词汇晨读21- 江苏高考英语3500词汇读练测
sigh v. 叹气,叹息,悲叹,悲鸣,叹气地说:
She sighed over her unhappy fate.她悲叹自己的命运。
“Oh well, better luck next time,” she sighed.
His only reaction to the news was a sigh of disappointment.
Mr. Collier heaved a sigh and got to his feet.科利尔先生深叹一口气,站了起来。
There was a big sigh of relief once the economic reform plan was agreed
sight n.①视力:He had good sight.他的视力好。
②看见:He fell in love with her at first sight.他对她一见钟情。
③视野,视线:Keep out of my sight.别让我再看见你。
④情景,风景:What a beautiful sight those roses make.那些玫瑰构成多么美丽的景象啊!
The moment she entered the room, the girl caught sight of the gift bought by her father.
Only a short-sighted man will lose sight of the importance of education.
We shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that education is important for its own sake.
Break Asian records and set sights on world level in sports.冲出亚洲, 走向世界。
Many young people set their sights on lofty goals and work hard to achieve them.
He got round the corner out of sight.他绕过拐弯处便不见了。
Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。
The sandy beach was in sight.沙滩映入眼帘。
Success is in sight.成功在即。
At sight of the young lady the man’s face changed to red and back to pale again.
At first sight I recognized the man because we had known each other for years.
sightseeing n.游览,观光:
We all agreed to his suggestion that we go to Beijing for sightseeing.
sign v. ①签名:Sign here, please.请在这里签字。
②打手势:He signed (to, for)me to be quiet.他做手势要我安静。
n.①符号,标记:A red flag was placed there as a sign of danger.那里插了一面红旗, 表示有危险。
②身体的示意动作,手势:He nodded as a sign of agreement.他点头表示同意。
③标志牌,指示牌:You’ll see the sign for the rest rooms.你将看到休息室的指示牌。
④迹象,征兆:Dark clouds are a sign of rain while a smile is a gesture of friendship.
【拓展】常考sign up的意义见下列例句:
You did sign up for the talent show, didn’t you?你真的该报名才艺表演,是吗?
He saw the song’s potential, and persuaded the company to sign her up.
Can I sign up for this course in advance?我能事先申请上这一课程吗?
signal n.信号,暗号:A red light is often used as a danger signal.红灯常被用作危险的信号。
The police car signaled to us to pull in.警车示意我们靠边停车。
signature n.签名:I can’t read his signature.我认不出他的签名。
significance n.意义,价值,重要性:
It’s of no/little significance.这事无关紧要。
Western diplomats have played down the significance of the reports
The discovery of the new drug is of great significance to people suffering from heart problems.
All men must die, but death can vary in its significance.人总是要死的,但死的意义有所不同。
【拓展】significant adj.重要的,重大的,有重大意义的,数量相当大的:
The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion
There were significant similarities between mother and son.
A small but significant number of 11-year-olds are illiterate.
Police said there had been a significant development in the case.
The White House has welcomed the Chinese decision and described it as a far-sighted,
significant step.白宫对中国的决定表示欢迎,称其是富有远见、意义重大的举措。
silence n.安静,沉默,无声:
They worked in silence.他们默不作声地工作。
【拓展】Speech is silver, but silence is gold.沉默胜于多言(沉默是金)。
silent adj.①不讲话的,沉默的,(电影)无声的:
You’d better be silent about what happened.你最好对所发生的事默不作声。
Charles Chaplin was one of the greatest and widely loved silent movie stars.
②寂静的:All is silent.万籁俱寂。
Trish was silent because she was reluctant to put her thoughts into words...
The report is strangely silent on this issue.很奇怪,报告对这个问题避而不谈。
④(单词中)不发音的:This letter is silent(is not pronounced).这个字母不发音。
silk n.丝,丝绸:
This old Silk Road linked China with the west in ancient times.
silly adj.愚蠢的,傻的:
Had he taken his parent’s advice, he would not regret having made such a silly mistake now.
Don’t stuff him with those silly ideas. 别向他灌输那些馊主意。
silver n.银,银币,银餐具:It was made of silver.它是银做的。
【拓展】born with a silver spoon in my mouth生在富贵人家:
She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and has never done a day’s hard work in her life.
similar adj.相似的,类似的,像:
At the end of the paragraph there is a similar mistake.在这一段的末尾有一个类似的错误。
All big cities are quite similar.所有的大城市大同小异。
【拓展】表示“与……相似或类似”,其后通常接介词to,不要受汉语思维影响而用介词 as, with
At our factory there are a few machines similar to those described in this magazine.
similarity n.类似,相像性,相仿性,类似性,相似物:
There was a wonderful similarity between the twins.这对孪生儿相像得惊人。
The similarity between these two essays is too great to be coincidental.
simple adj. ①简单的,简易的:Often a simple thank-you will do.常常一句简单的“谢谢”就行了。
②简朴的,单纯的:The doctor lived a simple life.医生过着简朴的生活。
He’s so simple that he’ll believe anything you tell him.他头脑简单,你说什么他都信。
【拓展】pure and simple纯粹的,不折不扣的,完全的,十足的:
He was killed in an accident pure and simple.他在一场纯属偶然的事故中丧生。
China is still a developing country pure and simple.中国仍然是不折不扣的发展中国家。
In much of the animal world, night is the time set aside for sleep—pure and simple.
simplify v.简化:
While intelligent people can often simplify the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.
You’d better spend some time reading some simplified English masterpieces.
He starts a painting by quickly drawing simplified shapes.他画图时先快速勾勒出大致的轮廓。
sin n.罪,罪过,过失:
Was it the sin of pride to have believed too much in themselves? 他们过分自信,这是否犯了骄纵之罪?
since adv.从此以后:We have been friends ever since.从此以后我们一直是朋友。
conj.①从……以来,……以后:We have known each other since we were children.我们从小就认识。
②由于,既然:Since you’re not interested, I won’t tell you about it.
prep.从……以来:The works have been closed since January.一月份以来这些厂就关闭了。
【拓展】①It is/ has been+since+主语+动词过去式“自从…以来,已多久了”,如:
It has been three years since he smoked.他已经戒烟三年了.
It has been three years since he began to smoke.他吸烟有三年了。
It is three years since he joined the army. 他入伍已三年了
②It + will be +一段时间+ before+(一般现在时)
It + will be +一段时间+ before+(一般现在时) 过多长时间将发生某动作或事情
It will be five years before he meets you again. 五年之后他就会再见你的。
It will (not) be long before …(谈论将来)不久就会……,没过多久就……
It will not be long before we turn our hope into reality.
sincerely adv.真诚地:
Sorry to hear that your father is ill. I sincerely hope he will be well again soon.
