull through his recent serious illness.
construct v.①构筑,建造,建设:
A new airport may be constructed in Nantong, in which case the pace of economic growth will be accelerated.南通可能要建一座新机场,这样的话,经济增长的速度就会加快。
②建立,构造:The well-constructed novel is worth reading.这部结构完善的小说值得一读。
construction n.①建造,建设,建筑:
The city of Harbin is developing fast and the subway is currently under construction.
Investigators urged that safety procedures at the construction site be improved as soon as possible.
②构造物,建筑物:A chair is a simple construction.椅子是一种结构简单的东西。
consult v.①参考,查阅:In order to make sure what the word really means, they consult the dictionary in class.
②请教:Since we can do nothing about it, we may as well consult Mr. Smith about the matter.
③向(医生)求诊:When you are ill, you had better consult your doctor and follow his or her advice.
④商量:I must consult my wife on this matter.这事我要与我妻子商量一下。
【拓展】①查字典:consult a dictionary=refer to a dictionary
②在字典中查单词:look up a word in a dictionary
consultant n.①会诊医生,顾问医师:
Shirley’s brother is now a consultant heart surgeon in Sweden.
②顾问:In yesterday’s business training course the consultant instructed us that a good salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed.在昨天的商务培训课上,顾问告诉我们,一个好的销售人员如
consume v. ①消耗,消费,耗费,耗尽:
The more petrol and electricity we consume, the more carbon we will let off.
The paper has been consumed.纸已用光。
②吃光,喝光:He consumed four eggs.他吃掉四个鸡蛋。
③将……烧尽:The fire soon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighbourhood.
【拓展】①consumer n.消费者,用户,顾客:
Most consumers are put off by the high price of the 3D printers despite keen interest in
We should adopt the consumers’ suggestion.我们应该接受用户的建议。
②consumption n.消费(量):
There has been a slight increase in the consumption of meat.肉类消费量略有增长。
contact v.①使接触,与……联系,与……通讯:
Alice had graduated from university and was working as a volunteer in the countryside when I
contacted her last year.我去年联系艾丽丝的时候,她已经从大学毕业,正在社区当一名志愿者。
This will enable me to contact different businesses, and expand my knowledge.
Since I moved to Canada, I have had opportunities to make contact with other musical traditions and play with master musicians.自从我搬到加拿大,我一直有机会接触其他音乐传统并和一些音乐大师演奏。
If you don’t want to misunderstand in the language communication, you’d better maintain eye contact with one who is talking to you.如果你不想在语言交流中产生误解,你最好和一个正在跟你说话的人保持眼神交流。
contain v.①包含,包括:
Please eat foods which contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, including brown rice.
On the floor lay four or five boxes containing toys and books.地上放着四个盒子,里面有玩具和书。
More police were sent to help contain the violence.更多警力被派去协助控制暴力行为。
The Englishman could not contain his excitement.那个英国人抑制不住他的激动。
container n.①容器:Put a small amount of the powder into a container and mix with water.
②集装箱:All the containers have been unloaded!所有集装箱都已卸下!
contemporary adj.①同时代的,同年龄的:
Mozart was a famous composer contemporary with Beethoven, both of whom made great
achievements in the field of music.
Mo Yan’s winning of 2012 Nobel Prize shows the world’s recognition of China’s contemporary
content1 adj.甘愿的,满意的,满足的:
The teacher felt content with what the students had done in the holiday and praised them.
content2 n.①内容:Mother smiled over the contents of the letter.在看信的内容时母笑了。
②含量,容量:The carbon content of steel largely determines its usefulness for specific applications.
③(用复数)目录:Before buying a book, I look at the table of contents.我买书之前要先看看目录。
context n.语境,文章脉络,上下文:
As the context of a word or sentence changes, its effect and meaning also change.
Can you guess the meaning of the word from the context? 你能从上下文猜出那词的意思吗?
continent n.大陆,大洲:
After months of voyage, Columbus arrived in what later proved a new continent.
The world consists of seven continents and four oceans.世界由7大洲和四大洋组成。
continue v.①继续,持续,延续:
The staff voted to continue an unofficial strike in support of the seven colleagues who were dismissed
last week.全体职工投票决定继续进行非正式罢工,以支持上周被解雇的7名同事。
The economy in big cities has continued to rise thanks to the local governments to increase it.
We continued along the path until we came to the river.我们沿着小路一直走到河边。
【拓展】continuous adj.不断的,连续的,延伸的:
The two sides agreed to make joint efforts to push for continuous new development of China-DPRK relationships in the new era.双方同意共同努力,推动中朝关系在新时期不断取得新发展。
Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire.
contract n. 合同,合约,契约,协议:
The contract cannot be signed by anyone other than yourself.这个合同只能由你本人签署。
The two sides signed a contract last month to open up the direct links.
