冀教版七年级下册Lesson 36 Spring in China教案
展开Lesson 36:Spring in China 教学设计一、教材分析冀教版七年级英语(下)第六单元是围绕 “seasons” 这个话题展开的。本单元的第一课时以对话的形式简要介绍每个季节的特点及活动,后面的四课时则是以阅读的形式介绍了加拿大的冬天和春天 ,英国的秋天以及澳大利亚的夏天。第六课时Lesson 36:Spring in China的内容是以电子邮件(李明写给Jenny)的形式介绍中国的春天,要求学生能够表达春天的天气、季节变化以及所从事的活动。同时作为本单元的最后一节课,文本相对简单, 语言点少,以复习为主, 把有关四季天气状况综合起来,着重训练学生综合运用语言的能力。二、学情分析七年级学生整体比较活跃,他们想象力丰富,对事物充满好奇,模仿能力强,并开始思考。同时经过一学期的学习,已经具备了一定的听、说、读、写的能力,大部分学生都能较好的完成课堂学习任务。因此,为了力求课堂教学形式的多样化,生动有趣以及激发学生的学习兴趣,课堂中我用活动的设计引发学生积极的思维,充分调动学生的创新精神,给学生展示自己才能的舞台。三、教学目标知识与技能:1. 熟练掌握新课标要求的“四会”词汇: everywhere, strawberry;2. 让学生能够介绍所在地区春天的景色, 进而拓展到不同季节。3. 能够通过阅读和听力捕捉有效信息;过程与方法:1.在任务中引导学生积极运用英语来表达与交流。2. 能够积极参与小组合作并发表自己的见解。情感、态度与价值观:1.能够在个人及合作学习的过程中体会到学习英语的乐趣及成就感。2.能够领略四季的美妙与快乐,培养热爱自然、热爱生活的思想。四、教学内容1. 了解所在地区春天的景色及人们的活动。2. 学习介绍春天及活动的句式。a. It’s a lovely season. b. Beautiful flowers are everywhere and everything looks new and fresh. c. We are going to pick strawberries and have a picnic. 五、重难点重点:1. 运用所学知识介绍自己所在地区春天的景色。 2. 掌握以下重点句子:The temperature is not too hot or too cold.The rain and sun make all the trees and grass green again. We’ll stay outside and enjoy the nice weather. 难点:让学生能够介绍所在地区春天的景色及人们的活动, 进而拓展到不同季节。五、教学过程Ⅰ. Class openingStep 1. GreetingsStep 2. Lead inT1: In this unit, we are talking about seasons. Yes?T2: We know there are four seasons of a year. What are they? T3: Now let’s sing a song about a season.(播放视频学生跟唱)T4: Well done!Now here are some questions for you. Sing and answer. Q1: What is this song about? Q2: What are blooming? Q3: What are singing? Q4: Where does spring arrive?A1: It’s about spring.A2: Flowers are blooming. A3: Birds are singing. A4: It arrives in the mountains, valleys and my hometown. T5:From this song, we know spring is in the mountains, in the valleys and in the hometown. Now let’s enjoy a video of our hometown. T6: Q1: Where is it? Q2: What can you see in the video? Q3: How is the weather in the video?Q4: How is the weather in Huining in spring?T7: That’s our today’s topic Lesson 36: Spring in China. (板书课题)【设计意图】1.学生合唱歌曲(Spring has arrived)进行热身,并且以视频的形式呈现,简明、直观,丰富了课堂形式。2.根据学生熟悉的歌词提出三个和春天紧密相关的问题,承上启下过渡自然。 3.用家乡桃花山春天的一小段视频导入新课,感觉熟悉亲切,调动学生表达的积极性。Ⅱ.New LessonTask 1. ReadingStep 1. Fast reading(教师问,学生口头回答)Q1: Who writes this email? Q2: What’s the subject? A1: Li Ming. A2: Spring in China. Step 2. Careful readingT1: So what’s spring like in China? Now let’s Read and finish the table. (学生写到学案上)T2:Check the answers and then read together. (板书描述春天的关键词)【设计意图】1. 阅读理解课型,略读和精读的设计有效训练学生提取信息的能力;2. 课本第二题是wh型的问题,我把它改成了表格里填空的形式,降低难度,显得更清楚,便于总结,突破重点。3. 大声朗读表格内容。同时教师板书关键词,引导学生复述,达到记忆的目的,为后面的活动作准备。Task 2. ListeningStep 1: So we can feel spring is a lovely season. What are Li Ming and his parents going to do in this lovely season? Let’s listen and circle the phrases you hear. go to the countryside pick apples pick strawberries water flowers have a picnic stay outside play basketballStep 2: Check the answers(板书语言点pick strawberries)【设计意图】课本Let’s do it! 的第一题只选一项,上课时设计改成从7个短语里选4个,适当加大难度,训练学生听细节的能力。Task 3. DiscussionStep 1: What else can we do in spring? Discuss with your partner.Step 2: Show pictures and read the activities together.【设计意图】春天的活动丰富多彩,用美丽的图片对答案,更能唤醒学生对自然的热爱。