Yours sincerely.(信末套语)你诚挚的朋友
sing(sang, sung)v.唱,唱歌:She sang to the guitar.她和着吉他唱歌。
single adj.①惟一的,一个的:There wasn’t a single boat on the lake.湖上连一条船也没有。
②各个的,单个的:Every single child will receive a gift.每一个孩子都会收到一份礼物。
③单人用的:two single rooms and one double两个单人间和一个双人间
④单程的(=one-way):I’d like a single ticket.我想要一张单程票。
⑤单身的(=unmarried):Are you married or single? 你结婚了还是单身?
sink(sank, sunk)
v.①下沉:She sank into his arms.她倒在他怀里。
②(数目、价格、力量等)下降:The wind has sunk down.风势已弱。
n.洗涤槽,污水槽:There is a sink in the kitchen.在厨房里有一个洗涤槽。
She’d sometimes sink into depression.她有时会陷入忧郁之中。
It will take a little time for the rain to sink into the dried earth.
He was left by his family to sink or swim by himself.他遭家人遗弃,一切得靠自己。
The refugees had lost their homes and their possessions, and it was now sink or swim.
The government’s attitude to this company is to leave it to sink or swim without offering any help.
She suggests that we should sink or swim together.她建议我们同舟共济(共存亡)。
sir n.先生: Sorry, sir. Lady first.对不起,先生,女士优先。
sister n.姐,妹:elder sister姐姐 younger sister妹妹
sit v.(sat, sat) ①坐:Can I sit here? 我可以坐这儿吗?
②坐落:The village sits on a small river.村庄位于小河边。
They both sat as MPs in the House of Commons.他们两人都曾是下议院议员。
He was sitting as a temporary judge.由他担任临时法官。
She sat on a number of committees.她在几个委员会里任职。
site n.地点,遗迹:
A team of four was sent to scout for a nuclear test site.一个4人小分队被派出寻找核试验地。
It was rebuilt on the site of the old building.它是在原来建筑物的旧址上重新建造的。
This site remained undiscovered, though long sought, until recent times.
situation n.①形势,情况:
The situation is serious enough.形势够严重了。
School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous situations.
②处境,状况:The situation is very difficult.处境很困难。
③位置,场所:The situation of the new house is close to the town.新房子的位置靠近小镇。
Scientists are making great efforts to develop new drugs to avoid the situation where the
drug has more or less some side effect which will effect other organs.
I suppose it is such a bad situation as most of its former and present employees will feel upset about.我想这是一个大部分新老员工都感到难过的糟糕境况。
They have set out to deal with the present situation which they think deserves their immediate attention.他们已经着手处理目前的情况,他们认为这种情况值得他们及时的关注。
②a catch-22 situation的意义见下列例句:
They faced a catch-22 situation: to move forward or to retreat from Asian market?
You cannot get a job without experience, but you cannot obtain experience without getting a job—it is a Catch-22 situation.你没有经验,就找不到工作,而没有工作,就不可能获得经验,那真是个没法解决的难题。
Now there is a catch-22 situation in the IT industry.
They complain of being in a catch-22 situation.
③situate v.位于,坐落在:
The company wants to situate its headquarters in London.公司想把总部设在伦敦。
size n.尺寸,大小,号码:
Take the size of the room.量一量这房间的大小。
My shoes are size 9.我穿9号鞋。
skate v.溜冰,滑冰:I’m going skating.我要去滑冰。
【拓展】skater n.滑冰选手:
Star skater Wu Dajing won China’s first gold medal at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games by breaking world record in short track men’s 500m.明星滑冰选手武大婧通过打破男子500米短道速滑的世界纪录在2018年平昌冬季奥运会上为中国赢得第一枚金牌。
ski n.滑雪板(鞋):a pair of skis一双滑雪鞋
v.滑雪:I’m going go skiing我要去滑雪。
I learnt to ski in Alps.我是在阿尔卑斯山学滑雪的。
skilful(Am skillful) adj.熟练的,精湛的,灵巧的:
He is a skillful worker.I am sure he has enough experience to fix all the equipment.
He is very skillful with his hands.他的双手很灵巧。
skill n.技能,技巧:Reading and writing are two different skills.阅读和写作是两种不同的技能。
【拓展】skilled adj.熟练的,有技能的:
These are skilled workers in our industry.这些是我们行业中的熟练工人。
His father is skilled at/in carpentry.他父亲擅长木工。
skin n.皮,皮肤:Babies have soft skin.婴儿有细嫩的皮肤。
skip v.①跳,蹦蹦跳跳:
Next Annie took me by the hand and taught me how to hop and skip.
②跳过,略过:Skip the problems you can’t do and go ahead.跳过你不会做的题目,接着往下做。
skirt n.裙子:This skirt is in poor shape.这条裙子真不像样。
sky n.天,天空:After the rain the sky cleared.雨后天晴。
skyscraper n.摩天大楼:The skyscraper towers into the clouds.那幢摩天大楼高耸入云。
slap v.(用手掌)打,拍,啪地击打,掴/打耳光:
A large middle-aged lady slapped me on the back and said “Nice to see you again.”
I slapped him hard across the face.我重重地掴了他一记耳光。
He slapped the newspaper down on the desk.他啪的一声把报纸摔在桌上。
slave n.奴隶:She treated her daughter like a slave.她对待女儿像对待奴隶一样。
【拓展】enslave v.使成为奴隶,奴役,使受控制,征服,制伏:
They applied the carrot and stick to enslave the people in the colonies.
Her beauty enslaved many young men.她的美貌征服(倾倒了)很多男青年。
slavery n.奴隶制度:Our people have survived 400 years of slavery.我们的人民从400年的奴隶制中挺了过来。
sleep(slept, slept)
v.①睡觉:I usually sleep late on Sundays.星期天我通常睡懒觉。
Despite the hardness of his bed, he is soon sleeping soundly.虽然床很硬,他还是很快地睡熟了。
②可睡……人:This cabin will sleep four.这间小屋可睡四人。
n.①睡觉,睡眠:Sleep is necessary to [for] health.睡眠对健康是必要的。
②一段睡眠:I had a short sleep after lunch.中饭后我睡了一会儿。
Will you stop working now and go to sleep? 现在你可以停下工作上床睡觉了吗?
He slept like a log.他睡得很熟。
The workers were all sleeping like a log, even without knowing when the Boss had arrived.
It’s a sudden question, let me sleep on it.这个问题太突然了,让我好好想一想。
I would like to sleep on it and then tell you first thing tomorrow morning.
When I finally did lie down, I couldn’t sleep a wink.等到我最终躺下睡觉,我一点都睡不着。
【拓展】sleepless adj.睡不着的,失眠的,sleeplessness n.失眠:
She spent a sleepless night.她度过了一个不眠之夜。
I felt lonely and afraid, and had many sleepless nights.
Sleeplessness is sometimes the side effect of certain medicine.
sleepy adj.想睡的,困倦的:
They stayed up all night chatting, which explains why they are sleepy this morning.
sleeve n.袖子,袖套:His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.他的袖子卷到了肘部。
slice n.片,切面(薄)片:Cut the cake into slices.把蛋糕切成几片。
slide(slid, slid)
v.滑行:It’s fun to slide on the ice.在冰上滑行很有意思。
n.①滑动:The boy had a slide on the ice.小男孩在冰上滑行。
②幻灯片:I will give a slide show next art class.下节美术课我要做一个幻灯片展示。
③滑落,跌落:Prices began to slide.价格开始下降。
I saw Tom sliding into the classroom without being found.