【拓展】contract v.紧缩,订合同:
The economy continue to contract, raising fears of further political problems.
contradict v.①反驳,否认,顶嘴:
He contradicts everything I say.我说什么他都反驳。
People are often at a loss when frequently seeing smog level predictions contradict each other in
different official forecasts.当频繁地看到雾霾水平预测上不同的官方预报互相矛盾时,人们经常
【拓展】contradiction n.矛盾:
Upon entering a “new era”, what we now face is the contradiction between unbalanced
and inadequate development and the people’s ever-growing needs for a better life.
contradictory adj.矛盾的,对立的:
Their theories are generally believed to be totally contradictory to each other.
The two newspapers have offered contradictory views as to the same issue, which means they take
different stands.这两张报纸对于同一个问题提供了对立的观点,这说明他们有不同的立场。
contrary n.(与the连用)相反:
Hot is the contrary of cold.热是冷的反面。
The contrary is true, too.反之亦然。
adj.对立的,相反的:We must hear opinions contrary to ours.我们必须听取相反的意见。
【拓展】①on the contrary相反:
She doesn’t subscribe to his pessimistic view of the state of economy. On the contrary, she
thinks it is just on the rise.她不赞同他对经济状况的悲观看法。相反,她认为经济状况蓬
②to the contrary相反的(地):
Unless you hear from me to the contrary, expect me on Friday at about 6 pm.
③contrary to与……相反:
Contrary to popular belief, the ants, hardworking as they are, have their time for play.
contrast n.对比,对照,差异:
Silk was used with wool for contrast.丝绸和毛料用在一起以形成对比。
Black hair is a sharp contrast to the white skin.黑发白肤形成鲜明的对照。
The contrast of light and shade is important in photography.明暗的差异配合在摄影术上是很重要的。
【拓展】①by contrast/in contrast相比之下,相反:
The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend
As you know, anger doesn’t help in 99% of situations; in contrast, it usually makes things worse.正如你所知道的那样,99%的情况下愤怒是没有用的。相反,它通常让事情变得更糟。
Their new system looks modern and advanced while ours, in contrast, seems very old-fashioned.他们的新制度看起来是现代化的、先进的,而相比之下,我们的制度似乎很守旧。
②in contrast to与……截然不同,与……对比鲜明,相比之下,与……相反,与……相比之下:
The company lost $7 million this quarter in contrast to a profit of $6.2 million a year earlier.
contribute v.①贡献,提供,捐献:
He offered to contribute to the Red Cross.他主动向红十字会捐款。
He contributed a lot to the study of physics.他对物理学的研究做出了巨大的贡献。
She has contributed to a newspaper.她向一家报社投稿。
It is an honour to be invited to contribute to your literature magazine.
We hope your suggestion will contribute to solving the problem.
Eating too much fat can contribute to heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
【拓展】contribution n.
The Chinese people have made great contributions to the world peace.
By his suggestion the contribution was raised.根据他的建议而发起了募捐。
②投稿,来稿:We need your contribution.欢迎投稿。
③捐赠物,稿件:The editor is short of contributions.编辑缺少稿件。
control v.①控制,操纵:
They’ve set up road blocks around the city to help control the traffic.
The machine is automatically controlled.这机器是自动控制的。
②抑制,克制:Control yourself and don’t get angry.你要克制自己,不要发火。
He’s got himself into a dangerous situation where he is likely to lose control over the plane.
The big fire lasted as long as 24 hours before it was brought under control.
The enemy took control of the city. In other words, all the city was under the control of the enemy.
The police had to employ force the instant the crowd got out of control.
Robots can do what people can’t do under the control of the computers.
The business is said to be in the control of a director.据说这项业务由一名董事控制。
controversial adj.引起争论的,有争议的:
Diego Maradona is always considered as a controversial figure.
Immigration is a controversial issue in many countries.
convenience n.①适合,方便,便利:
While Wechat is bridging the distance between people and bringing convenience of people, it may
also cause some problems.虽然微信能拉近人与人间的距离,能带来方便,但也能引起一些问
I would appreciate it if you could give me a hand soon. Please give me a reply at your
earliest convenience.如果你能尽快帮我,我将不胜感激。如果方便的话,请尽早给我答复。
There is a public convenience on the corner of the street.在街道拐角处有公共厕所。
【拓展】inconvenience n.不便:
There are many inconveniences that have to be put up with when you are camping.
convenient adj.①合适的,方便的:
If it is convenient for you, please start the work tomorrow.