Task 4. Summary Can you describe spring?Spring, like, in China, lovely,temperature, beautiful flowers,everything, the sun and rain,the grass and treesWe can…【设计意图】通过关键词复述课文,巩固记忆,为活动准备。Task 5: Reading(拓展阅读有声动画书)Step 1. Enjoy a video about an apple tree.Step 2. Answer two questions.Q1: What’s his story about? A1: It’s about four seasons.Q2: What’s his favorite season?(自由回答无统一答案)Step 3: sum up four seasons.T1: I think he likes all the seasons. Because every season is special. They’re all beautiful. Do you think so?T2: Show a picture of a big tree. (Knowledge tree of four seasons). (师生一起总结)Q1:How is the weather in sprig / summer /autumn / winter? Q2: What can we do in sprig / summer /autumn / winter?【设计意图】1. 利用英文动画书进行拓展阅读,能吸引学生,拓展材料的主题与本课相关,是本课知识的延伸(由春季到四季)。2. 知识树总结四季,为下一步小组展示提供语言知识与灵感。Task 6:ActivityWhat’s your favorite season?Step 1. Finish the table.(choose one season)Step 2. Now let’s make a poster.T1: Form a new group of 6-8 students. 首先,教师举着写有四季单词的纸牌面向全班发问:Who likes spring / summer / autumn / winter?其次,教师把纸牌分别放到课桌上。If you like spring / summer / autumn / winter, you can go and find spring / summer / autumn / winter. (教师协调确保每个季节都被选到且人数相差不多)T2: Listen to me carefully. Now let’s make a poster. You need to write down your favorite season and draw some beautiful pictures. T3: But first, you should make a group leader. And discuss: who writes, who draws lines, who draws pictures and who reads in front of the class. T4: Now I’ll give each group a piece of paper. You have ten minutes to make your poster. Step 3. Show your poster and have a competition.T1: Now Spring (summer / autumn / winter)A exchange with Spring /(summer / autumn / winter)B. T2: Discuss which group’s poster is better. Then put it up on the blackboard. (每个季节两组,全班共8组,每个季节只展示一组较好的。把选出的四幅作品粘到黑板上)T3:Then choose one student to read it loudly in front the class. (教师把作品传到电脑上,学生上台朗读)T3:Let’s Discuss. Which group writes best? Which group draws best? Which group reads best?【设计意图】1.填表帮助学生回顾了语言内容,重新分组活跃了课堂气氛。2. 由于全班学生人数较多,互相交流分组操作有一定的难度,所以我提前做好四季的牌子放到桌子上,让学生对号入座,从而尽快地让学生能够坐到一起完成写作任务。3. 重新分组后内部人员的角色需要明确,让人人有事可干,从而调动大家的积极性。4. 两次评选,即生生互评和师生互评,体现了公平和竞争,使活动更加紧凑,有效提升学生的成就感。Ⅲ. Class closingStep 1. Show a picture about sandstorm.T1: What can you see in the picture? Is it terrible?T2: Do we have sandstorms in Huining? What season can we see it? T3: Spring means flowers and green trees. It doesn’t mean sandstorm. So let’s protect our homes together.【设计意图】领略四季的美妙,同时也让学生意识到环境问题,唤醒保护家园的意识。Step 2. Homework Jack很喜欢中国,也很想了解中国的四季情况和人们在不同季节里喜欢做的运动。根据以下提示,给Jack写一封电子邮件,向他介绍一下家乡会宁的四季。要求:70词左右。Key points: 1. 季节 2. 不同季节的天气状况。3. 不同季节人们喜欢做的事情。Blackboard DesignLesson 36:Spring in China—— a lovely season = 1 \* ROMAN I. What’s spring like in China? 1. not ...or ... 2. make ...green 3. flowers -- everywhere. 4. everything --- new and fresh = 2 \* ROMAN II. What can we do in spring? pick strawberries反思:What’s spring like in China?weatherThe temperature is ______ too hot ______ too cold.natureThe rain and sun _______ all the trees and grass ______.Beautiful flowers are __________.Everything looks _____ and _____.SeasonWeather(Nature)Clothes(Food)Fun ActivitiesSpringSummerAutumnWinter
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