Be careful not to slide into a bad habit.当心不要不知不觉地就染上坏习惯。
Miss Lee didn’t notice little Tom slide out of the classroom.
slight adj.轻微的,细小的:
I have a slight headache.我有点轻微的头疼。
I have slight knowledge on the new subject.我对这门新学科粗通一二。
slim adj.①苗条的,纤细的:
The young woman is tall and slim.那个年轻的女子身材苗条修长。
Mary was born with a slim figure.玛丽生来就有一个苗条的身材。
②(希望、可能性等)微小的,渺茫的:Our chances of winning are slim.我们获胜的机会不大。
slip v.①滑,跌倒,失足:My foot slipped and I nearly fell.我的脚下一滑,差点跌倒。
Amy slipped downstairs and out of the house.埃米偷偷下楼溜出了房子。
She slipped into the driving seat and closed the door.她溜进了驾驶座,关上了门。
n.①片,条,纸片,纸条:I put her name on the slip.我在纸条上记下了她的名字。
One single slip brings eternal regret, and looking back, your whole life has passed away.
【拓展】①slip one’s mind忘记:
The reason for my visit had obviously slipped his mind.他显然已经忘掉了我的来意。
—It’s a pity that you should let something important slip your mind.
—Sorry. I am fully busy in taking care of my grandfather recently and get burnt out.
②let slip放过,错过(机会),无意中说出,偶然泄露/秘密等:
Don’t let slip such a golden opportunity.机会难得,幸勿失之交臂。
I bet he let slip that I’d gone to America.我可以打赌,是他走漏了我去了美国的消息。
I let slip some remark that offended her.我失口冒犯了她。
Fred let slip that he was prepared to leave company when the new manager took office.
slow adv.慢慢地,缓慢地:He walked very slow.他走得很慢。
The train slowed as it went around the bend.火车在转弯处减速了。
The road is slippery; you’d better slow down.路很滑,你最好减速。
We turned to see the approaching car slow down.我们转身看见驶近的车慢慢停下。
Slow down when turning a corner.拐弯要慢行。
You will need to slow down for a while.你需要放松一段时间。
adj.①慢的:My watch is five minutes slow.我的表慢5分钟。
②迟缓,迟钝:He is slow in understanding.他理解迟钝。
【拓展】Slow but sure wins the race慢工出细活/稳中求胜。
small adj.小的,少的,幼小的:This is a story for small children.这是一个适合儿童看的故事。
smart adj.①灵巧的,伶俐的,聪敏的:
He is too smart not to jump at the chance.他这人很精,不会错过这个机会的。
He thinks he’s smarter than Sarah is.他认为自己比萨拉聪明。
I was dressed in a smart navy blue suit.我身穿一套帅气的藏青色西服。
He looks quite smart in his uniform.他穿着制服显得很帅。
There is a smart restaurant on the upper floor.楼上有一家时尚的餐馆。
smell(smelt, smelt或smelled, smelled)
I smell something burning.我闻到什么东西烧焦的气味。
I could smell the spring in the air.我嗅到春天的气息。
I have got a cold and I can not smell.我感冒了,闻不出味道。
Smoking is dangerous, as well as making you smell bad.
This room smells of paint.这房间有油漆味。
This smells like an orange.这东西闻起来有桔子的味道。
n.①气味,香味:There is a smell of gas.有一股煤气味。
②嗅觉:Smell is one of the five senses.嗅觉是五种感觉之一。
Take/Have a smell at this egg and tell me whether it is good.闻一闻这只鸡蛋,看是否是好的。
smile n.微笑:She gave a shy smile.她腼腆地笑了笑。
v.微笑:He looked at me and smiled.他望着我笑了。
smog n.烟雾:Cars cause pollution, both smog and acid rain.汽车造成的污染既有烟雾也有酸雨。
smoke n.①烟:A cloud of black smoke blew over the city.一团黑烟吹过城市的上空。
②抽烟:I like to have a smoke after dinner.我喜欢饭后抽一支烟。
v.①冒烟:The chimney was smoking fiercely.烟囱里浓烟滚滚。
②抽烟:I never drink or smoke.我从不喝酒抽烟。
smoker n.吸烟者:He’s a heavy smoker.他烟瘾很大。
smooth adj.①平坦的,平滑的:A baby has a smooth skin.婴儿皮肤很平滑。
②(海水)平静的:The sea was smooth.海上风平浪静。
③平稳的,顺利的:Bring the car to a smooth stop.把汽车平稳地煞住。
【拓展】She smoothed out the tablecloth.她铺平了桌布。
Can you smooth away the obstacle on the road?你可以清除路上的障碍物吗?
We’ll smooth away any difficulties when we reach them.我们碰到任何困难都能顺利克服。
snake n.蛇:Look out for snakes.当心蛇。
【拓展】① a snake in the grass阴险而伪善的朋友,暗藏/潜伏的敌人,暗敌,潜伏的危机或危险:
He’s a snake in the grass. While pretending to be your friend he was slandering you behind your back. 他是个暗敌,表面上装作是你的朋友,背地里却在诽谤你。
②Once bitten, twice shy一年被蛇咬,十年怕井绳/吃一次亏,学一次乖:
Since being found do bad things, he never dare do them again and it’s indeed “Once bitten, twice shy”.自从做坏事被别人发现后,他以后再也不敢了,真是一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。
snap v.①噼啪的响:
The bag snapped open.包吧嗒一声打开了。
He shifted his weight and a twig snapped.他挪了一下身体的重心,一根树枝咔嚓一声断了。
He snapped his fingers, and Wilson produced a sheet of paper.他打了个响指,威尔逊便递过一张纸来。
②拍照:He was the first ever non-British photographer to be invited to snap a royal.
Every time we get a new delivery of clothes, people are queuing to snap them up.
I’d snap up his offer if I were you.如果我是你,我就会抓住机会接受他的提议。
See, I would never snap at you like that.瞧,我是绝对不会象他那样对你吼的。
There’s no need to snap at me like that! 没必要对我那么疾言厉色!