It’s more convenient to eat in the canteen.在食堂吃饭比较方便。
②容易到达的,方便的:This place is convenient to/for the street-car.这儿乘电车很方便。
①无论表示“便利的”“不远的”,还是表示“方便的”“合适的”,均可与介词 for, to 连用:
Our school is convenient for/to the station.我们学校离车站很近便。
If it is convenient for/to you, we’ll come tomorrow.
比较:误:I’ll come if you are convenient.
正:I’ll come if it is convenient for/to you.你若方便,我就来。
conventional adj.①因袭的,传统的:
Children have to observe conventional ceremonies in greeting their seniors on the New Year’s
He made a few conventional remarks.他说了几句客套话。
②常规的:The criminal didn’t use a conventional weapon.凶手用的不是常规武器。
conversation n.谈话,交谈,会话,对话:
It was only after a family related conversation that I found out she was actually my distant cousin.
Further to our telephone conversation this morning, I would like to confirm details of the order
which we discussed.继今天上午的电话交谈之后,我想确认一下我们讨论过的订单的细节。
convey v.①运送,运输:The truck conveyed machinery across the country.这辆卡车在全国各地运送机器。
I will convey the information to him.我将把这消息通知他。
Please convey to him my best wishes.请向他转达我最良好的祝愿。
The message you intend to convey through words may be the exact opposite of what others actually
convince v.使相信,信服,说服:
Being convinced of your ability is one of the most important factors of success.
Although I soon convinced him of my innocence, I think he still has serious doubts about my sanity.
To begin with, I was skeptical of his promise, but I was soon convinced by his practical actions.
cook n.炊事员,厨师:He worked as a cook for a year.他曾经当过一年厨师。
I had just got up and was about to cook my breakfast when the telephone rang loudly.
cooker n.炊具(锅、炉灶、烤炉等):
I forgot to turn off the gas cooker!我忘了关掉煤气灶了。
cookie n.小甜饼,饼干(相当美式英语biscuit):
I’ve had a cookie, but you’d better give me another. I want to taste again.
cool adj.①冷的,凉的,凉爽的:
Few pleasures can equal that of a cool drink on a hot day .
A cool wind blew off the sea.凉风从海边吹来。
②冷静的,镇定的:Keep cool!镇静(沉住气)!
You should have seen the cool way she took my radio without even asking.
④帅,酷:You look really cool in that new dress.你穿那件衣服显得很帅。
If metal is heated and then cooled very quickly, to give an example, put in cold water, it will become very
hard but will break easily.如果金属被加热,然后很快冷却,例如,用冷水浸泡,它会变得很硬,但
Open the windows to cool the room.打开窗户,让室内凉快些。
【拓展】as cool as a cucumber冷静,镇定自若:
She kept as cool as a cucumber as the newspaper reporters shouted sharp questions at her.
He is as cool as a cucumber, and he even made some jokes.
cooperation n.合作,协作,配合:
In view of our good cooperation over the past years, let’s meet each other half way. I’ll reduce our
price by 3%.鉴于过去这些年我们的友好合作,让我们彼此让步,我将把我们的价格降低3%。
【拓展】cooperate v.合作,配合,协助:
It’s helpful to put students in a situation where they can learn how to cooperate with each
I should like you to cooperate on/with the writing of my next book.
cope v. (常与with连用)(成功地)对付,处理:
How motivated are you with your work? And how do you cope with the day-to- day routine office work?
To cope with these data, hospitals bought large mainframe computers.
copy n.①一本(份,册……):
I need a copy of today’s China Daily badly.我急需一份今天的《中国日报》。
②复制品,抄本:Make three carbon copies of the letter.将此信复印三份。
v.①抄写,复写,复制:Copying this documents took up the whole morning.复制这些文件占用了整个上午。
②模仿,抄袭:She always copies the way I dress.她总是模仿我穿衣服的样子。
core n.中心,核心,精髓:
Someone threw an apple core.有人扔了一个苹果核。
We already have our core team in place.我们的核心团队已经就位了。
This chapter is the core of paper.本章是全篇的精髓所在。
corn n.谷物,谷粒,玉米:
They are growing/raising corn.他们正在种谷物。
In September the farmers gather the corn.农民九月份收玉米。
corner n. ①角,角落:The number is in the top right-hand corner of the page.号码在这一页的右上角。
②拐角:There is a shop at/on the street corner.街道拐角处有家商店。
【拓展】around the corner(在)拐角处,即将来临,迫在眉睫:
I was driving around the corner when a policeman signed to me to stop.