The mother snapped at the noisy children.母亲厉声斥责吵吵闹闹的孩子。
You’ve been depressed for weeks. It’s time you snapped out of it.
sneaker n.(常用复)轻便运动鞋:
I like the red dress and white sneakers.不行。我喜欢穿红连衣裙和白运动鞋。
Old Chinese sneaker brands have been getting a lot of attention these days.
sneeze v.打喷嚏:The dust made me sneeze.灰尘使我打喷嚏。
sniff v.①哧哧地吸气(尤指因患伤风或哭泣时):
Stop sniffing and blow your nose.不要再呼哧呼哧的,擤一下鼻子吧。
②嗅:The dog sniffed the bone.那只狗嗅着那块骨头。
A police dog, trained to sniff out explosives, found evidence of a bomb in the apartment.
snow n.①雪:Some mountains are covered in snow all years round.一些山终年积雪。
②一场雪:We had a heavy snow last night.昨晚下了一场大雪。
v.下雪:It’s snowing heavily.雪下得很大。
snowy adj.①雪(白)的:a snowy tablecloth雪白的桌布
②下雪的:Today will be snowy in many areas.今天许多地区将下雪。
③多(积)雪的:The snowy main peak towers above all the others.白雪皑皑的主峰高耸在群峦之上。
so adv.①如此,这么:
Don’t speak so fast.别讲得那么快。
She was so nice a girl that he fell in love with her at first sight.她是如此好的一个女人,使他一见钟情。
②非常:I’m so glad to hear from you.接到你的来信,我非常高兴。
③同样:I was late and so was she.我迟到了,她也是。
④的确:You say he is diligent; so he is.你说他很勤奋,他确实很勤奋。
conj.①因此,所以:It was late, so we went home.天晚了,所以我们就回家去了。
②为的是,以便:Be quiet, so he can sleep.安静些,好让他能睡觉。
【拓展】①and so on等等:
This shop sells clothes, shoes, hats and so on.这商店卖衣服,鞋,帽子等等。
②or so大约,左右:See you in half an hour or so.大约半小时后见。
③so as to为了:
The test questions are kept secret, so as to prevent cheating.考卷保密,以防舞弊。
It’s so difficult a question that none of us can answer it.
⑤so that以便,结果:
I am going to the lecture early so that I’ll get a good seat.
soap n.肥皂:
Mother bought three cakes of soap yesterday.妈妈昨天买了三块肥皂。
A small colour television was tuned to an afternoon soap opera.
sob n.啜泣,呜咽:The child’s sobs gradually died down.那孩子的呜咽声逐渐消失。
v.抽泣,呜咽,哭诉:A little girl was sitting sobbing in the corner.一个小女孩坐在角落里呜咽。
soccer n.英式足球:
France and Spain will meet in the soccer cup final.法国队和西班牙队将在足球锦标赛决赛中交锋。
social adj.①社会的:These problems are social rather than economic.这些是社会问题而不是经济问题。
②社交的:His reasons for calling were purely social.他的来访完全是社交性质的。
③有社会性的,群居的:Lions are social animals.狮子是群居动物。
socialism n.社会主义:They are going all out to build socialism.他们正在鼓足干劲建设社会主义。
socialist n.社会主义者:
He started as a socialist, and now he’s as capitalist as you get.
Without democracy, there can be no socialist modernization.没有民主就没有社会主义现代化。
We take pride in the great achievements of our socialist construction.
society n.社会,社团,协会:
In modern society, punctuality is a necessary virtue.在现代社会中,准时是一种必备的美德。
That man is a danger to society.那个人是社会的祸患。
The Red Cross Society of China is an important part of the International Red Cross Society.
sock n.短袜:I put on a new pair of nylon socks.我穿上了一双新尼龙袜。
socket n.①插座:There is no electric socket in the wall.墙上没有电源插座。
A candlestick has a socket in which to set a candle.蜡烛台有一个接口可以插入蜡烛。
Her eyes were sunk deep into their sockets.她的眼睛深陷在眼窝里。
sofa n.(长)沙发:Please sit on the sofa.请坐在沙发上。
soft adj.①(柔)软的:Silk feels soft.丝绸摸上去很柔软。
②柔和的:I like soft music.我喜欢柔和的音乐。
③(饮料)不含酒精的:I have soft drinks, orange juice, lemonade.我这里有软饮料,橙汁,柠檬汁。
software n.软件:
Computers would be useless without software writers.没有编软件的人,计算机就会毫无价值。
Most applications software for personal computers cost over $500 a throw.
soil n.土壤,土地:
This kind of soil is not suitable for growing peanuts.这种土壤不宜种花生。
Farmers grow rice in the rich soil.农民们在肥沃的土地上种植稻子。
solar adj.太阳的,与太阳有关的,太阳能的:
When it comes to renewable energy, what occur to me are solar energy and wind energy.
The picture shows six of the eight planets in the solar system.这幅图标示了太阳系八大行星中的6颗。
【拓展】the 24 solar terms二十四节气:
The Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms.
soldier n.士兵,战士,军人:
As a soldier, he showed selfless devotion to duty.作为战士,他表现出了对其天职的无私奉献。
He behaves like a well-trained soldier.他的举止像个训练有素的军人。
The first lesson I learnt as a soldier was never to underestimate the enemy.
solid adj. ①结实的,固体的:Ice is solid water.冰是固态的水。
My theory is established on the solid basis of facts.我的理论是以可靠的事实作为根据的。
All these have laid a solid political foundation for consolidated national unity.
You should present solid evidence to prove your point.
n.固体:Water becomes a solid when it freezes.水在结冰时变成固体。
solution n.解决,解决方法/办法:
The analysis of a problem is the starting point for its solution.分析问题是解决问题的基点。
No one can offer a permanent solution to the problem.没有人能提出解决这个问题的长久之计。
Any solution must be acceptable to all sides.任何解决办法都必须能为各方所接受。
solve v.解决,解答:
The problem will not be difficult to solve, if properly handled.如处理得当,问题不难解决。
He could not solve the riddle.他猜不出这个谜。
some adj.①一些,若干:You’d better get some sleep.你最好去睡一会儿。
②有些:Some pupils enjoy this kind of work, some don’t.有些学生喜欢这种工作,有些不喜欢。
③某一:I have read the article in some magazine.我在某本杂志上看到过这篇文章。
Some may think so.有些人也许会这样想。
Some of the people already in work will lose their jobs.一些已经工作的人将要失业。
somebody pron.
Somebody has left his umbrella.有人忘了带走伞。
You can ask somebody else.你可以去问其他人。
I thought you might know somebody. After all, you’re the man with connections.
somehow adv.①以某种方式:
The car’s broken down but I’ll get to work somehow.车子坏了,但我得设法上班去。
②不知怎么:She somehow got lost.她不知道怎么竟迷了路。
someone pron.某人,有人:
Someone has opened the letter.有人把这封信拆开了。
I heard someone crying.我听见有人在哭。
something pron.①某事,某物:There must be something wrong with it.一定是出问题了。
You must do something about it.你必须对此采取措施。
②有价值的事,值得考虑的事:There is something in what he says.他的话有点道理。
I’ve seen some sparefine players, but she’s something else.
【拓展】①have something to do with与……有关(有联系):
The book has something to do with this subject.这本书与这个问题有些联系。
②or something……之类的,……什么的:
He said he was tired or something.他说他累了什么的。
③something of有点儿,有几分,有点像:
She is really something of a musician, who can not only sing very beautifully, but also compose skillfully.她真的有点像音乐家,不仅歌唱得好而且曲也作得很好。
sometimes adv.有时:He sometimes goes there on business.他有时到那里出差。
【拓展】sometime, some time与sometimes:
②some time有两个用法,作为副词词组,意为“任何时候”或“某个时候”(=sometime);作为名词词组,意为“一段时间”(不能换成sometime):
Please come over some time/sometime.请随时来玩。
We lived in the country for some time.我们在农村住过一段时间。
He sometimes writes to me.他有时给我写信。
somewhat adv.稍许,有几分,有点,稍微:
He concluded that Oswald was somewhat abnormal.他断定奥斯瓦尔德有点不正常。
To tell the truth, his behavior displeased me more than somewhat.
somewhere adv.在某处:
He lives somewhere around here.他就住这附近。
I thought I had seen you somewhere.我记得在哪里见过你。
son n.儿子:Her son is in the sixth grade.她儿子读六年级。
song n.歌曲:Sing us a song.给我们唱支歌吧。
soon adv.①不久,很快:We’ll pay back the money soon.我们不久就偿还这笔钱。
②快,早:Please get that report done as soon as possible.请尽快完成那份报告。
【拓展】①as soon as一……就……:
As soon as he got here, he knew what had happened.他一到这儿就知道出什么事了。
②no sooner...than刚……就……:
We had no sooner reached the airport than the plane took off.
=No sooner had we reached the airport than the plane took off.我们刚到机场,飞机就起飞了。③sooner or later迟早:
You should tell her, because she’ll find out sooner or later.
④how soon多快,多久以后:
How soon can a doctor see me? 医生能多快来看我?
Can you tell me how soon you can be ready?你能告诉我你多久能准备好吗?
sore adj.①酸痛的,悲痛的:
My chest is still sore from the surgery.手术过后我的胸口还在作痛。
He will be all right so long as you don’t touch his sore spot.
The result is that they are now all feeling very sore at you.结果就是,现在他们都对你感到十分恼火。
sorrow n.悲伤,悲痛:He felt sorrow when his mother died.他母亲去世时他非常悲伤。
【拓展】sorrowful adj.伤心的,悲伤的,悲哀的:
A funeral is a sorrowful occasion.葬礼是一种令人悲伤的场合。
sorry adj.①伤心的,难过的:I was sorry to hear about your illness.听说你病了,我很难过。
②遗憾的,抱歉的:Sorry for interrupting you.对不起我打扰你了。
③(表示委婉的拒绝等)抱歉,对不起:Sorry, but you can’t come in.对不起,你不能进来。
“I’m cold.” “Sorry?”“我很冷。”“你说什么?”
【拓展】better safe than sorry小心不出大错/谨言慎行不吃亏,轻率莽撞必后悔/小心驶得万年船等:
Don’t be afraid to have this checked by a doctor—better safe than sorry!
sort v.把……分类,拣选:She is busy sorting letters.她正忙于给信件分类。
A hammer is a sort of tool.锤子是一种工具。
Computers are of many sorts.电脑有许多种。
You can ask him for help—he is a good sort.你可以找他帮忙,他是个好人。
What sort of writer is he?他是哪一类作家?
(问类别,可回答a novelist或a playwright等)
What sort of a writer is he?他是一位怎样的作家?
(问水平,可回答a famous writer之类的)
【拓展】①sort of颇为,有几分:I feel sort of sick.我有些恶心。
②sort out整理,挑出,捡出:
Sort out all your bills and receipts as quickly as possible and keep detailed accounts...
soul n.①灵魂,精神:
May God have mercy on your soul.愿上帝宽恕你的灵魂。
Food is fuel to nourish your body and soul.饮食是支撑你身体和精神的“燃料”。
②人:Not a soul was to be seen in the street.街上看不到一个人。
③(连用the)典范,化身:He is the soul of honor.他是正直的化身。
It was a very polished performance, but it lacked soul.这场演出技艺很精湛,但是缺少真挚的情感。
It’s quite an attractive building, but somehow it hasn’t got much soul.
【拓展】heart and soul全身心,全心全意:
I will put my heart and soul into the job. 我会全身心投入到工作中去。
I volunteer to serve the people heart and soul all my life.
sound v.①听起来:The report sounds true.这个报道听起来是真的。
—The movie starts at 8:30, and we can have a quick bite before we go.
—Sounds great. See you at 8:10.
Together we had done our best to sound the alarm.我们曾一同竭尽全力发出过警报。
You don’t sound the “b” in the word “comb”.在“comb”这个单词里,字母“b”不发音。
n.声音:Light travels faster than sound.光比声的速度快。
He is sound asleep.他睡得很沉。
②参看词条noise, voice。
soup n.汤:I had/took/ate some soup for lunch.我午餐喝了些汤。
sour adj.①酸的:We had pork with a sweet and sour sauce.我们吃了糖醋猪肉。
②脾气坏的,不快的:The school doctor had a sour temper.那个校医脾气很坏。
source n.①来源,出处:
My wages are the principal source of my income.工资是我收入的主要来源。
These factories have displaced tourism as the country’s largest source of foreign exchange
He refuse to name his sources.他拒绝说出消息的来源。
The library has quantities of reference sources.该图书馆藏有大量可供参考的原始资料。
To start with, this thesis introduces the concept and the source of language transfer theory.
You ought to examine yourself honestly and find out the source of your wrong views.
The family continues to be the primary source of care and comfort for people as they grow older.
Have they found the source of the gas leak?他们找到煤气渗漏的原因了吗?
The authority can chase up the source of the pollution and demand that the owner clean it up.
The river has its source in the mountains.这条河发源于群山之中。
Where is the source of the Yellow River?黄河的发源地在哪儿?
⑤提供消息的人:The news comes from a reliable source.这消息来自一位可靠的消息人士。
south adj.南方的,向南的,从南来的:He lives on the south side of the park.他住在公园的南面。
adv.在南方,向南方:The house faces south.那座房子朝南。
n.南,南方:He decided to move to the south.他打算搬到南方去住。
southeast n.(连用the)东南,东南部:Tianjin is to the southeast of Beijing.天津在北京的东南方。
southern adj.南部的,南方的:
Factories are grouped in the southern suburb of the city.工厂都集中在城市的南郊。
He speaks with a slight southern accent.他说话夹杂着南方口音。
My son went to Almeria in Southern Spain.我儿子去了西班牙南部的阿尔梅里亚。
southwest n.(连用the)西南,西南部:The wind was from the southwest.这是西南风。
They hope the treaty will bring peace and stability to Southeast Asia.
We should be headed southeast.我们应该向东南方走。
My hometown is Guiyang, a small city in Southwest China, surrounded by rolling green mountains.我的家乡是贵阳,一个中国西南边的小城市,四周群山环绕。
This river flowed southwest to the Atlantic Ocean.这条河流向西南,汇入大西洋。
souvenir n.纪念品,纪念物:
Please accept this little gift as a souvenir.请留下这个小小礼物作为纪念品。
sow(sowed, sown/sowed)
v.播种:As you sow, so will you reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
【拓展】You reap what you sow.一分耕耘一分收获。
Early sow, early mow.早种早收/播得早,收得早。
space n.①(与时间相对)空间:
I know little about the relation between time and space.对于时间和空间之间的关系,我知道得很少。
②宇宙,太空:The six astronauts on board will spend ten days in space.