The final examination is around the corner.期末考试临近了。
We had the feeling, somehow, that the revolution was right around the corner.
corporation n.公司,企业:
Catherine’s father, who is the general manager of a corporation, is said to be very rich.
correct v.改正,纠正:Whoever makes mistakes must correct them.无论谁犯了错误都必须要改正。
As time went on, Einstein’s theory proved to be correct.
It’s not correct to speak while one’s mouth is full.一面吃一面讲话是不合礼节的。
correction n.①改正,纠正,校正:These papers are in need of correction.这些试卷需要批改。
When the teacher gave my homework back to me it was full of corrections.
correspond v.①一致,与……相称:
The written record of the conversation doesn’t correspond to what was actually said.
②相当,相等:The wing of a bird corresponds to the arm of a man.鸟的翅膀相当于人的手臂。
We’ve corresponded(with each other)for years but I’ve never actually met him.
corrupt adj.不道德的,贪污的,腐败的:
The corrupt judge dismissed the case without a hearing.腐败的法官没有听审就驳回了这个案子。
You are corrupted at heart.你心术不正。
Bad company may corrupt a good boy. 跟坏人在一起会使好孩子变坏。
He was sent to prison for trying to corrupt a policeman with money.
【拓展】corruption n.腐败:
He was arrested on charges of corruption and abuse of power.
cost n.①价格,费用,成本:
We offered to pay our half of the cost that was needed to restore the shared doorway but Charles would have none of it.我们提出付一半的费用来修复共用的门道,但查尔斯不同意。
The path to dreams may not be smooth and even at great cost, but hold on to them.
How much/What does it cost?这东西值多少钱?
It was playing computer games that cost the boy a lot of time he ought to have spent on his lessons.
A smile costs nothing, but gives much.微笑无需付出,却给予很多。
This is a very interesting book. I will buy it, no matter how much it may cost.
②使失去,丧失,牺牲:That one mistake cost him his job.那样一个错误让他丢了工作。
【拓展】①用事或物作主语(包括形式主语it),不用人作主语。不用于被动语态。主要用于花钱的情形,有时也用于花时间,但通常用于笼统时间(如much time等)。
②at the cost of以……为代价:
I hold to my belief that development shouldn’t be at the cost of the environment.
③at all costs不惜任何代价:
We will save his life at all costs.我们将不惜任何代价挽救他生命。
cottage n.①(郊外的)小屋,农舍:
Newly–built wooden cottages line the street, turning the old town into a dreamland.
②别墅:They have a small cottage where they spend weekends and holidays.
cotton n.棉花:It is reported that we have produced twice as much cotton this year as we did last year.
cough n.咳嗽:I’m much better now. Only a little cough at times.我现在好多了。有时只是轻微的咳嗽。
v.咳,咳嗽:You’ve been coughing so badly recently. Give up smoking, please.
could v.aux.①(表能力)可以:
I can’t sing now, but I could when I was young.我现在不会唱,但我年轻时会。
He couldn’t account for the reason why the money was found in his room.
Could I have another drink, please?请给我再来一杯,好吗?
Do you think I could have a cigarette?我可以吸烟吗?
③(表推测)可能:It could rain tomorrow.明天可能要下雨。
If I could go with you, I should feel very glad.假如我能跟你们一起去,我会感到非常高兴。
Could you be so kind as to close the window?请把窗户关上,好么?
④could have done过去本来能做而没做:
I could have been more careful in that quiz but I made too many stupid mistakes.
council n.地方议会, 政务会,委员会:
I have decided to submit my proposal for urban development to the city council.
count v.①数,点数:While counting the money, he found a false note.在数钱的时候,他发现了一张假币。
②把……计算在内:There are 20 of us, not counting those who are sick.不算生病的,我们一共20人。
③视为,认为:She counts him as a friend.她把他看作朋友。
It’s not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do what counts.
【拓展】①count down倒计时:
Thousands of people start to count down when the new year’s clock is about to ring.
②count on/upon指望,依靠,依赖:
I’m counting on you to help me.我指望着你的帮助。
You can’t just count upon one single person to get the work done properly.
③count in在……算在内:
She shrugged. “You can count me in, I guess.”“我想你可以把我算进去。”她耸耸肩说道。
④count up加起来,算出总数,数:
I must count up how much money I’ve spent today.我得算一下今天我总共花了多少钱。
Please count up those figures for me.请替我把这些数目加起来.
The child can count up to a hundred.那孩子能数到一百.
⑤count out大声数,不把……算在内:
He began to count out loud on his fingers.他开始扳着手指大声地数了起来。
We’ll have to count out Frank for next Sunday’s trip.
⑥countless adj.数不胜数的,无数的,多得数不清的:
It was such great fun to play on the beach that it attracted countless children.
⑦countable adj.可数的, uncountable adj.不可数的:
“All and half” can be used with countable and uncountable nouns.
“All and half”与可数名词和不可数名词连用均可。
counter n.①柜台,结账处:
When I got to the checkout counter, I realized I didn’t have enough money.
②计算机,计数机,计数器:Every machine is equipped with a counter.每台机器都装有计数器。
【拓展】counter v.违反,反对,对抗:
I counter their plan with my own.我用自己的方案去反对他们的计划。
He hit me but I did not counter.他打了我,但我没有还手。
country n.①国家:The country has gone through too many wars.这个国家经历了太多的战争。
Is there anyone in your class whose family is in the country?你们班有家在乡下的人吗?
countryside n.(常用单)乡下,农村:
The Greens moved back to the countryside in 2008 and have led a happy and peaceful life there ever
couple n.①夫妇,配偶,一对:
The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once have they quarreled with each other.
②几个:It will be a couple of days before Mike returns to China from Britain.
courage n.勇气:He is lacking in courage to make an apology.他缺乏道歉的勇气。
We wouldn’t lose courage even if we should fail again.即使再次失败,我们也不会泄气。
【拓展】courageous adj.勇敢的,无畏的,有胆量的:
He has made a very courageous decision.他做了一个十分勇敢的决定。
I hope people will be courageous enough to speak out against this injustice.
course n.①(常用单)过程,经过:
In the course of my long life I’ve known many changes.我在漫长的一生中饱经沧桑。
②课程:The course normally attracts about 100 students per year, of whom up to half will be from abroad.该课程通常每年吸引约100名学生,其中多达一半来自国外。
【拓展】①in course of在……过程中,在……时:
The new railway is in course of construction.新铁路正在兴建当中。
②in the course of在……期间,在……过程中:
He hopes to visit China in the course of this summer.他希望在今年夏天访问中国。
③of course当然:
David, one of my best friends, did not subscribe to my proposal, which, of course, made me rather disappointed.我最好的朋友戴维没有同意我的建议,这当然让我非常失望。
court n.①法庭,法院:
He was charged with murder, but the court found him innocent and he was released.
My court is deserted but I do not care.我的庭院一片荒芜但是我无心照看。
The boys are still playing basketball happily on the court even though it is raining heavily.
courtyard n.庭院,院子(=court):These bricks are to pave the courtyard.这些砖要用来铺院子。
cousin n.堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹:
She is a cousin of mine.她是我的表姐(表姐,堂姐,堂妹)。
We are cousins.我们是表亲。
cover n.①封面:I spotted a mistake on the front cover and then I corrected it.
②覆盖物,套子,盖子:Some chairs are fitted with loose covers.有些椅子配有椅套。
③掩蔽处:The hare was able to find cover in the grass.野兔在草丛中找到了藏身处。
The next morning he woke up to find himself covered with a coat.
We all know that lies can not cover facts.我们都知道谎言是盖不住真相的。
②占(时间或空间):The city covers an area of 500 square kilometers.这座城市占地500平方公里。
To cover 60 miles a day, you need your mountain bike in a very good state.
④够付(费用):Will 200 yuan cover the cost of the chair? 200元够付这把椅子的钱吗?
⑤看完(多少页书):How many pages have you covered?你已看了多少页?
The review covered everything we learned last term.这次复习包括上学期我们所学的全部课程。
The man talking to Mr. Smith is a local journalist covering what has happened in our company.
cow n.①母牛,奶牛:A cow gives us fresh milk.奶牛提供给我们新鲜牛奶。
②大的雌性动物:That elephant is a cow.那只象是母的。
crack v.破裂,打开,(使……)开裂,断裂,折断
Don’t pour hot water into the glass, or it will crack. 别往那个杯子里倒开水,要不它就会破裂。
In severe cases, the skin can crack and weep.在恶劣的条件下,皮肤可能会开裂并流脓。
If you can crack China, it makes any other market easy.
【拓展】①crack down(对……)采取严厉措施,制裁,打击,镇压:
China was cracking down on drunk driving, including fines, 15-day detention, and having licenses taken away for up to 6 months.中国正在严厉打击酒后驾驶,包括罚款、15天的拘留以及吊销执照长达6个月。
②a hard nut to crack很棘手的事情:The case was a hard nut to crack.这案子很棘手。
crash v.①突然轰击,猛使破裂,轰然作响:
The cars crashed into each other.小汽车轰然相撞。
After several days of heavy rain the roof came down with a loud noise, crashing onto the ground.