③空地,空处:Please save a space for me in the queue.请在排的队中给我留个位子。
④空白(处),篇幅:It won’t take too much space.这不会占很多地方(篇幅)。
spaceship n.宇宙飞船:I will go there by spaceship.我要乘宇宙飞船去那里。
spade n.①铁锹,铲子:He dug the ground with a spade.他用铁锹挖地。
②(纸牌中的)黑桃:You must play a spade if you have one.如果你有黑桃牌,就必须打出来。
【拓展】call a spade a spade实话实说,有啥说啥,直言不讳:
I think everyone should call a spade a spade.我认为每个人都应该实话实说。
He’s not afraid to call a spade a spade.他不怕直言不讳。
spare adj.①备用的:Every car should carry a spare tire.每辆车子应带一个备用轮胎。
I have little spare time.我很少有空余时间。
There was hardly a spare inch of space to be found.几乎找不到一丁点空余的地方。
I have no time to spare.我抽不出时间。
Can you spare me 10 minutes to discuss this problem?你能抽出10分钟来讨论这个问题吗?
You should spare some time to sort out the documents.你应该抽出一些时间来把这些文件整理一下。
They’ve two tickets to spare.他们多两张票。
③省掉:He could have spared the explanation.他本可不必解释的。
He did the work to spare you the trouble.他做了那件事使你免去麻烦。
④吝惜:She never spares the butter when baking.她烤东西的时候从不吝惜奶油。
You got here with ninety seconds to spare.你到这里的时候还剩 90 秒钟时间。
【拓展】spare no effort不遗余力:
I’ll spare no effort to promote the development of our trade.
speak(spoke, spoken)
v.①说话:Please speak more slowly.请说慢一点。
②说(语言):She can speak three languages.她会说三种语言。
③谈话:I spoke to/with her about my idea.我跟她谈了我的想法。
④发言:You will be the second to speak.你第二个发言。
【拓展】①speak about谈论:
Just as we were speaking about him, he came.正当我们谈到他时,他来了。
②speak of谈到,提起:He didn’t speak of his girlfriend.他没谈及他的女朋友。
③speak out大胆说,自由地说:Speak out, don’t be afraid.大声说出来,不要怕。
④speak up大声说:Please speak up, I can’t hear you.请大声说,我听不见。
⑤speak one’s mind说出心里话来:He didn’t speak his mind.他没有把心里话说出来。
⑥speak the truth说真话:Do you think he was speaking the truth?你认为他讲的是真话吗?
Generally speaking, I am very satisfied with this job.总体上说,我对我的工作很满意。
Generally speaking, American English is different from British English in pronunciation and
Strictly speaking, he’s not qualified for the job.严格说来,他没有资格做这份工作。
Frankly speaking, I think it’s terrible.坦率的讲,我认为很糟糕。
Personally speaking, I’m in favour of the plan. 就本人而言,我赞成这个计划。
Roughly speaking, the counties in central Hunan were the most advanced.
speaker n.演讲人,演说家:Blame not the speaker but be warned by his words.言者无罪,闻者足戒。
special adj.①特别的:Has anything special happened?发生什么特别的事情了吗?
②专门的:He has a special car because he cannot walk.他有一辆专车,因为他不能走路。
【拓展】specialize v.
Many students specialize in engineering.许多学生专攻工程学。
There are restaurants, both humble and expensive, that specialize in them.
The bakers specialize in catering for large parties.
specialist n.①专家,行家:I made an appointment to see a specialist.我约好去见一位专家。
In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist.
specific adj.①具体的,详尽的,明确的:I want a specific answer.我想要一个明确的回答。
②特定的,独特的:Everyone has been given a specific job to do.每个人都获派定的工作。
speech n.①演讲:He made a very good speech.他作了个精彩的演讲。
I’d make fun of her dress and imitate her speech.我会拿她的衣着开玩笑,并模仿她说话。
【拓展】①make a speech作演讲,发表讲话,作报告:
She is due to make a speech on the economy next week.
She used to make a speech in public.她过去常常在大庭广众之下发表讲话。
How many persons can make a speech and write a report in English well?
②speechless adj.(一时)说不出话来,哑口无言的,无言的:
The little boy was speechless with shock.那小男孩惊得说不出话来。
For a long while he remained speechless.他愣了半天没说话。
speed n.速度:Please drive at a safe speed.请以安全速度行驶。
v.①疾弛而过:The holidays simply sped by.假期简直是一晃而过。
②(违章)超速行驶:Was I really speeding, officer?警官,我真的超速了吗?
【拓展】①speed up(使)加速:
The train gradually speeded up.火车逐渐加速。
You notice that your breathing has speeded up a bit.你注意到自己的呼吸加快了一些。
②at a speed of以……的速度:
The train is running at a speed of 120 kilometres an hour.
③More haste, less speed.欲速则不达:
—I was reading The Romance of the Three Kingdoms yesterday, but I couldn’t understand it.
— More haste, less speed. It is classical literature, so take your time to enjoy it.
spell v.拼写:How do you spell your name?你的名字怎样拼?
spelling n.①拼写,拼读:Your composition is full of spelling mistakes.你的作文里满是拼写错误。
②拼写法:The assistant teacher told the student to pay attention to his spelling.
spend(spent, spent)
v.①度过:I’d hate to spend Christmas alone.我不喜欢一个人过圣诞节。
②花费:He spends most of his money on books.他的大部分钱用于购书。
They spend a lot of time watching TV.他们用很多时间看电视。
spin(spun, spun)v.
①纺纱:They would spin and weave cloth, cook and attend to the domestic side of life.
The teacher spun round to see who had spoken.老师猛地转过身子看谁在说话。
The boat started to spin around in the water.船开始在水中打转。
He spun his car round and went after them.他掉转车头,去追他们。
The Earth spins on its own axis.地球绕着地轴自转。
③吐(丝):Silkworms spin silk.蚕吐丝。
【拓展】A man cannot spin and reel at the same time.一心不能二用。
n.(旋)转:We took a spin around town.我们乘车出去绕城转了一圈.
Give the washing a short spin.把洗过的衣服稍稍甩一下。
She puts a lot of spin on the ball.她打出的球旋转得很厉害。
spirit n.①精神,灵魂,心灵(与body, flesh相对):
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.心有余而力不足。
Their cultural backgrounds gave them a spirit of adventure.他们的文化背景赋予了他们一种冒险精神。
She is in good (high, top, great, excellent)spirits today.她今天情绪很好。
He’s in low(bad, poor)spirits.=He is out of spirits.他情绪不好(低落)。
He was out of spirits as if he had something on his mind.他忧心忡忡,好像有什么心事。
I’ve been feeling out of spirits for some time, and I think need a holiday.
His spirits improved.=He is in better spirits.他的情绪好多了。
spiritual adj.精神的,心灵的:
Food creates the body and has a great influence on our mind and spiritual life.