②闯入,冲进:The elephant crashed through the forest.大象冲进森林。
③坠毁:She was frightened that the plane would crash.她害怕飞机会坠毁。
n.①突然的响声:The car hit the tree with a crash.汽车轰隆一声撞到树上。
②撞坏,严重意外:His friend was injured in a car crash.他的朋友在一次汽车撞车事故中受了伤。
crayon n.蜡笔:The child was drawing pictures with crayons.孩子在用蜡笔画画。
crazy adj.①疯狂的,崩溃的:
He trusts you, so only you can persuade him to give up that crazy idea.
The stuff was selling like crazy.这东西卖疯了。
Frequent quarrels between my parents are nearly driving me crazy. If only I had a warm and
harmonious family!父母之间频繁的吵架几乎让我崩溃。要是我有一个温暖和谐的家庭该多好啊!
②荒唐的,糊涂的:You were crazy to lend that man your money.你把钱借给那个人,真糊涂。
③狂热的,着迷的:She’s crazy about dancing.她对跳舞很热衷。
cream n.奶油,含奶油的食品,乳脂,乳霜,乳膏:
Do you want cream in your coffee?你咖啡里要加奶油吗?
I like chocolate ice cream.我喜欢巧克力冰淇淋。
The advertisement says that the face cream contains natural plant extracts.
create v.①创造,营造,创作,建立:
We must stop the act of cheating to create a fair competition system.
②造成,引起:Her new dress created much excitement.她的新衣服引起了很大的骚动。
【拓展】creation n.创作,创造:
As a writer, he used to go deep into life to accumulate materials for his creation.
creature n.①动物,生物:
Bats are surprisingly long lived creatures, some having a life span of around 20 years.
If people keep polluting the ocean, no creature there will survive in the long run.
如果人们一直污染海洋的话,从长远来看 ,没有生物能够幸存。
②人:Many of the creatures in Rowling’s world are not real, and much of what happens is strange.
credit n.①信任,信用,信赖:
It is important to pay your electricity bill on time, as late payments may affect your credit.
You can pay by credit card.你可以用信用卡付账。
②赊购:No credit is given at this shop.本店概不赊欠。
③荣誉,表扬:The credit is due to you.荣誉应该归于你。
【拓展】to one’s credit值得赞扬,使受尊重:
To their credit, the four countries do work together in some areas.
crew n.全体船员,全体乘务员:The ship had a crew of 48, including officers.船上有乘员48人,包括军官。
crime n.罪,犯罪,犯罪活动,犯罪行为:
Killing people is a crime.杀人是一种罪行。
If you commit a crime, you will deserve punishment.如果你犯了罪,你就应该受到惩罚。
criminal n.罪犯:The description was pretty vague, so the police couldn’t figure out the portrait of the criminal.
crisis n.危机,危难时刻,决定性时刻,紧要关头:
After the crisis, the President said it would be essential to reform the financial system.
criterion(pl criteria)n.(评判的)标准,准则:
Many education experts stressed in the meeting that scores should not be viewed as the only criterion of
success in one’s study.在会议上许多教育专家提出分数不能做为衡量的一个人学习成功的标准。
critic n.批评家,批评者,评论员,挑剔的人:
Turner is a writer and critic.特纳是作家兼批评家。
Her critics accused her of caring only about success.批评者指责她只在乎成功。
The last thing we need are words of wisdom from an armchair critic
critical adj.批评(性)的,挑剔的,极重要的,关键的,严重的:
Critical thinkers have the courage to challenge conventional thinking.
You can’t be too careful to make a decision at such a critical point.
criticism n.批评,评论:
Criticism and self-criticism is necessary in that it helps us to correct mistakes.
She has published more than 20 books including novels, poetry and literary criticism.
criticize v.批评,评论,指责,非难:
Only when students fail in the exam and are criticized severely will they realize the importance of studies.
Would you like to read and criticize my new book?你愿不愿意读一读我的新书并给以评论?
His mother had rarely criticized him or any of her children.他母亲很少指责他或她的任何孩子。
crop n.①收成,产量:The peach trees promise a rich crop this year.今年桃子丰收在望。
There was a good crop of potatoes last year.去年马铃薯收成很好。
②庄稼,作物:There is no doubt about the fact that it is not suitable to grow cash crops here.