I hope you can find here spiritual home!我希望你在这里能找到你心灵的归宿!
spit v.吐唾沫,吐痰:
People who spit can spread disease.随地吐痰的人会传播疾病。
She took a mouthful of food and then suddenly spat it out.她吃了一口食物,突然又吐了出来。
Spit out that gum and pay attention.把那块口香糖吐出来,注意听。
They spat at me and laughed at me.他们朝我吐唾沫,还嘲笑我。
It’s very rude to spit at someone.向人吐唾沫是非常粗暴无礼的。
n.唾沫,唾液,口水:I’m choking on my own spit.我被我自己的唾沫呛住了。
splendid adj.①灿烂的,辉煌的:
With the rapid development of 20 years, there are splendid achievements in Chinese high and
new technology industry.经过20年的发展,中国高新技术产业取得了辉煌的业绩。
②(口语)极好的:What a splendid idea!好主意!
split v.①撕开,切开,划开:
A lightening splits the dark sky.一道闪电划破了黑暗的天空。
The river splits into three smaller streams at this point.这条河在这里分成三条小河。
They split the cost of the party between them.他们两人分担了宴会的费用。
That party split up into two groups.这个政党分裂成两个小集团。
【拓展】split off/away from脱离,从……分裂出来,从……脱离出来:
The group have split off/away from the official union.
n.裂口,裂缝:There’s a split in the table.桌上有条裂缝。
spoil v.①损坏/害,溺爱坏,宠坏,娇惯:
Don’t spoil your appetite by eating sweets just before dinner.不要在饭前吃糖来损害你的食欲。
He is a man who will spoil rather than accomplish things.他这个人成事不足,坏事有余。
Don’t spoil the child.别把孩子宠坏了。
It is harmful to spoil children.娇惯孩子是有害的。
②犒赏/劳:Spoil yourself with a new perfume this summer.今年夏天买瓶新香水犒劳一下自己吧。
spoken adj.口语的:
We must distinguish between the spoken language and written language.我们必须区别口语和书面语。
spokesman/woman(pl spokesmen/women) n.男(女)发言人:
A spokeswoman for the government denied the rumors.一位政府女发言人否认了那些传言。
An air force spokesman said the rescue was a race against time.
sponsor n.赞助者,主办者:
Our project ran into difficulties when we lost a sponsor.
Surely you can tell us the sponsor’s name?你一定可以告诉我们赞助商的名字吧?
Which country is the sponsor of the Olympic games?哪一个国家是本届奥运会的主办者?
The meeting was sponsored by 16 countries.此次会议是由16个国家发起召开的。
A clothing company is sponsoring the match.一家服装公司要赞助这次比赛。
spoon n.匙,调羹:It was a silver spoon.这是把银勺。
spoonful n.一匙(的量):
She put two spoonfuls of milk in each of the two cups.她在两个杯子里各加了两匙牛奶。
sport n.①运动,体育运动:Children like outdoor sports.小孩喜欢户外活动。
②(用复数)运动会,比赛:The school sports were held on October 5。学校运动会于10月5日举行。
spot n.①斑点,污点:There’s ink spot on her skirt.她裙子上有墨点。
②地点,场所:This is our favourite holiday spot.这是我们喜爱的度假地点。
His boots were spotted with mud.他的靴子上沾有泥渍。
The scandal spotted his character.那件丑闻玷污了他的人格。
②认出,找出:He is a very tall man, easy to spot in a crowd.他是个非常高的人,在人群中容易认出来。【拓展】常考含有spot介词短语意义见下列例句:
He was hit by a falling tree and killed on the spot.他被一棵倒下的树打中,当场毙命。
Our question certainly put him on the spot.我们这一问可把他将住了。
Count the money on the spot.银钱过手,当面点清。
I was on the spot when the accident happened.事故发生时我在场。
What you have said is off the spot.你刚才说的话离题太远。
My wife and I were in a tough spot.我的妻子和我处境艰难。
Don’t always put me on the spot like this. You know, because of my duty, I can’t give away
confidential information to you.别总是让我为难,你知道由于我的职责,我不能给你机密资料的。
spray n.①水雾,水花:
The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall.
The wave lashed against the rocks, sending up pearly spray.海浪冲击着礁石,飞起像珠子般的水花。
②喷雾剂:This spray will kill the insects. 这些喷雾剂能杀死这些虫子。
v.①喷洒:Drops of blood sprayed across the room.滴滴鲜血溅洒在房间各处。
Because of the immunity of the immature insects, it’s important to spray regularly.
A sprayer hooked to a tractor can spray five gallons onto ten acres.
用拖拉机牵引的喷雾器可以将 5 加仑药水喷洒在 10 英亩田地上。
There was a hole in the hose, and water sprayed out all over me.
spread(spread, spread)
v.①延伸,展开:The bird spread its wings.这只鸟展开翅膀。
②绵延:The city now spreads as far as the coast.这座城市现已延伸到海边。
③传播,蔓延:The fire soon spread to the other buildings.火势不久就波及到其他建筑。
④覆盖,涂敷:She spread the bread with butter.她把黄油涂在面包上。
【拓展】spread out伸展,展开,拓展,传开,散开:
After a while leaves slowly spread out, taking one look, then curl up;
She looked at the map that was spread out on the floor.她看着展开铺在地板上的地图。
The news of shipwreck soon spread out widely.船只失事的消息很快就广泛地传开了。
The searchers spread out to cover the area faster.搜索人员分散开来,好更快地搜索这一地区。
spring n. ①春天,春季:If winter comes, can spring be far behind?冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
②泉水,泉:To the north are the hot springs of Banyas de Sant Loan.北边是班亚斯德桑隆温泉。
There’s little spring in this sofa.这张沙发几乎没什么弹性。
Don’t bounce on the bed you’ll break the springs!别在床上乱蹦--你要把弹簧弄断了!
④发条:There is something wrong with my watch spring.我表的发条有点问题。
【拓展】spring up涌现,跳起,跃起,迅速成长,突然开始:
New theatres and arts centers sprang up all over the country.
Many skyscrapers monster high-rise buildings spring up all over the city.
New houses spring up like mushrooms.新房屋像雨后春笋般涌现出来。
After the rainy season, the new green grasses spring up.雨季以后,绿茵茵的新草勃然生长。
Fast-food restaurants are springing up all over the town.
spy n.密探,间谍,特务:The spy sent his message in code.这个间谍用密码发送情报。
v.暗中监视,侦察:He followed his wife and spied on her.他跟踪妻子,暗中监视她。
square n.①广场:
Many of our grandfathers and grandmothers hope to take a visit to Beijing and witness a national flag ceremony in Tian’anmen Square.有多少爷爷奶奶辈的心愿就是能够去一次北京站在天安门广场下见证一次升国旗。
②正方形:A square has four sides.正方形有四条边。
③平方,二次幂:The square of three is nine.3的平方是9。
adj. ①平方的:The forest cover an area of 1500 square miles.这森林的面积有1500平方英里。
②方形的:The window was square.这个窗户是正方形的。
【拓展】a square meal美餐,丰盛的一餐,一顿正经饭:
He hasn’t had a square meal in days.他好多天没有美餐一顿了。
We haven’t had a square meal for a week.一周来我们没有吃过一顿正经饭。
squeeze n.挤压,紧捏,拥挤:It was a tight squeeze to get everybody in the car.大家都坐进车里实在很挤。
Dip the bread briefly in water, then squeeze it dry.将面包在水里快速蘸一下,然后将它挤干。
He take off his wet coat and squeezed the water out.他脱下衣服并且把水挤干。
But he had never imagined she was so poor and he couldn’t squeeze anything out of her.
stable adj.稳固的,牢固的,稳定的:
The injured man was in a stable condition.伤者情况稳定。
The patient’s blood pressure is stable.病人的血压平稳。
【拓展】反义词unstable adj.:
He was emotionally unstable.他情绪不稳定。
stadium n.(露天)体育场,体育馆:
The stadium emptied at the end of the first day of athletics.首日比赛结束后,体育场空无一人。
They have just given final approval to a new stadium.他们刚刚决定同意建立一座新体育馆。
staff n.全体员工,职工:
The prize is awarded annually on the recommendation of the teaching staff.