Should the rain stop,the crops would be saved.如果雨停了的话,庄稼将会得救的。
cross n.十字形的东西:The place is marked on the map with a cross.该地在地图上以十字记号标出。
v.①越过,穿过:The old woman was run over by a bus while she crossed the street.
②交叉,错过:We crossed each other on the way.我们在途中错过了。
crossing n.十字路口,人行横道:
It doesn’t matter whether you turn right or left at the crossing—both roads lead to the park.
crossroads n.交叉路口:
You can walk one mile or two to the crossroads where the school bus will pick you up.
The company was clearly at a crossroads.该公司显然处于发展的关键时刻。
The fierce collision between love and law left the judge standing at a crossroads.
crowd n.群,人群:
All of a sudden, the thief walking behind a young and beautiful woman seized her handbag, rushing into
the crowd.突然,小偷走在一个年轻漂亮的女人后面,抓住了她的手提包,冲进了人群。
v.拥挤,群聚:Don’t all crowd together.不要统统挤在一起。
均可:The crowd move(s) on, and no one tries to stop it.人群向前移动,谁也没试图阻止。
②crowded adj.拥挤的,密集的:
Rather than ride a bike in the freezing weather she preferred to ride on a crowded bus.
He hid himself among the crowded trees.他把自己隐藏在茂密的树林中。
③表示“拥挤的交通”,不用 crowded traffic,而用busy/heavy traffic:
The newcomer is not used to the heavy traffic in big cities.
④crowd in/into涌入/涌入进,挤在/进/入:
People crowd into where cherry trees are blooming, appreciating the fresh spring sight.
Vivid memories of my grandparents came crowded into my mind.
They had managed to crowd into a train.他们勉强挤上了一列火车。
crucial adj.决定性的,关键性的,极其显要的,十字形的:
—Look at the flying pigeons in the sky.
—You can’t imagine how crucial a role they played in the battlefields.
cruel adj.残忍的,无情的:
The boss for whom Mr. Wang worked for five years was very cruel.
【拓展】cruelty n.残忍,残忍的行为,残酷行为:
The cruelty of the Germans towards the Jews and that of the Japanese towards their prisoners,
filled everyone with horror.德国人对犹太人的残忍和日本人对囚犯的残忍使每个人都充满了
crush v.挤,挤榨,镇压,压破,压碎,弄皱:
We were at the front, crushed against the stage.我们在前面,被挤到了舞台边上。
The army was sent in to crush the rebellion.军队被派去镇压暴乱。
Put both vegetables into a bowl and crush with a potato masher.
n.拥挤的人群:I cannot find a way through the crush.人太挤,我挤不过去。
cry n.叫喊(声),哭(声):
We heard a cry for help.我们听到了求救声。
With a cry he dashed out.他大叫一声就冲了出去。
v.叫喊,哭:He cried loudly.他大声叫喊。
The moment the little baby saw his mother, he began to cry.婴儿一见到母亲就开始哭。
cube n.立方体,立方:A cube has 6 sides.一个立方体有6个面。
The cube of 3 is 27.3的立方是27。
culture n.文化:
Thanks to your generous help, I do believe I have a better understanding of your country and culture.
【拓展】cultural adj.文化的:
Hawaii is more than a beautiful place. It is also famous for its rich cultural relics.
cup n.①茶杯,一杯之容:Have a cup of tea.喝杯茶吧。
②奖杯:Which team do you think will win the cup this year?你认为今年哪个队会获胜?
cupboard n.碗柜,橱柜:Put the dishes in the cupboard, please.把碟子放在碗柜里。
cure v.治愈,痊愈,矫正:
The wound cures easily.这伤容易治好。
—Has the doctor cured her illness?
—No, he treated her but didn’t cure her.
When I left the hospital I was completely cured.出院时,我已经完全痊愈了。
He tried to cure his child of the habit. 他试着去矫正他孩子的那种习惯。
n.①治疗,治愈:Her cure took six week.治好她的病花了六星期。
②疗法:Doctors are searching for a cure that will wipe out cancer.医生们正在寻找消灭癌症的医疗方法。
curious adj.①好奇的,感兴趣的:
It is natural that children are curious about the world around them.
②奇异的,不寻常的:He is suffering from a curious disease.他患了一种怪病。
【拓展】curiosity n.好奇心,好奇:
The letter wasn’t addressed to me but I opened it out of curiosity.
There was much curiosity about what manner of man he was
currency n.①货币,现金:
Chinese officials hope that trade will catch on when the two countries squeeze to hard currency.