The company has got a staff of about 40.这家公司大约有40名职员。
【拓展】①表示“全体人员”,是集合名词,用作主语时,谓语动词可用单数(视为整体)或复数(考虑其个体):The teaching staff is [are] excellent.全体教师都很优秀。
②a staff不是指“一个人员”,而是指某一个单位的“全体人员”;two staffs 不是指“两个人员”,而是指某两个单位的“全体人员”。
He’s on the staff of the college.他在那所大学供职。
He is on the editorial staff of the newspaper.他在那家编辑部工作。
stage n.①舞台:He compared the world to a stage.他把世界比作舞台。
He described the meeting as marking a new stage in the peace process.
They were going to stage a large-scale money collecting.他们筹划举办一个大型募捐活动。
stain n.污点,污渍,污迹,染色剂:
The stain doesn’t show.污点显不出来。
Don’t worry about the stain on your coat; it will easily wash out.
A dark red stain was spreading across his shirt.一块深红色的污渍正在他的衬衫上渗开。
The coffee stained his shirt brown.咖啡把他的衬衫染上了棕色。
Silk stains easily.丝绸容易着色。
②stainless adj.不生锈的:
The workers are casting a stainless steel bust.工人们正在铸造一座不锈钢的胸像。
stair n.楼梯,(楼梯的)一级:
We had to carry the piano up three flights of stairs.我们不得不抬着钢琴上了三段楼梯。
He learned to walk safely up and down stairs.他学会了安全地上下楼梯。
The bottom stair is loose! 最下面一级楼梯松了!
stall n.货摊,摊位:He sold boots on a market stall.他曾经在集市上摆摊卖过靴子。
stamp n.①邮票:I’m fond of collecting stamps我喜欢集邮。
②图章,标记:business stamp业务章
③跺脚:Your stamp of impatience won’t give me a scare.你那不耐烦的跺脚吓不了我。
【拓展】stamp out消灭,根/清除,杜绝:
Dr. Muffett stressed that he was opposed to bullying in schools and that action would be taken to
stamp it out.马费特博士强调说,他反对学校中的恃强凌弱现象,将会采取行动杜绝该现象。
The local government has made a drive to stamp out corruption among its staff.
stand(stood, stood)
v.①站:She was standing beside my bed staring down at me.她站在我的床边低头盯着我。
②坐落,位于:My house stands by the river.我家在河边。
③忍受:I can’t stand her silly talk.她的蠢话叫我受不住了。
My stand on this is just the same as it was four years ago.我对此事的立场与4年前的无异。
We passed by the reviewing stand with firm steps.我们迈着稳健的步伐走过检阅台。
The war brought all foreign trade to a stand.这场战争使一切对外贸易都停止了。
The stand was crowed.看台上挤满了人。
The party is trying to give the impression that it alone stands for democracy
When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you.
I can’t believe that you can stand for these naughty children.
Our daughter is a great dancer and she stands out above the rest.
She stands out in the crowd, for she is two meters in height.
He cannot stand up for the president any longer.他不能再支持总统了。
They stood up for what they believed to be right.他们坚决捍卫自己认为是对的事。
The Secretary of Defence has said that he would not stand by and let democracy be undermined.
standard adj.①标准的:We can’t say so in standard English.在标准英语中我们不能这样说。
It is one of the standard books on the subject.这本书是关于这个问题的权威著作之一。
③合规格的,普通的,一般性的:It’s a car of standard size.那是一辆标准(普通)大小的汽车。
n.①标准,规格:living standard=the standard of living/life生活标准
Her work is of high standard.她的工作是高标准的。
②基准,标准:The government has an official standard for the purity of silver.
It’s measured by the same standard.这是根据同一标准衡量的。
②standardize v.使标准化,使符合标准(或规格):
He feels standardized education does not benefit those children who are either below or
above average intelligence.他认为标准化教育对那些智力水平低于或超出平均水平的儿
We must standardize and safeguard the financial order in accordance with the law.
star n.①星,恒星:Soon the stars appeared in the sky.不久天空中出现了星星。
②明星:She became a film star as early as 1942.她早在1942年就成了电影名星了。
③星形,星级:The guidebook awards this hotel three stars.这本旅游指南把这家旅馆定为三星级。
stare v.①盯,凝视(at):It’s rude to stare at other people.盯着别人看是不礼貌的。
②瞪着某人使:He stared the boy into silence.他把那个男孩盯得不敢吭声。
n.盯,凝视:She gave me a cold stare.她冷冷地瞪我一眼。
start v.①开始:Knowledge starts with practice.认识从实践开始。
②出发,动身:When do you start for Beijing?你们何时起程去北京?
③发动,启动:I can’t start the motor.我启动不了这马达。
④引起,(使)开始,(使)从事:Smoke started him coughing.烟呛得他咳嗽。
⑤惊起,(因受惊而)吓一跳:We started at the noise.听到这声音我们吓了一跳。
We had better make an early start.我们最好早一点出发。
He put the cases in the car so that he should be able to make an early start.
It has been a success from the very start this year.今年一开始,就来了个开门红。
I need my own new life, and a new start.我需要一个新的生活,新的起点!
As soon as she heard the news, she started crying/to cry.一听到这消息,她就开始哭了起来。
She was starting to cook.她开始做饭。
He started to like it.他开始喜欢它了。
③表示“出发”或“动身”时,也可说成start off, start out;要表示动身去某地时,其后通
常用介词for表示目的地:She started out(off)for Japan yesterday.她昨天动身去日本了。
starvation n.饥饿,饿死:
The rescuers in Africa say it is worse than ever as disease and starvation combine to kill thousands.
I am on a starvation diet.我正进行饥饿减肥。
The dog died of starvation.狗饿死了。
【拓展】starve v.(使)饿死,(使)饥饿:
Is there any food? I am starving.有食物吗?我快要饿死了。
They got lost in the desert and starved to death.他们在沙漠中迷路而饿死。
The Oscar Award is something all good actors and actresses are starved of.
The old man was almost dying, terrified with darkness and loneliness. He really starved for
love and care.
In the short term, the central bank will be starved of talent and leadership at an extremely
tricky time. 从短期来讲,中央银行将在一个极端困难的时期内缺少人才和领导人。