②流通,流行:Such words have little currency now.这些词现在已很少使用。
current adj.①现行的,当前发生的:
The current situation is very different to that in 1990.当前的形势与1990年截然不同。
This custom was still current in the late 1960s.这种习俗在20世纪60年代末仍然很流行。
Under normal conditions, the ocean currents of the tropical Pacific travel from east to west
The couple were swept away by the strong current.这对夫妻被巨大的水流卷走了。
curriculum(pl curricula) n.课程,全部课程:
Harry Potter has even become part of the school curriculum, much to the pleasure of the schoolchildren.
curse v. 诅咒,咒骂,使受罪:
She cursed him for ruining her life.她诅咒他,说他毁了她的一生。
He cursed the waiter who had spilled soup on him.他咒骂那个把汤溅在他身上的男侍者。
She was cursed with stammer all her life.她一生受口吃之苦。
Our tribe is under a curse.我们的部落正受诅咒。
He muttered a curse at the other driver.他低声咒骂另一位开车的人。
Foxes can be a curse to farmers.狐狸可给农民带来祸害。
curtain n.①窗帘:Please draw the curtain.请拉开(拉上)窗帘。
②幕状物,掩蔽物:Pull the curtains round the patient’s bed.把病床周围的床帷拉上。
cushion n.垫子:The children sat on cushions on the floor.孩子们坐在地板上的垫子上。
custom n.习俗,习惯:
Mark has lived in China for many years, yet he still can’t adapt himself to the Chinese customs.
①habit 通常指一个人长时间养成的自然“习惯”,一旦养成了这种 habit 之后,人便会自然而然甚至是情不自禁地去做:
Nail-biting is one of her bad habits.咬指甲是她的一个坏习惯。
He has a habit of coughing before he speaks.他发言之前习惯咳一下嗽。
Eating hot dogs is an American custom.吃热狗是美国人的习俗。
The Japanese customs are different from the Chinese ones.日本的风俗习惯与中国的不同。
③custom有时也可表示个人的习惯,侧重指一种有规律的行为,此时也可用 habit:
It’s my custom/habit to get up early every morning.每天早起是我的习惯。
customer n.(商店等的)顾客,主顾:
The old woman can often buy things with lower price in his store because she is a popular customer.
The customer is always right.顾客至上。
customs n.关税,海关:
The customs officers were insisting that suitcases should be opened and their contents laid out for closer
cut(cut, cut )v.①切,剪,削,割:
The knife does not cut well.这把刀(切起来)不快。
She cut her finger on a piece of broken glass.她被一块碎玻璃划伤了手指。
②删节,削减,缩短:Your story is too long; it needs cutting.你的故事太长,需要删短。
n.伤口:If it’s a deep cut, you should see a doctor.如果伤口很深,你应该去看医生。
【拓展】①cut down砍倒,削减,压缩,缩减:
Expenses ought to be cut down in every way.应该在一切方面减少开支。
Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it comes to shopping and eating.我们大多数人都知道我们应该减少脂肪(的摄入),但知道这些东西在购物和吃东西时没什么帮助。
②cut in插入,插话,插队,超车,干预:
Don’t cut in when others are talking.别人说话时别插话。
He cut in at the head of the line.他在队伍的前面插队。
It is dangerous to cut in during the rush hour.在车流高峰期超车是危险的。
③cut off切断,隔断,断绝:
We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation.
It would be a good idea to use a plastic bottle, with its top cut off, as a container to grow young plants in.用一个顶部被剪掉的塑料瓶来盛放幼苗,是个好主意。
When their children lived far away from them, these old people felt cut off from the world.
④cut out剪下,戒掉,删去:
Cut out this article and show it to your bank manager.
I must cut out smoking.我必须戒烟。
You’d better cut out the last two paragraphs of your article.
⑤cut through抄近路穿过,走近路,克服:
Instead of returning to the road, he cut through a scattering of pine trees.
He was determined to cut through the difficulties.他下决心要克服困难。
⑥cut up切碎:He cut up the meat on his plate.他切碎了盘子里的肉。
⑦Cut it out闭嘴(交际用语):
—Sir, I’m late because my car broke down on the way.
—Cut it out. I’ve had enough of your excuses.
cute adj.漂亮的,娇小可爱的,机灵的,精明的:
Kathy’s cat is so cute and lovely, but I don’t think I have enough time to keep one.
cycle n.循环,周期:The seasons of the year spring, summer, autumn and winter make a cycle.
Why not cycle to work and save that money? 为什么不骑自行车去上班来节省钱?
You can press TAB to cycle through the windows.你可以按Tab键循环切换窗口。
cyclist n.骑自行车的人:
They looked for the cyclist but he was already out of sight.